Why GOD?!? | GOD's Mercy for Us [& Them 🤦🏽‍♀️]

  • čas přidán 27. 06. 2024
  • A few months ago, I filmed a video. I was trying to understand why GOD allows us to be hurt, especially when we are innocent (young and unknowing).
    I don't believe I fully understand. This is a complex issue and it is quite sensitive for many of us because we are angry with GOD for hurts we experienced in our lives.
    There are so many layers to this topic that just open more and more questions. One point I had to understand is the Lord is merciful and gives everyone time to repent. The scripture in 2 Peter 3:9 says the Lord wants ALL OF US to repent and come to Him and He does not want any of us to perish. He wants all of us to have everlasting life with Him. But we each must make a decision if we want to be with GOD which is evidenced by how we live our lives. In the Bible, people who followed God were killed because of their beliefs. Jesus, God’s own son, died at the hands of people who accused Him knowing He was not guilty of any crime. The same way God has been merciful with us and gave us time to repent is the same way He does that for others, even when we don’t agree with their sin and even when we have been the victim of it. Should they be punished, certainly! But my point here is we may not understand why God allowed it. Paul, the man who wrote most of the NT said in 1 Corinthians 13 “but now we see through a glass, darkly (a blurry reflection, a puzzle); but then face to face: now i part (just pieces of the puzzle) ; but then shall i know even also as I am known.”
    As I am studying my Bible and learning God’s nature I realize there is a lot I don’t understand. But I am developing a sense of peace as I am learning GOD loves me (us) and He has a good plan for our lives.
    He lovingly created this entire planet for us. He was so intimate with His creation, He took 6 days to do something that could have been accomplished in the flash of an eye. He took time because it was special to Him and He was creating something special for us. When He was finished, He handed dominion (control) of the entire planet and gave it to the man and woman He created.
    Even though He was so good to them, thinking of every detail concerning their most basic need, when an enemy presented himself to them and bad mouthed God they listened to that enemy and rebelled against GOD. With this act of rebellion, that we know today as sin, GOD’s creation was contaminated. The land now suffers, the animals, and the people in it. Adam and Eve did not understand then but we see today that when they obeyed the devil they gave him dominion over the planet and over them.
    Today, we can repent and acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior and ask God to be Lord over our lives. But as long as we live in this world that is contaminated and defiled we will encounter sin. GOD is merciful in that He does not allow the enemy to do just anything to us. But when He does allow the enemy to access us, He knows He can use it for His good.

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