Hard Questions: Does the Bible really say that?!

  • čas přidán 13. 07. 2024
  • Join the panel of pastors on Hard Questions as we ask- Does the Bible really say: God will not give you more thank you can bear? God wants me to be happy? And… Do I have to suffer to be a Christian?
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  • @rep3e4
    @rep3e4 Před 5 lety

    Good stuff

  • @traceyryder6258
    @traceyryder6258 Před 3 lety +1

    I am being used during the nite with the voice of the evil one comeing out my moth please help I am trying so hard given up drugs praying constantly still struggling but wat does that mean does it mean i have a demon in me this has gone on for years

    • @ololade002
      @ololade002 Před 3 lety

      Hii @Tracey, once a habit goes beyond your control. In other words, once an issue can't be handled with discipline, you should go for deliverance instead. This doesn't mean you have to seek a deliverance minister. all you need to do is accept the Lordship of Jesus according to Romans 12:9-10. Then ask Jesus to help you, renounce the habits and any spirit behind it; then ask any demon overriding your ability to control your will to leave your body in the name of Jesus.

  • @kimsherri
    @kimsherri Před 3 lety

    Goliaths sword must have been at least twice as long as an ordinary man's sword. How could David have used it as is said in 1 Samuel? It must have been as long as David was high, at least.

  • @sorens70601
    @sorens70601 Před 4 lety +1

    Donn Chapman, I need for you to answer this question for me, please.
    In your presentation of a young Earth, you seem to equate the words of Gen.1:1, that declare;........."In the BEGINNING
    God created", ....as referring to the actual creation of the Heavens, ( Heb. "Shmim", plural ) and the Earth. ( some 6200 plus years ago )
    Since this "Beginning", according to your beliefs and public presentation, refers to the six days of "Creative Acts" about 6200 years ago, my question to you is this; WHEN WAS LUCIFER CREATED ??? ( as Lucifer was already a fallen Angel,
    when ADAM was "Created" )
    Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )

    • @sunnyjohnson992
      @sunnyjohnson992 Před 2 lety

      Many believe Lucifer is another name for the Devil but it’s not! Lucifer means “shining one.” (Isaiah 14:12) The term refers to the dynasty or line of kings of Babylon, which God humiliated for its arrogance. The expression “shining one” was used to mock the Babylonian dynasty after it was overthrown.
      God created a multitude of spirit creatures long before humans existed. Satan was created perfect and acted upon an improper desire and that made him Satan the Devil.

    • @sorens70601
      @sorens70601 Před 2 lety

      @@sunnyjohnson992 , Sunny Johnson, you have No IDEA what you are Blabbering about !!! You Said, ( quote )...."Many believe Lucifer is another name for the Devil but it’s not! Lucifer means “shining one.” (Isaiah 14:12) The term refers to the dynasty or line of kings of Babylon, which God humiliated for its arrogance. The expression “shining one” was used to mock the Babylonian dynasty after it was overthrown." ( end quote )
      Here's what Isaiah 14, has to say About it;
      Isaiah 14:12-15, reads as follows How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
      13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
      14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
      15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
      No question that LUCIFER is the one referred to in Isa.14:12-15. He was "Cast Out" of heaven, ( v.12, and Lk.10:18 !! And for Lucifer to be "Cast Out", he must "first have ascended to Heaven" !!
      He was "Cut Down", ( Heb. "gada", to Fell a Tree ) and "Cast down to the Earth", where He had "Ruled Nations", ( a "Pre-Adamite" Race, Ezek.28:11-17 )
      Jer.4:23-26, confirms that LUCIFER ruled Men here on Earth BEFORE ADAM'S Creation !!
      2.Pet.3:5-13, indicates that "Pre-Adamites" were Mortal beings,....for they were 'drowned' in LUCIFERS Flood, of Gen.1:2.
      The words, "The WORLD", used in 2.Pet.3:6, is the Greek word, "Kosmos", and means the "Social Order", that Then was, being Overflowed with Water, Perished. "But the Heavens and Earth which are Now, ( since the Six Days of 'Re-Creative Work of Gen.1:3 - 2:25 ) are kept in store, reserved unto Fire, against the day of Judgment and Perdition of Ungodly Men."
      So Sunny, if you are trying to Imply, that the Babylonian Kings "Ascended Up into Heaven" to try to "Exalt their ( Thrones ) above the stars of GOD", and " above the Clouds", as declared in verses 13 and 14, then you are Ready for the "LOONEY FARM".
      Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )

  • @michaelnjugunawatoni1806

    did Jesus get born again after he died for our sins,cos the bible says that he became sin for us?.michael

  • @traceyryder6258
    @traceyryder6258 Před 3 lety

    Why do people go to hell and back wen the bible says we know nothing wen we diet

    • @traceyryder6258
      @traceyryder6258 Před 3 lety

      Please somebody help I am being used he the evil talking thru my mouth in the nite I don usually hear but my family does how can I fix this I ask for protection nothing helps

  • @wildjungle1474
    @wildjungle1474 Před 2 lety

    John chapter 3, every one must be born one time in the flesh to decide to follow satan or Jesus, it's a individual choice. Luke chapter 11, verse 24 to 26. Its about unclean spirit making a habitation in person body. Jesus says, he finds it swept and garnished. Meaning, the person is spirtualty dead, biblically illiterate. The more the person deteriorate, a more wicked spirit will habitation that body. Messing with the occult, habitual lying, hating Christians or hating God, drugs, alcohol, your open season to evil spirits. How do I get out this mess??. First, confess sins to God, be sincere, and seek wisdom and knowledge from God, and submit to God's will, obedience. Luke 10:17. Use the name of Jesus christ to order all evil spirits out of your house, including satan. They will mess up your life. Be meaner than junk yard dog, and in Jesus name, order the evil spirits out of your house. You must be willing to submit to God's will, pride disgust God, humility is the answer. Why would anyone want to live that kind of life.

  • @psmith5830
    @psmith5830 Před 4 lety

    God sounds bipolar according to yall description of his attributes and attitude. Lol your saying to just think of it a test every time something traumatic happens to you.... gods goal to test you is so that he can establish himself as superior over you as you hopefully recognize your coping thru your issues as Gods grace. Since what's more important to god is how well can he control your actions and emotions rather than him being concern or active in your joy or happiness.... were supposed to see this as good for us???

  • @ketesafewyalefemedia2378

    The Creator God is the law maker and the lawgiver his law is divine law human must obey his law. the main reason Jesus came to planet earth. to fulfilled his own Devine law.
    What is the law Jesus fulfilled?
    " The day you eat “ You Shall Surely Die” Genesis 2:17
    The first man didn’t obey the Devine Law. So in order to save humanity Jesus must fulfilled his Devine law. otherwise, human will be forgotten and destroyed. Because human breaks God's law. It's God Devine nature his law can't break it must obey it.
    Jesus said.
    Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. luck 21:33