The Flower Of Life Sacred Geometry Secret Of The Flower Of Life TRUTH!

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • The Flower Of Life Sacred Geometry Secret Of The Flower Of Life
    Sacred Geometry Merch:
    The Flower of Life meaning is a name for a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This figure, used as a decorative motif since ancient times, forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon.
    A "Flower of Life" figure consists of seven or more overlapping circles,in which the center of each circle is on the circumference of up to six surrounding circles of the same diameter. However, the surrounding circles need not be clearly or completely drawn; in fact, some ancient symbols that are claimed as examples of the Flower of Life contain only a single circle or hexagon.
    Sacred geometry was preserved throughout history in Free-masonic circles since it was believed to be important knowledge revealing the secrets of our universe.
    The secret of sacred geometry is that vibrations (sounds) form on geometrical patterns. Goethe reputedly said that indeed "geometry is frozen music". Music is geometry and geometry is music! The basis of the universe is form and pattern
    Spirit Science 7 ~ Dimensions
    Patchman takes you on a quest to understand the dimensional levels, and where we are on that scale. We also take a look at some Particle Physics, and touch upon Leonardo Da Vinci! Everything in the universe is frequency and vibration, this is scientific fact. This vibration is also infinite, and flows harmonically through octaves. It works through color, music, and even the Chakras!
    Leading Edge Education - Abraham Hicks - Spring Loaded
    Keywords: consciousness, critical thinking, awareness, esoteric, quantum physics, evolution, technology, energy, frequency, psec, paradigm shift an educational comedy,
    Drunvalo Melchizedek, an author from the New Age movement, has called these figures symbols of sacred geometry, asserting that they represent ancient spiritual beliefs, and that they depict fundamental aspects of space and time. Melchizedek claims that Metatron's Cube may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern, and that the Platonic solids within it were "thought to act as a template from which all life springs."
    The Flower of Life and the Seed of Life are linked by New Age authors with the Biblical prophet Enoch, the Archangel Metatron, the six days of Creation, the Vesica Piscis religious symbol, and Borromean rings.
    Related Video -
    Cymatics Experiment Convert Your Music To 432Hz V 440Hz TRUTH
    • Cymatics Experiment Co...
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Komentáře • 505

  • @infinitevibes007
    @infinitevibes007 Před 8 lety +5

    Perfection comes from a perfect Creator

  • @kendrathomas5091
    @kendrathomas5091 Před 9 lety +1

    When I was but a small child, my mind would (unwittingly &/or autonomously) begin to meditate very deeply everytime I pondered human existence or life's origin. At the time, I had no idea what I was doing or why it was happening! I simply closed my eyes, relaxed my mind, & let curiosity take the wheel.
    After a few moments of insight, my mind would project a visual manifestation of my body traveling throughout the cosmos,...observing, searching....feeling.
    Ultimately, I would find myself heading directly towards a tiny spec of light or in some cases, the epicenter of a fractal shaped singularity. Although, the closer I got, the slower I progressed. Consequently, it always ended the same way. Just as I'm about to visualize or "discover" what I had been pursuing or (pondering) concentration collapses & I awaken to find myself horrified, confused, sweating & completely exhausted.
    My meditative state would detach & disintegrate at the very moment of discovery. However, after thirty years of study & experimentation, I have come to realize that my autonomous meditative state was triggered by my innate ability to draw comprehensive parallel conclusions based upon economies of scale. I simply "knew" that we are part of something much more bombastic than what modern science could ever imagine. I was born with a powerful sense of comprehension & curiosity. And, ( I believe ) this is what caused me to meditate w/o even knowing it. My mind was simply trying to find an answer to the questions that were burning me up inside.....what was that question you ask? I would simply ask myself,..."where did all of this (our universe & life as we know it) come from? If I was alone & in a relaxed state of mind, all I had to do was close my eyes & ask myself that question,...& off I went...into the unknown. I was about 7yrs old the first time it happened. It doesn't happen to me anymore.....though I have never given up on my quest. And today, I understand things about life & our universe that most people would never comprehend.

  • @ladycomet72
    @ladycomet72 Před 7 lety +7

    For some reason it seems so comforting in researching and learning about the flower of life and dimensions that are all around us. It is so interesting and fascinating! I always take notice and appreciate of the shapes and patterns out in nature and now it is starting to make sense.

  • @pookykay
    @pookykay Před 10 lety +16

    Someone recently took a picture of the nighttime sky and geometric patterns showed up in the pic. It's beautiful. Almost like a portal or the veil thinning between dimensions.

  • @guidedmeditation2396
    @guidedmeditation2396 Před 2 lety +2

    Such a profound video with each point worthy of hours of contemplation until it is internalized. And awareness of being/consciousness/I am, precedes all of this.

  • @emersoneee2008
    @emersoneee2008 Před 9 lety +4

    It's so crazy I had the Flower of Life Sacred Geometry appear to me during an ayahuasca ceremony on the wall.

  • @davidhammond1294
    @davidhammond1294 Před 7 lety +2

    I Have a painting I made of Metatrons cube and it is really fascinating when you realize that you can use circles to make perfectly straight lines which create incredible geometric forms and intertwine with everything and all are connected . All you need is a bottle cap or something round that you can use to draw a perfect circle with a ,but a compass would be the best (I used a quarter) and a straight edge to connect the dots properly then presto you have a Metatrons cube using thirteen circles I think Metatron (sounds like a transformer or visa versa ) is an arch angel and the voice of God I believe.

  • @izenguarr5236
    @izenguarr5236 Před 10 lety +28

    *ALL* things are based upon frequencies. From the smallest to the largest. It all works the same way and can interact with all others in varying ways. Like musical instruments, what's created from that is "unique", like a song or a tune. "Heart, "mind" & "soul"... the holy trinity, the human body and how all things interacts with mother earth and even all other objects, like rocks to Jupiter or even other galaxies, all is connected. The corrupt through out history have hidden all of this information from the masses to maintain control over them. Little by little people are beginning to *wake up* and realize the truth. Emotions too all have their own specific frequency.... This is what Jesus taught.... "LOVE" allows one to be "in tune" with self, others, the planet etc etc etc. Ancient peoples ALL knew these things! But chose to use the information in ways which destroyed others and themselves.

    • @ArcticBuck
      @ArcticBuck Před 9 lety +5

      True, with a correction; The knowledge was hidden by those with positive intentions to protect and preserve it from destruction and misuse by the corrupt as it was known that the cycle of time was falling into denser/darker vibratory states, until such time that it would again be safe to release to the masses. All the Ancient Mystery schools opened their books in near perfect synchronicity in the 1960s.

    • @atlasshrugged2u
      @atlasshrugged2u Před 9 lety

      Wow. I want to know more about this...You seem to explain it so well

    • @mikesmith3417
      @mikesmith3417 Před 9 lety

      Big up Bro...

    • @waltzguy14151
      @waltzguy14151 Před 9 lety +2

      That's some nonsense. The fact that anything in motion surrounded by air generates a frequency, while true, means jack to us as humans as we need 20hz cycles to even begin to perceive sound and we are locked out again at 20kHz. Yes everything is vibrational rates. Yes everything can be described in terms of frequency. Jesus or Buddah or Malcolm Fucking X has zero to do with it. The body being "tuned" has zero to do with music or frequency rates.
      That's just plain retarded as a "tuned" body is such because of its health based on nutritional and environmental factors. Zero to do with sounds. People need to knock this shit off. It's miraculous on its own without adding your uninformed fictional puzzle to it.

    • @lilfr4nkie
      @lilfr4nkie Před 6 lety

      The smallest thing, in the universe, and the largest thing. Are going through the same process

  • @vividly94
    @vividly94 Před 6 lety +1

    I still think theres a healing frequencies that forces particles to arrange in a way to attach to one another. Basically putting a certain frequency to, lets say, an open wound -- and the vibrations begin to mend the skin because its stimulating healing. Just like EMT with the brain. I also think the healing geometrical pattern is in-tune with the frequency you need to help stimulate self healing by vibrational waves. I put judeo-christian philosophy in this. God is light. God used words to create life. God is the collective consciousness of all light. The healing frequency and the bare basis of every particle -- tiny, vibrating strings of light. Plants give off frequencies, electronics give off frequencies, humans give off frequencies. We're all apart of the same, multi-dimensional world, and can tap into the neverending life cycle of energy if you literally put your mind to it. Its just, everything tainted (such as EMF in electronics (more importantly, non-iodized radiation)) and other, man-made objects hinder our minds and bodies to focus correctly because of all the noise (frequencies) that are playing, constantly, in the background until you go out in nature... with things that give off natural vibrations. The healing of the soul, one should say.

  • @SpencerGBful
    @SpencerGBful Před 8 lety +1

    this honestly sounds spot on.. Coming from what a "friend of a friend told me" especially the part of switching frequencies to go to another dimension, this is the exact thing that happens while under the affects of Dmt or ayahuasca. You see the everything you can possibly imagine out of your body. Then you're gently placed back into your body. Priceless.

    • @Aaringrey
      @Aaringrey Před 8 lety

      thats exactly how i felt on acid, it takes you on the ride of everything, then brings you back to yourself with more knowledge

  • @rstar3794
    @rstar3794 Před 9 lety +7

    I've kept watching this video at 15:00 over and over, watched many different videos and came back, now I know exactly what they mean by what they are saying.. they are describing how success comes (it's like a paradox), that it is not expected, but can come to anyone who held it in within. Now i finally understood. thank you for sharing.
    by the way, that last 3 minutes is described in the book "The Secret".

  • @ajab.nelson3975
    @ajab.nelson3975 Před 10 lety +1

    What an amazing video, thank you sooo much for making these sacred subjects so easy and light-hearted to innerstand.

  • @lillyjohnson3865
    @lillyjohnson3865 Před 4 lety +1

    The information given prior to 18:25 was interesting. After 18:25 is a powerful and practical way to overcome life obstacle's and I hope it's not slept on. Pay attention it will change your life!

  • @jakerainicorn
    @jakerainicorn Před 9 lety

    I've studied some or most of this,and i love music art science and religion.I'm currently 16 years old but *MIND BLOWN*!

  • @indigoaura8293
    @indigoaura8293 Před 10 lety +1

    This music is made using the harmonic overtone series as a music scale, (frequency x 1 - frequency x 2 - frequency x 3) the flower of life = circle x 1 - circle x 3 - circle x 3, the structure is the same as the harmonic series so this music is what the flower of life sounds like in musical form. Overtone Alignment: part 3 - half an hour of relaxing music - cymatics - meditation - spa - sleep

    • @TheSpottydogg
      @TheSpottydogg  Před 10 lety

      Domingo De Leon Cymatics Experiment Convert Your Music To 432Hz V 440Hz TRUTH

    • @indigoaura8293
      @indigoaura8293 Před 10 lety

      Join my FB group and ask any question, we have books and tutorials. It is all about re-tuning each individual note on the synthesizer or instrument to a harmonic scale, much better than just shifting "normal" music to 432. here is the group link:

  • @henrydehaan6538
    @henrydehaan6538 Před 9 lety

    Mathmatics,paterns are in everything from the smallest to the largest things we know. Everything is energy and somehow the ancient ppl had knowledge of this. Beautifully done!.

  • @960random
    @960random Před 9 lety +2

    loved the whole thing, esp. from 10:00 on about dimensions!

  • @mikequellier5919
    @mikequellier5919 Před 9 lety +1

    AWESOME VIDEO!!! Loved this. Thanks Spottydogg

  • @yahronmills7404
    @yahronmills7404 Před 9 lety +1

    Very well done. One of the best overall video I've watched on the subject matter.

  • @KevinHandTheCatMan
    @KevinHandTheCatMan Před 9 lety +1

    May all life realize their shared connections, most of all humans. Once the basic premise of Sacred Geometry is grasped, an overwhelming respect for all life will surely ensue.

  • @lisacorcoranleviner619

    Thank you for breaking our existence down into digestible information. I found your videos by googling the Human Electrical System and Flower Essences..never found that video but your's popped right up. I'm a big believer in all that you share and have had personal experiences that have shown me things. I don't understand them ALL but I do know that what you are sharing should be watched by all as we are ascending at this time in the Universe. Vibrations are soo important for our ascension process...thank you for this great formatting in the videos too! Esther HIcks channeling is so powerful as well. THANK YOU!

  • @user-kv2kt3zs4x
    @user-kv2kt3zs4x Před 9 lety +1

    How is it that this video notes the importance of 432Hz as appose to 440Hz, yet the ending music is tuned to 440Hz. That's like a vegan conference with a meat buffet.
    Other than that great video! Very informative :)

  • @drpriest04
    @drpriest04 Před 9 lety +1

    This is beautiful yet mind blowing. Can't believe Pythagoras knew this like 2500 years ago. i need learn about more of this

  • @rachaelblackmore5687
    @rachaelblackmore5687 Před 9 lety +2

    Wow isthis trueit feels like
    So much has been hidden
    From us, very eye opening
    Thank you
    Rachael x

  • @jinusrafezadeh2494
    @jinusrafezadeh2494 Před 9 lety +1

    I love this post , but he speaks so fast, calm down , you are teaching!

  • @geetkunj
    @geetkunj Před 10 lety +1

    Thank you for posting this! We are made as grand beings part of a much grander design. Its so thrilling to know this beautiful alchemy where art and logic meet.

    @TTTOOOZZZIIIEEE Před 9 lety +1

    i drew alot of these patterns when on acid without even thinking about it, even the wheels and mainly the flower of life, or "the eyes"

  • @ArtByAnnaMarie44
    @ArtByAnnaMarie44 Před 7 lety +3

    Thank you Spirit Science for all of your videos. I have been studying frequencies, sacred geometry and language the past year. 2012 and December was my 2nd awakening and it was pretty incredible. I am desiring to know much more about sacred geometry. How we can heal our body with this geometry. I'm also desiring to know much more about frequencies like vacuum cleaners that are not so good because of their frequencies and maybe even washing machines. Is there a book that you can highly recommend for me? A simple book please.

  • @cheliae8560
    @cheliae8560 Před 6 lety +1

    WOW!! Thank you for all of this information.

  • @DoNotHitSpawners
    @DoNotHitSpawners Před 10 lety +5

    *Life is not a flower, flower is life, or at least a part of it. There are millions of ways to look at life, but only one truth.*
    _If you want to _*_know what you are,_*_ and the nature of life, visit truthcontest◘com and read what "The Present" -ebook there says as soon as you have time to do so._

  • @gabrielseth2666
    @gabrielseth2666 Před 9 lety

    the beauty in truth lies in its universal existence. the truth itself is harmony, pattern, resonance... like a fractal lotus which fold into itself, and unfolds beyond itself infinitely. consciousness itself has that fractal capacity to take us to our innermost reaches, and the farthest reaches of space at the same time... we are all manifestations of the truth, which is eternal and unchanging, and yet eternally changes... the body is but the vehicle of consciousness, which is our true being. our capacity to know and understand depends entirely on our ability to recognize the truth, and embody it within ourselves. every moment of every day, and every sensory experience we have connects us directly to this boundless awareness if we let it. one must simply open oneself to it, and rather than trying so hard to define and explain things as we do, instead let the universe, and life define and explain itself. all we have to do is listen, and be curious, and the perfection of reality will reveal itself. give up your fears and doubts and worries, and judgments, which are all but projections, and resistance of The Truth. There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and nothing to lose but our ignorance and misunderstanding. the truth will set you free!!!!

  • @mollyissa
    @mollyissa Před 9 lety

    Loved this. The message from the woman at the end is just what I needed right now.

  • @mag07k
    @mag07k Před 9 lety

    Wow you personified the ascension process flawlessly 👍👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏

  • @decid3
    @decid3 Před 7 lety +1

    What a wonderful compilation!
    Thank you.

  • @eleonoramarree
    @eleonoramarree Před 8 lety

    Thanks for having taken the time to make this video.

  • @ONEEileenColts
    @ONEEileenColts Před 6 lety +2

    Putting a link to you in the description of my Jim Carrey tetrahedron video today : )

  • @flower69x
    @flower69x Před 10 lety +1

    Love all u have done, u have grown so much , sending love & light

  • @jeremywales8
    @jeremywales8 Před 7 lety +1

    Thank you for sharing this. So chill out, then? OK. love, light, and blessings to all.

  • @TheSpottydogg
    @TheSpottydogg  Před 10 lety +38

    208 thumbs up and 2 thumbs down?? ...whats not to like? ,,,Isnt that the WHOLE point to this,, dont those 2 people get it!!

    • @ILoveSoImAlive
      @ILoveSoImAlive Před 10 lety +9

      different ppl have different quality and quantity of lifewisdoom. some ppl give thumbs up just because specific other ppl do.
      some ppl see danger in such stuff and have every right to warn other ppl by giving thumbs down.
      i personaly dont know if i should give thumb up or down.
      i mean, on one side there r ppl who are trying to give some attention to something whats left aside most of the time. thats good.
      but on the other side, they r trying to teach someone without getting some results, they r using terminology without knowing what it means, or just wrong in todays usual understanding, without giving some own definition which would give some sense to what they r explaining.
      for example look at this "music is defined by 440 Hz and thats bad". well, music is not defined by 440 Hz today, its defined by 440+x*2^(1/12). in words music is defined by EVERY SINGLE NOTE because they r all placed equidistant on the frequency scale. so it would be more correct to say that todays music is defined by 2^(1/12). and if u shift the whole to 443 or whatever its still defined by 2^(1/12).
      the sound "om" isnt 7,23cm wavelength. sound "om" is possible on every wavelength or wavelengthcombination within spectrum a human voice can produce. the sound "om" is actualy not a sound but a whole batterie of sounds with one mainfrequency + 1 to 3 overtones. but yogi r trying to sing it with even more overtones i personaly do it with 1 to 10 overtones with different frequency and also different wavelength.
      to say that the hand of person is about 7.23cm wide is the same as to say that we have year around 1370. because u can find ppl with hand 5-9 cm wide.
      and noise in radio is not 7.23 cm length but of all lengths. its called white noise. and radio uses lot of wavelengths.
      so there r ppl out there who desinform ppl. simply lies to them. and tries to convince them to stop solving theyr problems but just to ignore them, to wait for a wonder.
      imo WE R the WONDER! so there is nothing to wait for. we r already here. and wonders will happen where we take actions. not where we wait for something.

    • @SpiritMolecule
      @SpiritMolecule Před 10 lety +2

      those people who thumbs down on videos like this are people who watch something and wish they could make something similar yet they know they dont have the talent or the brain to do so, therefore they hate on those who are one step ahead of them

    • @IphegeniaRose
      @IphegeniaRose Před 10 lety +6

      So there is only one opinion that is allowed and that is in favour of this one view? Here's someone who might disagree who was also pretty smart: "Let us first consider "pure geometry", the pure mathematics of spatiotemporal shapes in general, pregiven to Galileo as an old tradition [...]. In the intuitively given surrounding world, by abstractively directing our view to the mere spatiotemporal shapes, we experience 'bodies' - not geometrical-ideal bodies but precisely those bodies that we actually experience, with the content which is the actual content of experience" - Edmund Husserl - who argued that the 'pure geometry' of Galileo distances us from the actuality of the world by abstracting from the actual world. He argued that this allowed science to distance itself from the actual world of experience and deal only with pure abstractions... the idea of the 'pure race' for example, or other abstract ideals that are separated from the reality of life on earth that doesn't actually contain pure abstractions, but rough approximations, real people, with real flaws. Husserl argued that the pure ideality of geometry is incredibly dangerous when people start to think it applies to the world that we live in because it allows people to deal in abstractions... abstractions that he felt, as a Jew living in Germany in the late 1930s, allowed the justification of violence and destruction in the name of achieving abstract notions of purity that don't actually apply in the real world of experience.

    • @ArcticBuck
      @ArcticBuck Před 9 lety +2

      IphegeniaRose Geometry is mans way of giving form to the formless... Have you seen "Lucy"?

    • @MEJ0RVIDA
      @MEJ0RVIDA Před 9 lety +1

      why bother?

  • @missyemaya9669
    @missyemaya9669 Před 10 lety +1

    Love this video this is put together very well.
    I have been reading stuff like this and experiencing stuff like this
    for the last 10-15 years and this puts it all together very nicely and understandable.

    • @REkzkaRZ
      @REkzkaRZ Před 10 lety

      I love this stuff.
      It's 100% pseudo-science, but it's beautiful. Guess what -- there's a lot more going on than in this video, but there's a lot of great stuff INSIDE ourselves too.

  • @batmancrunkinpremo
    @batmancrunkinpremo Před 9 lety

    To add 7.23hrz is the Earth's heart beat.

  • @johnniebowling3302
    @johnniebowling3302 Před 7 lety

    Sacred geometry one of my favorites thank you for it

  • @treeoflife3494
    @treeoflife3494 Před 8 lety +6

    *In the beginning was the Word* .......

  • @mmdigdigrrassac
    @mmdigdigrrassac Před 10 lety +1

    I know, because I feel it too.... Thank you for more inspiration to keep my light on. Love & Light

  • @perohlindead
    @perohlindead Před 10 lety +2

    music still affect us greatly now....

  • @pspdfoundation
    @pspdfoundation Před 9 lety

    Connecting frequency to dimensions is just confusing, since the 4th dimension is 'duration' and the 5th dimension is the awareness of duration...

  • @MindsEyeVisualGuitarMethods

    We live in a Major second. The 4th dimension must be's a Minor 3rd! Maybe thats ....Ahem... Hell, and the Maj3rd the next dimension higher is heaven.
    I mapped a music pattern that inverts. When you write it in a circle, and connect the similar numbers with a line..out it makes the Star of David. The Pentatonic scale. a 5 note scale is a door way between keys. So maybe '5' has something to do with changing dimensions?

  • @ZaheedaNaheedya
    @ZaheedaNaheedya Před 7 lety +1

    That was fantastic. Thank you!

  • @80s_rockgod49
    @80s_rockgod49 Před 4 lety +1

    Life is beautiful.

  • @gyro5d
    @gyro5d Před 7 lety

    36º, 108º, 36º= 180º
    (Pythagoras isosceles triangle)
    180º × 2 = 360º
    432 - 360 = 72 ÷ 2 = 36

    • @I_AM_3.6.9.
      @I_AM_3.6.9. Před 3 lety

      369 = answer to the universe. Nikola tesla talked about this.
      The truth has been hidden for too long.

  • @maykamelquisedec4231
    @maykamelquisedec4231 Před 8 lety

    The flower life in 4D is the Radial Time is Music, Cronos in 2D; around Guardians Time and Anciants Days.. Is so!

  • @observergeo2739
    @observergeo2739 Před 10 lety

    this is the begining.amazing,beatifull,endless

  • @Pazhappy
    @Pazhappy Před 10 lety +1

    Who was the lady that was speaking in the end? I liked the graphics of the lines shifting 90 degree directions... really reflected the meaning of what she was saying.

    • @pinkette
      @pinkette Před 10 lety

      That was Esther Hicks channeling Abraham, more commonly known as Abraham Hicks.=)

    • @TheSpottydogg
      @TheSpottydogg  Před 10 lety +1

      Raise Your Vibrations Allow Your Frequency To Raise Your Vibration Abraham Hicks

  • @harmeetgill25
    @harmeetgill25 Před 10 lety +2

    i really liked this video, if only the orator could speak little slower. As english is my 2nd language, it's hard to keep up.

  • @walkinginbeautyandlawofrec9416

    That man thought himself and one group better than another the very thing he came to power by saying was another group, that bug infected him. Its shows that a transparent is a must and the below words.

  • @Ultra64Radness
    @Ultra64Radness Před 8 lety +1

    It's called "un-known" not "not known" The issue that arises with gaining all knowing is that we as humans live to discover. Once all is discovered and fully comprehended the journey of humanity will come to an end. Utopia sounds great but what will you do when you get there?
    A world with no suffering would not understand relief.
    As they say, the journey is more rewarding than the treasures that lay at the end.
    thats not to say stop searching, finding your passions, etc etc. just don't rush it, or you will regret it dearly.

    • @robbiedockrell1283
      @robbiedockrell1283 Před 8 lety

      After a lot of time I found this as well, knowledge is infinite and trivial and as a result mostly dissatisfying, no amount can fulfil your beliefs only you can with faith etc

  • @roslenev
    @roslenev Před 8 lety

    Thank you so much for this informational video! It really clarified my understanding of sacred geometry and I had gained a lot of insight from this. :)

  • @scarlit1
    @scarlit1 Před 9 lety +1

    lol i cry sometimes watching spirit science deep down as a kid i always thought about this kind of stuff... everyone said it was just imagination now this is more its the truth.... lol don't worry tears of happiness

  • @BMWI-gk9wh
    @BMWI-gk9wh Před 2 lety

    Those decahedrons, Egypt’s used to have those small metal decahedron balls... I wonder.

  • @debbiecip2117
    @debbiecip2117 Před 10 lety +1

    great work

  • @WildPirate13
    @WildPirate13 Před 10 lety +1

    Good work sir.

  • @jodelices4621
    @jodelices4621 Před 10 lety +1

    Love this, thank you.

  • @molekprod6766
    @molekprod6766 Před 9 lety +1

    So we need to invent an electromagnetic piano

  • @williamhardin5270
    @williamhardin5270 Před 8 lety +1

    I've been trying to explain it simply people still don't understand or maybe they scared

  • @william0mccarthy
    @william0mccarthy Před 8 lety

    This is mind blowing,thank you.

  • @johnbardakas7128
    @johnbardakas7128 Před 10 lety

    TheSpottydogg Reviews I would like to inform that "Philosophy" has nothing to do with " PHI / FI " but from Φιλοσοφία [philosophia] = φιλώ [philo](love) + σοφία[sophia](wisdom) . Also that physical comes from "φυσικό" [phisico] that is from "φύση"(phisi) = nature

    • @TheSpottydogg
      @TheSpottydogg  Před 10 lety

      phi-si... phi- fi.. phi-sico... Phi-losophy... phi-losophia... phi-lo...
      all comes from nature thats is sacred geometry and vibration..thats is the PHI ratio,

    • @TheSpottydogg
      @TheSpottydogg  Před 10 lety

    • @johnbardakas7128
      @johnbardakas7128 Před 10 lety

      well indeed everything in nature has energy and frequency and these patterns are based on "divine" proportions of phi

    • @TheSpottydogg
      @TheSpottydogg  Před 10 lety

      John bardakas well i wouldnt say 'divine' id say 'scientific'

    • @johnbardakas7128
      @johnbardakas7128 Před 10 lety

      TheSpottydogg Reviews thankfully nassim haramein has made it science :P

  • @stevecenteno8304
    @stevecenteno8304 Před 9 lety

    16:59 has anybody done this exact movement before? To the "clouds" in the atmosphere.

  • @davidlefort4131
    @davidlefort4131 Před 8 lety +3

    to all of you that put that wonderful work you have done you want humankind to wake up sadely it's not gana happen anytime soon I know that personally it will take so much to the mass to wake up to what we are we are so much more than just human being thank-you for your work and thank-you for the truth I sincerely hope that the rest of homo erectus wake up thank-you for being so true

    • @jimlotus7889
      @jimlotus7889 Před 8 lety

      So true my friend :)

    • @misskim2058
      @misskim2058 Před 7 lety

      It's happening, and will speed up like the snowball effect, the domino effect, all of that. Already I am seeing and hearing more and more people take notice of any number of "awake" type topics. Minds are opening. Not all will, that's on them. Many are, just keep helping them. They may start wondering where everybody went. Then they'll catch up. The lemmings take longer. They have to see everyone else do it first.

  • @James-se1ps
    @James-se1ps Před 8 lety

    just clocked metatrons cube , nice video:))

  • @brendajohns8564
    @brendajohns8564 Před 10 lety

    Wonderful. Something I can understand

  • @notnawotthe6258
    @notnawotthe6258 Před 8 lety +1

    Don't mistake creation - as incredible as it is - with the Creator.

  • @Olivia-pr2dz
    @Olivia-pr2dz Před 10 lety

    Sacred geometry makes OCD happy. I'm plaining on getting a flower of life tattoo.

  • @beatrizpiza911
    @beatrizpiza911 Před 10 lety +1

    Loved it!

  • @walkinginbeautyandlawofrec9416

    14&417 filters cell phones have no wires, communication between mediums this is how it happens and astral projectors delivering messages.

  • @paulcoffelt8795
    @paulcoffelt8795 Před 8 lety

    so if I continue to study and learn about these wonders of life they will just black me from amazement cause I won't notice the change? my theory is keep the change in your future and keep busy to make it a reality

  • @mwestphal79
    @mwestphal79 Před 7 lety +1

    Shit gets real when you get to the point of enlightenment and realise there's no way out. We're stuck in a never ending, ever increasing multi dimensional prison that really has no purpose but to transform into whatever. Peace

    • @I_AM_3.6.9.
      @I_AM_3.6.9. Před 3 lety

      Well looks like I must have reached enlightenment yesterday. As I came to this conclusion long ago but only yesterday truly felt it

  • @WickedMo13
    @WickedMo13 Před 9 lety

    The ending has nothing to do with geometry, love the first two tho and thats why I dont dig people who claim to channel. All they ever talk about is philosophy, they never talk about math or science in relation to actual equations. Until they start to channel mathematical proofs or scientific revelations , I am convinced its just people channeling their inner selves. But the first two sections, I learned a lot and want to see more of that. The shit was amazing and next level.

  • @sarahedwards3956
    @sarahedwards3956 Před 8 lety

    Sunshine brought me here

  • @garyhiles
    @garyhiles Před 10 lety

    What a great message!

  • @maruchy59
    @maruchy59 Před 9 lety

    superb explanation !!!!!!!!! thank you !!!!

  • @LBJTV
    @LBJTV Před 4 lety

    There you have it. We don't live on a spinning ball nor a flat disc.

  • @danielpollak3431
    @danielpollak3431 Před 7 lety

    and we as a populace are getting pounded by low frequecies eminated by NexGen flight plans, EMFs, scalar, etc, every day. this is what is being used by the archons. rEvolution, disclosure now. Spotty Dog rocks !

  • @misskim2058
    @misskim2058 Před 7 lety

    Nicely done!

  • @walkinginbeautyandlawofrec9416

    Law and ethicsof reciprocity.

  • @TheSpottydogg
    @TheSpottydogg  Před 9 lety +9

    Link to a Abraham Hicks Video within the last part of the video..Ester Hicks( Abraham Hicks).
    Thank you for all your comments keep them coming !

    • @myeika
      @myeika Před 8 lety +2

      +TheSpottydogg Reviews Thank you :-)
      We are light :-)

    • @angelarussell9453
      @angelarussell9453 Před 7 lety +1

      TheSpottydogg Reviews

    • @myeika
      @myeika Před 7 lety +1

      This video makes so much sense .... Always makes me feel good when I hear it :-)

  • @kristaalbright9837
    @kristaalbright9837 Před 9 lety

    What is the part at the end, with the woman speaking "Manifestation will be significant"? Who is that, and what is that from?

  • @thaddeusodonnell3986
    @thaddeusodonnell3986 Před 7 lety +2

    the flower of life emanates from the Sri Yantra the source of all creation which also contains the ohm symbol and all things in the universe..but space as you are perceiving it as nasa would have you is incorrect. There is no parabolic curvature of the earth and that can be proven over and over.

  • @everyone4835
    @everyone4835 Před 6 lety +1

    What is the song 15:15 and where can the instrumental be found?

    • @madelinem3841
      @madelinem3841 Před 6 lety

      Every One I want to know who the speaker is dying that part. The song is great too

  • @28105wsking
    @28105wsking Před 9 lety

    I would like to have a printed version of this text. Its delivered so quickly that I can't follow it intellectually. Is that possible?

  • @michaelleon772
    @michaelleon772 Před 10 lety +1

    Hey where'd you get this first part from? And do you have a name? I've been searching for this guy everywhere.

    • @futuregirl3
      @futuregirl3 Před 10 lety +1

      Go to the "spirit science channel"....

  • @leeoshea2290
    @leeoshea2290 Před 9 lety +1



    Interesting and Good to Know.

  • @zephaniahmarion8578
    @zephaniahmarion8578 Před 6 lety

    Thank You

  • @luxianovaldez3470
    @luxianovaldez3470 Před 7 lety

    Thank you !

  • @MarsOneBeatz
    @MarsOneBeatz Před 10 lety +1

    What was the very last segment from?

  • @TreborSeven
    @TreborSeven Před 10 lety

    *Informative, inspiring and entertaining. Two thumbs up...oh wait one's the limit. ^_^*

  • @BMWI-gk9wh
    @BMWI-gk9wh Před 2 lety

    Egyptians knew about this stuff... we are so behind 😞

  • @JimmySlacksack
    @JimmySlacksack Před 10 lety +1

    Couldnt listen past 5:17 where the narrator is replaced with some smug smart alec kid.

  • @LEO-vf7bj
    @LEO-vf7bj Před 7 lety

    Great video!! Thank you for this!!! Let the Tetragrammaton out!!!

  • @claudiapape1379
    @claudiapape1379 Před 4 lety

    It's like various videos are hijacking each other and everything plays faster than recorded. Very strange video.