IBM 5100 Tape Usage Demonstration (internal and external IBM 5106) with Ball Bounce surprise at end

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • Having come across an IBM 5100 (from 1975) that is fully functional, including both the internal and external tape units, I decided to make a video of this usage to have on record how that experience was.
    More info available at:
    PHASE 1
    00:00:14 Insert QIC DC6150 tape
    00:00:30 "MARK 3,2,1" of the tape
    00:00:40 MARK finish, brief explanation of MARK
    00:01:22 Proceed demo ("UTIL" command is like DIRECTORY)
    00:01:54 Multi-CRT demonstration
    00:02:37 UTIL issued to show no listing (show that must REWIND first)
    00:02:50 REWIND/UTIL shows the filenames
    00:03:00 LOAD 0 (this clears memory, what most people expect as "NEW")
    00:03:37 Modify program, SAVE to file 1 with a new modified filename
    00:04:50 LOAD and modify file 2
    00:05:43 RUN brief run of the modified program and save
    the modified program back to file 2.
    00:06:09 REWIND/UTIL to show modified filenames
    00:06:27 clear (LOAD 0) and reload file 1
    00:06:49 LOAD 2, back to the modified version 2,
    brief run demo
    00:07:23 conclude initial tape usage demonstration (end phase 1)
    PHASE 2
    00:07:37 "MARK 8,5,1" show effect of re-MARKing an existing MARKed tape.
    00:07:52 "ERROR 158" is "Are you sure?" indicator
    00:07:59 graph showing progress of MARKing 8KB files
    00:09:22 "LOAD 1,E40" demo to show loading from the external 5106 tape unit
    00:10:20 LOAD 0 and load the file again from E40.
    00:11:09 "MARK 3,2,1" (full 5100 view only)
    00:11:22 confirm re-MARK with "GO"
    00:11:46 "UTIL DIR 1" to show all files (blank)
    00:12:02 "MARK 2,5,1" (with close up view)
    00:12:12 "GO" (using ATTN to clear the end of line)
    00:12:33 "UTIL" to (again) show that UTIL while at end of the data portion can be misleading
    00:12:36 "UTIL DIR 1" use this to automatically
    rewind back to file 1 and show the fill file listing
    from that point on.
    00:13:07 Load (again) the sample BASIC program from
    E40 (external) since all memory and files on E80
    have been cleared.
    00:13:18 save program back to E80 file slot 1
    00:13:42 save program to E80 file slot 2, but this time
    showing how long the filename can be (limit 17 characters).
    00:15:06 using UP/DOWN arrow keys to edit existing program
    change program intro and show four computed values
    per line.
    00:16:04 brief program sample run
    00:16:14 longer program sample run
    00:16:25 longer program sample run with "large screen"
    00:16:37 show R32 vs L32 switch effects
    00:17:08 very long program sample run on "large screens"
    00:17:14 show all three external CRTs
    00:17:17 reducing the contrast on the 14" JVC monitor
    to fix the smearing issue. (this is a monitor issue,
    it just does this the longer it is on)
    00:17:55 use of R32/L32 modes during long program runtime
    00:18:37 back to program listing, end demo phase 2
    PHASE 3
    00:18:38 "UTIL DIR 1,E40"
    00:18:52 HOLD, CMD-MINUS entering the DCP
    diagnostic control program
    00:19:04 altering address 2000 to enter the
    "show all character symbols" program.
    The actual entering of the machine code is
    fast forwarded because it is already shown
    on a prior video demonstration. The reason
    it is being entered again is to save it as a
    RWS DUMP to a file.
    00:19:25 "BR 2000" to briefly show the program
    running (and verify it was entered correctly)
    00:19:38 "C"-9 to write the RWS DUMP to a tape file
    file type is "0048" since that is HEX version of 72.
    00:20:22 saving of RWS DUMP to a tape file
    00:20:30 notice the "garbage" at the bottom of screen,
    00:20:35 one of the ROS addressing check programs
    00:20:43 RAM TEST (notice the DCP uses the word RAM instead of RWS).
    00:20:58 local CRT view of the test.
    00:21:11 RESET system, to prepare to show how to load the dump from file. RESET ensures
    clearing of the memory.
    00:21:25 UTIL DIR 1 to show file type 72 written to file 3.
    00:21:49 enter DCP to begin loading the dump
    00:22:06 before loading the program, I do "D 2000" to show the existing memory contents (and that it is not already equal to the test program).
    00:22:20 "C"-8 to issue load dump command (tape file back to RAM)
    00:22:40 "BR 2000" to run the loaded binary program
    PHASE 4
    00:22:52 aded modern LCD screen to the BNC chain of output showing a full boot-up sequence
    NOTE: the audio is different in this portion, it is recorded directly off the action camera that is further away
    00:23:20 "UTIL DIR 1" result, notice file 4 is type "P4"
    00:23:31 "C"-8 to load the dump from tape to RAM. Using address 0B00.
    00:23:46 "D 0B00" to show the program contents. Some of you might recognize it. Quick preview of the code (to make sure it loaded ok).
    00:24:02 "BR 0B00" to run this mystery program.
    00:24:38 showing registers while program runs
    00:25:41 reset, and to show some BASIC samples

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