The Nothing About Us Without Us Act: WA HB 1802

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • HB 1802, The Nothing About Us Without Us Act, would revolutionize how policies are made that impact people with disabilities in WA State. Sign up to find out how - and how YOU can help - on Tuesday, January 11th at: www.disability...

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  • @RootedinRights
    @RootedinRights  Před 2 lety

    "The Nothing About Us Without Us Act: WA HB 1802", produced by Rooted in Rights
    [audio description]: Disabled advocates share their opinions on the Nothing About Us Without Us bill over video call.
    - The Nothing About Us Without Us bill will make it so that people with disabilities can be fully represented on task-force work-groups or committees that make policy decisions that affect our everyday lives as citizens with disabilities.
    - Which is very important because too many laws-- too many bills have gone-- have been created without us.
    - We don't expect people without disabilities in the legislature, or state officials, to automatically somehow know what we need.
    - We are best to speak on that because we are living it.
    - I've always told my legislators, I'm here for you, reach out to me, I'm here to support you, too.
    - Historically when we're not at the table, a lot of bad policy comes out, you know, forced institutionalization, forced sterilization, a lot of force and control being put on people with disabilities, that people with disabilities never asked for.
    - It's time. It's well overdue for us to be involved in creating these bills.
    - because then and only then can we make a difference by having a law that supports our civil rights
    - and prevent those times that can happen when well-intentioned efforts end up having an unintended impact.
    - I believe better legislation will be made because you now will have people at the table that have various backgrounds with various disabilities giving that perspective.
    - So Nothing About Us Without Us is where equity begins.
    End of Transcript.

  • @RootedinRights
    @RootedinRights  Před 2 lety

    "The Nothing About Us Without Us Act: WA HB 1802", produced by Rooted in Rights - Spanish transcript
    Descripción del audio: Los defensores de los discapacitados
    comparten sus opiniones sobre
    el proyecto de ley "Nada de Nosotros sin Nosotros" a través de una videollamada.
    - El proyecto de ley "Nada de Nosotros sin Nosotros” hará que
    las personas con discapacidad puedan estar plenamente representadas
    en los grupos de trabajo y en los comités que toman decisiones políticas
    que afectan a nuestra vida cotidiana como ciudadanos con discapacidad.
    - Lo cual es muy importante porque demasiadas leyes
    y demasiados proyectos de ley, se han creado sin nosotros.
    - No contamos con que las personas sin discapacidades en la legislatura,
    o los funcionarios del estado, sepan automáticamente lo que necesitamos.
    - Somos los más idóneos para hablar de ello porque lo estamos viviendo.
    - Siempre les he dicho a nuestros legisladores, "Estoy aquí para ustedes,
    acérquense a mí;
    yo también estoy aquí para apoyarlos".
    - Históricamente, cuando no nos incluyen en la mesa de discusión,
    salen muchas malas políticas.
    Ya sabemos, la institucionalización forzada,
    esterilización forzada,
    mucha fuerza y control
    sobre las personas discapacitadas
    que esas personas con discapacidades nunca solicitaron.
    - Ya es hora.
    Ya es hora de que nos involucren en la creación de estos proyectos de ley
    -... porque entonces y solo entonces podemos marcar la diferencia
    al tener una ley que apoye nuestros derechos civiles...
    - y así prevenir esos momentos que pueden ocurrir
    cuando los esfuerzos bien intencionados acaban teniendo un impacto no deseado.
    - Creo que se lograrán mejores legislaciones
    porque ahora habrá personas en esa mesa de discusión
    que tengan diversos antecedentes con distintas discapacidades
    dando su perspectiva.
    - Así que Nada de Nosotros sin Nosotros, es donde comienza la equidad.
    End of transcript.

  • @RootedinRights
    @RootedinRights  Před 2 lety

    "The Nothing About Us Without Us Act: WA HB 1802", produced by Rooted in Rights - Chinese (Traditional) transcript
    音頻描述:殘疾倡導者 通過視頻分享他們對 “Nothing About Us Without Us”法案的意見。
    - “Nothing About Us Without Us”法案
    專家組、 工作組和委員會
    並造福殘疾公民的 日常生活。
    - 這很重要,因為有 太多的法律
    太多的法案 沒有把我們考慮進去。
    - 我們不期望那些身處 立法機關或州政府的健康官員
    - 我們自己最清楚 因為殘疾是我們生活的一部分。
    - 我經常跟我的議員說, “不管你需要什麼,
    都可以告訴我; 我也會支持你的。”
    - 前車之鑑,只要我們不參與, 就會出現很多不好的政策。
    比如,強制制度化, 強制絕育,
    很多強制措施和限制 被實施到殘疾人身上
    - 我們不能再等了。 我們早該參與 這些法案的創建...
    - ...因為只有到那時 我們才能有所作為
    也將有法律 保護我們的公民權利...
    - ...並防止以往那些
    善意的努力 演變成惡意的影響。
    - 我相信會有更好的立法 因為未來立法的創建將有
    來自不同背景的 不同殘疾的我們
    - 因此,“Nothing About Us Without Us”
    End of transcript.

  • @RootedinRights
    @RootedinRights  Před 2 lety

    "The Nothing About Us Without Us Act: WA HB 1802", produced by Rooted in Rights - Amharic transcript
    የድምጽ ዝርዝር፡ የአካል ጉዳተኞች የመብት ተሟጋቾች በቪዲዮ የስልክ ጥሪ ስለ ያለእኛ ስለእኛ መወራት የለበትም ህግ (Nothing About US Without Us bill) ሃሳባቸው አጋርተውናል።
    - ያለእኛ ስለእኛ መወራት የለበትም ህግ (Nothing About US Without Us bill) እኛ አካል ጉዳተኞች እንደ አካል ጉዳተኛ ዜጎችነታችን እኛን የሚመልከቱ የፖሊሲ ውሳኔዎች የሚመለከቱ እያንዳንዱ ግብረ-ሃይሎች፣ የስራ ቡድኖች፣ እና ኮሜቴዎች ውስጥ ሙሉ በሙሉ እንድንወከል ያደርጋል።
    - ይህም በጣም ጠቃሚ ነው ምክኒያቱም ብዙ ህጎች፣ ብዙ መመሪያዎች፣ እኛን ሳያሳትፉ አልፈዋል።
    - የአካል ጉዳት የሌለባቸው በህግ አውጪ ቦታ ላይ ያሉ እና የስቴት ሃላፊዎች በቅጽበት እኛ የሚያስፈልገንን ያውቃሉ ብለን አንጠብቅም።
    - እየኖርነው ስለሆነ ከእኛ በላይ ስለእዚህ ጉዳይ ለመናገር ትክክለኞቹ ሰዎች ነን።
    - ህግ አውጪዎቼን ብዙ ጊዜ እንደሚከተለው ብያቸዋለሁ፣ “እዚህ አለሁልዎት፣ እኔን አናግሩኝ፣ እናንተን ልረዳ ነው እዚህ ያለሁት።”
    - በታሪክ ሲታይ፣ እኛ በሌለንበት ጊዜ፣ ብዙ መጥፎ ፖሊሲ ይወጣል። በግድ ተቋምን ማቋቋም፣ በግድ መካንነትን መፈጸም፣ የአካል ጉዳተኞች ጠይቀውት የማያውቁት ነገር ግን ብዙ ሃይል እና ቁጥጥር በአካል ጉዳተኞች ላይ ይፈጸማል።
    - ጊዜው አሁን ነው... እነዚህ ህጎች ሲረቀቁ እኛ መሳተፍ ያለብን ጊዜ ድሮ ቢሆንም አሁንም ቢሆን መሳተፍ አለብን።
    - ...ምክኒያቱም ያኔ እና ያኔ ብቻ ነው ሰብአዊ መብቶቻችንን የሚያስጠብቅ ህግ እንዲወጣ በማድረግ ልዩነት ማምጣት የምንችለው...
    - ... እናም በጥሩ አላማ የተደረጉ ጥረቶች ከአላማ ውጪ የሆነ ጉዳት እንዳያመጡ መከላከል የምንችለው ያኔ ነው።
    - የተሻለ ህግን አሁን ማውጣት ይቻላል ብዬ አስባለሁ ምክኒያቱም ከተለያየ አመጣጥ የመጡ እና የተለያየ የአካል ጉዳት ያለባቸው ሰዎች ሃስብ ይካተታል።
    - So Nothing About Us Without Us is where equity begins. ስለዚህ ያለእኛ ስለእኛ መወራት የለበትም ህግ (Nothing About US Without Us bill) እኩልነት የሚጀምርበት ቦታ ነው።
    End of transcript.

  • @RootedinRights
    @RootedinRights  Před 2 lety

    "The Nothing About Us Without Us Act: WA HB 1802", produced by Rooted in Rights - Somali transcript
    Sharaxaada Codka: Udoodayaasha Cuuryamada faafinaya
    fikradahooda ku saabsan
    Wax Anaga Inagu Saabsan La'aanten looguma soo Kordhin
    karo Wacitaanka Muqaalka.
    - Majiraan Waxa Inagu Saabsan Anaga La'aanten Sharci Dajin Waxaan
    ka dhigeyna sidaas marka
    dadka cuuryaamiinta in si dhameystiran loogu matali karo
    howl-galada, shaqooyinka-kooxaha,
    iyo gudiyaasha sameya go'aanada shuruucda
    saameynta ku leh nolal maalmeedka muwaadiniinta cuuryaaminta ah.
    - Taas oo aad muhiim u ah maxaa yeelay shuruuc badan,
    qawaaniin badan, oo tagay - lasameyay anaga la'aanten.
    - Ma fileyno in dad aan cuuryaamiin aheyn
    ee ku jira shirci dajiyayaasha ama madaxda maamul goboledyada,
    in isla markiiba ay horay ka garan karaan waxa aan u baahan nahay.
    - Anaga ayaa taa aad ugu mudan in aan ka hadalno
    sababtoo ah anaga ayaaba ku nool.
    - Waxaan mar walbo u sheegi jiray shuruuc dajiyayaasheyda,
    "Aniga ayaa idiin diyaar ah halkaan,
    ila soo xiriira;
    aniga ayaa halkaan u joogo in aan idiin taagero, sidoo kale."
    - Taarikhiyan, marka aanan anaga miiska joogin,
    waxaa soo baxo shuruucyo badan oo aad u xun.
    Waad ogtahay, hay'adeynta qasabka ah,
    xubnaha sida qasabka leyskaga jarayo,
    qasab faro badan, iyo koontarool
    in laguugu daro dadka cuuryaamiinta
    ayada oo aynan dadka cuuryaamiinta marka codsan.
    - Waa waqtigii.
    Waan ka daahnay in aan ka qeyb qaadano sameynta shuruucyadan...
    -...sababtoo ah kadib markaas kadib oo kaliya ayaan sameyn karnaa isbadal
    anagoo leh sharci taageraya xaquuqdeyna muwaadin...
    -...iyo in aan ka hortagno waqtiyada ay dhici karto
    in isku dayo dadaalo wanaagsan ay keenaan dhibaato aanan loo meel dayan.
    - Waxaan aaminsanahy in lasameyn karo shuruuc wanaagsan
    sababtoo ah hadda waxaad lahaan doonta dad kugu matala miiska
    kuwaaso leh qibrado kala duwan cuuryaamo kala duwan
    kuwaaso muujinaya qeybahaas
    - Marka Majiraan Waxa Inagu Saabsan Anaga La'aanten
    ayaa ah halka ay sinaantu ka bilaabaneyso.
    End of transcript.