The Apostle 01-18 - My One Aspiration

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • 01 - My One Aspiration
    Music by Bill Tewson / Words by Cam Floria / Arrangement by Lex de Azevedo
    I, Paul, am a Hebrew, out of the tribe of Benjamin of the race of Israel; born in a Greek city, Tarsus. Citizenship, Roman! As to the law, a Pharisee.
    Concerning my zeal, I uas persecutor of the church -- as to the righteousness found̀ in the law, blameless. But whatever former things I had that might have been gain for me, I count them as nothing compared to the supreme advantage of Knowing Jesus Christ as my Lord.
    Vers 1:
    Rom 8:31 & 35-9
    I am so persuaded
    Neither death nor life
    Can ever separate us
    From the love of Christ;
    If God is standing for us
    Then who will dare
    No pow'r in all creation
    Will reach us there
    No pow'r of the angels
    Nor present nor the future
    Nor heights up above
    Nor down below
    We'll win the final vict'ry
    And so much more
    For Jesus is the Son of God
    The Conqueror.
    Phil 3:13-14
    Oh, it is my one aspiration
    Forgetting what lies behind
    Reaching out to what lies ahead
    I press on
    To the goal
    To win the prize
    Of God's high calling
    In Jesus Christ my Lord.
    Vers 2:
    Eph 6:13-17)
    Put on God's whole armour
    That you may stand
    Firm against the devil
    Against his hand
    Paying ev'ry moment and
    In his might
    With reghteousness
    Your breastplate
    You'll fight the fight.
    With truth as your belt now
    Salvation your he;met
    His Word as your sword
    And Faith your shield
    Then thank God for the vict'ry
    And so much more
    For Jesus is the son of God
    The Conqueror.
    Oh, it is my one aspiration
    Forgetting what lies behind
    Reaching out to what lies ahead
    I press on
    To the goal
    To win the prize
    Of God's high calling
    In Jesus Christ my Lord.
    Vers 3:
    Rom 12:1
    Do not fret, my brothers
    With thanks and prayer
    Dedicate your body
    His peace you'll share
    Phil 4:13,19
    according to His riches
    He will supply
    And give you strength
    For all things
    If you'll just try.
    2 Tim 2:3 & 4:2
    with faith fight the battle
    Endure all kinds of hardship
    Be strong in His grace
    And preach the Word
    And you will see
    His kingdom come
    And so much more
    For jesus is the Son of God
    The Conqueror.

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