Should I follow a Madhab or Hadith? 1/2


Komentáře • 3

  • @HZ_LionsDen
    @HZ_LionsDen Před 13 lety +1

    Spot on! This video deserves many more views than it has!

  • @honestknight1
    @honestknight1 Před 13 lety +1

    @pixelrow Salaam Brother Allah swt didn't create us all identical, There was a difference in Umar r.a & Abu Bakr's personality and this was highlighted after the death of Muhammed saw. Upon hearing th enews Umar R.A threatened to chop off any1s head if they dared to say Muhummed saw had died. However After Abu bakr R.A elequently said "Whom so ever Worshipped Muhammed saw then let him know that Muhammed Saw is Mortal Whom so ever Worships Allah swt Know that Allah swt is Eternal/immortal"

  • @honestknight1
    @honestknight1 Před 13 lety +1

    @pixelrow cont.. And after quoting the ayah in the noble quran where it is stated thast Muhammed saw will 1 day die, then Umar ra calmed down & accepted the fact. Likewise all four Major Imams said they were infallable n could be mistaken on some points so if there was clear evidence from the quran n sunnah then go with that. I for example would not b able 2 do rafadan in salaah if i followed only the hanafy madhab, I am against teh fatwa shoping people do however u can't blindly follow 1 madhb