Thoughts on Conservativism: Part 1

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 28

  • @wangpuren492
    @wangpuren492 Před rokem +5

    Sir, just discovered you channel recently, your videos were as elusive as the insightful thoughts you hold, but lucky to have stumbled on them. Binge-watched all of them, even those that were done 5 years ago. Loved listening to you speak, the pipe adds depth to the speeches, and the outdoor landscapes made them more beautiful. I will be glad if you could do a consistent weekly series on various existential topics or anecdotes you have, I will be an eager listener.

  • @TheGentlemanScholar
    @TheGentlemanScholar Před rokem +3

    I call it The Nostalgia Trap. Speaking on a personal level, there were some aspects of life that I enjoyed when I was younger...not having to worry about bills, shopping, getting a job...but on the other hand, I had to deal with assholes at school, having to bend to the irrational wishes of adults in my yeah, the past was not perfect. When I was in my teens and twenties, I was itchy in my own skin. All told, while the world...and this country (the USA) seems a darker, more divided place, I can say that personally and psychologically, I'm the happiest I've ever been. Not because of the past...but the lessons I've learned from my past. Very good talk, Leo!

  • @cascadianpiper
    @cascadianpiper Před rokem +3

    The Russian research into domestication of foxes sheds some interesting light on this. Not only did they breed for “tame” traits (the ones everyone hears about), but they also bred for aggression. And what they discovered was that aggression is ultimately an “over-clocked” response to fear.
    I find it plausible that conservatism - most often draped in the aggressive language of- and the nostalgia of- warfare and violence - is a social dynamic rooted in that same lack of control over fear.
    In fact, they seem especially talented at spreading that fear toward others of similar tendency. And they are skilled at using propaganda (a form of meme) to incite fear in people early in life to grow their numbers. Conservatism, from my perspective, is a frantic reactionary mindset bent on trying to always come out “ahead” in a conflict lest it be destroyed.
    Progressivism, instead, reflects a calm strategic consideration of possibilities of prosperity for more and more people.
    I imagine that both poles evolved in humans for a reason. But, as a progressive, I sure don’t understand why people want to live in fear.

  • @portlandpipesmoker8497
    @portlandpipesmoker8497 Před rokem +4

    Hello Leo, glad you're well...and enjoying some sit down with a pipe!
    Well....that's a brave subject to tackle on such a forum as this...
    Conservatism is a strange philosophy, on the one hand, conservatism has traditionally rested on an organic conception of society-that is, on the belief that society is not merely a loose collection of individuals but a living organism comprising closely connected, interdependent members, and on the other hand, a philosophy upheld by people like Margaret Thatcher, that touts "there is no such thing as society," we are just individuals looking out for ourselves and are worth whatever you can sell or rent yourself on the market. Therefore, any type of government is evil because it has the potential to be democratic and for the people to take control of their own lives through organizing together....creating a society. Destroy unions, destroy science, destroy collectivism, destroy education, destroy the arts, destroy literature and isolate everyone, make them live alone with their TV's, just you and the market, become consumers...there is no society. Traditional family values are merely the gateway drug to this dungeon. This is why conservatism and fascism are such friendly brothers...they share a common undercurrent. The hypermasculine, individualism of the Ronald Reagan type with their guns and lack of concern for others who are more misfortunate, "I'm sorry you were born that way, but....oh well, go ahead and die worthless subhuman!" There is no society, therefore we have no concern or responsibility toward you! Unless of course, you are among the unborn...then we care, because you are potential consumers...after birth, you are on your own....we don't care!
    “All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others …”
    In 1947, George Orwell published an article in the “Partisan Review” titled “The Future of Socialism” which discussed his hopes for a flourishing and united Europe. Orwell wrote:
    "The greatest difficulty of all is the apathy and conservatism of people everywhere, their unawareness of danger, their inability to imagine anything new-in general, as Bertrand Russell put it recently, the unwillingness of the human race to acquiesce in its own survival."(1)
    Take care,
    (1) 1947 July-August, Partisan Review, Volume 14, Number 4, The Future of Socialism by George Orwell, Start Page 346, Quote Page 348, Published by Partisan Review, New York. (Verified with scans at Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center of Boston University at

    • @pnwesty7174
      @pnwesty7174 Před rokem

      I knew I liked the cut of your jib. Cheers from Sandy - you and the English bloke. I'm too far left to be what "liberalism" has become, and my inner cynic is just watching, half expecting it all to crumble in a post climate change world, happy in my choice not to have kids.

    • @skipton9511
      @skipton9511 Před rokem

      Well stated, Corey. The picture of people alone with their TVs (showing only approved government game and quiz shows) was explored in Ray Bradbury's _Fahrenheit 451_. Books were considered the source of all unhappiness and 'firemen' burned them if they were found. The view that there is no society only individuals whose sole responsibility is to themselves and their own happiness is pure Ayn Rand. That was the view of those who, during the pandemic, saw any constraints on their behavior for the good of the population as a whole as an unwarranted and unjustifiable intrusion on their personal rights and freedom. They rejected the need to make any sacrifice or be inconvenienced , however small or slight, for someone else. The Orwell quotation from "The Future of Socialism" is a complete summation of the root cause of so much in our society.

    • @portlandpipesmoker8497
      @portlandpipesmoker8497 Před rokem

  • @200tdi1
    @200tdi1 Před rokem +4

    Hey Leo, again, nice digs! Glad to see you’re enjoying it a bit. I’ll start by saying my anarchism would kick your anarchism’s butt!:) but it’s got about ten years on you too! That, to illustrate my position on this matter of conservatism.
    Attentively watching the dark cloud roll in these last 3 years, and under it, meeting many folks who’d I’d assumed I’d share no common ground because of their ‘rightness’ I found myself pleasantly surprised at our ability to see some things in similar light. I realized then these relationships and acceptance of views not explicitly held by me was exactly the thing the parasites who’ve assumed control of the globe fear the most-unity of the plebs. The most basic ploy of psy-ops 101 is divide/conquer. These poles the world’s people have been split into are engineered, the parasites play both sides, with one end in mind, self enrichment at any cost. The progressives are hell bent to extract and exploit a different set of resources under a “greenwashed” revolution for massive private profits. It’s bollocks, full on. Neither pole considers the horrifying notion of “less,” the ONLY solution.
    As for the past, hell, there is plenty I miss that has nothing to do with my youth. For example: customer service reps who know what they are talking about, the ability to buy a quality product from a store that didn’t take up a square mile, Hell, being able to AFFORD a quality product. Made dough today, yeast went from 4.99/lb to 7.99/lb in 1.5 years, don’t get me started on eggs, in a country and from suppliers that had none of the touted bird flu. All this and so much more from a “progressive” if demented govt who’s seen fit to annihilate Ukraine for its own ends after overthrowing its elected leader in 2014-as they’ve done under either of our 2 shite parties for decades. The Obama crew invaded Syria, and still, the US is using the very “terrorists” they fight in Iraq to do their bidding against Assad. It’s ALL insane, either side.
    As for the notion of ideology, I’ve always viewed the right as fear/scarcity based the true left as hope/potential based, but we also need the balance of these as the overabundance of mercy is weakness, the overabundance of strength is cruelty. I think it was Ogden Nash? who said progress was fine for a while but it’s gone on far too long. Progressing into AI, homogenized, centralized digital currencies, hegemonic WEF/WHO ploys and gene therapies/genetic modifications far outside our wisdom quotient to play with but exactly where the parasites are navigating the rest of us is “progress” gone to far. I’d like to hear your thoughts, from across the pond on those issues.
    Always enjoy your vids, Leo and thanks for taking the time mate.

  • @davidthompson1622
    @davidthompson1622 Před rokem

    Well said Leo …. how on Earth do they drill the shank on those pipes ? , knowing nothing about Calabash material I’m wondering if they drill first then bend it ? , I’ve also seen some extreme bends on briar shanks and I’ve no idea how they drill those 🤷‍♂️

  • @skipton9511
    @skipton9511 Před rokem +1

    Well-said, Leo. I run into that backward looking type of thinking with some of my peers. They look to life in the 50s and 60s as being the best of times before it all started going down hill beginning in the 70s. It is an illusion lit by the golden glow of nostalgia. That glow masked and hid the undercurrents of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia embedded deep in white culture. In some ways for much of the population, those golden days were so only because of a blissful ignorance of what was happening outside of the TV sitcom family world. That may be a cynical view, but I lived those years and had glimpses of the 'real' world of the day. The 'golden days' are an imagined past, nothing more. The attraction it holds for many is rooted not in a fear of change, but a fear of loss, loss of privilege and the loss of that blissful ignorance of the inequalities and inequities in the world. If life was a little easier 'back then', it was only because social conventions carefully kept the unpleasant, uncomfortable, and controversial out of sight, out of conversation, and out of social discourse.

  • @TinFoilHatPipeDude
    @TinFoilHatPipeDude Před rokem +1

    Well said Leo, finally some political content on ytpc I can agree with. And that is consistent and well thought out. While I don’t mind some aspects of conservative opinions, I do find that it is fundamentally an ideology that brings out the worst in human nature.
    Be well my friend!

    • @TinFoilHatPipeDude
      @TinFoilHatPipeDude Před rokem

      And it has to be mentioned that the unholy alliance between conservatism and liberalism, which constitute the modern political right, is literally killing us and the planet we inhabit.

  • @algonquinbriar5647
    @algonquinbriar5647 Před rokem +1

    Hello Leo. Long time follower. I always enjoy your chats. What an amazing view in front of you to sit back and enjoy a pipe. Be well and safe travels.

  • @smiah1990
    @smiah1990 Před rokem

    Thought provoking. Cheers Leo 👍🏾💨

  • @3riverspiper1792
    @3riverspiper1792 Před rokem

    Hi Leo, firstly, I hope your dog recovers, I am wondering on the basis of the move, and the fact you have been working away he may be fretting a little... the pub you mention, if I am right the village may be Holbrook??? some time since I was around that part of the world...must say you have a wonderful set-up there, I think I would be tempted on occasion to sleep out under stars {weather permitting}, you are so in touch with nature at that spot, I did not hear a single vehicle , or plane spoiling the moment 👌 Steve.

    • @TheAmbulatoryAnarchist
      @TheAmbulatoryAnarchist  Před rokem

      Spot on, Steve, that's the place. Sadly, Eddy passed a week after I recorded this. He had had lymphoma for a year and had vastly outlasted his prognosis, but finally went to rest on his own bed, right here where I'm sitting, and being cuddled by his mum and I. So it could have been a lot worse. Thanks as always for stopping by to watch and comment. Though I'm sure we disagree on many things, I'm always glad to have your input and to know that we can share a pipe and some thoughts like civilised people. Take care, mate

    • @3riverspiper1792
      @3riverspiper1792 Před rokem

      ​@@TheAmbulatoryAnarchist Leo, I am saddened by the loss of your Eddy, words seem so inadequate at times like this....Yes, we have so many points of common interest and appreciation, however, here is possibly a contentious statement, your haven of peace, I would probably add a sprinkle of 'rag-top' Land Rover to complete the mix 😊. Steve.

  • @progresspiper
    @progresspiper Před rokem +3

    Whilst I pretty much agree with the overall sentiment of your video, I would just like to contribute that there are instances where so-called "progressive left" governments like to go on a banning and scapegoating spree. I might do a VR to this one.

    • @TheAmbulatoryAnarchist
      @TheAmbulatoryAnarchist  Před rokem +1

      NZ being a good example

    • @progresspiper
      @progresspiper Před rokem +1

      And Australia

    • @portlandpipesmoker8497
      @portlandpipesmoker8497 Před rokem +1

      I don't mean to be argumentative, but what Progressive left governments are you referring to? I'm unaware of any such modern governments.

    • @progresspiper
      @progresspiper Před rokem

      @@portlandpipesmoker8497 Australia & New Zealand are two good examples. Canada also from what I can gather.

    • @portlandpipesmoker8497
      @portlandpipesmoker8497 Před rokem +1

      @@progresspiper I'm not sure I would consider these Progressive Left governments...but perhaps you're correct!

  • @manxkin
    @manxkin Před rokem

    What a great calabash.

  • @Matt_RVA
    @Matt_RVA Před rokem

    A little piece of paradise you’ve got there for sure, just beautiful and homey. I’ve always wanted to live among green hills, nestled in a wild nook, far from prying eyes. I’m crammed up against everyone’s bad habits in a neighborhood but one day I’ll get some space hopefully.