Danish Eastern Front Volunteers [EN SUB]


Komentáře • 284

  • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996

    I see some people discussing the death of C.F. von Schalburg in the comments. I've copied and translated this section about his death from the book "Under hagekors og Dannebrog" from 1998, which was, among others, written by Claus Bundgård Christensen who also speaks in the documentary.
    "During the month of May, 20 volunteers had lost their lives while significantly more had been wounded. However, the Corps hadn't been involved in larger operations since the Russian attack on 20th May. The rainy days had been characterised by smaller skirmishes, but during night on 2nd June, there was intense activity near the Free Corps. What was going on was the preparations for the Corps' first actual offensive operation. They wanted to try pushing the Russians back from the bridgehead they had established at the Robja-river. It all started at 2 o'clock at night, where two groups* from 1st and 2nd Company attacked the Russian positions, supported by artillery. Schalburg arrived, shortly after the beginning of the battle, at the starting point of the attack and asked the company chief, Per Sørensen, how things were evolving. The first wounded returning to the Corps' positions reported having seen many enemy bunkers to the two officers. Per Sørensen therefore stood up from his position and moved towards the combat area a couple hundred meters further forward, to personally assess the situation. Sørensen meanwhile noticed, that Schalburg had also stood up to move forward, but asked him to stay back and wait for the reports. Schalburg refused. Therefore, they approached the bridgehead together, where hard fighting was now going on. During his advance, Sørensen got involved in a shootout with a Russian soldier, who he had first presumed dead. He killed the soldier, but shortly after heard a boom further forward and at the same time saw Schalburg collapse. Schalburg had stepped on a mine that wounded the left side of his body. Few moments later, he was hit by a grenade** and died immediately. At 3 o'clock at night, the target of the attack had been reached and the Russian positions destroyed. Shortly after, the Russians launched a fierce counter-attack. Company chief Knud Børge Martinsen, who had taken over command immediately after Schalburg's death, assessed the situation to be unsustainable and the losses so large, that he ordered a retreat to the initial positions. However, Martinsen sent a group* of Schalburg's "blood boys" out to recover Schalburg's body. One of these young volunteers died during this task, but the killed commander was brought back in bad condition, one of the feet had been blown off, the other leg torn off at the hip. He was far from the only one who had paid with his life that night. When the whole attack was over at around 8 o'clock in the morning, the losses of Free Corps Denmark could be counted to 79 men of which 21 were dead. (...) But was Schalburg a skilled soldier? There's no doubt, that he was an asset for the SS ideologically speaking, in that he had the ability to influence the men politically. The question is, whether he was suited to lead such a relatively large unit as the Free Corps? The way in which he died doesn't seem to indicate it at first glance. During the attack against the Russian bridgehead, he was apparently struck by such excitement and fighting spirit, that he had to "be part" of the front line, so he left his cover to participate in the fight. This happened despite Per Sørensen trying to convince him to stay back. It has to be considered notable, that the commander in such a way brought himself and thereby the whole unit in danger. However, it's worth noting that this lack of consideration for his own life wasn't uncommon for the "real" SS officer. The losses among SS' leaders were generally exceptionally high, because they often were in the front line. The top officers being in the front could invigorate the men, but could naturally also be a shortcut to death for the individual."
    *Group is also the Danish equivalent of a British section or an American squad, so it's unclear whether the author refers to 10-man units or just groups of soldiers.
    **Grenade can both mean handgrenade, mortarbomb, or artillery shell. I believe Schalburg was killed by artillery, but it's not clear.

    • @simonvirus6417
      @simonvirus6417 Před 2 lety

      Thank you for the detailed translation and indeed recognition of these often maligned, despised and unique WW2 soldiers. Many nations had thousands volunteer to try to join the Waffen SS for reasons they deemed to be of such imminent importance that they were willing to take lives and give their own to stop the threat'( s ) to Europe as a whole. From AUSTRALIA

  • @darkhorse75be
    @darkhorse75be Před 2 lety +60

    My grandfather served as a Flemish volunteer on the Eastern Front...First in '43 as a messenger during the siege of Leningrad. A year later as member of a machine gun squad in the battle of Narva. He died last year at the age of 94. He always spoke highly of the scandinavians... said they were professional and very reliable.

    • @jeffmoore9487
      @jeffmoore9487 Před 2 lety +5

      Per Sorensen, seeing his country attacked, joined his attackers to kill Jews, but wound up killing anybody from the USSR. He didn't like fighting beside Romanians or Catholics, and upon returning to Denmark for rest, wound up fighting his own people. He was finally killed in Berlin by Germans for continuing to fight. He sounds like a psychopathic maniac.

    • @HolgerDanske
      @HolgerDanske Před 2 lety +3

      My great uncle fought in Legion 24 Danmark. One of the people he admired most was Leon Degrelle. A fascinating, brave and courageous man and leader.

  • @sandykristensen8099
    @sandykristensen8099 Před 2 lety +11

    My Dad's Unckle were in 2 Kompani in Frikorps Danmark. From 41-43 then in Regiment 24 Danmark ( DIV. Nordland) to 1945. He were sentence to 18 Mounth in Prison for serving at The Eastern front

  • @nauti32
    @nauti32 Před 2 lety +9

    Minute 32: The definition of "Volksdeutsche" means not only Romanians with German nationality, but people from the whole east and south-east of Europe. But as well from alsace and lorraine.

  • @ivaniliev7809
    @ivaniliev7809 Před 2 lety +16

    I wish she never sees combat under the directions of the sort of man she thinks is a '''good commander''. Anyone staying at the front line with the teenagers and youngsters they command in battle deserves recognition, wheter they won the war or not.

    • @KaptajnKaffe
      @KaptajnKaffe Před 2 lety +3

      yea, but there is a limit to "leading from the front".
      Assaulting frontlines and stepping on mines is not really his role in the big scheme of things...

    • @jeffmoore9487
      @jeffmoore9487 Před 2 lety +5

      Per Sorensen, seeing his country attacked, joined his attackers to kill Jews, but wound up killing anybody from the USSR. He didn't like fighting beside Romanians or Catholics, and upon returning to Denmark for rest, wound up fighting his own people. He was finally killed in Berlin by Germans for continuing to fight. He sounds like a maniac.

    • @netautorisationnetautorisa545
      @netautorisationnetautorisa545 Před 2 lety +1

      *OOOHH A "SS" / "HARD CORE KILLER" ... THEY ARE NO **#JOKE** ..*
      *... AND .. I WILL **#NEVER** FORGET ..IN MY **#LIFE** ....*
      *YOU CAN "SEE" THIS .. "WAS THE DEATH" .. 1000%*
      (not very good.. to say it "mild")
      *.. **#THIS** WAS A ..."SS MANN" ... FIGHT IN .."POLAND /RUSSIA"..*
      *..HE "COMMAND"..*
      *THEY DO **#NOT** "REGRET" **#ANYTHING** !!! THE "REST" OF THERE **#LIFE** ..!!*
      *WAS TO TAKE ..!!*
      *AND LOOKING AT ....."ALL PEOPLE ..RUN.. OUT THE **#BUILDING**" ..!!!*
      (MY "MOTHER" ALSO...)
      ( and say ... "nur die ruhe bewahren" )
      *THIS ...."CAN NOT EXPLODE" IN **#FIRE** !!... IT "ONLY MELTS"*
      ...AND THEN "LAUGHED" ... EVEN "MORE" ....!!!
      *THIS ... I ALSO **#NEVER** FORGET ....( i did not feel "very" well !! )*
      *BUT .... I DID "NOT" RUN "OUTSIDE" ... !!!*
      *DEC 2 2021 1133*

    • @KaptajnKaffe
      @KaptajnKaffe Před 2 lety +2

      @@netautorisationnetautorisa545 vi ringer lige til din passer, så kan de tage dig tilbage til anstalten i sikkerhed 🤣😂

    • @ivaniliev7809
      @ivaniliev7809 Před 2 lety +3

      @@KaptajnKaffe you have the luxury of creating that sort of view on the situation, because from the distance in time you know how things unfolded after everyone involved is already dead. I am not sure, but I am willing to bet, that the man who we discuss didn't really wanted to step on a mine and die on the frontline, but this is the sort of things that happen in war.

  • @kenchristenson7548
    @kenchristenson7548 Před 2 lety +12

    Thank you for a very informative Video.
    Always wanted to know more about the Danes in world war two as my Family is from there.

    • @andreasandreotti4492
      @andreasandreotti4492 Před 2 lety

      Yes, and you are proud of your killer Danes? Every one likes tresury but noone a traitor! Your grandppa was a traitor to his own fellow citizens!

    • @user-wk4xn9ej8b
      @user-wk4xn9ej8b Před 2 lety +1

      Моего деда предателем не считаю,,,в Беларуси опять большевизм ,он против этого воевал

    • @Vanjasper
      @Vanjasper Před 2 lety +3

      @@andreasandreotti4492 You are making a judgement on people you know nothing about. Those times were different, people were different. Many seen the Soviet Union at that time to be a bigger threat than Nazism. We have history to use as judgement against them. They had the times they lived in, what was going on around them, that was what motivated them.

    • @stentrum5989
      @stentrum5989 Před 2 lety

      @@andreasandreotti4492 Both USSR and Nazi Germany were empires of evil. Eastern Front was deadly battle of 2 totalitarian systems each of which wanted to dominate in the whole world and spread their rotten ideologies. Truth is always on the good side, that's why USSR and Hitler's Germany are no longer exist.

  • @pierremauboussin3527
    @pierremauboussin3527 Před 2 lety +21

    Leadership at the front was expected from most German commanders, especially Waffen SS. I believe the Wehrmacht alone lost over 130 General officers killed in action. Communications were much poorer in WWII than now, so getting a close up view what was going on was important. The Wehrmacht General Model was known for having a "flying" motorized command that moved around his area of operations, and was regarded by his peers as the best defensive commander in the Wehrmacht.

    • @codaalive5076
      @codaalive5076 Před 2 lety

      Check out Gotthard Fedor August Heinrici if you want to know who was the best defensive general in the Wehrmacht. It is interesting to know he defended Germany until Russians became too strong. Knowing this means end of the war, he ordered retreat to the west where soldiers had best chance of surviving.

    • @johnhotz1400
      @johnhotz1400 Před 2 lety

      General black hands-down The general for defense German side!

    • @Lobos222
      @Lobos222 Před 2 lety

      Still lost, both an offense AND a defense...

    • @tavish4699
      @tavish4699 Před 2 lety +5

      @@Lobos222 if a lone wolf is getting sorunded by a big pack of street dogs he will die aswell .....

    • @MWcrazyhorse
      @MWcrazyhorse Před 2 lety

      @@Lobos222 Revolutionized modern warfare and weapons technology.

  • @kenhart8771
    @kenhart8771 Před 2 lety +9

    Suddenly it was Division Nordland in Berlin in 1945, not a word of the transition from Regiment 24 Denmark. Beside this documentary was made by the tax funded Danish public service which is know to be bias and very leftist. Actually the Danish government encouraged maybe by force by the Nazi regime young Danish men to join the fight against the bolshevistic Soviet.

    • @fogellmclovin3740
      @fogellmclovin3740 Před 2 lety +3

      Regiment 24 'Danmark' was a part of 11th Waffen SS Panzergrenadier Division 'Nordland'

  • @stefankremhelmer3524
    @stefankremhelmer3524 Před 2 lety +41

    My grandfather fought in the 11th Voluntary Panzer Grenadier Division Nordland in the Panzer Grenadier Regiment Danmark 24 from 01.1945-02.05.1945

    • @fogellmclovin3740
      @fogellmclovin3740 Před 2 lety +2

      That's amazing, may I ask, is he still alive?
      And is there a memoir, if so, can you link it?

    • @stefankremhelmer3524
      @stefankremhelmer3524 Před 2 lety +1

      @@fogellmclovin3740 Unfortunately, my grandfather died in 1984 when I was 3 years old of a serious heart attack, and he has not written anything down as far as I know

    • @torkilfrydal9505
      @torkilfrydal9505 Před 2 lety +8


    • @ScandinavianHeretic
      @ScandinavianHeretic Před 2 lety +5

      @@torkilfrydal9505 Hov hov, lige ro på der makker så du ikke kommer til at angribe uskyldige mennesker, pga. Det andre i deres familie gjorde.

    • @R.Lennartz
      @R.Lennartz Před 2 lety +15

      @@torkilfrydal9505 It's treason to defend Europe against communism?

  • @goodcolimgpu10
    @goodcolimgpu10 Před 2 lety +9

    helte, det der sker i dag bunder tilbage til den tid

  • @feikotemme8736
    @feikotemme8736 Před 2 lety +5

    It seems that Sören Kam was not mentioned or did I miss something ? After all,he was Ritterkreuzträger.
    But all in all a very good documentary,presented by a very adorable and compassionate young lady.

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před 2 lety +3

      Søren Kam served in SS Division "Wiking", not in Free Corps Denmark or SS Regiment 24 "Danmark" which are where most Danes served and the focus of the documentary.

    • @feikotemme8736
      @feikotemme8736 Před 2 lety +1

      I know he served in the 5.SS-Panzerdivision.But I thought it was only logical mentioning him because the Freikorps was founded by Schalburg and him,and he commanded the Schalburg school in Kopenhagen,if I'm not mistaken.

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před 2 lety +2

      I have no knowledge of either Schalburg or Kam being involved in the formation of Free Corps Denmark. Søren Kam was later involved with the Schalburg Corps, but that was an anti-partisan unit operating in Denmark.

    • @feikotemme8736
      @feikotemme8736 Před 2 lety +2

      You are 100% correct.
      I knew he led the SS Schule Schalburg,for the Danish volunteers.In my memory the Schalburg Korps was just another name for the Freikorps.Thank you.

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před rokem

      ​@@feikotemme8736 Now there is a documentary covering Søren Kam: czcams.com/users/videorGwEDagrnzc/

  • @glennappelgren5492
    @glennappelgren5492 Před 2 lety +15

    Thanks for a very exciting and well made documentary !

  • @MrAdamF
    @MrAdamF Před 2 lety +14

    around 19:30 about Schalburg I don't know about his commander skills is he was a good commander or not. but In the WSS usually the officers lead their men into battle, not just set behind the frontline. So it was brave thing from him, cant his skills judge about this act

    • @kennygottlieb3628
      @kennygottlieb3628 Před 2 lety +4

      Im Danish Schalburg was a Captain in the Royal Guard on the Monarchs castle Amalienborg, he wasnt a good tactical or strategist, but he was a” Legend” because he fought in Finland and joined the waffen ss. The next commander was shalburgs 1A staff officer KB Martinsen, he gratuated generalstaff class as no. 2 in hes class and where a fanatical nazi. Schalburg was BORN in Russia, spoke fluent Russian and Got a hate to the bolcheviks.

    • @MrAdamF
      @MrAdamF Před 2 lety

      @@kennygottlieb3628 thank you for your answer😎👍

    • @kennygottlieb3628
      @kennygottlieb3628 Před 2 lety

      @@MrAdamF your very welcome😊

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před 2 lety +3

      Schalburg was known for being overzealous, also in Danish Army exercises before the war. Note how his staff also tried holding him back, and some veteran accounts say the same. So it’s not just a case of modern historians disagreeing with Waffen-SS doctrine. I’ve also heard veterans say K.B. Martinsen was their favourite commander, because he didn’t needlessly waste lives, whereas Schalburg would attack at all costs. Schalburg’s strengths seem to have been motivating and bonding with his men, not tactics.

  • @derekstynes9631
    @derekstynes9631 Před 2 lety +14

    To see how expert and Respectful of Those Russian Gentlemen is Truly inspiring to see , God Bless All who fall in Wartime .

  • @RAY2367
    @RAY2367 Před 3 lety +13

    An excellent and well made documentary.

  • @Wolf-hh4rv
    @Wolf-hh4rv Před 2 lety +12

    Great doc presented by a cute chick (Danish of course) I think given perfect hindsight about all WWII issues these volunteers will be judged harshly. If the Soviet Union had won the Cold War viiews would probably be very different.

  • @tavish4699
    @tavish4699 Před 2 lety +12

    they fought against communism first and foremost

    • @statoilbensin2190
      @statoilbensin2190 Před 2 lety

      Still treason

    • @tavish4699
      @tavish4699 Před 2 lety +3

      @@statoilbensin2190 not realy since their Country didnt exist anymore

    • @andreasandreotti4492
      @andreasandreotti4492 Před 2 lety

      Communism is the only hope for humans in the future!

    • @tavish4699
      @tavish4699 Před 2 lety +2

      @@andreasandreotti4492 it works so well that everytime a country tries it they have a famine :D hahahha
      it doesnt work mate

  • @toast2610
    @toast2610 Před 2 lety +4

    This is a very well-planned and executed hit piece on the dead and those who cannot talk back. If success was your objective, then congratulations you must feel fulfilled, like a hero. Just don't be shocked when one day future generations do the same to you.

    • @DrGlas
      @DrGlas Před 2 lety +1

      so true, great comment btw.

  • @vinimaguire8109
    @vinimaguire8109 Před 2 lety +9

    Thoroughly enjoyable and informative documentary....Just when you think you've learnt all thats possible about the demise of the Nazi's the Danes throw this curve ball.

  • @ExRhodesian
    @ExRhodesian Před 2 lety +13

    Good to see men of honour existed in Denmark back then.

  • @LowEnd31st
    @LowEnd31st Před rokem +2

    The Danish and Scandinavian SS troops fought extraordinarily well

  • @kriegsmarine7901
    @kriegsmarine7901 Před 2 lety +5

    Love those warriors . Love fot the civials and not the rich.

  • @felixdzerzhinsky9926
    @felixdzerzhinsky9926 Před 2 lety +4

    very interesant doc. Just 2 days ago i watch one movie about the german ocupation of Denmark

    • @thomaskondrup7659
      @thomaskondrup7659 Před 2 lety

      What movie you watched?

    • @Lobos222
      @Lobos222 Před 2 lety

      @@thomaskondrup7659 If I should recommend a Danish war movie, based on reality, it would be "Flame & Citron" (2008). The nickname of two resistance fighters.

  • @danielgreen3715
    @danielgreen3715 Před 2 lety +2

    Very interesting thankyou

  • @MrAntonBerg
    @MrAntonBerg Před 2 lety +2

    Bravo Cecilie.

  • @codaalive5076
    @codaalive5076 Před 2 lety +3

    Very well done documentary, i really like a lot of wwii filming and research people put into making it. It made me wonder if Denmark still feels the split between those who were for the nazis and those who weren't. In some way this is still going on in countries where home guard or similar organisations were stronger than in Denmark. It can undermine democracy and even start civil war if things are not straightened out. Republics of ex Yugoslavia are good example of this.

    • @N0031inq
      @N0031inq Před 2 lety +4

      "It made me wonder if Denmark still feels the split between those who were for the nazis and those who weren't"
      Not really. Danish / German relations are very odd and old and its hard to boil it down. But Danes over the ages have gone from very pro German to extremely anti German. At the beginning of WW2 the Germans were not really viewed very favorably in Denmark. Not outright hostile though but Denmark did not want anything to do with yet another central European war and wanted to remain neutral like doing WW1. The occupation of Denmark was perhaps also the lightest and less heavy handed of the countries that fell under the Nazi Germany. Most of the brutality and oppression in Denmark happened mostly in the last two years of the war when Germany were losing badly.
      Today nobody honestly care or think much about this in Denmark.

    • @codaalive5076
      @codaalive5076 Před 2 lety +2

      @@N0031inq Good to hear that. Yugoslavia suffered badly by German occupation, we also had fight between Partisans and home guard who gave oath to Hitler while becoming supporting SS units. When war was lost Partisans killed over 100.000 collaborating soldiers, sometimes parts of their families and other people who were against their cause.
      Most people didn't think this will influence present day situation but it does to a big degree. Prime minister from one of this republics now glorifies home guard by ordering army to put wreath at their symbolic grave, without having any agreement from citizens. By doing this and many other things his party is slowly undermining democracy which is very dangerous situation. I think difference between Denmark and countries i mention is that Denmark was historically a lot less split, so people don't tend to "open long closed graves".

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před 2 lety +4

      DNSAP (Danish National Socialist Worker’s Party) only had around 2% of the votes in 1939 and 1943. The Danish resistance was mostly Communist and Conservative. The Danish Home Guard, which was based on the resistance groups, was largely Conservative. Today, the Danish Defence and Home Guard don’t seem very partisan to me, but Conservatives are usually considered to be the most pro-military here.

    • @Hgoenge81
      @Hgoenge81 Před rokem

      @@N0031inq helt enig. Det er så længe siden, det sikkert kun er de tumper ovre i DNSB i Greve, der ikk rigtig er kommet videre 😂

    • @Hgoenge81
      @Hgoenge81 Před rokem +1

      Yeah, Danes still cross the German border to buy cheap booze and beers, but I don't think there is any deep seated hatred towards Germans. Or Austrians. The Swedes are worse anyway haha 😂😉
      But I feel a deep sympathy towards the guys in Frikorps Danmark. Imagine being a career soldier, and as soon as the Germans invade, you are all told to stand down. And even though several Danish soldiers shared the Nazis ideologies to some degree, most volunteered not to fight jews, not to fight against fellow Danes or because of their love for Hitler. They volunteered to fight bolsjevism. They were allowed to btw. The King allowed them to "stå udenfor nummer" translated to "stand outside number" which just means to join an army other than your own homelands. So they were permitted, and didn't break any laws. The SS even printed recruitment ads in Danish papers.
      Imo the terrorists who were responsible for the sabotage (aka "Schalburgtage"😑) are a way bigger source of embarrassment than any from the Frikorps. 🇩🇰

  • @taybak8446
    @taybak8446 Před 2 lety +12

    Thanks for letting me see the Danish Freikorp perspective of WW2. But that ginger haired/bearded historian is a joke. He said that German soldiers had the option of surrendering or deserting. WRONG! They knew they'd be shot by the Red army if they did. Everyone knows that. Your red bearded historian is a liar. Apart from that I truly love and support the Danish Freikorp heroes who fought for Germany and Europa against the Bolsheviks.

    • @kajiversen4076
      @kajiversen4076 Před 2 lety +4

      If you love the danish war criminal nazis you don’t know anything about history

    • @toast2610
      @toast2610 Před 2 lety +1

      @@kajiversen4076 Luckily we have history enforcement. After all compulsion and truth go hand in hand.

  • @oleriis-vestergaard6844
    @oleriis-vestergaard6844 Před 4 měsíci

    Per Sørensen was a very quite mann and never lost his nerves but in last battle in berlin the ordinare german soldiers disliked the waffen ss men believing they dragged the war even further and thats was maybe right but Per Sørensen was shot in the head from behind by a german wehrmacht soldier and the other comrades had a hell of problems getting him buried correctly, home in denmark his parents had a real tough time and the father clinic for animals needing help died up becauce their son worked for the germans first and even worser FOR THE SS so they had to move to a New place

  • @clarkewi
    @clarkewi Před 2 lety +2

    War isn't just serious, its life and death.

  • @danielgreen3715
    @danielgreen3715 Před rokem

    Very interesting video cheers

  • @TheYeti308
    @TheYeti308 Před 2 lety +7

    Had the Vikings united and helped the Tysk , well I suspect a different out come would be brought about .

    • @cravinghibiscus7901
      @cravinghibiscus7901 Před 2 lety +9

      lmao what a dumb thing to think..

    • @TheYeti308
      @TheYeti308 Před 2 lety

      You go sniff flowers , Me and the fellas will sniff victory . !

    • @cravinghibiscus7901
      @cravinghibiscus7901 Před 2 lety +3

      @@TheYeti308 no you won't the vikings laugh at you, history will condemn you and your children will regret being born as your child.

    • @TheYeti308
      @TheYeti308 Před 2 lety

      Right back at YA !

    • @cravinghibiscus7901
      @cravinghibiscus7901 Před 2 lety +2

      @@TheYeti308 whatever

  • @brycecrousore1985
    @brycecrousore1985 Před 2 lety

    I can't find episode 2, D-Day ... the Eastern Front documentary of Cecilie's was fantastic! Do you have episode 2? Cheers from Minnesota, USA.

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před 2 lety

      I did start making subtitles for it. But it's just about D-Day in general with a few voiceovers from a Dane fighting with the Canadians. So I figured there were already better documentaries in English covering the topic, and overall that episode seems less well made than this one.

    • @brycecrousore1985
      @brycecrousore1985 Před 2 lety +1

      @@danishdefencedocumentaries3996 I sure loved Cecilie's presentation. Hope she does more war documentaries. Thank you for your efforts and posting it, DDD!

  • @MWcrazyhorse
    @MWcrazyhorse Před 2 lety +6

    Thank you for your service!

  • @WhiskyandBacon
    @WhiskyandBacon Před 3 lety +3

    So the old numbers of 4000 Danes killed in action on the eastern front is not correct? I always heard Per Sörensen was killed by a Soviet sniper.But thats not correct either?

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před 3 lety +19

      The number of 4.000 Danes killed is presented by Oluf Krabbe, a Danish SS officer. He also stated 8.000-9.000 Danes served in the Waffen-SS. Period documents show that by the end of 1944, 12.180 Danes had applied for Waffen-SS of which 5.637 were accepted. If the recruitment rate of late 1944 carried on until the end of the war, about 5.850 Danes are assumed to been in Waffen-SS in total. At the end of 1944, 1.165 Danes were killed or missing, but it is assumed the final battles had very high casualties, which this number does not cover. The number of 2.000 Danes killed is based on the losses of Free Corps Denmark, which were around 30%. Assuming all Danes suffered 30% casualties, the number of roughly 2.000 killed, or more exactly 1.750 killed, for all Danish Waffen-SS volunteers, is reached. In any case, there is no exact number available, but it should be in the range of 1.500-2.200 killed. In regards to the death of Per Sørensen, they mention a lot of evidence points towards friendly fire, although I highly doubt it is written in a war diary or similar. The man stating it is Claus Bundgård Christensen, who is an expert in Danish Waffen-SS volunteers. But he also mentions in his book, that it could have been a sniper. (Edit: I clarified and added some numbers. Everything is taken from Claus Bundgård Christensen's Book "Under hagekors og Dannebrog" from 1998)

    • @WhiskyandBacon
      @WhiskyandBacon Před 3 lety +1

      @@danishdefencedocumentaries3996 Thank you for the info!

    • @Andrew-ps4in
      @Andrew-ps4in Před 2 lety +5

      @@danishdefencedocumentaries3996 its seems danish historians really want to believe he was shot in the back by a german soldier with little to know evidence

    • @oleriis-vestergaard6844
      @oleriis-vestergaard6844 Před 2 lety +2

      Per Sørensen was shot from behind by a wehrmact soldier becauce he thougt that the ss prolonged the fight , and there were problems getting Per Sørensen burried back then in Berlin 1945 , they could not find a priest and a graveyard

    • @oleriis-vestergaard6844
      @oleriis-vestergaard6844 Před 2 lety +1

      Per Sørensens death - its not a fake history - another danish waffen ss man was at his side when the shot hit him - other wise the troubels getting him buried never would have been told

  • @ronaldregan1941
    @ronaldregan1941 Před 2 lety +1

    soviet army waited for them with open shoulders, then they saw the eastern battle theatre at all centuries

  • @david63902
    @david63902 Před 2 lety +8

    respect danmark from georgia

    • @kajiversen4076
      @kajiversen4076 Před 2 lety +1

      Do not respect Denmark for the few Danish’s nazis around 5000 against a population of 4,5 million population respect the freedom fighters instead 🇩🇰

    • @david63902
      @david63902 Před 2 lety

      @@kajiversen4076 am Georgian and we had same situations Georgians was fighting from both sides also Germans and Soviets. Am respecting Denmark as country and people.

  • @MichaelausKoblenz1510
    @MichaelausKoblenz1510 Před 2 lety +8


  • @janporinchak5867
    @janporinchak5867 Před 2 lety +8


  • @lassemadsen3803
    @lassemadsen3803 Před 2 lety

    Ville være super med nogle undertekster, da jeg desværre ikke forstår russisk.. Ellers en spændende dokumentar

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před 2 lety +2

      Der er engelske undertekster på det hele her. Du kan se det med danske undertekster på DRTV, den hedder "Rejsen til Slagmarken: Østfronten".

  • @gubergasse
    @gubergasse Před 4 měsíci

    If you look at this account a bit squarely, it probably won't surprise anyone that today you want to ask the question: Was it actually wise to help Russia during WW2? It has subsequently turned out that Stalin was just as big a war criminal as Hitler. Actually, Stalin should be sitting on the dock next to the leading Nazis during the Nuremberg trials.

  • @thilgu
    @thilgu Před 2 lety +1

    Is there anyone in this comment section who is familiar with NSDAP Herred Leder arm badges?

  • @nicensleazy1892
    @nicensleazy1892 Před 2 lety +3

    interesting video but it highlights a total waste of life and how people were conned into believing Hitler. They made the ultimate sacrifice on ALL sides.

    • @SortenRavn
      @SortenRavn Před 2 lety

      War never changes

    • @Cotac_Rastic
      @Cotac_Rastic Před 2 lety +1

      Conned? Most of them weren't blinded by ww2 propaganda that painted the soviets as happy go lucky communists.

    • @SortenRavn
      @SortenRavn Před 2 lety

      @@Cotac_Rastic Most danes werent pro soviet either
      Most were rooting for the Americans
      Even post war the DKP (danish communist party) only had a brief (and, mediochre) surge of succes..
      Even as a socialist country, communism is seen as a step too radikal here..

  • @talusn9405
    @talusn9405 Před 2 lety +6

    Norway, unlike Denmark, has resisted and I congratulate them very much that they can feel a proud nation today!

    • @viktorhabersaat5771
      @viktorhabersaat5771 Před 2 lety +5

      Only an idiot would figt a war that was alredy lost, its easy to Call somone a covard, i dont Think you would like to die for nothing

    • @JohnSmith-un9jm
      @JohnSmith-un9jm Před 2 lety +7

      Norway sent volunteers to fight against the soviets!

    • @Hgoenge81
      @Hgoenge81 Před rokem

      Sig det til Quisling

  • @heavymetal3975
    @heavymetal3975 Před 2 lety +20

    Danmarks bedste soldater...

    • @christiandollerup8088
      @christiandollerup8088 Před 2 lety +1

      @@YaverMemolibaba nu fik de dasnke soldater jo lov af selve kongen og regeringen til at træde i tysk tjeneste.

    • @christiandollerup8088
      @christiandollerup8088 Před 2 lety +1

      @@YaverMemolibaba Pas på at du ikke lader dig foragt overskygge historiske kendsgerninger. Det var en anden tid og ingen kendte dengang til tyskernes ugerninger. Så husk at se det i dagtidens lys. Ja de var frivillige men kongen skrev et brev om at officere og befalingsmænd kunne deltage i tysk krigstjeneste og indtræde i danks tjeneste igen efterfølgende. Tror du han blev presset til det for det er der vist ikke belæg for.

    • @christiandollerup8088
      @christiandollerup8088 Před 2 lety

      @@YaverMemolibaba sov godt.

    • @cravinghibiscus7901
      @cravinghibiscus7901 Před 2 lety

      @@christiandollerup8088 Men det var dig der blev lagt til at sove her. Godt nok en fej ting at lyve til forsvar for nazister, kun noget folk gør hvis de er meget uvidne eller bare forsvare hvad de selv tror på.

    • @christiandollerup8088
      @christiandollerup8088 Před 2 lety +1

      @@cravinghibiscus7901 Jeg har intet usandt sagt og jeg forsvarer heller ikke noget. Jeg er imod at du mangler tingene så sort hvid når tingene ikke var så simple. Jeg har læst mange tykke bøger omkring dette men jeg orker ikke at diskutere det med tåber online. Så derfor sov godt sønnike. Jeg antager lidt at du er sådan en person som ikke kan finde ro i kroppen hvis du ikke får det sidste ord, så derfor kom gerne med et svar men forvent end ikke at jeg gider læse det.

  • @bro5800
    @bro5800 Před 2 lety

    ja ha borjat att forsta danska mycket bettre an forut.Tack

  • @statoilbensin2190
    @statoilbensin2190 Před 2 lety +6

    I came here just for the comments😂

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před 2 lety +1

      The amount of ignorant emotional comments is quite staggering.

    • @itsahumanperson6174
      @itsahumanperson6174 Před rokem +3

      The amount of fascists praising these people and trying to rewrite history is honestly disgusting.

  • @BimmerHanErDejlig
    @BimmerHanErDejlig Před 2 lety +4

    Funny old items were lying on surface of the grass? after 75 years

    • @Ianderification
      @Ianderification Před 2 lety +3

      Skovene i Baltikum og det vestligste Rusland er stadigvæk fyldt med alverdens genstande fra dengang, der er utallige videoer her på CZcams der viser folk gennemsøge dem med metaldetektorer

    • @petervandyk7173
      @petervandyk7173 Před 2 lety +3

      Det samme gør sig gældende i skovområdet syd for Berlin (hvor Busse og Wencks armeer mødtes), og i Hürtgenwald. Lige uden for Vossenack i Hürtgenwald er der stadig områder som er spærret af, på grund af miner, ueksploderet ammo osv.

    • @kennygottlieb3628
      @kennygottlieb3628 Před 2 lety +1

      @@petervandyk7173 det var godtnok os en slagmark den skov…”meatgrinder”…

    • @BimmerHanErDejlig
      @BimmerHanErDejlig Před 2 lety

      @@Ianderification Enig er ikke i tvivl om at det findes, bare ikke oven på græsset, så min pointe var at russerne snød den kære journalist fra DR (hvilket i sig selv ikke er overraskende)

    • @poulpedersen359
      @poulpedersen359 Před 2 lety +1

      @@BimmerHanErDejlig hmm hvis du er opmærksom på hvad der bliver sagt af russerne fortæller de jo netop at de har gravet ligrester op på de steder hvor materiellet ligger, og blandt andet bruger hjelme etc på stave til at markere fund. en anden ting der bliver sagt er at der kun er et jorddække på ca 10 cm over ligresterne så der er en meget sparsom dannelse af organisk materiale i området, hvorfor der sagtens kan ligge ting og sager der ikke er dækket af jord trods den lange tid der er gået siden slagene .

  • @tombrunila2695
    @tombrunila2695 Před 2 lety +9

    A Real Danish Hero: czcams.com/video/-N97HuSmkG4/video.html

  • @waltzingalma4389
    @waltzingalma4389 Před 2 lety +6

    rigtig god formidlet

  • @ShiningForce07
    @ShiningForce07 Před 2 lety

    What about Sven Hassel? Was he a scammer? Or his books base on real memories?

    • @MrAstrojensen
      @MrAstrojensen Před 2 lety +1

      I am not sure. On one hand, much of his books are undeniably fiction (some of the battles they take part in happen at the same time, but in different parts of the world, for example), but many of the small details are often uncannily accurately described, especially in the first books, and he appears to have a deep understanding of human psychology. I think he had real combat experience, but the books are mostly fiction.

    • @kenhart8771
      @kenhart8771 Před 2 lety +1

      Sven Hassel have seen combat. His body was full of war scars which could be seen when he was at the beach in 70ties.

  • @3dmagicdk
    @3dmagicdk Před 2 lety +2

    Super documentary og sikke en sød flot pige der viser os rundt.

  • @GudmundLarsen-pi7im
    @GudmundLarsen-pi7im Před měsícem

    The Danish waffen ss guys was fighting Russians. they ware not all Nazis ..they went to fight Russian ..because of what they did to Finland....

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před měsícem

      About 75% of them were members of DNSAP, and you can add the members of other Danish National Socialist parties on top of that, so it's clear that the far majority sympatised with that ideology. There were some veterans from the Winter War and Republican volunteers from the Spanish Civil War, but even though the Corps was initially supposed to be purely Anti-Communist, the mutiny against C.P. Kryssing and the takeover by C.F. von Schalburg made the unit increasingly ideological.

  • @krakenregiment
    @krakenregiment Před 2 lety +1

    What's the name of this sweet girl?

  • @Corky341
    @Corky341 Před 2 lety +5

    Two Free Corps old comrades are chatting after watching one of their mixed race grandsons twerking at a gay pride event and the question came up 'was it worth it?'. :-(

  • @markolesenjensen8428
    @markolesenjensen8428 Před rokem

    Hun fylder alt for meget i programmet. Nej tak

  • @borockjensen6757
    @borockjensen6757 Před 2 lety +1

    MarXister skal FJERNES

  • @tylerstamps2786
    @tylerstamps2786 Před 2 lety

    What in the world language are they speaking??

  • @toast2610
    @toast2610 Před 2 lety +3

    A documentary about a war that skips over who declared war in the first place. Also tries to sell the rediculous notion that the individual or even combined militaries of the British Empire, the French Empire, the Soviet Empire, and the American Empire were somehow weaker in men, equipment and resources than that of Germany.

    • @Hgoenge81
      @Hgoenge81 Před rokem

      What the hell are you moaning about?? Did you even see the doc?

  • @sebastiaanvanwater
    @sebastiaanvanwater Před 2 lety +8

    Imagine if these volunteers had fought to liberate their country...

    • @taxandvax685
      @taxandvax685 Před 2 lety +9

      that is what they did

    • @sebastiaanvanwater
      @sebastiaanvanwater Před 2 lety +6

      @@taxandvax685 if you believe that then you are as deluded as they were.
      Luckily for Denmark, the country was liberated in spite of those fools.

    • @drmaawenz
      @drmaawenz Před 2 lety +4

      At least Denmark (except Bornholm) was not "liberated" by the Russians.

    • @SortenRavn
      @SortenRavn Před 2 lety

      Liberated from what exactly..?
      Only thing we (partially) were liberated from, were national socialist fools

    • @MWcrazyhorse
      @MWcrazyhorse Před 2 lety +1

      @@sebastiaanvanwater Oh yeah?
      You like it better now?
      Who is going to liberate you from all the migrants?

  • @patricksimon9501
    @patricksimon9501 Před 2 lety +1

    ich bin Wallonien alles god !

  • @jeffmoore9487
    @jeffmoore9487 Před 2 lety +1

    Per Sorensen, seeing his country attacked, joined his attackers to kill Jews, but wound up killing anybody from the USSR. He didn't like fighting beside Romanians or Catholics, and upon returning to Denmark for rest, wound up fighting his own people. He was finally killed in Berlin by Germans for continuing to fight. He sounds like a maniac.

  • @pb4121020
    @pb4121020 Před 2 lety +3

    This shows the dark side of Danish collaboration with and support for Nazism. On the other hand, there were also brave and selfless Danes who assisted their Jewish population in escaping German deportation by crossing to neutral Sweden. This was a unique occurrence in German occupied Europe. These were clearly good people who were willing to act in the darkest of times and did not share the beliefs of many of their fellow countrymen.

    • @danishdefencedocumentaries3996
      @danishdefencedocumentaries3996  Před 2 lety +1

      You seem to believe that Denmark was anti-Jewish during WW2, which is not the case. The Danish National Socialist Worker's Party only got 2% of the votes at their peak. The reason why so many Jews were able to flee, and generally had better conditions compared to others, was that the Germans knew persecution of the Danish Jews would cause outrage.

    • @pb4121020
      @pb4121020 Před 2 lety

      @@danishdefencedocumentaries3996 Thank you for your clarification.

    • @funtecstudiovideos4102
      @funtecstudiovideos4102 Před rokem

      How was that unique?

  • @simonacinghita7719
    @simonacinghita7719 Před 2 lety +2

    Sven Hassel :)

  • @Lobos222
    @Lobos222 Před 2 lety +3


  • @richardthomas1566
    @richardthomas1566 Před 2 lety +2

    We have Trump Supporters that can’t go home for Christmas and rightly so .

    • @statoilbensin2190
      @statoilbensin2190 Před 2 lety +1

      What lol? Trump is a hero he is the one who fights the return of fascism.

    • @daniellejones5981
      @daniellejones5981 Před 2 lety

      @@statoilbensin2190 Charlottesville Virginia 2017 NAZI Torch Light March, January 6, 2021 Trump Is A F##king Fascist!

    • @kenhart8771
      @kenhart8771 Před 2 lety

      fascism foundation is big (leftist) government and big business collaboration. Don’t see Trump and republicans fit into this union.

    • @daniellejones5981
      @daniellejones5981 Před 2 lety

      @@kenhart8771 if Fascists are so far Left, why do they Alway's go after Communists and Socialists First? They do it Every Time!

    • @wor53lg50
      @wor53lg50 Před rokem

      Why replied comments been removed on this one? 🤔 god damn liberal lefties..

  • @trafalgarssn
    @trafalgarssn Před 2 lety +3

    Traitors then

  • @skogstjuven
    @skogstjuven Před 2 lety +1

    Sweden is disspoint by this Danmark .

    • @g3523jaen
      @g3523jaen Před 2 lety +9

      Sweden supported Germany with the resources (iron-ore) to build weapons of war. It was actually the protection of those resources that came from Sweden that made Hitler order the invasion of Denmark and Norway. Trust me. Sweden was more involved in this war than you would ever imagine. Without those resources, Germany wouldn`t have been able to wage war. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_iron-ore_industry_during_World_War_II

    • @N0031inq
      @N0031inq Před 2 lety +7

      yeah and Sweden transported and gave free passage for Germans to invade and wage war on Norway. How very noble.

    • @tadasdovii8262
      @tadasdovii8262 Před 2 lety +1

      Sweden returned many Lithuanian Jews to nazi germany. Sweden returned alot Lithuanians refugees to soviet union. Sweden took part of Lithuania gold rezerve and gave it to soviet union. I bet you not even know what atrocities have done soviets.

    • @neinnein9306
      @neinnein9306 Před 2 lety +1

      ​@@N0031inq haha yes... they give free passage for North Africa till today. ^^

    • @MWcrazyhorse
      @MWcrazyhorse Před 2 lety +1

      @@N0031inq Indeed.
      The Swedes are good people!
      Thank you Sweden!

  • @borockjensen6757
    @borockjensen6757 Před 10 měsíci +3


  • @trafalgarssn
    @trafalgarssn Před rokem +2

    This video is simply about traitors

    • @rasmushusted2961
      @rasmushusted2961 Před 5 měsíci +1

      You obviously don’t know anything about it lol