  • čas přidán 21. 09. 2022
  • Today I put bomb collars on players and make them start a crime wave against my entire server.
    NEW CHANNEL: ‪@jmwgaming‬
    EDITOR: ‪@ReeceBrunke‬
    INTRO VFX: danos.works/
    MERCH: teespring.com/stores/jmwfilms
    jmwFILMer PC Line: apexpartner.app/redirect/JMWF... (Promo code "jmw" for 5% off!)
    I receive a small commission to support my channel!
    ➢My Discord: / discord
    ➢Twitter: / jmwfilms_yt
    ➢Facebook: / jmwfilmsyt
    ➢Instagram: / jmwfilms
    ➢Twitch: / jmwfilms
  • Hry

Komentáře • 624

  • @jmwFILMS
    @jmwFILMS  Před rokem +142

    Whats the first thing you would do if you had a bomb collar on you?
    Second Channel: czcams.com/channels/ISSVqgvSlWCcaUFFhF3bxQ.html
    APPLY TO PGN: www.pgnforum.com/application

    • @IgniteDriver
      @IgniteDriver Před rokem +1

      I would probably uhhhh blow up and die

    • @Puppet_The_Shark
      @Puppet_The_Shark Před rokem +7

      Go to the military

    • @LocalAriral
      @LocalAriral Před rokem +7

      Make it go off, I like bombs

    • @Xxsn1purrrxX
      @Xxsn1purrrxX Před rokem +4

      Cut it lol

    • @Mrbuffman
      @Mrbuffman Před rokem +5

      Also do not understand the threat of blowing up the collar while the same person is in the car with you it's literally like the phrase I'm taking you with me 😂

  • @crim22
    @crim22 Před rokem +269

    The 1st guy is probably the best rplayer like no joke he’s like that one black guy in those early 2000 comedy movies only there to deliver funny one liners 😂

    • @FurryBugi
      @FurryBugi Před rokem +25

      100% agree! genuinely feels like your watching a movie with rplayers like that.

    • @O5_CounciI
      @O5_CounciI Před 11 měsíci +8

      Fr though.

    • @Dukethenuke91
      @Dukethenuke91 Před 9 měsíci +2

      Is he in any other vids?

    • @Jr6lack45
      @Jr6lack45 Před 5 měsíci

      ​Fyyygyyyyvcfytytyy5fffggyyytgfyytgyftfygyfffyvyyygf5fffyy5gffygyvgtytygttgytfytvfytggf5fgfggyggffyvggyyyfyyttf5g5ggytgfyfffft5ygggyfgfyttgffffftfggfgyfvttgffgyf5ftfyftyfgfyfyyyyytfvfyyfgvfygftyygvfg5fvyygygyfgttf5fgf5ygggtffgfgyfygfygg5tygftygfygfvtggfygtftgyftfvfftftfvffgyftyyfyyfgytvfyftvtvcvttgytgygg55gtftvyygvvyfggcygf5fyffyffytfgyyftyfcyyggtyfvfgtvygyfytgfftftggftfygtgftgfyfycftfgtcftff5ftvfttyggtyfyg5gytgt5gf5g5gfgtygtctyvtfgtftyfgcyvttgtygffftcgctfgtytgfgygfttt5tvffvyvtygfyttgtttvyctftgtgyytyy5fffffgfyfytgyvvgvyytgtgftyftgtvfyt5ftvtyyftgfffvyytvtygtfyftfyfgyfyfgftyyfygy5gftttctgfty5cytyyyftffygftyf5f5gfyygfttcgtftvfyt5tgyvtfyyffytygfggfttfffgyfvftygyg5ygtgyffygygygytftgtfgfttffygfyt5gycfvfttffvffffgtgtygftfffftvgytyyytgttgtyfttgfyftgyygttvtvfgytfftvyfyffgttyfggtfgffyfttfytffttgyffvygtyfyy6tvytyyvfyggyvfgyfyfyyfyygttyytyfgy5ttftyfvfcygtfycgftgftygvyttttv5yffygfftgvfg5ffyftfyfygc5ftgfgfyffytfvyfftcfftfyggffyfgttyffycvtgtgtygftgyfytgtfgyfyftyyfyyyg5fgttfyttvftvyftctygtvyvtftcvtgtyvyfgtvfggfgtygyfffffttgttcfgtgyfg5ffgyvfyyfggvyyyfyygttffyvfytyfttfyggtfyfftygtfgy5yfftygttvyftvvycf5tyyfhffttfgvfttttvytctgyttggcytfygyfygyyftfftf5ttvyyttfftytyg5gttcftfttgf5v5fyvvtyfg5fgtvfygfyttftttgftttgtvgvygtygygtctyfgftgffvvfyvtffgfvyttygyyfftyfygftggftyfg5yfvgyvtctvtgfvgygvtfyyfgygygfyfygfvtycgttygyffftvygcfftcy5ggy5fggtyfft5fygctvfgvt5vygffyggyggtvyfyfygfyt5vyfyygvtcft5vtvyf5tgyyftvftyvgygtfgfftvtfyygcttcgtfvyggfy5ygvffyyygggtygggtyttfty5yvgttvygyhvtft5tgfftyygytvffyg5yfttvftgfytt5gyvyffvffvtfyfcfgtgtygtv5gtfyfyfgtftyycytctttfftfgtttvggtfyfty5gfgyttggttfgtyfggffgttv5gftffttfgytyffygfgttftffftfftgyfgttffvgtffgyfgfyfgftftyfytvfyyttvffyvfygttfffvttgggytfyt5gtvtf5ffttvfygfvytg5gft5vyfgfy55ftcgtgfttgftyftyy55fgyftytfgyffhffyfyffgg5gf5fgtggfytgfyfftttvfffftygtyttvfffgggyggfffyfgyycggtggyygytffytytgfftttyff5ftgvgfytfgttfyfyygtfvggffftyggvftgfftgytftffytttttftcyygtffvfyttcfgvtftgfytfftfgftvvtytfyfyfggttvyttffytyftvggygvfftyfytyyftttvfyttyftvyfgftctfgyv5gtytytvyyfvvfyfftfygffyygfyffftcttf5fgftftyygy5tttcftctfygtcffyggyvvgyvttgfyftgftff5tc5ytygtcffgttttvftfgyygtctfyfgf5gfytfftfftvfftgtyfygtcyf5yggtytffgtgfgggyfy5yff5v5fvtcfffyffggfvyfvfgvtttfygftffgfftgtcfggfttgyffftgvgfttygytgyfggttyfttvfgytygygfvyytgffffytfvttgfgtffygygggfftgffyttttctygyfgyftyttgfftvffftfggtffgffttfyfgffvgfftfgtgfftfftfyftfftfggvvtgggffffttygfgvtfgvffftfftfffgfggffftvftyfftfffgfttffffcvvcf vtfgfftffffgfftffyftfvvfgftfgffffffftgfffgtffffgffgfffvffffffftfffgfffcfffftgffgffftfgtftttgtfvffttffff5vcftffffffftgfftfffftffgfrgffgffcffgfttgfvtttfftcgtgcfffvfffrftvftftgtfvttffffyttcfcfvffttfgfcftffvfvfgffgffffffffcfffffffgcfftvfgtgfycgvrvftctffffffffffftgfffvfgfycfffvfftvfgtfcftfftfgffgfggfvytffctftgffffvgtvgfffffgfgfffffffffgfffffffvtffcvffftgtvgfgffyfffgvfvfgffyfgfvfgfvfffffffgvfcvtgffcfffvfftcfgytftvtvfffffffgtfftfvtffvtvftttyggftftfctvtgtgfttftffcgvffftffcfttffcvtfvfffftyftctfffffgfvggtttffgfgffgfftfyffftcttctv cfcfcfcgffftggtgftfctffvffgffvfcttfffvtfgffttfccftftcftcffcfftggffftrtvfftftvtfgfftffffvfttvgfcfcfvftffcvttcfyffffgyffffgffffffyfgvftgffgcfgtcgtgcftvttfftfggfffffffcffffvffftffgfgfgfgffggtcffvfgftfcftctfffffftvtcvffftvgftfttfggfttgfffftfgfcffftfrfffgcgfvgtfggfvfgffgfffgfftvfgfcfcggfggftcvcfgffgftfftffffvfftgfffcffgvvfffffffcfvfffffcfcvctvvvtggftffgttffvgfgtcfcgfvgffvgffftfffffffffcttgfvffvfcfcftffttftg fgyctftffccfcfffvfffffffffgfffftfgfgftggcffffgvftffgfffvfffftfftcfgfcftffvgffftcfgffggcffgftffyfggtcffffffffvfttgcgvvfftffftffvtffffgffvffftfftcfffffctffcgffftffycfvfgyfgffvftfcfvffctcffffcffftctfcgtctgffgyfffffvffgfvftgfftcfftfffgccgvgtcffrtffggfgtffvttgvtffvcyb5ytffyfgfgfyfvyvgfftffgffgyyyfffgtffvgggfytfgfyftfgffffttfygffgftfgffttyfgyfffggvytfffgyfgffvftgyfggvffgfffgfftgtgffvfggffffffffygfggftvgyfvrtgfffffffffyffyyygfvfftvvrfttvyvffftvfgyfttfvfvggfvgtggfyftftftfggftfyffff5fgtfyfffyfvgffffttfftvftrfgfyfvtfgyttfyfffftftgyggftftytggffgfggvffgffvgffvfvffftfgftfgffgfff5fctg55@PaxtheRagdoll6j. 31:36 0😊😊

    • @mysocksarewet
      @mysocksarewet Před 4 měsíci +3

      @@Jr6lack45 same, agreed. That’s a great point.

  • @lancetell1148
    @lancetell1148 Před rokem +381

    The role-play in this one was so great how they just can come up with everything they’re saying on the spot like that

    • @FirespearOfficial
      @FirespearOfficial Před rokem +11

      When you have over a 1000 hours in role play, things like that come naturally. I agree, it’s awesome!

  • @brock4372
    @brock4372 Před rokem +186

    "If I'm dying, you're dying with me" lmfao
    Dude, this is by far the best GTAV content I've seen. 👏

  • @ReeceBrunke
    @ReeceBrunke Před rokem +639

    This was my favorite intro to do! Make sure you like the video guys!

    • @zombieslime5824
      @zombieslime5824 Před rokem +17

      OmG iT's ReEcE bRuNkE yOu DiD liKe ThE jMw ViDeOs

    • @tylipscombe6340
      @tylipscombe6340 Před rokem +11

      Thanks for everything you done for this channel bro🙏🔥

    • @TheJoker-vz9fl
      @TheJoker-vz9fl Před rokem +2

      @@zombieslime5824 it is reece lol look at his channel

    • @fungamegg7339
      @fungamegg7339 Před rokem +1

      @@zombieslime5824 he's not talking to you, you must be 12

    • @zombieslime5824
      @zombieslime5824 Před rokem +2

      @@fungamegg7339 dude I got a notification and for some reason i could only see that reply so I did not even read it i just figured he was the one who replied to me

  • @toddaustin449
    @toddaustin449 Před rokem +239

    Fun fact: this actually did happen at one point, a pizza delivery driver was planning a bank heist with 2 others and the two switched plans without him knowing, and made him wear a bomb collar and gave a list of things for him to do, he goes to the bank with a walking cane gun and on live TV, his head was blown off by the collar

    • @inspector5122
      @inspector5122 Před rokem +51

      It was 2003 in Pennsylvania. The victim was 46 year old Brian Wells

    • @toddaustin449
      @toddaustin449 Před rokem +20

      @@inspector5122 yep, there's a video made by someone named qxir, explains the whole ordeal

    • @MythGaming13
      @MythGaming13 Před rokem +23

      Oh yea that’s immediately what I thought of when I saw the title, I now have PTSD from watching that Netflix documentary 😅

    • @scrubelite4915
      @scrubelite4915 Před rokem +12

      @@inspector5122 yooo that’s crazy I’m from PA

    • @stillcantbesilencedevennow
      @stillcantbesilencedevennow Před rokem +8

      @@scrubelite4915 same.Budd Dwyer was another crazy PA exclusive story. (I think that was his name)

  • @drowzzy4936
    @drowzzy4936 Před rokem +66

    The development of the story with Skinwalker and Antler, they sound and look like they are some next level super villain shit!

  • @sinistergamer2396
    @sinistergamer2396 Před rokem +7

    "What did you do to get in this situation?..."
    "...left the house..." 😂😂😂

  • @enderdragoncrafter2412
    @enderdragoncrafter2412 Před rokem +32

    "What did you do to be in this situation?"
    "I left the house"
    Note to self, when living in Los Santos never leave house.

    • @-RSModz-
      @-RSModz- Před rokem

      I was the guy who Asked the question

  • @fighter1375
    @fighter1375 Před rokem +282

    Idea: Harold creates a mech made out of cardboard and causes mass mayhem throughout the city. The mech is impervious to gunfire, bullets, or explosions. The one weakness is water, and a guy with a water gun can take down the mech

    • @JC-op7qr
      @JC-op7qr Před rokem +13

      Yes water can wet the cardboard and if that happens the cardboard mech will be disfunctional.

    • @joshstraub6972
      @joshstraub6972 Před rokem +2

      Good idea

    • @ashleesmith580
      @ashleesmith580 Před rokem +5

      Yes! Everyone knows cardboard is impervious to gunfire. Lol No, I actually like this idea. I think it's funny. Cardboard's Greatest Enemy - A Squirt Gun 🔫. The whole police department arm themselves with water pistols!

    • @staple_boi
      @staple_boi Před rokem

      Kinda already did big mech😊

    • @thehistorylover-
      @thehistorylover- Před rokem +1

      I love this idea

  • @chazfromouterspace
    @chazfromouterspace Před rokem +119

    no lie, the guy with the bomb on him, carried this whole video, dude was absolutely hilarious

  • @MonarchKingLordCommanderGrinch

    Jmwfilms is a kind of channel that just gets better and better with each upload

  • @slimshady4life689
    @slimshady4life689 Před rokem +61

    “I’m sorry I’m sorry”
    “Oh your sorry? Pile of horseshit, your sorry” 😂😂😂

  • @Igami_No_Io
    @Igami_No_Io Před rokem +64

    Normal trolling: *Gets thrown by water balloons*
    Jmwfilns trolling: *Gets strapped with a bomb collar*

  • @red_hrlow
    @red_hrlow Před rokem +126

    Stuff like this is what makes James and pro the best.

  • @savagekingtexas_3990
    @savagekingtexas_3990 Před rokem +43

    I remember what Reece said during your birthday stream. "Tomorrows episode is going to be explosive"
    And y'all did well

  • @ParadoxConduit
    @ParadoxConduit Před rokem +21

    Ha, the Skinwalkers thought they could catch The Bagman? That was just my wannabe imposter!

    • @perrybb2
      @perrybb2 Před rokem +1

      Holy crap Bagman, you're alive!

  • @shanelayman8653
    @shanelayman8653 Před rokem +8

    the interaction with the dude in the white jacket was fucking hilarious

  • @blengdiabloed7335
    @blengdiabloed7335 Před rokem +29

    It's funny how jmw and the players he's interacting is being put in the same situation where all of them has no control, not even jmw himself and is on loss. Like they were "man if he can't do anything about it then you can't too." these RPs really are good when you are put in the similar situation as everyone.

  • @gilsaucedo8327
    @gilsaucedo8327 Před rokem +39

    Hilarious video please keep up the great content it always makes me cheerful.

  • @bigj7499
    @bigj7499 Před rokem +8

    “I’m neck deep in Sh@t right now!” Classic line!🤣🤣

  • @PaulO-hn9kg
    @PaulO-hn9kg Před rokem +16

    Alright, I'm definitely enjoying the Skinwalker plotlines so far. Keep it up, JMW!

  • @cruzcola4515
    @cruzcola4515 Před rokem +6

    A nest of insect "mimics" has made home in the sewers of Los Santos. They come out at night to imitate human beings and kill unsuspecting victims, or even take them back to the hive alive.
    This is from a movie series called "Mimic" and would be really cool to do an rp based off of it! I enjoy your content a lot!! Keep up the good work.

  • @Ratrodjoe30
    @Ratrodjoe30 Před rokem +3

    I love that you brought Skinwalker and Antler Back,I love when there are certain characters that get added into the list of often shown characters

  • @ghostphoenix666
    @ghostphoenix666 Před rokem +5

    Idk y but the phrase, “man imma blow up in this shitty bank” through me so off guard I busted out laughing😂😂

  • @toxxic111
    @toxxic111 Před rokem +9

    We need a pt2 of The "bomb walker" loved this!

  • @DaMzHn
    @DaMzHn Před rokem +12

    jmwfilms just did it again!

  • @KingofGames216
    @KingofGames216 Před rokem +32

    Man its hard to keep track of all the KOs in this video!!! Can someone count for me how many people exploded in this video?!?!

  • @quiiok9648
    @quiiok9648 Před rokem +3

    daddy jmw posted today, its a good day!😇

  • @oaktreeholler
    @oaktreeholler Před rokem +5

    I love these characters. They were awesome in the exploding cig Rp and equally awesome in this.

  • @S-C-A-G-S
    @S-C-A-G-S Před rokem +4

    this is some real suicide squad shit.

  • @Guy-gh2pk
    @Guy-gh2pk Před rokem +9

    Awesome video as always. Kind of reminds me of a saw trap

  • @Galactic_Forges
    @Galactic_Forges Před rokem +13

    Amazing video, JMW! I always love the cinematic stuff, but the RP talent on display is equally impressive. Like acting on a smaller scale.

  • @Mr_Sake
    @Mr_Sake Před rokem +2

    this looks like a new villan in the pgn's Universe,I'm sold

  • @mochimarvel9763
    @mochimarvel9763 Před rokem +20

    Great video as always ! ❤️ LOL the explosions are great

  • @jadajohn8099
    @jadajohn8099 Před rokem +8

    The part were he say "you look like a dorito under there" got me

  • @whothehorton660
    @whothehorton660 Před rokem +8

    Okay, either we need the Payday Gang invades losSantos and Rob's gangs and banks alike for the ultimate heist.
    Or... We need some people to call the wrong number.
    Do this idea again, but make it where you pick the toughest players to make the hotline Miami crew.

  • @jaykay1332
    @jaykay1332 Před rokem +10

    2 mins in and almost forgot this was GTA. Amazing job

  • @waffleai5037
    @waffleai5037 Před rokem +12

    Love you so much keep make the best videos ever. You have inspired so many so keep at it

  • @nathanford2072
    @nathanford2072 Před rokem +67

    Idea: A Giant Basilisk (aka giant fucking serpent) awakes after years and finds out the PD have built right on top of his home. Now it gets revenge by making sure nothing stands in its way to reclaim its home, by grabbing people from under the sandy ground of sandy shores. Would be a nice touch to the monster series.

    • @Ralampos
      @Ralampos Před rokem +6

      ... you need to make an overhaul...
      what you said is impossible
      or it would take a few weeks

    • @Life_none
      @Life_none Před rokem +2

      Yes but make it venomous

    • @nathanford2072
      @nathanford2072 Před rokem +1

      Imagine the terrifying screams of the pd however

    • @nathanford2072
      @nathanford2072 Před rokem

      @The holy Eagle to be fair, most of the monster videos take a week to plan out and prepare since james wants to make it look good.

  • @gruntmasterbroadcast
    @gruntmasterbroadcast Před rokem +45

    Idea: A mechanic working on cars is suddenly "bitten" by a radioactive truck resulting in the mechanic whenever night rolls around turning him into a were-truck... This were-truck feeds off the motor oil and blood of lesser vehicles (and people who are unfortunate enough to be nearby) absorbing their strength and making it his own... Can the people of San Andreas stop this were-truck?! Or will the vehicles in San Andreas become food for the truck..

  • @kaixerz_playz3403
    @kaixerz_playz3403 Před rokem +7

    Everytime i see jmw new videos it puts a smile to my face 😁

  • @yagotsumbeanz4946
    @yagotsumbeanz4946 Před rokem +2

    This made my day better. Thank you jmw love your content.

  • @miss.dannitiger
    @miss.dannitiger Před rokem +1

    I seriously fell in love with Bandages 🤕and Antlers 🦌 i love these new characters 🥰🥰🥰💖

  • @BasedwithaC
    @BasedwithaC Před rokem +2

    bandage face and antlers are my favourite new introductions to pgn

  • @WaffleyHD
    @WaffleyHD Před rokem +6

    Plot twist: He was a FBI Agent working with the crew to get them busted.

  • @Elijah_Walker
    @Elijah_Walker Před rokem +2

    This was the funniest video yet 😂

  • @spoon4419
    @spoon4419 Před rokem +1

    This is going to be lit

  • @justinborgman2637
    @justinborgman2637 Před rokem +1

    I love that skinwalker rp thingy

  • @alberttj9912
    @alberttj9912 Před rokem +19

    You should bring the character more often it’s so perfect

  • @Apocryptoz
    @Apocryptoz Před rokem +1

    Woop woop! New video!! Keep up the work

  • @VarykLehman
    @VarykLehman Před dnem

    jmwFILMS is a banger at 2:00 AM

  • @pumpkinman334
    @pumpkinman334 Před rokem +2

    yes more lore feed me

  • @chickwenswin475
    @chickwenswin475 Před rokem +1

    I love the cinematics JMW keep it up

  • @stupidlyintelligent491
    @stupidlyintelligent491 Před rokem +2

    These videos are always the highlight of my day! ❤

  • @tylipscombe6340
    @tylipscombe6340 Před rokem +1

    This video was just awesome Love it

  • @biancaisidk
    @biancaisidk Před rokem

    I seriously love you and your content. Always makes me happier and laugh.

  • @tristunalekzander5608
    @tristunalekzander5608 Před rokem +2

    "The 'Bomb Collar Group' idk what to call them"
    *me* THE SUICIDE SQUAD!?!?

  • @glich_965
    @glich_965 Před rokem +2

    Keep up the good work jmw

  • @scope846
    @scope846 Před rokem +1

    Bro this video was amazing 10/10

  • @Imallwaysuseless
    @Imallwaysuseless Před rokem +2

    Your my favorite youtuber

  • @Dixon121234
    @Dixon121234 Před rokem

    Love the return of August. great video james, a masterpiece if you will. lol

  • @i_think_i_am_lost
    @i_think_i_am_lost Před rokem +4

    Idea: Sweet little Granny makes and sells cookies. But the cookies are suspicious! 👀

  • @Razielzian
    @Razielzian Před rokem

    Awesome twist ending! Love it

  • @xkitus2455
    @xkitus2455 Před rokem +1

    yo this vid is fire bro... sick dude

  • @sonnyabbott86
    @sonnyabbott86 Před rokem

    Great to see rocky goates back

  • @anthony4x2
    @anthony4x2 Před rokem

    These videos are all bangers🔥🔥

  • @PrestonFiveM
    @PrestonFiveM Před rokem +5

    Here’s a idea: Through a big party at one of the many mansions in the server and slowly pick off people with a ghostface outfit while also switching in between a character and acting as a party guest. Maybe lock them inside or something to prevent people from leaving. Also remember there’s always a second killer.

  • @JehuSaunders
    @JehuSaunders Před rokem

    Ayo! These series are epic. Always look forward to these videos keep it up the awesome work man!

  • @uvhollow
    @uvhollow Před rokem +2

    Love the vids broo

  • @boetqt4061
    @boetqt4061 Před rokem +2

    When you see a jmwFILMS upload, you already gonna know its a good day

  • @Destiny10457
    @Destiny10457 Před rokem +4

    This was an awesome video🙃

  • @itstroupthebeast8039
    @itstroupthebeast8039 Před rokem +1

    Best person ever to watch if you want something exciting I wait every day for a new video your the best jmw

  • @chikkin_thuggit
    @chikkin_thuggit Před rokem +2

    the return of antler and bandage face 👏👏 W video

  • @SoundWaveTransformers
    @SoundWaveTransformers Před 11 měsíci

    Dude James is literally The Riddler. Now all we need is Batman

  • @bunnyfufu9933
    @bunnyfufu9933 Před 5 měsíci

    "I left the house" I felt that one 😂😂

  • @Mrbuffman
    @Mrbuffman Před rokem +2

    Bandage man looks kind of like this one guy from Arizona that used to be part of this weird Roman army 😂

  • @redcomet9301
    @redcomet9301 Před rokem +2

    “The frist time wasn’t enough. What fucking expect to get my penny’s too. “ 35:50

  • @philipacquarola69
    @philipacquarola69 Před rokem +1

    loveing the vids jmw

  • @mrdave9425
    @mrdave9425 Před rokem +3

    "I just want to go home and play some fortnite" you are hilarious great video keep up the good work james

  • @thebirdnerd
    @thebirdnerd Před rokem +1

    Great video as always

  • @nathanford2072
    @nathanford2072 Před rokem

    Great video, keep up the work james!

  • @mrmonke4722
    @mrmonke4722 Před rokem

    Yay another great one

  • @hehe_201
    @hehe_201 Před 11 měsíci

    This is FUNNY AS HELL 😂😂😂😂

  • @lpscutielps5093
    @lpscutielps5093 Před rokem +1

    Man I love these videos

  • @joshuajackson472
    @joshuajackson472 Před rokem

    Prolly the best intro I've seen on one of your vids. Good directing and acting. Nice.

  • @notreal9053
    @notreal9053 Před rokem

    this was a masterpiece

  • @yonnaaaaaa
    @yonnaaaaaa Před rokem

    another masterpiece ❤️

  • @Ethan-zm1fg
    @Ethan-zm1fg Před rokem

    Love the videos keep up the amazing work

  • @hayleycanfield4362
    @hayleycanfield4362 Před rokem +1

    1:42 is amazing

  • @reemee2075
    @reemee2075 Před rokem +1

    Thanks for the video always ur the best 💞💞

  • @BraggingRightsFights
    @BraggingRightsFights Před rokem +2

    you have to do a hotline Miami video where you call someone on the server who is good at pvp and give them a gun. tell them a cryptic message about a mafia place and have them shoot up the place

  • @jericho1733
    @jericho1733 Před rokem +1

    38:11 the secondary explosion was personal lol

  • @kevinroach7898
    @kevinroach7898 Před rokem +1

    I love pro's new character with the cough

  • @sebastianvlogsandgames8228

    Lets goo new vid

  • @pukblo3708
    @pukblo3708 Před rokem +1

    lol i like it keep it up!

  • @lkclassics7488
    @lkclassics7488 Před rokem +1

    Nice Ideas 👍

  • @Enclave_Secret_Service

    I cant wait for part 2

  • @Vamp1re000
    @Vamp1re000 Před rokem +1

    Congrats on 1m bro

  • @RGOR30
    @RGOR30 Před rokem

    Love The point The story and The end perfect even if i dont watch it i know its Real good already