Robertsonian Translocations - Educational Webinar

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • This interactive webinar is intended for individuals who have recently learned that they carry a genetic anomaly called a Robertsonian translocation. It is designed to accompany and provide preparation for a genetic counselling session. We’ll cover some genetic basics, what a Robertsonian translocation is, and how being a carrier can affect fertility and family planning.
    We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about the condition with the help of a board-certified genetic counsellor.
    Webinar References
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    4. Kagan, K.O., Sonek, J., and Kozlowski, P. (2022). Antenatal screening for chromosomal
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    5. Kolgeci, S., Kolgeci, J., Azemi, M., Shala, R., Dakas, A., and Sopjani, M. (2013).
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    11. Vičić, A., Hafner, T., Bekavac Vlatković, I., Korać, P., Habek, D., and Stipoljev, F.
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