The Cost of Finishing | Ev Joseph Wachira | Kikuyu

  • čas přidán 28. 03. 2024
    Readings Nehemiah6:1-9, Luke14:28-31
    Preacher: Ev Wachira
    Preaching Notes
    The joy is at the finishing line
    The fights your end not your beginning :: this is my Paul stressed that he finished the race of faith well
    Anything unfinished has no beauty, is not godly Ecc7:8, Gen2:2, John19:30, 2Tim4:7, Col4:17
    Anything unfinished has no glory
    Anything unfinished has not fulfilled the purpose, it is risky
    There is a cost to pay in finishing
    1. Attitude towards Finishing:: People start with joy, excitement but along the way when your tested with the fire of the trial you lost the focus Numbhers13:31, Phil4:13
    2. Boldness :: do not be a weak link - Neh6:3, Acts21:13, Jer1:18. If you have no opposing your on the same direction as the devil
    3. Be Consistent :: 2Thess3:13
    4. Be Discipline 2Tim2:5, 1Cor10:23, Prov25:28
    5. Endure then enjoy:: Heb12:2, Romans8:18
    6. Faith :: 2Cor5:7, John11:40 :: Faith it till you make it
    7. Give :: Time, attention, resource Phil4:18
    1. Attitude towards Finishing Numbers13:31, Phil4:13 2. Boldness Neh6:3, Acts21:13, Jer1:18 3. Be Consistent :: 2Thess3:13 4. Be Discipline 2Tim2:5 5. Endure then enjoy:: Heb12:2 6. Faith :: 2Cor5:7 7. GivePhil4:18
    1st service
    1. What vision or picture do you have in mind of the end? what's your end goal? Heb12:2
    looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb12:2
    2. Pay the cost, Be discipline, delay your instant gratifications 2Cor8:2
    for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. 2Cor8:2
    3. Be Persistent, Be consistent to finish the race
    4. Endure then enjoy:: Romans8:18
    For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.Romans8:18
    5. It will come into the open

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