Hardy Kiwi Ken's Red (Brix Test)

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
  • Late ripening fruit, that tastes a lot like a mix of a Fuzzy kiwi, grapes, and sweet plum.

Komentáře • 31

  • @TnT_F0X
    @TnT_F0X Před rokem +2

    I am planting these to grow around my dead pear tree, bring it back to life as a trellace.
    I have Anna Female, Meader Male, Ken's red Female :D should be a good trio
    Kiwi jam is really good too, I made some when the supermarket was on sale... would cost 20+ in fruit normally. So here I am planting Kiwis lol

    • @TnT_F0X
      @TnT_F0X Před rokem

      Paw Paws too? haha my Pawpaws died back... not sure if the rootstock is alive but the Nursery refunded me for dead plants and I have some pomegranates coming instead... they were out of Paw Paws :( Russian Pomegranates are hearty to zones 6 and 5 though, if you want to add to your privacy wall! I have a white, pink, and red seed trio.

  • @planespotterSRB
    @planespotterSRB Před 9 měsíci +2

    Pozdrav za ljubitelja voća!

    • @backyardfigs
      @backyardfigs  Před 9 měsíci +1


    • @planespotterSRB
      @planespotterSRB Před 9 měsíci

      @@backyardfigs Hvala, baš sam danas naručio sadnicu kivija Kens Red ali ovde niko ne prodaje muške sorte. Jedino postoji samooplodna sorta Issai pa se nadam da će uspeti da oplodi cvetove Kens Red-a. Šta vi mislite?

    • @backyardfigs
      @backyardfigs  Před 8 měsíci

      @@planespotterSRB Buduci da su iz iste porodice, mislim da je moguce, mada nemam Issai sortu da potvrdim. Issai jeste samooplodna, ali njen polen mozda nije istog kvaliteta i kvantiteta kao muske sorte. U svakom slucaju, ja bih preporucio da se pronadje rasadnik koji ima odgovarajuce muske sorte. ''Meader'' i ''74-52'' su dve od muskih sorta preporucenih za oplodnju Ken's Red. Vazno je da se cvetanje poklapa kod muskih i zenskih kivija. U slucaju da muski cvetovi budu otvoreni ranije, mozda bi se mogao sacuvati polen i rucno oprasiti zenske cvetove (neko moje razmisljanje).
      Hteo bih jos da napomenem koliko je vazno imati pouzdan rasadnik za sadnice. Meni su poslali (greskom) muski kivi umesto zenskog, a tu sam gresku uocio tek posle 5 godina, kada sam se setio da proverim cvetove. Mojim kivijama je trebalo 4 godine da porastu i pocnu da cvetaju. Zavisno od sorte i uslova moguce je i ranije, a pogotovu Issai. Nadam se da ce vam ovo pomoci.

    • @planespotterSRB
      @planespotterSRB Před 8 měsíci

      @@backyardfigs Hvala na odgovoru. U pravu ste što se tiče pouzdanosti rasadnika, od toga mnogo zavisi koju i kakvu sadnicu ćete dobiti. Na primer od istog rasadnika sam naručio sadnicu mandarine sorte Chahara a poslali su mi sortu Owari. Na internet prodavnici istog rasadnika nude sadnice pistaća i to na jednoj biljci su nakalemljene i ženska i muška biljka, ja i to naručim a oni mi pošalju jednogodišnji sejanac pistaća. Obzirom da na sadnici kivija piše samo Sibirski kivi sumnjam da je to sorta Ken`s Red. Sigurno ću morati da sačekam 4-5 godina da vidim šta sam dobio, kao i vi.
      Da li ste možda posadili neku sadnicu ananas guave ili Feijoe? Ako niste predložio bih vam da nabavite i posadite jer se radi o jednoj vrsti izvanredno ukusnog i aromatičnog voća. Cvetovi su stranooplodni tako da vam trebaju najmanje dve sorte koje cvetaju u isto vreme kako bi se cvetovi unakrsno oplodili, mada postoje i dve samooplodne sorte: američka Coolidge i novozelandska Unique.
      Ne znam kakve su zime kod vas i koliki su mrazevi tokom zime ali Feijoa može da opstane do -10 C stepena, mada sam negde našao podatak da može da izdrži i -12 pa i -15 C. U mom slučaju, prošle zime, dobro su podnele -8 C.
      Ja imam dve biljke stare 5 godina. Prve 3 godine sam ih gajio u velikim saksijama i pred zimu ih unosio u kuću ne znajući da su relativno otporne na mraz. Kada sam to saznao posadio sam ih u zemlju i ove godine sam na moje iznenađenje nabrao po 10kg izvanredno ukusnog voća. Inače dok su bile u saksijama slabo su i donosile plodove.
      Ovaj relativno veliki rod me je podstakao da posadim nove biljke te sam kupio 4 nove sorte po 2 sadnice. Od sada kupujem samo u italijanskim rasadnicima.
      Toplo vam preporučujem da posadite ako već niste jer kada budete probali to voće zaljubićete se u Feijou.
      Veliki pozdrav!

    • @backyardfigs
      @backyardfigs  Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@planespotterSRB Iskustvo me je naucilo da vredi platiti vise za kvalitetniju biljku i naravno pouzdanije sto se tice autenticnosti trazene sorte. Taj "Sibirski kivi" bi mogao biti i Artic kiwi (Actinidia kolomikta), otporniji na hladnocu, ali se ne moze oploditi sa Hardy kivijem ( Actinidia Arguta). U tom slucaju ce vam ponovo trebati muski ili zenski artic kivi i cekati 4-5 godina je po mom misljenju samo gubljenje vremena. Ja bih vam predlozio da narucite nove sadnice Hardy kivija iz tog Italijanskog rasadnika.
      Sa obzirom da je klima u BG i okolini toplija od moje, pogodan bi bio i ''Fuzzy'' kivi ( Actinidia Deliciosa), kivi koji se obicno nalazi u prodavnicama.
      Hvala i vama na predlogu u vezi Ananas Guave, vidjao sam ih cesto u katalozima, ali mi nije izgledao primamljivo. Sad sam zbog vas proveo sat vremena u citanju, i mozda cu nabaviti jednu od samooplodnih sorti. Ja sam u zoni 6b ( oko -18 C) , pa ce biti u saksiji. Hvala na gledanju i sve najbolje!

  • @dawnkirk2838
    @dawnkirk2838 Před 5 měsíci

    We have Ken's red female and male. I'm in NW Indiana under Chicago, we are zone 5b/6a. Right on the border of zones by one mile. This is only my 2nd year but they are coming back very nicely.

    • @backyardfigs
      @backyardfigs  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Nice. One advice, when their tender leaves emerge, they will be susceptible to freeze burn on frosty nights. When they are smaller, it is easier to protect them by covering with frost blankets. Otherwise, they will be set back to regrow leaves and waste energy reserves.

    • @dawnkirk2838
      @dawnkirk2838 Před 5 měsíci +1

      Thank you, I'll be watching them. I think we might be done with frost this year.

  • @garrettenglish6094
    @garrettenglish6094 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Do you know what variety the hardy fuzzy kiwi is? Do you need a male for it or can the kiwi berries pollinate it?

    • @backyardfigs
      @backyardfigs  Před 11 měsíci +1

      Ken's red is the variety of this hardy kiwi. You will also need a hardy kiwi male that can pollinate few female hardy kiwi vines. One green world nursery has this hardy kiwi.

    • @garrettenglish6094
      @garrettenglish6094 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@backyardfigs oh I’m sorry, I thought you mentioned a “fuzzy” variety amongst the berry varieties.

  • @raymondkyruana118
    @raymondkyruana118 Před rokem +1

    If that's the latest fruit, you should get some Persimmons, Medlar, Che, or Paw Paws just to name a few. Then you can keep picking!

    • @backyardfigs
      @backyardfigs  Před rokem

      I have three Paw Paws, Medlar I had, Persimmon I want, Che is one that I will investigate about. Actually, I forgot about my Goldrush apple, it is always picked in November. Thanks for the suggestion.

    • @raymondkyruana118
      @raymondkyruana118 Před rokem

      @@backyardfigs Wow you've got quite an impressive garden!!!

  • @keyair123
    @keyair123 Před 5 měsíci

    For those of u looking for the result. The brix is 20.

    • @backyardfigs
      @backyardfigs  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Thank you for helping. My estimation was 20, actual reading was 23.

  • @michaelray5437
    @michaelray5437 Před 9 měsíci

    Hey, have you ever noticed freezes during ripening affecting fruit quality on these? I ask because some fruits that ripen in fall seem to be unaffected by freezes in their latest stages of ripening, some fruits seem to be negatively affected, and some fruits seem to ripen even quicker because of it. I was wondering if this was a fruit I wouldn't have to worry about covering or picking early in order for them to ripen properly on the vine, even if winter came early before they were finished ripening and the fruits experienced some frosts or freezes. Hopefully they're a fruit which frosts and freezes make them ripen faster and sweeter.

    • @backyardfigs
      @backyardfigs  Před 9 měsíci

      Yes, I have the same experience regarding the ripening later in the season when hit with frost. It speeds up their ripening, leaving them somewhat shriveled and sweeter. However, this year I only had three fruit collected, late frosts in spring had damaged their flowers.

    • @michaelray5437
      @michaelray5437 Před 8 měsíci

      @@backyardfigs It's wonderful to know that some fruits are able to be left out to frosts on the plant and are harvestable like persimmons. I believe pears are the same way, if you're okay with brown, shriveled, very soft pears, but they're also much sweeter by my experience and have no off flavor, just very soft. And, based on some stuff I've found recently, it seems all kiwi species are that way. Fairly often an entire genus of fruiting plants ripens similarly, it seems all temperate diospyros, pyrus, crataegus, cydonia, actinidia, and aronia "blet" during winter in their natural environment, and that our domesticated cultivars still have the genetic susceptibility to do that in spite of being picked earlier and being bred to be eaten "unripe" ie. pre bletting. Malus, prunus, and vaccinium have some species being growing season ripening, and some being winter ripening. I believe all common commercial varieties of these three genuses ripen during the growing season, but I would be very surprised if none have ever been domesticated in all of human history in any society which are winter ripening.

  • @corinastefirta5168
    @corinastefirta5168 Před rokem

    Hi Zarko. How tall did you Ken’s Red got? I planted one alone a 5 feet fence to climb and am wondering if that would be ok. Also how long did it take to produce fruit?

    • @backyardfigs
      @backyardfigs  Před rokem

      Hi Corina, sky is the limit for hardy kiwis. Mine tops at 10', yours will be easier to protect at 5'. I believe that production started in fourth season. You will also need a male hardy kiwi for pollination. One Green World has them.

    • @corinastefirta5168
      @corinastefirta5168 Před rokem

      @@backyardfigs Got the Meader male already. Thank you for your reply and very helpful videos.

  • @johnathonlindsay808
    @johnathonlindsay808 Před 11 měsíci

    How old are these vines? They look incredible. Im going to order msu but i think i will pick up one of these if i can find one. I am also in 6a in grand blanc, mi.

  • @spencerlincoln2428
    @spencerlincoln2428 Před rokem

    Amazing how you could grow kiwis that size, do you grow any persimmons?

    • @backyardfigs
      @backyardfigs  Před rokem

      No, I don't. Now, after watching Lou Monti's videos, I am thinking of planting one. Do you grow any?

    • @spencerlincoln2428
      @spencerlincoln2428 Před rokem

      @@backyardfigs sadly I live in zone 4b so i would have a very hard time finding a good tasting variety that will grow well here. Even cold hardy Peaches don’t grow well here in Montreal 😞

    • @TnT_F0X
      @TnT_F0X Před rokem +1

      @@spencerlincoln2428 4b supports American Persimmons they range 4-9 typically.
      Colder varieties need to be jelly soft though... I just ordered a Nikita's Gift, but that's only hardy to zone 5, it's the hardiest non-astringent one I found.