Undisputed in 4K: How to DEFEAT a TOXIC Twitch Player using Usyk

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 262

  • @ClaimerUndisputed
    @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +13

    Update: Wrongside has since showed the whole match to his 8 fake twitch friends, which apparently confirmed I lied.. That I didn't win, and I manipulated the footage.
    The game disconnected.. This was stated in the video 🤷🏽‍♂️. You witnessed one man spamming me with a body uppercut.. And another man playing fair.. And they're here telling me "you didn't win". This is like tyson biting your ear off, and his "yes men" telling Holyfield "but you didn't win."
    In the video I said the game disconnected. Everyone understands it's not an OFFICIAL WIN. How can guys like Wrongside change for the bettee when he's surrounded by people like this.
    (ORIGINAL MESSAGE) A message to Wrongside's "best" friends, who "genuinely" care about him.
    (note his friends are straight away responding below ignoring all my points)
    My video addresses the character "WrongsideOTT" not the man behind the character. When i refer to him by various names.. it's based on his character whilst playing the game.
    If he's a great guy outside of the game, then all power to him.
    I exposed a toxic player who claimed after playing me "I have to cheese" because the community do it to him, yet this proved he's the one who not only instigates it, but he does it with a big grin on his face, whilst calling me a "bish", and he does this around the clock to others, with no sympathy regarding their ruined experience.
    *The responses from his friends include:*
    - "you have racial undertones / I can tell you have deep rooted hate"
    I'm a brown man of Jamaican heritage. Jump off the victim train.
    - "You know you're wrong, I pray for you man"
    No one believes that you pray for anything other than latino BBL's. If you call yourself "WrongsideofThetracks" or "hustle" and spend your day drinking, smoking, and posting vids of BBLs don't play them religious manipulations with me. I stand for good based on my actions.. right now I stand for the community. He doesn't and neither do you. Get to grips with it, and just be better.
    "You didn't like his playstyle, so you got emotional lol"
    Manipulation of the narrative - and dishonest Manchild games. You refuse to acknowledge that the man spent half a game spamming a body uppercut with a smile on his face.
    There's a simple solution to this. If in his future streams.. he continues to gloat whilst spamming people (People who buy this game to take a break from their everyday responsibilities which help society). If you're his friend, and you stand for integrity. Tell your friend to stop ruining the experience. If not.. then simply take this video on the chin, accept that you stand for degeneracy, and move on, because you'll never convince me that he's the angel, and I'm the devil.

    • @BillyDaHustler
      @BillyDaHustler Před 5 měsíci +1

      That's wild man, you opened up a can of worms exposing their boy. Ya have to remember they all uneducated, so you're gonna have to deal with people you can't reason with. The video was harsh in the best of ways, you just saying how everyone thinks of people like this, unless they are those people lol.

    • @grafficks
      @grafficks Před 5 měsíci

      personal attacks =/= criticizing game play

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +3

      @@TwerkNation. you gonna call your boy out going forward?

    • @OfferUpsales5671
      @OfferUpsales5671 Před 5 měsíci

      @@ClaimerUndisputedanswer the question and stop deflecting, let’s talk

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +6

      @@OfferUpsales5671 you're projecting. Asking me to answer a question... With no question. Yet not accepting your boy is toxic.

  • @iqqyplaysgames
    @iqqyplaysgames Před 5 měsíci +10

    The mechanics of this game are appalling, the wait for a good boxing game continues

  • @Gl0ry178
    @Gl0ry178 Před 5 měsíci +7

    That grin on his face when you knock him down with his own spam. That's a devious person right there.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Ah he was worse on his actual stream, i was kind enough to leave out how obviously he was cheesing and enjoying it.

  • @BillyDaHustler
    @BillyDaHustler Před 5 měsíci +11

    9 hours a day streaming yourself throwing an uppercut.. to 3 people 🤣🤣🤣. That's the definition of insanity.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Who knows.. maybe this video wakes him up. He's surrounded by "yes men"

    • @HustleTx_
      @HustleTx_ Před 5 měsíci

      He averages 15-20 viewers a stream that’s how I know you just a fan boy get your numbers right next time and make sure you zip claimers pants back up once you’re done 😂

  • @rybiggz1877
    @rybiggz1877 Před 5 měsíci +16

    Best undisputed content on CZcams

  • @LegacyRadioGaming
    @LegacyRadioGaming Před 5 měsíci +4

    Don't let this de-rail your work, Don't let this question what you do or who you are. Keep up the great work Claimer, Through their actions we can observe them, through their fruits can we know them. This guy gets 20 viewers at most on twitch according to his own community members posting on here like their bragging about it, Well 3 viewers or 20, There is 0 financial motivation for him to sell his integrity / soul / reputation. So I can't even say that he is selling himself for a little capital.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +2

      If anything, I feel more sorry for Wrongside being surrounded by those who want him to remain swimming in s***.
      2 days ago he went live, and his words were "Do i really be spamming though?" his crabs didn't respond, and kept the narrative focused on me being a "hater" and a "liar" regarding the win status.
      First, I would have posted the video if he knocked me out anyway. Second, my video shows the game disconnected as I complete the standup mini-game up, You'd require Pixar studios to manipulate the Hud disappearing as the game disconnects. Anyway that's leading into their argument.. Best they leave the subject alone or I'll do a part 2.

    • @LegacyRadioGaming
      @LegacyRadioGaming Před 5 měsíci

      @@ClaimerUndisputed Agreed 100% Claimer. I am glad to see your head is in the right place, I don't think these people for 1 second stop to think about how this attack could affect you going forward, But I am happy to see you have the constitution as a man to know who you are & what you are doing. To try and right this comment section, I am curious your opinion on this matter, So I have always played on the stick, I grew up playing a lot of fight night online when I was still training boxing and I found it easier for myself personally to feel the shots more & transition my punch knowledge into the game better than when I tried to use buttons. I kind of can shadow box with my thumb if that makes sense lol. I have made a few topics on the reddit & asked in the Discord but I am curious, Do you feel that if the face buttons had the punches removed from them and the punches had to come off of the stick, Do you think at all this would reduce spamming ?
      Anytime I have done a poll, It is usually around 60/40 in favor of keeping the punches on buttons, But there are a lot more people out there who are stick enthusiasts than I originally thought there would be, I always thought adding faints to the face buttons & when the power punch modifier is held, The face buttons become like, Probing shots that require very little stamina. I know people say you can still spam from the stick, But it is not even close to the same if you ask me.
      One other issue I find is the directional strait right, I end up throwing back step straits more than I want to due to making sure I am holding the movement stick in any other direction than forward when punching, Or making sure I am completely off of it before throwing. But I still sometimes get caught in the directional forward strait animation which is the exact same terrible animation on every fighter, Which I have a hard time believing they had any professional fighter actually mo-cap that & be satisfied with how it looks. I am almost POSITIVE, I could be wrong it was a long time ago. But didn't fight night only have the directional jab's ? Other than the directional strait jab or backstep jab, Most of the other directional punches don't make much sense & the animations look equally terrible.
      For instance, Canelo's directional hook, One of them looks like he is about to fall over as hes throwing it. I wish I had enough clout online to actually tag him in an X post & show him a clip of his " motion captured " work in this game & ask him if he is personally satisfied with how he is represented in this game ?, Regardless I am curious how you feel about the removal of punches from the face buttons & potentially removing the directional punches that simply don't make sense in terms of body mechanics & actual potential power being generated in those types of shots. Sorry for the length of this comment, But I do know that you are one of the people who can still communicate in long form, Which is a refreshing thing for someone like me. Keep up the great work bud, I look forward to your next video.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@LegacyRadioGaming I'll read your full comment, but regarding "attack" is there something else occurring I'm maybe not aware of, other than them stating they watched the whole video and stating I didn't win?

    • @LegacyRadioGaming
      @LegacyRadioGaming Před 5 měsíci

      @@ClaimerUndisputed Maybe I used the wrong word, But I am trying to describe the constant comments making you out to be the bad guy, That could for sure affect someone's mentality & question themselves if they were indeed the bad guy.

  • @ClaimerUndisputed
    @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +14

    To call WrongsideOTT1 out is more respectful than to encourage him to stay on a toxic path like his Twitch followers do daily. Additionally I'm a brown man of Jamaican heritage. It's ok to call out a fellow brown men as being toxic, just as it's ok for a Caucasian man to do the same. WrongsideOTT1 chooses to be this person. It's a choice. He gloats when he ruins the game and "Sploiting" is a running joke on his stream. It's simple.. be better.

    • @DrakeyWayne
      @DrakeyWayne Před 5 měsíci +3

      That's America Bro, they on the victim train 24/7

    • @LegacyRadioGaming
      @LegacyRadioGaming Před 5 měsíci +2

      Nobody is aloud to call anybody out now people are completely weak & mentally frail. This guy says he has to do it because in his mind the only way he can make engaging content is to act this way, As he has 0 personality. Black, Brown, Yellow, Green who cares. I am so sick of this racist card. I am Irish from an All Irish immigrant family I am first generation born in Canada here. We need to get back to the days of Rush hour, In living color, Things like that. Everybody wants to use the color of their skin to play victim & it is so played out. GREAT video as usual bro, Exposed. Plain & simple.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      The fact we even have to announce it lol.. My mum is of Irish decent, I'm mixed raced.. And when you love people based on their character.. You understand how shallow it is to "vouch" for someone based on skin colour. In this case.. Its not colour, it's culture.. And it's a subculture of Bud, drink, trap music which I've openly stated I despise and I've recieved a ton of backlash for it when I covered real boxing, Although if we don't speak of it, nothing gets fixed!

    • @LegacyRadioGaming
      @LegacyRadioGaming Před 5 měsíci

      @@ClaimerUndisputed So true man. The sub-culture in the USA / North America you speak of is just so tired & played out. The fact you had to explain yourself is what made me want to mention it. Don't ever feel you need to, Those of us who can read your character through your content, Know exactly the kind of man you are. Keep it up brother

    • @inVINSONable1
      @inVINSONable1 Před 4 měsíci +1

      To use cheating means to call him out is not respectful You spent two rounds spamming him to finally get him to spam back. Then you edit the video in a way that suggests the opposite. On top of that every video you have you either cover up your using many many accounts, or you are hiding fight results to help protect your narrative. Bro twitch people fight live and cannot hide the cheese. People like you should be ashamed.

  • @3piece948
    @3piece948 Před 5 měsíci +5

    Claimer my man, you inspire me to play this game more

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +3

      Thanks man, I still play it because I choose to play "sim".. and if you master it, it's a lot of fun. Playing these exploiters is sadly fun too lol.. if anything it sharpens your game for when you play sim players.

    • @inVINSONable1
      @inVINSONable1 Před 4 měsíci

      He shouldnt. No "hero" needs to edit his fights to sell a narrative. No "hero" needs to cover up or change his name at the bottom of every single one of his videos hoping you wont notice. You want to see real fighters ? Stay away from the talented editors and stick with people who fight live. This dude is 200% fake, and he actually reveals how he cheats in every video he has. You guys just havent been educated on it yet.

  • @M0stBlunt3d
    @M0stBlunt3d Před 5 měsíci +5

    I destroyed him on stream with Deontay Wilder and ever since then he uses the same exploits now 😭

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      You passed on the cheese torch 😂

    • @M0stBlunt3d
      @M0stBlunt3d Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@ClaimerUndisputed the video is up on his twitch still. I got some instant replays of the KOs I think. We have to play a match soon bro. - Hercules.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Yeah I'll have a special event when I reach 1000 subs (probably in a week or two) where I can create content discussing the best players, who uses exploits.. Who dont.. Etc. Hopefully that will get the discord active too. Who are your mains then?

  • @hanzokenshirongaming8612
    @hanzokenshirongaming8612 Před 5 měsíci +5

    whats sad about this is, youtuber is hating on a person who is playing the " meta " yes meta not exploit because everyone can do it, a certain boxer well I dont know a lot of larry holmes who can play like that. Who is going to be the Next streamer Canelo, Sugar Ray Robinson, or Heavy weight Tyson talked down and belittled publicly like this next? If this video went in the direction of " look how I outboxed a body uppercut" spammer. I would've been like thats awesome, but I saw your fight card at the end. Looks like you hit more body hits than your headshot also lololol

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      You're entitled to your opinion, and it offers balance.. So fair play.👌🏽 Here's the reality, he's cheesing. He's taking advantage of broken mechanics. He himself states they are broken on his stream. He himself knows its wrong.
      Whilst playing our match he refers to me as a "bish" for timing a counter.. Is he right because you like him?
      If you support him, offer criticism don't defend what's wrong.

    • @hanzokenshirongaming8612
      @hanzokenshirongaming8612 Před 5 měsíci +3

      no I'm just stating what I watched from the video, what would you call your fight card at the end then? You threw more body shots and hit more than head hits. It sounds like you would call yours meta, and his body shots cheese lol? I am in no way defending him or go on his stream i've only been there and tune in when hes hosting tournaments, but this is the kind of toxicity that just isn't good for anyone.
      He can say what he wants in his twitch stream within legal rights just like being in his home. Just like you have the right to post any content you want on your youtube channel and say whatever you want. But there is a difference, that was happening live on his stream, this video however was edited, took time on to work with posted publicly for everyone to see and added with comments with ill intent. His stream was frustration at the game and heat of the moment and of course with you when you were outplaying him but he kept it in his " house" and platform . This is a calculated well thought out counter attack for the whole world to see being youtube. If you are doing it for views then that's even worse.
      Don't get me wrong bro, you are a GOOD boxer, but just like the other comments it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I'm not gunna reply anymore, I wish you the best of luck in the ring and out of it, Stay healthy stay safe.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +2

      It's an edited video showcasing a twitch streamer who gloats whilst cheesing an opponent who is clearly not cheesing.
      He had a whole 25 minutes (live and in the moment) to show some level of integrity and adapt to my playstyle.
      You know exactly why I was throwing the power body strike.. What are we doing here bro.
      Victim mentality continues to hold us back per usual.

    • @OfferUpsales5671
      @OfferUpsales5671 Před 5 měsíci

      @@ClaimerUndisputed good editing

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@OfferUpsales5671 You should really educate yourself on logical fallacies. Be better.

  • @bzr1986
    @bzr1986 Před 5 měsíci +7

    Na Fam you wilding !!! need a fight holla at me i got plenty content waiting for ya

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Haha plenty content ya know.. Sound like you'd give me a headache

    • @bzr1986
      @bzr1986 Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@ClaimerUndisputed nothing easy over here. I’ll just be waiting

    • @wrongsideofthetrack8515
      @wrongsideofthetrack8515 Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@bzr1986 he won’t he will lurk your stream quite as a mouse , won’t even comment on the stream , won’t let his presence known just try to weezle content in the shawdows then complains about in game trash talk .

    • @TheGreatest_Ali
      @TheGreatest_Ali Před 5 měsíci

      @@wrongsideofthetrack8515 Son of Claimer

  • @wrongsideofthetrack8515
    @wrongsideofthetrack8515 Před 5 měsíci +7

    Claimer fire content but with all due respect, the down talk and belittling you do is crazy. Keep it Undisputed you know; Keep perfecting your craft and keep grinding!

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +3

      *Edit: this is my response to WrongsideOTT to which he responds "nice. Enjoy". He chooses blissful ignorance when I offer him constructive dialogue.*
      If I didn't watch your actual live stream of this fight a few days later seeing your reaction to cheesing me like this.. I wouldn't have made the video in the first place.
      Considering all your remarks throughout the stream including referring to me as "he's a bish" isn't that belittling? You see me complaining?
      I grew up in Peckham, I'm not a priviledged person downtalking. I call you a "living stereotype" and "crab" based on my own crabbers mentality in my younger days amongst my closed off circle.
      I have more respect for those who are honest with me than the crabs defending me solely because I am a reflection of them. Misery loves company. Your regular twitch viewers and fellow twitch players are testament to that.
      You have a friend in my comments saying "it's crazzee you tried painting wrongside as a bad player and bad person."
      Behind the scenes, have these friends who "genuinely wish you well" queried your actions in the video? 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @wrongsideofthetrack8515
      @wrongsideofthetrack8515 Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@ClaimerUndisputed Nice . Enjoy

    • @OfferUpsales5671
      @OfferUpsales5671 Před 5 měsíci

      @@ClaimerUndisputedmaybe because u wrote the man a love letter lmao

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +3

      @@OfferUpsales5671 And there lies the problem. You're here telling me a brown man.. That I have racial undertones in another comment. It's not colour.. Its culture. Again.. Victim mentality.
      When you see me reaching out to a brother.. You make it something else. You asked me to enlighten you. You can't enlighten a lost soul. Keep "liking" comments which support ignorance.

    • @marnicbros8002
      @marnicbros8002 Před 5 měsíci +1

      Only in America, don't waste your energy Bro. They completely brainwashed over there

  • @youmelsd33B
    @youmelsd33B Před 5 měsíci +3

    They’re being molded by the miserable meta state of a pre alpha game and enjoying it. The last thing on their mind is boxing, let them swim in their own sh*t. IF steel city is doing a good job we would get closer to simulation boxing with future versions. That’s a big IF.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +2

      Let them swim in their own "s**t. I will have to steal this one off you 😂

  • @Shawnjames21
    @Shawnjames21 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Boy when you started spamming back 😂😂😂😂.. the knee afterwards too 😂😂😂😂

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +2

      Bro I was relatively calm throughout but the fact he just wouldn't stop.. triggered me hard in that moment!

    • @inVINSONable1
      @inVINSONable1 Před 4 měsíci

      He didnt spam back. Go watch the real footage on Wrongside's channel. Its live and shows the entire story. Your dude claimers spent 2 entire rounds spamming him just so he could prompt WRongside to spam back. Once Wrongside did he clipped that spamming and is making profit lying to you guys as he grins seeing you wave his favorite color underwear. Dont believe me ? Go look at Wrongsides full footage of the fight. Claimers is a spammer, and he uses cheat software which is why he hides his names in each fight. You dont think its odd he doesnt show you fight results ?

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 4 měsíci

      @@inVINSONable1 Does the video not show from round 1 and onwards who is spamming? This is your 10th comment in 30 minutes accross my channel. . Time to take a break my man.

  • @Dreikoqt
    @Dreikoqt Před 5 měsíci +3

    love playing usyk but his hooks can be shitty if you throw them on their own :( specially his left hook

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Hey wassup Dreik, yeah his basic hooks are still powerful, yet slow and leave you open.. but overall I feel he's more grounded to reality in terms of movement.

  • @DarkXavia
    @DarkXavia Před 5 měsíci +4

    He's a reject of society 🤣

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      I say it in jest lol.. but I more so hope he can be more self aware.. he's in a bubble, I'm just offering him the perspective of an outsider.

  • @PedroJogoSujo
    @PedroJogoSujo Před 5 měsíci +1

    I love seeing fair player beating the hell out of cheesy spammers since EA UFC 2, awesome video hahahhaha

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Yeah man, these spammers have been around since the dawn of time. Basement dwellers looking for a dopamine kick...

    • @inVINSONable1
      @inVINSONable1 Před 4 měsíci

      You think fair players need to hide their name, not show fight results, and then only put out videos that are edited ? Y'all really that blind? This dude is straight up lying. Go look at his videos with a clear set of glasses. Real fighters dont edit their fights. Real fighters always use the same name. Then ask yourself what software would I need to use to change my name every fight ? Instantly you will see this guy is actually the same thing he tell you guys he fights against. A wemodder.

  • @raselllholt7790
    @raselllholt7790 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Way to kick his Butt... I hate that step back fake move.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      It's like watching an alien leap. Back and forth.. Can't stand it!

  • @agentbridger6127
    @agentbridger6127 Před 5 měsíci +4

    this video explains undisputed. would be decent without guys like that streamer.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Yeah sadly a lot of people use his style

    • @inVINSONable1
      @inVINSONable1 Před 4 měsíci

      This video explans that claimers is able to edit his videos in a way that hides he is cheating and editing videos to make honest live fighters seem like they dont fight live. Go watch the live video on Wrongside's history and you will quickly see he is lying.

  • @peslordfalcoyt12
    @peslordfalcoyt12 Před 5 měsíci +2

    The ppl who are defending this twitch streamer can u think for a second this is a grown men who is cheesing and exploiting in a video game and telling himself that he has to do it like don't play the game at all because u just encouraging more ppl to play this way. and the person he is spamming and exploiting against has all the right to say what they want to as he himself started this toxic behavior

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      He has twitch friends who are defending him in my comments.
      It was expected because they do the same on his twitch page. As I said in the video.
      Misery loves company 🤷🏽‍♂️
      They waste their lives away, Watching him waste his life away whilst ruining the fun for everyone else.

  • @Robin_Hood381
    @Robin_Hood381 Před 5 měsíci +2

    This video captured the broken boxing mechanics of the game and 90% of what's wrong with this game. Who tests their games? Seriously, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see these things, all you have to do is hop online and play for like an hour. Well done, good boxing. I never resort to the same tactics, I always try to play "sim." The game is fun if it's played that way. I would feel like a bitch if I stooped to the same level. Great vid.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      This is it man, I feel 0 reward getting the overall win spamming like that, it's a waste of everyone's time. However for players like this.. I think it's a god complex, or perhaps because they suffer in life, everyone else must suffer too.

  • @peslordfalcoyt12
    @peslordfalcoyt12 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Imagine saying "He's just banking on my mistakes" in a boxing game like duh

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Lol I know man, this is the thing.. They all play the same way. Upclose throwing the combo of the month (based on update) which penetrates either your block or gets past the jab. Critical thinking isnt required.

    • @RiskyRich_Gaming
      @RiskyRich_Gaming Před 5 měsíci

      Then they get mad when you run, and they know damn well the health regeneration is very slow. They should try using weaker players if they really want to prove how good they are.
      Winning with Ali, Fury, Holmes, and Robinson is not it. If anything it gives you the advantage lol.
      That's like being a Millionaire and bragging that you can get any girl.
      It's like Michael Jordan in his prime playing on a Junior Varsity team.

  • @RiskyRich_Gaming
    @RiskyRich_Gaming Před 5 měsíci +4

    I've been curious about the same thing about players not taking any effect to power body shots, then continuously coming forward with quadruople body uppercut combos with one hand. I just assume its a stamina or health hack and keep it moving.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      I've been watching these twitch streamers the past week, they're a loyal family, jumping from one another's streams throughout the day. i think it's likely they share a bespoke hack, which possibly increases their defense after being knocked down a specific amount of times.

    • @Dreikoqt
      @Dreikoqt Před 5 měsíci +1

      ive noticed that if they have worked the body during the fight the body shots in the later rounds are as effective

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      But that's why I don't understand how he wasn't going down? I don't like to accuse people of cheating if I don't have a clue. But why does he also have his Hud covered at all times? That's super suspect to me.

    • @Dreikoqt
      @Dreikoqt Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@ClaimerUndisputedits so ppl cant stream snipe them when they are in the red lol if you worked his body as much as he did yours he would defo be drop to usyk body power hooks for sure

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      ​​@@Dreikoqtthat makes sense, accept the streams are usually 5 seconds delayed and what's the likely hood of more than one person a day stream sniping? At an elite level, we all know when someone is hurt.
      The only way to identify hacks is by viewing their health bars. It's all too convenient, that they're a close knit twitch family who are collectively super durable!
      I played Boxertrix ttv as well, pieced him up all 12 rounds yet had to go the distance because he was so durable, It made no sense!

  • @Ben10105
    @Ben10105 Před 5 dny +1

    Undisputed take note!! shocking this

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 dny

      And the worst part.. The opponent in question, aswell as his twitch friends consider ME the issue till this day.

    • @Ben10105
      @Ben10105 Před 5 dny

      @@ClaimerUndisputed what's great is you can still beat them when they are cheating shows how good you are really looking forward to this game sad to see this keep doing what you doing 🥊👌

  • @LegacyRadioGaming
    @LegacyRadioGaming Před 5 měsíci +3

    I will literally donate 100 CAD to you to promote this video.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Lol I'll attempt to promote, although it probably won't pass google terms. Plus his friends have been openly flagging it as misinformation.

    • @inVINSONable1
      @inVINSONable1 Před 4 měsíci +1

      Then you would be donating 100CAD to the cheater who is using wemod cheating software to steal credit fromthe honest live fighters. People worth promoting dont hide their names at the bottom of the screen in a lame font trying to make it look real. This guy is cheating bro. Not only that but he is using spam bots to put nice comments in the comments section to try and drowned out the actual honest comments so he gets a following of believers....lol

    • @LegacyRadioGaming
      @LegacyRadioGaming Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@inVINSONable1 You mean how WrongsideOTT hides his health bar in every stream ? Yeah I know, Dude aint worth promoting & is likely cheating. totally agree dude

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 4 měsíci +1

      I've never hid that I play under a different name Sherlock. When players fight me (a well established youtuber "Claimer Uncut") I deal with nonstop DMs and other nonsense.
      The benefit of playing under a different name? Those who claim to be honest players, they assume I'm a random so showcase their true colours, just like your buddies.. Wrongside, Raging Demon, Ipro, Hustle.. The list goes on.

    • @LegacyRadioGaming
      @LegacyRadioGaming Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@ClaimerUndisputed Its funny how these people don't even think before they speak, Saying people who hide their names are cheaters & not worth promoting, When WrongsideOTT literally hides his health bar during his streams lol. Even not being a big content creator yet, I have a lot of people disconnect before the fight even starts. I have considered changing mine as well.

  • @nightryder16
    @nightryder16 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Its not hard winning fighting on the back foot half the time.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Another way to look at it, it's not hard fighting on the front foot with OP fighters.
      The theme of the channel so far is show to beat overpowered fighters exploits, or cheese. You can't trade in the pocket with someone who regains stamina quicker than you, has to 30% more health, and better tracking.

  • @JK-ff1ft
    @JK-ff1ft Před 5 měsíci +2

    You’ve got a great voice you should do radio mate

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Thanks man, I actually have a few people here who hate my voice.. so always nice to hear the complete opposite 🙏

  • @mlaw7556
    @mlaw7556 Před 5 měsíci +1

    The people that play this game rlly love it I met a guy in csgo with undisputed n I was like fight me after our game he kicked my ass lmfao

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Yeah it has almost a cult following, even with its issues.. you can find a lot of fun in it

    • @mlaw7556
      @mlaw7556 Před 5 měsíci

      @@ClaimerUndisputedinstead of making one of theses type of videos could u make slip/dodge video? Iv only seen like one video for it and I didn’t really get much from it keep making vids bro

  • @grafficks
    @grafficks Před 5 měsíci +5

    why do you hide your in game name yet sit here and try to put people on blast lol

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Because I'm a popular content creator... Duh.
      What does knowing my name got to do with my actions? Any thoughts on your friends actions? Or we just gonna defend what he did?

    • @grafficks
      @grafficks Před 5 měsíci

      What did he do? Played a video game in a way you don't approve so you legit put his face on camera and insult him while hiding your own in game identity. It's a video game man, a broken one at that, you're out here getting your heart broken over some cheese when you damn well know EVERYONE has to deal with it.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      @@grafficks is that what he did though? You sure he didn't claim he only cheeses because the toxic community does it, and this video proved its him who promotes that toxicity?
      I get it. You watch him play. You support him. Next time you see him play like this on stream.. Be a friend and call him out on it. Consider the people who's time he's wasting, as well as putting them off playing online.
      Victimhood doesn't get us anywhere.

    • @grafficks
      @grafficks Před 5 měsíci

      That is literally what he did lol, he played the game in a way you don't approve and you got all in your feelings and felt compelled to make a whole ass video about it. Again, it is a broken video game that only you are taking seriously.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      You're right you know.. I took issue with his style of play and got emotional "lol".
      Make sure to call out your boy next time though right? You support him, so you'd tell him right.. If he were spamming one punch and ruining others players experience. You're an honest human being right? 👌🏽
      These word games.. Set us back.

  • @AlmightyD93
    @AlmightyD93 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Wrongside is absolute hot 🚮 😂 2:20

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +3

      After watching this, Wrongside claims I manipulated it. How did I manipulate the punches thrown...

    • @youmelsd33B
      @youmelsd33B Před 5 měsíci +3

      He’s probably referring to the replay you added for cinematic value on round 1 and 2. Doesn’t negate the fact he got caught while playing like a rat 🐀

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +3

      @@youmelsd33B that's what I'm assuming, hes planning to stream the game tomorrow to his friends and bank on the fact there was desync.. Despite the fact I show the desync I experience when he knocks me down with the uppercut. At the end of the day, his followers will say "yes" to anything he says.

  • @TheKirky
    @TheKirky Před 5 měsíci +1

    Yo bro, nice video. Can I please ask how you get your thumbnails to be so detailed?

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +2

      Hey Kirky, I'm a senior designer for over 15 years. I take real fight photos and essentially photoshop their body parts to match the original screenshot. This is how I create concept art for a living basically.

    • @TheKirky
      @TheKirky Před 5 měsíci

      @@ClaimerUndisputed i know how to use cutout tools and shit but ah ok ye u can barely tell its the real foghters body with the gsme characters head lol cus the graphics r so gud these days

  • @grandtommyauto7564
    @grandtommyauto7564 Před 5 měsíci +2

    I've watched his stream once, he was spamming a guy and gloated once he quit. Twitch is like that.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      He gloated hard in this match too, in fact it was his gloating which lead to me making the video. He's on the spectrum.

    • @HustleTx_
      @HustleTx_ Před 5 měsíci

      @@ClaimerUndisputedcomments like this show what this video was intended for “his on the spectrum”? Why was that even said it’s a fighting game of course people are going to be competitive & taunt but calling a man slow over a game this is some of the worst CZcams content I’ve ever seen I’m pray for you & all that hate in your heart

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      @@HustleTx_again.. any Thoughts on what he did in the video. You can appeal to emotion all day. You sticking for your friend like this, doesn't help him.

  • @ocerco93
    @ocerco93 Před 17 dny +1

    One day i have complety destroyed this man, and he been talking about it for A STRAIGHT HOUR or even more on his stream.. some people just need to stop doing video games, its not good for their mental.health

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 14 dny +1

      I made this video 5 months ago Bro... till this day my name is apparently mentioned in most of their streams, meanwhile I haven't played the game in 4 months...

  • @chinchilla2971
    @chinchilla2971 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Had such hopes for this coming to console. Not anymore

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      I'm hopeful they add one more update before console release

  • @ejaaygames859
    @ejaaygames859 Před měsícem

    Southpaw Larry Holmes body uppercut and jab backstep straight that’s all he does. I can’t believe people watch him use the same person every single day 25/8

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před měsícem +1

      He's part of a strange Twitch clique. When I made this video, for over a month I had to deal with daily backlash from other twitch streamers, because essentially.. they play the same as him. If they don't cheese.. They can't win consistently, and that's their main appeal.. Winning whilst pretending they're not cheesing.

    • @ejaaygames859
      @ejaaygames859 Před měsícem

      @@ClaimerUndisputed 💯

  • @LegacyMarketFarm
    @LegacyMarketFarm Před 5 měsíci +1

    Subbed from both accounts now :)

  • @marnicbros8002
    @marnicbros8002 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Does he not realise he's wasting his life doing this 8 hours a day? If he were playing it fairly fine. But to just cheese is madness.

    • @samueldavis5895
      @samueldavis5895 Před 5 měsíci

      8 hours a day playing fairly is still wasting his life.

  • @orinstewartgallagher3256
    @orinstewartgallagher3256 Před 5 měsíci +1

    There is no such thing as a check hook with your rear hand. Thats a imaginary punch only in this game. A check hook is with lead hand punch

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Type "rear check hook soviet breakdown" in youtube and let me. Know your thoughts.

    • @orinstewartgallagher3256
      @orinstewartgallagher3256 Před 5 měsíci

      ​​@@ClaimerUndisputedif you watch that video even though its called a rear hand check hook its actually a lead hand check hook. He puts his lead leg behind him which by doing so turns your rear hand to your lead hand then throws a lead hand check hook. Its not possible to throw a rear hand check hook your knees invert when you attempt to pivot

  • @sorryiamwardyaka6259
    @sorryiamwardyaka6259 Před 5 měsíci +1

    nice content mate do you have twitch?

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Thanks Bro, nah I don't stream. Main channel is Claimeruncut

  • @walmartian422
    @walmartian422 Před 5 měsíci

    I’ve been waiting for what seems like almost 2 decades for a good boxing game and all we got is this half baked cheesy crap. Wake me up in 2 more decades when we finally get a game worth dedicating time to.

  • @vikinghoodbluelighthouse2911
    @vikinghoodbluelighthouse2911 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Wow. And I thought the fight night champion cheese was bad

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Nah this is Mortal Kombat, Tekken air juggling levels of cheese in a simulation boxing game!

    • @vikinghoodbluelighthouse2911
      @vikinghoodbluelighthouse2911 Před 5 měsíci

      @@ClaimerUndisputed thats insane. Honestly I’ve been wanting to get into undisputed. But every clip I see just seems clunky. I dunno I have seen a improvement though so I might try it out.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      @@vikinghoodbluelighthouse2911 you know what.. You can find a ton of enjoyment with it, if you avoid taking advantage of the exploits. You'll find 15% of the player base online have an unsaid respectful agreement to keep it sim, and win or lose.. You feel like you've gotten something worthwhile from it.

  • @Dave-nv5rv
    @Dave-nv5rv Před 5 měsíci +1

    Haha 😆 That guy's style is ridiculously foolish.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      I know, i can't even say it looks like mortal kombat atleast that flows.. This guy fights like an alien

  • @ejaaygames859
    @ejaaygames859 Před měsícem

    I’ve played him about 6-7 times he’s won everytime but he definitely spam spam spam spam spam spam the whole entire match and he’s only good with Larry Holmes.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 17 dny +1

      Yeah Wrongside sadly hasn't changed his playing style that much.. if he's close to losing, he'll hit u with the triple body uppercut

  • @user-ll8hc8jk1v
    @user-ll8hc8jk1v Před 5 měsíci +1

    متى تنزل على سوني ٥

  • @LauKillamunII
    @LauKillamunII Před 5 měsíci +1

    Sit your 455 down hahah

  • @UndisputedOne1
    @UndisputedOne1 Před 5 měsíci +1

    This guy watches twitch streamers and stream snipes them with cheese to try gain clout off them . Divvy Yank

    • @OfferUpsales5671
      @OfferUpsales5671 Před 5 měsíci

      Right then calls the guys who’s live showing his face a toxic streamer even tho he sits in streams , stream snipes and loses 99 out of 100 times lmao that first win u gone see a vid up tho LMAO 😊

    • @UndisputedOne1
      @UndisputedOne1 Před 5 měsíci

      @@OfferUpsales5671 i wasn't talking about claimer

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      He wasn't talking about me.. He was talking about your boy.

    • @OfferUpsales5671
      @OfferUpsales5671 Před 5 měsíci

      @@UndisputedOne1 my apologies, who does this wrongside ? Naa I’m subbed to the channel there is a narrative being pushed here . Yes he cheesed that’s all he did . He didn’t hack didn’t use mods or any type of 3rd party software . I personally have never seen him stream snipe for clout

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      So he cheesed. That's the point of the video. Everything else is secondary... Not only that he cheesed an entire match contradicting his claim to be the victim.
      Read how childish your first comment is regarding stream sniping and and losing 99 out of 100. That's the real you.. So let's stop pretending were having a civil debate. You have an agenda.. Simple solution, support your boy by telling him to stop ruining the communities experience.

  • @hamfromnewyork
    @hamfromnewyork Před 5 měsíci

    You should do this with ufc 5 spammers

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      Honestly I lost interest in UFC 5 after 2 weeks. It's much harder to play Sim against someone high to low kicks from a distance

  • @robbiethepict2783
    @robbiethepict2783 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Nice one.

  • @Bizarro_Sosa
    @Bizarro_Sosa Před 5 měsíci

    Cmon EA we need something better than this.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      You're not wrong, Fight Night Champion 2 or just a standard fight night will do!

  • @cecilwade1081
    @cecilwade1081 Před 5 měsíci +1

    When is this game comeing too PS5

  • @FrancosOG
    @FrancosOG Před 5 měsíci +3

    calling someone a reject of society for playing a certain way is kinda wild

    • @grandtommyauto7564
      @grandtommyauto7564 Před 5 měsíci +5

      He should call him much worse.

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +5

      Is that why i called him it? for playing a "certain way" or did you not catch where he states "why should i play honorable"?

    • @SiNsCere1100
      @SiNsCere1100 Před 5 měsíci

      No, it actually reflects who he is as a man! What real man does this type of shit and act as if he’s the greatest at the game! A man of no dignity that’s who! If you can’t see that then you might share the same values as he.

  • @TribesAuthenticGaming
    @TribesAuthenticGaming Před 5 měsíci +1

    Bruh trash you want a real match let's go. I been calling you out but... Daffy duck does what he do... I mean Claimer Uncut 😅

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +2

      Careful now.. don't build up those receipts now. I got enough sons as it is

    • @TribesAuthenticGaming
      @TribesAuthenticGaming Před 5 měsíci

      If I'm Ya Son.... I'm a Kick ya a** for not paying support

  • @billybuckley4087
    @billybuckley4087 Před 5 měsíci +2

    It’s not that deep

  • @csdblue438
    @csdblue438 Před 5 měsíci +4

    the boy comment seemed a bit racial man smh not the first time i noticed its a shame because i liked the content

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +10

      I'm brown, of jamaican heritage.. bwoy is common.. not everyone without an american accent is white. Your thoughts on the toxic streamer? or we just shy over it.

    • @grandtommyauto7564
      @grandtommyauto7564 Před 5 měsíci +3

      You can't be serious

    • @DrakeyWayne
      @DrakeyWayne Před 5 měsíci +3

      stop it

    • @SiNsCere1100
      @SiNsCere1100 Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@ClaimerUndisputedHe really tried it!! 😂😂🤣😂😂

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci +1

      I don't show my face, and Americans can't hear the subtleties in my accent. So I give them slack for thinking I'm the son of a slave owner, using undisputed as an excuse to reminisce of the good ol days 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • @BenLahey
    @BenLahey Před 5 měsíci +1

    I’ll be honest this game looks bollocks, no power and just basic sounds! Over and over again!

    • @ClaimerUndisputed
      @ClaimerUndisputed  Před 5 měsíci

      No power? Is that your general opinion or based on this match?

  • @daquayatcherson
    @daquayatcherson Před 4 dny

    Why I don't play online. I usually just throw on WeMod and have fun solo. The gameplay is simply far too inconsistent for me.