How the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses Uses "Unity" as Propaganda

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 344

  • @dissidentfairy4264
    @dissidentfairy4264 Před 2 lety +121

    At one time, I would have staked my very life on the organization being right. It's a bitter pill to swallow to discover that they aren't. It's Christ we must follow, not men. God has given him all authority over us. Thank you, Eric, once again, for a brilliant and much needed reassessment of who our true leader really is.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +34

      @Dissident Fairy, Your expressions are so valued and true! There are 5 places in the Christian scriptures (NT) that state that Christ is the head of the congregation. Isn't it amazing how easily men are blinded to that fact when they are so desperate for power and money?

    • @dissidentfairy4264
      @dissidentfairy4264 Před 2 lety +18

      @@BeroeanPickets Thank you, Eric. We value you! Honestly, I don't know how I would have coped leaving the organization without your encouragement and wisdom. You make things crystal clear and refreshing like a cool glass of water.

    • @sherylalismom285
      @sherylalismom285 Před 2 lety +13

      Hi Eric. Did you hear me applauding.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +6

      @@sherylalismom285 😍 Yes, indeed.

    • @gbnomore3918
      @gbnomore3918 Před 2 lety +29

      Recently an older sibling who’s been an elder for many years asked me, “If you’re not going to follow the organization and the governing body then who will you follow?” Sadly, the question reveals so much. I responded, saying I was shocked that he had to ask. “Who do you think? Jesus, our one true leader, of course! You should know this!“

  • @freethinker2964
    @freethinker2964 Před 2 lety +29

    They are such hypocrites
    They are the ones creating division.
    They are asking people to get baptize in rhe name of an organization, not in the name of Jesus like the Bible tells us to do.
    I feel so sorry for many of my brothers that aren't able to see the deception
    Keep up the good work

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +1

      Thanks, Free Thinker. Will do!

    • @joniroylance8729
      @joniroylance8729 Před 2 lety +1

      @freethinker…None of what you say is true! You are the one being deceived!

    • @freethinker2964
      @freethinker2964 Před 2 lety +2

      @@joniroylance8729 Great since seems like that you have a deep grasp of what the biblical truth is, you can totally illuminate me,and give me the Bible views on those subjects.
      1 1914 from the biblical chronological time, I would like you to count all the kings reign from David to Zedekiah
      2 Do we still have any one that so the event of 1914 alive today ?
      3 where in the Bible says that we should have a secret judicial committee?
      4 where in the Bible says that we should be judged by a group of man?
      Where in the Bible we find the word GB?
      Those are just few and remember if 1914 isn't true everything else is a lie
      Thank you very much
      Ps Jesus said that only him is the way, the truth,and the life, not an organization

    • @freethinker2964
      @freethinker2964 Před 2 lety +1

      @@joniroylance8729 sorry I was a little busy, I would like to ask you where in the Bible Jesus said: this overlapping generation will not pass away until all those things happen.
      It's a very strong admonition not to add or take away any from the Bible
      Please tell me who's been deceive?

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +4

      @@joniroylance8729 Joni, instead of judging others, why not prove what you say is true by answering the excellent questions that Free Thinker has asked you?

  • @nickbourne3910
    @nickbourne3910 Před 2 lety +45

    Thank you Eric for yet another superb presentation.
    Propaganda is potent isn’t it; it certainly is when you’re not exercising any critical thinking.
    At the start of the pandemic when I was PIMO, I sat watching the Watchtower study being conducted via Zoom. The elder said…”this organisation is unique. We’re the only ones having our meetings; the churches are doing nothing. Aren’t we proud to be part of Jehovah’s Organisation?”
    A year earlier I’d have sat nodding my head in agreement at such propaganda, instead I picked up my phone and started checking out the truthfulness of his comment. Within 5 minutes I’d noted that the Christadelphians, Pentecostals, Methodists (at this point I stopped looking) were all enjoying their Sunday meetings on Zoom at that very moment!
    Greater access to information is truly exposing the organisation for what it is.
    Thanks again for your work.

  • @michaelnorth1782
    @michaelnorth1782 Před 2 lety +34

    What JW’s demand is more than unity, it in reality uniformity such as in North Korea and China based not on love as you pointed out but fear. There are signs that some governments are beginning to view the JW shunning policy as a breach of human rights such as Belgium, Norway and the Netherlands.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +4

      So very true, MIchael!

    • @SimonRichie
      @SimonRichie Před 2 lety

      Interesting yes ive often thought if JW was a country it’d be North Korea, Kim Jung Un is the governing body of NK with his kronies using fear to control the population, shunning the world.

  • @paulrosser6249
    @paulrosser6249 Před 2 lety +34

    Once again excellent clarity Eric. To whom do we belong the governing body or to Jesus? Such a crystal clear answer with a powerful impact. Thank you

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci +2

    Thank you so much for helping us through our confusion xxx

  • @TheTonyRichmond
    @TheTonyRichmond Před 2 lety +51

    Thanks for the work you do, Eric. I've been enjoying your videos a lot. The scripts you write for them are very level-headed and rational and--most importantly--scriptural. If only it were easier to help our loved ones give themselves permission simply to view this sort of content. The information control practiced by the WT is by far the most frustrating part of all of this, in my opinion.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +5

      @Tony, Thank you so much for your cogent remark. How true!

    • @theharshtruthoutthere
      @theharshtruthoutthere Před 2 lety

      Aren´t even that move wise one, to lose the using of hand signs, for all earthly comes from one place and from one place only, from satan - the baphomet.
      All who now realize that we, humans, getting poor and poor to the extreme: Let me tell you hard news: YOU ALL HAVE BEEN LATE FOR 12 YEARS. This news crossed the mass media in 2010.
      You still sure: you being wake and not asleep?
      Start question the NARRATIVE - always:
      Start knowing your enemies ; how they look and why.
      You never win any fight if not knowing whom you`ll have to fight.
      The cursed bloodline.
      May 1st 1776 - the deepest fall for mankind. /2nd time/.
      And as years passed the deeper we all fell`d.
      Let me break it for you, since i`m already bothering you:
      All things and beings were created by GOD for HIS gory, to serve HIM now and forever more.
      Were mankind created as servants? - yes and no. The relationship between GOD and human is like PARENT AND CHILD (FATHER/GOD AND HUMAN/CHILD).
      Children also are called to obey and serve their parents. and since GOD is our FATHER/Parent - the same is expected here also.
      Isn`t it good example available already on earth by becoming a parent ourselves? The easiest and most direct one to show us all how much GOD love us all?
      He has given us so many ways to show us and to let us experience that LOVE He has for us.
      We all start lives as babies - then grow to be children - then a teenage years - then adulthood and for the end: OLDAGE = LIFETIME.
      "First, God is ONE GOD who can divide himself up into THREE. On that we agree. But, I believe that those three can be called three "persons". On that we don't agree. It's clear to me that the reason you disagree is because YOU define the word "person" as only applying to one single individual. You can do that. Help yourself! Now, you begin by running to the dictionary to do so and make your point. Yet, you don't give the definition of the other word "TRIUNE" in the same dictionary, which states... "TRI'UNE, adjective [Latin tres and unus.] Three in one; an epithet applied to God, to express the unity of the Godhead IN A TRINITY OF PERSONS." Even the DICTIONARY ITSELF says that God (THE GODHEAD) can be a "trinity" of PERSONS (plural). He can be ONE UNION and still can exist in three separate persons! Will you accept THAT dictionary definition? If not, then you can't try to prove your point from the first definition you gave. For you'd be denying another dictionary definition on this very subject, and that, then, would make your argument null and void!!! If you are going to use the dictionary to prove something, you have to use ALL the pertaining definitions to this subject. Will you do that, or IGNORE it? Second, we are made up of three, but yet we are one. You agree on that point. But, we can also have our three parts divided. For example, When I die, my soul goes to heaven. And, someone seeing me there for the first time could say: "Who's that PERSON?" While at the same time here on earth, someone looks in my casket and asks: "Who's that person?" Am I now two completely different Human Beings? Two Robert Breakers? Or am I the same Robert Breaker, but I'm just manifested as two different "Persons" in the eyes of others. One, in the Spirit world, and the other in the Physical World? No, I'm still ONE Robert Breaker. But, in that illustration, I would be manifesting in two different ways, and would be viewed as two separate "persons." My soul and spirit would be in heaven, while my body would be here on earth. How can you not get that??? The Dictionary shows it clearly! The Bible teaches it clearly! God is ONE GOD in three! And, those three are ONE! WE can call them PERSONS, as one is viewed as a FATHER, the other is viewed as a SON, and the other is viewed as the SPIRIT of both. That does NOT make three different gods! That's a ludicrous argument. Third, you quote: "God is no respecter of Persons." Clearly that is speaking about HUMAN BEINGS in the context of slavery and is not referring to God Himself and Him in three persons. You are TWISTING THAT VERSE OUT OF CONTEXT! That can NEVER lead to anything good! So, I suggest you stop following the heretical man you follow and get back into the BIBLE. Otherwise, you're going in a direction that I cannot follow! For you are departing from the SCRIPTURES and what they teach, as well as the DICTIONARY, and as well as what the TRUE CHURCH (not Catholicism) has believed for almost 2000 years. God is ONE GOD. He consists of three PARTS. God made man (Adam) in his image, and we also consist of three parts. We are TRI-PART beings, as is God. But, it's NOT WRONG to say that God can manifest in three separate "persons" and still be ONE GOD. I proved that from the BIBLE, from the DICTIONARY of the English Language, and from History. You can decide to deny ALL THREE if you like. But, I can't go along that path with you! I will be praying for you, though, that God will OPEN YOUR EYES to the truth! Sincerely, Robert Breaker " - He helps a lot to start to understanding the bible, but unless one can agree with him, one must read the whole bible themselves.
      Be WILLING to give it all up (credit cards - phones - tvs - cars - living in citys .....) or make your peace with being a slave and end up dying 2nd time. Count the cost of what shall it cost you to FOLLOW CHRIST (being a CHRISTIAN)?
      to see how much corrupted your DNA already is:
      Here are some of the things that seem to relate to having some non human (this could be animal or alien) dna. 1. widow;s peak (adder snake widely associated with vampires) 2. cleft chin (snake)] 3. pale skin (zebra fish you can google this they have actually done articles stating that pale skin is dna modification via zebra fish) 4. unibrow (possibly neanderthal) 5.roman toe (possibly relates to monkey dna) 6. blonde or red hair (this is associated with lepers and tares in the bible) 7.bulbous eyes 8. blue or green eyes (seem to relate to nephilim giants who were said to have blue or green eyes). 9. The curved thumb.
      There is only 1 road and it is narrow one. You either walk on it or not.
      The NARROW ROAD is hard one and not strait at all, very pumpy.
      If one is A TRUE CHRISTIAN then one has counted the cost of what it shall cost him or her to FOLLOW CHRIST? - IT WILL COST OUR EARTHLY LIFE.
      And if the answer ain`t the same, then my friend - YOU AIN`T A CHRISTIAN.
      I can agree with that statement 100% - can you?
      When you read the Bible, it reads you. When you pick your Bible up, it picks you up. When you Dust of your Bible, it dusts you off.
      If someone states that they are born this way: remind them that GOD expect us all to BE BORN AGAIN.
      Ever hungered for truth? This channel exposes the wicked, like the bible calls us to do. Have you search a little? Do you know at least something?
      The MISSING KNOWLEDGE - get to know it.
      If you can´t deal with reading then try dealing when the gospel is being shared and preached. Don`t close your ears and heart - open them.

  • @rickreed464
    @rickreed464 Před 2 lety +12

    Thanks Eric for the spiritual food

  • @AzatothAUS
    @AzatothAUS Před 2 lety +19

    A couple years ago I was talking with a small group and those of us not baptised yet were being what drew us to worship Jehovah. most people fell for the whole love bombing thing, but for me was the in-depth discussions and debates I had with the people I was studying with. The fact they originally called them selves bible 'students' was a big deal to me. Gradually I realised that most people could not really go too deep, and debates would prematurely end with "but the governing body says.." Later leaning the bible students were pretty much wiped out when Rutherford seized power and cleansed the(his) organisation of anyone not willing to follow him, really made me rethink things.
    When I started learn algebra in school I had some difficulty with some homework so ask my mother for help. Her attempt was so bad that I struck with the sudden catastrophic realisation that I could never ask her for help with maths ever again.
    Both situations I am left with people I care about but can no longer trust for the right answers. Not a easy thing to deal with but at least I can see my mother with no chance that the topic of algebra will come up and someone getting shunned.

    • @mrgordy1980
      @mrgordy1980 Před 2 lety +9

      I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. It can be lonely on your own. But I’m at a point where I either sacrifice my honesty and integrity and be joined to something I will sit there and feel like a sell out or search on my own. You’ve found the right channel though, Eric is very good. You’ll get more truth here than in a Kingdom Hall

  • @jennydarling1368
    @jennydarling1368 Před 2 lety +10

    Thank you Eric

  • @1956canito
    @1956canito Před 2 lety +11

    Great job Eric!!!!!

  • @alystiepenros8084
    @alystiepenros8084 Před 2 lety +7

    The application of 1 Corinthians 1:11-13 to our time is an eye opener indeed. I am grateful to you for bringing this to light.

  • @MewtRandell-
    @MewtRandell- Před 2 lety +7

    former Jehovah's Witnesses here
    thank you for this video

  • @SheilaTrueLove
    @SheilaTrueLove Před 2 lety +6

    Thank you Eric. I REALLY enjoyed this. 👍👏✌️

  • @dawill2doit
    @dawill2doit Před 2 lety +5

    Thank you once again for this message. They (GB) always make it sound like they have the Witnesses interest at heart, but in reality they are taking hearts away from Christ!

  • @jaguillermol
    @jaguillermol Před 2 lety +8

    "murder in their hearts" a very good point!

  • @anniesavedbygrace
    @anniesavedbygrace Před 2 lety +17

    I appreciate the work and time you put into your videos. Full of useful information thankyou x

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +2

      @ Annie, thank you and I'm so glad the video is useful to you.

  • @a-hagirl9351
    @a-hagirl9351 Před 2 lety +4

    United my eye! There are divisions constantly on a local level! 3 longtime elders left a congregation because of some big disagreement! The friends were taking sides, till the co straightened it out! Yeah right! Or should I say threathened them with losing privileges!!! Fear based unity at its finest! Ty! Right on target, the "direction" from "men" during the pandemic is what WOKE me up! Keep up the good work Eric!

  • @davidh5403
    @davidh5403 Před 2 lety +7

    Loved the N.Korea equivalency!! This certainly is defining the fork in the road for witnesses still in....hopefully they can see the very clear direction.Thanks Eric.

  • @researchound
    @researchound Před 2 lety +8

    Your substitutions in 1 Cor. 1:11-13 are such a powerful way to drive home the point! I will never forget this!
    Interesting how the GB is counseling the members about unity when THEY are the ones who caused this disunity by pushing their opinion on a personal health choice. Then confusion. After the fear mongering and canceling pilot meetings because of rising cases, within days it was "back to meetings". Doesn't make any sense. I think they were losing control. Some of us had enough space to find out the truth about the "truth".
    About 50% are in attendance on zoom in my area. It is just too convenient and easier to fade.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +7

      I have the feeling we're on the cusp of something big.

    • @tammyg8031
      @tammyg8031 Před 2 lety +2

      @@BeroeanPickets I hope so Eric. This CULT needs to be STOPPED AND SHUT DOWN. Too many lives have been lost 💔.

    • @bobpfohl6268
      @bobpfohl6268 Před rokem

      @@tammyg8031 how long has the cult of catholic church been in existance?

  • @dalemorigeau1157
    @dalemorigeau1157 Před 2 lety +10

    I want to thank you . It is as if this video was sent to me. I am a witness and have seen things that I do not agree with. I see now that they control with fear and intimidation . I would like to use a lose quote from the bible. As for me and my house we will follow God and his son Jesus Christ.

  • @tammyg8031
    @tammyg8031 Před 2 lety +3

    Excellent Excellent video ERIC..!!!! THANKS 😊!!!!

  • @theophilis3257
    @theophilis3257 Před 2 lety +6

    Great information Eric. So true! Unity is not uniformity!

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety


    • @erinmorano9740
      @erinmorano9740 Před 2 lety

      @@BeroeanPickets Hey brother Eric. I checked ypur website and couldnt find any information anywhere about the weekly ZOOM bible study you host. You should advertize it at the end of your videos and put a link for it in the description. Just an idea. Can I attend the meeting is is it private?

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety

      @@erinmorano9740 Here's the link, Erin:
      The Bible study group is not private. We invite all. However, you don't need to turn on your camera and you can use an alias if you're concerned about JW trolls.

  • @exjw.believer.philippines

    Thanks Eric. This is One of your best rebuttals. Yeah What you said here were true " Jws have unity but don't have the truth"Worthy to watch.

  • @sherylalismom285
    @sherylalismom285 Před 2 lety +9

    Those statistics about united and unity are powerful. The scriptures you used even more so. I still can't believe I followed that program -- those men--- for so many decades.
    TY for your caring nature and hard work. And logical critical thinking.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety

      Thanks Sheryl. So good to hear from you. Regards to Ali.

  • @wilshirestrasse2220
    @wilshirestrasse2220 Před 2 lety +5

    This was a helpful discussion. Thank you Eric for the research and presentation.
    All the best.

  • @victorlegret9036
    @victorlegret9036 Před 2 lety +5

    Having the privilege to serve myself few weeks at Polish/UK and Slovakian/UK boarder refugee camps I can confirm what Eric said. As I have seen it at several crossings. What a sight that disgusted everyone who have worked there no matter if believes or atheists. One of the worse massive Public witnessing JWorg made.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +7

      @Victor, thank you so much for sharing this. It is truly, as you pointed out, a disgusting expression of their lack of love for the people of this world made in the image of God.

  • @toddhayes3506
    @toddhayes3506 Před 2 lety +8

    Great Job 👍Eric

  • @adrianobrowne3110
    @adrianobrowne3110 Před 2 lety +8

    The theme for this year convention is Peace at last. But before they speak about Jesus saying to be a peacemaker, the first point mark anderson should have said was to make peace between each other who have an offense against somone, but state to follow the direction of men, with the words from men he said to be united but not Jesus' words.

  • @perspicacityglance6191
    @perspicacityglance6191 Před 2 lety +6

    The aspect of trying to justify the organization as better than any other religious group resembles the attitude of the Pharisee’s prayer mentioned in Luke 18:9-14. Also, it’s very true that the propagation of the “unity” dogma is hypocritical. If such unity were true, then there would be no such measure as shunning or excommunication.

  • @Linda-ux8un
    @Linda-ux8un Před 2 lety +6

    Outstanding video, well done.

  • @jaguillermol
    @jaguillermol Před 2 lety +12

    You can see when someone teaches falsehood when they elevate descriptions to valuable positions. "Unity" is just a description. Love is a real thing. We disagree and we want different things, but we love eachother. "Look, they dwell in unity!" a description from watching people who love each other.
    Watchtower instead demotes all love to dangerous emotions, and the only valuable love is agape, which isn't love at all according to them, but it is just to act nice. Use the fake love of pretend and nice acting so we can get to the higher good, unity.
    It's amazing that people who brag about reading the bible everyday has such a lacking understanding of the human condition and reality.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +2

      Thank you for the insightful comment, A Guillermo. A description versus a real thing, love. Wonderful analysis!

  • @mikedraper138
    @mikedraper138 Před 2 lety +5

    In the jw org, it's all about 'compliance' and 'conformity'.. "Listen and Obey"! It's all about strict adherence to a bunch of man made rules, all under the threat of shunning. That's not unity.

  • @hugemuscles100
    @hugemuscles100 Před 2 lety +4

    Literally the best exjw videos by far

  • @j.j.1064
    @j.j.1064 Před 2 lety +7

    In my experience the "unity" they boast about was a facade. The congregations had defacto social cliques usually consisting of elders and their wives and families, ministerial servants ect pioneers, publishers. Choosing a partner to accompany you in field service and territory assignment usually followed clique preference like choosing sides at basketball. The short straw was usually a pleb being assigned the street where hostility was historically likey and the elders and wives would not be directed there. They would get a cushy street and their husbands who were elders would work for about 15 min and pair off with each other and go off on a pre arranged "shepherding call" while"rank and file" plebs would slog it out doing the bulk of the work. It was a blue print in every congregation I had the misfortune of being associated with. 4 in all over 35 years. Breaking into a social clique was the preocupation of most persons because without"membership" it was a very lonely and disturbing existence and the associated mental health repercussions manifested themselves in some tragic ways. Even suicide.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +2

      @J.J., Isn't it so sad that people who claim to be "God's people" conduct themselves in such ways.

    • @j.j.1064
      @j.j.1064 Před 2 lety

      @@BeroeanPickets indeed it is. Yet introspection and recognition of the measure that you are measuring out will be the standard by which you will be measured is what is only applied to outsiders. This mindset requires critical thinking skills which cults routinely lable as a manifestation of "wickedness" despite the irony of the Boreans. I watched your "committee night video" as an outsider and such behavior I found astonishing. But worse was the "fact that the JW's could discern no irony" it was like watching Caphias and Judas to me.
      A secret trial at midnight masquerading as "loving discipline".

    • @joniroylance8729
      @joniroylance8729 Před 2 lety

      Where there is unity, there is strength according to the NIV Bible.
      I looked up Unity….every religion just about uses the word unity. I don’t know how on an iPad to insert a saying, a picture or anything. Would I need a computer to do that? It won’t copy to paste either on this iPad?

  • @eabay2102
    @eabay2102 Před 2 lety +1

    I'm so glad I found your channel. You are an amazing speaker and very well informed! I can listen to you all day. I can't wait to join your zoom Meeting tomorrow for the first time. I'm really looking forward to it. After leaving this organization just recently I felt hopeless. I don't wanna lose my faith in God because of this organization.

  • @christinev1015
    @christinev1015 Před 2 lety +9

    That was one the best videos you’ve ever done Eric! Thank you such a beautiful presentation. If only my witness family would watch this instead of believing their evil propaganda.

  • @iwonaivonne4387
    @iwonaivonne4387 Před 2 lety +5

    Excellent 👍

  • @anonymousprofessor8866
    @anonymousprofessor8866 Před 2 lety +11

    I was never a JWs and my only experience with their church was agreeing to do Bible Studies with them in college. This lasted several months and ended when I graduated and moved back home.
    These were very awkward Bible Studies because the JWs never answered any of my critical thinking questions...not one!
    They often tried to rush through lessons knowing a critical question 🙋 would come. I would ask a question and then total silence! After the silence they would say, "You know due to limited time let's not get off course or we'll research and address that for next week studies"
    What they could not get was that I sincerely wanted to understand their teachings but more importantly wanted clarification and proof directly from the Bible.
    I realized that I was receiving a lot of answers that couldn't be questioned and had a lot of questions they wouldn't answer.
    In conclusion I could never join a group or church were I could not question their teachings for further clarification or understanding. It's literally a form of mind control at that point.

    • @Linda-ux8un
      @Linda-ux8un Před 2 lety +1

      If I may ask, what questions did they not answer?.I am curious.

    • @anonymousprofessor8866
      @anonymousprofessor8866 Před 2 lety +2

      @@Linda-ux8un One question I asked was "Can you provide me with the scriptures that I can examine for myself that proves the teaching and belief that in 1919 Jesus chose a small group of Bible Students as Jehovah God's only true religion on Earth?
      This was a very critical JWs church teaching that I had to ask about for obvious reasons.
      I have asked several folks here on YT claiming to be JWs and I have yet to receive these scriptures. I only want scriptures, nothing else but always get these long ridiculous responses.

    • @Linda-ux8un
      @Linda-ux8un Před 2 lety +1

      @@anonymousprofessor8866 That question cannot be answered, because it is not Scriptural..

    • @Linda-ux8un
      @Linda-ux8un Před 2 lety +1

      A simple question to consider is this: Did Jehovah put an end to revolters and sinful ones in 1919? Did those leaving Jehovah come to their finish a century ago? No one in their right mind would believe such a thing.

    • @anonymousprofessor8866
      @anonymousprofessor8866 Před 2 lety +3

      @@Linda-ux8un"That question cannot be answered, because it is not Scriptural"
      Then I would ask "Does everything that JWs teach and preach come solely from The Holy Bible and nothing else?
      So it looks like JWs teach and believe critical doctrines that are not in the Holy Bible.
      Which means that the 1919 doctrine is a man made belief and teaching. Which means its not from Jehovah God.
      Quite Interesting.

  • @darrengreen9273
    @darrengreen9273 Před 2 lety +5


  • @melchizedekoumamakora6271

    Thanks a million for this. 1 Corinthians 3 has come in handy for me for sure. This has answered my questions very well. My stand has always been that Jesus Christ is the only channel to God. This idea of regarding the Governing Body as God's channel on earth is not Biblical at all. Thank you Erick Wilson.

  • @maryannspare3168
    @maryannspare3168 Před 2 lety +7

    Right on point!

  • @lazerbrain8784
    @lazerbrain8784 Před 2 lety +3

    Clear, articulated and precise. Thank you Eric. JD

  • @carolwrinkles6204
    @carolwrinkles6204 Před 2 lety +5

    This was excellent, the points brought out from Sanderson’s talk are spot - on!! I now understand better that at my baptism, the way the one question was worded means I was agreeing to be baptized in the name of Paul or Apollo ( so to speak), or was it Governing body or in name of Jehovah’s Organization.? I look back and know it was wrong. I hope others will hear these points you brought out today & wake up to the realization that Jehovah & Jesus are not backing the JW religion. Thanks once again for the amazing presentation and timely points

  • @froiski75
    @froiski75 Před 2 lety +7

    JW's version of unity is manipulative (Its not unity its uniformity). True Christians are united in Christ, His death and resurrection, we still have differences (example some celebrate some festival and some are not) but they are united being "In Christ". I remember before, this GB has this crazy rule: JW are not allowed to clap if someone got reinstated. JW comply, they do not clap when someone is back to the borg, but now they are allowed. Its crazy how this GB control even a persons emotion, and they brand it as being United.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +2

      @Froilan, well said!

    • @Tomsnothere295
      @Tomsnothere295 Před 2 lety +2

      Mind control still i remember reading that disfellowshipped brothers really never comback they view them that way thats why they make it harder for you to comeback no clapping its a sike job mental cruelty ?A Former elder once told me his opinion was the same once your disfellowshipped your gone you could never come back you know at 22 I was confused I was thinking why did he say that ?

  • @ronnierogers9678
    @ronnierogers9678 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you Eric another fine dishes spiritual food and the way you explain things are so right on point. And the substitutions that you used was a great point to use, I always said which one of them was nailed to a torture stake that we should follow them instead of the Christ. Thank you once again my brother in Christ you did a great job and I look forward to the next one.

  • @toddhayes3506
    @toddhayes3506 Před 2 lety +7

    Experience! Wisdom! Courage! Truth!

  • @exjwfromwyoming1275
    @exjwfromwyoming1275 Před 2 lety +7

    "like Cain" WOW, so true!

  • @andysandoval4601
    @andysandoval4601 Před 2 lety +1

    Jim Jones demanded blind unity and obedience as well from his followers.

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci

    Thank you so much Eric for your videos. God bless you xxx

  • @rogerkirkpatrick5256
    @rogerkirkpatrick5256 Před 2 lety +1

    Excellent post, Eric!

  • @Caracaraorangeberry
    @Caracaraorangeberry Před 2 lety +2

    the problem isn’t necessarily unity. it’s the measures WT is willing to take to get there that’s the problem.

  • @NineOneOneFx
    @NineOneOneFx Před 2 lety +17

    How many Asians, Latinos, Africans, Europeans or another (non North American) ethnic Governing Body members there has been in history?

    • @mrgordy1980
      @mrgordy1980 Před 2 lety

      I think they have one that is German, Gerrit Losch. He is the one that appears very seldom and very unhealthy. But give them credit, at least they added one black “token” brother to their board, Samuel Herd the one who wears a gold Rolex. Very pimp….

    • @broderickwallis25
      @broderickwallis25 Před 2 lety +5

      Exactly.... Also , how much "persercution" has the GB endured ? About the same count as their prophetic proclamations !

    • @Womanmad1
      @Womanmad1 Před 2 lety +1

      Exactly for a “worldwide”, organisation it is pretty poor!!

  • @WampanoagNative
    @WampanoagNative Před 2 lety +2

    Another excellent video! I wonder if you could speak on Dispensationalism rightly divided? I’ve been listening to Grace ambassadors here on YT what’s your opinion about this?

  • @CadillacBunner
    @CadillacBunner Před 2 lety +5

    Great video. I learn so much from your presentations

  • @antonmiles8167
    @antonmiles8167 Před 2 lety +2


  • @rickwilkerson3865
    @rickwilkerson3865 Před 2 lety +4

    The Watchtower projects their message from podiums, business suits and high tech videos and emotive background music. They authoritatively deliver carefully crafted ‘talks’ using a monological discursive strategy usually reserved for the math and sciences in Academia. They present conjecture and speculation as facts and truths, eg… “when Jesus was enthroned as king in 1914”. “ The faithful slave was chosen in 1919’. Thus it vanquishes all other conclusions. Loaded language and logical fallacies seals the deal.
    The results are Unity from revealed Truth!

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci

    I honestly don’t know what god thinks of me but I quit worrying about it because I’m doing what I can. I love helping people because I am a person.

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci +1

    I was very hurt by a sister in my cong who ghost me for no reason. She was an elders wife but was very bossy with me. It stumbled me so much but all I want is truth. I’m confused but I know a lie went I see it. I’ve been a jw for 71 years and I won’t settle for deceit

  • @sakdadarawan8021
    @sakdadarawan8021 Před 2 lety +3

    A straight-to-the-point presentation. GB has become more important than Jesus, the Son of God.

  • @FixingMyFaithExJWtv
    @FixingMyFaithExJWtv Před rokem

    Good Work! I did not know youtube makes videos like this...this is great!

    • @vintage6346
      @vintage6346 Před rokem

      Eric Wilson makes them. CZcams... not so much. :)

  • @BGPD70
    @BGPD70 Před 2 lety +1

    A very astute accounting of these scriptures, and refreshingly to take it in it's intirity. God's love is the light that allows us to see. The people that were being spoken to that had been drawing attention to themselves in Corinth.
    If in your house there is a chair that almost never is moved, that one day you stump your toe on. The pain is horrific. Who is to blame? The chair, someone else in the house, neighbors, relatives, elders, the JW body. Is God going to hold the JW body accountable for your actions, for your lack of faith in Him and His son Jesus He sacrificed for us to create a path that leads directly to Him.
    If we choose to listen to the ego that is never accountable, that always blames someone or something else for our fear, doughts, worries, hatred, resentment, envy, strife, lack of faith or inability to be still to look within us to see that it is us. To relax into the pain of that, go through it, to overcome it and be resurrected from it.

  • @danieltenke2180
    @danieltenke2180 Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you Eric. A very thoughtful presentation as usual. The comparison of JW'S to N Korea is actually very accurate . Keep up the great work.

  • @anthonymalfino1
    @anthonymalfino1 Před 2 lety +1

    Once again Eric, spectacular

  • @valeriepritchard2900
    @valeriepritchard2900 Před 2 lety +1

    Thankyou ❤️❤️

  • @Caracaraorangeberry
    @Caracaraorangeberry Před 2 lety +1

    @6:53 ☝🏼 the foundation for Watchtower’s unity fear.

  • @ticktock3526
    @ticktock3526 Před 2 lety +3

    Are we more concerned with directions from the “gb” or the truth from scripture. Are we loyal to Jesus or the eight men in NewYork!

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +2

      What a shame that so many JWs will follow the GB over Christ.

  • @alexpinnantonio3625
    @alexpinnantonio3625 Před 2 lety

    an outstanding take like allways. Very clever points made here. The analysis about occurrences of the words in JW BS and the Bible itself is eyeopening big time.

  • @Jacksonbodylanguage
    @Jacksonbodylanguage Před 2 lety

    Great video and keep up the good work brother. Praise to Christ and down with those business suits dressed members of the Governing body who are determined to take Christ rightful place by misleading the people.

  • @fontybits
    @fontybits Před 2 lety +3

    Excellent point regarding the cult's obsession with the word 'unity.'
    Eric, they mention it just ONCE. (1 Peter 3:8) "Finally, all of you have unity of mind..."

    • @raymondsalzwedel
      @raymondsalzwedel Před 2 lety

      There is also Eph 4:3 - "uniting". Just adding it for completeness.

  • @Charleneslife-23
    @Charleneslife-23 Před 2 lety +2

    So fearful are the JWs that they’d do things the GB dictate are wrong such as celebrating birthdays in secret.
    Some would hide and speak to DF individuals. If they truly think these things were wrong because Jehovah says so then they’d know he’s watching them from heaven and refrain from doing it.

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci

    I love everybody no matter what their faith

  • @youllplotzfilms5917
    @youllplotzfilms5917 Před 6 měsíci +1

    They slaughter you with Gossiping 😢

  • @katb945
    @katb945 Před 2 lety +1

    New American Standard Bible Rom 10:3
    For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.

  • @BeroeanPickets
    @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety +1

    David Agnew wrote:
    (At 10:50) "That booth only catered to JWs."
    Why do professing Christians try to portray a false narrative about JWs, when even the world gets it more truthful?
    An article from periodicodaily, March 2022 stated:
    "In a display of Christian love, the Witnesses are making every effort to provide practical and emotional support for one another AND OTHERS during this time of crisis.
    "Jehovah’s Witnesses suffer incredible, unacceptable persecution, with completely fabricated accusations, they respond in the way the world knows them, with acts of love, such as what is happening in Poland TOWARDS OTHERS and their Ukrainian brothers.
    "Jehovah’s Witnesses will remain at the forefront to help their brothers and all those who need them."
    From central-asia-news:
    "Jehovah's Witnesses -- who are omnipresent along the border -- have set up opposite a Sikh food truck, while Israeli organisations rub shoulders with Egyptian Red Crescent workers."
    Notice how it singled out JWs as being omnipresent.
    This is my reply to David Agnew and all others who think that is a great charitable organization.
    We need look no farther than News to see the limitations of their love.
    Here is the text of their article:
    Witnesses Respond After Inferno Consumes Apartment Building in London
    Jehovah’s Witnesses are assisting victims of a catastrophic fire that engulfed the Grenfell Tower, a 24-story apartment building in the North Kensington area of London, in the early morning hours of June 14, 2017. Authorities are reporting that at least 79 people were killed.
    Four Witnesses were evacuated from the apartment building, two of whom were residents of Grenfell Tower. Fortunately, none of them were injured, although the Witnesses’ apartments were among those completely destroyed in the blaze. Witnesses that live near the now fire-gutted apartment building provided food, clothing, and monetary aid to their fellow believers and their families that were affected. The Witnesses are also offering spiritual comfort to the grieving members of the North Kensington community.
    My thoughts on this: Notice that they only helped their own, but did they provide food, clothing, and housing for anyone else? No! They preached to them. Offered them the latest Watchtower and Awake! magazines, no doubt. What does the Bible say?
    . . .The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation,. . . (James 1:27)
    Witnesses think this only applies to other witnesses. Then there is this:
    . . .If a brother or a sister is in a naked state and lacking the food sufficient for the day,  yet a certain one of YOU says to them: “Go in peace, keep warm and well fed,” but YOU do not give them the necessities for [their] body, of what benefit is it? (James 2:15, 16)
    Again, they think it only applies to their witness brothers. But when asked who is my neighbor, Jesus gave the example of the Good Samaritan. Witnesses as a group (I know there are true Christians within that community) are like the Levite and Pharisee who crossed to the other side of the road to bypass the injured Jew. In contract, there was an outpouring of support from London residents at that time. The support continues:

  • @tlbirdsong1
    @tlbirdsong1 Před rokem

    We worship a rational and relational wonderful God!!

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci

    No, they wouldn’t measure up to Paul because he was honest and so humble. No wonder christ accepted him

  • @Land_an_sea
    @Land_an_sea Před rokem

    I have found that when asked the question G.B. or the bible they say " well they are both to be listened to, they are one in the same" . There belief is that the governing body is the only one interpreting the bible. And around and around we go.

    • @vintage6346
      @vintage6346 Před rokem

      I believed that for most of my long life. I believed that despite ridiculous and corrupt judicial decisions. Ray Franz books cured me.

  • @jnjon846
    @jnjon846 Před 2 lety

    thank you

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci +1

    We don’t stand together as one people. I’ve been judged by many in my cong and they are biased

  • @tlbirdsong1
    @tlbirdsong1 Před rokem

    My brother-in-law dropped dead after the second vaccine one day after but anyway I wanted you to know that I absolutely love your videos!

  • @keithburton3713
    @keithburton3713 Před 2 lety +1

    Hi sir I listen to your videos and find them interesting do you believe in Armageddon add the resurrection ?? Thanks

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety

      Yes I do

    • @keithburton3713
      @keithburton3713 Před 2 lety

      @@BeroeanPickets Thank you sir for your reply I’ve learned more about the Bible in 6 months listening to your videos than I have going to the Kingdom Hall for 10 years you truly speak the truth may the lord be on your side Keith Burton

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety

      @@keithburton3713 Thank you, Keith.

  • @lalo2641
    @lalo2641 Před 2 lety

    There's 25 organizations deddicated to fight poverty and 300 governmental organizations plus other ones ,they seek not there own

  • @curtainsup9
    @curtainsup9 Před 2 lety +1

    timely about unity...if you look up the archives of the 1954 Walsh trial, pages 345-348, then Lawyer for society Hayden Covington is testifying Q: Back to the point now, a false prophesy was promulgated? A: I agree that. Q: it had to be accepted by JWs? A: that is correcct Q: If a member of JWs took the view himself that that prophesy was wrong and said so he woud be disfellowshipped? A: Yes, If he sadi so and kept persisting in creating trouble........Q: unity at all cost> A: Unity at all cost because we believe and are sure that Jehovah God is using our organisation, the governing body of our organisation to direct it , even though mistakes are made. Q: And unity based upon an enforced acceptance of a false prophecy: A: That is conceded to be true. Q: And the person who expressed his view, as yo say, tha it was wrong, and was disfellowshipped, would be in breach of the Covenant, if he was baptized? A: that is correct. Q: And as you said yesterday expressly, would be worthy of death: A: I think...Q Would you say yes or no? A I will answer yes, unhesitatingly. Q: So you call that religion? A : it certainly is. Q: Do you call that Christianity? A: I certainly do. ( end of testimony) This policy hasn't changed to this day...Just yesterday, after reading letters I had written to the local elders, I was called and there were 3 who talked to me-even though I had ask them in the letters not to call me---told me they wanted to talk to me to make sure I has sent them( both post and email ) because I had not signed them...( I don't think I did hand write my signature) Anyway, I want to tell a bit of this-I had sent a link to the archives of the above mentioned trial in email to a couple of them with page numbers to find where F. Franz was explaining Jehovah interpeted what was written in the WT publications, and all were expected to believe it even though some proved to be in error, how it was enforced to believe or you were deserving of death-testimony of Covington. I had mailed just exerts from other sites in the mailing. One person I was speaking with was a retired CO. He told me what I had sent was from apostate site...I told him I had sent him a link to the actual archive...He told me I had not, that he had read the whole trial and it didn't say any of what I had reported-I had sent an unfactual archive link... Me:I said, tell me the correct archive and I will go and check it out. Him: No, I was the one who brought it up. Here are a couple more points I was told yesterday: The Millions now living talk wasn't false prophecy because if effect, they are alive to Jehovah. The generation that saw 1914 has not passed away because a generation can be an indefinite period of time ---is the going to be the next new light?

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci

    Yeah yeah yeah, unity

  • @graciehart1001
    @graciehart1001 Před rokem

    Fabulous, they are sickening 🤮

  • @akatheheretic3014
    @akatheheretic3014 Před 2 lety +3

    "Brother's , shall we follow . . mere Oxygen breathing ,
    Earth walkers? " 🌬️🌎🧑‍🦯
    I Would Think NOT !! 🤨. 🙅🏻🚫

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci +2

    United my arse

  • @hasnaout5723
    @hasnaout5723 Před 2 lety +2

    Good luck 😃

  • @erinmorano9740
    @erinmorano9740 Před 2 lety

    I checked the website but I cant find it. Whats the meeting id for zoom meeting and on what day and time do you hold them, Brother Eric? 🙂

  • @rigoladejoyeuse2831
    @rigoladejoyeuse2831 Před 2 lety

    Bonjour, c'est vraiment dommage que vos vidéos ne sont plus traduites en français ou au moins sous-titrées. Votre travail est intéressant. Bonne continuation !

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  Před 2 lety

      Hoping that will change soon.

    • @rigoladejoyeuse2831
      @rigoladejoyeuse2831 Před 2 lety

      @@BeroeanPickets Good morning, first thank you for your quick answer. It will be very, very nice to listen to you again in french ! Have a good day !

  • @waldo9261
    @waldo9261 Před rokem

    You are so right

  • @ckelly5141
    @ckelly5141 Před 2 lety +1

    Unity over love.....what could possibly go wrong? Eh, well I guess there is the the whole social killing Earth wide thing come to think of it.🤔

  • @michaelgreene9162
    @michaelgreene9162 Před 2 lety

    The founder of the Jehovah's Witness Congregation was a 33rd degree Free Mason,,i can't remember the name but that says a lot about the organization...

  • @TOS1967
    @TOS1967 Před 2 lety +1

    Following men instead of Christ. Look also at 1st Corinthians chapter 11

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci +1

    I belong to christ

  • @rafaelsanfernando9417
    @rafaelsanfernando9417 Před 2 lety

    They truly failed to follow Matthew 5:43-48 principles. Charity as gestures of goodwill, love & kindness for unbelievers could have been a shining light as one of the many deeds exemplified by Christ, so that we can persuade them (unbelievers) without uttering a word.

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci

    1 Corinthians one excellent scripture

  • @kdrazalotg-usa6345
    @kdrazalotg-usa6345 Před 2 lety +1

    The agenda from the UN is explaining all the NGOs to use “UNITY” propaganda, so here Sanderson is doing so. Pretty soon he’s going to use the buzz word “EQUITY.”
    I also noticed with Watchtower propaganda videos, that they use music and color and emotion to influence: Example of music is playing uneven chaotic beats with angry or dark colors to denote wrong think, or wrong behavior! Conversely, supposed “wholesome” ideology or behavior has harmonic piano, or orchestral musical to go with the colorful and friendly scenes:

    • @fifthdimension1984
      @fifthdimension1984 Před rokem

      Using music to evoke atmosphere or emotion for a visual presentation is standard practice in any industry. What would you have them do? Just talk only? Criticise content not the manner of presentation.

  • @UKS12345
    @UKS12345 Před 11 měsíci

    I choose what Jesus says