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  • @milliesal5684
    @milliesal5684 Před 4 lety +46

    I was born in 1968 and raised in the LDS Church. I went on a mission, had several other callings, and was married in the temple. I could never understand why God would need me to give 4 secret handshakes at the veil in the LDS Temple and upon doing so I was told, "I may now enter into the presence of God." I was then allowed to cross the veil into a room called the Celestial Kingdom which represents God's kingdom in heaven. I always wondered "WHY" does God need my handshakes?" Why do I need to give them to be with God? Many, many years I just blindly followed and accepted that I just didn't understand. Then one day at the age of 47 I decided to ask God why I needed them. I was not prepared for the answer. I believed I needed them but I wanted to know why. God told me that I didn't need them because the whole way to be with God is through Christ. He spoke John 14:6 and John 3:16 to me and said anything or anyone that teaches a different way over Christ is not of God. I realized the LDS Church was teaching me a different way to be with God over Christ. Jesus is THE way and not A way. John 14:6 I realized I had participate in a pagan ritual, the temple endowment, and that since it taught me a different way to be with God it was a form of idol worship. I now only follow Christ and his teachings in the bible and learned that the veil in the Temple was torn when Christ died opening the way for all to be with God through Jesus. Matthew 27:52

    • @iDONTdoFacebook
      @iDONTdoFacebook Před 4 lety +1

      “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that EVEN THE WORLD ITSELF COULD NOT CONTAIN THE BOOKS THAT SHOULD BE WRITTEN.”
      - The TRUTH revealed by John the Beloved, one of the men ordained to the ancient quorum of The TWELVE Apostles... Also known as John the Revelator, the prophet and seer who, in the waning decades of the First Century of the Christian Era, witnessed in dramatic vision the events of our latter days which are today ushering in the Millennium even as I type.
      Regarding the countless UNRECORDED words and deeds of God’s Only Begotten Son as He dwelt among men in mortality:
      So you know them all, eh Millie Sal. Every last one of them! You are the expert WITNESS and PROFESSOR of all the UNRECORDED things that Jesus ever said and did which were witnessed by His ancient quorum of TWELVE APOSTLES but then PURPOSELY held back from the knowledge of the general membership of the ancient Church of Jesus Christ and PURPOSELY WITHHELD from inclusion in the epistles/letters and books of The New Testament.
      As you have indirectly admitted in your comment here that you’ve been given to know ALL of the details of EVERY SINGLE ONE of those UNRECORDED Truths referenced by the Apostle John in his quote just above, please don’t stop at telling us those “Mormons” have no access to any of those things, we’d love for you to please continue and reveal to us what those unrecorded doctrines and ordinances of God’s Eternal Truths are! The ones which, if they were written, “even the world itself could not contain them.”

    • @cirillojoe
      @cirillojoe Před 3 lety +2

      It's unfortunate that you did not understand that everything in the temple is symbolic. In this video Dr White teaches but he gives half truths. At the very beginning he shows his graph. Then he says that at the top was intelligence and matter followed by, but Gid is not their. That is not the teaching of the church. As for the handshake you are referring to, these are signs and tokens which are used to identify those in the covenant. If you want to know more on the veil, study Heb 10 and you will see what the veil represents. There is so much truth in the teachings. So if you have eyes to see and ears to hear, the answers are very clear.

    • @judyskountrykakery
      @judyskountrykakery Před 3 lety +4

      Praise God, I am so thankful you found Jesus as your Lord and Savior... Jesus spoke against rituals and traditions so much, that I just don't understand how LDS can do these things... Godspeed

    • @iDONTdoFacebook
      @iDONTdoFacebook Před 3 lety +3

      “Rituals” and false traditions of man vs The Holy Ordinances of God...
      There are those who are either ignorant and confused, or evil, who disparage and condemn those who FOLLOW CHRIST by accepting and receiving the ESSENTIAL sacred Ordinances of Salvation and Eternal Life subscribed to by Christ Himself in order “to fulfill all righteousness”. From such TURN AWAY. You will do much better to FOLLOW THE WORDS AND PERSONAL EXAMPLE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST...
      “Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also [was] baptized”
      -Luke 3:21
      “Follow thou me.”
      -the words of Jesus Christ as witnessed by the Apostle John in chapter 21 verse 22 of his Testament
      “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, BAPTIZING THEM in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
      Teaching them to observe ALL THINGS whatsoever I have commanded you.”
      -the words of Jesus Christ, as witnessed by Matthew in chapter 28 verses 19-20 of his Testament
      Then we have one of the more sublime sacred Ordinances restored to the Church by Christ Himself during His ministry among His Apostles, which if we receive it not, we shall have no part with Him in His Kingdom...
      “He [Jesus] poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciple’s feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.
      Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?
      Jesus answered and said unto him, WHAT I DO THOU KNOWEST NOT NOW; but thou shalt know hereafter.
      Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, IF I WASH THEE NOT, THOU HAST NO PART WITH ME.”
      -John 13:5-8
      Call them “rituals” if you wish. But they are Ordinances - Ordinances of Eternal Life given by God to man. The latter Ordinance in particular, which is only touched on in the testament of John, is very sacred. It’s details are PURPOSELY WITHHELD by God from the common knowledge of man. Those details are only revealed to the righteous and faithful saints of The Most High. To all others they are as pearls to swine - meaningless and unwanted.
      Cast not your pearls to swine lest the swine turn and rend you. Those ignorant people are no different than the dog which bites the hand of the one who would feed them.

    • @albusai
      @albusai Před rokem

      @@cirillojoe is a cult. Nothing to do with Jesus Christ or the bible.

  • @Rypaul5217
    @Rypaul5217 Před 9 lety +31

    David J. Johnson, BYU professor--- “No one has found any inscriptual evidence for, or material remains that can be tied directly to any persons, places or things, mentioned in the book (of Mormon).”

    • @alanbird7803
      @alanbird7803 Před 4 lety +3

      Rypaul5217 let me help you. www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/11/131120-science-native-american-people-migration-siberia-genetics/. Now I’m sure you are ready to retract your premise.

    • @richardlandis793
      @richardlandis793 Před 4 lety +3

      Rypaul5217 It is absolutely a necessity to apply one particular scripture to everything in our lives, especially if it is difficult or impossible to learn something only through the conventional wisdom of man. Such is the case with The Book of Mormon. First, it is impossible to learn the full context of any writing if it is not read and studied. Second, while in the process of step one, apply James 1:5-6 in the New Testament an do so with real intent. It is never productive to have the attitude of relaxing in an easy chair and think, Ok God. Here I am. What do you think about this, and let me know whether or not it's true. Don't expect Him to answer you if you have not read it and have not real intent.

    • @binren3984
      @binren3984 Před 4 lety +5

      @@alanbird7803No concrete evidence
      Its like these Civilizations just vanished off the face of the earth.
      Leading me to believe the BoM is Religious Fiction

    • @tylerjohnson843
      @tylerjohnson843 Před 4 lety +3

      Beit Lehi
      Nahom- cemetery
      Hopewell mound people
      Most importantly is to ask God in prayer to know if The Book Of Mormon is true. So many people will regret not reading it in the next life. Don't overlook its significance.
      The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is the greatest vehicle to help anyone get to know Christ on a personal level, that we have on this earth. I know it because I have lived its teachings and found out for myself, and have received too many revelations not to know of its divine origins. May our Father In Heaven bless each of you, I hope that people will read and ask God if the church is true and not watch videos that claim truth. Go to the source of all truth he is always ready to hear from each one of us.

    • @binren3984
      @binren3984 Před 4 lety +3

      @@tylerjohnson843 I would first research and draw my conclusions
      from my studies. I won't just read it and pray for an answer.
      I have read it. To me it's Religious Fiction.. From the imagination of Smith. I base my truth on the Holy Bible Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide
      If you find the Almighty God in that book what can I say ?
      I already have 66 books that are all about Jesus

  • @joeSmith-nu6qt
    @joeSmith-nu6qt Před 10 lety +11

    He is telling the truth I was born and raised LDS. My family has been LDS from 1831 !
    Ask your Bishop about the 2nd Amounting in Holliest of the Holly room in the Temple.

    • @thepeadair
      @thepeadair Před 4 lety +4

      The 2nd Amounting? What are you talking about? Hard to give you any credibility when you talk about Holly and Holliest. I presume you mean Holy and Holiest.

    • @donlucas9911
      @donlucas9911 Před 3 lety

      Entertaining to listen to the misguided

    • @alexlintu26
      @alexlintu26 Před rokem

      That's for elite mormons not for regular mormons

    • @patricianoel7782
      @patricianoel7782 Před 7 měsíci

      Second Anointing given to Q15 leadership and wife to assure their exaltation. See “Mormon Stories”, Second Anointing

  • @SelfRelianceGuy
    @SelfRelianceGuy Před 8 lety +37

    I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You have done an excellent job explaining my religion. There were a couple of things that were just a bit off, but this is one of the best representations of my church I have ever heard from a non-member.

    • @mattbailey4507
      @mattbailey4507 Před 8 lety +23

      We pray you come to the knowledge of the true Jesus of Holy Scripture , not only for you but for your family too.

    • @SelfRelianceGuy
      @SelfRelianceGuy Před 8 lety +7

      Thanks Matt. I think that is everyone's hope.

    • @mattbailey4507
      @mattbailey4507 Před 8 lety +8

      Robert we must remember that God is God and there is one God, there is three persons who make the one God of holy scripture, Father,Son and Holy Spirit, each a person but all in one, there is no God of scripture without each other, the understanding of Who God is is only given in scripture, we know that Jesus said the Father and I are one,then He also said that He would send the Holy Spirit who is God, my point is this, the Mormon's believe they will some day become a god, that is never going to happen, God said I Am the Lord and He will share His glory with no one, "that statement" means no one but God is or will ever be a god. Jesus is God, the Holy Spirit is God The Father is God, but there is and will always be only ONE God, three parts to the one whole person who is God,if I can explain it that away. anyone who says that people (a created being) is God are missing the facts of the true God of scripture, Joseph Smith was such a person. We are told that God has given us His word, "the bible" to teach us the truth, any time anyone tells us that we must go to a different source other then the bible to understand God is not from God, God always draws us to His word, Jesus said the Holy Spirit would testify Me (God), and we are given the record of His testimony that was written by men of God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, this is very serious matters,God always leads to Himself and human beings are not gods we are created in the likeness of fallen man, Seth in the book of Genesis 5, we see who's likeness we are created in, and remember the word "created" is used repetitively. God alone is the creator!

    • @SelfRelianceGuy
      @SelfRelianceGuy Před 8 lety +18

      This definition of God that you are referring to was not a commonly held belief until long after Jesus Christ came, atoned for our sins, and was crucified.
      God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three distinct and individual beings. It is true that they are one in purpose, but they are not the same person. Jesus Christ, like you, is a son of God the Father. Jesus Christ came to this world and took flesh upon himself, and as a perfect being, paid for all of our sins, and gave his life for us. When he had completed his work, he ascended to his Father again. He didn't ascend to himself. The son ascended to his Father and he gave his Father all glory.
      While on this earth, Jesus sought out John the Baptist, who held the Aaronic Priesthood and was authorized to baptize. After Jesus came up out of the water the people heard a voice from heaven declaring, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Jesus was not a deceiver. He did not do some cheep ventriloquist act and make voices come out of heaven. His Father, your father, parted the heavens and declared his love and approval of the choice his son had made to fulfill all righteousness by being baptized.
      With respect to scripture, how do you think God give us his word in the Bible? Did he come down to earth, pick up a scroll and quill, and write it? No. He revealed his words to his prophets just as he said he would do in Amos 3:7. It has always been this way and always will until Jesus returns to take his throne. God reveals his word to prophets. The prophets declare his word, and when we kneel in humble prayer and ask in faith, nothing wavering, he sends the Holy Ghost, as a second witness to the words of the prophets so that we can know for ourselves that it is true. Do you think that the Jews were the only tribe that had prophets? What about the other 11 tribes. Was God silent with them? What about God's children today? We declare boldly that God does speak through prophets today. Joseph Smith was only one of many to follow. And they guide and direct all of God's children today that are willing to listen, pray, follow the Spirit, and make covenants.
      If you go to God, kneel in humble prayer and ask him if what I am saying is true, the Holy Ghost will speak through a still small voice with a reassurance that it is true. It will feel right because it is not of man. It is of God. Lucifer will put it into your heart not to even ask. He will tell you that it is not worth praying and asking God for yourself. He fears this. Yet those who do ask, are not upbraided (chastised for asking) as James promised. Instead, they are given the answer.
      The choice is yours to at least act in faith. I did and I got my answer just like many others. If you go to him, with real intent, without the bias of what man has created over the centuries, you will get your answer too. Then follow it, what ever it is. Most will brush it aside and not even try to exercise a particle of faith. They take something that is so simple, and discount it instead of just trying even though your own copy of the Bible promises you that God will never upbraid you for asking a sincere question.

    • @SelfRelianceGuy
      @SelfRelianceGuy Před 8 lety +16

      There is no need for me to prove anything. That is the beauty of what I told you. Each man must go before the Father in humility with an open heart and mind, and willingly ask if these these things are true. The promise is that they will get an answer from God through the Holy Ghost. One cannot use anything from the temporal world, including the writings and beliefs of another man to prove spiritual truths. Only the Holy Ghost can do that. Follow the answer you get and if you asked with real intent, I have no reason to doubt the answer you get. However, there is no reason for you to doubt the answer I received, and at that point we must agree to work together to make the world a better place by living the principles Christ taught and simply agree to disagree on that point of doctrine until more light and truth is given.
      The "Trinity" is a disputed idea, even by many of the greatest theologians. That I will not debate here. A simple search of the internet will provide you with thousands of references to this dispute going back thousands of years. Again, you can only turn to the Father in prayer and ask for a confirmation from the Holy Ghost. I am not asking you to believe what I am saying. I only ask you to ask God with a sincere desire to know, without any bias from past things that you may have been taught. That is all. If you have, and your answer is different than the one I got, I still respect you as a brother and wish you the best in your pursuit of a godly life.
      I know that Jesus died on the cross for me. And because of his unique nature, he raised himself from the dead, overcoming death so that I can one day be resurrected. I also know that Jesus Christ atoned for my sins, and that if I am willing to follow his commandments, and repent of my sins throughout my life, I will one day stand before God with the Savior by my side as an intercessory. He will be my advocate with the Father. Then I will be made perfect through him AND I will have the character necessary to enter into God's presence because during this life I lived his law to the best of my ability. Through grace I am saved from death and sin, and through obedience I am saved from having a character that is unable to live in the presence of God. My brother, Jesus Christ, will stand with me before our Father and the Holy Ghost will witness on my behalf as a second witness that I have fought the good fight and done all that I could.
      One last thing. I believe in Christ. The word Christian has been turned into a brand. Once everyone started following the brand, it seems that changing what the brand stands for has meant very little to those following the brand. Based on the current definition that the world has given of the brand "Christian", no I am not a Christian. But I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe that he is the son of God as the bible says. I believe that Jesus, my brother, overcame death and sin, and made it possible for me to one day return to the Father. I believe that, just as my earthly father wants me to be all that he is, my Heavenly Father also wants me to become all that he is. I do believe that one day, through the Grace of God, will will be like him.

  • @utah133
    @utah133 Před 7 lety +5

    For those gullible Mormons who think this guy is lying about Mormon theology, he's not. You just haven't looked into it deeply.

  • @Rypaul5217
    @Rypaul5217 Před 9 lety +12

    "Soon after I came to the realization that the Book of Mormon is not what it claims to be, I became deeply upset. I had firmly believed that it was true. I had not been looking for evidence to prove it wrong. I had been looking for research that could be viewed as supportive. It was a shock to have my belief shattered so quickly…"
    [ex-LDS and Micro geneticist Simon Southerton]

    • @exodusmediaproductions
      @exodusmediaproductions Před 7 lety +1


    • @How.To.Get.Saved.
      @How.To.Get.Saved. Před rokem +1

      Did you turn to the Bible and the true Jesus after leaving Mormonism? I'm an ex-LDS as well.

  • @brianking4704
    @brianking4704 Před 6 lety +16

    Part one
    I would love to share my testimony with you. I was raised in a good Catholic home with nine brothers and five sisters. Lol Attended private Catholic schools from first grade to twelfth . Went to mass six days a week . I was taught about my Savior Jesus Christ and the mysterious trinity. God as one physical being but three separate persons at the same time. Taught not to self study the Bible but to follow the counsel of our priests and nuns . I had a nice childhood in a loving family. I loved God and my family. I was taught the power of prayer and faith in Christ.
    At eighteen I began working at an oak furniture company. One of my friends and work mates was a youth pastor at a Baptist Church. We began to discuss our faiths for hours at a time. He had a big advantage. I was taught as a Catholic the Bible was the word of God but did not study it on my own. I began studying the New Testament, reading it over and over. I read when Mary called Jesus her Savior. The Bible proclaimed she has more children and Jesus brother was one of his followers. In Timothy I read the main requirement for a man to be a Bishop in the original Church was for him to be a good husband and father. Then later in Timothy I read in latter days there would be doctrines of devils; forbidding men to marry and to abstain from certain meats. The most troubling was when the Lord commanded us not to pray in vain repetition. To make a long story short ,I left the Catholic Church and began to attend a Baptist Church. I gave my life to the Lord and was "saved". I was baptized a few days later. I was hungry . Feasting on the words of Christ . Studying the entire Old Testament a couple of times and the New Testament several times. One Sunday our Pastor taught the doctrine of eternal security . We are saved by believing what Christ did alone and not by anything we do personally. Once "saved "we could not lose our salvation. There was nothing we could do or not do after this event where we could lose our eternal salvation. Ephesians 2 vs 8-9 was the primary scriptures shared. " for by grace are ye saved through faith, not of yourselves, it is the gift of God .
    Not of works, lest any man should boast. " hmmmmm I was puzzled. I asked after Church if he could meet with me. He agreed. I asked if the core Evangelical doctrine was we are saved by believing in what Christ did on the cross alone and not by anything we do? He said yes. I asked if we are saved by grace alone and not by what we do? He said yes. Hmmmmmm . I then asked, do we have to have faith to be saved ? He said yes,faith in Christ and His finished work on the cross. Hmmmmm. My next question was " is believing in Christ an action? " He said yes. Do you have to repent of your sins in order to be saved? He said yes. Do you have to accept Jesus as your Savior to be saved? He responded yes. Are these all things we must do in order to be saved? I thought you were not saved by anything you do and yet you are telling me there are indeed things I must do in order to be saved? I testified to him that faith in Christ is something you do. Christ grace is a gift which none of us can provide but faith is our part of the salvation equation and is in itself an action or something a person does. He proclaimed it is an action but not a work. I proclaimed tomato, tomoto! The core Evangelical doctrine is we are saved by grace through faith and not by anything we do? You don't even believe this yourself for you are saying there are indeed things we must do in order to be saved. We both know faith in Christ in itself is an action. The core doctrine of the Evangelical churches had fallen apart right before my eyes. I then asked him if the Bible was the inerrant word of God ? He said yes. I then showed him several scriptures in the Bible which testified you must be baptized by both water and the Spirit to be saved. I then showed him several scriptures which testified you must endure to the end to be saved. I showed him scripture after scripture which testified you must follow Christ and be a doer of the word and not just a hearer. I testified to him we are indeed saved by grace through faith but faith is an action. Our relationship with Christ has everything to do with our actions . A couple doesn't have a successful marriage by simply saying " I do " at the alter. Our relationship with Christ is the same. " if you love me, keep my commandments" .
    Christ does not save us in our sins , He saves us from our sins as we walk with Him in a covenant relationship . Christ did not die so horribly to become an instrument for sin. The doctrine of eternal security makes his sacrifice an instrument for sin when you proclaim your faith in Christ has nothing to do with anything we do. He was perplexed. I then said you do believe we are saved by what we do, you simply believe there are less things you have to do .
    We all know lots of people who are proclaiming Christians who live to the flesh and not to the Spirit. When confronted they simply say , " I was saved when I was six, nine , fourteen, twenty two, fifty , etc... I have nothing to worry about " the teaching of once saved always saved allows for this . Christ's atonement exploited. I then asked him if he thought God would hold him accountable for these souls? Won't they testify against you on judgement day when you stand in front of God? Our meeting ended.

    • @robertrosskopf4641
      @robertrosskopf4641 Před 4 lety +3

      @Private joker Brian sounds like he has a good grasp of the doctrine. It is all about one's relationship with God. If one submits to God's spirit, they will become more like God, and will eventually know him as Moses knew him. If they reject God's spirit, they will not progress, but be stuck where they are. People who sin openly reject God's spirit. Sadly, many of those who try to keep the commandments, also do so while rejecting God's spirit. The whole point of commandments is to help us get closer to God. They are a gift of God's grace. Don't reject the gift.

    • @lesgraham3899
      @lesgraham3899 Před 4 lety

      @Private joker Define what you say is a work?

  • @jannetteharvey236
    @jannetteharvey236 Před 9 lety +35

    Thank you Jesus for saving me from this blaspheme!

    • @Datrebor
      @Datrebor Před 5 lety +4

      Praise God you escaped from the cult like I did.

    • @all4jesus594
      @all4jesus594 Před 4 lety +2

      Janette Harvey, Me too! Praise Jesus Christ forever and ever!💙🙏🕊

    • @cloudbuster77
      @cloudbuster77 Před 4 lety +1

      @@Datrebor all religions are just man made superstitions and rituals

    • @Datrebor
      @Datrebor Před 4 lety +6

      @@cloudbuster77 I thought that too at one time. That it was a way for a few to control the many. But now I've come to believe the Bible is the true word of God.

    • @doesntmatter26
      @doesntmatter26 Před 3 lety

      No such thing. Enlighten me what the Church does wrong

  • @phill55ify
    @phill55ify Před 10 lety +11

    The plan of salvation is perfectly logical and fits in with scientific discovery far more than any other religion.

  • @dabish2888
    @dabish2888 Před 6 lety +48

    Joseph's Myth

    • @David-Alexander-German
      @David-Alexander-German Před 3 lety +1

      Or his divine revelations, you better find out for sure

    • @JoshuaMSOG7
      @JoshuaMSOG7 Před rokem +5

      @@David-Alexander-German we found out, the Bible tells us. Ain’t nothing new after the canon was closed that we further need in this evil perverse generation.

    • @introvertincognito4518
      @introvertincognito4518 Před rokem +1

      ​​@@David-Alexander-Germane're sure because we believe in God's Word in the Bible. I strongly encourage you to read the New Testament because your soul depends on it. Jesus is very clear that any message that came after His was false and of Satan.

    • @K9Kincaid
      @K9Kincaid Před měsícem +1

      Highly underrated comment! Brilliant work!!

    • @dabish2888
      @dabish2888 Před měsícem

      ​@@David-Alexander-Germanit's easy to expose mormonism for the fraud it is. I suggest you do your due diligence. Hopefully, after 3 years, you have done just that. If not, do so and flee that counterfeit Christianity.

  • @How.To.Get.Saved.
    @How.To.Get.Saved. Před 4 lety +2

    Uh oh, apostate Mormon here (going to hell). "I was blind, but now I see". By the grace of God, the Lord opened my eyes and am now a saved true Christian. Praise the Lord, and I pray the same for all Mormons.

  • @trayking1852
    @trayking1852 Před 8 lety +69

    Their leader Joseph Smith had over 40 wives and one of them was only 14. But GOD says marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman not 1 man and 40 wives. And he supposed to be sent from God?? Sorry the spirit that spoke to him was not from heaven.

    • @godsoffspring4195
      @godsoffspring4195 Před 8 lety +5

      The Lord says thou shall not kill yet had his people kill millions. You need to learn what, when and why the Lord's will is not yours to judge by condemnation. There are times when plural marriages were and are smiled upon as proven by scripture and God given common sense when you realise it's true purpose. :>)

    • @trayking1852
      @trayking1852 Před 8 lety +9

      truthseeker staats there nothing u can say to justified him having that many wives. Joseph knew God's commandments on marriage and what he did was sinful. And when joseph smith said God curse black people with dark skin And the Mormons taught that for years. Sorry joseph smith is a false prophet.

    • @godsoffspring4195
      @godsoffspring4195 Před 8 lety +5

      Tray King Plural marriage was fine for God's people throughout OT times and others did it anyway. Some still do today. Why do you think that Was?? Additionally..... why and when did the Lord tell people not to?? King David is a good example. When it's true purpose is abused.... that's when the Lord told them to stop. The true purpose for plural marriage was and is for procreation by the Lord's terms. Not for the sake of lust, property or man's riches.
      I can give you three good rational and righteous reasons right now.
      1) keeping the Lord's people clean and not intermarrying with idiots and intellectually demented souls allowing the ways of the unrighteous to infiltrate the clean through marriage. Keeping his fold righteous and living his laws and teachings which was one purpose in OT times.
      2) Population diversification of His fold. One righteous man can have many children per year to teach God's will. It's not rocket science when one uses their head.
      3) Genocide......... which the Lord's people were in danger of in JS's day as they were being murdered off by some very silly campers who can't read their Bibles properly, naysayers and those wanting power. They even had an extermination order against them by the US Government.
      Those with eyes to see and ears to hear should be able to wrap their heads around that. No??(see the parable of the sower)
      " And when joseph smith said God curse black people with dark skin And the Mormons taught that for years. "
      Not true.... Cain was cursed and had black skin. His descendant's skin colour was not their fault and unless they were as evil as he..... their was no curse upon them. You just don't understand the context of the teachings. That's normal with you guys. :>)
      In short..... you lacking some true Spirit. That's fixable bro. :>)

    • @trayking1852
      @trayking1852 Před 8 lety +2

      truthseeker staats​ at the end of the day Joseph Smith is a false teacher right Alone with Mohammad, Buddha, catholics and Jehovah's witnesses they add to the bible 

    • @godsoffspring4195
      @godsoffspring4195 Před 8 lety +2

      Tray King At the end of the day...... you are the victim of false prophets. That's obvious. Not only do you add to the scriptures, you taketh away many true and precious things taught from the Bible as well. Starting with, Heavenly Father and Christ are heavenly men. JS nor the Saints have that problem. You are in no position to speak of false prophets today my friend. You trinnies and Unitarians have reading comprehension problems because you listen to superstitious preachers who lie to you about what and who are GOD. Christ's truest church holds the manifold wisdom to the unity of the Godhead and the keys to the true priesthood who teach it. That is not your church. The Spirit is not your guide with any of the issues you've stated in this thread. :>)

  • @kelseyroberts6220
    @kelseyroberts6220 Před 7 lety +5

    Very well done! I am an exmormon and this was very

    • @exodusmediaproductions
      @exodusmediaproductions Před 7 lety


    • @Aldrnari
      @Aldrnari Před 6 lety +1

      +Kelsey Roberts I used to be an exMormon as well. Then I really did all the learning I should have done in the first place and found my way back. In Mormonism, one's faith goes through stages:
      1. Superficial, naive, primary and Sunday School level. Easily shaken.
      2. Cognitive dissonance and doubts that must either be overcome or swallow us.
      3. Rebirth into a whole new level of understanding, where things that would have once shaken our faith seem laughably insignificant.
      Remember that wherever life's journey takes you, that spark of divinity within you will never burn out. Have a blessed day, and keep seeking after truth. It will never lead you astray forever, although the roads may be winding.

    • @godssweetword9800
      @godssweetword9800 Před 4 lety

      Mormons are on their way to Hell and follow a false prophet. Stay away.
      Nah. You didn't do any research if you're a Mormon pagan. Mormons are sick idol worshiping pigs.

    • @LeevesFPS
      @LeevesFPS Před 2 lety

      @@godssweetword9800 everyone is an idol worshipping pig before they come to Christ. YOU and I INCLUDED. You are not doing a great job bridging the gap to Mormons making comments like this. God bless.

  • @alanbird7803
    @alanbird7803 Před 4 lety +6

    Next time I want to find out about Christians I will ask a Muslim.

    • @tonyrame7548
      @tonyrame7548 Před 4 lety +1

      that is actually a good point, alot of other religions do not really know the Christian religion and what makes people Christians.

    • @inertia_oudrey7006
      @inertia_oudrey7006 Před 4 lety


  • @Ax007117
    @Ax007117 Před 10 lety +1

    “Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them.”
    ― Leo Tolstoy. When a child prays with his arms close to his heart and hands pointing up, all 10 of the fingers are pointing in the same direction. Doesn't matter what god you believe in. As long as you believe in a higher power.

    • @Rypaul5217
      @Rypaul5217 Před 10 lety

      Jesus said, "beware, for many false prophets and false Christs shall arise and deceive many" Matthew 24:

    • @Ax007117
      @Ax007117 Před 10 lety

      . oh yes I am aware of that. I agree of that, But I would like for people to agree than fight lol I would like to have a nice cold tall one and be friends :)

  • @jannetteharvey236
    @jannetteharvey236 Před 9 lety +16

    Thank you, gentleman! God bless you for telling the truth.

  • @jamespedrola6223
    @jamespedrola6223 Před 7 lety +10

    "if your religion teaches you to hate someone , you better find another religion" i'm a LDS.. i love my church so much.. members in our church arent perfect .. but i knew the church is perfect.. i knew our church is true... our church teaches us to have faith in God and to love our neighbors... i never heard anything from our church that teaches us to do bad nor to hurt anyone.. for those who hate our church.. why would you bother waste your time finding fault/errors on us? we dont do anything wrong on you . it only reminds how the people on Jerusalem persecute our Savior Jesus Christ.. please ask with faith and real intent through prayer if our church is true.. i promise you will know that it is.. i love you my dear spirit brothers and sisters:-) lets pray for the best for all of us:-)

    • @Anonymouslives
      @Anonymouslives Před 7 lety +5

      You're in a cult. There's only one God and you will face Him one day at your judgement, as will the rest of us. Mormonism cannot save you. Only the saving grace of the one true God can save you. There is only one way, and it's through the real Jesus, not the false Jesus in lds.

    • @juanesquivel5071
      @juanesquivel5071 Před 7 lety +4

      Mormons are wonderful people. The problem is the doctrine.

    • @fastsofaracing
      @fastsofaracing Před 7 lety +2

      I feel bad for you James, as you only know a false Christ.

    • @godsoffspring4195
      @godsoffspring4195 Před 7 lety

      "There is only one way, and it's through the real Jesus, not the false Jesus in lds.".......................... What's a "real Jesus" ?? Good grief!! :>)

    • @Anonymouslives
      @Anonymouslives Před 7 lety +1

      Truthseeker, The 'REAL' Jesus, is not the Jesus of Islam, not the Jesus of plain philosophy, not the Jesus of The Watchtower, Not the Jesus that the Atheist or agnostic believes may have existed simply historically and Not the jesus of LDS .The real Jesus is the only Jesus that can save us. He is The God, who created everything, and there's nothing that exists that He did not create. (John 1;3, Col 1:16). There's only one God, and man cannot become a god. There's only one name under heaven and earth in which we can be saved. That's The Real Jesus.

  • @kjvjay
    @kjvjay Před 7 lety +12

    Do not let the Mormon Church make merchandise of you.
    The Mormon Church is not needed to have forgiveness of sin, nor for eternal life in the presence of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
    But then the god of Mormons is not the God of the Bible and Christians. According to Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, the Mormon so-called heavenly father, who is supposedly an exalted man that became a Mormon god and is a Mormon exalted man god among a myriad of Mormon exalted men god and according to Brigham Young, 2nd Mormon false prophet practice polygamy in their so-called celestial kingdoms.
    Christians are not Mormon and Mormons are not Christian.
    Do not let the Mormon Church make merchandise of you.
    Forgiveness of sin and to have eternal life in the presence of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is through Jesus Christ only, not through any church.
    As it is written, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23)
    “For the wages of sin is death; but the GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.” (Romans 6:23)

  • @naomipratt1947
    @naomipratt1947 Před 2 lety +2

    When it comes to Mormonism, this guy really knows.

  • @nigeltuffnel7669
    @nigeltuffnel7669 Před 9 lety +1

    I like James White. I wish I memorized certain quotes of Joe Smith and others so I could have repeated them to the two Mormons I happened to walk home with today. I hope and pray the Holy Spirit will remove their spiritual blindness so they can see the true Gospel of Christ, the power of God unto salvation.

  • @N2thewordofGod
    @N2thewordofGod Před 4 lety +5

    Dr. James White lays out L.D.S. doctrine so succinctly. This is one of the best approaches to the Mormon belief system on CZcams, and all in just 20 min! Tremendous work Dr. White!

  • @sariahamor309
    @sariahamor309 Před 7 lety +9

    thank you💝 for the respectful way in which you explained the Mormon plan of salvation... And for the loving invitation to learn the bible and understand the biblical Jesus Christ!!

    • @daviddavisson9153
      @daviddavisson9153 Před 3 lety +1

      In 1976 The LDS church published a version of the King James Bible, not to change it in any way but to add footnotes that cross-reference the Bible to the Book of Mormon and other scriptures. It actually is very interesting to read this version of the Bible to see how well the two books refer to and support each other.

  • @roberthutton7240
    @roberthutton7240 Před 7 lety +2

    James White speaks about a shared lexicon then said "WE'VE CHANGED THE MEANINGS."
    He is so correct. He has, as has the whole of Traditional Christianty, changed the meanings. The Latter-day Saint reads the word as written. So, when we cannot find the word TRINITY, we know that the prophets and apostles didn't write it into their texts nor spoke in their teachings.
    Similarly, when Hebrews 5:4 tells us that we must be called of God, as was Aaron, we BELIEVE THAT, while James White never had the Exodus 28:1-3 experience.
    Chapter 28
    Aaron and his sons are to be consecrated and anointed to minister in the priest’s office-Aaron’s garments are to include a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a coat, a miter, and a girdle-The breastplate of judgment is to contain twelve precious stones with the names of the tribes of Israel thereon-The Urim and Thummim are to be carried in the breastplate.
    1 And take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that he may minister unto me in the priest’s office, even Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron’s sons.
    2 And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty.
    3 And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron’s garments to consecrate him, that he may minister unto me in the priest’s office.
    Explanation (NOT INTERPRETATION)
    Moses had a problem. He was called to be a prophet of God, but was slow of speech. He may have stuttered. He took his concern to Jehovah, (the God of the Old Testament) and asked for help. He didn't want to be mocked or misunderstood. None of us would want that. So Jehovah gave him the answer to his prayer. Call AARON, NADAB, ABIHU, ELEAZAR AND ITHAMAR, AARON'S SONS. Jehovah presented Moses with FIVE priests, who were not slow of speech. Aaron was his brother, Nadab, Ahihu, Ithamar and Eleazar his nephews. He knew them and they knew him. JEHOVAH knew them all. Jehovah knew their hearts and minds.
    The cast.
    Jehovah (God of the Old Testament)
    Moses (Prophet of God)
    Aaron, Moses brother.
    Nadab, Abihu, Ithamar and Eleazar, Moses nephews.
    Other than Jehovah, everyone esle was an ordinary man.
    So A prophet had a concern and he took the problem to Jehovah, whom he knew as GOD.
    The prophet spoke to God in prayer and supplication.
    God answered the prayer.
    Moses spoke to the people who were gathered and, obedient to God, he called Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar to be priests unto the most high GOD, Jehovah.
    Unless a man is called OF GOD, by REVELATION, through a LIVING PROPHET, he was not called as was Aaron.
    Latter-day saints can all trace their priesthood to the LORD, and their calling came by revelation through prophets of God. Many have the spirit of prophecy, because millions actually KNOW that the word of God is true and all will be fulfilled,

  • @elihuwygant262
    @elihuwygant262 Před 9 lety +1

    That has to be the most complicated man-made (because it was/is man-made no matter what their little missionaries say) that I have ever heard. I am an elderly Messianic Jew, and I have been 'bothered' by their 'missionaries' so much that I placed a 'no soliciting' sign on my door. That didn't stop them because they told me they weren't selling anything. I then had a small sign made up that basically says 'no Mormon missionaries'! They are probably the most obnoxious group of people that have ever contacted me for anything!

  • @harmagician1
    @harmagician1 Před 10 lety +18

    Dr. James White does a fairly good job of representing core LDS beliefs. I disagree with him on two points. First the conception of Jesus. The Father did not enter into a physical relationship with Mary. According to LDS doctrine, people don't know how the conception took place. The conception is beyond our ability to comprehend and in that way it was truly immaculate. Second, Mormons worship the Savior just as much as any other Christian, and certainly more so than Muslims.

    • @central848
      @central848 Před 10 lety +5

      "For our present purposes, suffice it to say that our Lord was born of a virgin, which is fitting and proper, and also natural, since the Father of the Child was an immortal Being" (The Promised Messiah, pg. 466).
      By "Virgin birth", Mormons mean that no mortal human had sex with Mary, but since God had sex with Mary, and He is immortal, she remains a virgin! How do we show this, easy, because they believe that the "virgin" birth was "natural" and God the Father has wives, which is never ever taught in Islam, Christianity or Judaism.
      The fleshly body of Jesus required a Mother as well as a Father. Therefore, the Father and Mother of Jesus, according to the flesh, must have been associated together in the capacity of Husband and Wife; hence the Virgin Mary must have been, for the time being, the lawful wife of God the Father: we use the term lawful Wife, because it would be blasphemous in the highest degree to say that He overshadowed her or begat the Savior unlawfully. (Orson Pratt, The Seer, page 158)
      Joseph Fielding Smith, 10th Prophet of the Mormon Church: "They tell us the Book of Mormon states that Jesus was begotten of the Holy Ghost. I challenge that statement. The Book of Mormon teaches No Such Thing! Neither does the Bible!" (Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 1:18)
      The birth of the Savior was as natural as are the births of our children; it was the result of natural action. He partook of flesh and blood- was begotten of his Father, as we are of our fathers. (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 8:115)
      In relation to the way in which I look upon the works of God and his creatures, I will say that I was naturally begotten; so was my father, and also my Savior Jesus Christ. According to the Scriptures, he is the first begotten of his father in the flesh, and there was nothing unnatural about it. (Heber C. Kimball, Journal of discourses, 8:211)
      Christ was begotten of God. He was NOT born without the aid of man and that man was God!" (Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 1:18)

    • @harmagician1
      @harmagician1 Před 10 lety +3

      ***** And according to the renown LDS scholar James E. Talmage in "Jesus the Christ", the "child to be born of Mary was begotten of . . . the Eternal Father, not in violation of natural law but in accordance with a higher manifestation thereof," which means to say that the conception took place according to a higher law which is unknowable to man. This is why we latter-day saints don't claim to know how the conception occurred. It was immaculate.

    • @kjvjay
      @kjvjay Před 10 lety +7

      Joseph Smith taught his followers, "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man...If you were to see him today, you would see him like a man in form-like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man”
      Smith announced this brand new teaching during General Conference, Sunday, Nauvoo, Illinois, April 7 1844, 14 years after he had written the Book of Mormon.
      (Teachings of The Prophet J.S. p345, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10th Prophet of LDS)
      Brigham Young, 2nd Mormon prophet, made it clear that the Mormon baby jesus was begotten by his god the father, just like we were begotten by our fathers.”
      “The BIRTH OF THE SAVIOUR was as natural as are the births of our children; it was the result of natural action. He partook of flesh and blood - WAS BEGOTTEN OF HIS FATHER, AS WE WERE OF OUR FATHERS.”
      This was part of B.Y.’s Sunday Service Sermon, to the self-proclaimed latter-day saints, in the meeting hall, Salt Lake City, July 8, 1860 (Journal of Discourses V8 p115)

    • @central848
      @central848 Před 10 lety +2

      Why are you condemning yourself for the sake of this OBVIOUS lie? My God, how blind can people be when the truth is right before their very eyes.

    • @BenMcrea61
      @BenMcrea61 Před 10 lety +3

      It depends on your definition of official doctrine. The LDS church may not explicitly teach that doctrine today but it was certainly taught by the early leaders of the Church and leaders as recent as Bruce R McConkie have written about the literal fatherhood of the Eternal Father.

  • @carriejohnson6493
    @carriejohnson6493 Před 2 lety +4

    Thank you for explaining so well!!

  • @thisizwar1
    @thisizwar1 Před 10 lety +2

    As an ex mormon I can tell you all of this stuff is absolutely true. Catholic now.

  • @robbietrebor4315
    @robbietrebor4315 Před 4 lety +3

    Thanks for the help I’m an X-JW now saved by the blood of Jesus,
    And tomorrow I get the opportunity to talk to 2 Mormons who have been visiting a friend of mine. I am going to preach the gospel and destroyed doctrines tomorrow in the name of Jesus Christ I would like my brothers to pray for me that I might have holy spirit and they should hear the word of God.

    @2HRTS1LOVE Před 10 lety +15

    The saddest part--most Mormons would make incredible Christians, I hope that someday they will see that. Thanks!!

    • @charlemagnetheFranks
      @charlemagnetheFranks Před 4 lety

      @Kimberly Perschka 👍🕊️

    • @lesgraham3899
      @lesgraham3899 Před 4 lety +1

      We do make incredible Christians

    • @donaldjones9830
      @donaldjones9830 Před 4 lety

      OGSpaceCadet The saddest part is that you do not speak the truth. Which is un Christian of you. But we don’t hold it against you

    • @johnnyavina6141
      @johnnyavina6141 Před 4 lety

      Kimberly Perschka we only have one god not many gods no one is married in heaven according to the Bible you are saved trew faith alone not of works works come naturally after you accepted Jesus since you have his righteousness Jesus created Lucifer not his brother the virgin marry was a virgin when she had Jesus. So yeah not exactly the same

    • @tannerbuckley2037
      @tannerbuckley2037 Před 3 lety

      They desperately want to be Christians. I desperately want them to become Christians, because they truly are some of the nicest people..... except when you try and show them the truth. Dr. White explained this as well.....this is why they do not teach the old doctrines anymore. They want to have the label.

  • @katherineshiver9428
    @katherineshiver9428 Před 3 lety +5

    It’s not about believing the “Mormon gospel” it is about making covenants with God and being willing to be obedient to God and that determines where we go when we die

  • @JamesW225
    @JamesW225 Před 2 lety +1

    Mormonisms appeal is that of this world. It gives men tittles , positions. And platforms of self promotion, affirmatiin , and importance. This is what causes many to cherish and value this faith. Of this world.

  • @HerdingDogRescuer
    @HerdingDogRescuer Před 9 lety +2

    So in order to get into the Celestial kingdom, you need to be judged by man. One needs a "temple recommend" in order to get into the temple to do sealings, annoitings and other ceremonies. The bible says that only God judges. How can man's judgement possibly allow you or enter or prevent you from living into an eternity with God?

    • @Jsppydays
      @Jsppydays Před 4 měsíci

      It is well known and taught in the LDS/ Mormon Church we will be judged by Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. Joseph Smith prophesied this doctrine. They will judge the 10 tribes of Israel. Mind blowing. Pres Nelson did a talk on this for the youth. I disagree. But I was taught this my whole life. Just trivia.

  • @bendmortenson
    @bendmortenson Před 8 lety +5

    I appreciate sincere invitations to search God's word and ask Him to help us understand. That is certainly at the root of belief among the LDS, and where Joseph Smith's search began. I appreciate several aspects of this that accurately represented LDS beliefs, but among the parts that went amiss is misrepresenting our focus and reliance and belief in Jesus Christ as our only means to Salvation, which is the central theme of the Book of Mormon and all our theology. I rely on His grace for my hope of justification and sanctification, and the good works He asks of me are his requirement, but not the final means of saving me. It is misrepresentation to leave out our central focus. And for all Christians who believe that Jesus' sacrifice and Grace can really purify us, and exalt us, that after His work in us is complete none of our sins will be remembered before Him or mentioned to us, then it is not such a stretch to consider the truth that our Father in Heaven was once like us, and saved by a Savior, and made perfect as we hope to be. What an ennobling truth, that makes our Father really an approachable Father, and makes the term "children of God" awe-inspiring in its scope and potential.
    May we not argue, but continue in sincere dialogue, and continue to ask of God.

    • @sylviag3576
      @sylviag3576 Před 8 lety

      If your God was once a man, did he sin? My God is and has always been a holy God.

    • @sylviag3576
      @sylviag3576 Před 8 lety

      Moroni 8:18 " For I know that God is not a partial God, neither a changeable being; but he is unchangeable from all eternity to all eternity. " How could he have been a mortal man?

    • @cdowis
      @cdowis Před 8 lety

      +sylvia g
      May I suggest that you first seek milk before meat, specifically was Joseph Smith a prophet called by God, and is the Book of Mormon the word of God before seeking out the mysteries of Godhood.

    • @cdowis
      @cdowis Před 8 lety

      +sylvia g
      Do you understand the mysteries of God? Read the truth that Jesus taught in John 5:19. Do you actually understand the profound truth that Christ revealed about the Father?
      Both the Father and the Son have been perfect, and sinless for eternity.

    • @sylviag3576
      @sylviag3576 Před 8 lety

      +cdowis By the standards set forth in the Bible, Joseph Smith is indeed a prophet, a false prophet!
      I am far past needing milk. When an LDS person says "milk" , what I have found is that they don't wish to deal with uncomfortable issues concerning their church.

  • @danielhullinger7730
    @danielhullinger7730 Před 10 lety +5

    What is being saved? Is it accepting Jesus Christ as our savior and professing and acting upon that belief which grants salvation? If that is the answer, mormons do just that. Being a mormon myself, Jesus Christ is the absolute most central figure to our lives and we love Him and look up to him and try to emulate our lives like Him. If accepting Christ as our savior is what it takes, then I think mormons are in a pretty good situation

  • @marioatrucking
    @marioatrucking Před 8 lety +2

    awesome info.
    thanks guys

  • @rollingthunder4599
    @rollingthunder4599 Před 4 lety +1

    How do you renew your mind?

  • @iShowOut16Dash
    @iShowOut16Dash Před 10 lety +21

    What the hell is this??
    God is a human being?
    I think thats enough internet for the day...

    • @thomasgillespie8097
      @thomasgillespie8097 Před 10 lety

      Oh, must be too much for you to handle. Go back to your play-station little boy.

    • @Aldrnari
      @Aldrnari Před 6 lety +1

      +THE BOSS
      "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?"

  • @Rooberto101
    @Rooberto101 Před 8 lety +8

    The way you explained what Mormons believe makes some sense, I was raised Catholic and couldn't find this form of explanation within Catholicism. I believe all religions have some truth, unfortunately we allow lesser differences to divide us instead of uniting all we know in love and compassion.

    • @mattbailey4507
      @mattbailey4507 Před 8 lety

      +Roberto S. Read you post Roberto, you have only one problem with your view, it doesn't line up with what Jesus says. there is a way that seems right to a man but the end there of is destruction (hell) so you only need to ask the one question, who should the world listen to, your view or Jesus the Christ. i do pray you open your holy bible and learn of the one true God, because Roberto, Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life no one come to the Father (and heaven) but by me, if that is the truth, then the Mormons, the Catholics and all other religions that go by anything other then the holy bible are doomed to hell, I do hope you choose Jesus of the bible.

    • @Rooberto101
      @Rooberto101 Před 8 lety +1

      Matt, both Catholics and Mormons believe in the Bible apparently, The Catholics have Jesus on the cross just about every where in their churches, The real name of the Mormon church is the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and from what I understand their Book of Mormon talks about Christ, I think if you ask any Catholic or Mormon if they believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven they will certainly say yes! So I don't understand your point.

    • @mattbailey4507
      @mattbailey4507 Před 8 lety +1

      The Jesus of the Mormons is not the Jesus of the Holy Bible, their Jesus is the brother of Lucifer a created being. The Catholics worship Mary and the saints,they pray to them also, they also believe that when they perform communion the bread and the wine become the actual blood and flesh of Jesus, they believe that when they take communion that Jesus is being re-sacrificed again and again,(that is not according to scripture), the bible reads that Jesus died once and never to die again, that is the Jesus of Holy Scripture,we must remember that from the very beginning the devil has always twisted scripture, just like in the Garden of Eden once what God has commanded is twisted it is not of God, we have been commanded to rightly divide the word of God and to proclaim it correctly,the Catholics put their church and their Pope before scripture and in many cases Jesus Himself.

    • @Rooberto101
      @Rooberto101 Před 8 lety

      Matt, How can you say that Mormons, Catholics or any other denomination believe in a different Jesus? It makes no sense what you said, If I say I believe in Jesus then that knowledge can only come through the Bible, especially the New Testament, Mormons use the Bible, Catholics use the Bible and probably all other Christian denominations use the same Bible, they may interpret somewhat differently but the main principles are the same. I agree that the devil mixes truths with lies so he can deceive people and I agree with you that both Mormons and Catholics put too much emphasis on authority figures and that hinders the influence of the Holy Ghost in our lives.

    • @mattbailey4507
      @mattbailey4507 Před 8 lety

      All you have to do is look at their statements of faith, go to the Mormons,see what they say about who Jesus is, their Jesus is not the Jesus of the bible, then for the Catholics see what they say about Mary and the saints, We have been warned by most of the Apostles that many false teaches would come and if you look at Peters, Paul and John writings they say they are here, we have to remember that the Holy Bible is our guide, God the Holy Spirit is our teacher, He use men of God who were under the influence of the Holy Spirit to writer only what He wanted the world to know we must rightly divide the holy scriptures and if what a man or church teach anything other then what God commanded it is heresy, the Mormons use the book of Mormons more then they use the bible and if what is in the book of Mormon is in conflict with holy scripture then say it is new revelation, to this very day they have an office of prophet that is headed by one man, he is not a true prophet, if you look at holy scripture a true prophet, there are many preacher who say "we just love Jesus" but the real problem is they teach things that are not scriptural, they play on peoples emotions and peoples lack of knowledge of holy scripture, God says my people parish by lack of knowledge, we are warned to be very careful of who we listen to, just because something sounds godly doesn't mean it is of God, the devil played with God's word in the garden and he got Eve to sin, please be careful, god has given us many many witnesses who use His word correctly,you can look up former Mormons here on CZcams who can prove the point better then me, please look them up for yourself, the same is true with Catholics God had many true believes, listen to them see why they come out of these false churches, I know God will open your eyes to the truth, good searching and God bless.
      look up former mormons and former catholics

  • @ringonordstrom692
    @ringonordstrom692 Před 8 lety +1

    Best of James White. Short and meaty, and attested to by Mormons below as an accurate rendition of what they believe, notwithstanding unsubstantiated generalized denials.

  • @richardlandis793
    @richardlandis793 Před 4 lety +2

    It is absolutely a necessity to apply one particular scripture to everything in our lives, especially if it is difficult or impossible to learn something only through the conventional wisdom of man. Such is the case with The Book of Mormon. First, it is impossible to learn the full context of any writing if it is not read and studied. Second, while in the process of step one, apply James 1:5-6 in the New Testament an do so with real intent. It is never productive to have the attitude of relaxing in an easy chair and think, Ok God. Here I am. What do you think about this, and let me know whether or not it's true. Don't expect Him to answer you if you have not read it and have not real intent. REMEMBER: WE DON'T KNOW WHAT WE DON'T KNOW.

  • @tanneredwards9850
    @tanneredwards9850 Před 10 lety +5

    First of all I am what I would consider a faithful Mormon. Second I am very pleased to hear an objective look at the Mormon faith without subjectivity or opinions slogged around like so many Christians do. However, there are a few things I would like to point out. Obviously this was a very condensed study and so many of the finer points that help to explain the broad strokes are missed, however, I thought it was explained very well.
    One big big thing though is that it is NOT a part of LDS doctrine nor our belief in general that God had any physical sexual relation with the Virgin Mary. We believe in the Bible Scripture Matthew 1:20 which reads: "But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost" We believe it was the spirit of God descended upon her and allowed her to conceive the offspring of God, being Jesus the Son of God made mortal through the flesh and mortality of Mary. There were no physical relations so far as we know or believe.
    Next is the assumption that we are polytheist. While we do believe that there are many Gods and that we have the opportunity to become as such, we still hold our faith and belief in ONE God, that being our Father in Heaven. We do not worship any other God for if there are such they have had no bearing in our creation, therefore, we do not render them the same reverence we hold for our God. So in all senses of the term we believe in God, we refer to our Creator, our one and only True and Living God. When referencing His son it is Jesus Christ our Savior and Redeemer.
    And last is about the atonement. We believe that Christ atoned, or took upon him the sins of the world so that we might be saved and live with our Father in Heaven again. The atonement is for all mankind regardless of faith, gender, race, or position in life, however, while his everlasting sacrifice grants us eternal life, it does not guarantee our presence with God. That requires our enduring faith in Him and our service and devotion to His gospel.
    So i'm not saying all of this to say i'm right and you're wrong, i'm simply stating our beliefs so that those reading this might understand where, at least I am coming from. While this episode was very informative and refreshingly honest, there were a few discrepancies. To be honest, if you'd ever like to know more, check out LDS.ORG or MORMON.ORG. It's the official websites for the Church and I promise they're not going to sic the Mormon Missionaries on you! :)

    • @MamallamaLinda
      @MamallamaLinda Před 2 lety

      So, to rebut your comment about the relationship between God and Mary. I'm also LDS. We had a teacher tell us that God himself must follow the laws of physics and the universe. Thus, it would have been necessary for him to be married and sealed in the everlasting covenant to the person who would birth his child. Secondly, they would have had to have a physical sexual relationship to procreate. As man is now, God once was. Just because he is God doesn't mean the rules don't apply to him, especially since he created these laws for us.

    • @tanneredwards9850
      @tanneredwards9850 Před 2 lety

      @@MamallamaLinda I'm simply saying as far as the scriptures reveal and the church teaches as doctrine is that God and Mary did not have sex. Our understanding of the natural world obviously suggests physical contact is necessary for procreation. And indeed God does use and abide by the laws of nature, however, I would suggest he has such an astronomically larger understanding of it than us that he can use it in infinitely more ways than we now understand. By your logic there's no way Christ could have turned water to wine, or raised Lazarus from the dead, or walked on water, without violating some physical laws we currently know, yet he did. So could God have conceived his only begotten son via Mary without intercourse, I believe so.

  • @Kalamabbfan
    @Kalamabbfan Před 8 lety +11

    I listened to this whole thing, and for the most part, he did a very good job of explaining the true doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There were a couple of asides that were a little 'snippy' and not quite correct, but he did well until the very last and his explanation of the LDS doctrine of the Atonement. What he said about the relationship of the Garden and Calvary was correct, but then he explained only part of the Atonement. He truly left out an explanation of the Savior's whole mission as Redeemer. I wish he would have done as well on that as on most of the rest of it.
    The other thing that was a little 'slanted' was the "multiple Gods", and that God was not the creator of 'all things'. We believe that he was the creator of all things with which we have to do.
    Ask questions, and you will get answers. But of course, not every person has every answer, just as in any other religion, but we do believe that Jesus, just as the Bible says, is the SON of God. We DO believe that the Godhead is made up of three distinct personages, as is described in the Bible. We believe that faith without works is dead, that one HAS to obey God's commandments to return to him. Of course I could go on and on, but again, for someone outside the Church, this gentleman's description, on the whole, was outstanding.

  • @Bsmack24
    @Bsmack24 Před 10 lety

    I have a friend in AZ, clean cut, no tat's, him and his wife dress modest, very kind, clean language etc. for a 30 year old really stands out.... People all the time thinks he is a Mormon. What ward do you go to? Don't serve him coffee he is LDS. Where did you go on your mission? etc. When he lived in Mexico he said it was worse. My thoughts were, how did you manage to turn out so well without the Book of Mormon and latter day Prophets? I can look at a crowd and determine each person if they are LDS or not, 20 years ago that would have been difficult. False theologies will not hold up in the last days, souls are being darkened and consciences hardened.

  • @tautifaimoanaahching5799
    @tautifaimoanaahching5799 Před 4 lety +2

    Dr James White can you make a beautiful video like this one of your faith that outline what you believed? I really love to watch it

  • @Mvillano13
    @Mvillano13 Před 10 lety +19

    I wonder why all my comments in this video dissapeared...
    Any way, I still believe mormonism is as christian as Greek mythology

    • @thomasgillespie8097
      @thomasgillespie8097 Před 10 lety

      M13, The whole reply stream to Troy Jewkes has been deleted. I believe that its because of my overpowering responses especially the ones to Jpgr1958. In masterful use of Biblical simile I clowned Jpgr pretty hard and put forth some incredible truths establishing who am. Jpgr1958 started his attempt to talk trash on me and I'm sure Brother Jewkes being offend by Jpgr's creepy punk ass comments, deleted the reply stream. Now, if you have G-mail it should have my replies to your comments and questions to me. I busted out your pathetically lame and inept arguments countering the truth that baptism is necessary for salvation. With Mark 16:16, you, like many other apostate Christians act like Jesus is some bumbling double talker. You all claim that even though Jesus very clearly decrees that both belief and baptism are essential for salvation, when you read his use of negated logic logic to place an emphasis on belief you act like Jesus just voided out His 1st statement and some how magically in the same breath comes out saying baptism is not really essential for salvation. Since you fell for their stupidity, just like them, you couldn't critically think your way out of a wet paper sack. Your comprehensive reading skills are most seriously lacking. I stand with my beloved Prophet of the Lord, Joseph Smith and boldly herald to the world the real doctrinal truths of salvation and in the name of Jesus Christ we save souls. On the other hand you don't lead people to Christ and He saves them, you all just go to hell. You claim the LDS Church is some menacing cult because we are the only true and authorize Church of Jesus Christ and no other church, what so ever, can administer salvation at all. Obviously, you have been conditioned and programmed in the brainwashing of your brainless apostate Christian counter culture. Your Scare Crow Cult is some lifeless body of believers impaled on the post of your apostate dogma and pathetically lame, inept false doctrines. Even Dorothy, Toto and the Wizard of OZ couldn't help. With a big pole up the ass, your Scare Crow Cult hangs lifeless, suspended in the its static power of non authority to save. You poor hell bound believers don't take anyone, let alone yourselves, to the real Christ. Your deified false redeemer is some confused bumbling double-talker. I boldly admonish you to renounce all that stinky BS of your apostate stupidity, repent and be baptized by the true authority of the Lord's Holy Priesthood and join yourself to the living most dynamic one and only true body of Jesus Christ's Saints of the Latter Days. It is out of my love for my Lord and His divine truth that I show this tuff love to you.

    • @splibb
      @splibb Před 10 lety +3

      Thomas Gillespie speaking crazy will not help your cause.

    • @thomasgillespie8097
      @thomasgillespie8097 Před 10 lety +2

      splibb speaking out your ass seems to be your cause

    • @H0lyPh3n0m
      @H0lyPh3n0m Před 10 lety +1

      Thomas Gillespie that comment ain't very Christian, now is it?

    • @H0lyPh3n0m
      @H0lyPh3n0m Před 10 lety +4

      Thomas Gillespie Lol again, there is no love coming from the way you speak. I see no Christian values in your comments. Anyway, I don't need to defend the truth. If you need help seeing it just look at what you typed. Even though the hate and profanity in your speech blatantly holds no christian values, I'm not even gonna hang on that. It's your doctrine that is blasphemous. Nothing you just said can be even found in the Bible. So how do you call yourself a Christian. Isn't it satan that believed he could be God? That God wasn't above him? Isn't it satan that told Eve that they could also be like God? I don't need to do alot of debating because it is clear where your beliefs come from. The devil. It's that simple. The bible tells us in first timothy chapter 6 verse 3 that if any man preaches a gospel different from the one Christ taught that he is prideful and knows nothing. Those two traits define you perfectly from your comments that I have read. And if you really think of yourself as a God fearing Christian, shouldn't you try to help other Christians like myself to see the truth? Not in a prideful, arrogant and disgusting way either, what about in a kind and loving way. A way that would exemplify Jesus?

  • @mormonsson6173
    @mormonsson6173 Před 10 lety +6

    Many pretenders in this world claiming to be "a " christian...surely you dont believe them after they spew their vomit over and over against you, do you?
    He who seeks contention is of & from the devil.....A " christian " would seek, for your welfare and eternal happiness even if they believe you may be misguided...do these [ some ] here do this?
    Lucifer said, many will come teaching the philosophy of men,mingled with scripture!
    By their fruits shall ye know them!

    • @thomasgillespie8097
      @thomasgillespie8097 Před 10 lety

      Pack it up pack it in Let me begin, I came to win,battle me it’s a sin
      I won’t tear the sack up- punk you’d better back up
      try and play the role and the whole crew will act up
      get up stand up come on throw your hands up
      if you got the feeling jump across the ceiling
      Muggs is a funk fest, someone’s talking punk.
      Yo I’ll bust em in the eye and then I’ll take the punks home.
      Feel it funk it Amps in the trunk yeah and I got more rhymes
      than there’s cops at Starbucks coffee shop’s Sure’nuff
      I got props from the Saints on High,
      Plus my Moms and my Pops.
      I came to get down
      I came to get down
      So get out your seats and jump around,
      jump around, jump around, jump up jump up and get down Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump everybody jump

  • @David-dz3oz
    @David-dz3oz Před 3 lety

    Thank you Jesus! For this wonderful comment section.

  • @brookescott9598
    @brookescott9598 Před 3 lety

    I have always been taught, believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and thou shalt be saved. He sacrificed His life for us to cover our sins as we repent and sin no more. NEVER in 40 years as a Latter Day Saint have I been taught that Mary's birth of Christ was not divine, immaculate. Thank you for your beliefs and during my evening readings of the BIBLE will ponder, as always, its meanings. I am Christian as I believe Christ is my brother, my Redeemer, my SAVIOR and only through him will I be judged.

  • @lightrevolutionsdotcom9415

    This presentation reminds me of a scenario somewhat like two sports casters trying to discuss the game of CHESS, who believe the only legitimate game is "Go Fish"! I would like to 'debate'/co-present on the Chess game, as one who can also play Go Fish. One of the big problems here, is these guys don't really believe the Bible, in any translation, only their "orthodox" traditions & creeds allegedly based on it, yet largely like the Pharisees in Jesus day they make the laws of God of none effect by "their traditions". Paul taught the only sensible concept of "One" God, in his analogy of "one" Church HAVING MANY MEMBERS. Think about it ... each of our God-created miraculous bodies, has literally TRILLIONS of cells, dozens of "systems", multiplied externally visible parts -- it's a wondrous creation literally in the image of God! All these elements are highly intelligent, organized, cohesively unified into One body. Jesus' own personal great prayer is that we all could become "one" with him AS he is one with the Father ... that could end up as millions of individual members of the One infinite & eternal God! How would all this be organized?
    Good grief! "Go Play Fish" ye simpletons! Unbelievable ignorant Pride!

  • @pwait700
    @pwait700 Před 6 lety +15

    Hi I'm a devout mormon. Instead of turning me away from my faith this video has expanded my knowledge of my faith and I embrace these ideas wholeheartidly. So I want to say thank you for helping me embrace my faith more and getting me closer to God in the procesd.

    • @GracUntoYou
      @GracUntoYou Před 4 lety

      But how can Christ's perfect death for our sins be if Elohim had to have sex with Mary the miracle and purity isn't there anymore

    • @nathanhorn8638
      @nathanhorn8638 Před 4 lety +2

      Patrick Wait This only increased my faith as well in the church.

    • @jillsmcfarland2001
      @jillsmcfarland2001 Před 4 lety +2

      Just keep paying $ to faith.And never research what that $ is really used for.

    • @GracUntoYou
      @GracUntoYou Před 4 lety

      @@jillsmcfarland2001 selah.

    • @demanitorres5925
      @demanitorres5925 Před 4 lety

      Patrick Wait why does God say that before him no God was formed and there shall be no God formed after him. I was lds for a year so I know there’s an infinite amount of Gods

  • @punacunningham9151
    @punacunningham9151 Před 3 lety +1

    So much flattering words from this gentleman, by the way its called "The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Sains" not Mormonism or LDS Church.

    • @srilankangenie
      @srilankangenie Před 3 lety +1

      He recently invited Kwaku to a debate and couldn’t defend his Calvinist doctrine

  • @brianking4704
    @brianking4704 Před 6 lety +1

    Part two
    I began searching for a Church which taught we are saved by Christ's grace through faith and where saving faith is a verb not a noun nor a one time event. I continued reading and studying my scriptures. In John the Bible proclaims " in the beginning was the word" ; the Bible also testifies " there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism, " . All of these Christian Churches teaching opposing interpretations could not all be correct nor true. It is a factual impossibility . Christ said " I am the way, the truth , and the life" .
    I was 28 and working as a salesman. I visited hundreds of homes biweekly selling food. A few of the families began to stand out to me. They demonstrated the fruits of righteousness, of following Christ. No drinking alcohol, no smoking, purity until marriage, education was stressed ,no cussing nor inappropriate movies , keeping the Lord's day Holy, tithing, strong families built on love and Christ's teachings. Finally, I asked each family ,one after the other what there secret was? Each of them were Mormon families.
    Impossible, I thought ! I was taught by Catholics and Baptists the Mormon Church was a cult ! How could a cult demonstrate the fruits of righteousness? It didn't make sense. I like to study religions so asked how I could learn more about there faith and Church? They were excited to say the least. They set me up with a couple of their Missionaries . In our first meeting they taught me about Joseph Smith and his first vision where he saw Jesus Christ standing on the right hand of His Father. Two separate personages . Jesus was in the express image of His Father as Hebrews declares. To my surprise I had no problem with what they were teaching . I felt at peace. After all Stephan ,when he was being stoned ,looked up and saw Jesus standing on the right hand of the power on high. Moses spoke to the Lord face to face as a man speaks to a friend. Jesus said he would be on the right hand of the Father in eternity. The Bible declares God is the same yesterday, today, and forever and God is not the author of confusion. This vision was brought about by Joseph Smith reading in the Bible from James 1 vs 5 " if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not but let him ask in faith and it shall be given him." Ask God directly, having faith in Christ , amazing!
    God keeps His promises!! Right!
    Then it happened . The Elders said they were glad I was soaking up what they were teaching but I needed to gain a Spirit born testimony . Simply deciding the LDS Church was true was not enough . They showed me in the back of the Book of Mormon a similar promise from God as was-in James. It said to study the Book of Mormon and then ask Heavenly Father , having faith in Christ , with real intent , if the words of the book are true and through the power of the Holy Spirit I would know it was true directly from God. They said I could know the truth of all things through the Holy Spirit. The Bible proclaims this and so does the Book of Mormon. I could know all of the Churches teachings were true using God's system.
    I had never been taught in the Catholic nor the Baptist Churches I could take their interpretations directly to God and through the power of the Holy Ghost I would know they were true. In fact I was taught an objective process instead of a subjective process.
    I was determined to place my faith directly in Heavenly Father , having faith in Christ. I was about half way through the Book of Mormon when God answered my sincere prayers. I had been fasting and praying with real intent . All of the sudden my soul was filled with the most divine feeling of God's love and God did brand His truth on my heart. God's presence poured down upon me and was within me. As Jeremiah described ,the word of the God was as fire in my bones. I knew the Book of Mormon was true . I knew Joseph Smith was a Prophet . I knew the LDS Church was true. As sure as Moses's experience with the burning bush and the great I AM . I knew and will always know. The Holy Ghost testified to me with power and love.
    I have since come across another scripture in the Bible commanding us to go directly to God for our testimonies.
    Isaiah 8 vs 19-20
    Should not a people go to their God ? For the living to the dead ? To the law and the testimony ?
    If they teach not this it is because there is no light in them.
    Brothers and sisters I testify to you " the LDS Church is true, the Book of Mormon is God's word as is the Bible; as long as it is interpreted correctly, Joseph Smith was a Prophet called of God and Christ Church is led by a Prophet today, I testify marriage can be forever as families can be forever, procreation can be forever. God did not command you get married and be fruitful and multiply to take this most wonderful blessing from you at death. God hates divorce . Why would He divorce everyone?
    I testify Heavenly Father lives and loves you ! Jesus is the Christ! He lives and loves you ! They promise to answer your sincere prayer . "Saved by grace through faith " I leave my testimony with you in the name of Jesus Christ ! Amen
    The Wilder family and most of the other x Mormon's simply never had the humility nor faith to gain a Spirit born testimony of the LDS Church nor of the Book of Mormon. They , like many other Mormon's who grow up in the LDS Church ,assume they have a Spirit born testimony without ever fasting and praying and gaining one. They never really understood Christ's atonement and continue not to understand it to this day. "We are saved by Christ's grace through faith" .
    We do our best to keep God's commandments all of the time and draw closer to Him through our obedience and Christ saves us all the while as we seek to live after the Spirit and not the flesh. Christ did not suffer so horribly to change God's commandments into mere nice ideas we can pick and choose from. Our relationship with Christ has everything to do with what we do for Him and what He does for us as we walk hand in hand. God's commandments are His plan for our happiness . Fast and pray and you can know this is true through the Spirit of truth. You can know the truth of all things through His Spirit of truth. The Spirit testifies with love and power. You will know , not merely believe. Love y'all !!!

    • @kjvjay
      @kjvjay Před 6 lety

      When Mormons refer to god they do not mean the God of the Bible and Christians. They mean a Mormon tiny polygamist exalted man god whose throne is nigh unto Kolob and is a mythical Mormon god among a myriad of mythical Mormon tiny polygamist exalted men gods and each having numerous goddess wives, according to Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, and Brigham Young, 2nd Mormon false prophet, god, gods and goddesses Smith and Young fabricated to suit their own lusts.
      This is obviously not referring to the God of the Bible and Christians, who was, is and will always be the Lord God Almighty, was never a man on another earth that became a Mormon polygamist exalted man god.
      Teachings of The Prophet J.S. p345, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10th Mormon false prophet,
      Pearl of Great Price, Abraham 3:9,
      Journal of Discourses V7 p333-334, V9p322.

  • @JBattlePants
    @JBattlePants Před 8 lety +7

    As a long-time mormon and RM who has studied these things, everything I have heard so far (up to minute 17 so far, still listening) is correct about our beliefs. If you are a mormon and claim otherwise, you just haven't learned it yet.

    • @dleoburns
      @dleoburns Před 7 lety

      So, only apostate Mormons go to Hell?

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 Před 7 lety

      Then how do you explain posts countering that then? As there are posts here in the comment section correcting James White, James White is not representing Mormonism 100% correctly it appears then.

    • @Aldrnari
      @Aldrnari Před 6 lety +2

      As a fellow long-time Mormon and RM, I counter that Dr. White has made many incorrect claims. I understand the references he's making, but he's wrong again and again in his presentation of the supposed facts. For example: He claims that only Mormons will go to paradise, which is false (anyone whose conscience is free from guilt will go there, whether due to the Atonement of Christ or living without law). Then he expresses befuddlement over why not everyone converts to Mormonism in Spirit Prison (without understanding that spirit prison is not an actual prison. He also says that there will not be suffering in Spirit Prison, which is absolutely false.) He claims that it is the teaching of the LDS church that God is a polygamist, while ignoring the fact that different apostles and prophets have had conflicting opinions about that, and that since we've never had official revelation about it, it remains conjecture and is not an official teaching of the church. He ignores the etymology of the word telestial, claiming it's not based on anything more than J. Smith making something up on the spot. I could go on, but this is all just from the first 5 or minutes of the video, and he gets way off base from there.

    • @alionakaulave2179
      @alionakaulave2179 Před 2 lety

      I bare witness Brother Brown.he goes waaaaay off which makes me sooo sad hearing him add false doctrine which everyone could already feel while listening, plus his evidence a more of built ups and adding lies.

    • @albusai
      @albusai Před rokem

      @@Aldrnari either way is all a lie . The whole cult. Jesus and Satan being brothers 😂😂😂 have you read the bible?

  • @phrannymoo
    @phrannymoo Před 4 lety +4

    Did you see the Masonic handshake and the all-seeing eye at the 10:30 mark?

    • @torianholt2752
      @torianholt2752 Před 4 lety +1

      Yeah. Joseph Smith was a Freemason and incorporated a lot of their imagery and ideas when he founded his religion.

    • @doesntmatter26
      @doesntmatter26 Před 3 lety

      @@torianholt2752 Free Masonry actually stole stuff from the Old Testament temples.. that's why some of the same stuff shows up in the temple

    • @Song-Girl-Still-Singing
      @Song-Girl-Still-Singing Před 3 lety

      @@doesntmatter26 do your research. It simply isn't true.

  • @thomasgillespie8097
    @thomasgillespie8097 Před 10 lety +2

    Who guards the truth, oh LORD MOST HIGH
    It's written above in the star-lit sky
    All of the constellations fly
    So High- MOST HIGH- So High
    Who hides the Beast from blind men's eyes
    In the lands of peace where the parents cry,
    "the price for freedom's far too high!"
    So High- MOST HIGH- So High
    Around the world, I'm a King who'll move the stars around the sun
    unto the LIGHT where my spirit was born- bring this wonder home
    While mercy sleeps in the Altar light
    The Whore and Beast 's consumed by fire
    and the flames leap into the sky
    So High- MOST HIGH- So High
    Around the world, I'm a King who'll move the stars around the sun
    unto the LIGHT where our spirits were born- bring this wonder home
    come on come on come home
    HE gather's in the gems of HIS ETERNAL CROWN
    Refuse to kneel, you'll be trampled down
    Yeah, Tread beneath the foot
    So High- MOST HIGH- So High
    Thomas Gillespie / Robert Plant / Jimmy Page

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 Před 5 lety

      Thomas Gillespie.
      What part did Plant and Page play in your poem/song ?

  • @caffeinefreemtndew
    @caffeinefreemtndew Před 6 lety +1

    I like you suggest Islam is closer to main stream Christianity than Mormonism simply because of how many God's they believe exist. As if a detail like that was more important than the atonement, repentance, resurrection, etc. God said, "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." He did not say there are no other Gods.

  • @xanderfshort
    @xanderfshort Před 7 lety +12

    Wow, great job! Thanks for this video. I was impressed. For a nonmember, you got a lot of things right about our beliefs! And the couple things that weren't correct were very close. I can tell that you really put effort into doing your research, which not a lot of people do nowadays, whether on our religion, or on anything.

  • @dleoburns
    @dleoburns Před 7 lety +3

    Dr. James White: You said you could give a quick answer as to whether or not Mormons are Christians. I sure would love to hear it! I am a 39 year member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon or LDS), and was a member of the Southern Baptist Church 30 years prior to that.
    Mormon doctrine includes the following: the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible including the Joseph Smith Translation footnoted (short corrections) or placed in a separate section (long corrections) of the LDS edition, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine & Covenants of the LDS Church, and the Pearl of Great Price. "Dallin H. Oaks explains: "Revelations from God . . . are not constant. We believe in continuing revelation, not continuous revelation. We are often left to work out problems without the dictation or specific direction of the Spirit."[14] Thus the current prophet can clarify, correct or change any previous teachings.[15] However, once a doctrine has been accepted by the church by "common consent", it becomes part of the Standard Works, and then takes precedence over any other revelation.[16] Members of the LDS church only consider themselves bound by doctrine found in the Standard Works." [Wikipedia/Revelation (LDS)/Inspired vs. infallible] We recognize Elder Dallin H. Oaks as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. We understand and read the Journals of former Prophets and Apostles of the LDS Church, but we are warned that these journals contain both revelation and speculation. We are told to go to the standard works as I have described for answers.
    God has always been eternal. Abraham 3:18 "Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal." John 4:24 "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." So, God is, was, and always will be eternal. He is the Father of our spirits. Hebrews 12:9 "Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?" A mortal human being is an eternal spirit dwelling in a mortal body temporarily. James 2:26 "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.:"
    Salvation by works. The process of salvation meaning exaltation requires baptism, justification, and sanctification. Justification (reconciliation) requires works. James 2:20 "But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? 24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only." You are in fact judged by your works at the final judgement. Revelation 20:12 "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Sanctification is not earned by man. It is through the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us that sanctification is acquired. We are saved by grace for exaltation.
    Hell is not the exclusive habitation of Mormon apostates. Revelation 21:8 "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." So, those on this list will endure hell when deceased and finally the lake of fire.
    The LDS Church did not start as a polygamist church. D&C 49:15 And again, verily I say unto you, that whoso forbiddeth to marry is not ordained of God, for marriage is ordained of God unto man. D&C 49:16 (witten in May 1830) "Wherefore, it is lawful that he should have one wife, and they twain shall be one flesh, and all this that the earth might answer the end of its creation;" D&C 132 containing the doctrine of plural wives was written in July 1843. Polyandry was never practiced in the LDS Church. The rules as stated in D&C 132:61 "And again, as pertaining to the law of the priesthood-if any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another, and the first give her consent, and if he espouse the second, and they are virgins, and have vowed to no other man, then is he justified; he cannot commit adultery for they are given unto him; for he cannot commit adultery with that that belongeth unto him and to no one else. 62 And if he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery, for they belong to him, and they are given unto him; therefore is he justified."
    Jesus Christ was God before he physically created this earth. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
    Luke 1:34 "Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God." Alma 7:10 "And behold, he shall be born of Mary, at Jerusalem which is the land of our forefathers, she being a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel, who shall be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost, and bring forth a son, yea, even the Son of God." I don't understand the fact that we accept all different forms of reproduction (artificial breeding, in vivo fertilization, in vitro fertilization, and cloning; but believe God had to have sexual intercourse to inseminate Mary. We believe in the account in Luke 1:34. I can't find anywhere in the Bible or Mormon standard works were it speaks of sexual intercourse in the afterlife or previous to earth life. Have you?
    Polytheists believe in many gods. The LDS Church is tritheistic. We call those mentioned in the Bible as GOD or members of the Godhead. There are three: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit). They form a trinity in the sense that all three work in perfect harmony to accomplish the will of Heavenly Father. The Bible does not teach the doctrine of the trinity found in the Nicene Creed. That was added in 381 A.D..

    • @MikeJesus.8
      @MikeJesus.8 Před 6 lety

      David Burns im a mormon living in Nauvoo, IL. & must inform you that Joseph Smith did marry a woman who had a living husband. Most mormon men dont believe this, but anyone who visits Nauvoo & tours the town will B taught this by LDS staff who give the tour & history of the town & church. Im writing U because i read a post u wrote after watching a video. Simply put that woman had two husbands.

    • @Robinfuckable
      @Robinfuckable Před 5 lety +2

      David Burns The Mormon God was once a Man like us
      so he won't be considered eternal
      there are too many core difference between biblical God and Mormon God
      Mormonism is a completely different theology and Idealogy
      they sound like their Christian but they are not
      Momons believe God was once a Man like us

    • @Robinfuckable
      @Robinfuckable Před 5 lety +1

      David Burns So your saying if the. prophet wanted to, He could bring back the Blood Atonement or bring back polygamy ?
      please say yes please lol

    • @alanam9103
      @alanam9103 Před 5 lety +1

      David Burns you are so blinded by satan

  • @ldsgrocket5166
    @ldsgrocket5166 Před 10 lety +1

    How can they say that Mormons aren't Christians when the name of the church is The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints!?

  • @jamespedrola6223
    @jamespedrola6223 Před 7 lety +1

    i Appreciate your replies to my comment. we have different opinions and beliefs. let's just respect one another . The Doctrine of Christ purpose is not for us to contend one with another, but to come unto Christ and treat our neighbours with love and respect. To those people who read, hears and watched antimormon videos or writings, please know us more before putting a conclusion. i want to leave my comment with this question: with how i/we speak, act and treat other people, am i following the example of Jesus Christ?

  • @55k3v1n
    @55k3v1n Před 10 lety +8

    The "peep stone" can be purchased from the backs of comic books :-)

  • @janebeatty2010
    @janebeatty2010 Před 10 lety +6

    He is absolutely correct. This is old school Mormonism that is not spoken if much. Especially being non-mormon women being pulled out if spirit prison to become a multiple wife if an exalted mormon man. So funny how their own members do not know this. I know this from dating a temple worthy man who was just sealed for eternity to his second wife. Both are married to others.

  • @roberthutton7240
    @roberthutton7240 Před 7 lety +1

    The opening comment goes right to the heart of the Gospel discussion. The PROTESTANT does not understand the word of God as written. The LATTER-DAY SAINT usually does, BUT the investigators don't and the newbies don't. THAT is why Satan sends the false preachers after the investigators and the new and recent converts.
    2 PETER 1:2O-21
    20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
    21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
    The Protestant and the Catholic spend years rejecting Bible 101.
    They seek to school the priests, ministers, pastors, and evangelists (wrongly named) in HERMENEUTICS, EISEGESIS AND EXEGESIS.
    "Philosophical hermeneutics" redirects here. For other uses, see Hermeneutics (disambiguation). For the history of hermeneutics, see History of hermeneutics.
    Hermeneutics (/hɛrməˈnuːtɪks/ or /hɛrməˈnjuːtɪks/)[1] is the theory and methodology of interpretation,[2][3] especially the interpretation of biblical texts, wisdom literature, and philosophical texts.[4][5] It started out as a theory of text interpretation but has been later broadened to questions of general interpretation.[6]
    Hermeneutics was initially applied to the interpretation, or exegesis, of scripture. The terms "hermeneutics" and "exegesis" are sometimes used interchangeably. Hermeneutics is a wider discipline which includes written, verbal, and non-verbal[7][8] communication. Exegesis focuses primarily upon texts.
    Modern hermeneutics includes both verbal and non-verbal communication[7][8] as well as semiotics, presuppositions, and pre-understandings. Hermeneutics has been broadly applied in the humanities, especially in law, history and theology.
    Hermeneutic, as a singular noun, refers to some particular method of interpretation (see, in contrast, double hermeneutic)
    Eisegesis (/ˌaɪsəˈdʒiːsəs/; from the Greek preposition εἰς "into" and the ending from the English word exegesis, Greek ἐξήγησις, which in turn is derived from ἐξηγεῖσθαι "to lead out")[1] is the process of interpreting a text or portion of text in such a way that the process introduces one's own presuppositions, agendas, or biases into and onto the text. This is commonly referred to as reading into the text.[2] The act is often used to "prove" a pre-held point of concern to the reader and to provide him or her with confirmation bias in accordance with his or her pre-held agenda. Eisegesis is best understood when contrasted with exegesis. While exegesis is the process of drawing out the meaning from a text in accordance with the context and discoverable meaning of its author, eisegesis occurs when a reader imposes his or her interpretation into and onto the text. As a result, exegesis tends to be objective when employed effectively while eisegesis is regarded as highly subjective.
    Exegesis (/ˌɛksəˈdʒiːsɪs/; from the Greek ἐξήγησις from ἐξηγεῖσθαι, "to lead out") is a critical explanation or interpretation of a text, particularly a religious text. Traditionally the term was used primarily for work with the Bible; however, in modern usage "biblical exegesis" is used for greater specificity to distinguish it from any other broader critical text explanation.
    Exegesis includes a wide range of critical disciplines: textual criticism is the investigation into the history and origins of the text, but exegesis may include the study of the historical and cultural backgrounds for the author, the text, and the original audience. Other analyses include classification of the type of literary genres present in the text and analysis of grammatical and syntactical features in the text itself.
    The terms exegesis and hermeneutics have been used interchangeably.
    The word TRINITY is not found in the Bible. It cannot be read OUT OF THE BIBLE, but, by Hermeneutics, Eisegesis and Exegesis it is READ INTO the BIBLE, contrary to the word of God, AS WRITTEN INTO AND READ OUT OF THE BIBLE.

  • @infinityApologeticsClips
    @infinityApologeticsClips Před 4 lety +2

    James White is amazing

  • @kjvjay
    @kjvjay Před 10 lety +14

    When Mormons refer to Jesus they are not referring to the Jesus of the Bible and Christians. Mormons are referring to a Mormon jesus who is the brother of Satan and they are two of many sons and daughters of a Mormon tiny polygamist exalted man god, the Mormon so-called heavenly father, who himself is one of a myriad of Mormon tiny polygamist exalted men god father, grandfathers, great grandfathers, etc., according to Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, Brigham Young, 2nd Mormon false prophet.

    • @baldhobbit
      @baldhobbit Před 10 lety +3

      When Mormons refer to Retards their referring to Jay Forrester.

    • @kjvjay
      @kjvjay Před 10 lety +1

      Wendell Pace It was Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, who told his followers their Mormon so-called heavenly father was nothing more an exalted man. "God himself was once as we are now, and IS AN EXALTED MAN...If you were to see him today, you would see him like a man in form-like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man.”
      (Teachings of The Prophet Joseph Smith, compiled by Joseph F. Smith, 10th Mormon false Prophet, p345)
      Smith announced this brand new teaching during General Conference, Sunday, Nauvoo, Illinois, April 7 1844, 14 years after he had written the Book of Mormon.
      The God of the Bible and Christians who has always and will always exist as the Lord God Almighty, who was never a man that became a Mormon tiny polygamist exalted man god among a myriad of Mormon tiny polygamist exalted men gods and the goddess wives.
      Of the God of the Bible and Christians it is written, “Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.” (Isaiah 43:10)
      Mormons have demonstrated they do not want to have anything to do with the God of the Bible and Christians. Mormons do not serve nor are the witnesses of the one true God, who was, is and will always be the Lord God Almighty.

    • @kjvjay
      @kjvjay Před 10 lety +1

      Wendell Pace It was Brigham Young, 2nd Mormon false prophet, practitioner and promoter of polygamy, that preached the Mormon exalted man god was a practicing polygamist in heavenly, in his so-called celestial kingdom.
      “Why do we believe in and practice polygamy? Because the Lord introduced it to his servants in a revelation given to Joseph Smith, and the Lord’s servants have always practiced it. And is that religion popular in heaven? It is the only popular religion there.”
      The Mormon exalted man god is practicing polygamy in his so-called celestial kingdom, as revealed by Brigham Young, 2nd Mormon prophet, highly revered by Mormons as a true Mormon prophet.
      This nonsense was part of Young’s Sunday Message in the Meeting Hall, to the self-proclaimed latter-day saints, Salt Lake City, July 6 1862. B.Y. preached and promoted polygamy demanding that people believe that what he said was the truth. (Journal of Discourses V9 p322)

    • @lejukecakeandbiscuits8648
      @lejukecakeandbiscuits8648 Před 10 lety

      Jay Forrester and yet in the Bible there were several prophets who had more than just one wife, guess they must've been false prophets too for practising polygamy right? Abraham....one of the greatest prophets to walk the earth had at least three wives and was willing to sacrifice his son for the Lord...but because he was practising polygamy he must be a false prophet. This is what is wrong with the world today, polygamy is such a problem and if anyone was to hear of it they would think of Mormons and Islamics straight away and think it's a major problem. Yet when you hear of gay marriage and it being legalized, the world throws itself at the feet of the homosexuals and welcome them with wide arms....such a fascinating world we live in.

    • @kjvjay
      @kjvjay Před 10 lety

      Lejukecake Andbiscuits The God of the Bible and Christians never commanded polygamy. Even in Old Testament times such practices nearly always caused problems.
      However, the mythical Mormon tiny polygamist exalted man god, who has numerous goddess wives, supposedly did command polygamist as in Doctrine and Covenants, Section 132. However, the Mormon tiny exalted man god is a god Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism and Brigham Young, 2nd Mormon false prophet, made-up to suit their own lusts.

  • @thomasgillespie8097
    @thomasgillespie8097 Před 10 lety +3

    3) I'm very familiar with the professed teachings of our Church. I know the Standard line of precepts and concepts and I know the whole purpose of having that standard line is to provide the basis upon which to advance to the next line of precepts and concept. I'm sure you've heard of eternal progression. I hold the Holy Eternal Priesthood. As a High Priest and like every other High Priest, I hold the Keys to the Mysteries. Combined with my Spiritual gifts and much much prayer and many years

  • @thomasgillespie8097
    @thomasgillespie8097 Před 10 lety +1

    2) And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house the house of God....." Brother Cody I'm here to make sure this happens Now please understand, I don't have to wait for those 15 Apostles to figure this all out and then tell me. They have been very busy doing their job

  • @PegasusBYU
    @PegasusBYU Před 4 lety

    Interesting discourse on our faith. Many things you said are accurate. Let me tell you why I believe our faith is true...and it has nothing to do with all the things you called into question. We have an officer in the stake (a stake is a group of wards - or congregations), known as a patriarch. He is called upon to give patriarchal blessings (if you ask for it - starting at the age of twelve). These patriarchal blessings are each specific to the individual and are given to be a guide to you throughout your life. When he put his hands on my head and started to give me the blessing, I started to cry, because I could feel my soul literally ache with longing of missing Heaven. I KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that God that was talking directly to me. It was like a spiritual conduit of light (like a spotlight) was centered from God to me. I could just feel it, as my eyes were closed. My physical brain doesn’t remember Heaven, but my soul sure did. I KNOW that power was a product of our church...yes that “horrible” Mormon church (sarcastically), had the power to connect me directly with God. Many of the things I was told have come true and there were some things omitted that one would not expect to be omitted if all the blessings were the same. Yet, it was a testimony to me that they were (as the Patriarch didn’t know me as we lived in a different town), because it demonstrated to me that God knew and knows me and my circumstance. I also felt an overwhelming amount of love and peace during this blessing...and it all stopped when he finished the blessing and removed his hands from my head. So feel free to disparage my faith, just because some of the teaching may be different from yours. But the spiritual gifts I’ve found in the church (and there have been many more miraculous instances), testify to me of the truth of this work. Thanks for listening.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 Před 4 lety

      With all due respect, you have the wrong God.
      I have read the Bible 40 times now and can find no evidence that Mormonism is true.

    • @PegasusBYU
      @PegasusBYU Před 4 lety

      Faye Lewis I appreciate the respect you offer. Thank you for your civil reply. Perhaps your difficulty is with the question you are asking. If you start with the premise that “our God” is different from “your God”, then your search will only be to find evidence to divide each other. I don’t recall anywhere in the scriptures that requires the followers of Christ judge each other (and then cast aside the ones that believe differently). Another way to search the scriptures to learn about God (instead of using them as a cudgel), is to understand who he is and what he wants for your life. After all, the scriptures are here to guide us toward him. One other thought, just because we may see things differently, doesn’t change the words that we’ve all been given in the scriptures - prayer, love, follow the Savior, follow the 10 commandments, etc. it’s how we follow his words that make the difference, not which conception of God is the most accurate. Make no mistake, we follow the Savior, Jesus Christ and worship God, the Father.

    @ZZZXYZ Před 8 lety +5

    Sons of perdition are those who actually, in fact know god, beyond all doubt and choose to give him the middle finger. So your apostate comment is inaccurate.

  • @BowenDesignWorks
    @BowenDesignWorks Před 10 lety +5

    I would say a very fair explanation of the Mormon faith well said A few concepts aren’t quite right and there are a few errors.
    8:12 Baptisms for the dead - Confirmations are not done by people in their Garments, but in white temple clothing. However the Garments are worn under the clothing.
    9:55 Its not apostate Mormons who go to “Hell” but anyone who receives a firm testimony of Christ through the Holy Ghost and then they deny it, those are sent to Hell or “Outer Darkness”.
    10:52 Telestial was omitted in translation. Why give three references to glory: Sun, Moon, Star and the only have two glories - there are three.
    12:30 God of this planet and many, many others like it.
    16:27 Most all missionaries and members understand this
    17:30 What form of life on earth doesn’t have a father & a mother and doesn’t grow up to be just like their parents.
    17:33 Christianity is a belief in Christ and that he is the son of God and died, was resurrected and atoned for our sins. Mormons believe this more literally than any other faith. That is why we are Christians we believe in Christ.
    18:37 There is no “Original Sin”. Adam was innocent therefore couldn’t sin, which is willful disobedience to Gods law. Adam transgressed the law.
    18:49 The “Firing Squad” in Utah has nothing to do with Mormon Doctrine.
    19:17 Christ created this earth this universe and everything we see and are Hence he is the God of everything to us.
    All I ask is how much of what this may says rings true, makes sense, or feels right. Its Gods way of letting you know that its true.

  • @durlkis
    @durlkis Před 6 lety +2

    As a mormon, I enjoyed this episode and I'm impressed that someone of another faith has taken the time to learn about the LDS faith. This follows the spirit of Matthew 6 in an attitude of empathy, love, reaching out, and an attempt to try to understand; an outward approach to others. I felt a genuine sense of love for our welfare that follows the heart of the Savior. Thank you. I would say much of the information given was wonderfully organized and presented. One concept that I'd like to correct is the idea that everything a LDS prophet or Apostle says is the word of God. The most faithful LDS leaders and scholars recognize that sometimes a prophet speaks as a prophet and other times speaking as a man; in other words, prophets can have opinions and can be wrong. Moses made mistakes and was corrected even after being called as a prophet. There were only a few errors in what was said that Mormons believe. Mormons do not believe that apostate Mormons will go to hell. I understand why you believe that and statements you are most likely referring to, however, you misunderstand. Another is the concept of "showing worthiness" or in a sense earning heaven. We don't believe this at all in any way. We believe that the only way we can be saved and obtain eternal life is through the atonement of Christ. (John14:6 / 2 Nephi 25:23-26 / Mosiah 3:17 / Mosiah 13:28) Even God, by his own laws will not take away your agency to choose. He cannot save you without your permission. You must accept him to become like him. Mormons can not "earn" heaven but through the atonement we become like Christ through his grace. That is the key of the Mormon faith; to become like Jesus Christ. We are not trying to earn heaven, but just like all other Christians, trying to learn heaven. The concept of "blood atonement" is incorrect. Again, I know where you are getting that from but that it is misunderstood and not what Mormons believe. In our eternity and our universe we believe that God Elohim and his son Jesus Christ created all things. While many limit the concepts of eternity and space, Mormonism does not. You limit your own mind and the expanse of space when you confine God to own limited understanding of the universe. Keep an open mind; you may be surprised. : ) Mormons believe in a virgin birth and believe that the Holy Ghost fell upon Mary. Any further details about that encounter are speculation. There is no prophet or apostle that has every come out and said, "Thus saith the Lord, this is how I was conceived." You are quoting speculation. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of this video to reach out and in a sense create a dialog. In Romans 8:15-17 we are taught that we are children of God and that we can know that through the Spirit. We are also taught that heir, joint-heirs with Christ. John 17:22 We are taught that we may become "one" with Christ, even as Christ is "one" with the father. Meaning, we can become like the father. That is the promise given to Abraham. As a worshipper and disciple of Jesus Christ I can assure you that upon my death if Christ said that is was not Mormonism but the Catholic or Baptist religion was His way, I would fall in step. If you were to die and stood before Christ, and he said the LDS faith is My church, what would you say?

    • @Rypaul5217
      @Rypaul5217 Před 6 lety

      begs the question... who do you say is the Lord God of the Bible ..you have referred to here..? what do you say is His name? Do you believe in many gods? and if so which of one of these many Gods do you pray to and worship or think you have to repent to?

    • @coltonmorrison4616
      @coltonmorrison4616 Před 2 lety

      Luke 1 and 2 gives the full testimony, The angel Gabriel came to her and told her that she would conceive a son, generations will forever more call him blessed, he told Mary everything. We can become one with Christ by the spirit of the Lord, and by being spiritually minded. The father loves the sun, and he’s given all things into his hand. Read the Bible, it’s the truth. What you said was partially the truth, but the rest was like the lie of the serpent.

    • @forevereign7759
      @forevereign7759 Před rokem +1

      You are being untruthful about Mormons not earning their way to heaven. You well know that you must earn your way to the Celestial kingdom which all Mormons agree is the only place you want to be. If you slacken your efforts you will end up in Terrestrial or Telestial kingdom which is a loss of the true heaven or Celestial heaven. You will never see Heavenly Father and are eternally damned to not progress. I'm ex Mormon so I needed to clear that up for others who don't realize this. Mormons use the same words as Christians but they have a different dictionary which can be very deceptive.

  • @byronkfbi
    @byronkfbi Před 10 lety +1

    I clicked on this wondering what lies or misrepresentations I might find about my church and it's doctrine. I am glad to say that the entire segment was very accurate. There are a few doctrines talked about that are more speculation among Mormons rather than revelation, but even those points represented the common understanding among Mormons. What I don't get is why so many Christians object to these teachings. The Lord did not finish his testimony in one book.

    • @tannerbuckley2037
      @tannerbuckley2037 Před 3 lety

      Yes He did. I cant find a LDS member willing to have a respectful dialogue, will you consider a chat?

  • @ngatipana1770
    @ngatipana1770 Před 4 lety +6

    Hey.....lets get something right first.......the true name of the church is: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Get it right, we take offence when the name is not first identified. A name is so so important.

    • @racerx4152
      @racerx4152 Před 3 lety +2

      the name should be the church of the devil.

    • @tannerbuckley2037
      @tannerbuckley2037 Před 3 lety

      @@racerx4152 or the church of baal, all the corporate church cares about is money.

  • @tyndale25
    @tyndale25 Před 5 lety +6

    I have loved being a Mormon. Yes they understand things a little differently, but it seems to me that it is in a better way of understanding than other Christians. Mormons are Christians, but they redefine what being a Christian is. It is pretty cool. They are wonderful people for the most part and they have tremendous faith. Get to know them. You will be glad you did.

    • @mckster56
      @mckster56 Před 9 měsíci

      They redefine what being a Christian is...then that is not a christain.

  • @cdowis
    @cdowis Před 10 lety

    As I read your post, it is very consistent with my beliefs.

  • @kjvjay
    @kjvjay Před 2 lety

    God declares, “Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.” (Isaiah 43:10)

    @RSCL_BEATZ Před 10 lety +5

    My favorite is how JOseph stuck his head into a hat with stones to get revelation from GOD. lol!

  • @davidfuller2866
    @davidfuller2866 Před 10 lety +3

    this is why I am glad to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. We are built on the Rock , not a house made of bricks that man has made.

  • @cdowis
    @cdowis Před 10 lety

    Every church has such members.
    Today Eduard Dube spoke in General Conference. He is a native of Zimbabe and the second black African called as a general authority.
    There are many black members and leaders in North and South America -- Jamaica, Brazil, etc.

  • @bryanpratt5850
    @bryanpratt5850 Před 10 lety

    May God judge between you and me, and forgive the one who knows not what he is doing. God bless you Thomas Gillespie.

  • @TheGregcellent
    @TheGregcellent Před 10 lety +4

    Show me the gold plates.

    • @holidayrap
      @holidayrap Před 3 lety

      You will see them one day.

    • @alionakaulave2179
      @alionakaulave2179 Před 2 lety

      One day you will see it my friend, God wid do as you wish,seek more from young lds missionaries ..🙏🏼

  • @David2II
    @David2II Před 10 lety +6

    the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?- 1Cor.15:29

    • @user-jy5ff3zo3u
      @user-jy5ff3zo3u Před 3 lety +1

      I found this an interesting article about 1 corinthians 15:29 have a read 🤔 source: neverthirsty.org
      Bible Question:
      The question is on 1 Corinthians 15:29. Paul speaks about baptism of the dead as if it is an accepted practice in the Christian church. Can you tell me what he is referring to? Thanks so much.
      Bible Answer:
      The passage of scripture you are referring to is included in the following verse:
      Otherwise, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why then are they baptized for them? (NASB) 1 Cor. 15:29
      The Passage
      This is a difficult passage to understand because the concept of being baptized for the dead occurs only in this passage. When we encounter a verse or verses that seem to introduce a new idea that does not occur in any other place in the Bible, then we must be careful about our conclusions. We cannot develop new truths from only one passage in the Bible. This is an important principle to remember.
      What is the meaning of the phrase “baptized for the dead”? Is the answer found among the forty different interpretations of this passage that have been considered by preachers and teachers since the early church fathers? Here are a few of the major meanings that have been given to this phrase.
      One View
      First, some have said the Corinthians believed that there was spiritual benefit (or efficacy) in being baptized. They have referred to 2 Macaabees 12:3-4 which tells us that the Israelites believed there was a benefit in praying for the dead. The Roman Catholic church believes this also.
      And when he had made a gathering throughout the company to the sum of two thousand drachms of silver, he sent it to Jerusalem to offer a sin offering, doing there by very well and honestly, in that he was mindful of the resurrection: For if he had not hoped that those who were slain should have risen again, it would have been superfluous and vain to pray for the dead. 2 Macaabees 12:43-44
      Did the Corinthians believe that prayer and baptism had spiritual benefits for the dead? Neither history nor archaeology tell us.
      Another View
      Second, others believe that the Corinthian Christians were actually being baptized for dead people. History tells us that some early Christians named Marcionites were doing this. But again, neither history nor archaeology tell us that really happened in Corinth. Today, the Mormons practice this ritual believing that they are saving unbelievers.
      Other Views
      It does not appear that the Corinthians’ conduct troubled the Apostle Paul since he never condemns the practice. Just twenty-nine verses earlier, Paul had taught that the only way to be forgiven was by trusting in Jesus Christ. So their practice was not about salvation for the dead or he would have rebuked them just as he did the Galatians in Gal. 1:6-9. We do not know what they were doing. That information has been lost to the passage of time.
      Paul is not really interested in their practice. He only introduces their custom to support his message. The dead do live again. His conclusion is excellent. If the dead do not receive their bodies back again, why are you practicing your custom? The truth is this. Everyone lives forever (Matt. 25:46) and we all receive resurrected bodies at the end of the world (Rev. 20:4-5, 11-15). God is looking forward to living with those who are trusting the Father to forgive their sins because of Jesus’ death and return to life. God wants to live with us! That is awesome.

  • @karine79336
    @karine79336 Před 5 lety +2

    brilliant james as always

  • @PickupTruck60
    @PickupTruck60 Před 9 lety +1

    Just because you don't believe everything that we believe does not give you the right to criticize us for our beliefs. Whenever I read these things, all I see are a bunch of hypocrites that Christ Himself warns us to avoid (Matthew 23:28).

    • @Rypaul5217
      @Rypaul5217 Před 9 lety +2

      why take it so personally? people have the right to know the truth about what Mormonism teaches. the same goes for the Jehovah witnesses or the Moonies. or scientology. or any group.

  • @ozzyescarate2533
    @ozzyescarate2533 Před 7 lety +3

    This video clip presents erroneous information in a condescending manner with a twist of sarcasm. Seemed like the whole point was to prove that Mormons are not Christians by a doctor of theology who doesn't understand the "core" of Mormonism. The host agrees with inaccuracies and apparently does not know anything about the LDS church. The host proceeds to make a universal call to all Mormons to reconsider their faith...why?

    • @Pecospup
      @Pecospup Před 7 lety

      More than I feel like going into on a website. It actually does a deeper dive on the plan of salvation than most not of our faith bother to do, I give him props for that. Most just alienate us with accusations that we are not Christians. But there are significant portions that are wrong. The drawing is wrong, the doctrine is wrong, and the inferences of where that doctrine leads are certainly wrong. There is no question he has studied our faith, but he studied it with the preconceived intention to teach it with just enough twisted and fringe information to make it palatable to those who do not wish us well. If you really want to know what we believe ask a missionary, not one who does not believe. Do you think that you should learn what the Jehovah Witnesses believe by listening to me? Not hardly. If you want to know what the JW's believe, ask them. Then decide. If you want to know what the LDS believe, ask them. Then decide. The things he got wrong are not things that would make sense while studying our doctrine, I must therefore conclude that he knew he was changing what was placed there.

    • @kwrinn
      @kwrinn Před 7 lety

      old cowboy PLease excuse me, old cowboy, but did you serve a mission?

    • @ozzyescarate2533
      @ozzyescarate2533 Před 7 lety


  • @eddierobbertse8957
    @eddierobbertse8957 Před 5 lety +5

    Wow, never knew the Mormons were this extreme. Thank you for this great episode, very informative!

  • @mvaug69
    @mvaug69 Před rokem +1

    Why is everyone so afraid to tell the truth? Are they ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? The Bible is true. It doesn't need reforming. So long as we continue to sugar-coat the lies, noone is saved. God doesn't need His Word to be corrected and changed. We need to learn to be offensive, rebuke Satan, repent and get out of false religions.

  • @cdowis
    @cdowis Před 10 lety +2

    Was it an injustice when Christ was only sent to personally minister to the House of Israel, and not to the gentiles? In the time of Moses, only the Levites were allowed to hold the priesthood.
    It was only later that the Gospel was broadened to the gentiles. The Lord performs His work according to his own time and wisdom.
    In Moses time, only the members of the tribe of Levi were given the priesthood. Today, thru revelation, the priesthood has been expanded to include all nations and races.

  • @boraboy4ever
    @boraboy4ever Před 9 lety +3

    Is this categorized under comedy? This made me laugh so hard.

    • @joeswenson7237
      @joeswenson7237 Před 3 lety

      Of course it’s comedic when explained tongue in cheek by a non-mormon. Go ask a Chevy dealer to tell you all the benefits of Ford trucks... You’ll get a similar reaction. this guy is mixing many of our truths with a pompous arrogance that usually accompanies this...

  • @AlbertJLouie
    @AlbertJLouie Před rokem +3

    When you seek answers from the Book of Mormon instead of the Bible, God can't help you because you have turned your back on Him. Therefore this leaves the door open for Satan (II Corinthians 11:14-15) to step into your life with a false christ or prophet showing you signs and wonders to lead you away from the real Jesus of the Bible who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. God Himself warns us about this in MATTHEW 24:23-24 "Then if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Christ! or There! do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect..."
    Mormons teach and believe that their jesus is the brother of Satan, which contradicts what God says in His Bible that Jesus is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity.
    So Mormons, which Jesus do you believe in?
    A. Your jesus of the Book of Mormon, who is the brother of Satan.
    B. The Jesus of the Bible, who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity.

    • @HowToGetSaved-
      @HowToGetSaved- Před rokem +2

      Amen! When I was a Mormon, the answer would have been A.
      The Lord has opened my eyes, and the answer is most definitely B.
      May the Lord continue opening the eyes of LDS!

    • @AlbertJLouie
      @AlbertJLouie Před rokem +2

      @Taylor's Channel💜
      May you always grow in strength, wisdom, and courage from our Lord and Savior.

  • @David-Alexander-German

    cmtaustralia has their URL wrong, pls check

  • @purami14
    @purami14 Před 9 lety +1

    If he told me he was stoned on acid (LSD) during his presentation I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. It is amazing what joe has came up with.

  • @JonathanRodriguez-ts9ok
    @JonathanRodriguez-ts9ok Před 10 lety +4

    This is so funny. How many videos does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints release about why other churches aren't true? The answer? Zero. A true Christian won't try to convert someone by tearing them down. I believe in Christ, and thus, I am a Christian.

  • @ljptech
    @ljptech Před 8 lety +6

    Hi I made a video exposing the Book of Mormon - Hope you like it

  • @ElderPayne
    @ElderPayne Před 7 lety

    Mr. White's assertion that there must be a blood atonement relates to Christ's Atonement which by and through our faith and repentance we can avoid the penalty for our sins but through Christ. Repentance requires us to stop doing the sin, confession of the sin to priesthood authority and our future obedience. If we do not repent we will be required to pay for our own sins and Mr. White represents that requires our blood which is not our Doctrine unless one takes the life of another without due provocation or war.

    @RSCL_BEATZ Před 10 lety

    If Jesus warned Christians against the rise of many false prophets of GOD (Matt 23:24-25), told us that His words have been revealed to us as clear but to others He spake so they would not understand (Matt 13:10) and told us not to listen to the doctrines of men (Matt 15:9); how in the world can you convince yourself that you are following Christ (John 14:21)?

  • @ABrianAnderson
    @ABrianAnderson Před 9 lety +4

    Why don't you have a Mormon on your show, to describe their religion instead of someone who has an agenda against them. This is like having a Republican on to describe what a Democrat believes, or visa-versa. Or maybe like having a cook or chef describe auto mechanics. From what I understand, a lot of this is biased and mis-characterized.

    • @brycechristensen126
      @brycechristensen126 Před 8 lety +1

      I totally agree with you.

    • @robertyee
      @robertyee Před 8 lety

      Hes read the same exact books that Mormons read, talked to them, studied their beliefs, and even knows more on their "religion" than a lot of their own members do. Hes been doing this for YEARS. In your example, a chef can know everything about cars but still be a chef ;) he may even know more about cars than some mechanics :)

    • @ABrianAnderson
      @ABrianAnderson Před 8 lety

      Please, don't be so stupid ;) I'm talking about someone who is in a position of authority, who can speak for the religion... not a layperson. I'm sure he thinks he knows more about the religion than the mormon in the pew and maybe he does and he even comes across as trying to understand the beliefs. But he is no authority and much of what I hear him say is speculation, disinformation, and has little resemblance to the basic or "core" beliefs of Mormons I know. And ya, maybe if you got a cook to talk about auto mechanics he may know more than your backyard mechanic, but if you want to learn about cooking you go to a real chef... or a real mechanic if you want to know about how your car works. It's just obvious to me this guy has an agenda against them and is, at best, disingenuous at portraying objectivity.

    • @robertyee
      @robertyee Před 8 lety

      You know this guy has mormon friends too and has been studying their religion for 20+ years, right? And thanks for calling me stupid lol, you know it says a lot about the person whos first to throw out irrelevant personal insults to someone they dont agree with in a simple conversation. So relax. Not a single word that came out of his mouth about mormons is false or "disinformation" and he provides all their scriptures to prove it. And they agree. But they read and believe the Bible and they also read and believe the book of Mormon and unfortunately for them the books contradict each other and thats the problem. Have a good day

    • @ABrianAnderson
      @ABrianAnderson Před 8 lety

      I didn't call you stupid, I said, DON'T be stupid

  • @adammyers2462
    @adammyers2462 Před 9 lety +3

    Just go to lds. Org

  • @thomasgillespie8097
    @thomasgillespie8097 Před 10 lety

    7) I have followed the very most importantly critical Priesthood directive given unto the Saints in the last of these Latter Days. I've followed this and am now following this and with exemplary performance. I now offer to you, the least of the Saints, the opportunity to prove out and validate the highest Priesthood officers of the Church. How else can I prove out to you and them that I'm the highest ranking Priesthood officer, but by having this seer stone wrought forth by the hand of the Lord?

  • @thenexus1789
    @thenexus1789 Před rokem

    Never thought I'd hear a man criticize a group of people for trying to live their lives as best they can to honor God and love their neighbor as themselves. Guess that's Calvinism for you.

    • @kenziek6707
      @kenziek6707 Před 11 měsíci +1

      No fan of Calvinism, but at least they keep their hands off little children unlike Mormons I see ANOTHER LDS bishop just plead guilty to havign sex with a child, man its like a bishop a month. I wasnt in the cult for that long, but holy hell, the stories of what little 9-11 year old children tell of abuse at the hands of your bishops in "worthiness interviews" is something. No shock at all the LDS church is so opposed to Chris Hansen doing a sting in Utah. Ohb well I find it funny I have been out of the church for almost 10 years and they still send me letters begging for money, you can leave the cult but the cult can never leave you alone.