Nana Visitor goes to Corrales Farmers Market

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • Nana Visitor goes to Corrales Farmers Market

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    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    When you have a song in your head, but you don't know any of the lyrics to it, just the catchy tune, do you ever worry that your whole life will go by, and you'll die without ever finding out the name of the song or the artist? I've had a lot of songs like that in my time, but I've found a lot of them in recent years. Some of them seem like they're hardly ever played on the radio, though. ;*( It's one of my ambitions to find them all before I die.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety

    I like when I wake up on Wintery nights, and my eyes are half closed and I can barely see as I walk to the toilet, and I hear ELO's Can't Get it Out of my Head IN MY HEAD! It just seems so fitting to hear that, and listen to it on cold Wintery days/nights! It feels all Christmassy when you hear it. ;*D

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Heart, and a lot of desire in them!!!! And judging by your intensity, your devotion to acting and the amount of thought you put into your roles and characters, I would've imagined you to deeply appreciate qualities such as heart, desire and passion.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety +1

    I used to love it in 2004 when I'd be listening to my radio at nights, and The Cutting Crew's I JUST DIED IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT would come on. ;d I also dislike the fact that I feel strangely nostalgic when I heard Jennifer Lopez's Waiting for Tonight in my head. I detest her and everything she stands for, yet hearing that song in my head makes me yearn for that 1999 feeling again.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety +1

    Ahhhh... There's just something I love about that cold, wintery smell in the air at this time of year. ;*D My nose might be cold, and sometimes my feet might be cold in thermal socks, but I feel strangely motivated. In 2007 when we had a REALLY COLD WINTER, sometimes I'd wake up in bed and think to myself, NO WONDER WAYNE GRETZKY ACCEPTED THE TRADE FROM EDMONTON TO LOS ANGELES! But I really prefer the cold, I think. Sometimes Spring days have a certain smell in the air which I find quite intoxicating too, but I might prefer the Wintery one! Most people feel lazy and want to wrap up warm in cold weather, but I feel like I want to exercise more than any other time of year! Of course, maybe it's just because I've been doing my oil-pulling daily for a month or so, and I've been doing my happiness pills daily for a long time too, but who knows, recently I had the brainwave to start doing a WIDER VARIETY OF THINGS, rather than just focusing on one or two things, because I was remembering in the past how I can hardly ever remember having OCD at times when I was doing lots of different things. Initially I was worried that by doing lots of different things, I'd never be able to focus on one thing, AND TRULY BECOME ELITE IN A CERTAIN FIELD, but who knows, maybe I stand a better chance at truly excelling if I'm happier and uplifting from keeping my activities fresh and interesting than I will be if I simply stagnate, and do the same thing all the time! LESS IS MORE THEY SAY, and so many things in life have points of diminishing returns. ;*( I take it you know this yourself, since when you did DS9, you'd be waiting around on set MOST OF THE DAY, and yet the TRUE MAGIC happened in a matter of MINUTES in takes, didn't it? And once the perfect take of a scene was done, I couldn't really imagine any need for further takes. QUANTITY DOESN'T GUARANTEE QUALITY, whereas sometimes quality can come within the very first minutes of partaking in a given endeavour!
    By the way, if I get this thread to 1,000 replies, I wonder if I'll get a reply from Nana Visitor? ;*P Of course, knowing my luck, 1,000 would be the magic number upon which I'd get blocked. ;*P That'd actually be pretty funny! Or 1,000 could be the point where you reply telling me in three words to "stop stalking you." That's if you aren't COMPLETELY TERRIFIED OF ME. I'm not mocking you or anything, it's just that I understand how women could be scared of stalkers. ;*D And I always thought you were scary in the past, anyway! I thought back in the day that Alexander Siddig must've been a glutton for punishment, since I imagined you shouting and arguing a lot in relationships, like a soap opera woman! But he probably knew things about you that I didn't .;*P

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    With Rob Paulsen, you could hear his different characters, and you'd never have guessed they were him, and yet they all had such distinctive voices! Like Throttle from the Biker Mice from Mars with how his voice almost had an intimate tone to it, and yet it was still laced with the whispery masculinity of Clint Eastwood. Whereas with Raphael from the Ninja Turtles, he brought the classic belligerent, frustrated teenager voice to the role. Another thing I really love about Rob Paulsen is that...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I used to!!! The only mirror universe novel I ever had was called Dark Mirror I think, and I'm glad you brought the topic up, because I really found that novel fascinating, with how Counsellor Troi was the sadistic security chief who ran the mirror Enterprise with an iron fist in that story, and how she personally oversaw the torture of prisoners with the agony boothes, all whilst prying into the minds of the victims for information. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I just listened to part of the Emissary DS9 audiobook you narrated which seems to have just recently been put on CZcams, and it's put me in a better mood. Before, I had a bit of a mental meltdown. No one knew anything about it, but I'd given way to anger and hate once again, and was mentally finding fault in things and people in my head. Things and people I'd normally harbour great admiration for. It really opened my eyes to the mindset of the cynical critic.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    But don't worry, because you're still the queen of Star Trek, Nana. Your discipline, intensity, soulful depth, and beauty are second to no mortal.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety +1

    Listening to Fierce's version of Sweet Love on CZcams before made me want to be a teenager at college again. ;*( The fact that it's a rare summery day added to the feeling. Back in 2000, I used to think of this certain older girl I fancied there because one day in the common room there, I had the good fortune of sitting next to her, and even though I probably felt self-conscious, I also felt cool and contented. And at that moment in time, that song came on the common room radio.

  • @sj0bs1
    @sj0bs1 Před 11 lety

    I met Avery Brooks at a convention yesterday. Great guy.
    Also met Odo and the ferengi dude.
    I told them Nana says hi....even though she didnt, but I would guess she would have.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I feel it's terribly regrettable that such a huge amount of humanity is like this, the way how you listen to your first impressions without looking deeper into the subject, or putting any effort into reasoning of your own! I know this to be true through all my life experiences. To put it briefly, I'm talking about the days of my youthful school and college days when I was met with formidable peer pressure to conform to their social norms, and if I strayed from their path of mind-numbingly...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I feel like what matters most with stories is the journey, the voyage of exploration, not just of locations and places, but also of people, their minds, their dilemmas, their imperfections. Weeks ago when I was watching those Kira/Odo videos for instance and I got to the point where Odo was succumbing to THE DISEASE, and it was taking considerable effort to put on a brave face, and not allow the degeneracy of his condition show, knowing he'd look like he lost a fight to the family cat otherwise,

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Whoa!!!! ;*D I'm glad to say I'm happier, and not so hateful now1!!!! ;*D Giving out a load of heartfelt compliments to women really makes you feel better!!!! ;*D

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 8 lety

    There was this cat who used to come into our house regularly from 2009 for a few years, and now we haven't seen him at all for MONTHS!!!!!!!! ;*( I find it sad thinking how the longer we go without seeing him, the more we feel like we might never see him again. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 10 lety +1

    I thought last night was going to be a long, painful, exhausting, stressful night for me, but the oil-pulling, black seed oil, and brushing REALLY worked wonders for me. My teeth were almost perfect, my side was noticeably better, so I didn't have to keep standing and stretching every 15-20 minutes, and even my OCD was a bit more bearable. But I kept worrying about the cats. ;*( The one who comes in our house went out early on, and never came back, despite it being the 5th. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    It kind of brings images to mind of when the wrestler Hercules took part in a greco-Roman knucklelock against Earthquake a.k.a. John Tenta, and Earthquake appeared to be bringing all his extra weight down on Hercules' knuckles, but Hercules appeared undaunted. It's that feeling of knowing you're probably going to lose, but being determined to make a battle out of it that adds the bittersweet flavour to the situation in my opinion.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 10 lety

    Ahhhh... looking at pics of you smiling as Kira and listening to my playlist makes me feel so much happier. ;*D Of course, I have to scroll past a load of pics of you with your teeth gritted in rage first, but it's worth it. ;*P
    You know that once when I was about nine years old around Christmas time in 1992, and Charles and Eddie's Would I Lie to You hadn't been out long? One night in the car with my parents when we'd just arrived home from my grandmother's house after midnight and we were outside the house about to go in, THAT SONG CAME ON THE RADIO, and I wanted to stay in the car the extra 5 minutes and listen! ;*P It makes me feel so wussy and girly, remembering me making a big point of wanting to listen to that, despite how tired my parents were, and were wanting to go inside! Especially considering I never really did that with other songs!
    I want to know in day to day life, do you ever sing along to songs, and mumble the parts you don't know the words for? ;*P I used to want to do that, but always felt too reserved! ;*( Maybe you can kind of identify, with how you felt kind of isolated from your peers as a youth, with how hard it can be to get confidence back! My confidence only came back through hating myself, and wanting to mock myself in front of people! Sometimes I've thought that shaking off one's inhibitions and being determined to have fun without being afraid of making an idiot out of oneself might be THE WAY to overcome restrictive sensitivity! And yet sometimes, I want to keep my sensitivity near and dear so that I can seek refuge in that excuse of I'M SENSITIVE BY NATURE if the world is ever overwhelming to me. ;*( Another of life's double-edged swords, isn't it? But yeah, sometimes I love it when my insanity, and willingness to make a fool out of myself emerges, and I feel like I'd actually be willing to sing along to music, mumble parts, and even change the words if some of them make me anxious! Believe it or not, even mild words like burning, fire and down sometimes make me uneasy a little! ;*( In 2009 when my OCD was at its worst, the colour red would make me uneasy, too. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I don't think I've left the house at all since late January. ;*O I kind of miss that outdoor feeling as well. It wouldn't be the same now, though.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Back when I was a fan of this author in question, sometimes I'd be trying to make conversations on his forum, and at times when I made references to various plot elements in his books, I'd have a ton of his upper-echelon lackeys jumping down my throat, saying "DON'T GIVE AWAY PLOT DETAILS!" And making it feel like I'd inadvertently touched a laser tripwire attached to a wall-mounted explosive. I think that was woefully foolhardy, for many reasons.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Whoa!!!! Nice!!! ;*D It makes me wonder if when Rene first spoke in the Odo voice, if everyone laughed! ;*P I mean, he has such a high voice when he talks normally, and obviously Odo could never have had that voice, and yet at the same time, I thought the Odo voice sounded so funny whenever he'd shout "Quark!!!!" It's when voice actors like that can come up with such distinctive voices that I just wonder how they do it!!! Like in the 1987 TMNT cartoon, where the Krang actor had this over the...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Sometimes Nana when I think of you, I get the same butterflies in my stomach that I got when I was 12, and I thought of this 13 year old girl I had a MASSIVE crush on at high school. One day, she'd started a conversation with me right out of the blue on the walk home from school, and I was SO taken aback and flattered beyond belief! Sometimes when I've thought back to that, I've been so saddened, thinking that the conversation started so close to my house, meaning I didn't get much of a talk...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety +1

    It might've been a very long time before I saw her again. I guess I thought that this promising highlight was on the verge of disappearing from off my radar. So what happened is I got desperate. I'm not sure whether it was Monday or Tuesday (personally I'd like to say Wednesday, but I don't think I had the willpower to wait that long), and when I got home from school, I stood at the living room window, waiting for her to pass, and when she did, I was out there like a rocket.

  • @sj0bs1
    @sj0bs1 Před 11 lety

    you make a valid point.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 8 lety +1

    Well, I'm a bit more relaxed than I usually am on November 5th because while I was blasting the fan sound down my ears last night, my mum said she knocked on the door several times, and I only heard once!!!!!!!! And I usually always hear that, no matter what!!!!!!!! I mean, I still feel guilty about it, but people generally don't feel stress and worry like I do, so no one can REALLY UNDERSTAND the kind of strain I feel on me sometimes, getting the pains in my stomach, and what not!!!!!! I mean in the past when I'd cover my ears, I'd hear her knocking on my door, so surely I'll have a nice bubble of isolation tonight with my headphones!!!!!!!!! In the future, I'm thinking about getting some even bigger EXTREME ISOLATION HEADPHONES, designed to block out sound, even if a person happens to be doing something requiring concentration with a drummer on a drumkit nearby!!!!!!!!! I think they cost over £100, but it'll be worth it to me, IF THEY'RE REALLY THAT GOOD AT BLOCKING OUT SOUND!!!!!!!!!1 That way I won't have to deafen myself with fan sound in order to have isolation!!!!!!!!! I mean, I'm wary of spending £100 for headphones that might not provide as good isolation as I'm hoping!!!!!!!!! But then again, it's not like I'd be buying them for that purpose, as sometimes in the past, I've enjoyed the deep, rich sound of music in my headphones whilst looking at pics of your beautiful face. ;*P But then again, sometimes I've been giving £100 at a time to animals in need online, so I guess another hundred won't matter much!!!!!!!!
    Before, I was finding it interesting thinking how despite the fact that I have problems reading books these days because of my OCD distracting me, and certain words triggering my OCD rituals at times, and yet you could still call me a reader, since often these days, modern video games have a DEEP, IMMERSIVE STORYLINE TO THEM!!!!!!!! Sometimes I even learn big words from them to add to my repetoire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;*P My only fear sometimes is that if i intersperse my writings with too many big words, I'll eventually become dry and boring, you know, like a lawyer or a Wikipedia article writer??????????!!!!!!!! But then I think to myself that they don't have half my wit, SO IT'D PROBABLY TAKE AN AWFUL LOT OF SABOTAGE TO MAKE ME BECOME BORING AND TEDIOUS TO READ!!!!!!! ;*P
    Come to think of it, I remember when I was a teenager at high school and I learned a good amount of big words from all of the Star Trek I'd watch at home, to the extent that my parents would be impressed by my growing vocabulary, and my English school work improved to the point where some of my printed work on the computer prompted my English teacher to go the head of the English department, and next thing I know, I was being called out and asked what certain words I used MEANT!!!!!!!! I don't think my definition of TRAVERSE was very good, though, looking back. ;*( But then again, I've never done my best communication verbally!!!!!!!!! And sadly, I still got a dismal D or E in my GCSE English exam, but I put that down to my grammar and punctuation not being so hot, back in those days!!!!!!!!!! I mean, when I'd talk in Internet chatrooms, I'd use commas instead of apostrophes, simply because I found it faster and more convenient whilst typing!!!!!!!!!!! But yeah, I still think I have things to thank Star Trek for, all things considered!!!!!! ;*D Bah, writing all that only took about 20/25 minutes out of my evening!!!! ;*( Now to find something else to keep my mind occupied!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodbye!!!!!!!

  • @sj0bs1
    @sj0bs1 Před 11 lety

    btw...i really like nana in mirror universe.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety

    I love how Simple Minds' Don't you Forget About Me song is the kind of song you can listen to when you wake up, and you're tired and feeling barely human, but by the end, you'll be full of life!!!!!!!!!!! And Simple Minds' drummer, Melvin Gaynor reminds me of Michael Dorn the way how he's black, looks emotionally implacable, and sometimes grits his teeth with intensity when drumming!!!!!!!!!!! ;*O He kinda looks like the tough man of the group, I think!!!!!!!!!!! ;*O

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 10 lety

    You know that here in the UK in the nineties, they used to show an episode from each series of Star Trek every hour at the weekends on Sky One, from 2PM until 6? Before I wondered that if Star Trek: Enterprise had been around back then, that maybe we could have ended up having Trek on TV constantly from 2-7, which would've been insane!!!!!! I also liked the shows where Craig Charles would pick a selection of his favourite episodes. I used to sit and tape them all, at the weekends, and also the weekdays at 5PM!!!! Sometimes I kind of miss those days. I used to binge eat chocolate biscuits while watching. I think sometimes I might've had close to half a pack of chocolate digestives in one sitting.
    By the way, yesterday I changed my socks for the first time in over a year, washed my hair, and untangled loads of matted parts of it with my fingers afterwards!!!! When I was done, there was almost so much hair in my hands to put down the toilet that it almost looked like an entire wig!!!!!! No, I wasn't hit by lightning, I was just in a very good mood and motivated all of a sudden.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety

    Just then when I was playing (and even winning some) online Tetris games against level 42 caliber opponents at the same time as I was talking to my mum, it reminded me of old TOS episodes where Spock would be debating matters of morality with the subordinates under his command whilst doing vulcan relaxation techniques with his hands at the same time!!! ;*D I was taking things in from the conversation, too! ;*D Makes me think of a Chess win I was proud of one time!!!! I started the game when I was somewhat tired, but didn't think I'd have problems focusing on the game, so I played!!!!! But it ended up being a competitive game, and I ended up falling behind on pieces!! Not only that, but my tiredness exacerbated to the point where I was closing my eyes and sleeping brief periods between my moves!!!!! I'd be waking up to find he'd made a move, and I'd be wondering how much of time had passed after he'd made the move, and thinking I'd lose on time!!! Then he checked my king with one of his castles, but hadn't seen that my queen could take it. ;*D At that point, he quit. ;*P
    Do you think it makes me a bad person that I laugh hysterically sometimes when I see the thumbnails for lion attack videos, and see people standing in places with lions, seemingly unaware of how endangered their lives are? I just think it takes a SPECIAL KIND of stupidity for a person to put themselves in that kind of position!!!!! I wouldn't even want to be within sight of a lion, even if it was outdoors. I WOULDN'T WANT TO BE IN THE SAME BUILDING AS A LION, even if it was a big arena! Lets just say, I wouldn't want to be within a mile of one. JUST IMAGINE the sheer intimidating presence of a lion or tiger if you were in the same room as one. ;*( One time I saw this video of people at a circus show making male lions do tricks, and most of them seemed fearful of the "performing staff," but one of the lions that came in seemed angry and stressed by its behaviour, like its will hadn't been broken, and after doing a trick, it suddenly leapt off its perch and attacked the "trainer" when he came near! ;*D Not only that, but another one joined in, and so some people came in to help after the man failed to regain control by trying to intimidate the lion, and the two lions did this AMAZING STRATEGICAL MANEUVER that I wouldn't have thought they had in them! The two men were standing next to each other ready to try and fend off the lions, but when the lions went at them, one of the lions kind of crisscrossed over the path of the other, so that they switched victims, in order to confuse the two men waiting for them!!!!!!! ;*D Most of the other lions stood passively on their perches though, like they were afraid of what would happen if they fought back. ;*(
    In a situation like that, I find myself wondering if the lions would attack any people who helped them in their assault on the circus staff. ;*D It'd be like the Red Faction 1 revolt all over again!!!!!! ;*D

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I loved your short (almost shoulder length) blonde hair and the leather jacket you were wearing at that Deep Con speaking engagement with the Trekkies in Italy, I think it was. It makes you look so much like a tough, movie cop. ;*P And your comparison of TV show acting to guerrilla warfare, as well as the description of the task at hand through the eyes of the guerrilla makes me wonder if Major Kira is still alive and well in you. ;*P Or maybe it was my references to Red Faction Guerrilla!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Your smile at the start of this video is so cute and winsome. ;*P

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Star Trek glamourised it all, having brave, muscular Klingons, lithe, amazonian Bajorans, etc, but you have to wonder if the reality is much different than anything we've ever seen on Earth. ;*( And I loved what you said about all the cast being there on the promenade of DS9 at 3-4AM! That must've been so cosy. That was one of the things I really loved about the DS9 atmosphere, how homely the station seemed. Especially when characters were shown in bed at "nights" in their dark quarters...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 10 lety

    Merry Christmas Charisse sisters, and Merry Christmas SJ0BS1. ;*D

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    It takes an INCREDIBLY cold heart to pull off a callous betrayal like that. And that's why I now say that N'Dea Davenport isn't the woman I thought she was.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 8 lety +1

    I had a nightmare that I was in high school, and that I decided I was gonna play truant and leave rather than go through the afternoon's lessons!!!!!!!!!!!!! And in my dream, I'd remembered that my standard-operating-procedure for playing truant was to practically hug the walls of the building underneath where my form room was, because my form tutor also taught chemistry in there, and there was this little walk-in storage cupboard attached to the room with a window in it overlooking one of the entrances/exits to the school which I think he'd sometimes stand at whilst daydreaming, because one time I was trying to get out of that very entrance, and I think he must've shouted me back out of the window or something, since I knew never to try that route again!!!!!!!!!!!! And so I think there was only one other way to get out of the school without being seen by anyone who'd know I was up to no good, but because of the position of it, far away from the other entrances, I'd have to take that route, underneath my form room, hugging the wall so I couldn't be seen from above, then around the front to the other entrance, because if I'd gone through the building, and exited on the other side of the campus, there was this english classroom where my head of year often taught, and she'd open the window and shout after me if she saw me out and about when I shouldn't have been!!!!!!!!! So I had to take a kind of middle route!!!!!!!!! It almost felt like escaping a prison with the watchtowers of my form room, and then that english classroom!!!!! But I digress!!!!!!!!!!
    The traumatic memories of those times being spotted playing truant must've stayed with me subconsciously, because in my nightmare, I was taking that middle route, when I heard my head of year shouting behind me!!!!!!!!!! But because I was a distance away from her, and I was almost at the exit, I RAN, taking the chance that she wouldn't have been able to identify me, and that I never would've gotten into trouble for it!!!!!!!!!! But the only problem was that when I got out into the streets, I was overcome with the panic-fuelled urge to run the whole way back home, thinking WHAT IF TEACHERS STARTED DRIVING THROUGH THE STREETS, LOOKING FOR ME???????!!!!!!!!! That never actually happened in real life, but once a dinner lady drove by me in the street, shouting at me that I'd be late for afternoon registration once when I was having second thoughts about whether I wanted to go or not!!!!!!!!!!!! And one time when I actually was playing truant, I was heading for the local public library where I'd sit and relax for an hour or so (last place you'd think to look for a truant, eh??????) and I SAW MY DAD'S CAR PULLING OUT OF A NEARBY STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I panicked and hid somewhere!!!!!!!! But yeah, in my dream, it seemed to SUDDENLY GET DARK DESPITE THE FACT THE SCHOOL DAY HADN'T ENDED when I was struck with panic in the street, and what's more, this older kid came out of a house and started chasing me, but because it was suddenly so dark in the streets, I COULDN'T TELL FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!
    Personally I find it ABSOLUTELY DISGRACEFUL that I have all this residual trauma within me just from playing truant occasionally from high school, AND YET THE JAMES BULGER KILLERS WERE PRIMARY SCHOOL KIDS WHO THOUGHT SO LITTLE OF PLAYING TRUANT, THAT THEY WERE OUT ROBBING SHOPS AND ABDUCTING YOUNGER KIDS WHILST THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE AT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, I had another nightmare years ago where I was playing truant, escaping school through the entrance by my form room, and my form tutor shouted me, and I remember clearly, seeing him in the distance in the dream, looking like Rover from the Prisoner, standing in the front school grounds, filling out his white shirt and tie with his bulbous body!!!!!!!! I mean, IT'S AN ABSOLUTE JOKE WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT ISN'T IT, the huge fuss they kicked up, just about me playing truant, and yet the primary school of those Bulger killers cared so little that they thought nothing of robert thompson playing truant 37 out of 60 school days!!!!!!!!!! If you ask me, it's another case of the serious offenders and troublesome hooligans among us not being properly punished, and then thinking they can get up to ALL KINDS of abhorrent activities whilst cowardly little wretches like me without a backbone to their name WHO WOULD NEVER DREAM OF DOING THAT KIND OF THING are extensively critiqued and disciplined for the SLIGHTEST OF MISDEMEANOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, in reality, the teachers probably wouldn't have scoured the streets for me in cars if I was playing truant, BUT YOU COULD BE PRETTY SURE THAT WHEN I GOT HOME, MY MOTHER WOULD BE SAYING THEY'D PHONED UP, INQUIRING AS TO WHERE I WAS!!!!!!!!!!!! When you think of all that stress and drama I faced for something as trivial as playing truant from school, whilst the Bulger killers were protected so thoroughly by the police and the government when found guilty, WELL IT JUST SHOWS HOW ANUS BACKWARD WESTERN SOCIETY HAS ALWAYS BEEN, DOESN'T IT????????!!!!!!!!!!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 8 lety

    One of my Christmas presents was a big 5lb bag of Jolly Ranchers, because they're kinda hard to come by in the UK these days!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been looking forward to them for a long time, since there's about 400 or so of them in this bag and I used to love them in the mid nineties at high school!!!!!!!!! ;*P I got a big bag one year before, and they lasted me into the Summer months, and the ones at the bottom of the bag had all melted by the time I got to them, and I felt terrible about wasting them. ;*( But at least I got to enjoy most of them, that's the way I should be thinking about it!!!!!!!! ;*P And this year, I'm going to try and eat them as fast as possible!!!!!!!!!!! ;*P
    The taste of them really reminds me of 1995!!!!!!!!!!! And you know what happened in 1995, don't you???????????? That older girl I fancied at high school whom I followed home after developing a disturbing fixation with her after about two conversations, resulting in me becoming mortally afraid of her when I realised how improperly I'd behaved by doing so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes back in the mid 2000s, I'd find myself thinking back, and wondering if I'd had the courage to ask her inside my house as we were getting to it during that first conversation, if things could've been different, and I would've been able to get to know her more!!!!!! But when I think back to 2010, and my experiences when talking to her on FaceBook, I realise I probably didn't miss out on much!!!!!!!!!! Her personality seemed pretty much abysmal!!!!!!!!!! When I first talked to her, she was struck with terror and paranoia, like I was some kind of killer getting in touch with her, and then when that subsided, she was often complaining about feeling like being taken for granted and used by her friends!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then one time, she secretly deleted me off her FaceBook friends, and claimed her child did it whilst fiddling around with her phone!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad saw her game and knew that was probably a lie, but with me being a naive fool, seeing the Sun shining out of her buttocks, I was burying my head in the sand to it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only that, but I made a joke, saying something like how even her kids must've thought I looked dodgy to not be wanting me on her friends list, to which she replied totally seriously with, "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY KIDS??????" For her to take such off-the-cuff remarks so seriously, I started realising to be honest that she was probably just as idiotic as all the other Warrington people I've had the misfortune to come into contact with, to be honest!!!!!!!!!!! ;*( That's why the second time she quietly deleted me from her friends list, I didn't even bother contacting her again. What I find saddest about it is that once upon a time, she was one of the highlights of my life, and yet she ended up being just another intellectually-challenged, deceitful, treacherous little ho bag. SHE WASN'T EVEN A REAL WOMAN, YET SHE SEEMED LIKE SHE WAS!!!!!!!!!! That shows me how far down the barrel of humanity I was, to be obsessing over such a vacuous little bimbo.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety +1

    Life feels better when you're surfing the Internet with OWNER OF A LONELY HEART by YES playing in your mind!!!!!!!!!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    The only thing that made me want to get up out of bed today was the thought of arguing, and aggressively debating online. What a life I lead.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety +1

    It's interesting how when I'm concentrating on online Chess games, I get a nice break from the headaches, and the guilt brought on by my OCD. ;*D I just wish it wasn't hot today. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    It makes me think of what Bret Hart said in his book about how in his younger days, he was surprised to find that the villainous wrestlers tended to be the nicest to him outside the ring. I've heard about that being true in films and television, too. ;*O

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Yeah, that's right, I have thoughts like that about female game characters. Most of the time, I don't even bother looking at her, but it's when she has her arms up high, looking out of the binoculars that she just looks so graceful and slender!!!! Even when I see her doing that from a distance, she seems to stand out to me, like there's big, neon arrows in the air pointing to her!!!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Last night, I was watching the last parts of a series of videos here on CZcams documenting the long, powerful, growing romance between Kira and Odo, and I've kept thinking back to a scene during an episode where Kira and Odo were helping Damar with his uprising rebellion against the Dominion, where Damar's friend tried to incite Kira and Odo, but Odo managed to persuade Kira to agree to disagree, and she was enraged after. You know what that makes me wish for?

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Hundreds of years ago, and would've imagined a place called "Corrales Market" being in one of the more rural parts of California! But then again, it's just as likely it could be in New Mexico, given New Mexico's close proximity to Mexico. And it's funny, because I never imagined New Mexico looking so nice. I imagined it all just being barren desert where scientists got up to all kinds of wacky, inhumane, world-jeopardising experiments, which they wouldn't be able to get away with elsewhere.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety

    Am I the only person in the world who loves the feeling of turning the volume down on something from where it's too loud, to barely audible??????
    I used to love how even though Kira Nerys claimed so always told the truth even though people didn't want to hear it, she still sometimes pretended to enjoy the company of people she had to tolerate sometimes. ;p As a matter of fact, I still find it really interesting to this day, how two coarse, abrasive individuals such as Kira and Odo can come together, and be so tender, loving and caring with each other. ;*D To me, it's similar to when Macho Man Randy Savage died, and the Ultimate Warrior made a video, claiming to have always been awestruck by Macho's intensity which secretly, he knew his own didn't match. And despite the fiery intensity of both of them, it's obvious to me that there was a lot of love and respect between them. And with that being said, could it be in life that all our hostility, over-the-top mannerisms, frustration, anger and standoffishness are all but a meaningless facade, and that the only thing we all secretly want, is to be loved, respected and adored???????!!!!!!!!!!
    If I was Jerry Springer, this would be my final thought!!!!!!!!!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I was hoping so!!!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I only worked it out maybe a year or so after I got started on the anti-depressants. I'm slow. I came off as being so slow and idiotic in my first year of high school that one teacher even recommended me for learning support. A considerable amount of my classmates made it clear that they thought I should've been there as well.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    He's from Detroit, and wanted to be a hockey player with the Detroit Red Wings when he was growing up. ;*P And how ironic it would be that Raphael the Ninja Turtle wore red, like the Red Wings? ;*O
    This is the reason why I considered Marina Sirtis to be phenomenally talented. The way how she could drop her common British accent at the top of a hat, and become accentless for the Deanna Troi role! To physically act, whilst voice acting at the same time must be extraordinarily taxing.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    And I think Kira and Odo should've done a duet of A Night to Remember by Shalamar. ;*P The bar setting from the music video would've worked nicely in a holosuite, ;*P

  • @sj0bs1
    @sj0bs1 Před 11 lety

    I can relate.....I had the same issue...however, mine was more related to anxiety...or should i say it was brought on by it.......took lots of tough work to reduce it to almost 0......almost.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    With you having a grand piano, can you do that sound with a piano produced when you slide your finger along all the keys? ;*O I love how that sound adds such a euphoric burst of energy to songs, like it does with Such a Good Feeling by Brothers in Rhythm!!!! ;*D If I tried to do that with a piano though, I'd probably break my finger, with how I've always had little girl hands. ;*( Sometimes I've even wondered if I'm the only man in the world with little girl hands. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    At nights in years gone by, I used to be so scared to be sleeping alone in my room that I'd be cowering under my blanket for the whole night, sweating cobs. It was only when I was about 14-15 that I finally gained a miniscule amount of courage at night times.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I've been in the throes of some very powerful emotions today. I think I might very well have the thoughts and feelings necessary for me to turn my life around, get fit, and attain overall happiness. Who knows, I may even end up writing a book about my journey. Sometimes, I've had worries that in the decades to come, I'll end up alone, scared, on the streets, and deliberately trying to get arrested so I could have prison cell roofs over my head on the more interminable, colder nights.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety +1

    Here's an anecdote for Avery Brooks, which I'm proud to have come up with earlier. What do you call a black actor who portrays the main character in a TV series? THE BROTAGONIST.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I'm like the terminator, in that I never give up!!!! Roar!!!!! My celebrity crushes can run, but they can't hide, as Ric Flair would say!!!!!! ;*P

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Sigh. ;*( That's another thing I don't like about the warmer weather. ;*( Our house seems to attract wasps en masse. One year, we actually ended up having a wasp nest in our attic, and another year there was apparently a ton of them outside our house flying round the drain pipes. ;*( In 2008 when we had the wasp nest I got OCD really badly with them. So often whenever I was leaving my room to go to the bathroom, I'd pass the side window, and there'd be buzzing there as one or more wasps would...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Even in high school, some of the teachers seemed to try and make an example out of me, so that they could look like they were on the ball, and capable of handling troublemakers. I'll always remember this one time when a teacher in a jokey tone, came up with this hypothetical scenario about me being untrustworthy, and up to no good, and then he suddenly shouted at me with this stern look on his face for no reason. So understandably, even when I was at home, I felt kind of nervous about going...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Madness did a song on Strictly Come Dancing before. ;*D Suggs still looks young in sunglasses, too. ;*D A few years ago, I thought he looked like father time was catching up with him. ;*( Wait, did I just admit I watched Strictly Come Dancing? ;*(
    Do you like fireworks, Nana? With how I've come to believe you're maybe of a sensitive disposition, it makes me wonder. After all, I have this friend, and she once said that being around angry people kind of drags her into the depths of despair.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    One time in the past when I couldn't really do anything except sit around watching TV because of my bad OCD in 2009, and I thought a storm would come in a few days, I worried so much that I started to feel stomach pains. ;*( So maybe that's proof that just wanting to die can bring death itself, if you believe it. I think there's something beautiful about that, how no matter what perverse lengths the government goes to, to keep us alive, we're always the ones who have the power over it.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Before, at about 1:40AM, I heard seagulls flying by in the darkness!!! It was so eerie!! We very, very rarely get seagulls here, with how we're not near any beaches at all! I heard them faintly in the distance at first, then louder as they passed, and faintly again in the other direction!! It makes me wonder why they're cheeping away whilst flying in the dark like that! It almost made me wonder if maybe there's something wrong! ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety +1

    When you sang Fever in DS9, were you referring to the state you always reduce us men to at the mere sight of you? ;*P

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Sometimes in my Chess games, when I've been losing, or not entirely happy with how I've been doing in the game, but then I start winning in my last minute and my opponent does everything they can to hang on for the last minute, it reminds me of Bob Probert's hockey fights, where he'd take a beating at the start, but then by the end, his opponent would be too tired to throw punches, and Probie would be on the offensive, even struggling to get at the opponent as the linesmen were breaking it up.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    why is it that in sci-fi storylines, whenever they have a race of scary mutants or cyborgs, that the male members always look scary, and horrifically-deformed, but the women still often look fresh-faced and beautiful, with only slight alterations? They did it in Star Trek with the borg, and they do it in the Tiberium Alliances game with the Forgotten mutants!!! I'm talking about how in Star Trek, male borg drones all had those soul-dead eyes, and lots of face implants...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    To tell the truth, I've put on phoney personalities when talking online and on forums in the past. I actually have several different online personalities, and characters who I become, but I digress.
    The fact that you sound so calm and composed at conventions, and the way how you speak in such a slow, thoughtful way tells me you aren't nervous or anxious at all about it. The way you speak, one could think it was deliberate, and that you're doing it to captivate the audience by not revealing...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Nana, thank you for letting me post here so much. ;*D It's been most therapeutic for me, spilling out some of my deepest thoughts and feelings all whilst thinking you might've been reading. I feel it's a true testament to what a caring, big-hearted lady you are. I know you probably don't want to be associated with some of the rather radical opinions I've expressed, so feel free to remove any of them if they make you anxious in any way. Plus, I've bashed other celebrities.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety +1

    Part of the reason I've been so scared of the bad afterlife is because I imagine there might be things like that there. ;*(

  • @sj0bs1
    @sj0bs1 Před 11 lety +1


    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I've won four online Chess games in a row for the first time in ages. ;*D Three of the opponents were different people, too. ;*D

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I found it very atmospheric in that film when it showed the police locker room, and there were female police officers standing around topless after taking showers, without caring at all about the male officers all being in the same room. For them to be so jaded like that spoke volumes about how nightmarish the criminals whom they were dealing with on a daily basis were. And so that's why it made little storyline sense when by the time Robocop 2 rolled around, all the female officers looked...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Whoa!!!!!!!1 ;*O Odo looks so scary in that pic at the side of this page for the Galileo7-8 DVD Bloopers video!!!!! ;*O I once saw that pic when I was so tired that I could barely keep myself awake, and so I wasn't properly processing what I was seeing at first, so I was like, "Errrr, what's that?" And then when I realised, I almost jumped back in shock!!!!! ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety +1

    Can you believe that I take anti-depressants everyday to help me deal with my religious OCD, and yet I still often think that I want to die?

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety +1

    I almost cried when I saw that first kiss of Kira and Odo on the promenade for the first time. The fact that so many people were watching with dropped jaws made it seem even more powerful, like they all knew they were witnessing something totally ground-breaking, and yet at the same time oh-so-unexpected and spontaneous! ;*D

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 10 lety

    When I eat a meal when I wake up in the middle of the night, and it's all dark outside, it reminds me of the Alien films, when the characters all wake up from hypersleep, and feel hungry as they're stretching their stiff bodies!! I always thought that made EVEN THE START of Alien scary and atmospheric, when the ship is all dark and motionless, with the mechanical equipment looking ultra-menacing in the stillness, just before the crew wake from decades of hypersleep. ;*( Not to mention how cramped the ship looked, with the blinking computers all around. ;*(
    I know I've critiqued Geno Roddenberry in the past, but I always preferred his optimistic view of space travel, with the big, spacious starships with hundreds of inhabitants, basically making them space-faring cities! Not to mention the faster-than-light travel, as opposed to decades upon decades of hypersleep! I could imagine if ships like the one from Alien were made, along with hypersleep technology. If someone asked me, "Do you want to go into space, and explore the galaxy?" I'd be like, "Errr... I'll wait until the Enterprise is built!" And if for some reason, I HAD TO go on one of those ships, I could just imagine me getting onto the cramped, dark little bridge, seeing the "viewscreen" which would actually be a window separating us from the vacuum of space, and crying,.while saying, "I want the big, open, luxury bridge that Picard had on his Enterprise!" ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety +1

    Maybe!!!! I was kind of imagining the Ultimate warrior in wcw though, like when he would appear as a mirror reflection to Hulk Hogan, but no one else except for us fans watching could see warrior in the mirror, freaking Hogan out!!!! Or maybe like the scary Foot Clan from the first TMNT movie!!!! It was scary how they were so determined, and so stealthy that they were even willing to jump onto train tracks to follow people!!! ;*( I was always told not to go on train tracks as a kid!!!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    When I used to play a game which involved going to a planet populated by ruthless cyborgs who had been attacking Earth, I had about half a dozen separate nightmares, just about the cyborgs from that game!!!! Some of them were so scary they way how they were tall, bald, lean, and would sprint towards you to try and hit you with their sledgehammer arms. ;*( And it really gave me the creeps when I'd have to walk over the corpses of the big cyborgs after killing them, too. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    When I saw the thumbnail of your Kitchen Witches Fried Parsley video, I got excited, thinking it was a new one seeing as how the thumbnail looked unfamiliar, but then I was disappointed when I saw the 2010 date on it!!!!!!! ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    If the xenomorphs from the Alien films detected their prey by scent, does that mean they'd let you live, and even do lots of favours for you if you wore plenty of Lynx aftershave? Or would it provoke such an uncontrollable rage in them that they'd disembowel you immediately? Either way, I figure both possibilities are better than being taken to their hive for chestburster implantation, so I'd advise any marines going to fight them to be sure pack Lynx fragrances along with their smart guns.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Don't worry Nana, I'm not feeling hopeless, and isolated from womankind anymore! I just listened to Jimmy Nail's Ain't No Doubt, and I feel like the romantic lover in me is rejuvenated. It's like that time in DS9 when young General Martok felt that he'd lost his warrior spirit, but then Worf kindly beat him up to help him find it again. ;*D

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety +1

    Have you ever wondered why the COUNT part of "country" is pronounced differently than it is in "county?" I used to wonder why when I was a kid, and then the other day when I was wiping my backside after being on the toilet, I realised that if county was pronounced like country, you'd actually end up saying a very naughty word!!!!!!! ;*( All I can say is I'm glad my parents were understanding about it when I didn't know how to pronounce COUNTY properly, and pronounced it the other way. ;*( I'm glad that my mother was understanding about it when I pronounced HOUR as "wh..." when I was young, too!!!!!!!! And come to think about it, I think there was a bit of a pause before she told me how HOUR is really pronounced!!!!!!!!!!!!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    And yet strangely, I was comforted by the sounds of the storm at one point, before they rose to a certain level, and I felt scared it was getting nearer. Maybe I'm finally growing a spine, or maybe I was comforted by being indoors, but at the same time, I don't want to find solace in that kind of thing. For every distant storm sound we hear, you know that somewhere, the lightning is actually striking the ground, likely terrorising all the nearby animals and wildlife. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Definitely the moth man!!! It's strange, because in games, whenever there's isn't many of a scary type of enemy, I find them scarier than I would if there was tons and tons of them!!!! It was like that when I used to play Red Faction 1, and even though there were only 5 live, mutated humans in the game, I found them terrifying!!!!! ;*( whereas afterwards, I played modified maps where lots of those mutants would come charging out of the darkness at you, and I kind of got used to it. ;*/

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    It's amazing how well the Blakes 7 theme goes with the Red Faction 1 game, seeing as how Red Faction 1 takes place on Mars, and how instead of fighting Federation shock troops, you're fighting Ultor guards who all wear intimidating-looking envirosuits to help them breath in the underground mines where there's no oxygen!!!!!! ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Has anyone ever wondered what the borg did with all the forearms and eyes they amputated from their assimilation victims? At first, I was imagining a load of bins somewhere on their cubes with stickers on them saying, "eyes here" and "arms here" etc, but that doesn't strike me as being very efficient. So I'm wondering if instead, they had this huge food processor on their cubes the size of a block of houses, and they would mix all the forearms and eyeballs into a kind of "protein paste," and...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 8 lety

    The future battlefield scenes in the terminator films used to always scare me!!!!!!!!!! ;*( I mean days ago when I was playing fallout: new vegas and I was looking around a lot as I was moving from place to place, I got a shock when I saw this man-like shape in the briefly, and it ended up being something like a tree stump!!!!!!!!!!! I used to think when I was a teenager that it would've been terrifying to be one of the soldiers in those future battles in the terminator films, the way how sometimes I'd see something dark, tall and slim in the background, and be scared, thinking it was a terminator endoskeleton, when actually it'd just be some ruined old pillar, or something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact, I used to find those films so scary as a teenager that it was only when I was 21 that I managed to pluck up the courage to watch the first terminator film downstairs on my own at about 3-4AM when my parents were in bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Speaking of those future war scenes though, I always wondered why Skynet even bothered to put in the resources to develop those futuristic energy pulse rifles that they armed the terminator endoskeletons with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean in terminator lore, they always seemed to me to give the impression that after the Skynet supercomputer nuked the world, that the surviving remnants of humanity were easily rounded up by the machines and recruited as slave labour during what they thought were the dying days of humanity!!!!!!!!!!!! I always thought it was downright foolish for the machines to develop the high-tech pulse rifles that they did, considering they were practically immune to small arms fire, and yet I get the impression that while deadly to humans, those pulse rifles were equally destructive to the terminators!!!!!!!!!!!! After all, if the pulse rifles were only as effective against the terminators as the typical bullet guns were against the terminators in the films, then the future human resistance probably wouldn't have lasted very long against the legions of terminators patrolling the future battlefields, captured pulse rifles or not!!!!!!!!!! Really it would've been smarter for the terminators to just use bullet firearms, since they were effective against humans, but not them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    By the way, I have my mini laptop volume on full and wearing headphones, and yet I'm sure the fan sound video I've got on isn't as loud as it was yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure it's the same video, too!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it'll still be loud enough to blot out fireworks!!!!!!!!!!! After all, I can only just barely hear myself when I talk, but yesterday I don't think I could hear myself talk AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I've started going deaf, but I really think it isn't as loud!!!!!!! I mean when I was moving around at times yesterday, yawning and coughing, the sound would shock me after my yawning caused me not to hear it so well, and yet it doesn't feel like that much of a difference when I move around tonight!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew it was too good to be true that I'd get to relax and have fun during firework times of year!!!!!!!!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Of course, I still lost my last Chess game because I ran out of time, but it's a nifty consolation to have your opponent on the ropes by the end.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety

    I washed my hair before, and I felt so much better afterwards, it was unbelievable!!!!!!!! There's just something so uplifting and invigorating about my hair feeling as soft and fine as silk!!!!! I felt more constructive, happier, motivated and everything!!!!!!!!!! In fact, I'm starting to consider maybe having some form of wash or other each and every day!!!!!!!!! After all, I wonder if this was the missing piece of the puzzle, and life will end up being much more enjoyable to me if I keep it up??????!!!!!!! Of course, there's always the possibility that it won't always work for me, and I'll end up feeling absolutely gutted when it fails, and relapse to my depressive, self-hating ways!!!!!!!!! ;*( It's worth a try, though!!!!!!!!! It honestly felt like some kind of malevolent spell had been lifted off my shoulders!!!!!!!! ;*O Even my OCD felt better for a while!!!!!!! It makes me wonder if it was the law of attraction again, because back during my more sociable years, I remember sometimes feeling kind of intoxicated if someone nearby was wearing a nice scent!!!!!!! ;*P Are scents and various colognes worn for the purpose of attracting a woman, or are they worn because the wearer likes the smell??????!!!!!!!!!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 10 lety +1

    Before, hearing the Half Life 2 zombies walking around groaning constantly, I kind of understood how they feel with my toothache. ;*( I think I made a mistake last night by having too many drinks, and not making time to brush them. ;*( I was hoping they'd hold out until after the 5th. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Yeah, going out to see doctors didn't really do much for me, either!!!! It was the people who came out to me during my REALLY, REALLY, REALLY manic depressive days and put me on anti-depressants who started to make life tolerable for me. There has always been huge waiting lists for OCD treatment, and last year, they gave me the impression that they were doing me a favour by squeezing me in despite the waiting lists, and I'm still grateful for that, but it wasn't all that helpful...

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety +1

    I watched that Tribunal DS9 episode the other night. It made me cringe a lot more than it did in the nineties when O'Brien's tooth got yanked out. ;*( I think possibly the worst thing about it was how the Cardassians seemed to drug him beforehand, making him drowsy, and yet despite being out of it, I'm sure the sudden agony of forceful tooth removal would've been just as traumatic. ;*( When I was young, I thought it was kind of extreme how all Cardassian ten year olds had a molar removed and kept as a record, like a fingerprint, maybe. I always wondered if the tooth extraction process for their own kids was as brutal and terrifying as it was for their prisoners and convicted criminals. After all, from the things the Cardassians did, I wouldn't have even trusted them with THEIR OWN children!
    The thing that made the O'Brien tooth extraction scene worse for me though, was that I was imagining a circle of blood where his tooth had been a short time beforehand. ;*( If blood had been shown trickling out of his mouth afterwards, I WOULD'VE JUST ABOUT FAINTED! ;*( I never really had a problem with the sight of blood in the past, but I think it's worse if it comes out of someone's mouth. ;*( It feels almost unnatural, and you know they're probably REALLY MESSED UP INSIDE. ;*( It actually makes me wonder if O'Brien ever got that molar tooth back. And if not, if maybe Bashir was able to somehow artificially grow a new, replacement molar for him, thanks to the wonders of 24th century medicine.
    All in all, this was probably one of the scariest O'BRIEN MUST SUFFER EPISODES. ;*( I'm guessing the first series episodes where he was unwillingly paired with Bashir were "O'Brien must suffer episodes" too, but on a milder scale. The only problem was O'Brien started to enjoy his Bashir torture, and clearly the writers thought that was UNACCEPTABLE. ;*( By the way, when I was starting this paragraph, a small-ish spider dropped down onto my bed, and I was lying in the dark. ;*( It was enough to make me panic up and turn the light on. ;*( Maybe it was a punishment for sending you another message. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    But, I think I'll be able to avert all that now, providing this state of mind isn't just a memory when I wake up tomorrow. That kind of thing has happened in the past, and made me feel downright foolish for thinking major changes were afoot. So wish me luck please, Nana.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 10 lety +1

    And the day before, he was crouched and scared in the bathroom. ;*( I thank God for how much better I feel, but it makes me worry if maybe the cat ran away somewhere and got lost. ;*( And there's no time for me to do the oil-pulling today. ;*( I might've woken up two hours ago, but I don't really feel like standing around in the bathroom right after waking up, feeling all brutal with my eyes closed. ;*( I think for me to be expected to do that by my parents is unreasonable...

  • @sj0bs1
    @sj0bs1 Před 11 lety +1

    say.....back to the mirror ever keep up with the pocket novels?

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    Maybe we're just all sensitive to different things. And I'm greatly intrigued by your sensitivity. I would never have guessed. After all, you did once say you love to play characters who have an attitude, but maybe that's just a nice stress relief for you, and that it maybe helps you to release whatever frustrations you might have within you. After all, you always sound so nice in videos and in online text, and it must be very difficult to maintain such a pleasant demeanour around SOME PEOPLE.

  • @sj0bs1
    @sj0bs1 Před 11 lety that would have been a good one.....BTW..that guy is great....shook hands with him twice, whereas, Patrick Stewart doesnt shake hands.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 9 lety

    In fact, sometimes in my head, I've likened Klingon foreheads to those long, succulent, meat filled pasties you can sometimes get from shops which have a ridged-like structure going down the middle of them!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know the proper name for them, but I've sometimes called them dinosaur pasties because of how the middle ridge reminds me of the back of a triceratops, to a certain extent!!!!!!!!!!!!

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I dreamed I saw Marina Sirtis in town, and I approached her, introducing myself as the man she blocked on Twitter. She walked away looking scared before I could finish, and I had a good laugh.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    My toothache reminds me of something I once read about the agony boothes in a mirror universe novel which was saying how the pain constantly changed frequency, or something like that, so the victim would never get used to it. ;*( It's making it harder to function mentally, and hampering my desire to do things. In fact, I only slept three hours today, and five yesterday, I'm going to HAVE TO try oil-pulling. There's people online who say that's the END ALL AND BE ALL of healthy living.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I loved how ominous you sounded in that DS9 scene where you were looming over Quark's bar from the rafters like a ghostly apparition, seemingly reading Damar's innermost thoughts, making me wonder if you were somehow tapping into the astral realm, where every thought the universe's lifeforms have ever made are stored permanently. But then it was revealed that Rom had simply stolen Damar's "Confessions of an Instellar Dictator Diary," making me feel dumb all of a sudden. ;*(

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety +1

    Did you ever think that Quark looked cute when he was unconscious? ;*P

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 11 lety

    I used to feel that way about you too, Nana, that you heart was essentially an immovable object, in the face of the forces I can bring to bear. But then I realised that you're married, and it's not entirely ethical for me to pursue you. So I won't, I just wanted to give you a frame of reference, because your mind, and the essence of your being still intrigues me greatly, regardless. And so often I've really wondered what your thoughts are towards my various quandaries and shortcomings in life.

    @STEJTHEGREATEST Před 10 lety

    Nana, have you ever watched a TV show, saw actresses or actors who you thought would be taller than you, and then noticed something which has made you feel excited, making you think they might be your height after all? I'm like that. I've always had a fixation for the heights of people, dating back to my teenaged days when I thought pro wrestlers really hated each other, and I believed their exaggerated heights to be their TRUE heights! I'd be marveling in wonder when I'd hear Hulk Hogan billed as 6'8", Kevin Nash as 7'1", The Big Show as 7'4", etc! And just the other night, I was watching/studying a TNG clip, and I got excited when I saw Worf looking a shade shorter than Riker (I always thought they were both giants of equal height), but seeing Worf look shorter than Riker (it could've been the angle) started making me think, WHOA!!!!!!!! I COULD BE THE SAME HEIGHT AS WORF!!!!!! ;*D Especially considering this random alien in the episode seemed the same height as him! I know Michael Dorn is listed as being something like 6'3" or 6'4", but from that clip, I was wondering if it was an exaggeration, and he might actually be 6'1" or 6'2", which is more my range! ;*D Especially considering I think Patrick Stewart is 5'9" or 5'10" I think, and I don't remember Jonathan Frakes and Dorn looking a solid six inches taller!
    Isn't my attention to detail scary?