A couple met Chris Leong by the road side while they were on holiday in Europe - Warsaw , Poland

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • Throwback 2018
    A couple met Master Chris Leong and CLM team by the road side while they were on holiday in Europe - Warsaw , Poland . The wife was suffering from neck problems due to an accident 10 years ago.
    Master Chris Leong is the founder of CLM ( Chris Leong Method ) Tit Tar and exceptionally passionate in making people feel & recover better. Passion breeds happiness & happiness breeds positive energy & positive energy brings speedy recovery.
    ( 马来西亚吉隆坡梁潤江跌打師傅 )
    Chris Leong Method Tit Tar - Malaysia
    𝐂𝐋𝐌 𝐓𝐢𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫:
    +603-2935 9983
    𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐂𝐋𝐌 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
    Mid Valley +6012-8990685
    Sri Petaling +6012-9850685
    Ampang +6012-6389727
    CLM Jakarta = WA 1 : +62 811-9188-266
    = WA 2 : +62 811-9118-266
    *Wajib membuat temujanji sebelumnya. NO WALK-IN
    ➡️ My Official social media address :
    Chris Leong Facebook:
    / masterchrisleong
    Chris Leong Official CZcams Channel :
    The Official Chris Leong
    Please SUBSCRIBE for new videos everyday
    / theofficialchrisleong
    TIK TOK :
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    MostAmazingTop10 | 123 GO | TOP 5 | TOP 3 Most |

Komentáře • 1,2K

  • @peterfranks7619
    @peterfranks7619 Před rokem +432

    Only someone who lives with chronic pain can truly understand her tears. There are special people in this world that are blessed to help heal someone who’s truly struggling and suffering. This man understands his gift.

    • @dianejohnson6777
      @dianejohnson6777 Před rokem +5

      Wish so much he would come to the UK 🇬🇧

    • @deathshall
      @deathshall Před rokem


    • @dedebleher913
      @dedebleher913 Před rokem +4

      I believe that.
      Coz my mom in law has chronic pain.
      No Body can help.
      And now sie has pain on the feet.

    • @dianad0523
      @dianad0523 Před rokem +13

      Exactly I suffer from chronic pain and I am crying happy tears for her

    • @sssssssssss5947
      @sssssssssss5947 Před rokem +3


  • @habsahabdulrahman4126
    @habsahabdulrahman4126 Před rokem +392

    We Malaysians are proud to have him as our citizen. He is the definition of selflessness and sincerity. Lucky for those who have become his trainees

    • @sasa-j5k
      @sasa-j5k Před rokem

      هل هو ماليزي؟

    • @normamunoz4944
      @normamunoz4944 Před rokem +1

      Is he a chiropractor

    • @LadyForestStar
      @LadyForestStar Před rokem +1

      @@normamunoz4944 He does a totally different way than Scandinavian chiropractors. I like the other areas that he treats. Been to many different through the years. I've been to really good ones. And really bad ones. I notice at once when they really know what they're doing. It was interesting to see this way of doing it.

    • @ssw7282
      @ssw7282 Před rokem +3

      As you should be! He's a credit to humanity.

    • @thefreedomsquad456
      @thefreedomsquad456 Před rokem

      I wish he would be in our area.

  • @angy3864
    @angy3864 Před 2 lety +1273

    When he said to the woman that “you gave me the opportunity to serve you” I immediately thought that he is an exceptional healer!He practically saved hem after so many years of pain and he said that he was the one who served her!!!He is the definition of Humanity along with humility!

    • @wheeloftime2908
      @wheeloftime2908 Před 2 lety +42

      Asians and specially Indian and POC medical professionals are usually like this ,mate . They respect the Hippocratic oath .They believe in service .

    • @NOOBNOOB007
      @NOOBNOOB007 Před 2 lety +7

      Is she german she reminds me of my grandmother but her accent was thicker i miss her so much. She would have helped you no matter what

    • @jesusisthelordsaviouralway8044
      @jesusisthelordsaviouralway8044 Před 2 lety +8

      The Son of God Jesus Christ came down from eternity and was born of a Virgin called Mary.God manifested in the flesh He was perfect and still is perfect
      Never committed one Sin. Because we us humans who are created beings are very sinful and need saving from our sins
      because the bible says Romans 6:23
      King James Version
      23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
      Now the death in this verse means eternal death because sin builds a wage
      And the payment for our sins is eternal death in a literal fire burning hell for eternity.
      Revelation 21:8
      King James Version
      8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
      Now because we have to be perfect to go to heaven and spend eternity in The kingdom of God with God not one Sin is allowed you see my friend it's not trying to be good enough to go to heaven we have to be perfect and we have a problem we all have Sin and still do Sin
      Romans 3:23
      King James Version
      23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
      So we can not do any works or even Good works to save ourselves from Hell for example water baptism
      Going to church trying not to Sin to go to heaven being a Good person We can not do any works to remove a sin because God says it is death for the sin
      Because sin is transgression of the law
      And to go to heaven by keeping the law we must be perfect not break it at any point keep it 100 percent perfect
      1 John 3:4
      King James Version
      4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
      Romans 3:20
      King James Version
      20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
      James 2:10
      King James Version
      10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
      Galatians 2:21
      King James Version
      21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
      John 1:17
      King James Version
      17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
      Ephesians 2:8-9
      King James Version
      8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
      9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
      Trying to be Good by the works of the law to earn heaven as a reward will fail as shown in the scriptures
      The only one who has ever been on the earth with out commiting one Sin was Jesus The Christ the Son of God
      He is God who became The Son of man the God man 100 percent God 100 percent Man And God loves us but the Sin we have God hates it because it separates us from him
      So Jesus Christ went to the cross ✝️
      He who knew no Sin became Sin for us and was crucified on a tree and shed he's blood dieing for our Sins every single one it is finished was the last words Jesus said before he Died for the sins of the world
      Then he was buried and rose again the third day bodily he's alive and a living saviour he is God that can save he is seated right now in heavenly places
      1 Corinthians 15:1-4
      King James Version
      15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
      2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
      3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
      4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
      All we have to do to receive that payment onto our account is believe he did it for us that he payed for all our sins and we get
      forgiveness of all our sin past present
      And future he payed for them all. Which means When we Trust in him and believe we cannot go to hell for our sins
      Because we have no sins to to pay for.
      It's by Grace something we don't deserve not any works of any kind. God gets all the glory and no created Man will be boosting before God saying he earned heaven by he's works the bible is clear on this my friend. God is the saviour not us We are not co saviour we either believe or we don't there is too types of People unbelievers in Sin death or believers in Christ Life eternal. We can not save ourselves by our works to earn eternal life and be Justified before a holy God. Its by Grace its a Gift according to the scriptures we are Justified.
      Romans 3:24
      King James Version
      24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
      we deserve hell but thank God he made a way and its Good news he is doing the saving not us faith is not a work praise the Lord
      It is a one moment in time to trust In Christ alone
      believe he died for our sins shedding he's blood as the substitute for us on the cross and was buried showing he was dead and Resurrection showing the payment is complete to the world on the third day. Alone put your faith in Him. in God as saviour a living saviour
      Be Justified by the Blood of Christ hes death for our sins. God gave us grace something we don't deserve he took the death we deserve.
      And we get the righteousness of God by faith onto our account and all Sins removed a complete transaction saved from eternal death and receive Christ eternal life all by the Grace of God
      And then we can know we are going to heaven praise The Lord
      And we can never lose eternal Life once we have Trusted in Christ alone and believe in what he did for us on the cross. And we can know right now in time we have eternal life and no sin or bad work.Can ever change that. The life is eternal not temporary life this is the true God of the bible its salvation not probation.
      1 John 5:13
      King James Version
      13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
      Ephesians 1:13
      King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
      John 10:28
      King James Version
      28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
      Trust in Christ Jesus to save you and believe in the Gospel and receive the gift of eternal life I urge whomsoever reads this message. And I pray Father that there heart Mind hears it and turns to God in faith alone to save them In Jesus Christ name Amen. 🙏

    • @PetraKann
      @PetraKann Před 2 lety +1

      He is being paid to serve right?

    • @donkoh5738
      @donkoh5738 Před 2 lety +4

      How is she doing today however?? Just curious. And what other treatments has she received since this street servicing ? Such information would reveal more reality into the situation. But yes, he seemed like a very polished, humbled, professional guy.

  • @mattrichardson556
    @mattrichardson556 Před rokem +71

    People like this deserve every award known to mankind! Literally healing people from insane pain!

    • @carlw
      @carlw Před rokem

      But but but what about surgery and meds? 😲

  • @tinasong5582
    @tinasong5582 Před rokem +21

    This made me cry. I felt her release and relief. He is a true healer ❤️🙏

  • @andersvinther6432
    @andersvinther6432 Před 2 lety +72

    The family is from Denmark. The woman says “undskyld” which means “sorry” when she starts crying clearly she is overwhelmed. And the husband says smile to the camera :)

  • @amaryllistorres3337
    @amaryllistorres3337 Před 2 lety +273

    I understand her tears! I've had pain in my pelvic area for many years when I would move or twist my body a certain way. I went to several doctors but they did not know why I was having these sharp pains. Finally I went to a physical therapist (who is also a chiropractor). After a few exercises and an adjustment in my pelvis, that night I had NO pain for the first time in a long time. I cried like a baby. 😭

    • @KB-ku4um
      @KB-ku4um Před 2 lety +3

      I'm glad you're out of pain! What a blessing.

    • @apk4381
      @apk4381 Před 2 lety +2

      Yea but was it permanent? Unlikely. Chiropractor effects wear off after a few days, its not a treatment, it's a temporary bandaid that does not fix the problem.

    • @billm4330
      @billm4330 Před 2 lety

      Did the vicodin help?

    • @amaryllistorres3337
      @amaryllistorres3337 Před 2 lety +12

      @@apk4381 I have not had the pelvic pain since then! My chiropractor is also a physical therapist and we are working on strengthening my muscles to alleviate and prevent other back pain issues. The PT part is the most important, she says.

    • @evelynteo3972
      @evelynteo3972 Před rokem

      Chinese medicine n it’s art (TCM) has existed for centuries but only the CHINESE ppl have faith in it. How sad….
      Now it’s an EYE OPENER n all are rushing to it!
      Nothing new yea….
      My pelvic is now CHUN!(fuyohhhh)
      Zero pain after seeing my chiropractor, DR JO WEE at SUNWAY VELOCITY 👍💯

  • @blessed7645
    @blessed7645 Před rokem +91

    I can identify with her tears. My reaction was exactly the same on my first day of treatment at the University College of Osteopathy, here in London. It made such a difference and I finally felt hopeful that I would be restored to good health. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 God be praised. 🙌🏾 🙌🏾

  • @mongoose621
    @mongoose621 Před 2 lety +34

    I was going to make a childish, smart arse comment to get some laughs.
    Then I realised this man is the real deal.
    A pure spirit.

  • @svetiks100
    @svetiks100 Před rokem +58

    I'm tearing up as I'm watching her cry. I remember the second time I went to chiropractor, I laughed and cried hysterically at the same time. The feeling is understandable.

    • @janellhellard4830
      @janellhellard4830 Před rokem +1

      I wonder if there are any practitioners of his in Washington state.

    • @marbar5475
      @marbar5475 Před rokem +5

      Też rozpłakałam się patrząc na łzy tej dziewczyny. Życzę Jej zdrowia 💖.

  • @user-wy4ek7yc9v
    @user-wy4ek7yc9v Před rokem +25

    Как-же хорошо когда ничего не болит 🙂🤗👍Замечательно, что есть такие специалисты которые реально могут помочь, а не пичкать таблетками и уколами!

  • @markwiltshire4951
    @markwiltshire4951 Před rokem +14

    Just brought tears to my eyes,it’s amazing how you can bump into someone on the street and it completely changes your life much respect to that man 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿✌️

  • @mels461
    @mels461 Před rokem +7

    I'm literally crying with her because not only does it relieve the pain but a truly releases the trauma

  • @helenvanpatterson-patton
    @helenvanpatterson-patton Před rokem +127

    That was amazing. So excited for her to feel better. I'm not gonna lie, I cried with her. I feel better just watching. Thank you.

    • @d1user
      @d1user Před rokem

      Stop lying

    • @alanmitchell6302
      @alanmitchell6302 Před rokem +1

      Natural pain in small does may look extremely bad but I have had years of experience from osteopathy it is unbelievably relieving, hard to understand but it surprises and relieves so many people's pain well worth a few minutes of pain to fix years of problems we are lucky to people like him to change people's lives from pain

    • @paigetighe4184
      @paigetighe4184 Před rokem +1

      I shed a couple tears, too. ♥️ Really moving.

    • @aronob
      @aronob Před rokem

      @@d1user cried with her lol , she was watching her on the phone

  • @victoria.4321
    @victoria.4321 Před rokem +25

    I started crying right when she did. I could feel that final release hit her. I love that Chris was able to help her in such an astounding way! ❤

  • @luvfunstuff2
    @luvfunstuff2 Před rokem +18

    My first adjustment, after I stood up to walk, it left me feeling like I was floating on a cloud and no pain. It was surreal and wonderful. Her reaction saying something clearly felt different brought me a flashback memory of that exact moment. I felt her fear & pains, then tears and shock and joy. Incredible healing!

  • @isaacsheppard7624
    @isaacsheppard7624 Před rokem +7

    After eight surgeries on my arms and horrible lower back issues. I watch this guy and it brings tears to my eyes, watching people go from extreme pain to utter relief. Please help me…

    • @arleneg6040
      @arleneg6040 Před rokem +2

      Find Body Stress Release practitioners near you. They are great too. I speak from my own experiences. I am not a doctor. They helped me a ton.

  • @meljay5660
    @meljay5660 Před 2 lety +160

    I have had adjustments similar to this. I believe even emotions can be trapped in our bodies. When we finally have an adjustment that releases it it can be an overwhelming release of emotions. But it is a wonderful thing.

    • @NazriB
      @NazriB Před 2 lety

      Lies again? Acupuncture Massage

    • @apk4381
      @apk4381 Před 2 lety

      The relief last for 4-5 days max. This is not healing, it's a bandaid that causes arthritis over the long term. Of course women get sucked into the emotional side, without lookong at thwle whole picture

    • @cpg8000
      @cpg8000 Před rokem

      @@NazriB what about what you just saw was a “lie”?

    • @joeuno1
      @joeuno1 Před rokem

      I see it all the time, even as a personal trainer, people get emotional when you get rid of the pain to move

    • @claudiafrancisca
      @claudiafrancisca Před rokem

      Com certeza os sentimentos ficam presos ali, alimentando cada vez mais o gatilho, além de todas as tensões que a gente acumula no lugar da dor. Quando liberada trás uma sensação de alívio. Não tem sensação melhor.

  • @plumsmom8043
    @plumsmom8043 Před 2 lety +152

    I have not had this experience, but the experience of having relief from pain 30 years before. I cried and cried. The emotional healing that comes from having a manageable amount of pain is tremendous. I hope the relief continues.

    • @aethrya
      @aethrya Před 2 lety +6

      Man I would give anything to be able to be free of how my body is all messed up right now. It's been almost 8 years with unrelenting sensations that range from discomfort to excruciating pain.
      I am so glad to hear that you were able to find relief. People don't understand chronic pain until it happens to them.

    • @plumsmom8043
      @plumsmom8043 Před 2 lety

      @@aethrya So so true. They have not a clue and do not understand how it impacts emotions, physical health, and ones finances. I was struck by a car at 13. Many surgeries on my knees and artificial ones at 31. I have terrible feet, SI joints (near the butt and low back) and a bad low back. I have upper body pain but not in the 8, 9, 10 range like my low body. I got a pain pump in my low back that targets my SI and low back pain that therefore the placement also helps my knees/legs/feet. It has been a life changing experience for me. I just kept going to doctors until one knew what I needed. I'm so sorry you have chronic pain and I hope one day you find manageable pain.

    • @Eagle-gl7bq
      @Eagle-gl7bq Před rokem

      @@plumsmom8043 come to Malaysia, we still have quite many of good tuina masters. This “tuina” is a kind of treatment technique used by traditional Chinese to treat bone/ joint problems. They are consider the orthopedic doctor in Chinese medicine system. Nowadays less and less of this masters exist, many in my hometown already retired or passed away without good student to inherit their techniques. U can come ASAP to get yourself treated. They’re really useful and functional.

  • @usmcdoc2512
    @usmcdoc2512 Před 2 lety +391

    Where is this dude?!?! After being ran over on my motorcycle and 6 years with the grunts and 3 deployments... My body is wrecked and I'd pay good money for this treatment. Just to sleep at night And be able to sit and stand without shifting every 30 minutes, hell I'd cry to!

    • @usmcdoc2512
      @usmcdoc2512 Před 2 lety +7

      @@cubefreak123 I'll take that advice and run with it, thank you!

    • @thegingerburpeesguy5596
      @thegingerburpeesguy5596 Před 2 lety +16

      try yoga and cold showers will really help with the inflammation and pain

    • @Raksasaification
      @Raksasaification Před 2 lety

      he's in malaysia. His method is chinese tit tar. look up for him - Chris leong. Nothing to do with tits lol.

    • @OEsEben
      @OEsEben Před 2 lety +14

      Please get help from a highly rated chiro! I was one of the nonbelievers thinking it wouldn't work for me. I started going and it was life changing.

    • @usmcdoc2512
      @usmcdoc2512 Před 2 lety +9

      @@thegingerburpeesguy5596 ice cold showers work great!... Shrinks all the swelling...... ALL the swelling... 😐

  • @saltlight5912
    @saltlight5912 Před rokem +9

    Großartig. Jeder der diese Schmerzen kennt und weiß wie einschränkend es im Alltag ist kann verstehen dass die junge Frau vor Freude tränen zeigte. Gute Besserung und danke an diesen genialen Typen 👏

  • @agata2754
    @agata2754 Před rokem +22

    I didn't know you were in my city 🙁 I was touched when you thanked this woman for giving you the opportunity to help her. You have so much humanity and empathy. It's as great as your skills. Thanks for letting me watch it 🤗💜

  • @rosesmith6925
    @rosesmith6925 Před 2 lety +91

    Reminds me of my chiropractor. The man saved my sanity and my life. But you gotta find the right one ❤️☮️

    • @robertkwiatkoski1292
      @robertkwiatkoski1292 Před 2 lety

      A chiropractor in our area charges by the moth. Open 3 days a week 2 times a day. He wants to see you 3 times a week. Very quick alignment in most cases. He talks about diet, exercise ect. Has a great following with great results.

  • @rehanaakhtar730
    @rehanaakhtar730 Před rokem +5

    God bless you my son Chris Leong ever ever, you are honestly greatly kindly treat every patient, THIS IS CALLED HONESTY WITH INCREDIBLE ATTITUDE. WAOOOOO

    • @d1user
      @d1user Před rokem

      U must be very proud of your son, u have raised him well.

  • @Im-From-the-stars
    @Im-From-the-stars Před rokem +11

    I wish I could see him,
    We need more people like him in the medical field.
    Our world would be so much better. 💝💝💝

  • @dcar144000
    @dcar144000 Před 2 lety +23

    I’m glad to see someone who was suffering, to find relief.
    And also so nice to see someone so skilled, to help her.

  • @immoegreen200
    @immoegreen200 Před 2 lety +34

    Darn! She bout made me start crying too!!! I'm so happy for her!!!

  • @LONEWOLF-dr6fg
    @LONEWOLF-dr6fg Před rokem +22

    By making the sound on behalf of his patient just to reduce his/her pain is absolutely amazing and proves his perfection in this field, since I'm suffering from the same problem I wish I'll have the opportunity to meet him soon
    Mr Chris Leong, all the best and happy new year to you, family, friends and team

  • @zulfiqarsiddique8598
    @zulfiqarsiddique8598 Před 2 lety +90

    Such a respectful and caring individual! You won the heart many of us common men in this world!

  • @erlinamahnun3759
    @erlinamahnun3759 Před 2 lety +19

    I feel her😭
    Cant imagine the years of having to bear the pain and all the difficulties.

  • @micheleb3540
    @micheleb3540 Před rokem +4

    What a wonderful person. Healing people and being thankful to do it for them! Just wonderful!

  • @aethrya
    @aethrya Před 2 lety +17

    Man even my back feels better after watching this. Wow. I really wish I could meet this guy.

  • @antonyantony2654
    @antonyantony2654 Před 2 lety +27

    What this man is doing,it's just amazing 👏. Giving to people the chance to have a better life by aliviating the pain of another human being.

  • @AhJodie
    @AhJodie Před rokem +5

    Lovely. Now she will be able to be a better mom too, which will make her and kids happier and when they are old they will have more good memories. Wonderful chain reaction.

  • @Ourhomeschooladventures
    @Ourhomeschooladventures Před 2 lety +45

    What a blessing to have the gift to heal someone’s trauma

  • @andeeanko7079
    @andeeanko7079 Před 2 lety +13

    I cried a little with her. What a beautiful healer this man is.

  • @ericyeo8824
    @ericyeo8824 Před rokem +9

    Awesome traditional treatment... natural without chemical medications. Tq Chris for helping out those who needed it so much.

  • @rushfan9thcmd
    @rushfan9thcmd Před rokem +3

    Those that learn these kinds of skills to help people deserve more praise than they are given. A great person....👍👍👍

  • @DeDaanste
    @DeDaanste Před rokem +1

    I am crying with her... So glad for her! Wish Someone helped me on the street 😍

  • @stone420
    @stone420 Před 2 lety +28

    Humble and caring. This man is a true master. 🙏🏼

  • @LadyKurta
    @LadyKurta Před 2 lety +59

    I'm crying watching this.. when she said "it hurts but I feel so relieved"
    I need something like this.. I've been having years of neck pain and I don't know what to do.. I'm so happy for her cause it's really stressful to deal with that kind of pain

    • @MGAnnAd
      @MGAnnAd Před 2 lety +2

      Dear Lady Kurta, If you do the following you can be totally pain-free in 10 days time.....All the best.
      1. Go to any homeopathy shop and get the following two flower essence/remedy drops: White Chestnut and Cherry Plum. Take a glass of water and add four drops from each remedy into it. This would be one dose. You need to take four doses daily separated by 4 hours (plus or minus hours does not matter as it is just flower juices). You need take the glass of water with the two remedies sip by sip and not gulp the entire glass of water (as though you are drinking something tasty like mango juice). Relax and drink the glass of water slowly sip by sip. Even if you become totally pain free continue these remedies for 3 months and you won't need it ever again.
      2. Do the following exercise thrice daily. In 10 days time your pain will be gone. It worked for many. May god bless you.

    • @somewhereinagalaxyfarfaraway
      @somewhereinagalaxyfarfaraway Před 2 lety +1

      Same here.

    • @BradYaeger
      @BradYaeger Před 2 lety +6

      Research "Atlas bone chiro" . Worked WONDERS for me.

    • @LadyKurta
      @LadyKurta Před 2 lety

      @@BradYaeger I'll do it. Thanks 🙏

    • @MGAnnAd
      @MGAnnAd Před 2 lety

      @@somewhereinagalaxyfarfaraway Hi Brent, see my comments. You can solve your problem completely like I did
      Try it 🙏

  • @princessharrison3038
    @princessharrison3038 Před rokem +4

    I cried with her. I’ve had neck, shoulder and back pain since I had an Athroscopic Decompression on my should in 2015. 8yrs later, after years of physio and acupuncture… still nothing! Only someone with Chronic Pain will understand her tears❤

  • @lonewolf36s
    @lonewolf36s Před 2 lety +21

    i can relate. when you live with pain from car accidents for years, and it builds and builds, then suddenly a chiropractor takes the pain away, you feel like God himself just saved you.
    Impossible not to cry a bit. It's the realization that you aren't in pain for the first time in so long, you can't even remember a time not being pain.
    As if to briefly remember what it's like to be happy for the first time. As if to wake up from a bad nightmare, a neverending one for a decade. The mental relief from the physical is so massive.
    Good job, and great footage.

    • @isuintp45
      @isuintp45 Před 2 lety +1

      You remineded me of the following verse:
      "Verily, with every difficulty there is relief." (The Qur'an, 94:5)

    • @user-cu9yv4hz3j
      @user-cu9yv4hz3j Před rokem


    • @user-cu9yv4hz3j
      @user-cu9yv4hz3j Před rokem

      Где ?

  • @user-pm5fh3ix9f
    @user-pm5fh3ix9f Před rokem +6

    Спасибо вам большое, что вы помогаете людям

  • @user-gc3ug2tl3d
    @user-gc3ug2tl3d Před 2 lety +32

    Дай Бог этому доктору долгих лет жизни, здоровья, сил и всего необходимого в жизни!

    • @Nickname006
      @Nickname006 Před 2 lety

      Slava Ukraini

    • @minaciaffia8118
      @minaciaffia8118 Před rokem

      Traduci in italiano

    • @Gbee-cp2rg
      @Gbee-cp2rg Před rokem

      t’s comment says: “May God give this man many years of happy life and health.” (This is a summary, not verbatim)

  • @sarasantiago8196
    @sarasantiago8196 Před 2 lety +27

    Wow! I'm in pain every day all the time. Wish I could get relief too. God bless him for that!

    • @ivywalowe7821
      @ivywalowe7821 Před 2 lety +4

      Me too goodness. I've been praying for healing

    • @sarasantiago8196
      @sarasantiago8196 Před 2 lety +3

      @@ivywalowe7821 me too and for God to give me strength everyday. I pray God gives you strength too

  • @carlosbarrientes220
    @carlosbarrientes220 Před rokem +2

    I gotta give shout to my man Chris Leong! I think your great at what you do don't stop! You have great gift and skills!

  • @jeanettem9016
    @jeanettem9016 Před 2 lety +9

    I just love this man. How wonderful it would be to meet him. He is very special. I'm a grandmother and I have a crush.

  • @franzhase8565
    @franzhase8565 Před 2 lety +4

    Toller Trainer er kan helfen er hat die Frau geholfen das sie schon weint voller Tränen ehrenmann disehr Mensch

  • @heatherkaye8653
    @heatherkaye8653 Před rokem +46

    Haha I'm a student of TCM myself and this is my first video of his it was playing without any sounds first and I recognized many Tuina techniques! Edit: ahhhhhh yes he noticed emotions held into her chest our lung holds grief and this release of tears was so so so needed!

    • @a.wilkins1708
      @a.wilkins1708 Před rokem +2

      I came across Tuina in Brittain. Should have learned it while I lived there ...

    • @a.wilkins1708
      @a.wilkins1708 Před rokem +8

      @Jesse Kawaii ah, maybe somewhere else too, but from years of bodywork with clients I can assure you that the body holds trauma and often for a long time. You might want to read the book: "The body keeps the score" by Bessel van der Kolk.

    • @heatherkaye8653
      @heatherkaye8653 Před rokem +10

      @@jessekawaii2276 we are a whole unit working together...if you've ever experienced any emotional trauma you know what it does to the body. Perhaps it's just an overactive HPA axis, I don't know what causes it, but no doubt, the body indeed holds on to emotions.
      There's times when I just place gentle pressure with both my hands on my patients chest, right below the collarbone and they will just begin to sob. We all hold emotions inside our body.

    • @lglge611
      @lglge611 Před rokem +1

      Why lung?

    • @darfer3740
      @darfer3740 Před rokem +1

      ​@@heatherkaye8653 and where can we go for you to help us?

  • @Jen-zk4wd
    @Jen-zk4wd Před 2 lety +39

    What a lucky gal to come across his path. He's the real deal.

  • @theparkers8627
    @theparkers8627 Před 2 lety +10

    I need this man in my life I’ve been having problems for 7 years in my neck

    • @peteryong2391
      @peteryong2391 Před 2 lety +3

      Hi why dont you make an appt with him. From his videos, you can see many foreigners also were treated by him. Suffering for 7 years is no joke. Master Chris is a very humble man like many malaysians, me included.

  • @lorenafagioli9840
    @lorenafagioli9840 Před rokem +4

    Maestro, grazie per la tua compassione e la tua umiltà. Benedizioni.

  • @cinderdonihoo9372
    @cinderdonihoo9372 Před 2 lety +32

    He is such a wonderful person blessing everyone with his gift!!! God bless you! So happy for her! ❤️

  • @Knullerbacke
    @Knullerbacke Před 9 měsíci +1

    Oh my gosh, I wanna meet him too!! Running with pain more or less for 25 years now ...

  • @vincentxiao601
    @vincentxiao601 Před 2 lety +82

    We may not have the blessed opportunity to be treated by master, but his helpful comments and tips surely will help many online watching to benefits in whatever ways to manage or improve their situations. Not forgetting a little humour goes a long way too. Tnx u sir.

  • @vasunarasimhan5541
    @vasunarasimhan5541 Před rokem +2

    Dr Chris Leong is a golden treasure of mankind. God bless. May he cure those in chronic pain for all times to come

  • @nasharris3402
    @nasharris3402 Před 2 lety +13

    You sir are a gift from God! And a gift that keeps giving...

  • @gillianmichele1728
    @gillianmichele1728 Před rokem +4

    I had a slipped disc and sciatica for years. I know the feeling.
    You will only understand the distress and pain if you've experienced it. When you finally get rid of the pain, it's such a relief.

  • @radialwavellite5310
    @radialwavellite5310 Před rokem +4

    My father was a Chiropractor but passed away a few years ago. I wish I could find someone like think guy, my DC can't even adjust me my muscles are in such spasm.Its wonderful to see this young woman be healed. I wish people would realize how important proper alignment is.

    • @cynthiaarthur2967
      @cynthiaarthur2967 Před rokem +1

      Another word for what he's done here (other than chiropractic care) is 'Osteopathic Manipulation'. Just in case your able to find someone... Wish you the best from a chronic pain sufferer. ❤️

    • @radialwavellite5310
      @radialwavellite5310 Před rokem

      @@cynthiaarthur2967 I have an appointment for Tuesday to a new Chiropractic clinic.I really hope he is a good one.

  • @brownsplains9459
    @brownsplains9459 Před rokem +3

    Blessings to you and the crew Chris for helping people around the world.

  • @pratiwisuci717
    @pratiwisuci717 Před 8 měsíci +1

    My husband got a stroke 2.5 years ago.. He's walking but his right arm is still paralyzed. I am still hoping someday a miracle happen to him and fix him back to his old self. A living miracle like Master Chris Leong🤲🏼

  • @Jennifer-457
    @Jennifer-457 Před 2 lety +23

    Truly a master of his art. I love watching him help people. God Bless.

  • @zoeartrc
    @zoeartrc Před rokem +1

    A compassionate man who really cares about people.

  • @kr3ativeKay
    @kr3ativeKay Před rokem +6

    Everything about this was beautiful relaxing and gentle. I need this. I feel her pain and can relate to the relief tears. Glad she feels better and with his help!

  • @rosemarie3416
    @rosemarie3416 Před rokem

    I need this man. Pain for so many years, every day I wake up crying (because I woke up)...

  • @anirbansinha9943
    @anirbansinha9943 Před 2 lety +24

    I need an hour of this every Friday evening

  • @renesegarcie2576
    @renesegarcie2576 Před rokem +1

    I've been a chiropractic physician for 32 years. I just started using the Y strap for low impact high velocity long axis adjustments. Even though I've experienced patients crying after an adjustment in the past due to a flood of endorphins, I've never seen that like I have seen I began doing that. It's truly remarkable and a wonderful experience for the patient AND myself!

  • @johnfree2833
    @johnfree2833 Před 2 lety +16

    Caused a few tears....of joy,thanks Doc!

  • @zv2749
    @zv2749 Před rokem +9

    Мне было очень больно смотреть как мучается эта девушка, столько боли она перенесла во время терапии! Хорошо, что всё уже позади. 🙏

  • @tondadennis6198
    @tondadennis6198 Před rokem

    Had car accident 40 yrs ago and broke 3 4. 6. 7 in my neck constant pain..i cried because can't imagine not having pain and she did for 10..lovw this. Beautiful human being to help.

  • @user-yg7qv2xz2z
    @user-yg7qv2xz2z Před rokem +7

    Да я тоже бы хотела к такому мастеру попасть, мучаюсь уже много лет две позвоночные грыжи, постоянно бьёт в спину такие дёргают боли, и головные постоянно, какой замечательный мастер, здоровья ему и всей его семье, добра и света его дому,я из России, у меня 7 детей и 12 внуков, очень бы хотелось к такому мастеру на лечение, но это только мечта, у меня нет таких денег, да и как к нему попадёшь, всего доброго, этому человеку, что он помогает людям, благодарю

    • @valeriaemelyanova726
      @valeriaemelyanova726 Před rokem +1

      Добрый день! По возможности Вам бы обратиться к остеопату . ( Хорошо бы чтоб дети сделали Вам подарок). Из личного опыта рекомендую т.к сильно страдаю головными болями, межпозвонковая грыжа с разрывом фиброзного кольца с 15 лет, невролог только обезболивающие препараты назначал, толку никакого, а остеопат очень аккуратно все поправил. И ЛФК каждый день.

    • @user-hz9rk4hz2c
      @user-hz9rk4hz2c Před rokem

      ​@@valeriaemelyanova726 Где он живёт?

    • @valeriaemelyanova726
      @valeriaemelyanova726 Před rokem +1

      @@user-hz9rk4hz2c добрый день! Кто, остеопат у которого проходила лечение? Челябинск

    • @user-hz9rk4hz2c
      @user-hz9rk4hz2c Před rokem

      @@valeriaemelyanova726 Понятно. Спасибо!

    • @syaifulrahman7609
      @syaifulrahman7609 Před rokem

      @@user-hz9rk4hz2c he Leave in Malaysia

  • @naktank
    @naktank Před 8 měsíci

    Im truly grateful to live in this world next to Souls like Master Leong.
    Dear Shifu we need You in Poland.

  • @drd6416
    @drd6416 Před rokem +3

    I have a lot of issues with my back and arthritis, i really could do with his help.... i can't have surgery and may be paralysed one day.
    What a humble and caring miracle he is.
    The world needs more like him.

  • @jstewart3517
    @jstewart3517 Před rokem

    What a caring young man , everyone should get adjusted it makes you feel wonderful ( soreness fades )

  • @87106utube
    @87106utube Před rokem +3

    Master Chris is one of a kind. I don’t know if you can find someone as good as he is anywhere in the world!

  • @blueskeleton7744
    @blueskeleton7744 Před 2 lety +1

    Some are given all kinds of gifts.. his is healing. Awesome to watch.

  • @ssw7282
    @ssw7282 Před rokem +3

    I bawled my eyes out. You are an absolute Credit to humanity. ♥

  • @kathleen4376
    @kathleen4376 Před rokem +1

    So grateful for healers in the world . Car accident caused her pain. Drive safe folks

  • @georgeramirez2732
    @georgeramirez2732 Před 2 lety +3

    I truly know how she felt after her treatments Relief.. I've Ben dealing with herniated neck for a year now. And some lower back pain nerve damage also the moment you feel the Relief it's a moment when you realize you can feel alive and there's a light at the end of darkness.. live love BE happy people . 🥰🥰🥰

  • @ak5235
    @ak5235 Před rokem

    This type of person is nothing short of an angel. They are skilled and there are not many chiros like that

  • @DockSchrem
    @DockSchrem Před 2 lety +28

    When I was a child in Bulgaria, we had such guy in every village. Almost the same technics. Apparently ancient healing practice.

    • @chltmdwp
      @chltmdwp Před 2 lety +4

      Chiropractors don't heal people, they just realign and decompress the joints. But they do make people feel better.

    • @chltmdwp
      @chltmdwp Před 2 lety +1

      ​@yeetus uh, no... Cells regenerate to "heal" the wounds. Her body was perfectly healed after the incident. The Joint didn't align properly and was sending pain signals to her brain, forcing her to be immobile to prevent further injury. I am not saying this man didn't do a great job, but the word "healing" is something people should not use it interchangeably, including you.

    • @dreamforger7166
      @dreamforger7166 Před 2 lety

      @@chltmdwp fear avoidance. I think that he showed her body that it could move, and did little for the joints.
      But the belief from here, is that the pain people suffer from, when it is chronical, isn't something we just can treat by one way or another.
      And we also goes away from triggerpoints, manual therapy, and manipulation of joints, as it is nearly impossible to prove any long lasting effect of these.

  • @michaelpower4188
    @michaelpower4188 Před 2 lety +31

    You amaze me every time with your skill, the time you gave this woman, my God I would love to meet you sometime, hope you are well and taking care of yourself as well, it nice to be able to to watch your videos, God bless you and your team and all your families, michael IRELAND [EIRE]

  • @barbaraoconnor7038
    @barbaraoconnor7038 Před 2 lety +3

    Oh I would love to bump into this man on the street! ❤️❤️

  • @therealdeal26
    @therealdeal26 Před 2 lety +2

    This guy needs to be in every neighborhood!!

  • @snowboarder4700
    @snowboarder4700 Před 2 lety +10

    When i suffered a back injury from horseback riding i was in a lot of pain and it was hard to walk for the first 2 moths or so after that. The doctors said they couldn’t find why i was still having pain. After going to a chiropractor who is also a physical therapist and a couple of adjustments over a couple months it started to get better and the pain started to subside quickly. The first night when i felt no pain in my back i cried because i was free of the excruciating pain i had been dealing with from the accident because it hurt my spine.

  • @LM-uq9nv
    @LM-uq9nv Před rokem +1

    Wow. What a showman. These people are being battered. Tears of shock is more accurate.

  • @jenivasquez8574
    @jenivasquez8574 Před 2 lety +11

    Man what I wouldn't do to have relief from the back pain I've had from a car accident 20+ years ago. Herniated disk still so much pain today as back then no relief after several chiropractors, hydrobeds, and therapy.

    • @amica_geniale
      @amica_geniale Před 2 lety

      I don't know if my experiece May help you, but I suffered from terrible pain in my neck due to a herniated disk. I did a.small.and not invasive surgery called "peridurolysis" and After some other ozone and oxygen injections now i feel.so much Better. I know this Is often used also for herniated disk in the back. i Wish you relief and healing

  • @aliboran6436
    @aliboran6436 Před rokem

    Thank you so much Sir.
    You are a wonderful human being. We all have the highest respect for you Sir.

  • @dazedvirgo5828
    @dazedvirgo5828 Před 2 lety +6

    He's a real doctor. Naturally healing, no drugs

    • @JohnnyC01
      @JohnnyC01 Před 2 lety

      Cool. Maybe someone can heal cancer without drugs the natural way 🙄

    • @chrissy8020
      @chrissy8020 Před 2 lety

      @@JohnnyC01 you’re probably living under a rock cancer is curable naturally why u think they killed dr Sebi and black balled dr Judy mikovits

    • @JohnnyC01
      @JohnnyC01 Před 2 lety

      @@chrissy8020 And you are believing in wonders obviously. He is a chiropractor, not a doctor nor a healer. The patients are coming back because, and now brace yourself, HE LITERALLY CAN'T HEAL THEM. He can make the pain go away for a while and that's ok. But he is not a doctor.

    • @f0cks0ciety94
      @f0cks0ciety94 Před rokem

      @@JohnnyC01let us be honest, if a drug kills you even cancer dies😅

  • @eventuelleva
    @eventuelleva Před rokem

    i totally get her crying, she must've been overwhelmed by feeling so relieved

  • @2115virgo13
    @2115virgo13 Před 2 lety +8

    What a wonderful healer!

  • @sugarwoofle6067
    @sugarwoofle6067 Před rokem

    I wish I could visit this man. I'm so happy for that woman and glad he's healing people

  • @AshOzer
    @AshOzer Před 2 lety +15

    I almost felt the relief with her! Wow. I even cried for her. What a blessing he is to human kind ❤
    I've been suffering from neck and shoulder pain for years myself and in turkey I cannot find anyone to help give me relief. If you're ever nearby I'd certainly do anything to have a session with you ☆☆☆
    May you stay safe healthy and happy, many need your wisdom ♡

    • @BradYaeger
      @BradYaeger Před 2 lety +1

      Research "Atlas Bone Chiro" , it worked great for me . Good luck

    • @youtubeuser206
      @youtubeuser206 Před 2 lety

      You spelled your own country’s name wrong 😑

  • @nicolegrigsby7410
    @nicolegrigsby7410 Před 11 měsíci

    I wish i could feel this release. Too bad I'll never have the opportunity. You are a blessing to those you can help.

  • @elrafa4903
    @elrafa4903 Před 2 lety +10

    Que hermoso y satisfactorio!!! Necesito un ajuste así!!! Excelente!!! Que Dios bendiga a este doctor!!

  • @user-xw1mt8wl7w
    @user-xw1mt8wl7w Před 8 měsíci

    Дивлюсь і завідую бо в нас немає таких досвідчених фахівців.Дай Бог вам міцного здоров'я

  • @salavuibau263
    @salavuibau263 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you for your service 😊

  • @songbird427
    @songbird427 Před rokem

    I was crying just watching some of those releases. He did things I KNOW my body needs

  • @minniemoo6640
    @minniemoo6640 Před 2 lety +5

    I think this is literally the only man I would propose too 🤔😂❤️💞 LOVE your energy and your sense of humour.... That heart is everything xx