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  • @hoakerhoaker
    @hoakerhoaker Před 3 lety +1

    EMDR is more effective, gets faster results, and resolves trauma. DBT is a bandaid for the symptoms and does not root out the cause.

    • @dcdno_one2393
      @dcdno_one2393 Před 3 lety

      Actually this is in no way true. Prolonged Exposure and CPT with exposure worked better for people with PTSD with dissociation than no exposure component at all. EMDR is not even validated for use in VA and Active Military. EMDR is a treatment that reinforces false notions that people are too weak to face their fears. EMDR only exists because it was well marketed and Francis Shapiro stole her concepts from a PE training she attended and then threatened to sue anyone who published results that were not supportive of her findings. EDMR as a treatment is conceptually ridiculous.

  • @bethsimm3144
    @bethsimm3144 Před 4 lety

    When you say " you cannot work on removing a client from a traumatic experience if they are still I
    in the traumatic environment,
    What about when a person is regaining lost memories by means of flash backs and /or emotional memories surfacing for the first time, due to the prosess of getting treatment.

    • @dcdno_one2393
      @dcdno_one2393 Před 3 lety

      The point I think is you do not on-purpose treat PTSD while the environment is actually dangerous (not just feeling dangerous). If there is no memory for the trauma then a trauma-focused treatment is not really necessary.

  • @mosaicglass
    @mosaicglass Před 11 lety

    I take it someone wants you to take medication and you don't think it's a good thing.

  • @AQDecor
    @AQDecor Před 11 lety +4

    You are blaming the BPD for being abused and invalidated. I think you are doing a lot of harm here by inserting the idea that BPDs basically caused their own childhood abuse. I think you are irresponsible Shireen. When I was in my 20s or even 30s I would have said I was not abused but I had blocked it out with dissociation. It was later when my parents died that I learned about the severe abuse I suffered. Older siblings confirmed it. Not everyone recalls the abuse in their younger years.

    • @dcdno_one2393
      @dcdno_one2393 Před 3 lety

      That is not what was said - listen and watch again. False memories are a very real thing and problem - only rely on your own actual memories.

  • @mosaicglass
    @mosaicglass Před 11 lety +1

    Biosocial theory. It blames the victim. It says that BPDs elicited an invalidating environment. Not fair at all. I grew up in an extremely abusive family and all of my siblings were abused not just the ones diagnosed with BPD.

    • @dcdno_one2393
      @dcdno_one2393 Před 3 lety +2

      No, biosocial theory suggests that the environment (usually family) are pervasively invalidating of emotions/cognitions, that normal emotions are ignored or punished with big displays of emotion rewarded, and that the invalidating environment employs a will power model of simplistic problem-solving. Naturally if someone is more emotionally dysregulated (like we all get from time to time) we become more difficult to validate.

  • @patsydawes7108
    @patsydawes7108 Před 5 lety +1

    Oh u mean cuz..u have revictimised them again..

  • @clarakeller5752
    @clarakeller5752 Před 5 lety

    Not informative

  • @Mrscreamcheeselover
    @Mrscreamcheeselover Před 11 lety

    I think you need to study more girlfriend, whats your solution for not cutting any smart advice woman?

    • @dcdno_one2393
      @dcdno_one2393 Před 3 lety +2

      Dr. Rizvi studied with world-wide experts in BPD and PTSD. She is extremely experienced, amazing researcher, well-published, and an expert by all standards. The solution for not cutting depends on the function of cutting which requires a behavioral analysis. If we know the function then we can find a best fitting solution.