My Arguments for Catholicism

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • What are the best arguments for Catholicism?
    I am often accused of making circular arguments for the Catholic Church. This has caused me to present my short case for the four reasons Catholicism is true. I hope this video brings you clarity (even if you disagree.)
    God bless you all!
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    Sponsored by Exodus 90.

Komentáře • 2,6K

  • @workthenumberswjake
    @workthenumberswjake Před měsícem +890

    I’m Protestant - my grandfather was a Protestant pastor for over 40 years.
    As I learn more and more about our faith in Christ, my heart has been pulling me toward Catholicism. Pray for me! Thank you
    Edit: I really appreciate all the prayers and comments. My wife and I have been attending a local Catholic Church - God bless you all

    • @mikeforfar9493
      @mikeforfar9493 Před měsícem

      dont be a fool. The roman church is the 666 Antichrist

    • @michaelgleeson380
      @michaelgleeson380 Před měsícem +19

      Praying for you brother

    • @Justhumbleme
      @Justhumbleme Před měsícem +7

      @@workthenumberswjake 🙏

    • @St.Mikel103
      @St.Mikel103 Před měsícem +10

      We offer prayers for All and anyone in the world that is in your situation. Stay humble in heart and willing to do HIS will and you will be rewarded! God bless you and your family 🙏🏼

    • @donnaroberts9119
      @donnaroberts9119 Před měsícem +19

      Sacred heart of Jesus guide you

  • @conniebabcock4045
    @conniebabcock4045 Před měsícem +215

    I recently returned to my Catholic faith. I was a cradle Catholic. I turned away in my 30’s. I joined a Baptist church and later went to a Christian church. The churches were nice and ok. But , I recently turned 69. I felt something was missing in my life. While driving down my street I noticed a Catholic Church near my home. I never really paid much attention to it. Yet, that day I felt as if I was been drawn to it. For some reason I often found myself thinking about my Catholic upbringing .A few weeks later I walked into the Catholic Church, went to confession, talked at length to the priest about my thoughts. I actually enjoyed going to mass and receiving Holy Communion. I feel at peace now. I feel like I’m home again. I’ve started saying the Rosary again. I’m home ❤

    • @tsinav8
      @tsinav8 Před 25 dny +7

      So happy for you. Thank God. 🙏😇💕

    • @verum-in-omnibus1035
      @verum-in-omnibus1035 Před 24 dny

      God bless you friend.
      I simply want to point t out that Protestant congregations are NOT “Christian.”
      That is an American/Protestant gaslighting falsehood.
      Every pope from the Protestant (those who protest Christ’s church) Revolt until Vatican II taught and understood those who reject His Church - reject HIM.
      The term “Christian” was coined to describe those who are baptized and apart of the Catholic Church. Period.
      If you reject His Church - you are not a Christian. No matter how emotional you get during your rock-music “worship” concerts and motivational 45min speeches.

    • @user-bb9uy3qv3h
      @user-bb9uy3qv3h Před 24 dny +5

      ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Beautiful your story !

    • @jesusislord1614
      @jesusislord1614 Před 24 dny +4


    • @josephschroer7594
      @josephschroer7594 Před 23 dny +5

      I left the Catholic Church once at 19 yrs old but Came back soon thereafter!!! I had a Profound Spiritual Experience in Medjugorge whereby My Faith in God was Strengthed!!! The Rosary is Important to Me Now as a Daily Prayer!!! Joe from Lou, KY

  • @MMC-jp1gl
    @MMC-jp1gl Před měsícem +712

    The ONLY reason I am Catholic (a Traditional one btw) is because I went down the rabbit hole of objective truth based on reason, logic and historical fact...and took a hefty dose of sincerity and patience with me. Read the Early Church. It's ALL there: priests, bishops, the primacy of the Roman See, the eucharist as the ACTUAL Body and Blood of Christ. Heck, even the Marian Dogmas. Read history and convert to the true faith. God bless~

    • @jeromepopiel388
      @jeromepopiel388 Před měsícem +20

      That's good, I believe your testimony, but the reason I left the CC is because I got born again and that opened my spiritual eyes to understand scripture with the help of Holy Spirit.
      Sacraments are an OT approach to knowing God. We don't need another priesthood because Jesus has become the high priest for all who believe. We have full access to God and all His promises by faith. We began by faith...
      John 1:12-13
      [12]But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
      [13]Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
      There was no priest needed.
      We continue by faith.
      Galatians 3:3
      [3]Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
      If you prefer tradition, that's fine, but St.Paul didn't...
      Galatians 4:9-11
      [9]But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?
      [10]Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
      [11]I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.

    • @justthink8952
      @justthink8952 Před měsícem +78

      @ Jerome
      This comment is very very lengthy but I wish you read it once.
      How Sola scriptura is responsible for perversion of the Christian teachings?
      Initially, Martin Luther had protested against the sale of indulgence out of love for truth. Because of him, the Catholic Church had stopped the selling of indulgences.
      But due to animosity created between the clergy handling the case and Martin Luther, Martin Luther was filled with frustration, bitterness, and anger against those clergy and ultimately the Church led by tge Pope. So, the seed of rebellion was sown in his soul.
      The storm he created was not a reformation but a revolution. Reformation is driven by the love for truth. But here, we have Martin Luther who was browbeaten by his superiors such that he was filled with bitterness, anger and hatred. He racked his brains on how to get even with these overbearing priests. So, his restless mind had developed the concept of sola scriptura to hit back at the priests.
      When the mind is filled with murderous intent, the result is not going to be good. Forty thousand plus protestant church denominations today is the result of the protestants' revolution.
      Sola scriptura was primarily designed to take down the authority of the Catholic priesthood and the sacred tradition of the Church. It was not for truth. Let this sink in.
      Martin Luther himself was a Catholic priest till his excommunication in 1521.
      This idea of sola scriptura compelled protestants to come up with the doctrines contrary to everything dear to the Catholic Church.
      This novelty idea of sola scriptura is the most vicious idea conceived by Luther. The consequences that followed are systematic destruction of apostolic teachings which are handed down through the tradition of the early Church.
      Can anyone justify that Catholic Church having priests following the tradition of the Apostles is wrong, evil and a sin? The Apostles had an office. That was why Matthias was elected to the office left vacant by Iscariot Judas who betrayed Jesus Christ. Now, is it wrong to appoint men to be the successors of the other Apostles? Is this tradition of the Apostles in appointing bishops, not inspired by God? We all recognised the office of the Apostles. The Catholic Church's priesthood is the continuation of the Apostolic priesthood. Martin Luther destroyed this institution and the protestants are still tenaciously holding on to this error without giving much thoughts to its consequences.
      Protestants say scripture is the sole authority in matters of faith, not the Magisterium which comprise of the Pope and the Bishops. They threw away the teaching authority of the Magisterium such that they have to come up with the assertion that scripture interprets itself and we don't need fallible priests to interpret them. The fact is, men interprets scripture. Scripture don't interpret itself and that is why there are different opinions on what scripture really say amongst the theologians.
      Protestants also say scripture alone is sufficient for establishing the rule of faith. But the Bible doesn't tell us how do we baptise new members; what would be the creed of believers or what should constitute the profession of faith for baptism etc. The Bible also do not tell us how to celebrate the breaking of the bread (Eucharistic celebration). Thus, Bible alone is not sufficient to give answers to these questions and many others. We need men to interpret the scriptures. We need tradition of men too to fill up the gaps.
      Now, when protestants abolish priesthood in order to get even with the Catholic priests, they are also compelled to abolish the teaching authority, the governing authority and the sanctifying authority vested with the office of priesthood.
      Protestants do not abolish this authortiy of priesthood because it is evil and against the will of God but because it is an impediment, an obstruction to their desire to destroy the Catholic Church. Protestants must destroy the credibility of the Catholic Church because as long as there is the legitimacy for the existence of the Catholic Church, there is no legitimacy for the existence of Protestant churches. Thus, they must destroy the Catholic Church. And the sure way to destroy the Catholic Church is to destroy the office of priesthood. Without the priest, the Catholic Church cannot attend to the needs of its members.
      Martin Luther's desire to destroy the authority of the Catholic priesthood and the sacred tradition of the Church cannot be inspired by God but inspired by the Devil himself because the fruit of his teaching is evident.
      With the teaching authority gone, protestants must introduce the doctrine of free interpretation of the Bible by each individual. This means there is no one in the protestant churches who can define faith and morals because everyone is the Pope unto himself.
      Since each individual can interpret the Bible for himself, they came up with the idea "each man has the right to think for himself" as the slogan for the revolution against the Catholic Church.
      No teaching authority means there will be no basis to exercise the governing authority as well. Without the authority to speak out what is true and what is false, what is good and what is evil, how can anyone govern? The reward for letting the hell loose is that there are more than 40,000 different protestant church denominations each asserting themselves to be the true Church of Christ. Can we say this is the work of the holy spirit?
      With the eradication of sanctifying authority of priests, protestants must teach against the sacraments. They must make it appear that the sacraments are erroneous doctrines taught by the Catholic Church against the clear writings in the Bible. They have to come up with new teachings on baptism, confession, eucharist, penance....
      We know that priest sanctifies the candidate during the water baptism while at the same time God out his love and mercy, makes him born again and mark him as his child. But since protestants don't have sanctifying authority, they have to teach that baptism is symbolic, not sacramental. They have to teach that a person is born again by saying the sinners' prayer. This is not scriptural but never mind.
      The priest sanctifies the penitent during the administration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation because Jesus Christ has given his apostles the authority to forgive or to retain sins. But since no Protestant can exercise this authority and forgive another protestant fellow, they have to come up with an accusatory teaching saying, "no one can forgive the sins of men except God and so, Catholic priests cannot forgive the sins of men". Now, isn't this accusation the devil himself would make? Catholic Church strives to free its members enslaved by sin but protestants don't want them to be free from the slavery of sin.
      If protestants can heal the sick in Jesus's name, Catholic Priests too can forgive the sins of men in Jesus's name. Why is this so hard for protestants to understand? The thing is they are brainwashed to protest anything against the Catholic teaching no matter what.
      Catholic priests have the authority to sanctify bread and wine offered on the altar to become the body and blood of Christ. And that is why Catholics eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ. But protestants have no priest and hence there is no one eho can offer the sacrifice of bread and wine in their church. So, they had to come up with another new teaching saying that bread and wine are symbolic of Jesus's body and blood. They don't care even if they break God's commandment that said, do not make any image of gods or likeness of anything either on earth or in heaven or under the water. They cite this commandment against the Catholics for having statues and paintings. But they use bread and wine as a symbol of Jesus's body and blood which is an image, right? They break God's commandment according to their own yardstick.
      Blinded by prejudice, they have to teach against the Eucharist just like the devil would do by saying, Jesus had offered himself the sacrifice for sin once and for all but Catholics sacrifice him again and again on the altar to this day. To defend themselves, they had to justify that since Christ has made the sacrifice once and for all, there is no more need of any sacrifice and that is why they don't have the altar, they only have the pulpit instead. These excuses havd become official false teachings oc the protestant revolution.
      The Bible mentioned the early Church had an altar where the sacrifice is offered and they eat this sacrifice in God's presence. But these so called Bible believing Christians don't do it.
      Worship in the Old Testament is accompanied by the sacrifice. But protestants had to change the definition of worship too in order to conform it with what they do. That is why, when Catholic pray to Mary, and sing praises to her, they say Catholics worship Mary.
      For them, preaching, singing and praying is public worship. Their worship is like Jewish worship in the synagogues where they also meted out punishment on the disciples not to preach about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But the Catholic Church's worship is like that of the Jewish worship in the Temple where animal sacrifices was made.
      Protestants certainly know how to justify their errors.
      They don't give a thought as to why they have to still hate the Catholic Church for the sake of Martin Luther.
      They accept Martin Luther's teachings as if they are inspired by God while the Catholic Church's traditions are treated as false. They could see very well the result of what Luther's teachings have produced and yet, they still tenaciously hold on to the traditions introduced by Martin Luther!

    • @Sevenspent
      @Sevenspent Před měsícem +30

      I agree with you. The historical facts/ church fathers is what really does it for me too, and the way the Catholic church just connects scripture passages has been beyond anything I see in the protestant circles. Protestants tend to focus on single verses to state their doctrines and are usually contradicted by other verses or even further in the passage every time. Then they explain very poorly on why their is an obvious contradiction, sometimes multiple. While one video on the Eucharist connected 2 OT bible stories with multiple passages in the New testament so perfectly it just blew my mind away.
      Then studying the reformation brought out some hard truths that points to too many negatives to even be close the truth of things. I do believe God can still work with some protestants but not all and it just seems like a minefield from the outlook.

    • @HellenicPapist
      @HellenicPapist Před měsícem +32

      ⁠​⁠​@Jeromepopiel388 How do you know you’re not the one reading the Bible correctly? How do you know it’s the Holy Spirit telling you this? Is He the God of confusion then, because any other number of manmade denominations claim they have the Holy Spirit for the same issue, yet come to different conclusions, all “guided by the Holy Spirit”.
      No longer any priesthood because Jesus is the High Priest? Where is that found in the Bible? Then why does Jesus make clear ministerial priesthood commands to the twelve at the Last Supper? Why does Paul claim he was made a minister for God? Why did the Eleven cast lots in Acts 1 for their replacement as the open 12th office of Apostle just like the OT priesthood?
      1 John, he’s talking about newly baptized Christians. Where do you get no priesthood from that?
      Paul very much approved tradition… “So then, brethren, stand firm and *hold to the traditions* which you were taught, whether *by word of mouth **_or_** by letter* from us.”
      ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬ ‭

    • @elaizagalvez55
      @elaizagalvez55 Před měsícem +13

      @@justthink8952 GOD BLESS YOU🙏

  • @calledtobedifferent
    @calledtobedifferent Před měsícem +316

    As a recent Catholic convert, I now truly understand what it means to be persucuted for following Jesus. Even protestants get hateful when all you want to do is help them see the truths that you have found.
    I hear things like "You worship Mary," "You are following Satan now," "You are terribly misguided and will go to hell"...
    Never would I say that to a protestant... it shows me that some who claim to follow Jesus do not follow him at all. Wolves in sheeps clothing.
    Thanks for continuing to stand up for the truth! There ARE PROTESTANTS who are listening and are considering the truths of Catholicism!
    God bless! 🙏

    • @gianluigigreco2835
      @gianluigigreco2835 Před měsícem +11

      Dont give up. Protestants speak of Jesus. We bring Jesus with prayers offering our sacrifices and pains for us and others. In silence. Dont give up

    • @kingofcats4410
      @kingofcats4410 Před měsícem

      You are correct, I've heard some of the vilest things from protestants over the years about Catholicism. They are a hateful bunch.

    • @julieimbelloni7115
      @julieimbelloni7115 Před měsícem

      They just refuse to listen. I’m a a Catholic my entire life.
      To heck with Protestants.
      The truth is in front of them they just don’t want to see.
      To heck with ‘em

    • @3buzzy
      @3buzzy Před měsícem

      More protestants need to hear the truth. Who else would be creating a division among the Church than the father of all lies, Satan himself. Martin Luther was tempted away from the Church by something other than the Holy Spirit.

    • @davidcole1475
      @davidcole1475 Před měsícem

      Tell the to all the people the Catholic Church has murdered.

  • @danreed88
    @danreed88 Před měsícem +384

    I was a Baptist for many years, Im finally doing RCIA with my local Roman Catholic Church.

    • @minxey5813
      @minxey5813 Před měsícem +5

      Welcome to the family! My parish is about to start our new class in a few weeks and it always excites me to meet new people on the journey Iade over 20 years ago. ❤

    • @bluecomb5376
      @bluecomb5376 Před měsícem +3

      Praise God for your journey!

    • @SheltonDCruz
      @SheltonDCruz Před měsícem +3

      Welcome Home!

    • @jaimedelcastillo1302
      @jaimedelcastillo1302 Před měsícem

      @@danreed88 what did you belief about salvation as a baptist,that it was a gift from God or that you earned it?

    • @jbangz2023
      @jbangz2023 Před měsícem +2

      Infant baptism, perpetual virginity, worshipping graven images, etc... Matthew 16:18 KJ21 And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. -> You said Peter is the rock,? Let's read carefully, Jesus said THOU are Peter -> thou or you pronoun is 2nd person, Jesus "points" to Peter and used "thou". Then He said and upon "THIS" rock, this is something very near or Himself.

  • @victormj6279
    @victormj6279 Před měsícem +273

    Hey Keith I'm from Kenya, your Conversion story spoke to me. I'm transitioning from a non denominational church to Catholicism. Jesus led me to you.

  • @theresasmith1000
    @theresasmith1000 Před měsícem +91

    Cradle Catholic here! And all through school till 10th grade. Then in my 20s I met a boy :) and his mother led me to Protestantism and a wonderful Christian church! I was baptized again to profess my faith in Jesus. I was captivated by Bible studies etc and reading and digging into Gods word! We brought all 3 of our sons up in the church. Then grew disillusioned with current church so hopped around. I Finally didn’t attend for a few years. Hubby continued to go. I found myself back at Catholic Church and SO enjoying it!! I saw it for what it really was!! A sacrifice!! And every scripture was so about JESUS!! I attended and never missed for a few months then went to confession so I could receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. I can say this… my life has changed so so much since receiving the Lord every week. I see Him in my everyday life and HE SEES ME!! I can feel his presence SO much! The Sacrament of communion is so very real and life changing… now my sweet hubby who has been a Christian almost his entire life is very interested in Catholicism. I call myself a Born Again Catholic. Thank you Jesus!!!

    • @verum-in-omnibus1035
      @verum-in-omnibus1035 Před 24 dny

      I simply want to point t out that Protestant congregations are NOT “Christian.”
      That is an American/Protestant gaslighting falsehood.
      Every pope from the Protestant (those who protest Christ’s church) Revolt until Vatican II taught and understood those who reject His Church - reject HIM.
      The term “Christian” was coined to describe those who are baptized and apart of the Catholic Church. Period.
      If you reject His Church - you are not a Christian. No matter how emotional you get during your rock-music “worship” concerts and motivational 45min speeches.

    • @unitedwingsofliberty7899
      @unitedwingsofliberty7899 Před 24 dny

      It’s an amazing thing once your eyes have been opened and not looking for a church that serves you and instead you realize we receive when we worship the Lord we get when we give and thst is found in the Bible

    • @joanbenjamin6345
      @joanbenjamin6345 Před 18 dny +1

      The final and only sacrifice needed was accomplished 2000 years ago at Calvary. Jesus called for remembrance, not re- enactment.
      I am a heartsick "cradle RC" to see how many, including my own family, follow and swallow this denomination that diverts attention and worship from the Savior to such as His human mother and, today, increasingly off-track (to put it kindly) "popes".
      Read the Word. Listen to Jesus. You like the Mary and Martha account? Then do like Mary and sit at His feet and listen. It's not what you're hearing in your "oral traditions" - a slippery slope of ever was one.

    • @user-qf1cp9kb7h
      @user-qf1cp9kb7h Před 15 dny

      I'm trying to go back to my Catholic church after being Pentecostal since college. Worship of Mary and talking to people who have died for intercession has been hard, very hard. The Lord will guide me.

    • @4daluvofnikki
      @4daluvofnikki Před 4 hodinami

      Wonderful story of coming home. I would like to point out Catholics we are Christians.

  • @angelamorales534
    @angelamorales534 Před měsícem +106

    Keith, thank you for this video. I’m an ex-Protestant and ex-AntiCatholic. Now I’m proud to be a Catholic. You put the reasons why we’re Catholic into perfect words. 🙏🏻📿 please pray for my oneness Pentecostal family, they like to poke fun at me for my conversion, but it’s okay. I’ve never been happier and at peace❤️‍🔥

    • @dmnguyen103
      @dmnguyen103 Před 29 dny +8

      Interesting, my family considered me the black sheep of the family. I converted to the catholic faith 46 years ago. Years later, my mom and dad. I'm told frequently that my family is praying for my soul. My response, is thank you, for praying for me, I pray for you too. No sarcasm involved. Sincerity and love , I am so truly blessed to be catholic. Peace and blessings to you 🙏

    • @josephschroer7594
      @josephschroer7594 Před 23 dny +1

      When One Searches for God: You Do Find the Fullness of Faith in the Catholic Church!!! There are Sacramentals and the Sacraments to Guide You to the Closer Relationship with God!!! Joe from Lou, KY

    • @josephschroer7594
      @josephschroer7594 Před 23 dny +1

      ​@@dmnguyen103Hang in There Catholic Child of God: Pray for Them that One Day they See the Light!!! You have Found the Fullness of Faith!!! Joe from Lou, KY

    • @angelamorales534
      @angelamorales534 Před 23 dny +1

      @@dmnguyen103 people are going to hate the Jesus that lives inside you. My family said the same thing to me. Specifically they jokingly said, “when you kneel down to pray, pray for me.” I responded, “yes I’m going to continue kneeling and praying for you.” Although it hurts, sometimes, we just have to keep loving them and praying for them.

    • @angelamorales534
      @angelamorales534 Před 23 dny

      @@josephschroer7594 Yes! They say that to look deep into history is to cease being a Protestant. God has humbled me in revealing to me His fullness of truth in the Catholic Church ⛪️ there’s so much to learn! I can’t wait to start RCIA classes and to take the Holy Eucharist for the first time!

  • @jennabond5040
    @jennabond5040 Před měsícem +429

    This is exactly what I needed right now. I’m the only Catholic in my family and it’s so hard sometimes. Keep it up, thank you 🩷

    • @kasiaseubert
      @kasiaseubert Před měsícem +28

      Stay strong 💪 🙏

    • @davidcole333
      @davidcole333 Před měsícem +32

      Me too, knowing there are others going through the same thing keep me strong. Keep living your faith!

    • @KeithNester
      @KeithNester  Před měsícem +30

      I'm so glad!

    • @monikarohlwink3533
      @monikarohlwink3533 Před měsícem +13

      Keep your faith, Jenny, and live it with all your single-mindedness.

    • @CopperNTodd14
      @CopperNTodd14 Před měsícem +21

      I'm with you Jenna! My kids and I feel like such outliers in our family. My siblings and my kids' cousins are all atheists who find no need/space for faith in One True God. I'm so grateful for you, @keithnester and the Rosary Crew!

  • @emoore1439
    @emoore1439 Před měsícem +590

    The Eucharist is why I'm Catholic. The Eucharist is why anyone and everyone should be Catholic

    • @KeithNester
      @KeithNester  Před měsícem +62


    • @BurningStar04
      @BurningStar04 Před měsícem +18

      ​@KeithNester as you're a former Protestant, I'm on the verge of going through RCIA. However, I'm struggling with Mariology. Any advice on this matter?

    • @kenparks1151
      @kenparks1151 Před měsícem +9

      Keith, I love your ministry and the message you bring to all Christians. Your Friend in Faith.

    • @kainosktisis777
      @kainosktisis777 Před měsícem +5

      I had that problem, too.
      What specifically challenges you?

    • @Love4Jesus-l5w
      @Love4Jesus-l5w Před měsícem

      @@KeithNester I rebuke you Keith by the Blood of Jesus Christ..Catholiscm is of the Devil.. The Bible says you must be BORN AGAIN to see the kingdom of God.. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.Catholiscm is not the TRUTH... WHO IS THE ONLY TRUTH? Jesus Christ.. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. So according to the Bible ..Jesus Christ is the ONLY TRUTH...If Jesus Christ is the only truth than what is anyone or anything other than Jesus Christ ? A LIE.. Born Again Believers worldwide will be exposing videos on social media and the videos will be multiplying by the nanosecond exposing the evil of the Vatican....All Religions are of the Devil..Religion is from man..Relationship is from Christ.. Wake Up Catholics.🥰🙏

  • @Omegat3430
    @Omegat3430 Před měsícem +151

    Amazing! I grew up Protestant (Non-denomination) but this past birthday I felt the Holy Spirit calling me to the Catholic Church. Ever since then my eyes have been opened to everything the church has to offer. I thank our lord Jesus Christ for using men like you and many others. God bless you and everyone in the comments!

    • @darbinpropertieslandry1995
      @darbinpropertieslandry1995 Před měsícem +7

      Welcome aboard, Christ and his church is the answer.

    • @draniula1883
      @draniula1883 Před měsícem +4

      Good to hear that.Soon all will become Catholic. Do you know channel Amor of God,mostly content about Catholic exorcists,it gave me so much helpful knowledge.

    • @Omegat3430
      @Omegat3430 Před měsícem

      @@draniula1883 no I have not heard of it but I will check it out. I’ve just been reading books on topics like how the magisterium works by jimmy Akin, Patristics by men like William Albrecht. And many others to kind of build a foundation. But thank you for the recommendation!

    • @Omegat3430
      @Omegat3430 Před měsícem +1

      @@draniula1883 no I do not but I will check it out! Thank you. I just been reading and getting study material from Jimmy Akin, William Albrecht and Trent horn. But I will add this to my study material.

    • @sammygomes7381
      @sammygomes7381 Před měsícem +1

      It was not the Holy Spirit calling.

  • @jennifermanzano2400
    @jennifermanzano2400 Před měsícem +100

    Thank you so much for this! 🙏🏼 my 78 year old dad is a fallen away Catholic who bitterly attacks the Church now. He brought all four of his children through the sacraments of the Catholic Church but got led astray after my mom and him divorced over 30 years ago. I pray every day for him to come back home 🙏🏼😔. This video brings me hope that one day I can be brave and intelligently guide my dad back to the light. God bless you 😊

    • @BenjaminJohnParallag
      @BenjaminJohnParallag Před měsícem +4

      Godbless you, pray Rosary it will help you a lot..

      @MUSIC-MARY Před měsícem

      (107 A.D.) St. Ignatius: “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the Catholic church.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2) “Repent and return into the unity of the church, follows a SCHISM he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” (110 A.D.) (Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4) (CCC 846-848) St. Ignatius is an apostle of St. John ** (354-430 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5) “I should not believe the gospel except by the authority of the Catholic Church.” (Epistle of Manichaeus Chapter 5)

    • @Bongy123
      @Bongy123 Před měsícem

      Share this video with him and keep praying with the intercession of our blessed mother.

  • @josephkirby9688
    @josephkirby9688 Před měsícem +75

    As a protestant, I found this video to be very sincere and well-reasoned, and is refreshing in that it refrains from indulging in any strawman arguments. May God be with you, Keith, and all those who read this comment.

    • @KeithNester
      @KeithNester  Před měsícem +7

      Thank you, Joseph. I truly appreciate that.

    • @69NOMAN69
      @69NOMAN69 Před měsícem

      @@KeithNester The catholic church changed the 10 commandment's, worships idols, worships on sundays and claims it can forgive sins. Pure evil meant to control the masses. no thanks!

      @MUSIC-MARY Před měsícem +2

      (1522 A.D.) Martin Luther:
      “Christ wrote NOT His teaching and gave no command to write it.”
      Weimarer Ausgabe (WA) (W.A., 10, pp. 625-28)
      Not everything Jesus did is in the Bible! (John 21:25)
      “Follow traditions by word & epistle.”
      (2 Thessalonians 2:15)
      “Teach” what he heard from Paul (2 Timothy 2:2)
      “Scripture is profitable for reproof.”
      “Profitable” (KJV) “Ophelimos” (Koine Greek) means USEFUL not SUFFICIENT!
      (2 Timothy 3:16) (Strong’s Concordance 5624)

    • @Bongy123
      @Bongy123 Před měsícem +1

      God bless your honestly. All we really hunger and thirst for is JESUS! May He bless you abundantly.

    • @TriciaPerry-mz7tc
      @TriciaPerry-mz7tc Před 17 dny

      @@KeithNesterThey WERE NOT CATHOLIC
      I am sorry you are not chosen or HIS ELECT. No True born again child of Goff would Believe in prayer to Mary and deceased people and Jesus specifically taught against Catholic Church. You will never come to the truth because you continue believing WHAT IS TOLD To you not what Jesus and the Holyghost said.
      You don don’t have the Holyghost

  • @reynax7
    @reynax7 Před měsícem +40

    When I was younger I literally let other people’s words and thoughts get to me and started distancing myself from Catholicism. I kept asking my mom why she was Catholic. After yearssss of educating myself about so many religions and beliefs, it all lead me back to where I started. After all the questions, I am so grateful and thankful my mom raised me to be Catholic and my faith is strong.

  • @mrjkstark
    @mrjkstark Před měsícem +310

    EO catechumen here. I pray we can heal our schism and be in communion once again.

    • @davidcole333
      @davidcole333 Před měsícem +32

      Add my prayers to yours

    • @caseyk.1386
      @caseyk.1386 Před měsícem

      The schism can already be healed, join the Catholic Byzantines.

    • @KeithNester
      @KeithNester  Před měsícem +60


    • @JayRedding12_12
      @JayRedding12_12 Před měsícem +7


    • @ilsekuper3045
      @ilsekuper3045 Před měsícem +14

      We are in communion by the Eucharist! This is the Center Point of all faith and belief! Trust that the Holy Spirit will unite us at the right time! Has something to do with the Holy Spirit....😻

  • @jerrylehner8703
    @jerrylehner8703 Před měsícem +59

    You are saying in this video exactly what I wish I could say to my Protestant friends and relatives, and in a wonderfully succinct, encompassing and reasonable manner. Thank you, Keith!

  • @Tro_unce
    @Tro_unce Před měsícem +57

    Thanks Keith for this informative video. I was born and raised a Catholic and grow prouder every day to be one as I listen to people like you and Scot Hahn's to name a few.

    • @bwnco
      @bwnco Před měsícem

      Ditto..i as well

    • @galpinklilyempire6905
      @galpinklilyempire6905 Před 23 dny

      Catholic is not about proudness . It about learn to be one in Christ . From stage we are at .

    • @bwnco
      @bwnco Před 23 dny

      @@galpinklilyempire6905 Why even address this? There is absolutely nothing Wrong with being a proud Catholic. Good Grief people are so damn touchy now days. Guess what Im Proud Catholic also an my Grandpa was from Waterford Ireland. White Proud Catholic!

  • @sueannsanchez6873
    @sueannsanchez6873 Před měsícem +70

    Thank you. It sealed a lot of questions, confusions and doubts. I knew from the moment I lived my Cursillo, I realized then how blessed I am to have the fullness of my Catholic faith.
    Cradle Catholic and I will die Catholic.

    • @sammygomes7381
      @sammygomes7381 Před měsícem

      No one is a cradle Catholic as that is a choice we make to either follow Christ or the Catholic church.

      @MUSIC-MARY Před měsícem +1

      (253 A.D.) Bishop Cyprian: “There is no salvation outside the Church.” “Salus extra ecclesiam non est” (Letter LXXII)
      “All salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church his Body.” * (CCC 846-848) (Colossians 1:18) “Teach all nations unto the end of the world.” (Mathew 16:18-19, 28:19-20) Synonyms for ALL is Catholic & Universal! “If he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen.” (Matthew 18:17) “An heretick… reject.” (Titus 3:10)

  • @celinegarcia4158
    @celinegarcia4158 Před měsícem +63

    There is combat rosary which soldiers use. And there is combat evangelist which Keith is. This post exhorts me to actively live & defend my faith. Amen.

    • @bwnco
      @bwnco Před měsícem +2

      LoL why i watch him..give me rebuttals based on fact!! ❤

      @MUSIC-MARY Před měsícem +1

      Father Amorth
      (Rome’s #1 Exorcists):
      “Satan told me
      if Christians knew
      the POWER of the
      ROSARY, it would be
      the END of me!”
      “An Exorcist Tells His Story”

  • @gk3292
    @gk3292 Před měsícem +53

    Well done Keith!! Keep on contending for the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church!!

    • @jbangz2023
      @jbangz2023 Před měsícem

      Infant baptism, perpetual virginity, worshipping graven images, etc... Matthew 16:18 KJ21 And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. -> You said Peter is the rock,? Let's read carefully, Jesus said THOU are Peter -> thou or you pronoun is 2nd person, Jesus "points" to Peter and used "thou". Then He said and upon "THIS" rock, this is something very near or Himself.

    • @mikegalvin8603
      @mikegalvin8603 Před měsícem

      Listen carefully to the video again.

    • @jbangz2023
      @jbangz2023 Před měsícem

      @@mikegalvin8603 yes, I listened and checked Matthew 16:18, did you?

    • @mikegalvin8603
      @mikegalvin8603 Před měsícem

      @@gk3292 I say unto thee, (Simon) thou art Peter (rock), and upon this rock I will build My church. Jesus changed how he referred to Simon, now calling him Peter. Peter was given the keys, thus he is the first pope as designated by Jesus.

  • @donm-tv8cm
    @donm-tv8cm Před měsícem +67

    "I have never been more in love with Jesus since my conversion to Catholicism" -- that right there NAILS it!
    That's exactly the way I have felt since Easter Vigil 2021, when I, too, was initiated into the Catholic Church after an entire adult life in protestantism. It's a whole higher level of living the Christian faith!
    And yes, there can be no doubt whatsoever that Jesus Christ built this.

      @MUSIC-MARY Před měsícem +1

      (107 A.D.) St. Ignatius: “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the Catholic church.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2) “Repent and return into the unity of the church, follows a SCHISM he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” (110 A.D.) (Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4) (CCC 846-848) St. Ignatius is an apostle of St. John ** (354-430 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5) “I should not believe the gospel except by the authority of the Catholic Church.” (Epistle of Manichaeus Chapter 5)

    • @TriciaPerry-mz7tc
      @TriciaPerry-mz7tc Před 17 dny

      Jesus specifically taught against them and many who constantly hold to CATHOLIC are sold delusions and another Gosel

  • @burkeiowa
    @burkeiowa Před měsícem +67

    Thanks for including Orthodox with the Catholic faith as "the original Christians". You know I'm Catholic, but so many prominent Catholics often leave out the Orthodox when touching on things they claim are only available in the Catholic Church that are often also in the Orthodox Church. I think the fullness is in the Catholic Church and have reasons I'm Catholic.

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch Před měsícem

      @@burkeiowa good point.
      The polemics are always toward Catholicism. Our separated Brethern in the OC get left out.

    • @sammygomes7381
      @sammygomes7381 Před měsícem +1

      Original Christians were mostly Jewish. The Catholic and Orthodox churches were hundreds of years away.

    • @burkeiowa
      @burkeiowa Před měsícem +1

      "Catholic" was used by someone who was taught by an Apostle, directly. Their very early use of the term to refer to the Church was used so casually, as opposed to clearly defining the term to introduce people to it, that it was clear that the term had been used for quite a while, and people throughout a wide region of the Roman Empire would understand what was meant by "Catholic". So at least the Catholic Church was NOT hundreds of years away. It started with Peter, and gained the name very soon afterward.

    • @elenag2965
      @elenag2965 Před měsícem

      The only thing they’re missing is, the keys to Heaven; which the pope holds.

    • @sammygomes7381
      @sammygomes7381 Před měsícem

      @@elenag2965 My friend the only thing the pope holds is the wide road to destruction.
      Every born-again believer holds the keys to heaven which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven are the very essence of the Gospel. Thus, without the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we could never be reconciled to God. The wages of sin is death. We were all dead in sin. But Christ saved us all. Then, he gave us the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.

      Keys to heaven is Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek

  • @steverextile2663
    @steverextile2663 Před měsícem +31

    Please start challenging local/Quad City protestant pastors to debate you. Your knowledge/charm/charisma will win a lot of converts. Watching your vids has deepened my faith. Thank you.

  • @EricRussell97
    @EricRussell97 Před měsícem +64

    Thanks for your story and your content 🙏 Getting baptised into the church Easter Vigil 2025 ✝️

    • @suneesunee7576
      @suneesunee7576 Před měsícem

      U can get Baptist any time u dont need to wait long way

    • @aracelygonzales4846
      @aracelygonzales4846 Před měsícem +4

      Good for you ,Our Blessed Mother Protect you and keep you until you see Her in Heaven with Our Dear Lord and Redeemer ,Viva Cristo Rey

    • @minxey5813
      @minxey5813 Před měsícem +3

      ​@@suneesunee7576The Church has a path for those coming into the Church. We don't take the responsibility to instruct those seeking the Sacraments lightly. Also, the time flies when you are in the OCIA program, so a few months is not a long wait.

    • @suneesunee7576
      @suneesunee7576 Před měsícem

      @@minxey5813 only those who are confuse and don't want to convert yet they can wait, but those who already want to convert and know the faith they can convert anytime without going to RCIA or wait for long, what if they die while waiting

    • @sammygomes7381
      @sammygomes7381 Před měsícem

      @@suneesunee7576 You are correct, one can get baptized with the Holy Spirit whenever they give their life to Christ. No water or priest required.

  • @MastaQuinn
    @MastaQuinn Před měsícem +24

    This is the best and most concise case for Catholicism I have ever heard. Lets get this message out to the masses.

    • @TriciaPerry-mz7tc
      @TriciaPerry-mz7tc Před 17 dny

      Yeah case for Catholic not for the real Christians who know the LORD

  • @JayRedding12_12
    @JayRedding12_12 Před měsícem +45

    I can say the same for myself about since I've Reverted I've really come to love rhe Scriptures, and I've had an even stronger desire to grow closer to God and I feel Joy. I feel like a very different person, and i don't say that out of pride, but humility because I'm so grateful for the positive changes in me (Ephesians 4: 22-29)

    • @JohnTheRevelator11
      @JohnTheRevelator11 Před měsícem +4

      I was cradle Catholic and tried everything else even getting very lost. It was my Catholic rabbit hole and faith that brought me back home when I reverted back and I’m humbled by Gods grace to lead His sheep through His true faith.

      @MUSIC-MARY Před měsícem +2

      1522 A.D.) Martin Luther:
      “Christ wrote NOT His teaching and gave no command to write it.”
      Weimarer Ausgabe (WA) (W.A., 10, pp. 625-28)
      Not everything Jesus did is in the Bible! (John 21:25)
      “Follow traditions by word & epistle.”
      (2 Thessalonians 2:15)
      “Teach” what he heard from Paul (2 Timothy 2:2)
      “Scripture is profitable for reproof.”
      “Profitable” (KJV) “Ophelimos” (Koine Greek) means USEFUL not SUFFICIENT!
      (2 Timothy 3:16) (Strong’s Concordance 5624)

  • @Knight-of-the-Immaculata
    @Knight-of-the-Immaculata Před měsícem +137

    A few years of Bible study vs 2,000 years of Holy Spirit inspired truth and wisdom.

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz Před měsícem +7

      Have yet to encounter a Bibleist who lives by ALL of scripture.

    • @immaculateheart1267
      @immaculateheart1267 Před měsícem +9

      Keith always has the best takes.

    • @Knight-of-the-Immaculata
      @Knight-of-the-Immaculata Před měsícem +6

      @@immaculateheart1267 he absolutely does!

    • @toddgallo1759
      @toddgallo1759 Před měsícem

      ​@@HAL9000-su1mz lives by ALL of the Bible, no Bible alone believer would ever say we live by all the bible. That's your understanding of what that means. If you went solely by ALL the scriptures as you say, we would still be sacrificing animals in the temple. What we believe is that ALL doctrinal issues that we follow have to be found in the scriptures. It doesn't mean everything we do in our daily lives are found in the scriptures.

    • @c.Ichthys
      @c.Ichthys Před měsícem

      ​@@toddgallo1759and which bible verse tells you that?

  • @larryf4180
    @larryf4180 Před měsícem +59

    "Catholicism based" The first two words of this video were enough for me.
    On a serious note, the Eucharist is 1st 2nd and 3rd reason for me. As I studied different theologies I came across the disputes between Luther and Zwingli on the true presence of Christ. I saw the bible as clearly teaching that the bread and wine are really Christ, and almost became Lutheran, then I looked into Luther. I saw his attacking of the Epistle of James and thought that was at least dancing on the line of blasphemy against the spirit. I wanted so badly not to be Catholic, but the more I dug, the more I saw it to be true. Blessed to know the true Church today, and blessed to see Jesus every Sunday.

    • @mikescollard6499
      @mikescollard6499 Před měsícem

      You wanted so badly not to be Catholic. Where did that come from?

    • @joanahope3013
      @joanahope3013 Před měsícem

      Why see Him ONLY on Sunday? You know There's daily mass, don't you? Step up your game, believe you me, you SHALL not regret!

    • @bwnco
      @bwnco Před měsícem

      Awesome response...

      @MUSIC-MARY Před měsícem

      1522 A.D.) Martin Luther:
      “Christ wrote NOT His teaching and gave no command to write it.”
      Weimarer Ausgabe (WA) (W.A., 10, pp. 625-28)
      Not everything Jesus did is in the Bible! (John 21:25)
      “Follow traditions by word & epistle.”
      (2 Thessalonians 2:15)
      “Teach” what he heard from Paul (2 Timothy 2:2)
      “Scripture is profitable for reproof.”
      “Profitable” (KJV) “Ophelimos” (Koine Greek) means USEFUL not SUFFICIENT!
      (2 Timothy 3:16) (Strong’s Concordance 5624)

    • @mikescollard6499
      @mikescollard6499 Před měsícem

      @@MUSIC-MARY You and Martin Luther. Tools of Satan.

  • @jeromejerome9395
    @jeromejerome9395 Před měsícem +42

    A protestant who seriously studies his history, cannot remain a protestant honestly. The heart is the biggest blocker.

    • @A-gor
      @A-gor Před měsícem +1

      Huh. Depends on how far into history you go. I have studied a bit of history. Still protestant, maybe more so

    • @Justhumbleme
      @Justhumbleme Před měsícem +7

      ​@@A-gorI think you can only go as far as 1520.

    • @jasonnelson8354
      @jasonnelson8354 Před měsícem +6

      @@A-goryeah like he said. Go tot he beginning. Or just read the Didache (80AD)that was written when The epistles were being written that all early Christians would follow and use it for their main form of worshipping guidelines. Guess what you’ll find. Looks almost EXACTLY like the Catholic Church Mass on Sundays

    • @A-gor
      @A-gor Před měsícem +2

      @@Justhumbleme I have read the Apostolic fathers. I am reading the first 150-200 years of the church, and it ain't Roman Catholic. 😏

    • @A-gor
      @A-gor Před měsícem +2

      @@jasonnelson8354 I have read the Didache. I read the Apostolic fathers. I have a fondness for Polycarp. They're not Roman Catholic. If all Roman Catholicism is is found therein, I'd be Roman Catholic tomorrow.

  • @josh39684
    @josh39684 Před měsícem +33

    very timely video. I just wrote a letter (along with a critique of Protestantism) to my parents and family who are very anti-catholic

      @MUSIC-MARY Před měsícem

      John Newman Former Protestant Theologian: “To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant.” “An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine” (Part I, Introduction, Section 5) (1845 A.D.)

  • @davidcole333
    @davidcole333 Před měsícem +34

    Keith, the arguments are sound, but it's all about whether or not the ears the message reaches are deaf or not. I pray that your message will be received and resonate with many who are discerning. I also want to echo your closing comments. That has been exactly my experience since baptism into the church in Easter 2018.

  • @PaulDerekLiddell
    @PaulDerekLiddell Před měsícem +163

    *Larry Burkett's book on "Giving and Tithing" drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2020 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40,000 dollars. Everyone thought I was delusional. Today, 1 receive 85,000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas, CA, and travel a lot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me*

    • @AlichGeorge
      @AlichGeorge Před měsícem

      There's wonder working power in following Kingdom principles on giving and tithing. Hallelujah!

    • @FelixRothbart
      @FelixRothbart Před měsícem +1

      But then, how do you get all that in that period of time? What is it you do please, mind sharing?

    • @HarrisWay-kc7li
      @HarrisWay-kc7li Před měsícem

      It is the digital market. That's been the secret to this wealth transfer. A lot of folks in the US and abroad are getting so much from it, God has been good to my household Thank you Jesus

    • @HarrisWay-kc7li
      @HarrisWay-kc7li Před měsícem

      Big thanks to Ms. Susan Jane Christy❤️✨💯May God bless Christy Fiore services,she have changed thousands of lives globally

    • @FeriaAllenkempf
      @FeriaAllenkempf Před měsícem

      How can I start this digital market, any guidelines and how can I reach out to her?

  • @monikarohlwink3533
    @monikarohlwink3533 Před měsícem +35

    Thank you so much, Keith. You are a solid beacon of Light to others...especially non-Catholics. If we Catholics spoke like this we would called biased, etc.

  • @hilaryfrank
    @hilaryfrank Před měsícem +26

    How God puts all these powerful words in your mouth makes me give praise to God. Thanks, and God bless 🙏

  • @kimfleury
    @kimfleury Před měsícem +20

    I greatly appreciate your teaching. I'm a lifelong Catholic, except I was lukewarm, haphazard, and picking from a buffet for a long time. When we speak of poorly catechized Catholics, it's not just failure to provide the information, but also the problem of teaching some things as "Church teaching," when they're really only opinions.
    Since there are many different opinions, presenting any given opinion as "Infallible Church teaching" causes confusion, and leads to viewing the Church as both a buffet and a democracy.
    I grew up absorbing the teachings of the Church even while being taught opinions. My education began before I had the language to express it. That alone made it difficult for me to find you words to express actual Church teaching. Adding opinions on as a topper only confused matters more.
    That's why I greatly appreciate on fire Protestant converts explaining the Faith in mature language.
    I'm very grateful that you and your wife embrace the calling God gave you to teach and preach the Gospel. Thank you both 🙏🏻✝️🌹🌹🌹

    • @bwnco
      @bwnco Před měsícem to!

      @MUSIC-MARY Před měsícem

      (107 A.D.) St. Ignatius: “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the Catholic church.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2) “Repent and return into the unity of the church, follows a SCHISM he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” (110 A.D.) (Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4) (CCC 846-848) St. Ignatius is an apostle of St. John

  • @maryannlanger3318
    @maryannlanger3318 Před měsícem +19

    God has definitely chosen you for a time such as this! God bless you Keith!

  • @cv5369
    @cv5369 Před měsícem +11

    Thank you, as a new catechumen I often struggle to find words to best explain to someone other than that holy spirit has brought me home. You have summarized the reason for why we are catholic in the most easy to digest manner, and of course because it is the truth!

  • @SycNCM
    @SycNCM Před měsícem +22

    I pray to god that Bro. Keith's subscribers reach millions quickly. I want all Catholics to be educated about our catechism whether young or old. I learned a lot here, Bro.keith speaks clearly. May god always guide and protect you and your entire family. 🌹❤️🙏

    • @tknciliba4743
      @tknciliba4743 Před měsícem +1

      @@SycNCM Pity Heaven does not require or care about your Catechism. Only a relationship with Jesus Christ Matters.

    • @SycNCM
      @SycNCM Před měsícem +1

      @@tknciliba4743 Hello, first of all may god bless you. I am sure you are one of the protestant members. it's up to you if that's what you've learned or believed. but I pray that one day your heart and mind will be opened through the grace of god. I believe that you believe there is only one god but, you are outside his body and constantly contradicting his body, your belief is not complete. Is there a separate head and body? of course nothing! and just a reminder, the catholic church wrote, developed and compiled the bible that you are reading if you are reading at all. you might say that you are reading the king james version, where did king james copy the contents of his book, of course from the original bible which is owned by none other than the catholic original and legal christian, with an authority from the Lord Jesus himself.

    • @tknciliba4743
      @tknciliba4743 Před měsícem

      @@SycNCM "I'm outside of the body of Christ." You say.
      Just Because I am not Catholic it does not mean I'm apart from the body of Christ. 😂😂LOL.
      You may have compiled the Bible, putting together what was already written!
      Name me 1 Book in the Bible that Catholics wrote. 🙏
      The people who deserve the praise are the scribes that preserved written texts from 900BC.
      You want us to praise you for editing the Bible_seriously?
      You finished compiling the Bible in 382ad and kept it to yourselves.
      Only when the Anglican church of England starting compiling the KJV you decided to share the Bible with the world.
      Jesus Saved Paul a Murderer He can surely save you as well.

    • @mikescollard6499
      @mikescollard6499 Před měsícem +1

      ​​@@tknciliba4743Peter, you are the rock upon which I will build my church. You can't just pick and choose the scripture you like.

    • @tknciliba4743
      @tknciliba4743 Před měsícem

      @@SycNCM Protestant or not, Catholic or not, JESUS IS KING.
      Catholicism began in 130ad.
      130years after Jesus's death & Ressurection.
      Funny logic_Peter was no Pope!
      The Statement to Peter is Based on the Faith!
      Being in the blood line of Jesus does not ensure Salvation.
      Having Faith in Jesus is what makes us Christians.🙏🙏🙏
      Please share with the world what BOOK or books did Catholics write in the BIBLE!?

  • @hotspot930
    @hotspot930 Před měsícem +14

    I agree with Keith! Continue to spread the mission of the Catholic Church. 🙏🏻 God bless you!

    • @user-of1hd2dy1t
      @user-of1hd2dy1t Před měsícem +1

      Whats the mission of the Catholic Church....RAPING AND SEXUALLY ASSAULTING Literally 330,000 Children (and counting) thhe Vatican unsuccessfully tried to cover it up? 😮
      All irrefutable FACTS!

  • @thomasjorge4734
    @thomasjorge4734 Před měsícem +8

    You were clear, precise, humble, honest and brave. Thank you!

  • @GrandmaLynn
    @GrandmaLynn Před měsícem +53

    What gets me is when they expect me to have an open mind and heart but won’t open theirs no matter what I bring up to counter their arguments.

    • @2196logan
      @2196logan Před měsícem +1

      I believe there is a spirit of Protestantism, I only see this rear its ugly head when these people refuse to listen at all. It is a combative spirit that also gets angry when you speak the truth. They will flat-out lie about the Catholic church and do not care if everyone knows they are lying. That can only come from an evil spirit.

    • @kenparks1151
      @kenparks1151 Před měsícem +3


    • @ProdigalSon684
      @ProdigalSon684 Před měsícem +10

      They are as hard headed as they are blind. I’m being very charitable here.
      I told a colleague the Vatican was built on the tomb of St. Peter. He told me that he has been in the Vatican, and added, “How do I know that Peter is buried there? “!!!!
      I’m trying to be charitable, but I failed that day.

    • @jeromepopiel388
      @jeromepopiel388 Před měsícem

      ​@@ProdigalSon684even if it could be proved that St.Peter made a throne for himself in Rome, I would still be more persuaded by what he wrote.
      1 Peter 1:23
      [23]Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
      We are born again by faith in the word and not baptism
      2 Peter 1:2-4
      [2]Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,
      We are to increase in grace by the knowledge of God (prayer and the word) not sacraments of the church.
      [3]According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
      We already have the "fullness" of God by faith
      [4]Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
      We can share in the divine life of God through exceeding great and precious promises.
      Not through merit
      See CCC 2010

    • @Conqueror0000
      @Conqueror0000 Před měsícem

      They are taught to win arguments there's nothing you can do about it. They are losing sleep twisting and turning in bed every night thinking about us Catholics.

  • @amitydolby
    @amitydolby Před měsícem +8

    Amen! The very question of authority is what sent me on the rabbit hole to the Early Fathers and eventually into communion with the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

  • @kylep1433
    @kylep1433 Před 27 dny +4

    I’ve been Protestant my whole life. I’ve felt a tug into Catholicism for over a year now. I started attending mass nearly 2 months ago, now plan to attend RCIA in the fall. I was very anti Catholic. I started listening to atheist debaters on tik tok and looking to refute them (I have proudly believed in Jesus most of my life). This sent me on a rabbit hole of investigating the faith, ultimately to constantly praying the Holy Spirit would lead me into truth. I don’t know how or why, but here I am at Mass… consuming Catholic content, seeking truth, and considering joining the Church. There’s just really a lot that is very hard to deny.
    It was by no design of my own..

    • @bennyv4444
      @bennyv4444 Před 19 dny +1

      Christ has called you by your name! Praise God!

    • @kylep1433
      @kylep1433 Před 19 dny +1

      @@bennyv4444 thanks Benny! Please pray for me bro.

    • @bennyv4444
      @bennyv4444 Před 19 dny +1

      My wife and I included you in our prayers tonight, remember that God wants you home as much as you yearn to find him!

  • @AP777-JC
    @AP777-JC Před měsícem +9

    I love Catholic faith with the precious sacraments ❤

  • @yac2617
    @yac2617 Před měsícem +11

    Wow that was very well explained. I am evangelical but oddly it has been in my heart to pray the rosary (I do not have anybody encouraging me in that regard) so I do not know what this is all about. I am questioning everything, and yet, open minded to know and learn that I might have been wrong all along

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před měsícem +3

      Pray the rosary & you will gain peace & she will draw you closer to her son & magnify your love of Him!

    • @yac2617
      @yac2617 Před měsícem

      Thank you!! I just need to find out how! I have no idea how…

    • @c.Ichthys
      @c.Ichthys Před měsícem

      ​@@yac2617 you can find online sources

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před měsícem

      @@yac2617 Try google!

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před měsícem

      @@yac2617 Try google

  • @MystoRobot
    @MystoRobot Před měsícem +5

    History proves Catholicism right, it's not just the interpretations of random faithful. We have here a Church that survived through 2000 years or wars, famines, plagues & persecutions (from outside OR inside) without changing its core doctrines, only bringing more precisions without contradictions... is telling. The Catholic Church is protected by more than mere luck. The Church Fathers wrote about Catholic traditions even in the first centuries, in solid details.

  • @EternalHope836
    @EternalHope836 Před měsícem +15

    I have been raised Baptist my entire life and for the first time I have been actually diving deep into what the Catholic Church is/ says, history, etc. I have been praying the Rosary daily among other Catholic prayers and for the first time in my life my faith is not about me. There are still paradigm shifts happening, I am looking into the Jewish roots of the Eucharist. To be honest this is a big one that has been the hardest for me. It's not that it doesn't make sense but it's like the Protestant programing won't set me free to believe it. I have never had anyone speak against it but it's like something about the way the protestant faith is taught and lived out that makes you deeply believe it's not needed. That you made perfect through the passion of Christ don't need anything else just you and the trinity. Marian? believe and understood. Rosary? Beautiful, pray it daily. Confession? Makes sense to me. The Pope and Papal authority? Makes sense. Pro- life, no contraception, have all the babies? Makes sense/ done. The Eucharist? Makes sense, but something stops me at that. It's silly cause we Protestants fully believe in the resurrection, parting of the Red Sea, water and honey from a rock, blind, lame, deaf, leopard all healed. We believe in all of these miracles and that God created everything but his real body, blood and Devine presence in the Eucharist.... Not possible! IDK why or what it is. I am praying fervently about it.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před měsícem +1

      Great comment, you’re well on your way to joining His One True Church!
      His Real True Presence in the Eucharist is the source & summit of Christianity and without it, Protestant sects are like synagogues with prayer & teaching, but no altars nor liturgical sacrificial worship.
      I know the expected knee jerk reaction of one sacrifice for all time, however, Jesus commanded worship Jn 6 51-58 reflecting Mal 1:11. The personal interpretation flaw of Protestantism is its downfall!

    • @EternalHope836
      @EternalHope836 Před měsícem +1

      @@geoffjs Thank you for this I will look into these passages! I believe it is the One True Church. Just working through my Protestant upbringing, it's not easy at all but is incredible nonetheless, the way Catholics view suffering too is just so incredibly beautiful and frankly a breath of fresh air. I personally never subscribed to the prosperity Gospel but in light of Catholicism most if not all Baptists subscribe to it even if it's not as glaring as Joel Osteen there are still many ways the Baptist denomination is so self centered. My husband is not on board and think I'm nuts but I am praying about that as well. My kids enjoy Mass but compared to a Protestant Baptist sermon/ Sunday school lesson it's boring. I am trying/ praying to help them see the beauty in it.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před měsícem +1

      @@EternalHope836 Tks for your reply. If you’re up to it, praying the rosary, a Christological prayer to Mary will bring much peace, try it!

    • @EternalHope836
      @EternalHope836 Před měsícem

      @@geoffjs I will try it, thank you!

    • @monicacruzramos7218
      @monicacruzramos7218 Před měsícem +1

      I will pray for you, your husband and kids, for Jesus to stay very close to you in this journey and the Holy Spirit fills you with the understanding and love of Jesus in the Eucharist. Amen.

  • @gabrielluvizotto3353
    @gabrielluvizotto3353 Před měsícem +5

    I was an atheist, and after studying many religions and philosophy, I converted to Catholicism. Best decision ever.

    • @bwnco
      @bwnco Před měsícem

      What made you go from athiest to God? Luv this..share story with others..God Bless❤

  • @jamescurtin4412
    @jamescurtin4412 Před měsícem +13

    Hey Keith well said. Logical apologetic argument spoken with passion and heart. God bless you keep up the good work

  • @vilmasucy7579
    @vilmasucy7579 Před měsícem +5

    Your words are so beautiful. God bless you for sharing your faith with us. I’m a cradle Catholic, poorly catechized in the 70s. I’m learning more every day.

  • @sololoquy3783
    @sololoquy3783 Před měsícem +6

    The more I think on Catholicism. The more I think it's the perfect center / how things are supposed to be. It's rooted in tradition, but it's projecting onto the future as well.
    It encapsulated the duality of everything (faith & reason, body & spirit, tradition & revelation, conservatism & progressivisim, the gospel & the magisterium) and unite them into a single all-encompassing system.

  • @robwassler5774
    @robwassler5774 Před měsícem +5

    Keith - Your passion shines through so well in this video. I appreciate the sequence that you used and the serious questions that you asked. Love to you, brother!

  • @garyr.8116
    @garyr.8116 Před měsícem +11

    ^ THIS is what Christ Alive in a person looks like - a true Living rock! (1 Peter 2:5). Bravissimo Keith! ✝

    • @jeromepopiel388
      @jeromepopiel388 Před měsícem

      Hmm, don't know if I picked that up from what Keith said. I felt like tradition is his rock and anchor?

    • @cr3364
      @cr3364 Před měsícem

      @@jeromepopiel388 Yes Tradition and scripture just like Paul the apostle said in the scriptures.

    • @jeromepopiel388
      @jeromepopiel388 Před měsícem

      @@cr3364 well No. You are assuming that because the word "tradition" is used in the text that it therefore endorses anything you can pull out of the rabbit's hat of history. Actually the opposite is true.
      2 Thessalonians 3:6
      [6]Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.
      Paul here is speaking of his original transmission of the Gospel of which he doesn't want these people to stray from in any way. It's not about 'tradition" as you want to define it
      Strong's Number - G3862
      Greek: παράδοσις
      Transliteration: paradosis
      Pronunciation: par-ad'-os-is
      Definition: From G3860; transmission that is (concretely) a precept; specifically the Jewish traditionary law: - ordinance tradition.
      It is about something that is transmitted. Sorry to deflate your Catholic balloon.

  • @brendamacqueen2106
    @brendamacqueen2106 Před měsícem +5

    This is so Informative and so beautiful Keith. As a cradle Catholic I am so truly happy you converted because you age taught me and so many others the true meaning of Catholicism and Helped me fall back in love with a Jesus and my Faith. 🙏🙏 thank you.

  • @carlosgarza1962
    @carlosgarza1962 Před měsícem +8

    Keith this is awesome. You do such a great job explaining and defending Catholicism

  • @joesinkovits6591
    @joesinkovits6591 Před měsícem +6

    Once saved, always saved is a ridiculous position. It implies that you could have faith in Jesus and then go murder hundreds of people and still be saved. Christ never taught that. In fact, he warned that not everyone who says to him “Lord, Lord!” will make it to heaven. Once saved, always saved? Don’t bet your afterlife on it. Thanks, Keith! And I LOVE your hair! I wish I had it!😊

  • @myronmercado
    @myronmercado Před měsícem +4

    Another awesome video. I realized Keith's subscribers is now close to 90K. Amazing job.
    9K views in just 9 hrs. This has got to be the most complete argument for Catholicism that I have ever seen.

  • @mikeguthrie5432
    @mikeguthrie5432 Před měsícem +5

    I am a protestant. But recently it seems that I'm being led to the Catholic faith. A lot of my relatives are Catholic and they seem to be more "anchored" in their faith.

    • @TriciaPerry-mz7tc
      @TriciaPerry-mz7tc Před 17 dny

      What is leading you because it is not the Holyghost and God doesn’t lead to deception and Lies

    • @mikeguthrie5432
      @mikeguthrie5432 Před 17 dny

      @@TriciaPerry-mz7tc Number one, to me, it doesn't seem to be deceptive. Secondly, Keith sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

  • @Jesus3ITrustinThee
    @Jesus3ITrustinThee Před měsícem +5

    We find ‘CAT-HOLIC’ in the Bible at Acts 5:11 and Acts 9:31. ‘Catholic’ is a Greek word, of course, so you need the New Testament in Greek if you wish to see it. The phrase "Kata holos" is lost when translated from the original Greek into English. In English, at Acts 5:11, the phrase "holos[en] ecclesia” or the “whole entire church" is found. In Acts 9:31 the English may render “the church throughout" but in Greek it is "Ai men oun Eccelesia kath holos". The passage literally translates as "Then truly the Church Cath-olic”. Acts 9:31 literally read in Greek: “Then truly the Church Catholic rested in Judea and Galilee and Samaria and were edified and walking in the fear of the Lord and comfort of the Holy Ghost were multiplied." - Acts 9:31.
    “Kat-holos’ means universal, of all nations, throughout, of the whole. It is a good description of Christ’s church. After all, Jesus said in Mark 11:7, “My House shall be called of all nations the House of prayer.”

    • @veemon9280
      @veemon9280 Před měsícem +2

      Wow....Mike drop. I never knew this. That is a beautiful apologetics defense of our church.
      It's the perfect answer to the "Catholic isn't in the bible" argument.
      God bless you for sharing this knowledge.

  • @humbirdms2784
    @humbirdms2784 Před měsícem +4

    I love you brother. Thanks for all the work you put into making content, running the channel and especially defending our Holy Church. May Christ bless you and you're family.

  • @steveevans3753
    @steveevans3753 Před měsícem +4

    As a non-Catholic, after a deep dive into studying Catholocism, I have found that the Catholic Church is the one true church. The other Christian denominations aren't even close. It takes simple study and letting go of preconceptions to see the truth. It's surprisingly clear for those who seek.

  • @Ovaatime51
    @Ovaatime51 Před měsícem +12

    Truth is boundless and timeless.

    • @TriciaPerry-mz7tc
      @TriciaPerry-mz7tc Před měsícem +1

      Peter was never Catholic or a Pope
      He will go in circles constantly talking about issues most born again believers ARE WAY OVER. THEY DONT sit around asking these lame questions.

    • @dvdortiz9031
      @dvdortiz9031 Před měsícem +1

      ​Says who?​@TriciaPerry-mz7tc
      Pooe Damasus I gave the world the Bible in the year 382AD. He was number 32 since Peter!
      The Church was 350 years old, then!

    • @dvdortiz9031
      @dvdortiz9031 Před měsícem +1

      You find her in the Catholic church!!!
      1 Timothy 3:15!
      The bible says so!!

  • @FaithandMercy319
    @FaithandMercy319 Před měsícem +3

    Beautiful ❤️ Thank you Keith. God bless you, your family, and your channel.

  • @Bisotun
    @Bisotun Před měsícem +8

    God bless you and all those you love, Keith.

    • @KeithNester
      @KeithNester  Před měsícem +2

      God bless you!

    • @TriciaPerry-mz7tc
      @TriciaPerry-mz7tc Před měsícem +1


    • @Love4Jesus-l5w
      @Love4Jesus-l5w Před měsícem

      @@KeithNester I rebuke you Keith by the Blood of Jesus Christ..Catholiscm is of the Devil.. The Bible says you must be BORN AGAIN to see the kingdom of God.. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.Catholiscm is not the TRUTH... WHO IS THE ONLY TRUTH? Jesus Christ.. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. So according to the Bible ..Jesus Christ is the ONLY TRUTH...If Jesus Christ is the only truth than what is anyone or anything other than Jesus Christ ? A LIE.. Born Again Believers worldwide will be exposing videos on social media and the videos will be multiplying by the nanosecond exposing the evil of the Vatican....All Religions are of the Devil..Religion is from man..Relationship is from Christ.. Wake Up Catholics.

  • @fc-qr1cy
    @fc-qr1cy Před měsícem +12

    Education is key to our mental evolution. a narrow mind is almost as bad as a selfish rich man.

  • @JohnAlbertRigali
    @JohnAlbertRigali Před měsícem +3

    Excellent presentation. 👏🏻 This is my exact argument, but you’re much more prepared and eloquent than I am.

    • @bwnco
      @bwnco Před měsícem +1

      I just give people his channel an say..Listen to this! 😂😂

  • @albertodiaz6012
    @albertodiaz6012 Před měsícem +5

    First time on this channel
    i dont normally comment or engage with videos
    Fantastic angle to speak about the faith
    fantastic video
    God bless !

  • @satoshiumei4622
    @satoshiumei4622 Před měsícem +2

    Well said, Keith!! I was a revert from lukewarm Catholic -almost agnostic and was questioning which Christianity was correct. I considered Protestantism but I got almost the same conclusions as you did. Most importantly, I experienced Real Grace from the Sacraments. I was struggling with Gluttony, but with confession, I got the grace against it FAST. I knew I couldn't do it on my own. The saints also make sense to me when I read the Psalms and some OT texts - God listens more to the just. My soul is "filthy," but the Saint's aren't. I experienced aid from them as well. After everything, I realized that it all boils down to HUMILITY. It takes humility to experience God and His Mystical Body, the Church. Claiming to have the authority to Doctrine by yourself, and assuming effective prayers by our own is pride in itself. Thanks for your videos, Keith! May the Lord grant us Christians the unity we need with Mary as our Queen and mother.

      @MUSIC-MARY Před měsícem

      (740 B.C.) Mary is Mother of God! “Virgin shall bear a son
      Immanuel.” (God with us) “Mighty God.” (Isaiah 7:14, 9:6)
      (180 A.D.) Bishop Melito: “Mary mother of God.” (Transitus Mariae)
      (250 A.D.) Sub Tuum Prayer: “O Theotokos [Mother of God].” (1522 A.D.) Martin Luther: “Mother of God.” (Betbüchlein) “Mary’s soul free from all sin.” (Sermon: “On the Day of the Conception of the Mother of God,”)

  • @XoScottXo
    @XoScottXo Před měsícem +2

    Amen. I love my Catholic faith. Because I love Jesus. ♥️✝️🙏

    @SCOPIANDEE Před měsícem +3

    Just look at what happened in Hawaii when all of the island was burned downed, the only building left was the Catholic Church. During the recent olympics when all the lights in paris was out, the only light on was the Catholic Church...\

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před měsícem

      Protestantism can’t stand this so they ignore Catholic events!

  • @adelbertleblanc1846
    @adelbertleblanc1846 Před měsícem +3

    It seems that for many Christians, including Catholics, they must learn again the prayer of Mary. Please, in these chaotic times, let us entrust our days to Mary with this very beautiful prayer :
    Hail Mary,
    Full of Grace,
    The Lord is with thee.
    Blessed art thou among women,
    and blessed is the fruit
    of thy womb, Jesus.
    Holy Mary,
    Mother of God,
    pray for us sinners now,
    and at the hour of our death.

  • @cristheltorres7354
    @cristheltorres7354 Před měsícem +4

    The Bible was compiled by the Catholic Church ❤. Around 110A.D Saint Ignatius of Antioch used, for the first time in Christian literature, the expression “catholic church,” meaning the whole church that is one and the same wherever there is a Christian congregation. ❤

  • @marcellemieux8566
    @marcellemieux8566 Před měsícem +2

    If anyone has questions regarding the Catholic faith they can find all of what it’s about by simply reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It’s all there for the whole world to see. The Catechism is a great source for learning and understanding Catholicism. It’s free and on line and a great resource for Christians. God Bless

  • @ClassicWendy
    @ClassicWendy Před měsícem +1

    Thank you Keith, so well said. Your description of how you feel now as a Catholic is exactly how I feel as a convert- you explain it so beautifully.

  • @mariannebiedrzycki3326
    @mariannebiedrzycki3326 Před měsícem +6

    You GO man! God Bless You Keith ❤

  • @AdrianaRebosura
    @AdrianaRebosura Před měsícem +4

    I am a Catholic and forever be a Catholic...based on true teaching of Jesus Christ..My Christian faith is always based on Catholicism, which stood firm amids persecution

  • @OfficiallyLost
    @OfficiallyLost Před měsícem +3

    Oddly enough, even if the Catholics claim were that simple “Catholicism is true because…Catholicism is true”, it would still have more strength then sola scriptura

  • @carlvaz
    @carlvaz Před 15 dny +1

    Very well explained! As I watched this video I recalled my frustration in trying to clarify, particularly to the Protestants that I as a Roman Catholic follow the true teachings of Christ. It is not the clergy or the people that I follow. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get through to people who have previously been indoctrinated into rejecting the Catholic faith and have been brainwashed into believing certain lies and misinterpretation of the Catholic Church. One needs an open and mature mind with a sincere willingness to try and look for the truth.

  • @medhintecruray1307
    @medhintecruray1307 Před měsícem +1

    Thank you brother Keith i am chatolic and proud to be chatolic reading the bible and listening to our priest's explaining the gospel everyday we are lucky we are so blessed 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @hideph_tv861
    @hideph_tv861 Před měsícem +4

    I'm bless that I'm a Catholic born Catholic 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @tonybrum6361
    @tonybrum6361 Před měsícem +4

    What a great lesson and teaching. Thank You Keith 🙏

  • @Catholiclady3
    @Catholiclady3 Před měsícem +3

    I have argument fatigue. I have to take a few days off and just focus on prayer and reading and come back. None of these people have truthful questions, meaning they dont really want to know. They just want to argue and try to take catholics away from His church. I feel like I need to defend my faith, but I have to fill up before I can go out and fight again. I dont know how you do it all the time.

  • @HowdyHowdens
    @HowdyHowdens Před měsícem +1

    We appreciate your videos! We started a CZcams channel documenting our Conversion and your book was super helpful! Thank you for all that you do!

  • @Lightofchrist333
    @Lightofchrist333 Před měsícem +1

    Good 4 u for standing up for our faith. We need more people like you! God bless you

  • @daninminneapolis6048
    @daninminneapolis6048 Před měsícem +3

    You are a warrior. I love your videos. I learn from each one of them. Thanks!!

  • @fourthplateau944
    @fourthplateau944 Před měsícem +3

    As a Protestant who has only been a believer for 1 year, I find it hard to know. Arguments like apostolic succession and the authorization of canon could also be used for Judaism quite frankly. It seems like Israel's history is repeating itself. Protestantism does seem to be destroying itself though so thats problematic. And on the other hand every Catholic I've ever met was rude and arrogant, and never seemed to want to talk about God. Im only a year in and I'm reading everything and praying for insight. Videos like these are super helpful so thank you!

    • @cr3364
      @cr3364 Před měsícem +2

      Catholic here that loves Jesus Christ. I'm not rude or arrogant. Israel's history is a part of it but it is not repeating because Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. The divine revelation. The new and everlasting covenant. Jesus did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. Paul is stoned for preaching essentially this to fellow Jews. Paul corrects Peter because Peter starts to withdraw from gentile Christians under pressure from jewish Christians at the time. It was important to Paul that the early Church members settle disputes and if they could not Church authority was supposed to step in and settle them. Around 500 years later Luther broke off from the Church and now there are thousands of Protestant offshoots. None of this is scriptural. Christ establishes one Church in Matthew 16-18. Plural Churches, non denominational, denominational, reformed, etc. are never discussed in scripture. As a Catholic there is nothing more I like to do than praise God, read scripture, practice my Christian faith, and spread the Gospel. The Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is the center of the Catholic Church. God is everything to us. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We are taught to humble ourselves for the lord God and to love each other. We honor, praise, worship, and receive God through the sacraments, especially the Mass. Catholics are taught to glorify God, because God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever should believe in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins. Unfortunately, you are meeting the wrong people. A lot of people say they are a lot of things and then their behavior reveals something else.

    • @DanielleEm-wp4ff
      @DanielleEm-wp4ff Před měsícem +1

      The characterization of Catholics as rude or arrogant does not match my experience

    • @bennyv4444
      @bennyv4444 Před 19 dny +1

      I’m sorry that was your experience, I can only say as a convert that it certainly wasn’t mine. Catholics that I spoke to were very patient and kind, and while they certainly weren’t receptive to my arguments, they dealt with them very honestly and with love.

  • @NotJRB
    @NotJRB Před měsícem +5

    Exceedingly coherent. Thank you! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    • @bwnco
      @bwnco Před měsícem

      Love this phrase..❤

  • @lisaschuman1458
    @lisaschuman1458 Před měsícem +1

    I totally agree !! I am a convert to Catholicism and I am older. It has been the most beautiful thing I have ever done in my life. The beauty and the closeness with Christ that it opens up. It’s hard to explain. But it is awesome and truly life changing in the most beautiful way !

  • @GranMaese
    @GranMaese Před měsícem +1

    Amazing video, my brother. Keep fighting the good fight.
    God bless

  • @defendusinbattle907
    @defendusinbattle907 Před měsícem +6

    Where is Catholic in the Bible? Answer: Acts 9:31 ("Church throughout"). In the Greek, εκκλησιαι καθ ολης της (ekklisiai kath olis tes).

    • @bwnco
      @bwnco Před měsícem


  • @2196logan
    @2196logan Před měsícem +5

    John 6:53-58 “Amen, amen, I say to you,
    unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man
    and drink his blood,
    you do not have life within you.
    Whoever feeds upon my flesh
    and drinks my blood has eternal life,
    and I will raise him up on the last day.
    For my flesh is real food, and my blood is real drink.
    “Whoever feeds upon my flesh and drinks my blood
    dwells in me and I dwell in him.
    Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father,
    so whoever feeds upon me will live because of me.
    This is the bread that came down from heaven.
    Unlike your ancestors who ate and nevertheless died,
    the one who feeds upon this bread will live forever.”

  • @Hislilkid
    @Hislilkid Před měsícem +10

    People throw stones only at the trees that bear fruits. Catholicism is hated so much because Christ said so. If He is hated, His true Church will be too. Will be hated and Crucified. And it will resurrect like Him. Catholics who know the Catholicism from the basics will not bother or waiver no matter what others say. Those who waivers didn’t pay attention to or didn’t bother in their Catechism classes or to learn their Catholic faith in their later life. Someone who knows what the real Holy Eucharist or has felt the love and intercession of our ancestors the Apostles and Saints, will not leave the Holy Catholic Church for someone’s hate comments. You don’t leave your family for someone who hates your family or justifies their hatred for a family they don’t know the roots or anything about. Protestants claim they can read the Bible and the interpretation anyone gets is right. How can a particular verse have multiple interpretations even in a single Church. Anyway I’m not hating on any Protestant but Catholicism is tooooo beautiful and completely true to leave behind for someone’s menial hate comments.

  • @timothymooney4466
    @timothymooney4466 Před měsícem +2

    Right on, brother! The Church is also the vessel, captained by Jesus, carrying believers across the stormy seas of history to the shore of Paradise. Even though it's navigators, helmsmen, and mates may have tacked off course occasionally, we can trust in His promise to be on board until the end of its journey.

  • @carlysparrow9517
    @carlysparrow9517 Před 15 dny +1

    Bravo - thank you for stating the truth. Faith may act as a glue to all revelation - but there's no such thing as "my truth" or "your truth." A firm understanding of Absolute Truth is the only way we can build a living foundation to help guide and direct our personal choices and growth.

  • @Nonnie5-ik1ct
    @Nonnie5-ik1ct Před měsícem +5

    I love your energy!

  • @blessednat9
    @blessednat9 Před měsícem +3

    Baptised at Easter after RCIA . Those who are not catholic don't like commitment . The other denominations are loose .

  • @AndrewLane-pm2ro
    @AndrewLane-pm2ro Před měsícem +4

    I was a Protestant until I discovered I was not practising true Christianity.
    Christianity is Catholicism ... and has been from the very beginning.
    If your church is not Catholic (or at least an Eastern Orthodox), you're not in the true Church.
    Jesus gave the "keys of the kingdom of heaven" to Peter (Matt 16:19) - ie, the Church - not to a book.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před měsícem +1

      Your honesty is appreciated, the Truth always prevails!

  • @ex-zenmaster9038
    @ex-zenmaster9038 Před měsícem +1

    This is brilliant! Thank you. I’ll be quoting this if that’s ok. You have summed up in an amazing way. Well done!

  • @susanbarbaradonato2316
    @susanbarbaradonato2316 Před měsícem +1

    You're a great preacher! God is truly using you to evangelize even the Catholic like myself! God bless and thank you!❤

  • @angelakodicek
    @angelakodicek Před měsícem +3

    Excellent as usual 👏🏻👏🏻. I would just say that I believe His Church is perfect, it’s just the members of His Church who are imperfect and try to screw up perfection.