Surat Al-Kahf | Complete recitation with English translation - سورة الكهف مترجمة المعني للانجليزي

  • čas přidán 4. 07. 2024
  • Surah Al-Kahf, the 18th chapter of the Quran, is a Meccan surah consisting of 110 verses. This surah contains significant stories and events that offer valuable lessons and morals for believers.
    Content of the Surah:
    1. *Introduction (Verses 1-8):*
    - The surah begins by praising and glorifying Allah, highlighting the revelation of the Quran as a valuable and righteous book.
    - It mentions the purpose of human creation and the worldly life as a place of trial and test.
    2. *The Story of the People of the Cave (Verses 9-26):*
    - It narrates the story of a group of young believers who took refuge in a cave to escape persecution.
    - It describes how they miraculously slept in the cave for 309 years, preserved and protected by Allah.
    3. *The Story of the Two Gardens (Verses 32-44):*
    - It tells the story of two men, one of whom owned two gardens and was arrogant about his wealth, while the other was poor but devout.
    - The story contrasts the attitude of gratitude and faith with ingratitude and arrogance.
    4. *The Story of Musa (Moses) and Al-Khidr (Verses 60-82):*
    - It narrates the encounter between Prophet Musa and the wise man Al-Khidr, illustrating lessons beyond ordinary human understanding.
    - The story emphasizes the importance of patience and humility in the pursuit of knowledge.
    5. *The Story of Dhul-Qarnayn (Verses 83-98):*
    - It tells the story of the righteous king Dhul-Qarnayn and his travels across the earth.
    - It mentions his construction of a barrier to protect people from the destructive tribes of Gog and Magog.
    6. *Conclusion (Verses 99-110):*
    - It discusses the Day of Judgment and its overwhelming events.
    - The surah emphasizes the importance of faith and righteous deeds.
    - It concludes by glorifying Allah and calling for belief in the message of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
    Key Highlights:
    - *Faith in Allah:* The surah stresses the importance of believing in Allah alone and avoiding polytheism.
    - *Trials and Tests:* The various stories illustrate how trials and tests can lead to stronger faith and piety.
    - *Gratitude and Patience:* The surah highlights the significance of being grateful for blessings and patient in the face of difficulties.
    - *Pursuit of Knowledge:* It underscores the importance of seeking knowledge with humility and patience.
    - *Day of Judgment:* The surah reaffirms the reality of the Day of Judgment and the necessity of preparing for it through righteous deeds.
    Lessons and Morals:
    - *Monotheism:* The surah emphasizes the necessity of believing in Allah alone and rejecting any form of polytheism.
    - *Avoiding Arrogance:* It warns against the arrogance that can come from wealth and encourages gratitude.
    - *Humility and Patience:* The importance of humility in learning and patience in adversity is highlighted.
    - *Preparation for the Hereafter:* The surah calls for preparing for the Day of Judgment through faith and good deeds.
    Surah Al-Kahf is rich with wisdom and lessons, and it has been recommended by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to recite it, especially on Fridays, for its great virtues and benefits.
    سورة الكهف هي السورة رقم 18 في القرآن الكريم، وهي سورة مكية تتألف من 110 آيات. تحمل السورة العديد من القصص والأحداث الهامة التي تحمل في طياتها الدروس والعبر للمؤمنين.
    محتوى السورة:
    مقدمة السورة (الآيات 1-8):
    تبدأ السورة بحمد الله تعالى وتمجيده، وتنوه بنزول القرآن الكريم كتاباً قيماً.
    تذكر الهدف من خلق الإنسان والحياة الدنيا كمكان للاختبار والابتلاء.
    قصة أصحاب الكهف (الآيات 9-26):
    تروي قصة مجموعة من الشبان المؤمنين الذين لجأوا إلى كهف هرباً من الطغيان والاضطهاد.
    تحكي عن نومهم في الكهف لمدة ثلاثمائة وتسع سنوات وكيف حفظهم الله ورعاهم.
    قصة صاحب الجنتين (الآيات 32-44):
    تروي قصة رجلين، أحدهما كان لديه جنتان وكان مغروراً بنعمه، بينما الآخر كان فقيراً ولكن مؤمناً بالله.
    تبرز القصة الفرق بين الاعتزاز بالنعمة والشكر لله، وبين الكفر والجحود.
    قصة موسى والخضر (الآيات 60-82):
    تروي لقاء النبي موسى عليه السلام مع الرجل الصالح الخضر، وكيف تعلّم منه أموراً تتجاوز الفهم البشري البسيط.
    تُظهر القصة أهمية الصبر والتواضع في طلب العلم.
    قصة ذو القرنين (الآيات 83-98):
    تروي قصة الملك الصالح ذو القرنين ورحلاته في الأرض.
    تتحدث عن بناء السد لحماية الناس من يأجوج ومأجوج.
    خاتمة السورة (الآيات 99-110):
    تتحدث عن يوم القيامة وأهواله.
    تبرز أهمية الإيمان والعمل الصالح.
    تختم بتمجيد الله والدعوة للإيمان برسالة النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.
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