What Happens When We Die? | Episode 6

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • What happens to us when we die? Since death is a reality for everyone, it is a question all of us should consider.
    The Bible has much to say about what happens when we die. In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus told a story of a rich man and a poor beggar in which He indicated that, after death, the rich man was in hell while the beggar, Lazarus, was in a place of peace and rest. In 2 Corinthians 5:8, Paul stated that, for Christians, “to be absent from the body" is "to be present with the Lord.” However, in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, Paul wrote that dead believers are in a state of sleep, but they will be resurrected when Jesus returns.
    So what exactly happens when we die? Dr. Bernard explains how these and other Bible passages reveal the nature of life after death.
    You can listen to the audio version of this episode via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and many other podcast platforms.

Komentáře • 124

  • @malcolmnoel9044
    @malcolmnoel9044 Před rokem +6


  • @stevequinonez8212
    @stevequinonez8212 Před 3 měsíci +2

    The bible says when we were created God breathed life into us. When we die, that life goes back up to God. His spirit.

  • @prashanthmathias
    @prashanthmathias Před 3 lety +3

    Thank you Yahshua for your ultimate sacrifice. Hallelujah

  • @txgossjean
    @txgossjean Před 2 lety +3

    So good! I was just having a conversation with someone that no longer believes in a physical heaven or hell, and was searching to get help to begin study on this to prepare a handout! This is awesome...

  • @cocoyfernandez3411
    @cocoyfernandez3411 Před 3 lety +2

    And this is WISDOM of GOD, Thanks Dr. Bernand

  • @SuzetteGood-uj7zn
    @SuzetteGood-uj7zn Před rokem +1

    Immortality will only be given when Jesus returns. "Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give to give every man according to his work. Rev 22:12

  • @GregRickard
    @GregRickard Před 3 lety +8

    That's the best attempt I've heard at explaining this subject. Thankyou bro Bernard. Something I've tried to reconcile in the past but gave up on. It still doesn't make complete sense to me that we would die, go to be with the Lord, then get put back in our bodies to be resurrected and raptured back to the Lord. That may well be what happens though lol.

  • @mt9567
    @mt9567 Před 2 lety +7

    THANK YOU SIR! Very well said. I've understood this to be true, but I could never have expressed it properly. Perhaps now I can. Well,....... maybe after listening to this video several more times, and with some additional Bible study, I may give it a try some day.

    @CJASVI Před rokem +2

    Thessalonians 4:16-7
    “16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
    17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
    There’s no ambiguity in the word of God. Man’s chosen representation, for whatever reason, is what leads to so many uncertainties in interpretation (& unfortunately, confusion among those who wait to receive, rather than to study the Bible for themselves). #sosad

  • @MissMonotheist
    @MissMonotheist Před měsícem

    I love Dr. Bernard

  • @tonybsundayschool6566
    @tonybsundayschool6566 Před 2 lety +2

    Thank you for sharing. Brother Bernard is an inspiration for us to earnestly contend with scriptural understanding for the faith that was once and for all delivered unto the saints.

  • @ryanmasungsong1711
    @ryanmasungsong1711 Před 3 lety +5

    Dear Bro. Bernard. I always listen to your podcasts and indeed acquiring a lot of wisdom. Thank you for sharing the biblical truth and basis of the subject matter. Hope you can also share a video taking up the subject of tithing - being still applicable in the new testament. I am seeing some questions about it and seeing some differing explanations and want to make sure I am seeing it through on and responding to my peers based on the apostolic perspective being a oneness pentecostal. God bless your ministry more.

  • @robertakers4970
    @robertakers4970 Před 3 lety +5

    Thank you for addressing the subject. I feel that when we die, it is akin to falling asleep (unconscious), as though our final thought as we lie down to sleep is followed by our first conscious thought when we wake, with no knowledge of the time in between. Ecclesiastes 9:10, Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." Therefore, in the perspective of the dying saint, they go from their last conscious thought here to the sound of the trumpet, calling them from the grave to meet the Lord in the air.

  • @kimlayne1993
    @kimlayne1993 Před 2 lety +2

    Wow! Love this explanation. I think Bishop Bernard has a gift in explaining the words of God.

  • @clydeprather941
    @clydeprather941 Před 2 lety

    Bro.Bishop, I appreciate your ministry SO MUCH!! My little Church just North of Denver is ALIVE & WELL! Our missionary is Bro. Conroy! I give to missions when I can! Your wisdom & understanding have helped me through some really tough times!! I work for Kroger, & they try to block me from Church, so if I get to Sunday morning Service , I must work 7.5 hours afterwards anyway! I'm 65 & have spinal disease in my lower back, so it's rough, but I do it! Gotta have Church! Our mid- week service is called " Bible Study", & they're completely blocked that out ( schedule- wise) for 3-4 months now! Watching your podcast keeps me going!! Love you, Bro.Bishop!!

  • @pugnaciousnoobeginnings8997

    I believe this was a great explanation and being "present with the Lord" is absolutely in line with Revelation 6:9-11 and actually makes sense.

  • @arnoldthorstenson1374
    @arnoldthorstenson1374 Před rokem +4

    The dead know not anything (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6). Thoughts parish (Psalms 146:4). Grave can not praise thee (Psalms 115:17).

    • @arnoldthorstenson1374
      @arnoldthorstenson1374 Před rokem +1

      The comma in scripture was placed in Scripture after the Bible was written. Look at the verse in luke 23:43, "And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.a" now move the comma and it reads "And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee today, shalt thou be with me in paradise."

    • @renemadriaga7041
      @renemadriaga7041 Před rokem +1

      His statement is very confusing, i dont understand that our bodies is dead but our souls returns to God and we are conscious😢. I believe as the bible said that the dead know nothing, so why there is consciousness after death.

  • @abindrabaral7958
    @abindrabaral7958 Před 2 lety +1

    Greetings from Nepal, loves to learn new things every time. Thank You, Brother Bernard.

  • @deefacts6426
    @deefacts6426 Před 3 lety +2

    Thank you Bishop for the wisdom that God gives to you.

  • @gabrielmourao189
    @gabrielmourao189 Před 3 lety +3

    Great explanationa Bishop..

  • @davidjackson9950
    @davidjackson9950 Před 3 lety

    Very well put brother David Bernard sometimes I get absorbed in one field of study that I lose track of the knowledge in which others have to give so therefore I thank you very much Dr David Bernard

  • @wismermartinez1459
    @wismermartinez1459 Před rokem +1

    Thank you for sharing this great true of the Word of God. Maybe you can have a postcast about if we will see in heaven our family members that have passed away in Christ. What do you say about it?

  • @tonybsundayschool6566
    @tonybsundayschool6566 Před 2 lety +1

    Understanding 2 Cor 5 along with Paul's previous communication to this church in 1 Cor 15 is that the absence from the body and present with the Lord is present in the new spiritual body at the resurrection of the dead. Without the new spiritual body, Paul describes the soul as naked at death, and the full narrative does not support appearing in the presence of the Lord at death naked.

  • @cathyp1957
    @cathyp1957 Před 2 lety +1

    This lesson answered some questions I had in my mind…

  • @timetorepent6741
    @timetorepent6741 Před 3 lety

    Thank you Bishop David for that it's very clear to understand. Last time I saw online one of Bro stoneking's teaching regarding the abraham's bosom about Lazarus even though I didnt get it but now I understood more .
    Thank you for posting this online we need more of this..

  • @tonybsundayschool6566
    @tonybsundayschool6566 Před 2 lety +1

    John 13-14 conversation between Jesus and Peter about Peter's desire to follow Jesus to Heaven. Jesus clearly tells Peter that Peter will get to be where Jesus is going (Heaven) when Jesus comes again. Peter even mentions his willingness to die so he could go to be with Jesus, but Jesus emphasizes the timing of Peter going to be with Jesus in the place Jesus is going to prepare is when Jesus returns.

  • @kaprice1967
    @kaprice1967 Před rokem

    Great Teaching Sir, i really enjoy your Podcasts/Videos!!

  • @chris092283
    @chris092283 Před 3 lety +2

    Thank you for your wisdom. I always wondered what Jesus was referring to when he said paradise.

  • @tonybsundayschool6566
    @tonybsundayschool6566 Před 2 lety +4

    Acts Ch 2 - Peter explains at Pentecost that David is dead, buried, and not ascended to heaven.

    • @discipleinlight
      @discipleinlight Před 2 lety

      Amen Tony.

    • @crossinfini7138
      @crossinfini7138 Před 4 měsíci

      Yes, his body is buried and not ascended to heaven. Resurrection is of the body not the spirit.

  • @MsOliveLeaf
    @MsOliveLeaf Před rokem

    I'm new to this channel. Thank you for answering questions that I always wondered about, like where the Thief on the Cross went and where Jesus went after the crucification.

  • @BYITW
    @BYITW Před 2 měsíci +1

    Make more videos please

  • @rtoguidver3651
    @rtoguidver3651 Před 4 měsíci

    1 Corinthians 15:52-54
    “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
    “For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.”
    “So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.”

  • @BYITW
    @BYITW Před 2 měsíci +1

    Talk more about the rich man in hell

  • @janicebroyles146
    @janicebroyles146 Před 3 lety +1

    So good! More importantly, it's sound Biblically!

  • @rtoguidver3651
    @rtoguidver3651 Před 3 měsíci

    If we went to Heaven when we died, there would not be any need for the ressurection..

  • @ws775
    @ws775 Před rokem +1

    John 3:13 .....no one has ascended only the son.

  • @Mopar440HP
    @Mopar440HP Před 3 měsíci

    Dr. Bernard is the spirit the same as that inter-person whom you say is the true person who is conscious after death?

  • @louisaccardi2268
    @louisaccardi2268 Před rokem

    Excellent teaching by Dr. Bernard. Thanks for this great video.

  • @melissaaton355
    @melissaaton355 Před rokem

    Thank you!

  • @tonybsundayschool6566
    @tonybsundayschool6566 Před 2 lety

    Paul's mention in Philippians of being dead "with" Christ should be interpreted as dead "in like manner" as Christ to be consistent with the full narrative of the letter which has Paul later describing his desire to have a death being "conformable" to that of Christ. The same use of dead "with" Christ is also used by Paul in Romans 6 where he describes water baptism and us dying "in like manner" as Christ.

  • @bretmavrick-ph2ip
    @bretmavrick-ph2ip Před 9 měsíci +1

    Brother, how does the statement, of what Jesus spoke about Abraham, to the Pharisees, You do greatly err, GOD is not the GOD of the dead, but of the Living,,,,how does this fit into your explanation,??Thanks, 🙏♥️

  • @siryasnasir5712
    @siryasnasir5712 Před rokem +1

    1 Peter 3 :18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit,
    19 by which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison,
    20 who one time were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was being prepared, wherein few, (that is, eight souls) were saved by water.
    It says Jesus preached to the disobedient souls in the time of Noah too, were they saints too? If not, then does it mean Jesus didnt' only preach to the saints of old testament but also to the disobedient souls in the time of Noah? Please explain and also Acts 1:9 says that after the resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples for the next 40 days, but to thief on the cross Jesus said, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. Did Jesus take the souls and then stayed on the earth for 40 days and was shown to disciples or, he first stayed on earth for 40 days with all those souls and then was resurrected. Also it says in Matthew 27:52-56 KJV
    and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Why did this happen, I'm not challenging it, but i'm trying to learn with all honesty and humbleness of heart, please someone help me on this, Jesus Christ bless you all.

  • @fredfloyd34
    @fredfloyd34 Před rokem +1

    Good opinion...Ask the sorcerers and witches tha Jesus takes out of satans Pandemonium...You will be surprised...They come out terrified.Grown men and women who decided to serve the feathered serpent...

  • @kiwihans100
    @kiwihans100 Před 2 lety +5

    From Augustine onwards the 'immortality of the soul' was introduced to the church leading people to believe that if in God's favour wing their ways straight to heavan when they died! All this is false! Paul made it clear that the resurrection will commence "At the last trumpet" When Christ returns, which has not ocurred yet! ( see I Cor 15;52) Thus when Paul wrote this letter in 55AD he mentioned that some who had seen the resurected Jesus where now "Asleep" ( resting on the grave") 1 Cor 15:6. He also told that some were assuming that the "Resurrection had already ocurred ( 2 Tim 2:18 written AD64 ). No one except Jesus has been resurrected yet! all are 'asleep'!

  • @frankiebrown3265
    @frankiebrown3265 Před 3 lety +1


  • @livefaithtv1
    @livefaithtv1 Před rokem

    Lazarus and the rich man is a parable with a deeper spiritual meaning, it is not about the afterlife. Without resurrection there is no life after death. Jesus paid for the sins of the whole world therefore nothing is due.

  • @restoredID
    @restoredID Před rokem

    Can you discuss here what is Book of Life? What are the requirements for name to be written in the book? Is being written in the book means salvation? Is the Book of Life same as Lamb's Book of Life?

  • @georgepoore3840
    @georgepoore3840 Před rokem

    When we die we rot.....

  • @FaithandFoodSecrets
    @FaithandFoodSecrets Před 2 lety +1

    This is hard to understand. Luke 23 today in paradise. But Jesus didn't assend until many days later ? Yet 2Cor 12:2,4 says paradise and is 3rd heaven. Rev 2:7 says tree of life in the paradise of God. Paradise in Greek is Eden or garden or park. Same Greek word in all 3 places. Yet it all seems to be saying heaven or where God is. Can anyone explain this ?

  • @frankiebrown5010
    @frankiebrown5010 Před 3 lety +1

    Amen 🙏

  • @BYITW
    @BYITW Před 6 měsíci +1

    Maybe we go to heaven or hell

  • @louissanchez408
    @louissanchez408 Před 2 lety

    Can you explain what believing in God means when it comes to getting saved?
    People say all you have to SAY I believe in God and that not the whole truth

  • @ajsavage9585
    @ajsavage9585 Před rokem

    My question would be is man eternal because this explanation seems to imply that once you are born you live forever in heaven or hell

  • @weimarhernandezmartinez1179

    Busco sus audios. O vídeos en español ya que no sé inglés
    Saludos amados del señor Jesucristo desde Colombia

  • @rambleon2011
    @rambleon2011 Před rokem

    How can a cremated body or one burned up in a house fire “go to the grave”?

  • @rambleon2011
    @rambleon2011 Před rokem

    What he’s saying doesn’t line up with Moses and Elijah appearing with Jesus before the disciples prior to His crucifixion. Confusing!

  • @castroerronjohn1791
    @castroerronjohn1791 Před 3 lety +1

    Thank you Dr. Bernard. How about those who died under the new covenant which is not in Christ? were they put in the place of torment or were they also wait for the day judgement? and if they were to wait where it will be?

    • @siryasnasir5712
      @siryasnasir5712 Před rokem

      I also want to know the answer of this one. My mother was baptised in Jesus name but didn't receive the Holy spirit and then she got dementia and suffered a lot and passed away. My oneness pastor said he saw demonic things in black color around my mom's bed when she was about to die. Please explain on this topic

    • @speedchaser4991
      @speedchaser4991 Před rokem

      @@siryasnasir5712 Your Mom is in her grave, waiting for the return of Christ; During the 1,000 year reign of Christ on this earth, she will be taught the ways of Christ and to make herself ready to over come Satan, when he is loose after the 1,000 years. Rev. 20

  • @exsorcamacho9114
    @exsorcamacho9114 Před 3 lety

    Soul/spirit what's the difference between the 2?? And also what the difference of soul/spirit of believers and unbelievers??

  • @sourmilkministries9445
    @sourmilkministries9445 Před rokem +1

    Says the man who also teaches that you don't need to keep all of the TEN Commandments. So, what does that say about his "opinion"? And, BTW, Gehenna is NOT the "Lake of Fire". Gehenna was a LITERAL place used as a trash dump. And, that's where Yeshua (the real Name of "Jesus") warned people they would end up, if they didn't repent. In other words, you would be tossed out like garbage into the "outer darkness", which means into nothingness (AKA: Annihilation).
    Matthew 13:47-48 NKJV "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, (48) which, when it was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away.

  • @jamescannon7267
    @jamescannon7267 Před rokem

    The Rich Man and Lazarus is a parable for 2 reasons. Jesus said that He only taught in parables and two it begins like all parable, “There was a certain Rich Man…” a parable is not literal but symbolic, but if one wants to believe otherwise you are free to do so. None of us has a total understanding …I am open to be corrected….Paul never said, “..to be absent is to be present with the Lord..” read 2 Cor. 5 in context you will see what Paul really said….

  • @monicadhaliwal1791
    @monicadhaliwal1791 Před 9 měsíci

    Please Help me I Believe Jesus Is The Son of God and God The Son of The Holy Trinity I Believe Jesus Shed His Blood and Died in my place to Pay for All my Sins He Was Buried Then 3 Days Later Jesus Arose From The Dead!!! But I am struggling with some Sins that I honestly don’t know how to quit I hate my Sins But I genuinely don’t know how to stop them Am I still Saved because of my faith in Jesus or am I Not Saved because of my Sins? thank you for All your Help and Time God Bless you

  • @taylitz9974
    @taylitz9974 Před 3 lety


  • @elmac1085
    @elmac1085 Před rokem +1

    Can you explain why the Bible says “The dead know not anything.”

    • @renemadriaga7041
      @renemadriaga7041 Před rokem

      Yes he statement is contradicting, he said our bodies is dead but our souls return to God and we are conscious. The dead know nothing, it is likened to deep sleep, why should be dead and conscious and after that you will be ressurected? I'd rather read my bible than listen to this people on the internet explaining their own point of view instead of discerning what the bible is saying.

  • @craighicks3901
    @craighicks3901 Před 3 lety +1

    Peter did not just say to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord but he First said he would prefer to be absent from the body and be present with the Lord. Can you explain that pleasep

    • @hargisP2
      @hargisP2 Před 3 lety

      Paul not Peter. I prefer to be out of this body and present with the Lord. This evil world is not my home.

  • @oh-get-real
    @oh-get-real Před rokem +2

    ... or WAS a purgatory?

    • @ws775
      @ws775 Před rokem

      There was. Once it was no longer needed they boarded it up.

  • @renemadriaga7041
    @renemadriaga7041 Před rokem

    This is very confusing, you said our bodies are on the grave but our souls goes back to the lord and you said we are conscious, however the bible tell us that the dead know nothing.

  • @7ra44
    @7ra44 Před rokem

    Hello Saints. God a question, where the Old Testament saints saved when Jesus died and resurrected?

    • @speedchaser4991
      @speedchaser4991 Před rokem

      Read Hebrews 11; These are the names of those that will be part of the 144,000, they were sealed (saved) before Christ was born!

  • @maxamahnken7325
    @maxamahnken7325 Před rokem

    Hell to being the grave

  • @MikeyTrn-nv2xm
    @MikeyTrn-nv2xm Před rokem

    Those that died not all will died go to the first hell called the grave and after that some go to heavens and some go to the lake of fire the lowest hell

  • @ws775
    @ws775 Před rokem +1

    This explanation is contrary to the gospel and renders the resurrection as anticlimatic and unecessary.

  • @samsonsupaka5911
    @samsonsupaka5911 Před rokem

    At Jesus' death the land quaked and those believers/saints who died were seen in the Holy City.

  • @maxamahnken7325
    @maxamahnken7325 Před rokem

    Death to being sleep

  • @acts2vs38tobsaved
    @acts2vs38tobsaved Před 2 lety +1

    What of >reincarnation

  • @oh-get-real
    @oh-get-real Před rokem +1

    So... there actually IS a "purgatory"?

  • @JBlu66
    @JBlu66 Před rokem

    We really DONT KNOW what happens because we have no proof of someone dying, then coming back to tell us where they went.
    We have a religious book. We have authors of books from religious texts. There is “ faith” but faith is unfortunately not proof. Interesting take though.

  • @sundayakodu
    @sundayakodu Před rokem

    According to Revelation 6:9-11, we saw the slain saints crying unto God to avenge their blood upon them that dwell on the Earth as they cried for God's judgement but it was said white robes were given them and were told to rest for a little season until their fellow servants that ought to be killed are killed.
    If the dead saints are in heaven, then why are they told to still wait till those saints remaining to be killed are killed before the judgment comes.
    The psalmist says God is not the God of the dead. Anyone that is dead is killed by the evil spirit, death, which is the result of the sin of Adam. The bible says the last enemy Jesus will destroy is death.
    Paul called the first set of saints that will be rapture at the sound of the trumpet of the Ark Angel, dead in Christ. If the dead in Christ are in Heaven already, then what is the need for the Rapture again, which will take both the dead saints and the living saints to heaven after immortal bodies have been given to the saints which make them alive forever. As only the living can worship God, so the rapture saints in heaven can worship God.
    Both the old testament saints and the new testament saints till date are in the Abraham Bossom and not heaven while the evil people are in hell and not hell fire or lake of fire till the day of judgement when they shall be cast into the lake of fire according to Revelation 20:11-15.
    Jesus set the captives free when he died meaning that the old testament saints that died before the death of Jesus were ministered salvation through the blood of Jesus to in the grave because it is only through Jesus we can make it to Heaven.

  • @timoconnor892
    @timoconnor892 Před 9 měsíci

    Mat 24:29-30 the rapture will take place immediately after the great tribulation

  • @marianemarzado355
    @marianemarzado355 Před 3 lety


  • @peniellalmalsawmaselate52a24

    Pastor how do we explain when children dies before they have faith and be baptize in the name of Jesus Christ....will they be saved? What is God plan for the salvation of infants who dies?

    • @777dingo
      @777dingo Před 3 lety +1

      I believe they are sanctified by the faith of their parents until the age of accountability when they are able to make their own decision to follow Christ, but only if the parents are believers and have been born again.

    • @rayleegoines1103
      @rayleegoines1103 Před 3 lety +5

      They are save if they are not at the age of accountability.

    • @hargisP2
      @hargisP2 Před 3 lety +2

      @@777dingo salvation for a child is not according to whether the parents are born again. The death of my 4 year old daughter drove me to seek God. When I became born again God showed me that she is with Him. Search the scriptures.

    • @samuelmatthews9092
      @samuelmatthews9092 Před 2 lety

      @@hargisP2 Give Scriptures.

    • @siryasnasir5712
      @siryasnasir5712 Před rokem

      @@rayleegoines1103 but what about the sin of adam, which everyone bears once born?

  • @user-bf4xo4gr2b
    @user-bf4xo4gr2b Před 10 měsíci

    Acts 24:15
    I have a hope in God, which these men themselves also accept, that there will be a resurrection, both of the righteous and the unrighteous.
    Well, there is no such thing as a righteous or unrighteous body. Therefore, this can only mean that there will be a resurrection of righteous and unrighteous souls (together with their new bodies). And for anyone to claim that righteous souls DESCENDING with Christ to reacquire bodies counts as a "resurrection" of the righteous is not true as this verse will reveal.
    Matt. 24:31
    And he shall send forth his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together HIS ELECT from the four corners of the world, from one end of heaven to the other.
    So if righteous souls who ARE the elect will be descending with Christ, then the angels would just be gathering bodies. Of course, bodies in the ground are not "the elect." They are just physical material. And even a transformed, immortal body cannot be the real person. The real person will reside in that heavenly dwelling (2 Cor. 5:2).

  • @gojo6605
    @gojo6605 Před 4 měsíci

    No is not sir, when Jesus breath His last,sun darken and there is massive earthquake,the next event was all saints of old rose, cos that is divine exchanged tro His death we live...then another scenario was a burial with white linen in the tomb...
    Tro sufferin on the cross,His broken body, His sheeded blood and water and lastly His death is a proclamation,will testament,witness to the saints first and to the defeat of our enemy,even the least enemy w/c death conquered.
    Then Jesus resurrected and appeared in the temple in Jerusalem many as witness to them,He witness in the temple together with the resurrected saints 40 days.

  • @M4M-.
    @M4M-. Před 3 lety

    Is heaven , the new Jerusalem?

  • @awequayzngs1780
    @awequayzngs1780 Před rokem

    Today you will be with me in paradise, the region of blessed or be in hell , in the region of the lost.

  • @williepaguntalan5337
    @williepaguntalan5337 Před 3 lety +1

    i disagree..the bible says in gen 2.7 its clearly when God created man. only 2 things God made dust and His breathe of life or spirit.God did not put soul.soul means a living person the story of rich man and lazarus was a parable . if all good people go to heaven when they die why need of 2nd coming? the bible says all good and bad are in thier graves not in heaven or hell.the thief did not go to paradise that day jesus did not yet ascend to heaven that day.it an assurance to the thief that when jesus comes back at the 2nd coming he will be saved.the immortality of the soul is apagan doctrine and satans doctrine when he said to eve you willnot not but we all die.in ecclesiasties says the dead knows nothing,john says all that were in the graves willhear his voice at the ressurection day.

    • @speedchaser4991
      @speedchaser4991 Před rokem

      Yes, the rich man and Lazarus is a parable: This is the first resurrection; Lazarus is part of the 144,000 that meet Christ in the clouds; The rich man is still on earth going through the Wrath of God!

  • @Kajuniter
    @Kajuniter Před 2 lety

    Ouch! lol When we are resurrected we do not have the same body as when living, and, no, we don't know how we shall appear. John in his 1st letter states: ch 3:2 "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is."
    After his resurrection it is scripture he appeared in different forms, or, manifestations. One being his crucified body and others he had to reveal who He was. John being one to witness this writes under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the above scripture. When Paul gives his account of the resurrection we must understand when the "living" become immortal he is not implying we stay as we are, he is implying our soul/spirit becomes free from sin and we are purified to ascend. {In no way am I correcting Bishop Bernard, I am sharing what the Holy Spirit has shared with me in study.}

    • @robjr8774
      @robjr8774 Před rokem

      Well, if he's wrong and is teaching others, he should be corrected. With his education and credentials, even he is not immune to Greek philosophy and the serpent's lie. From the beginning, he assumes there is an immortal soul and he makes no attempt to prove that from scripture. His assumption is wrong, therefore his foundation is built on sand.

  • @jefferybogue6138
    @jefferybogue6138 Před 2 lety

    Wait a minute the bible does not call that a parable I think it was two real people

    • @kevinr2261
      @kevinr2261 Před rokem

      Matthew 13:32

    • @ws775
      @ws775 Před rokem

      It never mentions the name of the rich man. The one who it is about.

  • @jesussays216
    @jesussays216 Před 3 lety

    Paradise is the third heaven

    • @72garibay
      @72garibay Před rokem

      The Bible never say 3rd heaven .. we can’t put a number of heavens ..

  • @davidortega357
    @davidortega357 Před rokem

    Paradise for the saved for the wicked place of torment hell after the 1000 years of the millennium those who went to hell will come out for judgement then to lake of fire the righteous will be in the judgment of seat of Christ the false saints hypocrites when they died went to hell will be just great white throne judgement

  • @larry1824
    @larry1824 Před rokem

    They realise you didn't sign a DNR!!?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!😅😅😅😮😮😮😮😮😮

  • @eddieyoung2104
    @eddieyoung2104 Před rokem

    I don't believe Jesus' parable of Lazarus and the rich man is teaching about the state of the dead. If it were then the righteous would find little peace having to listen to the wicked all day. Imagine Noah having been delivered from the world of the ungodly and then to have to listen to them when he died for over 2,000 years.
    The parable in Luke 16 was given for the Pharisees who it says were covetous. The point Jesus makes with the parable is that the poor who the Pharisees despised were more acceptable to God than they were. It also tied in with Lazarus' raising from the dead, which confirmed the words of Abraham in the parable, that neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead'. They were not persuaded but instead they sought to kill him (Jo 12:10).
    There's also a reason for him being with Abraham. Firstly the Jews highly esteemed Abraham, so it is applicable that he is the one speaking to the rich man. Secondly, Abraham's steward was Elieazar which is the Hebrew equivalent of Lazarus. Thirdly, Abraham was also a rich man, but unlike the Pharisees he wasn't covetous and unbelieving, and he treated his servants well.

    • @speedchaser4991
      @speedchaser4991 Před rokem

      This is the first resurrection: Lazarus is part of the 144,000 and they meet Christ in the clouds; The rich man is still on this earth going through the Wrath of God!

  • @vincentoostendorp4786

    We wake up in hell or heaven.