Can Americans celebrate Columbus Day and Indigenous People’s Day?


Komentáře • 616

  • @richa6731
    @richa6731 Před rokem +139

    Americans are free to believe and celebrate whatever we want.
    Most don't care what you call it as long as it's a long weekend

    • @natividadnolasco6097
      @natividadnolasco6097 Před rokem +4

      Sorry to correct you but thats only in the south or mid west mid east states. The west is "fly is offensive" the east is "immigration is life"

    • @bidensuxtrublow1999
      @bidensuxtrublow1999 Před rokem +14

      Actually, we do, it's called Columbus day.

    • @pageturner1401
      @pageturner1401 Před rokem +3

      And payed for the day off 😴.

    • @ditch6389
      @ditch6389 Před rokem +17

      Happy Indigenous People's Day!!

    • @enjoy7024
      @enjoy7024 Před rokem +1

      @ Rich A I think you hit the nail on the head! 😊

  • @Shag471
    @Shag471 Před rokem +31

    Had 2 people unfriend me a couple years ago on Facebook for posting a photo of me eating Bangers & Mash on Columbus Day. Wasn’t celebrating; I just happened to have it for the first time on that day and posted a photo. People are too sensitive.

    • @Wolfhybrids
      @Wolfhybrids Před rokem +9

      I bet both do not even know a Native American. We do not care. You have a blessed day and you do not need friends like that.

    • @chillvibed
      @chillvibed Před rokem +2

      I had people unfollow me on Instagram for posting my nieces. Because they are parents and I'm not. Nothing disgusting about the pictures. Completely harmless. I did it before and they didn't care. People are losing their minds.

    • @kpackard1
      @kpackard1 Před rokem +2

      Small loss -they were never your friends

    • @josephdowling3745
      @josephdowling3745 Před rokem +2

      We are all drawing back into our tribal strongholds

    • @thechiefwildhorse4651
      @thechiefwildhorse4651 Před rokem +3

      Happy Indigenous People's Day!!!!

  • @gregphillips4900
    @gregphillips4900 Před rokem +28

    I clicked on this video to get my instructions from the media. I wanted to make sure I am up to date on what I am allowed to celebrate.

    • @stephj9378
      @stephj9378 Před rokem +2


    • @henryhorner3182
      @henryhorner3182 Před rokem

      Screw the media (metaphorically, of course). If the media told me it was raining outside - I'd look out the window first, before believing it.

    • @wilez3219
      @wilez3219 Před rokem +2

      That is how most lazy people think.

  • @rmpj13
    @rmpj13 Před rokem +13

    We can celebrate whatever we want, it’s America. You do you and I will do me, Peacefully!!!!

    • @notmeus1968
      @notmeus1968 Před rokem +1

      Unfortunately Columbus crew did indigenous girls and the most popular age was 9-13

    • @TheChopf26
      @TheChopf26 Před rokem +1

      @@notmeus1968 the same went for your crew back then.

    • @necropolistc6357
      @necropolistc6357 Před rokem

      @@notmeus1968 lmao tryhard

    • @notmeus1968
      @notmeus1968 Před rokem

      @@necropolistc6357 for the safety of all children be sure to wear your red maga hat whenever you go out in public since it's a form of sex offender registry

    • @notmeus1968
      @notmeus1968 Před rokem

      @@TheChopf26 your kind always defend baby rapers

  • @noway6362
    @noway6362 Před rokem +41

    Columbus never set foot in North America. During four separate trips that started with the one in 1492, Columbus landed on various Caribbean islands that are now the Bahamas as well as the island later called Hispaniola. He also explored the Central and South American coasts.

    • @bidensuxtrublow1999
      @bidensuxtrublow1999 Před rokem +6

      Actually, he did .

    • @Csylve
      @Csylve Před rokem +8

      @@bidensuxtrublow1999 No, he didn’t.

    • @necropolistc6357
      @necropolistc6357 Před rokem +5

      he landed in south America, you know Columbia named after Columbus

    • @gregphillips4900
      @gregphillips4900 Před rokem +9

      Central america is part of the north American continent.

    • @ablindman3328
      @ablindman3328 Před rokem +13

      You do realize his fame comes from discovering The Americas, not just north or south right? 👀

  • @Idol76
    @Idol76 Před rokem +28

    Happy Columbus Day everyone!!!

  • @gigis1099
    @gigis1099 Před rokem +41

    Columbus Day was signed into law
    by President Benjamin Harrison in
    1892 as a tribute and an act of
    forgiveness to the Italian
    immigrant community in response
    to the lynchings of 11 Italians that
    took place in New Orleans on
    March 14, 1891. To this day STILL
    the largest number of people ever
    lynched at one time in the United
    States. The Columbus Day holiday
    quickly became a great source of
    pride and a symbol of defiance for
    the Italian-American community
    against these horrific murders. To
    tear down a statue of Columbus is
    a slap in the face to

    • @pugdad2555
      @pugdad2555 Před rokem +2

      So then it should be on March 14? Without the Indigenous People of the Americas, Columbus would have died.

    • @necropolistc6357
      @necropolistc6357 Před rokem

      leftists don't know history, too busy trying to change it

    • @tamehamehaprints3604
      @tamehamehaprints3604 Před rokem

      he's Portuguese... dumbassssss

    • @pallen1157
      @pallen1157 Před rokem

      President Benjamin Harrison did not sign Columbus Day into law. It was President Franklin Roosevelt that signed Columbus Day into law as an official U.S. holiday. President Harrison simply issued a proclamation to honor Columbus. But Harrison only did so because the Italian government was enraged about the lynchings, causing a diplomatic crisis between the two countries. Seeing a political opportunity, Harrison made the proclamation to get Italian American votes.

    • @kpackard1
      @kpackard1 Před rokem

      Don't forget the cannolis!

  • @indigenouspodcast2257
    @indigenouspodcast2257 Před rokem +18

    As a Native Person, I celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day but people are free to celebrate what they want. Benefits of living in a free country.

    • @josef-peterroemer5309
      @josef-peterroemer5309 Před rokem +1

      You only think your living in a free country.

    • @irreligiousman3395
      @irreligiousman3395 Před rokem

      You are living on your historical land. Unlike Europeans, who occupied your land and committed atrocities against your ancestors. And they are honouring a man, who was doing his best to gеnосidе your people. Think about it again.

    • @LooseGooseBoose22
      @LooseGooseBoose22 Před rokem +4

      Yo shout out indigenous podcast !!!

    • @elimlinrr6898
      @elimlinrr6898 Před rokem +3

      To honour the native Americans, statues of Columbus should be replaced with great native American heroes like Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse etc.
      Action speaks louder than words.

    • @indigenouspodcast2257
      @indigenouspodcast2257 Před rokem +4

      @@LooseGooseBoose22 thank you!

  • @Rebel-butcher1014
    @Rebel-butcher1014 Před rokem +3

    American can celebrate whatever they want.

  • @thehaywire8889
    @thehaywire8889 Před rokem +34

    Happy Columbus Day! 🇺🇸 Let's go Brandon!

  • @NPC13377
    @NPC13377 Před rokem +30

    America is so great that you have the freedom to celebrate whatever you like

    • @necropolistc6357
      @necropolistc6357 Před rokem +5

      not with all this censorship they want

    • @NPC13377
      @NPC13377 Před rokem +6

      @@necropolistc6357 fight for your freedom while you still can

    • @ditch6389
      @ditch6389 Před rokem +4

      @@NPC13377 Happy Indigenous People's Day!!

    • @NPC13377
      @NPC13377 Před rokem +5

      @@ditch6389 happy indigenous peoples to you as well 🙌

    • @nyctransitrailfan
      @nyctransitrailfan Před rokem +6

      @@NPC13377 ew no, Columbus day is better

  • @bobduato4404
    @bobduato4404 Před rokem +43

    Let's make something that's not a big deal into something that is so we can stir up the public

    • @jaymudd2817
      @jaymudd2817 Před rokem

      The Natives are restless

    • @henryhorner3182
      @henryhorner3182 Před rokem

      Typical for liberal fools and the media hacks.

    • @donvanevery3235
      @donvanevery3235 Před rokem

      Its not a "big deal" to you because it isn't an affront to YOUR cultural identity.. How very white of you

    • @bobduato4404
      @bobduato4404 Před rokem

      @@donvanevery3235 lol

  • @forvalhalla7754
    @forvalhalla7754 Před rokem +38

    You mean the way people that aren't Christians celebrate Christmas (even though it's not technically a Christian holiday, before anyone wants to go left field on the point) and American people that aren't Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Sure. People can celebrate anything they want.

    • @dreamrestore213
      @dreamrestore213 Před rokem +1

      That's not the question.... Can you celebrate BOTH..?
      I'm amazed how people can't read anymore.

    • @noneofyourbusiness2375
      @noneofyourbusiness2375 Před rokem

      But Martin Luther king an caesar Chavez got celebrated why who cares about ur slavery bulshit anyways

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 Před rokem

      Or that God does not actually exist except for as a concept alone, Jesus is not the son of God, is dead and is not coming back, is not the savior of anything, and 'sin' is just a human concoction? Do away with Christmas and Easter. Come up with different names for those holidays if the nation still wants to keep those holidays.
      Maybe for Christmas: Exploit the public for money day.
      Maybe for Easter: Exploit the public for clothes and money day.

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 Před rokem

      For reference:
      (copy and paste from my files):
      For those who claim God actually exists (besides as a concept), consider the following:
      a. An actual eternally existent absolute somethingness truly existing.
      b. An actual eternally existent absolute somethingness that has consciousness, memories and thoughts truly existing.
      People who claim God actually and eternally exists basically are claiming that 'b' above is correct but yet simultaneously seem to be saying that 'a' is impossible to occur.
      'a' above can exist without 'b' existing but 'b' cannot exist unless 'a' exists. Even per the scientific principal of Occam's razor, 'a' is more probable of being really true rather than 'b'.
      I am one step away from proving God's existence, but am unable to find any actual evidence to do so. And nobody I've talked to seems to have any actual evidence of God's actual existence either. All humans appear to have are 'Theories of God'. Some humans appear to go their whole life basing their life upon their specific theory of God. Many give their God human characteristics and cannot even prove the existence of their God much less the characteristics given to their God. Some have circumstantial arguments for a God's existence, but others have circumstantial arguments for no God existing. Not one has any actual factual evidence that their God actually factually even exists. Hence, at this time in the analysis, God does not actually exist except for as a concept created by humans for humans. Humans have personified Nature and called that personification "God". Instead of what is claimed "God creating man in God's image", it's more likely that "Man created God in Man's image".
      Further consider that if the emotional parts of the brain override the logic and reasoning parts of the brain, people can be made to believe basically anything at all as being really true. Plus modern science has already proven that humans can have visual and audio hallucinations that are very real to that individual. All the more reason for critical thinking being needed and to follow the facts wherever those facts might lead. Some people for some reason (social conditioning/brainwashing/wishful thinking) believe in future eternity without end but do not accept eternity past with no beginning.
      In addition, while modern science does not know what consciousness actually is yet, memories and thoughts appear to require a physical correctly functioning brain to have those items occur. Where is God's brain? Where are God's memories stored at? How are God's memories stored and retrieved? How does God think even a single coherent thought?
      If inside of this space time dimension we appear are existing in, then where?
      If outside of this space time dimension we appear are existing in, then where is the interface between that dimension and this dimension? No such interface has been discovered as of yet as far as I am currently aware of.
      * Note: Since this is a search for the real absolute truth concerning God, Intelligent Designer, Pre-existent Consciousness, etc, feel free to copy and paste this elsewhere to further the analysis and discussion.
      * For those who claim God actually exists besides just as a concept, please prove that 'b' above is really true and that 'a' is not really true.

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 Před rokem

      Also for reference:
      a. Modern science claims energy cannot be created nor destroyed, hence energy is eternally existent.
      b. An absolute somethingness cannot come from an absolute nothingness, so an absolute somethingness always existed, most probably being energy itself.
      c. Universe ALWAYS existed in some form and NEVER had a beginning, No Creator Needed.
      'a' is true, is it not? 'b' is true, is it not? If 'a' and 'b' are true, then no creator is needed in 'c'.
      * Some people for some reason (social conditioning/brainwashing/wishful thinking) believe in future eternity without end but do not accept eternity past with no beginning.

  • @Matt-xc6sp
    @Matt-xc6sp Před rokem +14

    Should be Italian Americans day. The whole point was to make Columbus Day a holiday and therefore tie Italian immigrants , who were then considered unwanted, to the story of America

    • @goheine
      @goheine Před rokem +2


    • @aycc-nbh7289
      @aycc-nbh7289 Před rokem

      So how come we have “St. Patrick’s Day” rather than “Irish-American Day”, then? As an Irish-American, I would take great offense if they did a similar name change there.

    • @kpackard1
      @kpackard1 Před rokem +2

      @@aycc-nbh7289 Because St. Patrick's Day is associated with Ireland. And it is considered an Irish holiday whereas Columbus Day I'll bet to say nobody even knew about the tie between Columbus Day and Italy. By the way, I am Irish and Italian lol

    • @aycc-nbh7289
      @aycc-nbh7289 Před rokem

      @@kpackard1 So do you think we really should instead rename it after someone else? Because naming it after someone like Luigi Menabrea, one of the original designers of what we now call computers, could perhaps work out if it is determined that, for some reason, Columbus Day shouldn’t exist.

    • @kpackard1
      @kpackard1 Před rokem +1

      @@aycc-nbh7289 no keep Columbus day. We don't have to get rid of our holidays. If people don't like it that's too bad. Columbus Day is not indigenous day it's Columbus Day. If they want indigenous day let them pick another day

  • @oldmanbiscuit7518
    @oldmanbiscuit7518 Před rokem +6

    Leftoids: A confederate flag? Why would I celebrate losers?
    Also leftoids: indigenous peoples day? OMG YASSSS!!!!

  • @hotknight1335
    @hotknight1335 Před rokem +20

    To the normals......... HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY!!

  • @kathrynrussell1597
    @kathrynrussell1597 Před rokem +5

    Quite frankly our history books need a serious rewrite, which will not happen. Educate yourself and your children and understand that the world is made up of so many different cultures. That's what makes things interesting!

  • @forrestmalcom8351
    @forrestmalcom8351 Před 11 měsíci +3

    The hell with Columbus. He was from the North . He look at us Southerners as peasants 😂😂😂

  • @nickloudermilk5499
    @nickloudermilk5499 Před rokem +6

    We don't care about indeginous people day nor Columbus day. Yall just act like we do

    • @calvinr.johnsonjr.9076
      @calvinr.johnsonjr.9076 Před rokem

      Yeah I can see that point

    • @richa6731
      @richa6731 Před rokem

      Exactly! Let's divide them every way we can. MSN, enemy of the people

    • @Kitsuragi556
      @Kitsuragi556 Před rokem

      Exactly, they want to cause an argument and get those clicks.

  • @ThePopeII
    @ThePopeII Před rokem +16

    I'm sure if the Native Americans had slaughtered Columbus and all of his men, they would have eventually created a "Seafaring Explorers' Day" in their memory, right?

    • @tamehamehaprints3604
      @tamehamehaprints3604 Před rokem +3

      duh duh duh Columbus NEVER SET FOOT on North American Soil in his lifetime... duh duh duh

    • @Abbadon380
      @Abbadon380 Před rokem

      But they didn't slaughter him did they Columbus Kicked their loser asses

    • @guythatpaysforyourhandouts2478
      @guythatpaysforyourhandouts2478 Před rokem

      @@tamehamehaprints3604 The Bahamas are in North America moron. I suppose Japan is not a part of Asia too. How about Great Britain last time I checked it's part of Europe.

    • @Wolfhybrids
      @Wolfhybrids Před rokem

      You white liberals are just stupid. We do not need your help or pity go away.

    • @Mr.White10-65
      @Mr.White10-65 Před rokem +1

      @@tamehamehaprints3604 Last time I checked, the Bahamas is in North America.

  • @cosmicdjinn1743
    @cosmicdjinn1743 Před rokem +8

    It’s Columbus Day not indigenous people day.

    • @bidensuxtrublow1999
      @bidensuxtrublow1999 Před rokem

      Exactly 💯 F all those idiots that call it indigenous peoples day

  • @erielugo891
    @erielugo891 Před rokem +12

    As a Hispanic American I celebrate Columbus Day. Without Columbus,
    Latin American cultures would not exist.

    • @devilis6
      @devilis6 Před rokem +2

      Except they already existed before he came

    • @antonexx
      @antonexx Před rokem +3

      @@devilis6 you can't be serious or are you simply showing your ignorance? Latin culture comes from either Spanish, Portuguese or French settlers.... the natives on this continent weren't latin you maroon!

    • @aycc-nbh7289
      @aycc-nbh7289 Před rokem +2

      @@antonexx But many modern Latin people do have indigenous blood in them.

    • @antonexx
      @antonexx Před rokem +1

      @@aycc-nbh7289 Sincerae B alluded that indigenous ppl were somehow latin before the arrival of the Europeans, thats impossible.

    • @aycc-nbh7289
      @aycc-nbh7289 Před rokem

      @@itzasweater9621 By your logic, those who are not indigenous to Africa are not indigenous to any continent, since the “Cradle of Humankind” near present-day Johannesburg is where Homo Sapiens as a species ultimately came from.

  • @debbie5728
    @debbie5728 Před rokem +38

    Happy Columbus Day... Thanks western culture for clean water, roads, modern travel and leisure, sewers, hospitals and modern medical technologies, FOOD, and the freedom to flip the bird to anyone deserving..

    • @pugdad2555
      @pugdad2555 Před rokem +5

      That was already created before Columbus even thought about going to India. The South American indigeous people in the mountains already used gliding to get to places faster on the mountains. And many Pre-Columbian tribes had better water than anything they had in Europe, then even brushed their teeth so when the Spanish went to South America, they noticed they had better dental hygene. Even Africa had many "modern" medical tools before Europeans thought about leaving for India. Even their roads were much better maintained than Europe's.

    • @jimjerry6560
      @jimjerry6560 Před rokem

      ​​@Paulo S and we drop bombs on children thousands of miles away with remote control planes for "national security"

    • @oldmanbiscuit7518
      @oldmanbiscuit7518 Před rokem +3

      @Paulo S don't forget that the Aztecs and Inca said that their gods were white.

    • @debbie5728
      @debbie5728 Před rokem +2

      @@pugdad2555 LOL., Ill just laugh at the analogy of Aztecs and others “already had” modern hospitals and such ... unless you’re implying the surgical techniques of FLAYING the princesses of the other tribes they brutalized in their genocide, and wear their skin as clothing for fertility.. (wow!!!)

    • @debbie5728
      @debbie5728 Před rokem +1

      @Paulo S LOL... Thx... yep

  • @wranglerman270
    @wranglerman270 Před rokem +19

    Americans CAN celebrate anything they want to. In spite of the dems best efforts, it’s still currently a free country

  • @doreenolsen3259
    @doreenolsen3259 Před rokem +23

    Happy Columbus day everyone

  • @adamthewolf9940
    @adamthewolf9940 Před rokem +26

    🇺🇸🇮🇹 Thanks for the Italians for the pizza 🍕👍

    • @moptop7575
      @moptop7575 Před rokem

      Pizza was invented in China

    • @NittyGritty420
      @NittyGritty420 Před rokem +2

      @@moptop7575 Italian Americans invented the pizza we all know and love today.

    • @valeenoi2284
      @valeenoi2284 Před rokem

      We don't consume Italian pizza in America. It's as dumb as suggesting Chinese food is an authentic Chinese food. It's an Americanized sh*t version of it. It's an insult to offer American pizza to an Italian person.

    • @magiceightballspot
      @magiceightballspot Před rokem +1

      @@moptop7575 Chinese didn't have tomatoes or cheese, how could they have invented pizza?

    • @juniorqindes8335
      @juniorqindes8335 Před rokem

      Omfg people it was in fact made by Italian. It didn’t use tomato sauce and most of the time didn’t use cheese. It was literally just bread shaped so you can cut it easy with sauce on top. Just because it doesn’t look like what we have now doesn’t mean they didn’t make it

  • @mrs.lilianfetters1432
    @mrs.lilianfetters1432 Před rokem +8

    We can't give one day to Italian Americans?

  • @dougkaplan1449
    @dougkaplan1449 Před rokem +3

    Does ABC give us permission?

  • @jrgd9083
    @jrgd9083 Před rokem +3

    Why Put “indigenous peoples day” on Columbus day? Hmmmm

  • @anthonyhorner4023
    @anthonyhorner4023 Před rokem +3

    0:01 That's a funny way of saying Columbus Day.

  • @kitcody9378
    @kitcody9378 Před rokem +2

    These are the people who gonna make America great again, not repo's.

  • @PsychicsRfake456
    @PsychicsRfake456 Před rokem +17

    Happy Columbus Day !!

  • @michealbarnes1447
    @michealbarnes1447 Před rokem +3

    Some say white americans are true americans which in fact are European americans. You have mexican americans, Italian americans, asian americans and so on, so where is the country of white?! America is a place not a race, that is why the indigenous people ARE THE true native americans.

    • @magiceightballspot
      @magiceightballspot Před rokem

      Using your logic, the only true Americans are the T Rex and the Velociraptor. America is great not because of our history, but because our future has the freedom to expand, because we have learned from our history.

    • @PresidentJeanAuguste
      @PresidentJeanAuguste Před rokem

      Bad idea putting that comment. You are gonna start an argument as well

  • @oscarmiles6219
    @oscarmiles6219 Před rokem +2

    I'm sorry but I'm happy this coming month is native American and indigenous month so I am proud to be one by blood.

  • @elisdiaz7131
    @elisdiaz7131 Před rokem +1

    Remember to keep comments respectful and follow our community guildeliness

  • @splifster88
    @splifster88 Před rokem +9

    Why not? It perfectly summarizes our split personality.

    • @stephj9378
      @stephj9378 Před rokem +1

      I see it like this ...
      If you had a toxic mother or toxic father, would you stop celebrating your birthday?
      You celebrate yourself, in spite of the horrific realities of your life..
      Columbus was the spark that 'conceived' us as a nation.And as a continent..
      So yes, celebrate your
      'Commanche- ness .
      But you will never erase the importance of Columbus, ,whether you hate him or not .
      I assure you I am a full blooded black American.

  • @AbstractTraitorHero
    @AbstractTraitorHero Před rokem +2

    No, that's one of the stupidest question's that I've heard in my life. One celebrates a mass murderer, the other mourns and celebrates the indigenous people of America.
    One celebrates an exploiter, a monster and a genuinely evil man. The other is more reconcilatory, has frankly more substance to the holiday and celebrates people alive today and remembers the tragic losses of the past.
    Furthermore Columbus day never has anything actual nice happen, while indigenous people's day, people who celebrate it, use it as an actual get together and we eat food and other nice things.

  • @calix6032
    @calix6032 Před rokem +2

    I can celebrate anything i want lol

  • @ditch6389
    @ditch6389 Před rokem +10

    Happy Indigenous People's Day!!

  • @jimfritz9503
    @jimfritz9503 Před rokem +6

    I know someone with a Birthday on Christmas day. I celebrate both. And I know someone with a Birthday on Halloween . Same thing.
    That is just how it is.🎅🎃🎁🎂🎶

    • @pallen1157
      @pallen1157 Před rokem +1

      Excellent point!

    • @onggabbo
      @onggabbo Před rokem

      Literally not the same.

    • @jimfritz9503
      @jimfritz9503 Před rokem

      @@onggabbo Same calendar date. With 2 different names . It's all in the interpretation . Best Wishes

    • @onggabbo
      @onggabbo Před rokem

      @@jimfritz9503 indigenous peoples day and Columbus Day are not on the same day....

    • @jimfritz9503
      @jimfritz9503 Před rokem +1

      @@onggabbo Whatever

  • @cjmerobot1204
    @cjmerobot1204 Před rokem +8

    Can ABC Hate without Hating?

  • @gussetma1945
    @gussetma1945 Před rokem +4

    Hey why didn't she send this message by smoke signal? Isn't using the internet cultural appropriation?

  • @billybilly1284
    @billybilly1284 Před rokem +1

    Happy Colombia day! Don’t let the natives ruin it

  • @Emogeta
    @Emogeta Před rokem +13

    Short answer: Celebrate Columbus Day.

  • @dangercat9188
    @dangercat9188 Před rokem +6

    I mean, haven't we been celebrating it for years? Why is a problem all of a sudden?

    • @notmeus1968
      @notmeus1968 Před rokem +1

      Because it has been revealed Columbus gave his crew indigenous girls as payment and the most popular age was 9-13

    • @mopthermopther
      @mopthermopther Před rokem

      oops, that was a secret

    • @ThePopeII
      @ThePopeII Před rokem +1

      @@notmeus1968 Ah, so now I see why Columbus Day was cancelled. Joe Biden was jealous.

    • @necropolistc6357
      @necropolistc6357 Před rokem

      it's a problem when they're trying to change our history to fit their narrative

    • @PresidentJeanAuguste
      @PresidentJeanAuguste Před rokem

      @@notmeus1968 Dont blow our cover!

  • @letsgobrandon8661
    @letsgobrandon8661 Před rokem +14

    Happy Columbus Day!

  • @studyhistory2ctruth
    @studyhistory2ctruth Před rokem +2

    Tribes to this area? How far back did you go for that information? You knows those tribes wiped out other tribes as well for land......right? They also sacrificed children in hopes for more rain....what in the hell are you doing?

  • @OfficialFoodieBeauty
    @OfficialFoodieBeauty Před rokem +1

    Appeal to authority fallacy.
    Let's have a "professor" to tell you what to think.

  • @HugoGarcia-mm2uy
    @HugoGarcia-mm2uy Před 9 měsíci

    We have been here before any zungus !!! Africa United for Ever
    Enjoy your last days Zungus !!!

  • @kaptrucking
    @kaptrucking Před rokem +1

    Why not?

  • @adobotravels
    @adobotravels Před rokem +4

    Majority of Americans don’t even know Columbus landed in Salvador Island Bahamas. Columbus Day is meant for Italian Americans who faced discrimination in 1900s …..

  • @rayturner7599
    @rayturner7599 Před rokem +1

    Due away with Columbus Day Indians was living in America First

  • @jewbego5323
    @jewbego5323 Před rokem +1


  • @caljammer8516
    @caljammer8516 Před rokem +15

    It’s Columbus Day!!

  • @user-cc5od3zk4p
    @user-cc5od3zk4p Před měsícem

    I’m Canadian and it’s the same crap here. We need to be more like Americans. Indigenous people are happy to take taxpayer money while moaning about how bad they’ve been treated. They treat each other like crap. Observed that first hand. Grifters.

  • @manuelbello5806
    @manuelbello5806 Před rokem +1


  • @dave1370
    @dave1370 Před rokem +8

    I'm celebrating Columbus Day for sure.

  • @tbyas4406
    @tbyas4406 Před rokem

    America has changed the who the indigenous are today.

  • @marianhoover8206
    @marianhoover8206 Před rokem +9

    Many Americans can’t handle truth. I am glad that finally Native Americans are being celebrated. This should long ago have been done. Along with many treaties broken by our very own government should have been honored and corrected

    • @rudiruttger
      @rudiruttger Před rokem +6

      this comment smells of russia or china

    • @cosmicdjinn1743
      @cosmicdjinn1743 Před rokem

      No it’s the left that can’t handle truth. It’s Columbus Day not indigenous people day.

    • @tamehamehaprints3604
      @tamehamehaprints3604 Před rokem

      truth??? duh duh duh Columbus NEVER SET FOOT on North American Soil in his lifetime... duh duh duh

    • @betweentheair
      @betweentheair Před rokem

      Right. Many American nowadays can’t handle the inconvenient truth that “native” tribes were constantly slaughtering each other and taking each other’s land.
      People ask as if these natives were all one peace loving group.
      And so it goes for all civilization throughout all of history….

    • @jimba6486
      @jimba6486 Před rokem

      There is no such thing as a native American. In fact America won't be here in millions of years. Who cares about people that occupied land before another group

  • @gunnermccormick3957
    @gunnermccormick3957 Před rokem +3

    Newsflash, there are 365 days in a year! Maybe they should pick a different day for indigenous people’s day! This is very disrespectful to Italian American. Pick a different day, folks.

  • @wackdoubt
    @wackdoubt Před rokem

    Kumeyaay had wars with Byzantine 400 years before Columbus touched the east coast

  • @NittyGritty420
    @NittyGritty420 Před rokem +1

    Not one mention of Italian American heritage.. Sad

  • @mr.x8259
    @mr.x8259 Před 8 měsíci

    As long as Connecticut still calls it Columbus Day, that’s what I am celebrating.

  • @barryhahn6419
    @barryhahn6419 Před rokem +1

    Should indigenous people whose ancestors helped Europeans wage war against other indigenous people celebrate Indigenous People's Day?

  • @kpackard1
    @kpackard1 Před rokem +13


  • @danielc3003
    @danielc3003 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Hijacking Columbus Day is a poor way to expose opportunistic exploitation. Get you own holiday, don't steal someone else's.

  • @knicklas48
    @knicklas48 Před rokem +1

    Indigenous ? Look up the word. They're not indigenous. They arrived here at a certain point in time themselves...and did tremendous damage to the indigenous animals they found here. Celebrate if you want. This is America. And America got it's start when the Europeans arrived and not before.

  • @cathoderay305
    @cathoderay305 Před rokem +14

    Happy Columbus Day from someone with no traceable Italian or Spanish blood in their family history.
    Happy Indigenous People's Day from someone with no traceable Native American blood in their family history.
    Seriously though, having we already established that the first peoples to be called Native Americans emigrated here across the Bering Strait from what is now Northern Russia. They might better be called the First Peoples here in the US, just as they are in Canada. Indigenous should just mean the first people to live in a certain area, because we all came from somewhere else, going all the way back to the African continent, based upon available scientific evidence.

    • @sifamuzimbe4266
      @sifamuzimbe4266 Před rokem

      Are you serious?

    • @TheChopf26
      @TheChopf26 Před rokem

      The problem is that they were not the first people here.

    • @Csylve
      @Csylve Před rokem +2

      @@TheChopf26 They were. Nobody else came here before them.

    • @douglasthompson8927
      @douglasthompson8927 Před rokem +1

      @@Csylve agreed..that statement doesn`t even qualify as pseudoscience

    • @bidensuxtrublow1999
      @bidensuxtrublow1999 Před rokem

      No, just happy Columbus day.

  • @luvsilly60
    @luvsilly60 Před 9 měsíci

    Native Americans should be the first honored on this day.

  • @irreligiousman3395
    @irreligiousman3395 Před rokem +1

    Make America Native Again.

  • @Blackstar-cf7gm
    @Blackstar-cf7gm Před rokem +5

    Columbus didnt "discover" anything, but boy could he BS with the best of them.

    • @douglasthompson8927
      @douglasthompson8927 Před rokem

      he didn`t " discover " a place with 100,000,000 people living there ?

  • @betterdeadthanred839
    @betterdeadthanred839 Před rokem +22

    Happy Columbus Day everybody!!!

    • @notmeus1968
      @notmeus1968 Před rokem

      All republicunts support baby rapers like Columbus

  • @bakihanma8156
    @bakihanma8156 Před rokem

    I’m indigenous celebrate whatever you want

  • @davemiller6055
    @davemiller6055 Před rokem

    Not to make the claim that Columbus was a saint or anything, but:
    1) The Native Americans were practicing slavery and taking each others land by force before Columbus or Leif Ericson arrived.
    2) Columbus and the Spanish encountered native tribes here in North and Central America that were practicing cannibalism.
    How come no one condemns those practices?
    Columbus is said to be bad and need cancelling because he owned slaves and for what happened to the Native Americans during the colonization. But the natives were already doing the same thing, and some of them were EATING PEOPLE!
    I don't feel the need to cancel Columbus or the holiday. I feel the need to learn from history.

  • @ammccrae898
    @ammccrae898 Před rokem +1

    Lol, looks like all the colonizer descendents are the ones watching all these Indigenous People Day videos! Don’t hate! Congratulate! All the hate is literally overflowing from your hearts and out of your mouths, you really should just let it go, and learn from the mistakes of the past, it can only make you a better person for it.

    • @aycc-nbh7289
      @aycc-nbh7289 Před rokem +1

      But what about those who are descendants of those who arrived with mere pennies and fought in a war to _end_ slavery?

  • @arnulfob3454
    @arnulfob3454 Před rokem

    I agree what ever you call it this county worker gets a day off.

  • @hlysnan6418
    @hlysnan6418 Před rokem +5

    Indigenous People's Day is just about the biggest "participation trophy" imaginable...

    • @blueduck9569
      @blueduck9569 Před rokem +3

      That's rich, considering the story behind Columbus Day becoming a federally recognized holiday.

    • @hlysnan6418
      @hlysnan6418 Před rokem

      ​@@blueduck9569 For the slower set, I'll explain the difference: Columbus Day is named in honor of an individual, one whose accomplishment is arguably the most important in human history. Whereas, IPD honors not an individual, nor even a nation, but rather an extremely broad demographic category for...just existing.

    • @blueduck9569
      @blueduck9569 Před rokem +2

      @@hlysnan6418 So... you don't know the story behind Columbus Day then? Columbus Day was thought up to placate italian americans who felt marginalized in their new found home within the United States. Literally a "participation trophy" for immigrants. 🤭

    • @hlysnan6418
      @hlysnan6418 Před rokem

      @@blueduck9569 You're a bit dim, aren't you? You clearly don't know what "participation trophy" means, nor the word "literally"...

  • @gumby7919
    @gumby7919 Před rokem +3

    The country of Colombia is named after Columbus……Mic drop…..

  • @mexicanwhitedevil386
    @mexicanwhitedevil386 Před rokem +5


  • @enjoy7024
    @enjoy7024 Před rokem +9

    Indigenous peoples of America should definitely be acknowledged, recognized, respected, celebrated etc., but we should not erase the term
    " Columbus Day" from our heritage because he and his discoveries and all that comes with it are a part of our history. Without his arrival and Colonization etc. many of us would not have been born because the circumstances would not have existed to bring our parents together!

    • @pallen1157
      @pallen1157 Před rokem

      *"Many of us would not have been born because the circumstances would not have existed to bring our parents together!"* Really???? And without the arrival of Columbus, Marty would have never met Doc Brown and Lorainne would have never kissed George! Gee whiz dude, you couldn't come up with a more reasoned and intelligent assertion to defend Columbus Day???

    • @aycc-nbh7289
      @aycc-nbh7289 Před rokem +2

      @@pallen1157 How about this one: without Columbus Day, Italian-Americans would be up in arms at the loss of _their_ holiday, especially given that they were historically persecuted along the same lines as the Native Americans and other POC’s.
      And without Columbus, there would have likely been other explorers, such as Ferdinand Magellan, Amerigo Vespucci, and Giovanni da Verrazzano, who would have likely done the exact same thing, especially given how desperate the kingdoms inhabiting the Iberian Peninsula were for access to riches and spices thanks to the rise of the Ottoman Empire.

    • @pallen1157
      @pallen1157 Před rokem

      @@aycc-nbh7289 How about this one: Italians Americans would not have had a national holiday if President Roosevelt had not signed it into law. However, it was President Benjamin Harrison that initially issued the proclamation of Columbus Day. He did so to quell the diplomatic troubles between Italy and the U.S. caused the lynching and killings of Italian immigrants, particularly the lynchings in New Orleans in 1891.

    • @kingstarscream3807
      @kingstarscream3807 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@pallen1157 You literally wouldn't exist, along with everyone you know and love, yet you pass that off as a non-issue. How noble of you.

    • @pallen1157
      @pallen1157 Před 11 měsíci

      @@kingstarscream3807 Thanks! Because I am quite "noble!" Not only am I noble, I'm also a realist, and I'm sensible and pragmatic. No one knows what "could have been", we only know [based on historic accounts] "what has been." Thus, people will judge history based on their own perspectives, ideals and/or biases.
      _"You literally wouldn't exist, along with everyone you know and love, yet you pass that off as a non-issue"_
      To make it more clear to you I'll say this; The world and human life didn't stop because "YOU" were born, neither did the world and human life didn't "BEGIN" when you were born. Non-issues and issues of all types have always been part of life. Fact is that PEOPLE (aka; humans) will question, examine and explore said issues... which is exactly what we're doing now! That shouldn't' be hard to understand.

  • @tider77
    @tider77 Před rokem +1

    They can but they shouldn't be on the same day

    • @magiceightballspot
      @magiceightballspot Před rokem

      When Columbus encountered the Native Americans, that was the beginning of the unification of the world. That's what we are really celebrating.

  • @quincykawada2271
    @quincykawada2271 Před rokem

    This just in: Washington DC will now be renamed Washington DI.

  • @lordvonmanor6915
    @lordvonmanor6915 Před rokem +1

    I'm getting the hang of this bs Amerika calls history.
    Natives Day, Indigenous Day, Columbus Day, Black Day or call it Indien Day.
    It's really called Holy Father's Day and is a day for all Black People or you can say Indien Tribes to celebrate their Fathers.
    You can call it Saint John Day but it's a day for all Multiracials to celebrate their Fathers l.

  • @prahladmarkam2024
    @prahladmarkam2024 Před 10 měsíci +2

    I am indigenous..i ❤ my culture my language my indigenous History...proud to be an indigenous....from India 🇮🇳

    • @user-ys4qr2su5p
      @user-ys4qr2su5p Před 6 měsíci

      Tú eres de la India. Los Británicos los mataron de hambre desde el siglo XIX hasta 1943.

  • @intheuniversekey
    @intheuniversekey Před rokem

    have you seen the movie Madres on Amazon prime? Have you seen the documentary of (No mas Bebes)? Did you make noise for the women who got raped in the Georgia detention center? Did you guyd make noise so they can win their case? The women who were getting their reproductive organs removed without consent or became sterilized without consent did you make noise? Or does the color of their skin play a factor for you not to care?

  • @treed6953
    @treed6953 Před 11 měsíci

    Everyone is Indigenous somewhere!

  • @landshark616
    @landshark616 Před rokem

    Um Columbus never hit that land ?? What are y’all taking about he was in Hispaniola

  • @tokkummaa289
    @tokkummaa289 Před rokem +4

    Happy indigenous day America it is more beautiful to say than Colombo's day.

    • @magiceightballspot
      @magiceightballspot Před rokem +1

      When Colombo encountered the ingenuous people, that was the first time in history that all the people of the world were finally united. Happy World Unity Day!

    • @user-ys4qr2su5p
      @user-ys4qr2su5p Před rokem

      Prefiero "Día de la Hispanidad".

    • @rosaburgs6019
      @rosaburgs6019 Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@magiceightballspotRight before he slaughtered them all

  • @Swarsitz
    @Swarsitz Před rokem

    I don't care. I am a mixed breed thanks to Columbus. But I am also from indigenous background....

  • @commonsense3710
    @commonsense3710 Před rokem +1

    Why would I celebrate cannibals and people who couldn't get passed the Stone Age?

  • @John-jz7zz
    @John-jz7zz Před rokem +5

    Only when American Indians publicly acknowledge that they too took land from other tribes will I begin to acknowledge the so-called Indigenous People’s day.

    • @henryhorner3182
      @henryhorner3182 Před rokem

      Time to get real! EVERY group of humans pushed weaker groups and tribes off coveted lands. Look what those Saintly people of Modern Israel did in recent years to their Arab neighbors (who were actually cousins if you go by the bible).

  • @pedojoesanalorifice3541
    @pedojoesanalorifice3541 Před rokem +9

    Happy Virtue Signaling Day!

  • @elimlinrr6898
    @elimlinrr6898 Před rokem +2

    To honour the native Americans, statues of Columbus should be replaced with great native American heroes like Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse etc.
    Action speaks louder than words.

  • @MissCane9
    @MissCane9 Před 8 měsíci

    Indigenous People's Day has too many syllables. Columbus Day is easier Meanwhile, if you're so concerned about the mistreatment of Indigenous Americans, do something about the inhuman conditions on western reservations

  • @adobotravels
    @adobotravels Před rokem +1

    Native American suicided 3:50
    What do you expect? The USA government and United Nations doesn’t recognize Navajo Nation or other indigenous lands as a country. They were given casinos as reparation but they still live soooo far from civilizations. Visit Arizona if you wanna learn more

  • @craigforest7970
    @craigforest7970 Před rokem +12


  • @sarahi.5611
    @sarahi.5611 Před rokem +2

    Yes! As good "Americans', we will celebrate it!

  • @TheTrainmobile
    @TheTrainmobile Před rokem

    At the same time? Only if they're okay with the extreme cognitive dissonance.

  • @jaip7399
    @jaip7399 Před rokem +2

    Columbus was awesome.
    The Indians should be thankful, he gave them the wheel.

    • @Jason21012
      @Jason21012 Před rokem

      Columbus didn’t even know he was in America. Lol

    • @jaip7399
      @jaip7399 Před rokem

      How could he know.

    • @Jason21012
      @Jason21012 Před rokem

      @@jaip7399 Maybe the guinea should stopped and asked for directions?

    • @jaip7399
      @jaip7399 Před rokem

      Or just used Google Maps

  • @-Native-Love-
    @-Native-Love- Před rokem +3

    Happy Indigenouz Peoplez Day everybody🖤!