Beholders in Dungeons & Dragons and why they are Iconic

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
    An official digital toolset for Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition.
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Komentáře • 131

  • @Switchlurk
    @Switchlurk Před 5 lety +66

    Beholders are so iconic bc they’re the monster that most relates to the experience being the DM
    >Dreaming things into existence
    > Simultaneously of the world and not of the world
    > Observing and watching over everything
    > Making paranoid plan after paranoid plan about how to stop adventurers from messing up your world

    • @heuclmeucl-heucl5351
      @heuclmeucl-heucl5351 Před 4 lety +5

      Switchlurk oh my god i feel the urge of writing a 30 pages essay now

    • @JT5555
      @JT5555 Před 4 lety +3

      I Want A Deadpool-esq Beholder That Is Perfectly Self-Aware That Their Entire Universe Is The Imaginary Game Of A Nerd And Just Looses All Fucks As A Result.XD

    • @2huUuuUUUU
      @2huUuuUUUU Před 4 lety +1


  • @imhal9000
    @imhal9000 Před 6 lety +323


  • @curlylook8811
    @curlylook8811 Před 6 lety +65

    My DM in loot after the Beholder, included one of the trinkets: A nightcap that gives you nice dreams. Most appropriate loot I've ever found in a game.

  • @hnetto1705
    @hnetto1705 Před 6 lety +20

    Last encounter with a Beholder, 9th level 7 man party. We manage to navigate the Beholder lair pretty well, end up being ambushed by the Beholder, that was alerted of our presence. The final toll was 4 party members dead, one of them desintegrated, one petrified after death and broken in half. After all that terrible fight we managed to kill it.
    This is one of the few creatures in D&D that really scares me.

    • @Dramoklos
      @Dramoklos Před 5 lety +1

      There are things stronger than beholder

  • @Gliscorsbounty
    @Gliscorsbounty Před 6 lety +55

    I just imagined a beholder thinking up a platypus.

  • @fortunatus1
    @fortunatus1 Před 6 lety +46

    I use the aberrations, especially the Mind Flayers and the Beholders, as the minions of the Great Old Ones who send their bizarre, terrifying creatures from the Far Realm into the planes for mysterious perhaps unknowable reasons.

    • @twistedironpaw
      @twistedironpaw Před 6 lety +9

      Brian F. The far realm in my games is a shattered space filled with the remains of parts of failed universes, like the clouds of gas and asteroids around a star newly formed.
      And most abberations have a place in the sci-fi cosmic horror stuff outside of that, most of whom have ties to a faction or Power that exists just outside of the reach of the 'verse, and got in via underdark portals. Even Flumphs, they're like space colonists sent by their god, and they just make the world slightly better by being there, so they're not a problem.

    • @fortunatus1
      @fortunatus1 Před 6 lety +1

      That sounds like the dark realm of Dormammu in Dr. Strange. (From the movie I mean. It's been 20 years since I read a Dr. Strange comic.) Cool stuff!

    • @MisterSmith00
      @MisterSmith00 Před 5 lety

      I have this backstory where a changeling was formed when a piece of a Elder Evil star ended up in the Material Plane, but due to their nature, could not retain it's true form and thus took on a separate, physical body with no sense of identity.
      The way the changeling explains things, Great Old One's are fixated on places like the Material Plane, some out of interest, some out of hunger, some beyond reason...but they are fixated.
      In the case of this changeling, he is part of a Black Star similarly obsessed with the Material Plane, but who also hates this compulsion and seeks to end it.
      As he states it: "The Black Star watches...always. It hungers, hates, and so it harms. One day, it will devour this world, the sky, and all the other stars."
      I based this concept on Beholders; they manifest as this form and create identities...but they're a little off. They become paranoid, egotistical, because they are these foreign invaders who cannot process this place they've entered properly.

  • @shatteredknight1129
    @shatteredknight1129 Před 6 lety +17

    My party encountered some Gas Spores, and thought they were Beholders. I was able to kill a bunch of them in pretty much one blow. Very easy to kill. Later, we encounter some npcs in need of some help. My character tells them - "I single handedly killed nine Beholders. Tell your friends about me!"

  • @Bluecho4
    @Bluecho4 Před 6 lety +64

    Here's an idea: the first Beholder arose as a byproduct of the universe trying to observe itself. What else would come into being from such an attempt, than a creature composed primarily of eyes?

    • @thetoadman3172
      @thetoadman3172 Před 6 lety +1

      Now that's cool

    • @ataraxia7439
      @ataraxia7439 Před 5 lety

      That's an awesome idea. Where is your icon pic from?

    • @JT5555
      @JT5555 Před 4 lety

      My Theory: Beholders Are The Children Of Lovecraftian Horrors That Are Unknown To Even The Gods.

  • @PartridgeQuill
    @PartridgeQuill Před 6 lety +19

    This is so fascinating. I never thought about them dreaming things into being.

    • @cipherstrife1991
      @cipherstrife1991 Před 6 lety

      Steven Partridge really? HP Lovecraft ripoff

    • @snowman9631
      @snowman9631 Před 5 lety

      Thats their whole thing tho, if a beholder dreams of death it becomes a desth tyrant a completely new creature, their dreams shape the world around them

  • @darianpattan2000
    @darianpattan2000 Před 6 lety +16

    Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder

    • @xaosbob
      @xaosbob Před 6 lety +2

      There is no beauty in the eye of a beholder.

    • @Bluecho4
      @Bluecho4 Před 6 lety +8

      Literally. Beauty is trapped inside a Beholder's eye. You have to cut open his cornea and pull her out. That's your adventure hook.

  • @captcorajus
    @captcorajus Před 6 lety +5

    The Beholder came about when two gods were talking and one said, "Beauty is in the eye of the biholder." the other god mistook the word 'beholder' as a noun rather than a verb, and tried to imagine what a beholder might look like. :D

  • @mizerablegit4720
    @mizerablegit4720 Před 6 lety +13

    I have one running a store in my game, gazers go out & handle advertising......because why the hell not!

  • @sylvanvixen6887
    @sylvanvixen6887 Před 6 lety +17

    I always traced their origin back to tharizdun when he was first losing his marbles, they were born of the nightmares that beset him in his growing madness and embody his ego and contempt for existence. This would be long before he became the elder elemental eye

    • @Bluecho4
      @Bluecho4 Před 6 lety +1

      Reminds me of High Rollers.
      "Do you serve Tharizdun?"
      "Ha ha ha ha ha! I AM Tharizdun."

  • @TimothyWhiteowl
    @TimothyWhiteowl Před 6 lety +15

    Rob Kuntz's brother Theron O. Kuntz created the Beholder, and Gary Gygax detailed it for publication.
    The original creature wasn't able to shape reality... that came later with power creep and over-the-top product developers. It's simpler to say, the development of Aberrations (later labeled as such in 3;3.5) were the result of the Cthulhu Mythos being removed from Deities & Demigods, 2nd Printing in 1980... They do not appear in any of the encounter charts in the Manual of the Planes so it's easy to surmise there is no 'lore' associated with the monster.
    The creature remained unchanged through 4 editions of the original Monster Manual. There is no mention of world-bending power in the 2nd iteration's Monstrous Compendium (which only added an aquatic version). They were also absent from the Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix.
    by Gary Gygax
    © 1977, 1978 - TSR Games
    "The beholder (eye tyrant, sphere of many eyes) is most frequently found underground, although it infrequently will lair in desolate wildernesses. The globular body of this monster is supported by levitation, and it floats slowly about as it wills. Atop the sphere are 10 eyestalks, while in its central area are a great eleventh eye and a large mouth filled with pointed teeth. The body is protected by a hard chitinous covering. The creature's eyestalks and eyes are also protected, although less well (thus the armor classes of 2 and 7 respectively). Because of its particular nature the beholder is able to withstand the loss of its eyestalks, these members are not computed as part of its hit point damage potential, and lost eyestalks w ill eventually grow back (1 week per lost member). The body of the monster can withstand two-thirds of its total damage potential, while the great central eye can withstand one-third this total, i.e. a beholder with 45 hit points can withstand 30 hit points of damage to its body before being killed; the eleventh eye can withstand 15 points before ceasing to function. Eyestalks take from 8 to 12 hit points each before being lost. The body of a beholder represents 75% of potential hit area, the central eye and the eyestalks 10% each, and the 10 small eyes 5%. Eyes: The various eyes of a beholder each have a different function. Typically only the central eye, plus 1-4 of those on stalks are able to function considering that the attack is coming from an arc 90' before the monster. If attacks come from 180' double the number of eyestalks able to function, and for 270' or 360' triple or quadruple the number. Attacks from above enable all 10 eyestalks to function, but the central eye cannot. Functions of the eyes are:
    1 Charm person spell
    2 Charm monster spell
    3 Sleep spell 8 Slow spell
    4 Telekinese 2,500 GP wt.
    5 Flesh-stone ray (3" range)
    6 Disintegrate ray (2" range)
    7 Fear (as a wand)
    8 Slow spell
    9 Cause serious wound (5" range)
    10 Death ray (4" range)
    Nature: The beholder is hateful, aggressive, and avaricious. They will usually attack immediately. If confronted by a particularly powerful party there is a 50% chance they will listen to negotiations - either to be bribed not to attack or to pay a ransom to not be attacked, depending on the strength of the opposing party. They can speak their own language as well as that tongue known to lawful evil creatures."
    There was no significant change made to the creature or the lore until the updated Monstrous Manual for 2nd Edition. Pg 21 "Beholder and Beholder-kin" when they were re-branded from criminal masterminds to cruel and alien megalomaniacal xenophobes... but still no reality bending powers. The tome even postulates on how the Beholder reproduce.
    Monstrous Manual for 2nd Edition Pg22 "Ecology: The exact reproductive process of the beholder is unknown. The core racial hatred of the beholders may derive from the nature of their reproduction, which seems to produce identical (or nearly so) individuals with only slit margin for variation. Beholden may use parthenogenic reproduction to duplicate themselves, and give birth live (no beholder eggs have been found). Beholders may also (rarely) mate with types of beholder-kin."
    (of special note is the Undead Beholder who is not some uber-powered beholder lich, but rather an automaton to the necromancer who reanimated it. Monstrous Manual for 2nd Edition Pg24)
    It's not until 5th Edition that we see the Beholder 'elevated' to the World Bender discussed here.
    The lore of the world fed to us by the developers is one thing, what you decide to do with it is another. You can make them otherworldly entities that rival the gods, or let others who cannot grasp their alien nature believe what they will.

  • @jonathanduardo7458
    @jonathanduardo7458 Před 6 lety +34

    Aren't most abberations inspired by the lovecraftian mythos? I like to believe that azathoth is the first beholder.

    • @jgr7487
      @jgr7487 Před 6 lety +2

      Jonathan Duardo they're a reflection of the Stupid God

    • @stevevondoom4140
      @stevevondoom4140 Před 4 lety +1

      wasnt azagtoth a Blind fiend of chaos though? something with 10 eyes is by no means a blind-fiend...

  • @funk8782
    @funk8782 Před 6 lety +21

    A staple in the history of D&D and tabletop games right here

  • @TigerKirby215
    @TigerKirby215 Před 6 lety +8

    *I dream and the world trembles.*

  • @serpnta1267
    @serpnta1267 Před 6 lety +2

    I love Beholders!!!

  • @Cybrwulf1201
    @Cybrwulf1201 Před 6 lety

    Beyond the great discussion, the lighting and framing of the intro and outtro are phenomenal 👌🏻. Great content, guys!

  • @fhuber7507
    @fhuber7507 Před 5 lety +4

    They were intended to be an ultimate enemy. Intelligent, powerful and very difficult to defeat.
    If their lair is set up correctly, they can be nearly invincible.

  • @danielgriff2659
    @danielgriff2659 Před 2 lety

    Have you ever looked one in the eye, though? Its SO beautiful! I guess Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder!

  • @billvolk4236
    @billvolk4236 Před 6 lety +9

    Seven minutes explaining why Beholders are iconic when they could have just showed a beholder staring at you to prove the same point.

  • @restlessboar5863
    @restlessboar5863 Před 6 lety +70

    Beholders are also iconic because they're copywritten

  • @jacobdriscoll8276
    @jacobdriscoll8276 Před 6 lety +9

    No mention of the Great Mother, Hive Mothers, and eggs? Wonder where they fit in...

    • @xaosbob
      @xaosbob Před 6 lety +5

      I think when Mike uses the term "beholder," it applies to all of the variants, including spectators, eyes of the deep, etc. But then, it's your game, so you can choose how they all fit into your multiverse. :)

  • @trevorsieben6089
    @trevorsieben6089 Před 5 lety

    The Beholder is an in game manifestation of the DM and the party; the large eye and intellect representing the DM, the eye stalks the varied threats of the party.

  • @thegreatbambi5674
    @thegreatbambi5674 Před 3 lety

    I play a game called Tibia and they used to have Beholders too but someone complained and they had to change the name years back. Now they're called Bonelords.

  • @Tirfing88
    @Tirfing88 Před 4 lety

    it was one of the first creatures that broke the steoreotype of if you are highly intelligent, you have to be frail in body, simple looking, probably with a beard, etc. I lvoe the contrast they have, when you see it, you wouldn't think it's a highly intelligent and cunning sorcerer due to his primitive, savage appearance, you'd think oh it's just another mindless mosnter with big teeth. Then they start casting spells, talking, nullifying your magic, etc. Beholders are my all time favorite fantasy monster among all fantasy works in history, they're so unique, nobody has something remotely similar to a beholder (well, perhaps lovecraft).

  • @SimonAshworthWood
    @SimonAshworthWood Před 2 lety +1

    Maybe Beholders dream themselves into existence, but their existence is certainly a nightmare for many!

  • @Snikit
    @Snikit Před 6 lety +1

    Nice video, but a picture or two of a Beholder during the video would have been nice. I was watching with a really new player and we had to Google the monster afterwards.

  • @geoffchurchill5492
    @geoffchurchill5492 Před 3 lety

    I have a theory - the beholder is a child of the Eye of Gruumsh after it was removed from Grumsh's head in battle

  • @darkheart333hotmail3
    @darkheart333hotmail3 Před 6 lety +4

    In my game world aberrations are created through dreamers entering the dream plane. Those that enter this plane while awake allowed aberrations to enter my multiverse.

  • @kyleellis9177
    @kyleellis9177 Před 6 lety +2

    I want to make a beholder that has tounguesinstead of eye stalks. so it would have different saliva effects

  • @jo1italianstyle
    @jo1italianstyle Před 6 lety

    That Gray Rend nobody talks about

  • @doktorphlog2143
    @doktorphlog2143 Před 6 lety +1

    I feel like beholder are really a kind of dream elemental.

  • @andrewjohnson1454
    @andrewjohnson1454 Před 5 lety

    Every time a scientist observes a new aspect of science, that observation solidifies how it functions. Sadly that new scientific reality replaces the old magical one. This in-balance is how new beholders are made, so the magic is not lost. As science grows in the dnd world so shall the beholder population.

  • @Kugo
    @Kugo Před 6 lety +3

    Can't wait to use a spectator in my next new low level campaign fufufufu 😈

    • @nomoregaming1636
      @nomoregaming1636 Před 6 lety +1

      Kugo You around here too Kugo? Never thought of you as a D&D nerd watching your CS GO videos!

  • @talongreenlee7704
    @talongreenlee7704 Před 3 lety

    In my world, beholders are generated by surges of power occurring in Pandemonium that coalesce into a single point. Beholders are created by particularly powerful concentrations of pure chaotic energy.

  • @RobinBaggett
    @RobinBaggett Před 6 lety

    Ah...I remember the first time I went to a Beholder's lair...It was a very short visit. In the end we all almost died, one guy got turned to stone, and I lost my magic shield.

  • @Handsome_Matt
    @Handsome_Matt Před 6 lety +14

    Mike Mearl's hairline is more iconic.

  • @victorhugothomaz3480
    @victorhugothomaz3480 Před 6 lety

    Now I want to play a warlock of a Great Old One who is the creator of the beholders and is currently sleeping but will awake soon...

  • @veerjd
    @veerjd Před 6 lety

    Much better lighting for Todd!

  • @earthobserver1007
    @earthobserver1007 Před 5 lety

    The vampiric beholder, has all the abilities of a living beholder, plus all the immunities, and abilities of a vampire. Now let us discuss the spectral beholder......

  • @alandcapelari
    @alandcapelari Před 6 lety +1

    I am starting to see a close relation between beholders and Tidus, from FF X.

  • @edo3297
    @edo3297 Před 6 lety +15

    Thanks Mike, nice video. I'm running a campaign in which the PCs, at the end of all the campaign, will fight against a Beholder that want to create a plane fracture and invade the material plane. You said that he doesn't have an origin, or even a plane. So, if the Beholder want to invade the material plane creating this fracture, from where does he come? Where and what is the other side of the fracture?

    • @davidragan9233
      @davidragan9233 Před 6 lety +5

      Think of it as a bug in the system, the universal data gets a snarl that creates something sentient. Perhaps yours came to be in another plane or was banished there?

    • @edo3297
      @edo3297 Před 6 lety +1

      David Ragan The idea is that my Beholder feeds on hate, and being that all the races hated each other, the Beholder feeded, and manage to create this fracture in the material plane to invade it and conquer it. I was thinking that the Behloder could be aided by the shadowfell, which is the "neighbor" of the material plane. How does it sounds?

    • @davidragan9233
      @davidragan9233 Před 6 lety +2

      More wariness in many cases than hate, unless he is trying to foment hatred. In which case does he have useful pawns spreading the hatred? Sounds like you might have a decent mastermind.

    • @DristanRossVII
      @DristanRossVII Před 6 lety +1

      StylEd Men Going with the canonical Shadowfell, that plane is more about hopelessness and being devoid of emotion than the emotion of hatred. Hatred itself doesn't really have a plane AFAIR, but it might have been born amongst the furious and relentless demons in the Abyss and have now claimed, thanks to its superior intelligence, a position of power amongst them - driving lesser demons ahead of it by force.

    • @darkheart333hotmail3
      @darkheart333hotmail3 Před 6 lety +2

      Beholders original plane of existence was thought to be the far realm.

  • @GranRey-0
    @GranRey-0 Před 6 lety

    Beholders are like the Gundams of the D&D multiverse

  • @impendio
    @impendio Před 6 lety

    I just want to say that I desperately NEED more aberration content, especially Mind Flayers, but I'll take Beholders any day as well/instead.

  • @Sofus.
    @Sofus. Před 6 lety +3

    I think Beholder's were dreamed into existence.

  • @sofacus9703
    @sofacus9703 Před 6 lety

    damn this lore gets deep

  • @Theycallmetomu
    @Theycallmetomu Před 6 lety +9

    So wait, does the Far realm not exist in 5E? Mike seemed to go out of his way to not mention it.

    • @Millstone1985
      @Millstone1985 Před 6 lety +5

      The Far Realm is described on page 302 of the PHB, and mentioned several times before that. Still, 5e does seem to avoid explicitly linking aboleths, beholders, illithids and other aberrations to the Far Realm.

    • @geoffreyprecht2410
      @geoffreyprecht2410 Před 6 lety +2

      I believe the DM Guide says that aberrations are from the Far Realms at some point, but I forget the page number and don't have access to the book at the moment. I remember the link being explicitly stated at one point or another in 5e though!

    • @Millstone1985
      @Millstone1985 Před 6 lety +3

      My bad, the DMG version of the description, page 68, does say that "Aberrations such as mind flayers and beholders are either from this plane or shaped by its strange influence".

    • @Bluecho4
      @Bluecho4 Před 6 lety +8

      I imagine Mike doesn't want to dwell too much on the Far Realm, because trying to describe what it IS will take away from its mystique. Lovecraftian imagery is built upon unfathomable remoteness and alienation. So throwing out theories about what the DnD multiverse is and how it works must, for the sake of theme, skirt around the topic of the Far Realms.
      It's also very likely that the farther out from the prime material plane you get, and the closer you get to the Far Realms, the more that rules of magic, cosmology, and causality start to break down. Out there, the concept of "origin" for any given creature, even Beholders, may cease to apply. As if the very _question_ was nonsense, because "beginnings" and "ends" are similarly meaningless or at least removed from our understanding of them.

    • @Ishlacorrin
      @Ishlacorrin Před 6 lety

      Wasn't the far realm introduced in 4th ed? if that's the case it makes sense that they do not want to remember anything from that train wreck.

  • @RafaelLoureiro
    @RafaelLoureiro Před 6 lety

    All these themes ... Beholders ... Realm Spheres ... Am I seeing a Spelljammer book coming in the near future?

  • @darkxaur
    @darkxaur Před 6 lety +2

    Beholders: What to huck at players who have gotten cocky fighting Dragons.

  • @r.c.beringuela2426
    @r.c.beringuela2426 Před 6 lety

    There is no beauty is in the of the Beholder.

  • @roeci6
    @roeci6 Před 3 lety

    D&d needs his own darwin like evolutionist character .

  • @eshep
    @eshep Před 6 lety

    We're all just livin the dream.

  • @HoundofOdin
    @HoundofOdin Před 5 lety

    The idea that a being as alien as a beholder is not only sentient, but _smarter than you_ is deeply disturbing to a mind intended to relate to beings similar to itself.

  • @rashkavar
    @rashkavar Před 6 lety

    Very interesting.

  • @jaredknight8838
    @jaredknight8838 Před 6 lety +49

    Don't you mean....

  • @Neverfate
    @Neverfate Před 6 lety

    Me while casually listening, "Wait what is Mearls talking about Beholders or Smith from The Matrix?"

  • @draxthemsklonst
    @draxthemsklonst Před 6 lety +1

    Follow me on on this:
    Beholders dream reality to be as they want. Orks in 40k believe 'red goes fasta' and it becomes true... Just parallels there. Of course 40k Orks aren't geniuses, per se.

  • @jeremyiscoolomg
    @jeremyiscoolomg Před 6 lety +2

    How do you dream if you don't exist?

  • @Lasvegasflight99
    @Lasvegasflight99 Před 6 lety

    what would a beholder of any good alignment look like?

  • @cookinwithneelix3569
    @cookinwithneelix3569 Před 6 lety

    So Mearls was talking about a beholder Azathoth?

  • @drakkonusfrostburn4038
    @drakkonusfrostburn4038 Před 6 lety +1

    I saw Badeye. Do I get a Legendary bundle? ;)

  • @doubleheadedeagle6769
    @doubleheadedeagle6769 Před 5 lety

    Sounds like The Chaos Gods are trying to invade another universe 😉

  • @22atoo
    @22atoo Před 6 lety

    higher CR ones please

  • @oOPPHOo
    @oOPPHOo Před 6 lety +1

    You these videos. Now just the very concept of an Old God from the Far Realms either residing in or kicked out of the domain of dreams becomes fun to explore. It's but a tangent of the video and yet the inspiration is messing me up.

  • @PsiLeonardoFerreira
    @PsiLeonardoFerreira Před 5 lety

    Por que fizeram a Cipsoft tirar o nome desse bicho do Tibia? 🙄

    • @JohnCavalcante.Oficial
      @JohnCavalcante.Oficial Před 5 lety

      Porque ele é propriedade intelectual da Wizards of the Coast. Isso não é exatamente uma novidade, nas primeiras edições do D&D tinham "Balrogs" no manual dos monstros, mas depois de serem processados pela família Tolkien, tiveram que mudar o nome pra "Balor".

  • @davidragan9233
    @davidragan9233 Před 6 lety +1

    So...Beholders and other aberrations are the backwash or scraped-slag of creative energies/materials?

  • @grizl123
    @grizl123 Před 6 lety

    It becomes rather clear mearls is refering to the dreams of the creation, or to put it bluntly he is comparing DM as original beholder

  • @masternerd64
    @masternerd64 Před 4 lety

    I thought that the beholders were created by the Daelkyr when they invaded Eberron. Is that not canon with the rest of the D&D multiverse?

    • @ScrivenerofDoom
      @ScrivenerofDoom Před 4 lety

      No. Eberron was published about 30 years after beholders were invented.

  • @Elgonidas
    @Elgonidas Před 6 lety

    yes, beholder is in d&d

  • @BrotherDog
    @BrotherDog Před 6 lety

    Nice video but so sad that it leaves out the entire 2e book "I Tyrant" as canon. Well, except in any game I run.

  • @cipherstrife1991
    @cipherstrife1991 Před 6 lety +1

    Dreaming existance into reality oh how original. Cough "HP Lovecraft Azathoth" Cough. Way to act super original just make sure you sue the hell out of anyone that uses a tentacle eyed monster...

  • @mirror_raccoon
    @mirror_raccoon Před 6 lety

    No dislikes my dudes

  • @williamsexton1389
    @williamsexton1389 Před 6 lety

    So, people are saying that beholders are very intelligent but, they only have an INT of 17. Most wizards have a better score then that

  • @jayjeckel
    @jayjeckel Před 6 lety +1

    "Was there a god that created them?" Yes, the Great Mother. How do you not know this? The actual Beholder lore is a million times better than this 'it is all a dream' fanfiction nonsense. This is why I moved to Pathfinder, because modern DnD doesn't just ignore prior lore, they seem to despise it and try to destroy it every chance they get.

    • @nathanielranney9163
      @nathanielranney9163 Před 6 lety +12

      I don't recall D&D lore being set in stone.

    • @porygonlover322
      @porygonlover322 Před 6 lety +1

      In 2e Spelljammer they were created by the gods to serve as tutors and repositories of knowledge but they almost instantly turned on each other due to hyper-xenophobia on minor differences in appearance. (I may have the details wrong, even as a Spelljammer fan this lore was always weird and confusing to me.) Official D&D lore has always been shifting and changing.

    • @CBGB42
      @CBGB42 Před 6 lety +1

      Jay Jeckel of course they know it.
      They're doing something different.
      If you want to use the Great Mother, you can.

    • @blakebrockhaus347
      @blakebrockhaus347 Před 6 lety +1

      Jay Jeckel part of it is that mearls doesn't sit here and say "this is what happened" he says "this could have happened, did it dm?