Komentáře •

  • @ravenwulfgar
    @ravenwulfgar Před 7 měsíci +23

    Troll Lord Games is doing a better job of honoring the legacy of Gygax. I don't think they're memorializing it, I think they're trying to eulogize it

    • @captainhrothgar4637
      @captainhrothgar4637 Před 7 měsíci +1

      What I love about their C&C rules is how modular they are. You can easily add anything you like from AD&D or conversely add anything you like from C&C to AD&D. Wonderful company.

  • @derekmann494
    @derekmann494 Před 7 měsíci +10

    I'll buy it secondhand someday... Not a penny more to What-Z!

  • @kingonthemountain7137
    @kingonthemountain7137 Před 7 měsíci +10

    I'd like to have a copy of that however, I shall never spend another dollar with wotc. On principle.

  • @jeframdenkar
    @jeframdenkar Před 7 měsíci +32

    My biggest concern is their likely to edit some of it for "Modern Audience's".
    As much as I would be interested in such a product, I just have too many major trust issues with Wotc.

    • @SOTMead
      @SOTMead Před 7 měsíci +2

      We gonna have to have a Session Zero where someone says they're triggered by conflict and air.

    • @veng3r663
      @veng3r663 Před 7 měsíci

      Yes I too like the Fairy King in WIZARDS concerning this latest development will "Watch & wait..." 🤔

    • @Richforce1
      @Richforce1 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Even if it a totally faith re-release I won't buy it because I am morally opposed to giving money to people who hate me.

    • @jeframdenkar
      @jeframdenkar Před 7 měsíci

      @@Richforce1 The issue I have is the idea if someone tries to do the right thing then what can we do to encourage more good behavior.
      I guess it would come down to if I think it is a good faith attempt on their part before I commit my cash to such a product.
      In the meantime the indy scenes and a few companies I actually like will be getting my money

  • @michaelholland6533
    @michaelholland6533 Před 7 měsíci +5

    I’m happy with Swords and Wizardry

  • @Lightmane
    @Lightmane Před 7 měsíci +4

    3:20 "and you can ask yourself how was this even a game?"
    WotC, continuing to show that they just have no clue.

  • @willmistretta
    @willmistretta Před 7 měsíci +4

    The estimated page count of 500+ also makes me suspect they'll be including the supplements, too. Either that or a whole heck of a lot of historical material, given that the first boxed set is only around 120 pages of material.
    What I'm really wondering is if they'll go all the way and include the *original* original texts, Tolkein references and all.

    • @thedungeondelver
      @thedungeondelver Před 7 měsíci +3

      On the second point: HIGHLY doubt that. But possibly. On the first point, the OD&D set is 112 pages, but the total page count of all + supplements *including* Swords & Spells is 417 - that leaves ample pages for blather. So they very well could include it all.

  • @BockwinkleB
    @BockwinkleB Před 7 měsíci +3

    I will buy it if it is unspoiled.

  • @Archaeo_Matt
    @Archaeo_Matt Před 7 měsíci +9

    That is pretty cool. I mean I'm not going to do business with WotC myself; but, it does open up the possibility that more people will be willing to try playing OD&D. I already have copies of the rules for my own use.
    On the other hand, I am starting to become pretty frustrated, generally, by the regular suggestion that the OD&D and AD&D books were so abstruse that it was almost impossible to learn how to play. I taught myself to play AD&D by reading the books when I was nine years old; and, I wasn't even allowed to check them out of the public library, so had to read them there. Moreover, it never occurred to me to wait for the company to spoon-fed me new content and rules clarifications; much like Gary expected, I was always eager to invent my own...well, pretty much everything.

    • @orbitalair2103
      @orbitalair2103 Před 7 měsíci +3

      Yes, I remember the early days when buying a module, was a big deal because there werent many at all, and adding a ton to my understanding of D&D. of course us nerds created a ton of marginal stuff to play, ha.

    • @Archaeo_Matt
      @Archaeo_Matt Před 7 měsíci +2

      @@orbitalair2103 Yeah, I bought some of the early modules. They were pretty useful for giving additional ideas, and expanding how I thought about the potential for different types of adventures in D&D. They were even useful to cannibalize for parts that one could use elsewhere.

    • @BockwinkleB
      @BockwinkleB Před 7 měsíci +3

      Yep, played in third grade as a beginner. You read the basic box and the adnd stuff if you could ahold of it. Whatever you didnt understand,.. you just made up your own rules.

  • @dangarthemighty0980
    @dangarthemighty0980 Před 7 měsíci +3

    I got the big wooden box reprint that came out years ago and I really love it. I don't believe that i will be buying this one but am happy that others who didn't get the last reprint will be able to get OD&D with this reprint. I definitely don't disagree with everyone's views on WotC, I left 5e years ago, and moved on to other games.

  • @MrBsberzerker
    @MrBsberzerker Před 7 měsíci +1

    They already made a product like this a few years ago but it was just a reprint without the history stuff. I know someone who has one and wants to sell it and I'm thinking of getting it.

  • @calvanoni5443
    @calvanoni5443 Před 7 měsíci +2

    I hope they make sure theres a warning on that! 😂

  • @mykediemart
    @mykediemart Před 7 měsíci +1

    It will be a collectors piece for us "Grognards" and a curiosity for modern "players'
    I suspect Premium pricing and a bold Disclaimer in the book.
    I expect to see it displayed in the background of youtubers who wont even crack the cover.
    Much like their prominently displayed 1e and BX material.
    But I might just be being a grumpy old guy.

  • @CamelotGaming
    @CamelotGaming Před 7 měsíci +1

    I'll be picking up a copy. I've never played od&d, and started with ad&d 2nd so I'm curious.

  • @tomb7942
    @tomb7942 Před 7 měsíci +5

    When 2nd edition came out, I cleaned out 3 hobby stores and bought every copy of AD&D they had.
    It wasn't that many books and not too many complete sets, but I didn't care.
    I still have them, wrapped in plastic and in sturdy boxes, never even opened.
    I also rented a photo copier and made my own 4 3 ring folders of EVERY thing that had been published at that time and every home brew spell, item and rule.
    Every spell, item and anything else for my personal use.
    This was back before real computers where everything had to be photo copied and I used a razor to put it all together and copied it into a master set.
    They can publish anything they want, I'm set.
    A 500 page book will cost more like 250 bucks.
    Far better to break it up into say 4 books, rules, monsters, items and spells.

  • @RIVERSRPGChannel
    @RIVERSRPGChannel Před 7 měsíci +7

    Too little too Late for me

  • @jasonhawkins6888
    @jasonhawkins6888 Před 7 měsíci +7

    I'll spend ANOTHER 700 dollars on getting another original boxed set before i buy this from them. Don't shit on a game and try to sell it to me. They can go choke on it.

  • @unclebrat
    @unclebrat Před 7 měsíci +1

    I will play 0e D&D, BECMI, or AD&D 1e. Those versions are the only versions of D&D I consider.

  • @Boone_Flyer
    @Boone_Flyer Před 7 měsíci +5

    Can you imagine if Wizards sent someone to interview everyone they could find who personally knew Gary and Dave and base their book on those interviews WITHOUT THEIR OWN COMMENTARY? With never before seen pictures and other goodies? And gave those interviewees a slice of the profits? You could even interview Matt Finch and others who have created retro clones, etc. I can dream. But hey, who knows? Maybe what Wizards really puts out will be halfway decent..... Bill, I look forward to your review.

  • @KollectingKaos
    @KollectingKaos Před 7 měsíci +16

    I think WotC is getting desperate and this is yet another cash grab. Of course that is just my personal opinion. It's mostly content that is freely available to those that look for it, with the possible exception of their view of the history, Remember though that nearly all of history was written by the winners.

  • @christophersims7060
    @christophersims7060 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Seems by these comments, that the masses are split near dead even on this product of the WotC war. As I am not rich and I treasure my original stuff I have from my childhood as marked up and dog-eared and colored in and damaged as it may be and also the collection I started winning/purchasing off of Ebay a decade and a half ago, but never quite complete, if I never purchase a NEW D&D item again, I will be fine. I will have more $ in my wallet for myself & my son will have an awesome start for what I hope will be his collection to pass on and add onto as he sees fit. Or if he chooses to not, I can hope it will appreciate in value, that he can make a start of something in his life.
    For me, I'm here mostly to bare/bear witness to these times and give thanks to the Gygax family for allowing me to live in interesting times...

  • @pimc172
    @pimc172 Před 7 měsíci

    I wish them an abysmal 2024!

  • @praxistallyogarro
    @praxistallyogarro Před 7 měsíci +10

    Oh Bill what do I think? Once again Hasbro Fantasy Role-Play Game has managed to make a product that is of no interest to me. 500 pages of DEI pandering is not worth 1 red cent to me. I saw the "This was made by Racist Homophobes" warning that they run before every episode of the Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon on their new D&D TV Channel, they haven't learned anything from 2023 nor will they.

    • @Cybernaculum
      @Cybernaculum Před 7 měsíci +2

      My be that's Mr. thedungeondelver sarcasm voice.

  • @DaveTheGM
    @DaveTheGM Před 6 měsíci +1

    I just got some bootleg prints of OD&D not too long ago. I'd like that book just for historical value, assuming they don't get a commentator that craps all over it.

    • @thedungeondelver
      @thedungeondelver Před 6 měsíci +1

      Yeah that's the thing. Right out of the 'chute in that video whatever his name is, Brink? Whoever, said "You can join me in my journey of reading this and thinking 'how is this a game'," I mean, FFS ..how bad do his reading comprehension skills have to be to not understand OD&D.

    • @DaveTheGM
      @DaveTheGM Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@thedungeondelver people just don't want that DIY experience that drove me backwards to OD&D anymore I think.

    • @thedungeondelver
      @thedungeondelver Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@DaveTheGM I think the majority don't, but I think there's a surprising number who actually still do.

  • @spartaninvirginia
    @spartaninvirginia Před 7 měsíci

    I printed my own OD&D set. I see zero reason to further feed a company that hates me.

  • @walterstarr1588
    @walterstarr1588 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Who else is 100% convinced 6th edition won't be open at all?

    • @thedungeondelver
      @thedungeondelver Před 7 měsíci +1

      I am without a doubt 100% convinced it'll be closed up tighter than a miser's purse.

    • @walterstarr1588
      @walterstarr1588 Před 7 měsíci

      Yeah, that's why I'll be taking a hard pass on anything to do with it.@@thedungeondelver

  • @garhent
    @garhent Před 7 měsíci +3

    Dude you do not want to have WotC rerelease a "remastered" AD&D. They will put a forward decrying Gygax as being a white snazi supreme with sprinkles who heavens, like things that go boom!, Go Boom I tells yeah! Heavens, the vapors. Seriously though, if WotC releases 1E, it will be to crap all over the original creators and to rewrite as much as they can to make the modules and books make little to no sense.

  • @madwilliamflint
    @madwilliamflint Před 7 měsíci +1

    Yeah, too little too late from them. I have no faith they'll release it "unmolested."

  • @N0ld0r
    @N0ld0r Před 7 měsíci

    Nawww, dang it. I read the title and was hoping for a reprint of the od&d boxed set similar to the aniversary one.
    If it's a 500 page history book with the pages from the original booklets tacked on i will pass. I already know the history. It has been explored online sooo many times. In videos, books, documentaries. It's been done.
    Just re-release the boxed game damn it 😅

  • @KabukiKid
    @KabukiKid Před 7 měsíci +4

    Personally, I'm excited for a history tome on OD&D. :-) I'll be very likely to get a copy, unless early reviews reveal it to be terrible or something.

  • @ravenwulfgar
    @ravenwulfgar Před 7 měsíci +4

    "How was this a game?"
    Me: Gyaaah...damn! *Facepalm*

  • @willmistretta
    @willmistretta Před 7 měsíci +5

    The involvement of Jon Peterson is a major point in the book's favor. He's the hobby's premier historian at this point. Makes me wish there was a good way to purchase it that wouldn't involve giving money to WotC. Then again, maybe this is the one thing they'd deserve it for. Don't punish the behavior you want to see, and all that.

    • @Richforce1
      @Richforce1 Před 7 měsíci

      I'm more in the camp of don't give money to people who hate me. I'm sure you can the old stuff used somewhere.

  • @Robcockulous1
    @Robcockulous1 Před 7 měsíci +3

    I bought legal PDFs of the OG D&D LBBs right before WotC pulled all legal PDFs in the early 4e era.
    They're printed & 3 hole punched and fit nicely in a 1 inch 3-ring binder, which is just as good, if not better than their 500 page 'retrospective' that will pontificate on how terribly rudimentary and unsophisticated this game is, and what terrible people the original D&D players were.
    You know - the kind of stuff magic markers were invented for. 💩

  • @jasonhawkins6888
    @jasonhawkins6888 Před 7 měsíci +2

    I'll choose to buy it from someone else

  • @TJ-pk3wl
    @TJ-pk3wl Před 7 měsíci +5

    NOPE....... just nope!

  • @johnstuartkeller5244
    @johnstuartkeller5244 Před 7 měsíci

    Oh, cool! Another WotC/ Hasbro product I won't be buying! If this keeps up, I'll soon have saved enough money to buy another sword! ⚔

  • @simmonslucas
    @simmonslucas Před 7 měsíci +1

    Well, they did to MTG... why not od&d....

  • @stevemanart
    @stevemanart Před 7 měsíci

    Does WotC really expect me to pay for an "edited for modern sensibilities" repack of OD&D as a shallow last minute cash grab over the 50th anniversary when the printer friendly all-in-one pdf from last decade is already on my computer?

  • @steelmongoose4956
    @steelmongoose4956 Před 7 měsíci +1

    WotC and its associates have spoken disparagingly about the original D&D games and the people who played them. I just can’t see this as anything other than a cynical cash grab on the part of people who hate me.

  • @canoso
    @canoso Před 7 měsíci +1

    I am not buying anything else from WotC. I am not purchasing any more MtG either. I will only use the stuff I already have, which is plenty.

  • @strategicviewpoint6672
    @strategicviewpoint6672 Před 7 měsíci

    Hopefully they re-release D+D Cyclopedia.

  • @tomtom7955
    @tomtom7955 Před 7 měsíci

    why do i think they are doing this so they can go after the OSR community?

    @pISSUMTREE Před 7 měsíci

    I think that this could be a interesting read . Sadly it will be way over priced....stupidly so. Personaly I have no interest in OD&D but different strokes for different folks.

  • @SOTMead
    @SOTMead Před 7 měsíci +4

    This drooling and sloppy attempt to recover goodwill from the OGs is contemptible. They wanted us out of it completely just a few months ago.
    Hard pass.

  • @Lornext
    @Lornext Před 7 měsíci +1

    Re-Release would be nice, just hope they don't try adding their woke politics in it.

  • @vincentnotabartolo2801
    @vincentnotabartolo2801 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I’m excited for the 500 page 0D&D history tome. I’m sure it’ll be expensive, but a must have

  • @Cl0ne66
    @Cl0ne66 Před 6 měsíci

    I am so sick of hearing this pinkerton story. Everybody is repeating it like it’s true; but there has been no hard evidence of it. There is plenty of reason for this kid to lie, and he had a phone to record what happened. He recorded him opening the cards after all…

    • @thedungeondelver
      @thedungeondelver Před 6 měsíci

      It happened. Sorry you're sick of hearing about it.

  • @TobiasPatrick
    @TobiasPatrick Před 7 měsíci

    I stopped spending money with WoTC after the OGL crap. I am never giving them money again. They have done an awful job as stewards of the D&D brand for years now and do not value their customers.

  • @zantharian57
    @zantharian57 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I would really like WoTC to abandon their woke garbage, ditch the modern design and pick up old school D&D and try again, start from there and design a new edition that is a true successor to 1e and 2e, that is backwards compatible to some degree, like how all of the editions sort of were prior to WoTC 3e. They won't do this of course, so we will continue to see combat wheelchairs, wizardly school proms, superhero PCs, and diversity on every page... so even though I'd like to show interest by buying the OD&D WoTC product, I also don't want to give money to a company that hates white people and wants us to leave the hobby as fast as possible.

  • @brianmorris364
    @brianmorris364 Před 7 měsíci

    I quit buying d and d books after 1st edition. F wotc