Navigating Challenges: Overcoming Sexual Sin and Identity Struggles

  • čas přidán 27. 12. 2023
  • Navigating Challenges: Overcoming Sexual Sin and Identity Struggles
    We have a pretty heavy, vulnerable question that a student asked. "When one is in sexual sin and gay, how can we get out of it?"
    The first thought I give you is to let you know that everyone struggles in some form or fashion.
    There is not one perfect person in this world aside from Jesus. So, as you're navigating through your sin (I don't give a license to sin), I just want you to recognize that I don't stand across from you saying, “Hey, I've got life all figured out, and let me preach and talk down to you.”
    I want to express my empathy for what you're going through. Dealing with these emotions, questions about identity, and navigating sexual attractions can be challenging. This challenge is particularly profound when considering the scriptural references, acknowledging that you feel you're living in sexual sin.
    The Bible very explicitly says that there are multiple types of things that qualify as sexual sin, such as having sex outside of marriage or engaging in pornography, and even when we're in a relationship, that is outside of the bounds of God's standard. In essence, scripture portrays that a true God-honoring relationship would result in marriage, be pure from sex until marriage, and would be between a man and a woman for a lifetime.
    And so now, as someone says they are struggling with feelings of being gay, or at this point in life, identify as being gay - I want you to remember that only one person has lived that perfect life.
    All of us need a savior. You just need that saving grace of God daily, moment by moment, that abiding grace of Jesus Christ. And it's not something you can just necessarily pray away, and it's just gonna go away. But you have to be ready to go in for the battle and to say, “Hey, you know I love Christ, and I want to honor Christ so much that I'm willing to lay aside my own agenda.” And didn't Jesus say that if you want to be my disciple, deny yourself and take up your cross and follow after me?
    The verse that I'll share with you is Colossians 3:3-4 NLV.
    "For you died to this life in your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory."
    Just remember that your true identity is not of your sexual orientation or even some of those feelings you could have, but your real life is hidden in Christ. The more you know who you are and who you belong to, is how you navigate through those battles.
    So, forsake sexual sin. And day by day, just submit yourself to the will of God, to the heart of God, and you'll see results - immeasurable results over time.

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