Give Your Life Away For God | Romans 12:1 | Paul Washer

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2021
  • “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” - Romans 12:1
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Komentáře • 73

  • @sonjagasio5812
    @sonjagasio5812 Před 2 lety +11

    I can’t stop watching his videos! Absolutely love preachers who speak straight up! God bless you Ps Paul Washer

  • @user-yc5nd3vn6y
    @user-yc5nd3vn6y Před 10 měsíci

    he's annointed by the holy spirit!God will Bless alway's paul washer!

  • @tulikakundu8774
    @tulikakundu8774 Před 2 lety +6

    We need it daily as a morning devotion. It charged me so much for the whole day and has taken away my morning sickness. Thank you Bro Paul.

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 Před 2 lety +3

    He who began a good work in you
    Shall perform it!

  • @florina8626
    @florina8626 Před 2 lety +6

    Blessed morning message to start my day. Thank you and God bless you for sharing this

  • @meretejenssen5590
    @meretejenssen5590 Před 2 lety +6

    So true! Perfect Peace perfect Joy comes from doing The will of our Heavenly Father! May we all really take this Sermon seriously, to not just listen and forget, but to Apply it in our lifes, for The Glory of God and for The good of The watching world! Lord help us!

  • @kalpanarao7422
    @kalpanarao7422 Před 2 lety +4

    It's joyful to stay in jesus team.

  • @aidashitaye
    @aidashitaye Před 2 lety +10

    Thank you for sharing. It was a blessing. May God help me to die for myself and live for him.

  • @andrewrobinson7472
    @andrewrobinson7472 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you

  • @atsehearty3524
    @atsehearty3524 Před 2 lety +2

    Jesus is Lord. Thank for this powerful message. God bless you.

  • @andrewlawrencei3239
    @andrewlawrencei3239 Před 2 lety +2

    Amen 🙏 Jesus is absolutely everything. Most the time we can’t see that’s because we love this world to much.Because God told us not to love the world and the thing in the world,. If we love the world and the thing in the world, that’s mean we not love God .

  • @fernandoorozco7282
    @fernandoorozco7282 Před 2 lety +2

    Glory to God ...are you in or out ...??? Thats what i say to my self ...are you sold out? Do you really love Jesus !! Love this message

  • @Ls400cripper
    @Ls400cripper Před 2 lety +1

    🙏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏😥😭😭 Gloria a Dios todo poderoso!!!!!
    Glory to our God almighty!!!!!

  • @Ian140265
    @Ian140265 Před 2 lety +4

    Thank you for this powerful message, It strikes at the heart of the problem. If we die then there is hope.

  • @BSpazTs
    @BSpazTs Před rokem


  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    Ecclesiastes 1:2
    Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.
    Joel 2:31
    The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
    Mark 13:24
    But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
    Romans 1:21
    Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
    Galatians 6:7
    Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
    2 Thessalonians 2:3
    Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    Revelation 6:8
    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

  • @ericjohnson182
    @ericjohnson182 Před rokem

    Powerful preaching!

  • @ABibleAudio
    @ABibleAudio Před 2 lety

    He is Very Honest Preacher I Love This Rebuking Sermon.

  • @theforeigner6988
    @theforeigner6988 Před 2 lety +2

    I am hesitant to give my life... What if God tells me to speak to people. I am bound by toxic shame, having been raised by a narcissist (psychological. abuse).

    • @theforeigner6988
      @theforeigner6988 Před 2 lety

      @um mapping wow. Sounds good. He knows, right?

    • @theforeigner6988
      @theforeigner6988 Před 2 lety +1

      @um mapping sorry, English is not my language 😀
      He knows everything, right? He knows how one feels and so on... He understands

    • @waynicawilmott8961
      @waynicawilmott8961 Před 2 lety +1

      I'm so sorry hun remember god told moses to speak pharaoh and moses said god I'm not a big speaker and god send Aaron to speak with him the holly spirit will help you and I pray it help me too

    • @theforeigner6988
      @theforeigner6988 Před 2 lety

      @@waynicawilmott8961 thank you

  • @pounc3r782
    @pounc3r782 Před 2 lety +2

    What’s the full sermon called? And the next message?

  • @thegospelmessenger1corinth634

    We are all sinners and fall short in God his glory - how to be saved - this is the gospel of salvation - 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1-4 by trusting and believing the gospel of salvation you are saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise till the day of redemption and nothing can pluck you out of the Father his hand - only by the shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we can be washed and cleansed from all of our unrighteousness - eternal security is a free gift - it's a promise and God Almighty cannot lie!!! Have a blessed day!
    Salvation is not getting your sins forgiven, it's believing they already are!
    This is the gospel of salvation - 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1-4
    Witnesses of Christ's resurrection. 1) Moreover,brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2) ''By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3) For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4) And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
    Religion is always dealing with you and what you're doing and what you're not doing,
    anytime you're sitting around thinking what should I be doing you're under religion,
    the grace of God is dealing what Christ did.
    Under religion man always says look what I'm doing for you God and under grace Christ says look what I did for you man.
    Under religion man says look how I went to church under the grace of God Jesus said look how I went to Calvary.
    Under religion man says look at how I was raised in my denomination and under grace Christ says look how I was raised from the dead.
    Under religion man says look at how I gave my money and under grace Jesus says look at how I gave my life.
    Under religion man says look God at how I confessed my sins and under grace Jesus says look man how I took away your sins.
    Under religion man says look God at how I stood up against sin and under the grace of God Jesus says look man at how I died for your sins.
    Under religion man says look God at how I judged the lost world and under grace Jesus says look man at how I saved the lost world.
    Under religion man says look God at how I got up and marched against these evildoers and under grace Jesus says look man how I suffered and died for evildoers.
    Under religion man says look God at how I bow down to you and under grace Jesus says look man and how I became one of you.
    Under religion man says look God at how I healed the sick and under grace Jesus says look man how I raised the dead.
    Under religion man says look God at how I spoke in tongues and under grace Jesus says look man at how I spoke in life.
    Under religion man says look God at how successful my life was and under grace Jesus says looked me at how successful my death was.
    Religions my friends is always man trying to reach up to God with self effort to be accepted by God.
    Through classic Christianity was God reaching down to man through Jesus with love and acceptance and that's why Paul said we preach Christ and Christ crucified a stumbling block to the Jews foolishness to the Gentiles but to those whom God has called both Jews and Gentile Christ the power of God and wisdom.
    Source ''Truth Time Radio''.
    Like many "Christians" today, Satan believes Jesus died on the cross, but not for HIS sins. He believes Jesus has risen, but not for HIS eternal life.
    Satan believes the event of the cross but never put his trust in Christ's finished work for salvation.
    Salvation is not: Believing there is a God. (Satan believes that)
    Salvation is not: Believing Christ was the Messiah. (Satan believes that)
    Salvation is not even... Believing Christ died, was buried and rose the third day. (Satan believes that also)
    Salvation is: Believing Christ died for YOUR EVERY SIN and trusting that He rose to give you eternal life IN HIM!
    Something Satan and most Christians want no part of because of their PRIDE!
    If denominationalists truly believed Christ forgave their sins, they wouldn't spend so much time trying to GET them forgiven.
    One tells you to pray for forgiveness.
    One tells you to confess for forgiveness.
    One tells you to believe for forgiveness.
    One tells you to repent for forgiveness.
    One tells you to be baptized for forgiveness.
    And keep in mind, all of these folk with a straight face will tell you Christ DIED for your sins. Welcome to Nutsville!!! I think Dorothy got lost on the yellow brick road.
    Today I unapologetically proclaim that there is only one way to be saved, and it has nothing to do with getting your sins forgiven. Salvations through FAITH. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Without faith it is impossible to please God.
    Salvation comes to those who are ready to give up on THEIR performance and rest their faith in JESUS' performance.
    The path to salvation is narrow. SO narrow that nothing you do will fit.
    Satan will never be saved for the same reason he was kicked out of heaven. P-R-I-D-E. (Isaiah 14:12-14)
    Read carefully and count how many times he says "I".
    How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
    Satan is obviously a Narcissist!
    Like a vain person in front of the mirror, five times in only three verses he boasts of himself. Pride keeps Satan from being saved as it does most of the world. They have fallen victim to SELFIANITY and are incapable of letting go and letting God. Incapable of taking their filthy hands off their salvation and allowing God to save them by HIS finished work!
    If you say --- "I said a prayer for forgiveness." "I confessed for forgiveness." "I believed for forgiveness." "I repented for forgiveness." "I was baptized for forgiveness."
    Then sadly you have fallen for the five I's just like Satan.
    Salvation is not getting your sins forgiven, it's believing they already ARE!
    To be saved, you must first get "I" out of the way.
    You only get two educations, the one you're given and the one you give yourself!
    Source ''Truth Time Radio'' for solid teaching/rightly dividing the word of truth - also here on youtube - learn the truth and unlearn the lies!

  • @Ogun1804Ogun
    @Ogun1804Ogun Před 2 lety +1

    Two idols in the background

    • @timtam5345
      @timtam5345 Před 2 lety

      🔥🌈You will know them by there fruit they clearly have idols idolatry exodus 20:4kjv Christmas Halloween Easter bunny its all obomination to the Lord 🔥🌈

    • @Ogun1804Ogun
      @Ogun1804Ogun Před 2 lety +1

      @@timtam5345 don't forget Jeremiah 10:1-6

    • @timtam5345
      @timtam5345 Před 2 lety

      @@Ogun1804Ogun thanks to jesus he removed me away from doctrine of devils roman Catholicism exodus 20:4kjv very true

    • @Ogun1804Ogun
      @Ogun1804Ogun Před 2 lety

      @@timtam5345 nice good stuff glad to hear it. What holidays do you keep or holy days

    • @timtam5345
      @timtam5345 Před 2 lety

      @@Ogun1804Ogun i have to try live holy everyday by hating sins and forsaken them and try to stop i need to be free from the bandage of sins

  • @huilie3608
    @huilie3608 Před 2 lety

    That's true ... pastor Paul Washer showing first to me that you had done the will of GOD with all your heart and all your mind ...not deny pure WORDS king James. Look at king james bible carefully ... about salvation . Read Romans 9 and John 6

  • @durindaervin170
    @durindaervin170 Před 2 lety +2

    Beautiful 💋

  • @MrDadGamer
    @MrDadGamer Před 2 lety +1

    "The big twelve"!
    Paul wasn't part of the 12 apostles lol
    But thank you for good sermon

  • @yanchunfeng8467
    @yanchunfeng8467 Před 2 lety

    The GOSPEL that apostle Paul received and passed on to us is: "that Christ died for OUR sins ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES." (1Co15:3-4).
    For salvation is for ALL who BELIEVES as it is written:
    1/ Jn5:24: “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and BELIEVES him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has CROSSED OVER from death to LIFE."
    2/ Jn6:40: “For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and BELIEVES in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." (Yet Jesus also said to the woman who were caught in adultery that brought to him in Jn8:11, “Then neither do I condemn you, go now and leave your life of sin." - Which is breaks the law - 1Jn3:4) Amen!

    • @yanchunfeng8467
      @yanchunfeng8467 Před 2 lety

      To be READY is to REMAIN IN HIM as it is written in Jn15:10: "If you obey my commands, you will REMAIN IN my love, just as I HAVE OBEYED my Father's commands and remain in his love.” Thus we come to KNOW him (1Jn2:3), and will not hear him speak the word, "I never KNEW you"(Mt7:23). For to KNOW Him or He KNOWS us is the foundation of our faith as it is written in 2Ti2:19: Nevertheless, G-d's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription, "The lord KNOWS those who are his," and "Everyone who confess the name of the lord must turn away from wickedness." (Or lawlessness which is sin - 1Jn3:4)
      From all the nations and peoples, G-d has chosen Israel and made an EVERLASTING covenant with them (Ex34:27-28, Dt4:13, Ps105:8-10) -The Ten Commandments. And we as gentiles - the wild branches can be grafted in through the blood of Jesus (Ro11:11-24, Eph2:11-22, Ex24:8, 1Co11:25); And HE is faithful to keep his covenant (Dt7:9, 4:31, Ps89:34) that will be written on our heart (Jer31:31-33, Eze11:19-20). So let all who LOVE the LORD choose "what pleases him by keeping HIS Sabbaths (From Friday sundown to Saturday sundown) and hold fast to his covenant." (Isa56:4) as G-d made the seventh day holy (Ge2:3), which is the 4th of the Ten Commandments - a sign between G-d and his people (Ex31:12-13, Eze20:12). Thus we come to the covenant relationship with G-d and dwell in the shelter of the Most High (Ps91:1-4) to escape the storm that is coming to the whole world.
      I pray peace be with all who love the LORD and keep his commands (Jn14:21, 23, 1Jn5:3, 2Jn6, Isa48:18). Including the two great commandments the lord has given to us in Mt22:37-39. Amen! Blessings...

    • @yanchunfeng8467
      @yanchunfeng8467 Před 2 lety

      What about the law of G-d? We all know that the laws, commands and decrees are WORD from G-d's mouth, thus are TRUTH and endures FOREVER (Ps119: 89, 142, 151-152, 160).
      There are so much misunderstanding about the laws! First, many Jews tried to GAIN THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS by observing the law, yet failed (Ro3:20, Gal2:16, 21, Ac13:39); second, many Christians claims that they are under grace, thus they reject the law.
      But Jesus said in Mt5:17-19: "UNTIL heaven and earth disappear, NOT the smallest letter, NOR the least stroke of a pen, will by ANY MEANS disappear from the law ... " Jesus is often spoke against Pharisees, but NOT the law itself as it written in Mt23:2-3: "the teacher of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you MUST OBEY THEM AND DO EVERYTHING THEY TELL YOU" It also said in Mal4:4: "Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel." Even Paul said in Ro3:31: "Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? NOT AT ALL! Rather, we UPHOLD THE LAW" he also said in Ac24:14: "I believe everything that agrees with the law and that is written in the Prophets"
      Yes, we are not under the law, but under grace. Yet we are not free to forsake His law. Rather, let The Law be written in our heart. Outside the law is lawlessness - those who will hear the Lord say to them "away from me, I never knew you (Mt7:23). But the 'Perfect law that GIVES FREEDOM' (Jas1:25, 2:12) they are in my lord's heart (Ps40:8), surely they are precious to me as it says: "Blessed are they whose ways are BLAMELESS, WHO WALK ACCORDING TO THE LAW OF THE LORD." (Ps119:1) and "whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water ..." (Ps1: 2-3). "It please the LORD for the sake of his righteousness, TO MAKE HIS LAW GREAT AND GLORIOUS (Isa42:21). Amen! Blessings…

  • @beckyjewel6525
    @beckyjewel6525 Před 2 lety +1

    If only..... people who are yielding to pity party spirits would learn this.

  • @chriszablocki2460
    @chriszablocki2460 Před 2 lety

    God and the church authority hierarchy are two very different things. Surrendering your will to other men is a mistake.

    • @BiblicalChristianityAlice
      @BiblicalChristianityAlice  Před 2 lety

      @Chris Zablocki
      He did not say “give your life away (surrender) to other men” He said, “for” which means sacrifice.

    • @chriszablocki2460
      @chriszablocki2460 Před 2 lety

      Yeah. This is probably where I leave the church. I'm not sacrificing anything for anybody. Christ's sacrifice is the only sacrifice that matters.

    • @Ike26203
      @Ike26203 Před 2 lety

      @@chriszablocki2460 did you watch the whole video? He said surrender to Christ above all things like 10 times and Christ calls us to count others as more important and serve others. What did Paul Washer say that contradicts that?

    • @chriszablocki2460
      @chriszablocki2460 Před 2 lety

      @@Ike26203 i was just being redundant.

  • @timtam5345
    @timtam5345 Před 2 lety +1

    🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Why he has Christmas trees its not right its all pagan ways Christmas Halloween Easter bunny 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @wardashimon-australia33

    The Gospel:
    Plain and
    “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent
    beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your
    minds should be corrupted from the simplicity
    that is in Christ.” - 2 Corithians 11:3
    Ask someone today if they are saved and
    you will most likely hear responses like these:
    “I have accepted Jesus into my heart.” Or “I
    have made him Lord of my life.” “I’ve been
    baptized.” “I said a prayer.” Sounds all good
    and churchy don’t it; but it is difficult to de-termine whether or not a person actually
    knows the gospel that saves them. These use￾less phrases don’t describe a thing about what
    the gospel is and has left a devastating effect
    of people not knowing what it is that they are
    saved from nor how they are saved; which
    leaves a more serious effect of people ques￾tioning their salvation.
    Let’s not muddy the simplicity of salva￾tion that is in Christ with vague church
    sounding phrases that do not communicate
    anything. But rather present God’s word with
    clarity and assuredness. So here is the gospel:
    plain and simple.
    Sin was passed upon all men by one man
    Adam, and death is a consequence of this sin
    (Rom 5:12). Mankind has an eternal destiny of
    condemnation and wrath - Hell - because of
    this sin (Rom 6:23). No matter what good
    works one might do we are still found sinners
    in the sight of our Creator God. And all un￾righteousness and those who follow get in￾dignation and wrath. We cannot be found
    righteous for by God’s law we are found sin￾ners (Rom 3:19-20). If we have broken even
    one law we are found guilty.
    It is for this reason of not being able to
    create our own righteousness and being born
    in a sinful flesh that we need a savior (Titus
    3:5). Christ is that Savior, God manifested in
    the flesh, sinless, died in our place on a cross
    2000 years ago. Taking upon him the wrath
    and judgement that was intended for us sin￾ners. And it is through his bloodshed, burial,
    and resurrection on our behalf that we are
    able to have peace with God and forgiveness
    of our sins (1 Cor 15:1-4, Col 3:14). This good
    news is unto all but only those that believe in
    it are made righteous in Christ (Romans
    It is then after we have heard this good
    news of Christ’s righteousness available to us freely, that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit
    and we are now part of Christ’s body the
    church (Eph 1:13)
    There is nothing that we need to do, no
    good works that are required, and no bad
    works that can separate us from our new po￾sition in Christ (Romans 8:35-39).
    Faith and belief in this information from
    God’s word is the gospel.
    The gospel is not accepting Jesus into your
    heart. The gospel is not making him lord of
    your life, it is not saying a prayer and it is not
    being baptized with water.
    So next time someone asks you if you are
    saved. Give them the clear assured answer
    “Yes! And let me tell you why!”
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