Jesus Was Famous | Sadie Robertson Huff at Passion Conference 2021

  • čas přidán 24. 01. 2021
  • Who are you following? Are you following fame or are you following Jesus? Fame and followers will not give you love and acceptance.You are already loved. You are already cared for. Let's stop obsessing over who is following us and start obsessing over the one we are following: Jesus.
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    Sadie Robertson, first introduced to the world as a star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty and ABC’s Dancing with the Stars, recognized she could be a positive voice to those in need of an inspiring presence in their lives. At the age of twenty-two, she’s become one of the most prominent voices of her generation. Sadie’s passion is to speak, to write, and to encourage. She is a sister and friend to more than five million followers on her various social platforms, which she sees as a direct line of communication to her peers.
    Sadie’s creative and entrepreneurial spirit has helped her become a 'New York Times Best Selling Author', and launch her Live Original brand, which speaks to millions across her various platforms, including CZcams, social media, the Live Original blog, LO Fam Community, the Live Original tour, and her Whoa That’s Good podcast.
    Additionally, Robertson has long poured her heart into philanthropic efforts. She has loved partnering with Roma Boots, Help One Now, World Vision, and the World Food Program over the last few years. To date, Robertson has been able to be a voice and agent of change in many countries, including Peru, Somalia, Moldova, and the Dominican Republic.
    Sadie is newly married to the man of her dreams, Christian Huff, and is looking forward to continuing to learn what it means to truly live and celebrate in every moment of life.

Komentáře • 470

  • @faithwithvivian
    @faithwithvivian Před 3 lety +247

    Saddie’s book LIVE is the book that led me to give my life completely to God 🥺🙏🏼

    • @jamesbryant9949
      @jamesbryant9949 Před 3 lety +3

      Sadie Robertson is a false teacher

    • @meganbrokish8094
      @meganbrokish8094 Před 3 lety +1

      @@jamesbryant9949 how?!

    • @meganbrokish8094
      @meganbrokish8094 Před 3 lety +2


    • @elisabethmary
      @elisabethmary Před 3 lety +2

      @@jamesbryant9949 care to explain this accusation?

    • @jamesbryant9949
      @jamesbryant9949 Před 3 lety +6

      @@meganbrokish8094 She never preaching on repentance or hell. She had accepted homosexuality, when the bible is against it. She doesn't tell her fans to turn away from sin. Read Galatians 5 19 21 and Luke 13 1 9

  • @bbisbee8353
    @bbisbee8353 Před 3 lety +74

    I’m not even 12 but I understand and appreciate what Sadie is teaching! Plant the word of the lord in your heart and let it grow sooo big! And share it!

  • @itsalanjava2107
    @itsalanjava2107 Před 2 lety +5

    Jesus didn’t die for us to be famous. He died for us to give up our own lives and walk with Him.

  • @lionoffireministries
    @lionoffireministries Před 3 lety +79

    Whoever is reading this... ✝️ God knows your heart 💓 He knows your pain, hurt and struggles 💔. He will *RESTORE YOU* Just don’t give up ⚔️🛡😇👑🙏🔥😊

  • @JessicaMichelleVids
    @JessicaMichelleVids Před 3 lety +99

    This generation needs to hear this message

  • @kevinroark5024
    @kevinroark5024 Před 3 lety +107

    You can tell Sadie has Jesus Christ in her heart&I pray all goes great for her pregnancy & through the name of Jesus Christ all things are possible!

    • @kalebmartinson
      @kalebmartinson Před 3 lety

      You can tell she doesn’t since she is going against the word of god 1st Timothy 2:11

    • @ashleyseaboyer6284
      @ashleyseaboyer6284 Před 3 lety +1

      @@kalebmartinson I’m sorry but I just can’t take you seriously with a username like that😂

    • @kalebmartinson
      @kalebmartinson Před 3 lety

      @@ashleyseaboyer6284 pre saved account 😂

    • @mikerutkowski7265
      @mikerutkowski7265 Před 3 lety

      Many many preachers are all over the Internet and believers are eagerly listening to their messages. These believers have no idea though that they are simply allowing a false prophet to lead them straight to hell. So would like to know why you are willingly choosing to be lead astray?
      First, God’s word clearly states that God will never lie. Now if someone speaks something that is not true then you would call that person a liar, would you not? So if God does not lie then do you honestly believe that God would appoint someone who has never been sanctified in His truth and who does not truly understand scripture to speak for Him? Of course not for they would simply be speaking and spreading lies. So this is why anyone that God would send forth to preach His word must be throughly grounded, purified and sanctified in His truth by His Holy Spirit. Why? Because if that person or preacher would tell you something that is not God’s actual truth than how could God possibly judge you properly based on something that His so called minister misled you about? It would not be right now, would it? This is why every messenger that was sent from God in scripture possessed His power to work wonders on His behalf. God gave them His power in order to prove that they were appointed by Him as His messenger.
      So now let’s look at things from another perspective. What if the devil who is the master of deception and who can appear as an angel of light decided to be clever and use misguided people for his evil purposes? So the devil chooses some gullible souls and appears as God or an angel to these ignorant believers through dreams or visions or maybe by simply whispering in their ears. He does this in order to make them believe that they were chosen by God. The devil then persuades these misguided souls to believe that God desires for them to talk about their experiences or dreams. Since these misguided souls do not know really understand scripture nor do they understand how to test the Spirits they of course believe that they are hearing from God. And so they start preaching at churches or through comments and videos on the Internet readily giving their misguided interpretations of scripture without ever realizing that they were never sanctified in truth or appointed by God to do so.
      This is what is currently happening in this evil fallen world today. A world where you have billions of unclean believers convinced that God desires for them to spread their misguided beliefs. These deceived souls who are mostly kids have no idea that it is simply the devil that is using them to deceive others who also lack knowledge of scripture. So you have a perfect case of the misguided leading the misguided or as Jesus said the blind leading the blind and they will both fall into a pit! The pit meaning falling into hell of course. So understand that when someone claims that they have had a dream or a vision about God, the Rapture or heaven than there is a 99.9% chance that it was simply the devil deceiving them and they were not hearing from God at all.
      So why would the devil do this you might ask and what is the harm if they are preaching about Jesus anyway? Scripture clearly states that you will answer for every idle word that you speak. Why? Because what comes out of your mouth is what you truly believe in your heart. So even if you believe in Jesus but yet you disagree with any part of God’s Word, this then means that you do not truly believe and you are then condemning yourself to an eternity in hell because you have blasphemed the Spirit of truth. Most forget that God’s words are Spirit and they are His truth. So if you are gullible enough to start speaking your misguided interpretations of scripture then you are now the perfect pawn for the devil to use to help lead others astray. This now makes you a false prophet since you were never sanctified by the Spirit or appointed by God to do so. You are simply a misguided soul who is now spreading lies and who is causing others to stumble into sin and you are blaspheming the Spirit that dwells inside of you‬‬
      “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come. “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit. Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12:31-37‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.”
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭17:1-2‬ ‭NIV‬‬
      Next, Jesus did not instruct you to follow me or any preacher or religion for that matter. He instructed you to follow Him. The majority of people who claim to be a Christian are what God simply calls an unclean believer. These believers are not getting their knowledge of truth directly from Jesus Himself. They do not understand how to test the Spirits and so they cannot communicate directly to Jesus in order to surrender their will and be sanctified in His truth. So the only voice that they are actually hearing is the voice of the devil who has convinced them to follow mortal people instead of following Jesus. This is why these people remain lost and misguided since they fail to understand that Jesus is their one and only teacher!
      “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
      John‬ ‭14:25-26‬ ‭NIV‬
      Lastly, allow me to reveal something in scripture that most probably never even realized. God has never used a women to preach His truth to anyone nor has He ever used a women to work miracles on His behalf! You can search scripture over and over but you will not find one scripture where this has ever occurred. And please do not try and use any women like Deborah who have prophesied as an example of a woman working miracles or preaching truth. Prophecy has nothing at all to do with preaching or performing miracles and if you believe differently then you had better look up their meanings in the dictionary. Woman can receive the Holy Spirit just as men can. God simply will not use them to spread His truth.
      So why has God never used a woman? Just look way back to the very beginning to God’s curse on the woman.
      “To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.””
      ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      Are women still having pains at childbirth? Yes! So the man ruling over the woman definitely still applies! So since God stated that the man would rule over the woman, if God were to use a woman as His preacher in order to work wonders on His behalf then this would then mean that a woman could be more powerful then a man! If this would ever occur then this would make God out to be a liar but of course we know that God would never lie. So this is why it has never happened in the past nor will it ever happen in the future and this explains why all of the apostles were men. This is also why scripture commands a woman to submit to her husband since God will not allow any woman to have any authority over a man. This does not mean that a woman is inferior to a man it simply means that no woman is to have any authority over any man.
      It is only recently that women have been believing that they were meant to preach the gospel and this is totally wrong! All these different bible versions that you now have today are relating different meanings and so many people are twisting God’s truth to suit their own misguided beliefs. So just take a moment and ask yourself what has changed in just these past 100 years, God’s word or maybe your own ignorant beliefs? I do believe that you know the answer to that question!
      Now if you still do not believe that what I am relating is true then just look at your own life. Have you ever been sick in your life? Well if you have that definitely proves that you are completely ignorant of God and that you are sinning in His eyes. Sickness and suffering is a curse for disobeying God and His commands and all you need to do is read Deuteronomy 28:15-68 to prove my point. There is no sickness if you are someone who truly knows God and follows His commands and I can attest to this since I am someone who can never get sick.
      “So you shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land; I will fulfill the number of your days.”
      ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭23:25-26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    • @ashleyseaboyer6284
      @ashleyseaboyer6284 Před 3 lety +1

      @@mikerutkowski7265 nice job taking verses out of context and copying and pasting them!🥰

  • @theavito4242
    @theavito4242 Před 3 lety +37

    Look to Christ. Christ is everything we need. Everything we need is in Him. I hope I never forget that He is enough.

  • @tianiecronje3268
    @tianiecronje3268 Před 3 lety +28

    “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭15:18-19‬ ‭
    Yes many knew Jesus but he was rejected by many. Do you love Him because of who He is or what He can do for you? There is a big difference.

  • @DrKeziahSabu
    @DrKeziahSabu Před 3 lety +35

    "We have a generation looking for things through followers that you can only find through Whom we're following - Jesus Christ " so accurate

    • @DrKeziahSabu
      @DrKeziahSabu Před 2 lety

      I think you misread the way I wrote it, I didn't mean it as something Jesus said Himself.....i quoted what Sadie said the way she said it.....Whom we are following and that is - Jesus Christ. Hope you've understood :)

  • @Mario-zd4lk
    @Mario-zd4lk Před 3 lety +10

    Greeting from Indonesia, youth movement are rising here.

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you....

  • @lionoffireministries
    @lionoffireministries Před 3 lety +34

    I was 5 years of chronic illness! I was Semi Housebound, lost my health, job, finances and my fiance left me. I couldn't even look at electronic screen for 5 minutes, or hold a 10-minute conversation.
    But God did an amazing work.
    I now have a Christian Channel where I encouroage people and show them what God did in my life and that there is hope for you also. ✝️🔥☺️
    *Keep believing even when it's hard* 🙏❤️🔥👆🏼
    *All things are possible with God*

    • @mountaineergirl82
      @mountaineergirl82 Před 3 lety +2

      God bless you friend! Keep on keeping on!

    • @kelechi5093
      @kelechi5093 Před 3 lety +2

      Beautiful testimony! Keep fighting the good fight!

  • @Scorpio77902
    @Scorpio77902 Před 3 lety +31

    Luv Sadie's Passion For Our Best Friend Jesus!! ✌️🙏👍💪😁🌅🌞🌴

  • @1012345MB
    @1012345MB Před 3 lety +14

    Sadie is such an example for this generation!! ❤️

  • @gracerensing7605
    @gracerensing7605 Před 3 lety +15

    Keep being the light that you are in this dark dark world!

  • @mitchlancaster566
    @mitchlancaster566 Před 3 lety +26

    You go Sadie, right on young lady, thank you for your words today, your speech, beautiful

  • @meredithmorris6149
    @meredithmorris6149 Před 3 lety +10

    Recently Sadie just seems to be even more on fire for God!🤩

  • @RichAloha
    @RichAloha Před 3 lety +6

    Jesus is still Famous! 🤙🏼

  • @annescholl420
    @annescholl420 Před 3 lety +4

    As disciples we are called to live according of the beatitude! This means that we must deny our lives and live humbly! ✝️🙏✝️

  • @ednagomez763
    @ednagomez763 Před 3 lety +16

    Very true.When you find the love of God that's when you feel complete.Amen. I love this, as it is so true and powerful.

    • @armandoantonio8876
      @armandoantonio8876 Před 3 lety

      " JESUS" was Never His true name !
      That is a False Name that The Devil invented through his Pagan Greeks so that No One will ever say the REAL NAME that our ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR gave to HIS OWN SON wich is "IMMANUEL" .
      We dont have any rights to CHANGE the Name "IMMANUEL" that our
      "ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR" gave to HIS only Begotten Son through the Prophet "ISAIAH" and through the Apostle "MATHEW".
      Please read :
      ( Isaiah 7:14)
      14. Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name " IMMANUEL" .
      ( Mathew 1:22-23 )
      22. So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet Isaiah, saying: 23. “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name IMMANUEL,” which is translated, “THE ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR with us.”
      *** We Have to understand that the Name "Jesus" was Not given unto our Savior by our Heavenly GREAT FATHER "THE ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR" .
      "THE ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR" gave us an Order for us to name HIS Begotten Son with the name of "IMMANUEL", a name that we The Entire World have not been saying and have been Ignoring for Centuries or even more .
      The name "Jesus" was created by the PAGAN GREEKS !
      We must Not obey what other Men (Pagan Greeks ) want for us to call our Messiah so that we would Never call our Messiah by His True and real name that "THE ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR" gave to His Only Begotten son wich is "IMMANUEL".
      No man has the right to Change the name "IMMANUEL" that our "ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR" gave Personally to His ownly Begotten Son and change it into a PAGAN GREEK name of "Jesus"!
      We Should Not Obey the "Pagan Greeks" by calling our Savior and our Messiah with the name "Jesus" that they created !
      We should Only Obey our ALMIGHTY & ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR by calling our Savior and our Messiah by The Real Name that THE ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR gave to His only Begotten Son wich is "IMMANUEL" and not the Pagan Greek name of "Jesus" !
      " THE GREEKS are Men " and they are not "THE ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR" !
      READ :
      ( Acts 5:29)
      29. But Peter and the other apostles answered and said:
      “We ought to obey THE ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR rather than obeying men.
      ***Take Note :
      CHRIST Even Lets us all know in what name HE represented Himself with to all HIS Deciples and to all HIS Apostles wich was with the name "IMMANUEL" that "THE ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR" gave to HIS Only Begotten son wich is "IMMANUEL" and Not Jesus !
      READ :
      ( John 17:12 )
      12. While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which YOU have given to me.
      I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
      .......What name did the "ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR" give to HIS Own Son ???
      HE gave him the name "IMMANUEL" and Not Jesus !!!
      *** Take Note again and Investigate When Was The Letter " J" created ???
      ......The Letter "J" was recently created in the year 1524 by a Pagan Roman Catholic monk. Everything that comes from Catholic Pagan Rome is for an evil cause.
      NO APOSTLE nor ANY DECIPLE nor HIS ENEMIES never called our KING by the name "Jesus" !
      They all Called Him by The Name that the "ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR" gave to his Own Begotten Son wich is :
      "IMMANUEL , Yahshua Hamashiach" wich means :
      "THE ALMIGHTY ALLPOWERFUL CREATOR" gave personally to HIS ownly Begotten Son
      wich is " IMMANUEL" and not the pagan Greek name of "Jesus" !
      ( John 17:12 )
      12. While I was with them, I kept them in Your name, the name that You gave to me.
      I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.

  • @katiemaurano
    @katiemaurano Před 3 lety +5

    This really opened my eyes! Thank you, Sadie!!

  • @ryancarlsen1076
    @ryancarlsen1076 Před 3 lety +2

    Sadie you rock! God bless the Robertson’s !

  • @savannah8102
    @savannah8102 Před 3 lety +2

    I got chills from this multiple times.

  • @Kathyh1231
    @Kathyh1231 Před 3 lety +2

    Thank you Sadie for what you preached on. I needed to hear that! Amen!

  • @annikagus1910
    @annikagus1910 Před 3 lety +5

    i don’t know if your ever going to see this sadie but you are a very big inspiration to me and you have helped me with body image and so many other different things do i just want to say thank you

  • @pvdreves
    @pvdreves Před 3 lety +2

    Sadie Robertson you are Awesome!! Thank you for all you do. Your ministry has really blessed me. Keep up the good work!

  • @MrsBee-sl9ef
    @MrsBee-sl9ef Před 3 lety +5

    What a great reminder! All the glory belongs to You Jesus! 🙏🏽

  • @pattimills7391
    @pattimills7391 Před 3 lety +1

    You are amazing. Thank you Holy Spirit to entering Sadie's life.

  • @karlisills6714
    @karlisills6714 Před 3 lety +3

    Yes, I love this so much! Keep going on! ❤️

  • @paulinepotts9976
    @paulinepotts9976 Před 3 lety

    Sadie you are such a joy to watch.

  • @venusbates6908
    @venusbates6908 Před 3 lety +1

    Me too... Thank you Sadie, you put a fire in me... 💖

  • @laurenkeegan6968
    @laurenkeegan6968 Před rokem +2

    Sadie, I just wanna thank you for this message. I really needed it. Thank you. You rock. I thank God for you every day.

  • @mmarookie123
    @mmarookie123 Před 3 lety +6

    That's really good and such a huge reminder to make sure we are following the right person which is Jesus all the way until the end.

  • @charlotteperrin2812
    @charlotteperrin2812 Před 3 lety +1

    I feel your speech go right to my heart 💔. I talk to God has I go through my day. He listens to my every word.

  • @alana.g12
    @alana.g12 Před 3 lety +8

    Wow! That was beautiful. ❤️ and enlightening ✨ thank you, Sadie!! you are an inspiration and I love that you are spreading God’s word to the world ✞

  • @clara4626
    @clara4626 Před 3 lety +1

    This helps me I got goose bumps and teared up this is great as a singer thank you God thank you

  • @enapalmer6587
    @enapalmer6587 Před 3 lety +4

    this was amazing, thank you!!

  • @qhimicoasesino2989
    @qhimicoasesino2989 Před 3 lety +1

    I just heard a real great point that Jesus is famous! Amen, thank you. God bless us all with many more great years.

  • @nategriffith358
    @nategriffith358 Před 3 lety +1

    Absolutely so true! It's about Abba. Well said

  • @theresarosemitchem6431
    @theresarosemitchem6431 Před 3 lety +1

    Amen sister! Missed this, but such encouragement for today 💜✝️💜

  • @FreyaEmmanuel
    @FreyaEmmanuel Před 3 lety +2

    Thank you for this sermon Sadie. It was really awesome ❤️

  • @heyoitssamm5663
    @heyoitssamm5663 Před 3 lety +2

    Whoop Whoop Sadie!!!!

  • @maerenfroe
    @maerenfroe Před 3 lety +1

    So good. Love her passion for Jesus and her amazing way of showing it word and example. Keep it up!!!

  • @cinematv7370
    @cinematv7370 Před 3 lety +1

    I love her so much. The fruit of a good person like joy and kindness is imparted when they speak especially about God. They also carry grace and mercy and thats what they get back. Wolf ministers give out that anger and that meanness and that tense ego preaching when they speak so be careful who you follow.

  • @rhondaperalta9828
    @rhondaperalta9828 Před 3 lety +1

    I love this service with her she is so excited 😁 😆 💗 ❤ 💕

  • @dustinkush8349
    @dustinkush8349 Před 3 lety +1

    That is good preaching . AWESOME JOB. 🙏🙏

  • @cloclo4964
    @cloclo4964 Před 3 lety +1

    This is just SO GOOD 🙌🏼🙌🏼❤️

  • @YoYo-wg1sp
    @YoYo-wg1sp Před 2 lety

    I needed this a lot! This word was amazing… I definitely got chills with several things you said 🙌🏼

  • @joannachervenka9228
    @joannachervenka9228 Před 2 lety +1

    Sadie is so Wise!

  • @sutitastreeter9848
    @sutitastreeter9848 Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you Sadie you are an angel use by God I praise God for using 🙏🙏🙏🙏 you ,your preaching right in to my heart to night may God continue to use you to bring America back to God our nation is in trouble right now n America need to turn to God n cry out for his mercy God bless from bay area.

  • @melissabowers6268
    @melissabowers6268 Před 3 lety

    You are absolutely glowing and amazing! Preach on sister! God Bless you all.

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you...

  • @martaantoniak4929
    @martaantoniak4929 Před 3 lety +1

    love u sadie, all glory to the Lord!!!🤍🥺

  • @bbisbee8353
    @bbisbee8353 Před 3 lety +2

    You go girl! 🙏 amen!

  • @user-qj3lc3hn2h
    @user-qj3lc3hn2h Před rokem

    I’m 30 and Sadie helps me so much.

  • @cherylunderwood1109
    @cherylunderwood1109 Před 3 lety +2

    Amazing job Sadie!!!😊

  • @deldel813
    @deldel813 Před 3 lety +2

    Thank you!

  • @rhondahanley5467
    @rhondahanley5467 Před 3 lety

    Desire of soul and our prayers! Lexington Kentucky

  • @kimsmith7235
    @kimsmith7235 Před 3 lety +4

    Sadie Jesus has gifted you with such a knowledge and love for God the Father and love for people. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you...

  • @wadzanai9651
    @wadzanai9651 Před 3 lety +1

    absolutely love this!

  • @lisar5349
    @lisar5349 Před 3 lety +2

    Don't let the spotlight shining on you shine brighter than the spotlight coming from within you 🔥

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you....

  • @jesuschristsaves392
    @jesuschristsaves392 Před 3 lety +2

    Dear God🙏💞 in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.
    I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.
    You said in the bible that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.
    Right now I confess Jesus as my Lord. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Amen.

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you....

  • @staceyaasmundrud4138
    @staceyaasmundrud4138 Před 3 lety +5

    Yes, growing in the wisdom and knowledge of who God is- His great love for you(not as the world acts out love or defines love) will help you to want to keep moving closer to Him and grow deep in the foundation of Him, not this world. You will be able to realize the true good good faithful Father He is, the one who’s love never ever changes even when we say something wrong, don’t spend time with Him, have anxiety and anger... His love waits for us so patiently. He is such a forgiving, kind God who is waiting for our hearts to come to Him/talk with Him about every good and bad thing we’re going through and wants us to follow His steps for us because He cares for us and has the best things in store for us. His thoughts are higher, His ways are higher. (Isaiah 55:7-9) We will not know that and have deep revelation for ourselves until we get into the secret place of our own home and talk with him about our heart and brokenness and struggles(He already knows what we’re thinking about and what’s to come in each day) But LOVES relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit because of what Jesus did on the cross for us and His Word 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 love and blessings to each of you ❤️

  • @doctalove9301
    @doctalove9301 Před 3 lety +1

    Amen Sadie!

  • @beatasims418
    @beatasims418 Před 3 lety +2

    she inspires me so much these past few weeks. So much respect for her. She looks amazing pregnant !!

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you..

  • @concisabuenaventura
    @concisabuenaventura Před 3 lety

    Thanks for this sadie!💙

  • @eddygammill
    @eddygammill Před 3 lety +1

    Yes think you jesus 🙌 🙏 ❤ ✝️

  • @evangelinegrace3391
    @evangelinegrace3391 Před 3 lety +3

    SOOO good!!!

  • @brandonoliver562
    @brandonoliver562 Před 3 lety

    Good job Sadie believe in yourself your heart and your life you can do anything in your heart you have strength and courage I’m proud of you.

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you...

  • @BGRT2002
    @BGRT2002 Před 2 lety


  • @kait9445
    @kait9445 Před 3 lety +2

    This is so good Sadie!

  • @joetapp9916
    @joetapp9916 Před 3 lety

    Yes make this world better!!

  • @godschild7777
    @godschild7777 Před 3 lety +2

    Wow that was a good one ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @joetapp9916
    @joetapp9916 Před 3 lety +1

    Jesus Christ is awesome

  • @hhhhhhh5614
    @hhhhhhh5614 Před 10 měsíci

    She is very gifted

  • @kaylenfry4913
    @kaylenfry4913 Před 3 lety

    This was sooo good!!!❤️❤️

  • @sarahcampbell5185
    @sarahcampbell5185 Před 3 lety +1

    This was so amazing I really enjoyed it!!! such a great speaker

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you...

  • @luciebutler
    @luciebutler Před 2 lety

    "We have a generation that looks more like the instagram influencers than Jesus Christ, because we're following them first, instead of Jesus Christ first."
    WOAH THAT'S GOOD. SO SO GOOD. Thank you Sadie💌🙌🏻

  • @priscillacervantes2061

    Amen sister! I'm so done with people's opinions and acceptance. Jesus accepts and loves me for me. I am a child of God!

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you..

  • @hannahsteigman2284
    @hannahsteigman2284 Před 3 lety +4

    WHOA, That's Good

  • @TracyinLA
    @TracyinLA Před 3 lety

    soooo good, love this!

  • @rosatoledo9359
    @rosatoledo9359 Před 2 lety +1

    Sadie's books first book. Follow God in my childhood. And Sadie move more in my life since Sadie's was seventeen. I love God message from Sadie how God use her. Wait to meet her thank Her for God's example!!!!!

  • @FearlessLeis
    @FearlessLeis Před 3 lety

    🤣🤣 the line leader experience... happened to me too! Haha. Thought I was only one.

    @EMKATW Před 3 lety +1

    Anyone who is criticizing Sadie, please think before you speak. This girl is spreading God’s Word! There is a difference between teachers and preachers! Sadie Is a TEACHER!!! @Sadie Robertson, your book Live Fearless changed my life. I struggle with an anxiety disorder, so your book really helped me!! Keep it going, girl!!!
    Love from SC!!!

    • @EMKATW
      @EMKATW Před 3 lety

      @@iraborpeter It isn’t possible to go through my content bc I have none.....?

  • @jessicafallen9455
    @jessicafallen9455 Před 3 lety

    Great preaching Sadie

  • @mulams
    @mulams Před 3 lety +2

    Hey that’s my church ;) I live in ATL and I love this church

  • @bethaniesmith2423
    @bethaniesmith2423 Před 3 lety +1

    Yess Sadie!!

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you...

  • @deldel813
    @deldel813 Před 3 lety

    So good!

  • @ericthompson5198
    @ericthompson5198 Před 3 lety

    This is really cool I just heard of one of her videos and it helped me I love watching this type of stuff I mean I got CZcamsrs I watch but this is so going on my list

  • @DrKeziahSabu
    @DrKeziahSabu Před 3 lety +6

    This was so powerful
    I absolutely loved this! God bless you Sadie!

  • @evangelinegrace3391
    @evangelinegrace3391 Před 3 lety +6

    so excited!!!!

  • @VictoriaTorres-bt7ql
    @VictoriaTorres-bt7ql Před 3 lety +2

    Amen Girl Amen

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you...

  • @lace5525
    @lace5525 Před 3 lety +3

    Love you Sadie! True role model!

  • @joetapp9916
    @joetapp9916 Před 3 lety +1

    She is awesome awesome awesome

  • @cephasministry8754
    @cephasministry8754 Před 2 lety

    God bless you

  • @georgiajohnny8028
    @georgiajohnny8028 Před 3 lety

    Awesome word Saide💗💗💗💗🙏🙏🙏🙏!!!!!

  • @brendongeorge73
    @brendongeorge73 Před 2 lety +1

    Love 💗

  • @tallulahreid3871
    @tallulahreid3871 Před 3 lety +1

    Amazing message!👏

  • @angam.princessdr5852
    @angam.princessdr5852 Před 3 lety +1

    Tnk you for god words sis..your words make me realise how sinfull we are...and forget living god

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you....

  • @jennmorris8791
    @jennmorris8791 Před 3 lety

    i love your sermons, love your relationship with the lord. i thank you for who u are and love your books. u are amazing soul

    • @iraborpeter
      @iraborpeter Před 3 lety +1

      Beloved I don't know you in person but God knows you well God reveal a revelation to me when I was going through your profile to observe things about your spiritual life.
      while I was meditating, I saw a divine breakthrough in your life and I saw evil attack of the enemies manipulating on seizing your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confused and lost hope. As I was praying the Lord reveal to me and instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of Saviour motherless foundation,located Edo state,Nigeria, before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family
      Nobody should know about the seed is between you and God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9 ,,Deu.28:1-5) contact the MD of the orphanage foundation WhatsApp:(+2349064374487)or Email:( send your donation to them.God bless you...

    • @jennmorris8791
      @jennmorris8791 Před 3 lety

      @@iraborpeter thank you for replying back to me, trust me I would totally love to meet you and your Husband, I am still working on my relationship with the lord and trying to read the bible, haven’t been doing so well this year. You are amazing, and if I ever get the chance to meet you I’d so appreciate a selfie and be friends with an amazing Christian as yourself, you are truly blessed... and surely our daughter will be blessed to have an amazing mom ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @samanthasuddeth738
    @samanthasuddeth738 Před 3 lety


  • @mamakeri9449
    @mamakeri9449 Před 3 lety

    amazing !