The future of farming in drought-hardened Australia? | FT Food Revolution

  • čas přidán 15. 09. 2020
  • In Australia, droughts are becoming more frequent and severe, reducing agricultural output in a $36bn industry. Till the rains came early this year, farmers in New South Wales had suffered their worst drought on record. But as the FT’s Jamie Smyth discovers, they’re fighting back in a variety of ways, ranging from digital moisture measurement to satellite mapping and innovative crop rotation.
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Komentáře • 23

  • @swrtsolutionsinc.1092
    @swrtsolutionsinc.1092 Před 2 lety +2

    irrigation+rainfall = evaporation + transpiration + runoff + leaching
    Which one of these processes do Farmers really have control over during the growing season? If you have the ability to irrigate your sandy soils and water is cheap and plentiful, then you are fortunate and have some control on the left side of the equation. If you do not have irrigation, you must look at the factors on the right side of the equation to see what can be controlled or minimized to benefit your crop. Evaporation from the soil surface can be reduced with mulch or leaving crop residue on the soil surface. Transpiration is a function of the plant leaf surface area and the weather. Runoff is or should be minimal in sandy textured soils with high percolation rates.
    This leaves the leaching of water out of the root zone as the #1 controllable loss of moisture to your crop. Interrupting the downward movement of moisture in your soil by installing a "smart" barrier can greatly reduce the leaching of water and nutrients. SWRT subsurface membranes detain/retain up to 90% of irrigation or rainfall in the root zone for crop use by disrupting the gravitational movement of water in the soil while still allowing excess water to percolate and do not create anaerobic soil conditions.

  • @swrtsolutionsinc.1092
    @swrtsolutionsinc.1092 Před 3 lety +1

    SWRT membranes installed below plant root systems retain water where it falls, providing continuous delivery of drought-free periods up to 3 times longer than intensely irrigated control sands without root zone water retention membranes (Guber et al, 2016).

  • @Bennie32831
    @Bennie32831 Před rokem

    It would be interesting the microbial life / yealds in that dead soil compaird to regeneration infiltration pits with tree legumes shading/ mulching ?

  • @curtiscarpenter9881
    @curtiscarpenter9881 Před 3 lety +2

    Farming to provide all year round farming to supermarkets and small food outlets could be a big help to businesses when there is less risk of shortages. CANZUK AHEAD!!!

  • @bryancovert9821
    @bryancovert9821 Před 3 lety +1

    We as inhabitants of this world haven't been here long enough to experience the full cycle of the earth 's evolution of cleansing itself . We think that we understand the ice age . But , do we understand the opposite and possibly the equal effect of the earth's cleansing by way of heat . It may just be the earth doing its own thing to get rid of us like it did the dinosaurs last time .

  • @organicyouth_garden
    @organicyouth_garden Před 3 lety

    good morning. i like technologies for farming

  • @trisfandiramadhan1690
    @trisfandiramadhan1690 Před 3 lety

    Hasil bumi musnah/gagal panen merupakan suatu peristiwa yang menimpa negeri yang menjadi ancaman bagi kehidupan, mengakibatkan kelaparan, kemiskinan dikarenakan menurunnya pendapatan dari hasil tani. Banyak hal yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya kondisi ini, seperti bencana, hama dan lain-lain. Prihal ini juga ada disebutkan dalam Al-Qur’an surat ke: (18 : 42), (7 : 130).

  • @chansaicommerce1721
    @chansaicommerce1721 Před 3 lety


  • @MadeOfMocha
    @MadeOfMocha Před 2 lety

    People of Australia, Imagine water naturally desalinated through red clay aquifers engineered by an International crop share as dictated by chivalry.
    Basically Putin is marching on modern Armageddon for no better reason the saber rattling.
    As an international community we should see ample output so long as we respect the input of our International grow-op
    Reinforce what civilized man and see the ampleness of wealth hold no value towards a fair honest life and a regaining of personal freedom in a mutually agreeable state gifted to us through modern solutions.
    Funded by Doge!
    As a simplified buying and trading platform if every view gave a nickel we could rebuild peoples houses worldwide as an easy start to circumventing the politicians.
    I'd love to help everyone here solve there lives.
    We could build an unabated financial design that is a modern solution to over zealous Capitalism and see it heal the marks of callous Socialism.
    That's my rant. Thanks for yours and my time.

  • @MrTomtomtest
    @MrTomtomtest Před 3 lety +4

    Introduction is terrrible. Yes warming temperatures do not help with drought, but you are entirely missing the cycle of the indian ocean dipole which makes big parts of Australia more or less dry. What we are seeing is a combination of that effect and climate change, don't tell a third of the story you aren't helping anything.

  • @MadeOfMocha
    @MadeOfMocha Před 2 lety

    By decentralizing their monetary say in a proper laissez-faire lifestyle we can build the answers to humanities simple iniquities.
    Relatively faster than ever through intelligent design.
    We can avoid child slavery, increase fair trade and allow medical sourcing to beat big pharma because we allow a value system outside of old world value we allow our states to grow.
    We are the collective source as the internet everyman and so forth as to be a click away from healing each other.
    Actually creating life and happiness for something other than a capitalistic gain that feeds on the sadness of exclusion.

  • @chansaicommerce1721
    @chansaicommerce1721 Před 3 lety

    COOL !!!!!

  • @SevSFull
    @SevSFull Před 3 lety +1

    No much original information in this video...

  • @sossos3315
    @sossos3315 Před 3 lety


  • @King.xerxes
    @King.xerxes Před 2 lety

    I am indeed grateful, to the Managing Director of the IMF, Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva,for the $100,000 Grant she gave to me and family.May God continue to bless you all,as you help the poor,with the Smart agenda of empowering citizens of countries affected by the Covid 19 pandemic,through your Loan/Grant initiative.