MOTTY STEINMETZ - Purim Kaleidoscope 🎉🎨✨ מוטי שטיינמץ - קליידוסקופ של פורים

  • čas přidán 3. 07. 2024
  • In a kaleidoscope, each small rotation causes the multicoloured materials to move, creating an infinity of patterns, resulting in an ever-changing view being presented, a view of a spectacular and perfect ever-changing beauty, - all of which fascinates and draws the viewer in...
    Like in a kaleidoscope, in this video you will find multi-coloured, vibrant, multifaceted performances by Motty Steinmetz of ancient Jewish prayers and spiritual songs of our time.
    As if in a kaleidoscope, his singing - intonations, depth, colour - is constantly changing, it captivates and takes a breath away.
    The colourful Purim images are just a background.
    What is unchangeable is the heart the singer puts into every note and word, his sincere heartfelt singing full of an ancient, never-ending yearning for HaShem.
    🌼 Most of the content shown in this video is RARE and has never been published on CZcams before.
    📚📑 CHAPTERS:
    0:00 - Intro
    0:19 - "2018"
    1:02 - "2023"
    2:22 - "2020"
    4:46 - "2016"
    5:59 - "2019"
    🎉 SOURCES:
    ◼️ Purim 2019: Kikar HaShabbat wbs..
    (Although there are 2 videos on YT with the footage from that Purim celebration in 2019, this file is unique and hasn't been previously published on YT)
    ◼️ Purim 2016: • מוטי שטיינמץ פורים תשע''ו
    ◼️ Purim 2018, 2020, 2023: from all over the internet.
    🎉 Video editing: Moonlight Watcher.
    🌿.צופים יקרים, אל נא תצפו בסרטון זה בשבתות וימים טובים🌿

Komentáře • 63

  • @moonlightwatcher9162
    @moonlightwatcher9162  Před 3 měsíci +19

    🍷🎉 *Why do Jews drink on Purim?* (from
    "Traditionally, Jews have celebrated Purim by drinking a little extra wine at their Purim feast with friends, and if that gets you there, then it’s the halachically prescribed way to do the mitzvah.
    Drinking, according to the sages of the Talmud, can heighten the joy and excitement of Purim. So they declared it actually is a mitzvah - as long as you are confident that your behavior will remain at the high standard expected by the Torah.
    The source of this practice is a passage from the Talmudic tractate Megillah (7b): "Rava said: A person is obligated to drink on Purim until he does not know the difference between "cursed be Haman" and "blessed be Mordechai.""
    So, what’s the whole story with people drinking on Purim? Why is Purim the holiday that’s not just happy, but totally, insanely nuts?
    Here’s the story, straight and simple: Two and a half thousand years ago, the Jews in Shushan (in Ancient Persia) were delirious with joy. We’re not talking just happiness, but an explosive, spontaneous mass celebration that nobody had ever experienced since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. So they wanted that for all generations, Jews should experience the same ecstatic celebration that they felt then.
    Why were they so insanely happy? Not just because they were finally rid of Haman’s antisemitic thugs who had been harassing them for an entire year. It was deeper than that. It was because they had withstood an awesome challenge and came out with flying colors.
    You see, this was the first time Jews had experienced anti-Semitism as an exiled nation. They had been picked out from all the other conquered peoples of the Persian Empire for persecution because they were, well, just different. Any of them could have easily escaped that persecution and threat of annihilation just by deciding to be not different. By saying - Hey, I’m just another Persian citizen. Speak Persian. Eat Persian. Do Persian stuff. Worship Persian idols. Simple. Like they say - “why beat ’em, when you can join ’em?”
    And why shouldn’t they have joined them? They had already gotten the boot out of the Promised Land. And at that point, the prophet Jeremiah had told them the exile was going to last 70 years. Well, they had counted the 70 years, and everyone figured it was up. And they were still in exile.
    Worst of all, only a few years back they had actually started returning and rebuilding in Jerusalem, by royal decree. And then, after just one year, the whole project was axed by a new king’s royal decree. You know what it’s like when you see the light at the end of the tunnel-and then it goes out? Or, what if that light turns out to be a locomotive coming at you at full throttle?
    Which is just how things looked then.
    The entire nation was under threat of termination, extinction and utter annihilation. And G-d is nowhere to be found. So it would have been a simple, excusable, knee-jerk reaction for those Jews to say, “Look, He abandoned us, so why shouldn’t we abandon Him?”
    But they didn’t. Every last Jew stood up and said, “I’m a Jew and I’m proud! Haman and his thugs can do what they want! I was born a Jew, and I’ll die one too!”
    As you can imagine, they were fairly stressed out that year. But then comes the big civil war where Haman’s thugs come out in full force, and whaddayaknow, the Jews fight back and are miraculously saved! They see the G-d of Israel is still on their side! So they break out the champagne and celebrate. Deliriously.
    In many ways, Purim was like a second birth for the Jewish People. The first time they were born was at the foot of Mount Sinai, when they heard G-d telling them, “I’m your G-d; you are My people. Now, this is what you have to do . . .”
    At that time, they didn’t really have much choice. I mean, here’s a G-d who just liberated you from slavery amidst fantasmic miracles and hi-tech wonders, fed you bread from the sky and water out of a rock. And He’s choosing you for His people, with a promised land of milk and honey to boot. Who could turn down such an offer?
    But this time (the Purim times) was the real birth, the true bonding of the Jewish people with one another and with their G-d. Because this time they had every excuse to cop out. And they didn’t. This time was for real.
    So, that explains the wild celebration. When the Jewish nation was born the first time around, everyone was also pretty euphoric. They say that at every word G-d spoke, the souls of those Jews took flight. Special angels had to be appointed to stuff their souls back into their bodies each time. If that was so back then, you can imagine the euphoria when they were born for real this time around. And the Jews of Shushan wanted you to feel that exhilaration, that rapture, that jubilant ecstasy and bliss, every year again and again.
    Okay, so how are you going to get there? You’ve got your own worries and concerns around your neck, anchoring you down and nailed into a body on earth. You need to break out. You need to be set free to fly in the ecstatic, egoless joy that they felt then.
    Well, in the Talmud, Rava gives this advice for transcending the ego: “A person has to get drunk on Purim until he cannot distinguish between ‘cursed is Haman’ and ‘blessed is Mordechai.’” That works for some people, especially those so high on their Jewishness already. Like they say, “Wine goes in and secrets come out.” Some people’s secret self is pretty holy. But the rest of us . . . well, we all know our own secrets.
    Fortunately, there are alternatives. Some pretty good ones, too. Keeping in mind that you have to: a) give gifts to two poor people, b) give a food package to one friend, and c) celebrate a Purim feast (with a few l’chaims), here are some enhanced methodologies for an ultimate Purim:
    • Snap on a bright red nose, a curly purple wig and a lunatic smile. Drop into a retirement home or hospital and make an utter fool of yourself, just to cheer up all the lonely people. Nobody has to ever find out who you are. If you visit the psychiatric ward, just make sure you have a way to get out when you’re done.
    • Hire a clown and offer to be his sidekick. Go with him to the local children’s hospital. Take along a pack of lollipops. Go wild.
    • Fill a shopping cart with groceries for a whole family. Drop in unexpected on some jobless immigrant family who can’t pay their rent. Fill up the fridge and write a check for the rent. Leave some toys for the kids.
    • Dress yourself up along with your kids in full Purim gear. Run around your neighborhood the entire day delivering Purim packages ("mishloach manot") to Jewish neighbors who’ve never heard of the whole thing. Continue until you collapse on the couch at the end of the day. Do this two years in a row, and you will transform your neighborhood.
    I’ll bet, if you put your mind to it, you can think of way more. Or maybe don’t use your mind. On occasions like this, you might get further losing your mind a little. All in a good way.”

    • @moonlightwatcher9162
      @moonlightwatcher9162  Před 3 měsíci +7

      *“A beautiful message emerges from the story of Purim: Do not be superficial. Don’t be fooled by the externals, by what our senses tell us, by what simple logic dictates. For there is another story - another level of reality - far beneath it. G-d is the one truly behind it all. His reality and His will are all that really matter. We may not always comprehend it with our simple human faculties - but we don’t have to.*
      *At times like the Purim story the veil lifted briefly: We were able to see G-d’s guiding hand throughout. But it’s simply not dependent on that. He is there throughout - during our easy times and our not-so-easy ones, guiding us individually and nationally every step of the way.*
      *On this one day we can just let go - for we know G-d is taking care of us.*
      *And this is where wine comes in. Why dull our senses (with wine)? Because there is a beautiful, profound message in it. G-d is taking care of us. It is happening on a level we often do not comprehend - and in fact, applying our myopic human logic may well lead us astray. We do not have to keep our senses alert to their fullest. We need not intellectualize and rationalize everything which occurs to us. For a short time we can just let go. We don’t have to worry about the threats, the intractable problems which face us in life. The “cursed is Haman” and “blessed is Mordechai” are all one and the same - manifestations of the same loving G-d. And on this one day we see beyond them. For G-d is taking care of us. We can simply turn to Him and leave our worries with Him - and be happy.”*

    • @jelenagusseva6176
      @jelenagusseva6176 Před 3 měsíci +2

      Спасибо ❤️за такое обьяснение🙏🙏🙏🙏🌏💖

    • @moonlightwatcher9162
      @moonlightwatcher9162  Před 3 měsíci +7

      *"What excessive drink does is cloud the intellect and incapacitate cognition, freeing the passions of the heart from their internal jurist and regulator.*
      *But if the intellect stems what is worst in us, it also stymies what is best in us.*
      *We all know the feeling of being unable to "find the words" to adequately convey our thoughts, which are so much more subtle than the words and idioms available to us in the languages in which we speak and write. But reason itself is a "language" which captures but an infinitesimal fraction of what is sensed and felt by our deepest selves. To live a rational life is to filter our essentially supra-rational self through the constricting lens of reason. To confine our relationship with G-d, our people, and our family to the realm of the intelligible is to repress all but a finite facet of their infinite depth and scope.*
      *For 364 days a year, we have no other choice. Our mind must exercise complete control over our emotions and behaviour, lest the animal in us rage rampant and trample to death all that is good in ourselves and our world.*
      *Furthermore, we need the mind not only as guardian and regulator, but also as facilitator of our highest potentials. It is the mind that navigates the workings of nature, enabling us to sustain and improve our lives in the service of our Creator; it is the mind that recognizes the goodness and desirability in certain things and the evil and danger in others, thereby guiding, developing and deepening our loves and aversions, our joys and fears; it is with our minds that we imbibe the wisdom of the Torah, allowing us an apprehension of the divine truth.*
      *If the mind does all these things within the finite parameters of reason, concealing galaxies of knowledge with every ray of light it reveals and suppressing oceans of feeling with every drop it distills, it remains the most effective tool we have with which to access the truths that lie buried in the core of our souls and reside in the subliminal heavens above.*
      *But there is one day in the year in which we enjoy direct, immediate access to these truths. This day is Purim. The Jew who rejoices on Purim - who rejoices in his bond with G-d without equivocation - has no need for reason. For he is in touch with his truest self - a self before which his animalistic drives are neutralized, a self which requires no medium by which to express itself and no intermediaries by which to relate to its source in G-d.*
      *The Jew who rejoices on Purim no longer requires the mind to tell him the difference between "cursed be Haman" and "blessed be Mordechai"; he is above it all, relating to the divine truth that transcends the bifurcation of good and evil.*
      *For the Jew who rejoices on Purim, the mind is utterly superfluous, something which only encumbers the outpouring of his soul, something which only quantifies and qualifies that which is infinite and all-pervading. So he puts his mind to sleep for a few hours, in order to allow his true self to emerge."*

    • @juliarosales2493
      @juliarosales2493 Před 3 měsíci +4

      Gracias por compartir esta información y explicación de lo que es Purin!!! Bendiciones!!!

    • @isabelcifuentes5688
      @isabelcifuentes5688 Před 3 měsíci +4

      Gracias, es admirable ver como Motty mantiene la concentración en medio de todo esa confusión

  • @erikapetrovicz3211
    @erikapetrovicz3211 Před 3 měsíci +4

    Happy Purim! 🎉❤ 🥚🕎
    Motty Steinmetz munkássága örök! 👏🥰👏
    Köszönöm a videót ❤🕊

  • @Sambrown-eh
    @Sambrown-eh Před 3 měsíci +6

    Wow, thanks for uploading this new collection, finally we can hear again this beautiful voice on this channel.

  • @juliarosales2493
    @juliarosales2493 Před 3 měsíci +4

    Gracias por compartir esta trayectoria de videos, dedicados a la fiesta de Purin, El Creador Bendiga a todos ustedes en Israel 🇮🇱💙 saludos y bendiciones para Motty Steinmetz ♥️🌹 desde El Salvador 🇸🇻

  • @shalvahmbmacdonald8487
    @shalvahmbmacdonald8487 Před 3 měsíci +5

    חג פורים שמח

  • @anittarecabarren7044
    @anittarecabarren7044 Před 3 měsíci +4

    Muchisimas gracias por el resumen .
    Muy Impresionante.

  • @erikapetrovicz3211
    @erikapetrovicz3211 Před 3 měsíci +3

    Purim ünnepén gondoljunk az Okt 7- e áldozataira és a még fogvatartott felnőttekre és a csecsemőkre, gyerekre! ❤🧸🦋❤️🕊

  • @jelenagusseva6176
    @jelenagusseva6176 Před 3 měsíci +6

    Благодарю ❤️💖🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @user-cc8zr8vs8u
    @user-cc8zr8vs8u Před 3 měsíci +3

    נסיך 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

  • @MadridVesna
    @MadridVesna Před 3 měsíci +2

    Thank you very much for sharing. Motty is always so focused and sings so beautifully. I appreciate very much that you share with us these precious moments of him. Blessings for you all and have a very happy Purim. 💙🤍✡

  • @user-ul9wb1pq3n
    @user-ul9wb1pq3n Před 3 měsíci +2

    כל כך שונה מההוללות בת זמננו...שפורים ממש הפך ליגון ואנחה מהטומאה רחמנא לצלן....ותמשיך לקדש שם שמים ולעשות נחת לבורא עולם....ולשרשים הקדושים!!🌴!!

  • @moonlightwatcher9162
    @moonlightwatcher9162  Před 3 měsíci +11

    Dear friends, CZcams has lowered the quality of photos in the “Intro” part of the video. We don't know how to fix this, so the video will remain this way for now. Anyway, this is just an intro 🙂...

    • @knowledge-p9q
      @knowledge-p9q Před 3 měsíci

      ממוטי ציפיתי ליותר ...

    • @moonlightwatcher9162
      @moonlightwatcher9162  Před 3 měsíci

      @@knowledge-p9q מה הכוונה? לא מוטי עומד מאחורי הערוץ הזה.

    • @knowledge-p9q
      @knowledge-p9q Před 3 měsíci

      לא משנה זה יגיע אליו איכשהו .@@moonlightwatcher9162

    • @moonlightwatcher9162
      @moonlightwatcher9162  Před 3 měsíci

      @@knowledge-p9q אבל למה התכוונת - לאיכות או לתוכן?

    • @MadridVesna
      @MadridVesna Před 3 měsíci

      I think that it can be because the quality of the video. I see that the video is 720p. I have a channel with videos of my drawings with classical music. When I import the video with the videomaker (I use Clipchamp) I choose HD (1080p) because the quality of the image is much better. The folder is heavier in HD and is more time to charge in youtube, but the images are more beautiful.

  • @rosamaia2870
    @rosamaia2870 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Thank you for sharing this video, it's beautiful ❤

  • @SB-rn4fy
    @SB-rn4fy Před 3 měsíci +3

    Thanks for sharing!

  • @titaa7979
    @titaa7979 Před 3 měsíci +3

    Motty canta como los angeles Dios lo bendiga desde Tampico Mexico

  • @M-pt5vo
    @M-pt5vo Před 3 měsíci +2

    Thanks for sharing! What a holy neshama...

  • @veronicaalcazar4923
    @veronicaalcazar4923 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Tan bello Motty como siempre Dios lo bendiga 🙏 ❤❤❤

  • @normasalem1089
    @normasalem1089 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Precioso !!! Gracias Motty

  • @chollander2
    @chollander2 Před měsícem +1

    Thanks for this great compilation!

  • @adenilzasilvadesouza5816
    @adenilzasilvadesouza5816 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Que bênção! Motty canta com a alma.

  • @joycelimaks
    @joycelimaks Před 3 měsíci +5

    2019 was chaotic 😂 happy Purim everyone!!!! 🎉❤ love the compilation!!!!

    • @moonlightwatcher9162
      @moonlightwatcher9162  Před 3 měsíci +7

      And Motty's voice was the only thing that brought some order to this chaos 🙂

    • @airencoching370
      @airencoching370 Před 3 měsíci +3

      Motty Steinmetz very professional and smart, he is gentle and kind with his fellows.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @alexandracarolinarios4281
    @alexandracarolinarios4281 Před 3 měsíci +3

    Wow 😂 gracias 🫂 felicidades 😘

  • @roxanalaura1309
    @roxanalaura1309 Před 3 měsíci +4


  • @renatev6611
    @renatev6611 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Frohes Purim. 🎉 Tradizionen sind wichtig, sie erinnern wahre Geschehnisse vor langen Zeiten. Man soll sie immer gebührend ehren. Motty macht das in sehr schöner und liebevoller Weise. Segen für Israel. 🇮🇱🤍💙🤍

  • @liciarossi8564
    @liciarossi8564 Před 3 měsíci +1


  • @alexandracarolinarios4281
    @alexandracarolinarios4281 Před 3 měsíci +3

    Purim ❤ festejo 🎉

  • @alexandracarolinarios4281
    @alexandracarolinarios4281 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Siempre hay alegría ❤

  • @Enrico160
    @Enrico160 Před 3 měsíci +1

    💙💙💙Motty Steinmetz

  • @SandraGomez-ev2yn
    @SandraGomez-ev2yn Před 3 měsíci +3


  • @AdrianaPop-uy4fp
    @AdrianaPop-uy4fp Před 3 měsíci +1

    Domnul sa va binecuvanteze La noi nu se fumeaza si nu se consuma nici un fel de bauturi

  • @mercyjarquin9145
    @mercyjarquin9145 Před 3 měsíci +3

    El Eterno bendiga a 🇮🇱 Israel!!

  • @asyalazarardova4299
    @asyalazarardova4299 Před 3 měsíci +10

    Motty Steinmetz always stays above the action, as the author of gigantic Purim drama devoted to the Book of Esther. Purimspiel ─ the Yiddish Theatre genre having appeared in the Eastern Europe during the Galut amongst the Ashkenazie Jews in the Middle Ages. The subject of irrational sudden miracle became the subject of Purim plays as in the book of prophet Daniel (legend about the three Jewish youths saved from fiery furnace by Archangel Michael, Prince of kindness (chessed) and water, also during the Persian exile). Motty’s voice is like the comment of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, feeling the Yiddishkeit itself. Hasidic spirit was formed and strengthened in most difficult circumstances of hostile reality. Jewish people had to survive in spite of all atrocious obstacles, hatred, pogroms and disasters. All those heartrending events are stirred by Motty’s narration of heroic Israeli history touched with his Hasidic elevating lyricism as our souls are singing together with him, catching his valorous rhythms and absorbing his lofty noble emotions into our hearts.

    • @user-dn1ed8dk7v
      @user-dn1ed8dk7v Před 3 měsíci

      ספר דניאל ומגילת אסתר זו מציאות, לא אגדה. תלמדי יהדות ותביני. תודה

    • @user-py3ev2qt8x
      @user-py3ev2qt8x Před 3 měsíci

      С вас не смущает, что на столе столько вина? Верующие должны иметь трезвую голову, чтобы обращаться к Б-гу..
      Троих юношей спас Мессия , а не архангел Михаил..

    • @moonlightwatcher9162
      @moonlightwatcher9162  Před 3 měsíci +4

      @@user-py3ev2qt8x В первом комментарии от авторов канала (к нему приложены еще 2) объясняется, почему евреи пьют до опьянения в Пурим. На эту тему есть много литературы, на всех языках, и в интернете тоже. Речь не идет о какой-то банальной пьянке.
      Вино не смущает, это всего лишь напиток. Смущать должны плохие поступки людей, грех.

    • @user-py3ev2qt8x
      @user-py3ev2qt8x Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@moonlightwatcher9162 Неожиданно, но приятно, что ответили на знакомом мне языке.. Сегодня ситуация не легче, чем во дни Эстер, но царице Б-г дал мудрости и она призвала весь народ Б-жий поститься 3 дня. Прежде, чем пировать, надо было одержать победу.
      О вине хорошо написал Шломо, в последней главе Притч..
      От всей души желаю Израилю мира!

    • @asyalazarardova4299
      @asyalazarardova4299 Před 3 měsíci

      ​@@user-dn1ed8dk7vReality comes to us by means of different oral and written forms - genres. Legend, so as Hasidic parable, is one of these forms. G-d's message is infinite, the more we learn, the more we thirst for new understanding. Learn Hasidic Tzadiks, new knowledge wil come to you. Thank you! B'Ezrat Hashem!

  • @user-cn4eq6hg4r
    @user-cn4eq6hg4r Před 2 měsíci

    Мотти, снемите очки... Они вам не идут... Вы без них очень симпатичный молодой человек🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊 0:03 !!! 0:03