Worried? This is what Neem Karoli Baba said.

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • Why Worry:
    To talk about Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj), his leelas, his memories, sharing and listening to his stories is undoubtedly a satsang, but at the same time it is a possibility in itself. To understand the unspoken meaning in the words spoken by Maharaj in a particular instance, his words that were spoken to a certain individual, behind those spoken words if one could catch onto that unspoken message which comes bearing peace and happiness for all mankind is akin to receiving his grace. There isn’t any leela of Maharaj that has not come bearing a message for all. It is just a matter of perceiving and understanding it. It so happened in Nainital, in early 60s, Maharaj was seated inside his room surrounded by his devotees close to the construction site of the Shiva temple in the precincts of Hanumangarh temple. A visitor from Kanpur came before Maharaj and said, “I am very troubled, I can’t seem to focus on anything.” Maharaj replied, “Who is not troubled? Trouble will be there but whether to stay troubled or not is up to you.” And, speaking of focus, just like you focus while counting a stack of money, do it the same way and it will happen “ . Everyone has their fair share of troubles but Maharaj says to stay troubled due to your troubles is your choice. There is a deep message from Maharaj behind this seemingly simple statement from him.
    It so happened. The popularity of Bodhisattva has spread out far. Once Bodhisatva was on a journey to China. The king out there was eagerly awaiting his arrival. Then one day, word arrived that Bodhisatva has reached the borders of the kingdom. The king went to greet him and requested bodhisattva to grace his kingdom with his presence. He said he also comes bearing a plea, and Bodhisatva wondered how he could help. The king said “I have everything but despite that I am very troubled within myself. Bodhisatva replied, “Don’t worry this is not anything serious, I will fix your troubled mind. Right now I am tired due to travelling. You come tomorrow. Don’t worry everything will be fine.” The king felt assured and got ready to head back. As the king was leaving, Bodhisatva called out to him and said, “make sure to bring your troubled mind when you come to see me tomorrow.” Hearing this the king stood perplexed and wondered, what does Bodhisatva mean by “bring your troubled mind along”? Isn’t the mind always with you? He turned around and spoke to Bodhisatva that my mind is always with me. Bodhisatva said “good if it is with you then bring it along with you tomorrow.” The king was again taken aback and said, “ Lord, but my mind is with me all the time.” Bodhisattva replied, ”that’s all right and good that you know it is with you. ok come sit now and try to descend into the depth of your mind that you have brought with you and let me know when you find it. I will hit it with a stick and fix it. ”The king quietly sat down and tried to descend into his mind. Slowly and steadily the king began going deep within himself in search of his mind. The mind was nowhere to be found but the king was experiencing a deep calm within him that he had never experienced before. Bodhisattva was observing the king in his absolute state of calm, slowly shook the king, and said, “get up now, how long do you want me to wait for you, how long will you take to search for it?” The king’s focus diverted and he came out of his silence, collected himself and slowly looked at Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva could sense the state of bliss the king was in at that moment. Feeling satisfied he inquired where is your troubled mind ? The king replied “ what sadness, which mind but there was nothing else to say . The belief that there exists a troubled mind was falsified that very moment as joy was pervading all over.
    This story is not just a standalone tale about the king and the Bodhisattva, nor is it just about those people who took their woes to Maharaj. It applies to all, as we all are constantly carrying our never ending woes with us. Even when a child is young , the time when he is free from worries and is living in joyful abundance we start nagging him to start worrying about if nothing then atleast about his studies and then when the child grows up and gets drowned in worries then we say why do you have to worry. Actually not being able to have a grip on your worries turns them into a problem . If you think deeply about what you think are our needs. Are they actually our needs or are they our desires? In this short narration everyone should try to understand Maharaj’s message to everyone. Try to get a grip on your woes and you will find the woes do not exist , we just create them. As the old adage goes “worry if only anything untoward has happened, if that untoward has not happened then why worry unnecessarily”.

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