How to Remain Mission Driven - Hiring for Loyalty or Competence | The Moscow Minister Doug Wilson

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 35

  • @AB-gg1lp
    @AB-gg1lp Před měsícem +5

    Saying this with humility and as someone in an operational leadership role, this was very much appreciated and affirming.

  • @eugenejoseph7076
    @eugenejoseph7076 Před měsícem +19

    They were predestined to be fired!

  • @reverendreader
    @reverendreader Před měsícem +4

    This is pure gold.

  • @JesseStevenPollom
    @JesseStevenPollom Před měsícem +4

    Great words Pastor Wilson!

  • @EmilGhiurau
    @EmilGhiurau Před měsícem +3

    That's why Trump's number one value is "Loyalty".
    We forgot that, through the years, loyalty was crucial to kings and leaders.
    We now live in a 'you live your truth', 'I live my truth' postmodern society, where people would live you at the first sign of trouble, warranted or non-warranted.

    • @ghostghillie.
      @ghostghillie. Před měsícem +1

      People forget betrayal only comes from those you trust.

  • @theexplicitchristian
    @theexplicitchristian Před měsícem +2

    Wow! That was really good and helpful. Thanks Pastor Wilson and thank you Matt for putting the work into this content.

  • @JRPLawyeress1
    @JRPLawyeress1 Před 23 dny +1

    My husband gave all three of our then high school age kids book lights one Christmas. Our middle son said, “Doesn’t Dad know we don’t read?” Cautionary tale. 🤦‍♀️

  • @geraldarcuri9307
    @geraldarcuri9307 Před měsícem +2

    Well said. Wisdom.

  • @richardthenryvideos
    @richardthenryvideos Před 28 dny +1

    Excellent conversation. Quite helpful

  • @waylonvanwinkle4891
    @waylonvanwinkle4891 Před měsícem +2

    Great video!

  • @robbymcdobby
    @robbymcdobby Před 28 dny

    9:30 Yes, it's illegal to ask that question in a job interview.

  • @ericevensen8837
    @ericevensen8837 Před měsícem +1


  • @einarabelc5
    @einarabelc5 Před 27 dny

    Well, just lost lots of respect for the guy. But can't say I'm surprised. Can't grind but sure it can start things when they're fun, that explains why he likes to troll other people on the internet. Guy has an imagination.
    Then both go into this false dichotomy about craft knowledge versus loyalty when in reality you will LOSE loyalty if you are a clumsy and incompetent leader who doesn't know what he's doing and surrounds himself with yes men that make everything worse for those who know what they're doing in the name of some stupid ideal . And here I was hours before wondering why I still respected Doug Wilson and how he's different. Well, not so much anymore. What nonsense.

    • @truthseeker5179
      @truthseeker5179 Před 23 dny

      "Can't grind but sure it can start things when they're fun"
      Can't and shouldn't are two different things. Mr. Wilson even states that his temptation is to cling to the grind instead of handing it off, and he has to resist that urge if he is going to be most effective in serving the Lord. In Exodus 18, Moses could do the job of judging each person and their case effectively, but Jethro (with God's blessing) recognized that Moses was overwhelmed and needed to pick other qualified people to share the load under him so that Moses could fulfill all of his responsibilities effectively.
      "Then both go into this false dichotomy about craft knowledge versus loyalty when in reality you will LOSE loyalty if you are a clumsy and incompetent leader"
      But, their discussion is about a leader having to hire someone under them. So, it's presumed that the leader doing the choosing has both competency and skill. The discussion is, "If a leader has to choose between craft competence and loyalty when hiring, which is preferred?"
      In that same Exodus 18 passage, Jethro tells Moses to pick based on two criteria - that the person is competent ("able") and desirous to follow the Lord ("fear God"). "Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness". Wilson stated that he would prefer both qualities in someone that he is selecting to help him serve the Lord, but if the choices available don't allow both qualities, he would pick the one whose beliefs aligned with his Christian mission, over someone who has conflict with that mission even if they're highly competent/skilled.
      I genuinely don't understand why Wilson is taking so much heat in these comments. The general thrust of his replies are perfectly rational and biblical.

  • @eugenejoseph7076
    @eugenejoseph7076 Před měsícem +1

    From everything I've read about Calvinism, I no longer beleive anyone who refers to them as Calvinist cannot truly be Christian since the doctrine was created by a man! They're follwing the wrong JC - John Calvin.

    • @toddstevens9667
      @toddstevens9667 Před měsícem +7

      That’s cute, but hopefully you know they don’t really follow John Calvin. But cute comment nonetheless.

    • @geraldarcuri9307
      @geraldarcuri9307 Před měsícem +7

      "Calvinism" is the result of a serious Christian - John Calvin - drawing attention to truths found in the words of Scripture that had been obscured by the Roman Catholic Church. Don't read ABOUT "Calvinism" - read your Bible, starting with the letter to the Romans. Look for the patterns, starting with how God AWAYS does the choosing of the people whom He will use, both for good and for evil. They don't choose Him; He chooses them. That's the fundamental insight that John Calvin brings to the truth about salvation. Look for it. It's ALWAYS there in scripture.

    • @eugenejoseph7076
      @eugenejoseph7076 Před měsícem

      @@toddstevens9667 thanks and oh yeah, John Calvin had his opponents killed, cute!!

    • @toddstevens9667
      @toddstevens9667 Před měsícem

      @@eugenejoseph7076Actually I was being serious. You’re comment about the wrong JC was very clever and cute. And I’m no Calvinist. But as a historian, I want to point out 2 things 1) Calvin wasn’t a Calvinist. Calvinism was developed after his death by his student Beza. And 2) He did not have Servetus killed. In fact, he begged Servetus to repent so the city government would not kill him. It was a very different time back then. Governments with official religions killed heretics, both Catholic and Protestant. Not defending Calvin with whom I greatly disagree, but he did not have the the authority to put anyone to death. It was a government policy.

    • @Nashmax
      @Nashmax Před měsícem

      @@geraldarcuri9307 .... And Calvinists always follow the tradition of Calvinism, which is to say they follow Calvinism's non-historical interpretation of the Bible, while at the same time screaming SOLA SCRIPTURA!

  • @theresaread72
    @theresaread72 Před měsícem +2

    Doug Wilson, is not a Christian. He does not talk about serving Jesus within his organization, but people should be loyal to him, not Jesus or have Christian Character by applying within the organization, or his teaching elsewhere. Doug Wilson wants obedience to him, from his staff. Wilson is a tyrant.
    Please turn to the Lord p, apply the Word of God to your life. Scripture tells us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ, and our enemies. We are to serve one another, and help people in our organization be more like Jesus, not fire them for not being loyal to us.

    • @truthseeker5179
      @truthseeker5179 Před měsícem +14

      Interviewer: "Is it more have someone that does that [the mission] well or someone that believes in what you do [the mission] and they can do it well?"
      Wilson: "It's important to pray for people who are loyal to the mission and they have craft competence... If I had to choose loyal or competent, I'd choose loyal, but I wish that were not the choice [I had to choose between]."
      For you to spin/corrupt this into Wilson not being Christian is such a distasteful reach. Any leader(s) of a church or organization have to discern if those in that organization are in agreement with them. For anyone familiar with Doug Wilson's channels and blog, the context behind Wilson's remarks have the presumption built in them "All of Christ for all of life" - the ministry's motto. He's being asked about general leadership questions, and it's silly to think that the Christian worldview isn't the prism with his answers are coming, considering all of his thousands of hours of other content, just because he doesn't sprinkle "Jesus" into every answer, which lots of charismatic charlatans do constantly. Flippantly throwing Jesus' name around doesn't establish credibility, and not using it constantly doesn't mean you have a low value of the Savior.
      Next, in regards to loyalty versus competence, if someone wants to participate in the ministry, and they have beliefs and values that conflict with that ministry's goals/beliefs, it shouldn't matter how competent they are. That's not Wilson being an egotistical megalomaniac. He's not demanding or requesting for blind, unquestioning subservient obedience. That's he and his other leaders protecting the mission of the ministry/company they're leading. Would it be wise for Wilson to hire a pro-abortion, CRT advocate that has 2 PHDs in IT with an IQ of 150 to run his website? Would it be wise for him to delegate marriage counselling to a guy on his 3rd marriage? Would it be wise to have someone teach Sunday School that doesn't think Christ literally rose from the dead? I have some theological differences with Wilson that would prevent him from hiring me, but I love so much of what he does and his thoughtfulness that he puts in articulating nuanced, complicated subjects. I wouldn't consider him a proud jerk for not hiring me on his church staff, because I'm not a Calvinist. I would think he's exercising sound judgment in light of his beliefs, even if I disagree with those beliefs. He even later goes on to warn against those who would use their competence to deliberately sabotage the mission. Imagine a case where a pitcher on the Braves baseball team was betting against the Braves and threw hittable pitches on purpose. Would it be unloving for the Braves to get rid of him? It would be foolish to not get rid of him.
      It seems like you have an axe to grind, and I couldn't let your twisted comment go unevaluated and mislead others. Do you think your behavior is Christ-like? God actually gave rules to govern when to expel people from church - even if you love them. In fact, it may be because you love them that you need to do it. Additionally, every book in the New Testament except one warns against false teachers. Several books name those that departed from the faith. One the warnings even said to mark [point out] and avoid false teachers.
      Next, loyalty is a noble thing, though it can be taken too far, like many noble attributes. You expect your spouse to be loyal to you, by which I mean she doesn't give her love to another. Paul used language that suggests loyalty when he said, "Demas forsook me". Notice he didn't say, "Demas forsook Christ". But, because Paul knew his goals were aligned with Christ's, it's reasonable to read his goals as the same thing. Similarly, Mr. Wilson believes his goals align with Christ's and tries to execute in good faith on that mission. Demas' loyalty shifted from Paul/Christ to the world, and Paul was disappointed. If someone becomes hostile to the Christ-centered goals that Mr. Wilson and his ministry have, they would have to separate as well.
      Last, I'll give an example of abusing a noble attribute. Mercy misapplied and given too generously to the wrong people becomes enablement. This is why God's mercy, which endures forever, doesn't endure to all individuals forever. Eventually, judgment comes to some individuals, though some will have God's mercy eternally.
      I hope all of this feedback adds some helpful nuance to the discussion.
      Disclaimer: I have a much more negative opinion of Trump than Doug Wilson and those around Mr. Wilson. I think Trump is a raging liberal that hates God and Christianity, and manipulates the evangelical crowd while routinely stabbing them in the back. I'll be writing in someone else as President, because I cannot stomach any party's candidate.

    • @toddstevens9667
      @toddstevens9667 Před měsícem +6

      I’m not a big fan of Doug at all, but I think you’re completely taking him out of context. He’s an employer who wants loyalty AND competence from his employees. As an employer, I know that he is absolutely correct. I don’t want a competent employee who keeps sending customers to my competition rather than doing the work I pay them to do. It happens considerably more often than you think. But as an employer, Doug has certain expectations of those whom he employs. That is not unchristian. That does not mean that I agree with his mission or ministry, which I most certainly do not. But this interview is fairly reasonable from an employer’s standpoint.

    • @keithal1478
      @keithal1478 Před měsícem +1

      DW is consumed with his own mind and human intellect. He worships GK Chesterton more than YHWH. DW had said that if Chesterton (all in roman catholic) does not go to heaven, he has no chance. This crass insult to YHWH is astounding.

    • @Nashmax
      @Nashmax Před měsícem +2

      @theresaread72 Clearly you have never run a company.

    • @Nashmax
      @Nashmax Před měsícem

      @@keithal1478 People who always use the OT spelling of The Lord and think they are holy or wise or educated by doing it ---> 😂🤣😂