The Harsh Reality Of League of Legend 's New Emerald Tier

  • čas přidán 13. 08. 2023
  • Insert hardstuck comment here
  • Hry

Komentáře • 181

  • @Cross40Productions
    @Cross40Productions Před 11 měsíci +170

    I literally had a guy troll the entire game because I made a “wave mistake” in the first 5 minutes… I’m currently in emerald… I’ve been playing since season 7 and that is the first time I’ve ever seen someone destabilize that quickly

    • @kimosavage7478
      @kimosavage7478 Před 11 měsíci +18

      lol I can't stand those kinda players, especially those who spam ping for every inch of movement you make

    • @Dxnnysc
      @Dxnnysc Před 11 měsíci +9

      i had a guy leave lane at lvl 2 because i missed 2 casters. i was sitting up in my chair...

    • @Cross40Productions
      @Cross40Productions Před 11 měsíci +5

      Bruh and if this mutant had just continued to play normally we would’ve won easily… our kayn was fed as shit and I was playing panth support and already had 4 kills… and he was playing Lucien… we would have smacked so hard but nah… he spent the rest of the game blowing his flash cleanse and ult on cool down and standing too far away for me to get my support item gold… absolute freak dude

    • @ishizukahikaru643
      @ishizukahikaru643 Před 11 měsíci

      Makes u wish murder was legal yea?@@Cross40Productions

    • @dadlos1
      @dadlos1 Před 11 měsíci +3

      I had someone motivate others in champ select and ran down mid since game started. Reason? In previous games his teammates trolled him. LMAO. Players nowadays have so weak minds and fragile egos.

  • @jayess1363
    @jayess1363 Před 11 měsíci +173

    Just a headsup the actual shift in division is that previously PLAT players (not diamond) are emerald. Diamond still comprises about the top 2.5% of each server, with silver players being split between the new silver/gold, gold players being the new plat, and plat player being the new emerald. But I agree that the game has reached brand new heights of toxicity the world has never known. The playerbase is probably 80% humans and 20% troglodyte psychopaths who would kill their own mother in their sleep if it meant they could climb without actually improving. Which pretty much guarantees you or the enemy team will have at least one of these cancerous tumors to contend with.

    • @-sorta
      @-sorta Před 11 měsíci +16

      This isnt exactly correct, its more of a gradual change to all ranks below diamond. Emerald is higher than old plat by about %4, pretty significant. Only about gold 1 players moved up to plat and silver 1 to gold. Bronze and iron are relatively the same, though high bronze players are likely to find themselves move up to silver.
      TL:DR emerald is higher than old plat, every rank below emerald is now slightly less prestigious

    • @treefrog9392
      @treefrog9392 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@-sorta correct

    • @adamrozek5782
      @adamrozek5782 Před 10 měsíci

      im a higher bronze, can`t win a game or 2 without losing 4, each game is a game where i play against smurfs or just straight up emerald/diamond0master ranks, additonaly to that i get iron to at max 1 gold rank in team, which causes them to lose me game. I started playing aure sol so i can win some games, but each game is 50 minute long and each game botlane has 20-40 deaths at 30, while toplane has 10@@treefrog9392

    • @ChrisGoesPewPew
      @ChrisGoesPewPew Před 10 měsíci +3

      @@-sorta You are actually wrong. Emerald is actually a larger playerbase than old Plat, and as such it actually holds some of the G1 players and Plat is entirely old Gold MMR. This can be seen in the official image for ranked distribution from Riot. Old Plat was around 12% of players, Emerald is around 17% of players.

    • @Digger-Nick
      @Digger-Nick Před 10 měsíci +5

      Climbing through Plat and Emerald as an ADC was an absolute cesspool. Seemed like every game my support was some boosted autopilot troll with a sub 40% winrate, who wants to sit afk behind me all game and get a free win.
      Between that and Riot still allowing people to duo feed made me realize how unfun the game is and how pointless it is to even bother playing

  • @phantomdancer3279
    @phantomdancer3279 Před 11 měsíci +23

    I just did a iron to diamond climb and holy shit I almost lost my mind in plat and emerald.. these dudes are crazy.

    • @mond2440
      @mond2440 Před 2 měsíci

      i actually hate plat more during my diamond climb. People there were brain damaged but they think they're faker.

  • @middlemayhem
    @middlemayhem Před 11 měsíci +20

    I'm gold 2 I'm getting silver gold Plat and emerald all in the same game. It makes no sense.

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci +3

      Riot never managed to crack the secret of how to display the player's mmr on the client . Seems like no company will ever have that in their games /s

    • @remyo192
      @remyo192 Před 11 měsíci +4

      Legit, im gold 1. got emerald player on enemy team. And iron 2 on my team. IRON 2!!!!!!! IM GOLD 1

    • @TheMilchBroetchen
      @TheMilchBroetchen Před 10 měsíci

      I guess they completly fucked up the matchmaking by introducing a new tier but not updating the MMR system

  • @xmalin1
    @xmalin1 Před 11 měsíci +64

    playing mute all is so much better

    • @benhughes5308
      @benhughes5308 Před 10 měsíci +6

      Most op skill in the game "mute all comms" mute the pings too, better to rely on your own decisions and learn from your own mistakes

  • @trey.3d
    @trey.3d Před 11 měsíci +44

    I was 82% winrate until I got into Emerald IV and then every other game has an inting crybaby who does everything in their power to lose. Literally sabotaging the entire game. It’s incredibly consistent to occur. I don’t understand why these accounts don’t get perma banned, or low priority queue off rip.

    • @xshana3153
      @xshana3153 Před 11 měsíci +6

      i got to dia with 70+% winrate on my smurf and legit lost 6 games in a row i had a game going 8/0 and i shit you not my entire team is 0/6/0 sololanes lost t2 already in minute 12 sometimes soloq games are just not meant to be won.

    • @adamrozek5782
      @adamrozek5782 Před 10 měsíci +2

      i was a silver with 90% winrate after 25 games,got 9x report for "cheats", cuz who believes that yasuo can be got tier in silver without cheating, and started losing. now i have 70wins on bronze 3 and like 80 loses

    • @weltenfresser3546
      @weltenfresser3546 Před 10 měsíci +7

      @@adamrozek5782 contrary to the others, this one is actually skill issue

    • @apheligoat
      @apheligoat Před 10 měsíci

      @@weltenfresser3546lmao i was about to say man bronze games are so easy to consistently win if you’re truly not supposed to be in that ranked regardless of the lp gain😭

    • @jack-o-lynn7570
      @jack-o-lynn7570 Před 10 měsíci

      I was 70% until esmerald 1... this elo is impossible, is a coinflip...

  • @GabryTFXTM
    @GabryTFXTM Před 11 měsíci +14

    if you never got jgl its for the opposite reason, most of players play jgl mid so you will basically never get filled in those lanes i think

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci +2

      Yeah its exactly that, i was just a lil sarcastic, adc is undesired and jungle is overly desired which is why it will always select that over filling me jungle. Cool and sad for me but i take it

  • @swerving729
    @swerving729 Před 11 měsíci +5

    Played about 40 games in emerald in the last 6 days, havent moved in rank at all, win lane and lose game is getting a little too real

  • @ginnerzapata5909
    @ginnerzapata5909 Před 11 měsíci +17

    Man i started playing league in 2020 in the pandemic. Im not mechanically gifted, so im main support. In order to become a better support i started playing all other roles, finding more fun in top and JG so my ranked games i play support but my normal games i ussually play top. What you said about ppl giving up for the first kill is so true: These days i've been having fun with gnar, i try me best no to die, im not good farming, but im working on it, so i (as a supp main) know that if i cannot win the lane, i can win the game by helping team mate, sometime i just have to mute the chat in order to enjoy the game because even in normal games it is horrible how players communicate with each other. Thanks for the rant.

    • @ginnerzapata5909
      @ginnerzapata5909 Před 11 měsíci

      another thing, im nota good player my peak was gold promo in my previous seasons, but never reached so im a silver guy, i always played my ranked against silvers and golds, all good. Now if im playing and win 3 in a row, the send you against 3 platinum and 2 gold, vs us: 4 silvers and 1 plat, they stomped us, but it was fun.

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci +2

      All good , we all start from somewhere, the matchmaking is not the best but all in all as long as you have fun thats all there is to it. People mistake the game for a chat hub and that is what majority of the losses come from ( skill is another issue but point being is you gotta have a positive mental) .

    • @BorisBirkenbaum
      @BorisBirkenbaum Před 11 měsíci +2

      You will learn all those things quickly. My experience is don't be scared to make mistakes and just take it easy and watch some more experienced players and learn macro.
      Leauge is mostly is mental game.

    • @handybobandy
      @handybobandy Před 10 měsíci

      You’re trolling, right?

  • @ricomambozero3811
    @ricomambozero3811 Před 11 měsíci +8

    the only solution to toxicity is rank players by Overall Points and give additional points if you manage to win the game ,
    some players purposely play bad or afk making the game more impossible to win

    • @turkisutaih7502
      @turkisutaih7502 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Guess what that would cause? an extreamly unplayable game where players only care about kda to climb and gold intake. They will not participate in fights, they will not try to outplay, they will ks at every chance even if its grief because at that point winning the game means so much less lol.

    @OMGITSATORNADO Před 10 měsíci +7

    Completely AGREE WITH YOU
    It’s all smooth sailing climbing from gold to platinum but when i end up in emerald it does this win lose lose situation on repeat there’s never any consecutive wins in emerald it’s always one win and then two-three loses after that, 9/10 times I always get the ACE/MVP even after being weaksided. but it’s just so unclimbable because they also like first timing their champions in this elo, also you can’t say ANYTHING to the baby support or they will finesse your wave and put it in a spot where you’re gankable then roam while enemy team freezes the 2v1, and nobody ever side lanes they all just leech xp and ARAM in mid lane

    • @steviejrr
      @steviejrr Před 9 měsíci

      Get good bro, I'm 90% w/r in emerald 4 diamond MMR already. If you're losing you're just bad. Everyone that makes these emerald videos means they just belong there.

      @OMGITSATORNADO Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@steviejrr no ego shit, but i make my life harder playing aphelios in this elo, where he needs a good team/peel for him to scale into late game. hes also D tier ADC. 9/10 games its not my fault and its just a team-gap/draft diff

    • @steviejrr
      @steviejrr Před 9 měsíci

      @@OMGITSATORNADO a good player will still climb out with any champ

      @OMGITSATORNADO Před 9 měsíci

      whats ur opgg@@steviejrr

  • @jamzki333
    @jamzki333 Před 11 měsíci +7

    You are correct about people giving up a lot more than before. S11 i was a diamond player and could go 80% wr to my main elo on a new account but now i get stuck in emerald way easier even if i mute all and try to play the game someone comes to my lane to take cs etc. Times have changed.

  • @InfiniteShmehh
    @InfiniteShmehh Před 10 měsíci +3

    my experience is every player wants to either completely win or lose their lane in the first 5 minutes of every game.

  • @konradmyszka7516
    @konradmyszka7516 Před 11 měsíci +3

    Few years ago plat 1 was quite solid, now it is total bs with npcs and trolls all around

  • @icaromsantana
    @icaromsantana Před 10 měsíci +4

    Got back to the game this split (I used to play on S3 ~ S5, peaking diamond on S4) and had about an 80% win rate from iron to Plat 1. The moment I got 98 lp and started getting queued with emeralds my win rate decreased to 55% and due to how the MMR works, I'm constantly breaking even with my lp. The worst for me is not only the toxicity this game had, it's the skill disparity! You literally flip a coin every game to see who'll get the challenger smurf and who'll get the bronze-boosted player on each team. This is especially frustrating when playing solo lanes that you either stomp your enemy like they are afk or just get utterly destroyed by mechanics that you didn't even know existed... Still love the game and feel like this has been the best league had to offer in these past 10 years though.

  • @silentkaisei
    @silentkaisei Před 11 měsíci +7

    I am emerald 4 0 lp xD but ngl it feels like people troll so hard and ego in emerald, someone fpd katarina and fed because they didnt like our teamcomp and they were the only one who did bad it was really sad and so many people give up with 1 death :( it kind of sucks without playing with a friend stack of 5

  • @MrDovanne
    @MrDovanne Před 11 měsíci +3

    I'm a master player and I will tell you the truth about this game.
    Climbing is disgusting and hard. Matchmaking is rigged as fuck and it's destroying ppl's mental.
    I took an old acc of mine wich was bronze , I climbed to gold super easily with 80 % winrate playing for fun random champs like lee supp. Once I reached gold it's the apocalypse. Matchmaking is giving me 30% winrate clowns vs 80% winrate smurf. Games are harder than in master elo. I reached plat with now 61% winrate and be forced to switch role because support is USELESS as fuck in low elo (I'm main support)
    Plat is a clown fiesta , in one of my games (this is not a joke) my top was 0/8/0 my mid 0/11/1 my bot lane 0/9/0 and as a jungler I was 1/5/0... in 20 min before FF
    To climb back to emerald I used to duo Q with a master friend and this is HARD, how can non smurfing ppl escaping this? they can't and their mental health is getting destroyed

  • @randomstranger3473
    @randomstranger3473 Před 11 měsíci +4

    "As an ADC main I'm no stranger to misery"

  • @kennethponce1640
    @kennethponce1640 Před 10 měsíci +9

    Well I understand you, I am not emerald or diamond I'm a gold player, started playing about 3 years ago. But I can feel everything you say man. I try my best to cheer up my team to try and carry and if I'm not able then help the carries, I try to spread positivity and treat teammates like babies sometimes, but that still don't help because they come tilted into your game and it's game over. I have a friend who I play with regularly and I always tell him, league is an easy game, what is hard is the human aspect in it. At least in solo queue in lower elos it's more about the teams resolve to win rather than their ability

    • @-hobby-4039
      @-hobby-4039 Před 7 měsíci

      I agree with you but: "league is an easy game" that's not true at all, I've been playing league since season 4, I never cared about ranked until now, I'm about to hit diamond because I started focussing on what I do in order to improve, and this gave me insight about what I know and what I need to learn, and what I saw is that when someone has been playing constantly for as long as me, putting tens of thousands of hours in the game we take it for granted, but the sheer amount of muscle memory, knowledge about champion interactions, and general informations about the smallest details of this game is outstanding. We learned it bit by bit and therefore it doesn't seem much, but for someone seeing it from the outside those are a crap ton of things to learn.
      Ps: the diamond part is just to avoid the classic low Elo take of:"the game is easy, you are just bad" I don't care about flexing, and this is a thing that transcends the rank, even a silver/gold player, if he played for long enough, can see how much things they know about the game.

  • @tonybalz9888
    @tonybalz9888 Před 11 měsíci +2

    same, im currenlty emerald 3 and this games are depressing, if i loose cuz my opponent is better its fine, but if i have to lose cuz someone died ONCE and starts spamming ff ruining others mental its horrible

  • @Tabatha1
    @Tabatha1 Před 11 měsíci +12

    I think it's wild people are in your comments flaming you for your role. I haven't been playing nearly as long as you but I've been a normals only player for years because I don't like the toxicity and just want to play for fun. Like you I only played ranked to get to plat and quit. I wanted to try for diamond this year but after only 30 games in emerald I'm so exhausted. You are 100% spot on when you say it's every single game someone's typing ff 15 or inting after 1 or 2 deaths, or it's just a coinflip on which team will get stomped. I also main adc and im sure the idiots in this comment section will hop on me too, but how many games have you been in that are actually winnable if your teamed played the game they were in? Too many right? The same people here going "lol adc main op role quit crying" are the same ones we get in our games doing this garbage, so don't listen to them. The game isn't what it used to be and sadly I don't think it ever will. I think a lot of the player bases behavior has been shaped by the league content we consume. I'm not saying streamers are 100% at fault, but they definitely contribute to the wannabe personality the average player tries to take on. Anyways, great video. Definetely deserves more views.

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci +3

      Appreciate the support :D. I find their comments entertaining as i know for a fact they don't play the role , if they did they wouldn't even attempt to sound as pompous, or they might ya never know. But i think whilst the streamers and content might be a reason i do believe the bigger factor is the existing option of "going pro" or blowing up with league and making $$$ from it. Having that as an eventuality for some people leads them to act this way, but that is of course a theory. Will continue the struggle of adc in ranked as it does have its fun moments ( very rarely BUT it does!) .

  • @aster011
    @aster011 Před 11 měsíci +24

    I am going to be the one to give another perspective on the problem.
    The main issue that has been going on for quite a few years now is increasing damage to the point that funny full damage builds before the Rune rework became the most efficient tactic available.
    New players cant learn anything because they are just getting one-shotted or ran down on every single little mistake they make, while veterans are going full toxic mode for the same reasons. Mistakes were never more punishable than now. Did you screw the recall timer on top lane? Well now you will die to serrated dirk aatrox in 1 combo because why the fuck not, and no, you can not teleport anywhere else on the map before 10 mins ( every lane has their own scenario where they just get fucked over some small mistake).
    Full damage meta has to go for the game to be more interesting along with stopping to make the game stupidly simple (a lot of items got their active parts removed for example and got passive effects instead, for what reason riot? so new players can have it easier? well there are no new players around...)
    There is a lot to be talked about, riot doesn't listen or they just don't care, so the game will continue to be a miserable experience.

    • @Digger-Nick
      @Digger-Nick Před 10 měsíci +2

      The opposite is true, mistakes have never been less punishing.
      You no longer have to pink ward the bush behind you since TP has to unlock at a certain time for wards.
      Minions no longer hit you after they focus a tower.
      Catch up xp has never been higher.
      Most actives were removed to lower skillgap.
      Obviously you can still be punished for poor wave management, but it's never been easier to come back from.

    • @Lionhart1991
      @Lionhart1991 Před 10 měsíci

      @@Digger-Nick i also wanna add (as a supp main) that the full damage supps are everywhere now in the current state of things, this is also another factor that pushed way up the total damage of a game

    • @aster011
      @aster011 Před 9 měsíci

      @@Digger-Nick I agree with you, I guess i didn't portray my point as I wanted to. What I wanted to say was the game got so dumbed down that a worse player can win a lane just by playing "stronger champion" (be it because of the champion itself or the items they buy).
      I would like to present the following example: a couple of years ago, the tahm kench was starting to be played on top lane due to some changes, at the time I was platinum player and for the first time in my life I lost lane against silver playing tahm kench and it wasn't even close. Yes, I did learn by making mistakes, but even after learning how to deal with tahm kench i had no tools available to get out of the lane ahead enough to impact the game, that champ just shuts down any aggressive champion back then (for example I played jax and irelia mostly at that time).
      Currently, the Aatrox is in a similar state where his damage just spikes too much with buying 1100 gold item (serrated dirk) that I cant do anything against him to gain a significant advantage for quite some time till we both buy the first item.
      I guess the lanes themselves are too weak (mid and top) so i feel that way, its not about mistakes being less punishing its about if you do make a mistake you will have harder time stomping in order to be relevant in game (speaking specifically about mid and top), so yeah those two lanes need more agency on the map, till then i can only hope for something to be done about it.
      PS sorry for long reply, i hope i didnt bore you to death 😅

  • @pugthedrug7401
    @pugthedrug7401 Před 11 měsíci +2

    7:03 i bursted in laughter, because that is way too true

  • @pichi032
    @pichi032 Před 11 měsíci +5

    I have never seen a community call each other dog so much like this one, I used to play in BR server and while it was toxic, it was a bit more light hearted, here in EUW it's is not uncommon at all to face racism among other really nasty things.

    • @Cherry-pu4mx
      @Cherry-pu4mx Před 10 měsíci

      They get banned immediately anyhow. Games trash now tht you cant sht talk opponents

    • @pichi032
      @pichi032 Před 10 měsíci

      @@Cherry-pu4mx They don't get banned, just chat restricted for a couple days at max

  • @XirlioTLLXHR
    @XirlioTLLXHR Před 9 měsíci +1

    You're wrong about a couple of things, but the biggest thing you're wrong about is the people stuck in Emerald. It's Gold to Emerald not Plats and Diamonds. I've even had ex Masters in my Emerald matches. So far, the first week since split 2 started was good, but ever since that has ended the game's been a shitshow to the point that it actually made me quit after 13 years. I was hoping season 14 would fix some issues but judging by what I've seen that's planned for pre-season, it's only downhill from here. Emerald has been by far the most frustrating experience I've ever had out of any competitive game and I'm the guy that's also played counter strike for about 14 years before I REALLY got into league. Overall, my opinion is that Emerald is a good addition, but Riot's implementation of it was VERY BAD and it's killing ranked. The idea was to not inflate every fucking ranked division and jump them up, that's only causing problems and now the people that were bad and are bad at the game have climbed higher meaning high Gold to high Emerald is a shitshow. I don't know how you can be that bad at top 8% of players, but my god I have met some really horribly bad people in my matches since split 2. Toxicity, sure, people are WAY more toxic than ever at the moment, but that's not the main issue. People just don't understand what game they're playing in Emerald elo and it's driving me nuts trying to play with them and having to explain every fucking thing I do when I do it and explain why what THEY are doing IS NOT working for them OR the team during the match... Like the most ego boosted players in my entire life I have met in Emerald, not Diamond+, not lower. Gold to Emerald 1 is a complete shit show, they're all put together for some fucking reason, I was facing and having Golds in my teams while I had 75% winrate in Emerald. It's ruined my winrate to the point I don't feel like ever playing League ever again, because you can't make bad players be good during a single match unless they actually wanna fucking listen to constructive criticism and fix their mistakes.

  • @GeoBGO
    @GeoBGO Před 11 měsíci +7

    Well said! Split 1, I ended up Master rank 1 EUW & World Lissandra (75% WR). Since the reset and the implementation of Emerald, my account has been there (15 games) but to be honest it seems like Emerald is all the old stuck diamond of split 1 who couldn't get master.
    Just my thought on 15 games!

    • @Gryers
      @Gryers Před 11 měsíci

      I always ask my self how Liss players even climb that much every time i play her my team trolls alone because i play Liss XD
      my last game where i picked liss my Jungler run down mid with this in chat: Liss is such a useless dog champ alone picking this shit deserv -LP and yea he went 0/5 and afk farmed the rest of the game XD

  • @moon19941
    @moon19941 Před 9 měsíci +1

    emerald is by far the worst experience i had in LoL in all my 10+ years of LoL

  • @ML-Mizu
    @ML-Mizu Před 10 měsíci +1

    1 game: Yasuo goes AFK cause ADC dies while supp roam on midlane cause of pushed wave (supp diff he said) =RQ
    2 game: Rammus invaded cause midlaner defend turret at 1:05 (Toplane start int and spam FF15)
    3 game: win
    4 game: mentally unstable jungler who blame whole 3 laners to not invade enemy jungler with him
    Emerald 4 things (I play LoL for 11 years...but this is literally insane).

  • @bj_cat103
    @bj_cat103 Před 10 měsíci +3

    a good way to fix it aside from balance changes would be for riot to stop being so sraced to ban people. If they knew that if they run it down mid, they will be permad, there would be much less of those

    • @Cherry-pu4mx
      @Cherry-pu4mx Před 10 měsíci

      Lol dude, one game of inting is enough to get a 2 week ban.
      You have to soft int now to get past the system

  • @Gryers
    @Gryers Před 11 měsíci +3

    I actually played always like this: I want out of Silver.. i want out of Gold.. i want out of Platin.. i want out of Emerald and always the elo after that was more cancer shit than the one before tbh i wish i could play in gold the rest of my life because Dia and Low master is the biggest trash Elo some one can get stuck in..

    • @StarStew
      @StarStew Před 11 měsíci +2

      so true man. i hit diamond for a few seasons but my best experience was always high silver, gold, plat 5-2. plat 1 is full of trash players just like diamond and the rest. the higher you go from gold, the more it looks like a glorified bronze imo. very very similar mentalities except one side is more mechanically consistent than the other.

  • @tavorashkenazi3766
    @tavorashkenazi3766 Před 11 měsíci +10

    thing is, even staying calm 90% of games with 2k gold lead end in win for the 2k gold lead team. its just how this patch is with junglers 1v9ing every game... ppl be more mad than usual cause they have no control in game outcome a lot of the times i feel like, especially in adc/support roles. also diamond is now further away which is where people aim to be. riot literally added 400 extra lp for ppl to get, so climbing those extra 400 is rough when you're not playing jungle role or when ppl dont play for the jungler. also respect for playing adc in this meta >.< ashe/kaisa every game ResidentSleeper. also, whenever i queue top/adc 4/5 games i get adc even tho top is prio 1, and in those 4 games top is then a mid autofilled...just goes to show u how fked the botlane meta is that no1 wants to queue it with those annoying junglers >.< especially in emerald

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci +1

      Its the protagonist syndrom, if they die twice it ain't worth their time, been like that for a couple of years since riot started to remake them. I mainly spam Ezreal Ashe when i play so i have some fun, until the jungler is unhappy ....

    • @larryjesus9035
      @larryjesus9035 Před 10 měsíci +2

      i think the issue with botlane is that it's the lane that punishes a team the most if it gets behind.
      The junglers are the ones that gank and help the lanes the most since it's their jobs, although helping each lane gives you different approches to the game: helping toplane gives almost nothing more than just your toplaner having an easier time fighting and getting gold and helping mid can allow you to have a partner for every objective, invades and ganks/counterganks, but those 2 lanes essentially makes you help 1 team mate and put in disadvantage 1 enemy, whereas helping your botlane may result on putting 2 enemies behind, which is really helpful but at the same time really dangerous when it's the enemy jungler helping its botlane.
      Furthermore, as of today, claiming the first drake has a lot more of win rate than claiming the first herald, therefore its really important to have the necessary prio in the team in order to get the first drake. When it comes to getting prio for drake, the botlane is the most important lane to be available since it translates into having 2 team mates for the drake. Most of the times, the team that gets the first drake is the team whose botlane has the advantage over the enemy botlane by the time the drake spawns. You can be ahead of the enemy jungler as your team's jungler, but if your botlane is behind and cant fight the drake, you can not get the first drake, which is the most important objective to get in the early game.
      Also support is the role that roams and invades the jungler the most, so we end up with the jungler getting mad with the botlane if they are behind but also with the botlane getting mad with the jungler if he's mad by something that its decided by matchup and he couldn't do anything about it or just by being straight up camped by the enemy jungler.
      If the enemy jungler camps the botlane, the botlane gets angry with the jungler. If the botlane doesnt have a matchup to have prio and the jungler doesn't do anything about it then the first drake is gone, the jungler gets mad with the botlane, the botlane gets mad with the jungler. And all of this happens in the first 5-10 minutes of the game... Really not a good scenario.
      It's really hard to see a future in which jungle and botlane coexist peacefully if there is no rework on objectives or the jungle just camps its botlane

    • @tavorashkenazi3766
      @tavorashkenazi3766 Před 10 měsíci +1

      cool input very interesting

  • @Vexzyyy_
    @Vexzyyy_ Před 10 měsíci

    I am exactly in the same situation as you. Was diamond before, but now am strugling in high emerald having some of the worst games of my life

  • @ninebreaker7939
    @ninebreaker7939 Před 11 měsíci +3

    League needs a hard reset after introducing the new rank cause plat atm is the new gold

  • @baiqianshi423
    @baiqianshi423 Před 8 měsíci +1

    I have played in both EUW and the Chinese league server, and I think EUW is harder to climb because in China I had to deal with toxicity but in EUW I had to deal with both toxicity and troll picks. It just annoys me how EU players know that their troll picks have clearly negative win rates but they still pick it cos they think it's 'fun'. Almost 9/10 times these troll pickers lose lane and the few times they win games are those in which they get hard carried by their team. Maybe that's also a reason why EU hasn't won worlds in so many years. Look at G2, playing stuff like Seraphine adc and Lissandra support, did they end up winning the worlds? Nope. Therefore, troll pickers and their arrogance are the most annoying thing in this EUW server which annoys me beyong toxicity and handicappedness.

  • @aq_tv8640
    @aq_tv8640 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Same exact issue in NA. I hope Emerald balances out over time? Right now, i'm Emerald 4 and every game the quality of the match is so fucking low. Honestly, getting harder to even want to play.

    • @garrettbillington7230
      @garrettbillington7230 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Hey, I'm also an NA player and I climbed through emerald very fast this season (20ish wins) while I had just made diamond for the first time ever in the previous split. My other account is near Emerald 4 and to me, the toxicity has moved closer to the bottom of that tier more than it has the top through my own experiences. You'll get through it eventually. Just have to climb another 200LP and you'll get through the worst of the muck. The mute function is also a wonderful things and I use it every single game on someone, sometimes multiple players including enemy team.

  • @veselinstoichkov2993
    @veselinstoichkov2993 Před 10 měsíci +1

    dw the trash talking is not very common in plat euw the only reason, every player is chat restricted

  • @vojtechsicha8510
    @vojtechsicha8510 Před 11 měsíci

    Another problem i see is that to get to dia i have to climb through another extra 4 divisions and thats simply a lot of time even if i have decent winrate.

  • @KatzeArtemis
    @KatzeArtemis Před 3 měsíci

    the problem is that people can ff 4v1 at min 15.. + its common practise to just first time a champ in ranked you havent played for 2 seasons

  • @gianlucapuleo8192
    @gianlucapuleo8192 Před 11 měsíci +1

    I hit gold for the first time yesterday and today I lost 4 games in a row because my mid laner or jungler die twice and go "afk" (stay in fountain and move every 30 seconds) and I have lost about 90% of motivation to play ranked if my teams are just gonna be 5 monkeys greeding for kills with main character syndrome

    • @Topset19
      @Topset19 Před 8 měsíci

      I hit gold for the first time 3 weeks ago, was stuck G4 0Lp for the following weeks. Then I started rotating 3 champs on Top, got to gold 2 in 1 day, G1 the next day and today (3rd day) I hit plat for the first time. Perseverance and mute self+all 👍.

  • @jdogsful
    @jdogsful Před 9 měsíci

    the fact that its more important to farm waves than get kills is a problem. i dont want to farm, i want to fight.

  • @CoachSpongeLoL
    @CoachSpongeLoL Před 11 měsíci

    how many times did you play per day¡?

  • @renzoarganda6184
    @renzoarganda6184 Před 10 měsíci +1

    As a WR Player Who Experience this many Times all i can say is. Welcome to Wild Rift Rank Hell.

  • @astreas
    @astreas Před 10 měsíci

    6:17 actually servers starting to look like koreas server.
    I love the playstyle of short early game oriented games with everyone showing off and trying to stomp since it literally implies people playing the game. When people stop crying and decide to finally play this stomp meta will become very similar since its how it happened in korea 11 seasons ago.

  • @chonie-kids
    @chonie-kids Před 10 měsíci

    The only problem is people are upset in some games or under performing teams.

  • @ivan02gl
    @ivan02gl Před 6 měsíci

    agree on all of what you said, been diamond for quite some seasons now i guess 5 or 6 times and playing in Emerald has been the worst experience of soloq even when adc were dogshit this is just insane totally agree with you i play in LAN

  • @thebiglebowski6965
    @thebiglebowski6965 Před 8 měsíci +1

    People are looking for the extra drama and try to "expose" it like you. Nope, it has alway been like this.

  • @witwulf6881
    @witwulf6881 Před 11 měsíci +3

    I am plat playing in emerald lobby every game, and the plat lobbies are 100% better. Idk just people trolling and leaving the game. I just can’t play the game and enjoy it at the same time.

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci

      yeah the ego is heavily inflatted now for all these " people" thanks riot

    • @silentkaisei
      @silentkaisei Před 11 měsíci +1

      I agree for some reason the instant my games went into emerald they became babyrage every game its crazy its a lot harder to carry when your team just gives up but its still doable as adc with my duo support

  • @EchoesOfTheWeary
    @EchoesOfTheWeary Před 10 měsíci

    Yeah when I was gold 2 and gaining high lp per win the game paired me with enemy teams a division above me or two

  • @hypernova7547
    @hypernova7547 Před 9 měsíci

    I have a theory, maybe its not the players that are inherently toxic, MAYBE its riots systems that they put in place that are driving players crazy and they are just SICK of riots bullshit (ur mmr crashing after you hit emerald 3, getting chat restricted for saying something like "fat man" to grags ect...).

  • @daviedawg3318
    @daviedawg3318 Před 10 měsíci

    I’m hard stuck silver but I’m plat now but I just don’t kept playing and it’s still hard in gold when there’s a lot of hard stuck gold players

  • @Daisuke177
    @Daisuke177 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Adding divisions doesn't do anything though. It's all in people's head. LP has never meant anything, matchmaking is entirely based on your hidden MMR. You could add 50 ranks it wouldn't really change anything.
    As for player behavior, no sense complaining about it, just carry and move on. Your teammates are just AI with RNG difficulty. People have ran it down since the start and will continue doing it forever.

  • @theAmdisen391
    @theAmdisen391 Před 9 měsíci

    as a main jungler, i had mid die within 20 sec of lane starting he blamed me and rage quit. well maybe it was becouse i said " die solo while jg has not even killed blue, and then blame him, is kinda cringe, toddler move

  • @si1entgmer263
    @si1entgmer263 Před 6 měsíci

    YOU WILL see most players with less than 10 games in emerald

  • @ishizukahikaru643
    @ishizukahikaru643 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Do u still get phagget yummi supports in your elo? U know they types of players that want minimum responsibility yet they still feel like they deserve to climb.

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci +1

      I do get the occasional support player that just sits behind ranged minions, does nothing for 15 minutes, then presses his buttons once and we win off that. The pride they feel must be good i suppose.

  • @dione2610
    @dione2610 Před 10 měsíci

    When i stopped playing this game 5 years ago i left my account around Diamond 5 so my MMR was kinda high when i came back. I ranked my 10 positioning matches with a silver friend bc I wasnt interested in ranked at all and got placed in Gold 3 lol, I ranked 1 match by myself and all players where in emerald except for me, 2 seconds in the game and I'm already getting flammed for being gold in an emerald match LOL, I died ONCE, ONCE!! and this same player kept shitting on me, I had to mute them. We won and I was the MVP but shit... I didn't expect people to type so much, whats the point??? literally just to lower morale for no reason and they wonder why they lose so many games.. good god.

  • @anelynn145
    @anelynn145 Před 10 měsíci

    "the main protagonist syndrome" this

  • @prodbytukoo
    @prodbytukoo Před 9 měsíci

    I got a Sylas trolling because I didn't SWAP HIM at champion select, can you even imagine... He wanted me to blind Gwen and actually started crying and saying he was going to troll. Effectively, he trolled, I couldn't give less of a shit tbh I'm just playing 1 or 2 rankeds for fun nowadays cuz I got no time for tryharding but omg I've never seen such crybabies like you've said.

  • @limenglin1986
    @limenglin1986 Před 6 měsíci

    I was in a game when I was 1/0 at top, at the 13 min, the team is 1/32. I’m now sure how both bot lane are 0/10, and 0/11 at 13 min, and a 0/5 midland went afk, and 0/6 jungler start to walk in the base. I choose to surr at 15 min, and off, the bot lane say its winnable. I think they are much much more optimistic than you.

  • @Aunubus69
    @Aunubus69 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Honestly we just need a league of legends 2

  • @Narekz
    @Narekz Před 10 měsíci +1

    i am iron, what i am supposed to notice :(

  • @MyNigellus
    @MyNigellus Před 8 měsíci

    I love the -30 +19 lp to improve myself. I got reported for a 4-9 kayn game (Yes I played very bad, but I tried didnt ff) and got honor locked and chat restrictes :)

  • @henrykolberg1349
    @henrykolberg1349 Před 10 měsíci

    The reality: if evryone has this mindset, and you dont, then in the long run you will climb solely because of that. Have a growth mindset. In ranked i play with chat off pings on, works extremely well. I will surrender sometimes, but i made it a rule that i will never be the one to start the ff. Play to learn every game, not to win.

  • @user-pi6xe5gl1i
    @user-pi6xe5gl1i Před 11 měsíci +6

    The problem is the player base. People give up too quickly nowadays. Everyone just wants ez wins. Nobody wants to fight for the win. League community is filled with spineless crying human blobs. And it’s not just in league, society as a whole is failing. Nobody wants to work hard any more. People want ez money, ez jobs, ez degrees, but they don’t want to fight or work for it.

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci +4

      Always has been the player base, seems the best place to vent their frustrations is on the league platform.

    • @user-pi6xe5gl1i
      @user-pi6xe5gl1i Před 11 měsíci

      @@AcceptableNick as an influencer and entertainer, you have the power to teach people something different.

  • @spmkjh
    @spmkjh Před 10 měsíci

    seeing how I have 2 E2 accounts right now. yes. I completely agree.

  • @davidhernandomuro
    @davidhernandomuro Před 9 měsíci

    When you queue for ADC/JUNG you don't get jungle ever beceause ADC is the 4th less played role only more played than SUP. JUNG is the most played role Diamond+.

  • @GoldenCrow559
    @GoldenCrow559 Před 11 měsíci

    "Maybe we'll get sabre back". Too soon 😢

  • @Dr_Disconnect
    @Dr_Disconnect Před 11 měsíci

    I stopped drinking when I play league and climbed from G4 to E3 this split in the jungle. I'm trying to push for diamond but every single game I have to tell my team, "GJ, NT, we will get them next time, don't worry just farm, farm some more we got this, Lets dragon then go here, im going rift then ganking dw." constantly. All the while i'm getting told, "STFU you are trash FF" and much worse. If I die one time during a gank. Doesn't matter if we get 1 kill or an ace. Im getting flamed. Like people need to put their ego aside and just play. None of us are getting paid to play.

  • @lunaprojectdev
    @lunaprojectdev Před 3 měsíci

    Emeral is a problem because:
    1.- A lot of buyed accounts start ranking at emerald- high platinum tier
    2.- The lack of emerald players makes the queue to platinum-high gold players
    3.- With the current ranking system its almost impossible to this new accounts dropdown to their current elo because when they got demoted they just need to win 1 more game to climb again.

  • @TheWesleyRyan
    @TheWesleyRyan Před 10 měsíci

    emaryld has nothing to do with it it wouldve just been the same thing in plat 2 has to do with rank distribution

  • @ReplayCovers
    @ReplayCovers Před 10 měsíci

    LAN player here, it's not any better

  • @zgagatwet1221
    @zgagatwet1221 Před 10 měsíci

    emerald is such a elo hell

  • @GaryOaksEgo
    @GaryOaksEgo Před 10 měsíci

    I constantly have fresh lv30-40 accounts in my plat/emerald games just trolling baiting kids to get banned and restricted by engaging with them

  • @mashopotatomashopotato8611
    @mashopotatomashopotato8611 Před 10 měsíci

    Im hardstuck emerald. I cant get out. I think duo is mandatory

  • @ivailogeorgiev8637
    @ivailogeorgiev8637 Před 10 měsíci


    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 10 měsíci

      And soon you get to play 3 ranked splits instead of 2 , thanks rito

  • @Mrbeaaat22
    @Mrbeaaat22 Před 9 měsíci

    I reached Emerald 3 this season after playing the game for 3 years. And now i am not playing any ranked or competitve games. #CASUALS_ON_TOP

  • @ivan.osokin
    @ivan.osokin Před 11 měsíci +1

    they should remove lp penalty from AFK games!! not my fault bro

  • @jkrte989
    @jkrte989 Před 10 měsíci

    Absolutely agreed. When I'm losing, I can always pinpoint the moment I did something wrong that contributed to the loss. Even if I'm not the only one contributing to the loss, it's always liberating to blame yourself and have a sense of control, than blame everything else and be a total bitch. Also, did flaming someone on your ream helped to win a game, ever?

  • @JayPoucasLetras
    @JayPoucasLetras Před 7 měsíci

    bro 80% of time teamates are gold last season, how does that make sense? you go trought the profiles and those guys been playing for years an never hit plat and now they are emerald, this elo doesn't work XD

  • @akronakron4352
    @akronakron4352 Před 6 měsíci

    You should see how its in EUNE :)

  • @nosc_c
    @nosc_c Před 11 měsíci +1

    You know what? You're right about there's always someone bitching in chat, BUT it's mostly your role doing it. ADCs have a certain selfish way of thinking that removes the possibility that sometimes they are not the win con, and proceed to just bitch and run it.
    No sympathy for that dog role.

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci

      While true and i may be the exception as i don't really care to bitch i've seen more protagonist syndrome from solo laners/jg as they have the inflatted ego mostly. BUT each experience varies to that i agree.

  • @Th3Vampir3Knight
    @Th3Vampir3Knight Před 10 měsíci

    Why does this description sound just like silver/gold? 😮

  • @adsteller
    @adsteller Před 10 měsíci

    Ill not say the point made in this video is wrong.
    But considering we only have 4 instead of 5 divisions and no more promo games (aside from plat to emerald etc.) I would arguee it didnt get harder that much.

  • @thetsanation8664
    @thetsanation8664 Před 10 měsíci


  • @teem0w885
    @teem0w885 Před 10 měsíci

    The most tilting is when you have 5, 8 or more winstrikes and the first game you lose is when people give up. At least lie to me you care so I can tell myself the others were better.

  • @vrmax1919
    @vrmax1919 Před 4 měsíci

    yea imagen playing mid and getting your 2nd role 8 out of 10 times little does this guy know that 9 out of 10 games are decided by bot and jg

  • @doverstreetnlnl941
    @doverstreetnlnl941 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Just play Mute all, and u good to go

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci +1

      That for sure will stop them from running it down :D

  • @doky5447
    @doky5447 Před 10 měsíci

    Emerald is by far 10x times worse then old plat, had to play kassa 1v9 while sweating my balls of just to get out of that ego boosted division, dia 2 is 5x times easyer

  • @anac.4801
    @anac.4801 Před 11 měsíci

    Nothing but facts in this video

  • @emilems4680
    @emilems4680 Před 11 měsíci

    7:04 -7:30 🤣🤣🤣

  • @waveTV_
    @waveTV_ Před 9 měsíci

    Its bc the game is a snowball fest. Its too snowbally, gold has too much value/too easy to get gold/miss gold.
    You die level 1 as top laner/miss xp.. “gg games over” .. if your opponent plays correftly, yes, its gg.
    Very hard to mount comebacks if the other team plays smart or if you/your teammates continue to play stupid and force things.
    So once someone is behind, they feel the challenge got that much harder and give up bc they assume the worst

  • @allgames5556
    @allgames5556 Před 8 měsíci

    Joe Satriani???

  • @ahmed100d
    @ahmed100d Před 11 měsíci +1

    Subs and like for made me laugh ty bro keep going😂❤️‍🔥

  • @ultra1stinct
    @ultra1stinct Před 11 měsíci

    emerald did nothing more, what u are saying is the state of the game since ages

  • @adrianbunea2006
    @adrianbunea2006 Před 11 měsíci

    I had a "Diamond" renekton rotate mid so I went top lane until he resets. His Vlad that he let farm one shot me from full hp under the turret as soon as I got there. He started pinging me, but I had muted chat so I don't know if he was saying anything bad. My mistake I guess for trying to rotate and not expecting Vlad to be able to one shot on one kill only. But the game ended up wuth Vlad one shotting everybody and Renekton being useless. We lost but I got Diamond in the next 2 games. This Renekton is one of those sweaty players that are trembling because they know they now belong in Emerald.

  • @BjerkingDK
    @BjerkingDK Před 11 měsíci +4

    sounds like low elo very much XD

  • @CountZakula
    @CountZakula Před 11 měsíci +1

    need ad nerfs, resistance buffs, more unique items and build versatility.

    • @AcceptableNick
      @AcceptableNick  Před 11 měsíci

      Its ok they remove the shaco nerf next patch and nerf another random champion while keeping duskblade immortality

  • @limkorvey1929
    @limkorvey1929 Před 10 měsíci

    Bro emerald is not even a real rank 😅

  • @steviejrr
    @steviejrr Před 9 měsíci

    Everyone crying about emerald just belong there. I'm 90% w/r in Emerald 4 already solo q, diamond MMR already. You're just terrible and you belong there if you can't climb.

  • @ouiouipe6247
    @ouiouipe6247 Před 11 měsíci

    EOMM : AI adaptive gameplay : Streamer/pro lobby : Behavioral modeling : Perception management

  • @tobiasstockner8885
    @tobiasstockner8885 Před 8 měsíci

    Yea i understand that league community is literal garbage. The thing tho is, as long as you yourself try to play the game as competitiv as possible and try to improve in the game, you will naturally climb, since the enemy teams will have 5 idiots in their team while your team only has 4