Rookie Academy Rotation Ski Tip


Komentáře • 10

  • @zbynekcodykolacek
    @zbynekcodykolacek Před 4 lety

    Any skis on any terrain... superbly mastered.

  • @CECS1
    @CECS1 Před 12 lety

    fantastic demo and instruction. I wish I had a better mental image of cross under, and getting that transition from edge to flat to edge to initiate the start of the new turn for short rad. and making that turn as shaped as I can, rather than a straining and stalling the end

  • @JonathanBallou
    @JonathanBallou  Před 11 lety +1

    Thanks. I'll work on creating a video video on creating symmetry between turns.

  • @springflowerangel
    @springflowerangel Před 11 lety

    It shows me well how to rotate legs and foot under the hips, or pelvis.

  • @windspoint
    @windspoint Před 11 lety

    Firstly great vid. I also struggle with taking the edge off initiating the rotation and applying the new edge in a smooth way. I'm more of a crash from one edge to the other then I'm off in the other direction. It's easy turning the legs without skis but with skis it's harder, even keeping the upper body calm facing down the fall line, it does not flow well!?! Another good vid would be working on the weak turn direction we all have, I turn left far better than right. Cheers

  • @JonathanBallou
    @JonathanBallou  Před 12 lety

    Try looking up some of Sebastian Michel's videos. There are some great images of cleanly transitioning between turns. I'll post more in the near future and try to do one on that concept.

  • @JB91710
    @JB91710 Před 4 lety

    TRY, to envision this. You are holding a ball and you drop it. It will fall. You do Not have to force it to fall.
    A torsion bar is a round bar of spring steel. You can hold one end and twist the other end. When you release that end, it will spring back into alignment. You do not have to force it.
    Now, when you are facing down the hill and your skis are going across the hill, your muscles are wound up like that torsion bar. Your upper body is held facing down the hill and your skis are winding up your legs.
    You are balanced on the arch of your downhill foot on the inside edge of that ski. That edge has locked the twisted bar in place. When you get off that downhill foot, you release the lock. Your body starts to fall down the hill because you are no longer balanced. Your uphill foot will INSTANTLY roll over onto the flat of the ski. The edges are not holding the ski. The torsion built up in your legs will start too unwind which will make the tip of the skis head down the hill. The uphill ski will INSTANTLY rollover onto the inside edge/arch of your uphill/weighted ski and the design of that ski will make it turn around under you.
    Nothing is forced by You twisting your legs and feet. You can do that and most people will help them turn automatically but you do NOT teach that. The turning ski twists your feet and then your legs and your legs wind up for the next turn. You are allowing your legs to Unwind, you do Not wind them up.

  • @JB91710
    @JB91710 Před 4 lety

    If you had a clue what skiing is you would know that your skis turn you feet which turn your thighs. When you get off the downhill arch which you were balanced on, your body falls down the hill which will instantly roll your uphill/weighted foot over onto the arch and the uphill ski will make the next turn. It will come around and arrest your fall which is why you feel a compression in your legs. As the skis pass under you, you make sure you are facing down the hill and get off the downhill foot again. That is how to teach someone how to ski and allow the skis to do what they were designed to do. Turn! You do exactly what I just said when you ski. You just can't understand that so you teach people what skiing Looks Like ONLY!

    • @KKevinnnn
      @KKevinnnn Před 4 lety

      Any more patreon subscribers for your revolutionary ski "ideas"

  • @JB91710
    @JB91710 Před 4 lety

    Here in lies the problem. YOU, do NOT, turn your feet and legs. YOU, position your upper body facing down the hill and take your weight off one foot after the other while balancing on the weighted arch. The ski will then turn as designed. When you want to turn your car, do you turn the steering wheel and then push your feet through the floor and push and steer the front tires or do you let the steering design do it? Watch his demonstrations. he is doing what I say, not what he is telling you. He FEELS twisting going on and that is as far as his ability to Think goes. So he tells YOU to twist and steer your feet. As students, you will go out and do this but will have no idea why it worked because he didn't TEACH you how to ski. When you pick up speed or go down a steeper slope, all the twisting in the world isn't going to help you so you will revert to what comes natural and that is the opposite of what you need to do.