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  • @nevillecreativitymentor
    @nevillecreativitymentor Před 13 dny +5

    LOL 2:22 ... yes yes ONLY one side is to blame LOL
    You keep flashing your stuff all the time ... thats of course okay !!!!! Wow the logic only womena can come up with

  • @checkeredflagfilms
    @checkeredflagfilms Před 13 dny +3

    you could say the same thing about drug supply/addiction/traffickers. Without the consumer(s) there would be no traffickers.

    • @recruitmentch
      @recruitmentch Před 12 dny

      chicken and egg. Funny how these moral conversations didn't exist when the porn industry controlled it all.

  • @drewg7441
    @drewg7441 Před 11 dny

    There is quite a bit of a contradictory message here that I don't think Sadia even realizes. She says that the OnlyFans subscribers (millions of men) are the problem. OK, fine. But later in this same segment she says that she talks to men who are trying to improve themselves and asks how tall they are..."oh, I'm 5'6" and then tells them that life will be harder for them. OK, fine. But if life will be harder for an unattractive man, you can't then subsequently blame these guys who have been rejected their whole lives for turning to something like porn or OnlyFans. What the hell are they supposed to do?

  • @Notanamehere2211
    @Notanamehere2211 Před 11 dny

    she knows how to hide the fault of someone behind words pretty good.

  • @grantog123
    @grantog123 Před 13 dny +3

    Are women not the gatekeepers of sex?

  • @recruitmentch
    @recruitmentch Před 12 dny

    The consumer is to blame. The same way the consumer is to blame when betting companies entice punters with 'good' deals, or when off licenses and supermarkets entice shoppers with good deals on alcohol and unhealthy foods. It is only ever the consumers fault, and never the supplier. Seems very convenient doesn't it?!
    Also. I very rarely if ever remember there being such in depth levels of 'moralistic' conversation when it was the porn industry controlling it all. Even then, there was very little talk about protection for women and instead the blame would lay with the women entering the industry. No talk of how they were manipulated, used, coerced into agreeing to unfavourable contracts etc. Again, the fault laid with the 'pornstars', and the punters. But now these women and men create their own content whilst make life changing money, and it seems that they must not be allowed to do so.

  • @henkdeleeuw5071
    @henkdeleeuw5071 Před 12 dny

    Yeah, go after the drug users, not the dealers 😂

  • @hannesmeseck1437
    @hannesmeseck1437 Před 12 dny

    Wow thats utterly stupid. 😂

  • @Whatreally123
    @Whatreally123 Před 12 dny

    lol talk about taking no accountability. you can say there are handful of OnlyFools creators. But the millions of men who subscribe have been rejected, mocked, belittled by MILLIONS of non OF women and society and laws which is why they go to these platforms. Blame both, but tyical woman who will find an excuse to absolve women but not men.

  • @mccreadymike1
    @mccreadymike1 Před 12 dny

    What rubbish.... Get a real job that makes a positive difference..

  • @virajkathwadia4565
    @virajkathwadia4565 Před 13 dny +2

    Agreed the subscribers are allowing this. It's pathetic.

  • @cooluser23
    @cooluser23 Před 12 dny

    I think it's good for society. It'll finally allow for things such as polyamory. As men will face less competition from other men for IRL women.
    And women on OF can make the kind of money that men that age group could inle dream about.
    Not to mention it'll lower the world population and thereby be good for the environment. We'll finally lower the birth rate.

  • @semikolondev
    @semikolondev Před 12 dny +1

    1:00 it's not the onlyfan creators...YES IT IS.
    They are manipulating on weak minded people.
    What is wrong with you :/

    • @cooluser23
      @cooluser23 Před 12 dny +1

      Don't blame the hustler. Blame the idiot falling for it.

    • @recruitmentch
      @recruitmentch Před 12 dny

      @@cooluser23 You can say the same for those who become alcoholics or addicted to gambling. The industries entice them with good deals. They WANT people to bet or fall into addiction. Addiction is a human trait. It isn't new today, and nor was it new 100 years ago. If you make destructive things available easily, humans will always fall into the trap.

    • @run_out175
      @run_out175 Před 12 dny

      What do advertisements do to you?
      pray on you because you're weak minded? lol