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  • @IzAw
    @IzAw Před 2 lety +18

    Want a session? Go here: metafy.gg/@izaw/schedule with the code Pokemon15 to get 10% off
    Join my discord and DM discord.gg/wrQbmMf

  • @togumicai
    @togumicai Před 5 lety +1076

    Made for self reference (Lucina)
    0:17 Intro, pros and cons
    1:10 Objective
    1:19 Aerials and their safety on shield, covering OOS options
    2:49 Landing aerials into combos
    3:03 Nair, OOS, Comboing
    3:33 Nair 1 and follow up examples
    4:18 Fair and Bair tech situations
    4:41 Full hop fair/bair and follow ups
    4:56 Dair
    5:29 Uair
    5:45 Mixing up falling aerials with TGrabs, DB
    6:00 Fair and Bair OOS are OP
    6:34 Shield Breaker and conditioning and other
    7:12 Dancing Blade, 8:20 B Reverse DB
    8:37 Dolphin Slash
    9:00 Counter
    9:08 Jab, 9:20 cool jab reset d tilt to spike example
    9:24 Forward Tilt, 9:36 punishing aggresion
    9:57 Down Tilt, good aerial follow up, tech situation
    10:40 Forward Smash
    10:53 Down Smash
    11:06 Up Tilt
    11:15 Up Smash
    11:37 Dash Attack
    11:44 Throws, dealing with airdodge from Dthrow, B/Fthrow after 70 ish
    12:50 Ledge Trapping

  • @inserttaghere3015
    @inserttaghere3015 Před 5 lety +2132

    So glad you didn't just ignore marth for the combos

    • @Gradient___
      @Gradient___ Před 5 lety +151

      It feels like Marth is super underdeveloped at the moment. However, as we've seen, Marth has some SCARY sour hit combos that Lucina can't pull off. I bet that Marth will slowly come back on the map once characters are optimized more and more.

    • @unitet-6906
      @unitet-6906 Před 5 lety +17

      @@Gradient___ I dunno, he doesn't have that much representation and his matchup his easy to learn if you don't go in depth with him, and the parry meta is developping, making it hard for Marth player to shine in tournaments. I mean there was Leo for Lucina, but Marth has been kind of lef behind, hasn't he ?

    • @JonahDeroy
      @JonahDeroy Před 5 lety +14

      @@unitet-6906 MKLeo picked up white Marth again for awhile, and it was siiiiick. However, he's feeling much more at home with Yoker these days.😕

    • @JonahDeroy
      @JonahDeroy Před 5 lety +16

      @@Gradient___ He will get there. Late-meta, but he will.

    • @toastedtarts4044
      @toastedtarts4044 Před 5 lety +1

      Gradient what does it mean to be optimized?

  • @joshuaw.7882
    @joshuaw.7882 Před 5 lety +1210

    As a Marth main, I'm glad you didn't ignore him since more people prefer Lucina instead. This was a good tutorial! Thanks!

  • @Mo-fz1to
    @Mo-fz1to Před 5 lety +461

    This is kind of nostalgic to the original Smash 4 tutorial

  • @greedo194
    @greedo194 Před 5 lety +738

    Lucina: press the a button

    • @loocas8434
      @loocas8434 Před 4 lety +30

      You need to space with Lucina too though. If you don't you're still getting punished

    • @JM-vl3cy
      @JM-vl3cy Před 4 lety +32

      @@loocas8434 he was joking dude. Every good Marth player knows that Lucina is not that simple.

    • @loocas8434
      @loocas8434 Před 4 lety

      JM how do you know he’s good LMAO

    • @JM-vl3cy
      @JM-vl3cy Před 4 lety +3

      @@loocas8434 he was saying this as a joke. I guess he would have stated this with irony or fot a fact if he actually had no idea what he was talking about.

    • @dddmemaybe
      @dddmemaybe Před 4 lety +3

      @@loocas8434 Yea but that's only when you miss your mark. If Marth lands a hit he also needs to land the perfectly spaced hitbox to get his best combo or power. Lucina spaces in Neutral while Marth also spaces in his Punish Game.

  • @NightFore
    @NightFore Před 5 lety +355

    Marth's definitely the most satisfying to play when landing those tippers with those sound effects

  • @togumicai
    @togumicai Před 5 lety +186

    This guide is absolutely amazing. Most people don't go too in-depth due to Lucina being perceived as easy but I am learning so much.

  • @sonriku7331
    @sonriku7331 Před 5 lety +333

    Thank you so much. I have been waiting for this for a while. An updated Marth tutorial from you is all I could want. Thank you Izaw. Especially for not making this solely on Lucina.

  • @x___saiii
    @x___saiii Před 5 lety +984

    I love how your videos aren't just guides.. they're literally art. The way you put your videos together is so clean and satisfying to watch

  • @napalmbomb9845
    @napalmbomb9845 Před 5 lety +502

    I love these tutorials, keep it up

  • @anilkarakaya9343
    @anilkarakaya9343 Před 5 lety +62

    I love how simple and beautiful their specials are.

    • @Aaron-cs3xl
      @Aaron-cs3xl Před 3 lety +1

      Dancing blade looks simple, but there are so many options for it

  • @stuff1487
    @stuff1487 Před 5 lety +86

    You used music from the new Fire Emblem album that came out a couple months ago. As a Fire Emblem fan, you clearly know what you're doing.

  • @L00D__
    @L00D__ Před 5 lety +159

    This guide: indepth and well explained
    Most players online: **Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair**

  • @Rhy2412TitanGamer
    @Rhy2412TitanGamer Před 5 lety +7

    Welcome to my SSBU text character guide! This will be covering Marthcina!
    The difference between Marth and Lucina lies in the sweetspot mechanc. This is a mechanic which designates part of a hitbox that is the strongest amongst the usually bigger sourspot (which is the weakest part of an attack). Marth’s sword is weaker, unless spaced at the much higher knockback and damaging tip (called “tippers” by ssb fans). Lucina lacks a sweetspot, but makes up for this by having consistent power through her whole blade. She does miss out on tipper confirms, kill confirms, and combos Marth would get at varying low/mid %s with the sourspot and sweetspot mechanics on his blade.
    NOTE: the ranges of tech chasing %s I mention below were done with rageless Marthcina on Pichu & Bowser to determine the highest and lowest ranges when they start forcing said tech situations. I did Lucas afterward to see a middle-ground (which worked damn well).
    *Marthcina* is a barely middleweight (the number is exactly 90), speed, yet, powerful zoning character who wants to control areas of the stage by swinging their sword at the opponent’s hurtbox from max range to push them away, get juggle situations, start combos, or ledgetrap. By snagging jumps (full or short) with bair or fair or stuffing out short hops with bair/fair/f-tilt/u-tilt, you can condition the opponent. Once the opponent has been conditioned, they can really lay on the pressure with spaced landing (close to the ground as possible) bairs, fairs, cross-up uair, spaced f-tilt/t-tilt. Add in tomahawk grab (empty jumping into a grab), and jump in side-b mixups/grounded side-b mixups with a rare neutral b and the pressure can get brutal. And if your opponent gets overconfident with shielding the safe, spaced pressure apply the neutral b to break a shield hit once after pretty much any hit connects with a shield. The character has great edgeguarding with good arcing sword aerials and a nasty ledgetrap game that claims many lives. With a slender hurtbox and a REALLY low crouch/dash that makes the character hard to hit when you need to be behind their sword attacks, this makes them very powerful, especially with their disjointed arcing hitboxes.
    Despite the great things the character brings, they can be very prone to the parry mechanics and whiff punishment. They can have trouble with characters that can out-range them in neutral, rushdown characters that can abuse their mediocre landing (only consisting of counter, air dodge, and landing aerials) and projectiles. 90 weight also makes them vulnerable to some early kill cheese (because the damage in Ultimate is ridiculous). The recovery option is also predictable and linear, so characters that make them use their double jump early off-stage can go crazy against them at times. They also have issues getting off the ledge from being ledgetrapped themselves.
    *Jab* - Only use on overzealous opponents anxious to punish you after a landing aerials to stuff them out. Only use jab 1 solely to jablock opponents, always transition into jab 2. Lucina’s start making tech situations at 7% (assuming if jab 1 hit and the transition into jab 2 will happen), otherwise jab 2 will create tech situations at 11% as a solo hit. Marth’s non-tipper jab 2 creates tech chasing at 4-10% (assuming jab 1 hit transitioned into jab 2). Tipper jab 2 creates tech chasing at 3-7 % (if this was the only hit). Unsafe on shield and won’t cover full hop.
    *F-Tilt* - Useful for spacing while on the ground because its safe from max range. Also used to pressure characters on platforms (because the hitbox extends past the platforms on Lylat, Battlefield, and Smashville. Useful as a grounded anti-air to negate jump-ins. Lucina’s f-tilt makes tech situations at 19-33%. Marth’s tipper f-tilt makes tech chases at 0-2%, & non-tippers start at 48-73%
    *U-tilt* - Great anti-air and combo starter. Stops character from approaching from above and covers platforms.
    *D-tilt* - Marthcina’s safest grounded poke & their way of controlling the pace of their ledgetrap game to force opponents to choice jump, roll, normal getup etc. Marth’s tipper D-tilt forces tech chase situations starting at 45-70% (with 45% being the lowest and 70% being the highest). His non-tipper forces tech situations at 99-146%. Lucina’s D-tilt starts tech chasing at 69-103%.
    *Dash Attack* - A risky whiff punisher or option against opponents jumping to the ledge at a angle. Unsafe on shields.
    *F-smash* - A hard Tech option/Roll/ledge getup punish. And more importantly, Can 2-frame, beat ledgestall. and beat other ledge options (with precise timing if charged). Marth’s tipper f-smash is one of the strongest in the game (Lucina’s is very strong).
    *U-smash* - A hard punish on opponents you’re below or a normal ledge getup hard punish. Can be used as an OoS with two weak side hitboxes (on the feet) on Marthcina knocking characters into the sword hitbox. Unsafe on shield.
    *D-smash* - Risky tech option and ledgestall punish.
    *Nair* - 7 frames of landing lag for both hits. First hit has barely any knockback (not killing with Marth’s tipper until 350%+) which is useful for getting kill confirms with tipper f-tilt as Marth or a f-smash as any of both characters. Used for snagging ledge jumps, pressuring shields (both hits make a mixup between possible hitting once or twice), and shield poking. 2nd hit can cross-up shields.
    *Bair* - 10 frames of landing lag. Useful for shield pressure with a fast-fall as close to the ground as possible, or when spaced. Can combo extend, air-to-air and edgeguard. Shorthop version of this can even cover full hop, which is a huge boon. Lucina’s start making tech situations at 12-22%. Marth’s tipper creates tech situations at 9-18%. Non-tipper creates tech situations at 22-37%
    *Uair* - 8 frames of landing lag. A juggling tool that can cover platforms, ledge jump and lead to numerous other aerials if it connects on an opponents when landing. Can be used to cross-up and pressure shield with a fast-fall because of the hitbox starting in the front of the character.
    *Dair* - 14 frames of landing lag. Marthcina’s’s only meteor attack that lasts for 1 frame and only spikes directly below in the middle part of the blade (not the tip or base). Starts the untechable meteor at 29-45% on grounded opponents. Useful jumping OoS for small characters. Can 2-frame, even without the spike. Can be used to land and has cross-up potential going for it.
    *Fair* - 10 frames of landing lag. Safe on shield from max range or when used as close to the ground as possible with a fast-fall. Useful as an air-to-air, stuffs short hops and full hops and is useful for off-stage pressure and ledge jump denial. Can used used in a short hop to cover full hops, which is a huge thing to have. Marth’s non-tipper forces tech situations at 30-47%. Tippers make tech chasing at 18-31%. Lucina’s create tech situations at 23-37%.
    *Shield Breaker* - a lunging stab capable of breaking a healthy shield after one successful hit from any other attack is used against a shield before it can regen. Can be angled to shield stab and can be charged (doing more % and shield damage the longer its held). Has extreme knockback on full charge and is the main shield break punish. Can be used to punish excessive shielding from opponents.
    *Dancing Blade* - What is done with this changes at positioning and %. Useful for b-reverse landing mixups and stopping spot dodging. Only use the 3rd forward swing if Marth is at close range using this, and looking to set up a tipper 4th hit. If at low% and close to foes do forward, forward, up, up. At max range do forward, forward, down, forward.
    *Counter* - Useful for negating projectiles, punishing characters that land with aerials, or hitting opponents with hitboxes on their up-b’s.
    *Dolphin Slash* - Marthcina’s fastest OoS and primary recovery move. Has intangibilty on startup and kills at high %s. Can be used as a combo breaker (don’t get predictable with it though). Quite annoy to gimp because of unreactable startup and good sword coverage in the front and above the character during the travel to the ledge.
    *U-throw* - The kill throw.
    *D-throw* - The combo throw. Opponents can alter the knockback angle with DI, but aerials will connect at low% and mixuups happen at mid%.
    *B-throw* - Positional advantage throw.
    *F-throw* - Positional advantage throw.
    All of the character’s throws are really good because they force you to defend against Marthcina’s sword attacks in some way.
    I hope this helps people. Enjoy this little guide :)

    • @sonriku7331
      @sonriku7331 Před 5 lety +4

      you should put this on smashboards

    • @bancholeo55
      @bancholeo55 Před 4 lety

      Have you joined the Neo Altea discord? It's a discord for Marth players and this guide is a really great layout for those wanting to get into Marth.
      Here is the link to the Neo Altea discord:
      Here is the link to the Marcina discord as well, as both are great hubbubs of info for these characters:

  • @LendinSwiftbolt
    @LendinSwiftbolt Před 5 lety +23

    Marth Player giving you mad props for using the Fire Emblem Premium Arrange music here.
    Very well done guide, Izaw.

  • @leventeacs8606
    @leventeacs8606 Před 5 lety +30

    Amazing! This is an actual guide. Not just a “this is this characters moveset bs”. Do Ridley next please! Nobody makes videos on him and I really want to use him at his full potential.

  • @joshbreton8496
    @joshbreton8496 Před 5 lety +142

    My favorite smash series, combined with my favorite smash ultimate characters, thank you izaw 🖤

  • @michaelestrada1972
    @michaelestrada1972 Před 3 lety +19

    I love Marth. It's just something about how he manages to elegantly and patiently space his opponents that I can't get enough of. In my opinion, he's more fun to watch and play as than Lucina.

  • @somasora7
    @somasora7 Před 5 lety +6

    I'm really glad you actually went into the specifics of Lucina's moves. People tend to just write her off as braindead and not bother fully discussing how she works. I've picked a whole lot to practice here, especially that Dancing Blade stuff. Thanks man!

  • @realnintendonoah
    @realnintendonoah Před 5 lety +3

    I started watching at Art of Link. The info was very thorough and convinced me to stick around. Soon I subbed and clicked that bell! These explanatory tutorials are my reasons!! Love you and you're content, Izaw

  • @somelatinguy93
    @somelatinguy93 Před 5 lety +2

    The level of detail with which these videos are explained is unique and always so beautiful to watch, no matter how many guides I've watched or how much time I've spent figuring out on my own some of the things, this series always comes on top and there is always something new to learn from them, really thankful for it! Greetings from Ecuador.

  • @han-wenliu6176
    @han-wenliu6176 Před 5 lety +9

    This might be the best Marth play I have seen in Ultimate, this is really incredible IzawSmash.

  • @OccieFilms
    @OccieFilms Před 2 lety

    Brilliant tutorial mate. This and your other guides have really helped me get a better grasp on the basics of the game and improved how I play the game, keep up the fantastic work!

  • @raysftw
    @raysftw Před 5 lety

    Great video, Izlaw. I really appreciate the way you explain how the character works and go into great detail about their mechanics while giving tips rather than just providing a guide and telling your viewer what to do without ever telling them why. This is quality content. Keep it up!

  • @josecarlosmartinezrodrigue1451

    so that's all that mkleo sees when he's playing, but without the slow motion

  • @sublimedswine8629
    @sublimedswine8629 Před 5 lety +3

    The great thing about these videos is that even though I don’t play these characters I learn so much about the match up and the game in general. Great video I can’t wait for the next one.
    (Praying for art of Lucas)

  • @SSAndroid
    @SSAndroid Před 4 lety

    Wow dude! That was awesome. SO much jam-packed info. Was not expecting so many usage bases to be covered. Thoroughly strong work. Much appreciated. Subbed.

  • @KannaRenFK
    @KannaRenFK Před 5 lety +2

    Well done and super informative. Thank you for Marth bits!

  • @kaimulligan5439
    @kaimulligan5439 Před 5 lety +4

    These tutorials determine when I main a character their so good! Keep it up

  • @SoaringKiyo
    @SoaringKiyo Před 5 lety +1

    This greatly helps me and I'm glad you decided to focus on Marth too because I prefer him.

  • @dende_ult714
    @dende_ult714 Před 5 lety +35

    Marth Mains let's make him top tier again, he has a lot of potential. And thanks Izaw for giving me even more hope in that character

    • @daking7861
      @daking7861 Před 5 lety

      I feel like Marth start up frames slow af now so i just switched to Lucina and i have hope now...

    • @mrkisukes
      @mrkisukes Před 5 lety +16

      @@daking7861 They have the exact same frame data though...

    • @mrkisukes
      @mrkisukes Před 5 lety +3

      He aint gonna be top tier, these Marth showcases ignore the dozens of failed attempts and inconsistencies that are Marth combos because no matter how many times you practice these tipper setups, half the time they will result in no tips. This also doesn't get into issues of reliability, falling nair is not reliable as Marth is kind of floaty, and landing D-air is way too predicable.
      What makes Lucina good is her ability to just reliably out neutral and edgeguard with her reach, speed and consistent power, which is difficult for Marth to accomplish with his harder-to-connect sweetspots as his sourspots don't cut it.

    • @rtiq270
      @rtiq270 Před 5 lety +8

      @@mrkisukes Forced aerial drift is what makes his tippers inconsistent. For whatever reason C Stick in Ultimate makes you drift slightly when you use it for an aerial. Other than that, his sour spots are what need to be slightly buffed, so that he doesn't get punished for hitting a move.

    • @tigrisardens
      @tigrisardens Před 4 lety

      Top Anime yeah. i mean, i get that he's suppose to focus on spacing and get a better reward for spacing, but in my opinion it's kinda dumb for his sourspots to be unsafe on hit especially with how inconsistent his tippers are (even when spaced well)

  • @superluigio8576
    @superluigio8576 Před 4 lety

    Thanks for reminding me about Marth's ledge traps and out of shield options!

  • @bennettwilbert8236
    @bennettwilbert8236 Před 5 lety

    You’re explanation for aerials on shield were explained perfectly, helped me so much

  • @Gumby518
    @Gumby518 Před 5 lety

    I've been watching you since you ran sets with Mike Haze in Brawl (Sheik vs C. Falcon). Thanks for continuing to put out quality work; it helps the mindgame aspect of play.

  • @blueye95
    @blueye95 Před 5 lety +1

    I wanna practise these marth combos now. Great stuff!

  • @AtcyJAC
    @AtcyJAC Před 5 lety

    Thanks for the vod! Its awesome to see the Discord's Marcina Mains get credit!

  • @ZDY66666
    @ZDY66666 Před 5 lety

    Wow. This is the best detailed and high quality yet still beginner enough guide u have ever seen. Good work my dude.

  • @Imdippinout
    @Imdippinout Před 5 lety

    Thanks for making this! Of all of the "how to play Marth/Lucina" videos, you are the only one that mentions dancing blade being one of the best punishes for when an opponent fails to connect an attack on the ground. I also didn't know about the dancing blade combos you mentioned, so I'll be sure to check them out. One thing I'm a bit disappointed that you didn't mention was using odd rhythms with dancing blade as a good mix up, because you even did it in your game play footage sometimes.

  • @kiayastar2649
    @kiayastar2649 Před 4 lety

    Thanks for the video because I main Lucina and this video helped me understand the character alot better. Keep up the great work and this had to be my favorite video so far, this is truly art. I also subscribed!

  • @portalscout
    @portalscout Před 4 lety +4

    During this quarantine, me and my brothers have all been getting really into playing smash. I honestly found that Lucina was really enjoyable to play as she had tons of capability to get better and a high skill ceiling. I’m almost completely new to smash before the quarantine and this video really help fledge out what kinda of moves I can do to increase my skill. Thanks a ton, I’ll be rewatching this way too many times to practice these things.

  • @moralessanchezoscarelias6412

    Great tutorial, I keep coming back to it. Thanks!

  • @ZMG13
    @ZMG13 Před 5 lety +2

    Dude, every time you make these types of videos you make me want to switch my main to whatever character tutorial I'm watching haha. Keep it up!

  • @zanvoy6848
    @zanvoy6848 Před 5 lety +43

    I really wish that we could get one of these on robin.

  • @KenFlare526
    @KenFlare526 Před 5 lety +50

    This is a great tutorial these are always great to look at for if you're trying to find weaknesses of this character or how to use them. Best of both worlds you put alot of work into these and I love you for that great job Izaw :)
    Can you do CHROY next?

    • @JonahDeroy
      @JonahDeroy Před 5 lety +1

      PLEASE do not combine them.🙄

  • @jordancruz429
    @jordancruz429 Před 5 lety

    Your tutorials are the BEST! They’re so in depth, and cover so many things. Combos are probably the most important thing that other SmashTubers don’t cover.

  • @ilytears
    @ilytears Před 5 lety +3

    I love your tutorials izaw, they truly are helpful to a lot of people

  • @bosco008
    @bosco008 Před 2 lety

    This video is two years old, I'm just starting to try out Lucina, and this is absolutely perfect information. Beautiful! Thanks!

  • @cortercia
    @cortercia Před 5 lety

    Thank you so much Izaw! Without ever having made a comprehensive video longer than 4 minutes in my life, I can still tell how much WORK goes into these vids!!
    Thank you again!
    I watched your tournament highlights, and I've gotta say, you pulled of some Melee BS with Link against Smokk at around 3:02 in that video.
    As a Toon Link main, I feel absolutely jealous, but, WOW!!!!

  • @TrevorRS05
    @TrevorRS05 Před 5 lety +2

    I love how professional these are!

  • @JimmyGeniusEllis
    @JimmyGeniusEllis Před 3 lety

    Thank you sir for creating the strategy video about Lucina and Marth It was really good I have to watch him more than once so that I can implement all the strategies into my game

  • @Nate3417
    @Nate3417 Před 5 lety +1

    Amazing as ever, and covering one of my mains, too!
    Now all I need is an eventual Roy(/Chrom) guide and my life will be forever complete.

  • @chupalutena506
    @chupalutena506 Před 5 lety

    The ledge trap and Aerial combos were really helpful 💖

  • @smoke_wantedd4454
    @smoke_wantedd4454 Před 2 lety +1

    Lucina guide
    When opponent shields jump attack quick fall shield or jump attack past them shield and punish
    Landing aerials combo into a ground attack at low percents and combo into an aerial attack at high percents
    Neutral air is the fastest out of shield option
    Jumping into neutral air with a quick fall combos into: a grab at low percentage, more neutral airs at low percents, forward airs? At mid percentages, blade dance at high percentages for kills. Used for edge guarding no fast fall) and should space backwards after use
    Landing forward air combos into: back air blade dance, back air forward smash at lowish percentages. If they jump: full hop forward air back air otw down and quick jump forward air again afterwards, or full hop forward air and otw down forward air again. Can full hop forward air and double jump short hop forward air. Forward air stops most aerial out of shield option with a short hop. Can be used to edge guard.
    Down air is good option for short fighters out of shield. It combos into an up air, an up tilt, a forward smash and a double jump up air?
    Up air is good for juggling opponents and punishing them when above you. When landing combos into up tilt at low percents and at mid to high percent leads to back air or up air.
    Can down tilt to slightly damage shield jump and on the way down fully charge up shield break to break shield
    Dancing blade is best for punishing whiffs. Us forward forward up up for it and if at max range use forward forward down forward

  • @stratosdes
    @stratosdes Před 4 lety +1

    This is the best SSBU Lucina & Marth video!!👌🏻

  • @griffin3297
    @griffin3297 Před 4 lety

    Im just starting to learn Marth and this is a really good guide. Thank you and please make more guides like this.

  • @riclaq4437
    @riclaq4437 Před 4 lety

    Way more detailed than any other smash guide on youtube you're awesome

  • @Relinquished404
    @Relinquished404 Před 5 lety +1

    Dude, very good tutorial. I began playing with Lucina to get the basics down and these were some very crucial, mind the pun, tips.

  • @micahjones7837
    @micahjones7837 Před 5 lety +1

    That ledge trap scenario is nasty, I'll have to start using that

  • @superwill1238
    @superwill1238 Před 5 lety +4

    This was an excellent tutorial, keep up the good work.
    (Now I'm just waiting for Art of Piranha Plant)

  • @clicky9630
    @clicky9630 Před 5 lety

    this was my most helpful video in smash 4 and its still pretty helpflul now, thanks :D

  • @jblooue4575
    @jblooue4575 Před 5 lety

    Whenever I watch your tutorial you not only make the characters look and feel good but also you make me want to play that character. I can't thank you enough for your tutorial.

  • @Greenomb
    @Greenomb Před 5 lety +2

    I really love how every video has it's own "art style" fitting the character.

  • @Saxologic
    @Saxologic Před 5 lety

    Sooooooo thorough. Damn, I’m not sure if there is a detail you missed! I thought I knew these characters pretty well but I challenged my ego and ended up learning so much.

  • @zhang6754
    @zhang6754 Před 5 lety +1

    You honestly make the best tutorials for smash when it comes to characters

  • @kira_3aq740
    @kira_3aq740 Před 5 lety

    If you hang on the latch you can also push away from the latch and fullhop neutral b to break the Opponents shield

  • @FairyNarutoTail
    @FairyNarutoTail Před 5 lety

    About time this guide came. Ty so much

  • @Ardenzard
    @Ardenzard Před 5 lety +4

    This is the best video I found in my notifications

  • @jorgeadx2008
    @jorgeadx2008 Před 5 lety

    I remember you have the best series to master smash bros characters since smash 4. Thanks a lot!

  • @AlEmeralds
    @AlEmeralds Před 5 lety

    Yes! So happy you made one for one of my mains, Lucina! Been having a somewhat hard time actually learning how to play her in this game, so I'm super happy you made this!

  • @matthewnovak7351
    @matthewnovak7351 Před 4 lety

    I recently started to plateau with Lucina. This helped sooo much!!

  • @rickcarlpaningsoro8842

    I love this tutorial man, as a marth main, it’s like a neat review :) thanks!

  • @Kalesius
    @Kalesius Před 5 lety

    Thank you so much Izaw, youve helped me get better at every single one of my mains, i really appreciate how well constructed these videos are, your amazing for doing this, and i just cant thank you enough

  • @jafetvargas5408
    @jafetvargas5408 Před rokem

    All of this looks beautifully put. I just don't even know how to start implementing this into my gameplay. So difficult

  • @M0HAK0
    @M0HAK0 Před 5 lety

    Ty for this guide! Not often that I get marth info.

  • @ewen1172
    @ewen1172 Před 5 lety

    Very complete and helpful video, I already await the Art of Mewtwo for Ultimate, I haven't seen him this much lately

  • @goldencommunist7725
    @goldencommunist7725 Před 5 lety +1

    I've been waiting for this thank you a lot

  • @birby3803
    @birby3803 Před 5 lety

    Been waiting for this thanks dude

  • @garygarcia2313
    @garygarcia2313 Před 4 lety

    I remember watching your Smash 4 Marth guide. It honestly really helped me reset my way of thinking compared to Melee and Brawl.
    After having gotten back into Melee (5 months before Smash Ult. Reveal), I completely forgot how to use Marth. Even after playing Ultimate frequently, I felt like I was missing something.
    I won’t lie, I refused to use a guide because I wanted to rely on myself, but as that went on, I got tired of it. I couldn’t take time to lab things myself, I have work after all, lol.
    So thank you twice for teaching me and reteaching, as well as others with your hard work.
    Maybe I can pick up more characters with your help, since it was definitely needed.

  • @shadow_ryu2826
    @shadow_ryu2826 Před 5 lety +4

    This is very helpful, know I can improve my game with Lucina.

  • @ADeliciousMango
    @ADeliciousMango Před 4 lety

    I’m just seeing this now, but this has really helped me improve! I wanted to use these characters and this video was very useful, thank you!

  • @willowluo950
    @willowluo950 Před 5 lety

    Finally a art of smash video for my main! Also, I saw this on another guide for marcina to beat shield: drop away from the ledge and jump in with shield breaker.

  • @obamaorb7426
    @obamaorb7426 Před 4 lety

    Something I find quite useful is:
    Short hop side b (1) > landing nair > up tilt/jump up b/f smash/f tilt/whatever you want.
    Its really good for combos and killing

  • @trafficgod2750
    @trafficgod2750 Před 5 lety +11

    Now everybody mains Lucinda and Martha. Thx for the great vid

  • @Driff97
    @Driff97 Před 5 lety +43

    Total inverse from the Smash 4 video in terms of presentation.
    Smash 4 mostly featured Marth for demonstration. Ultimate however predominantly features Lucina.

    • @JonahDeroy
      @JonahDeroy Před 5 lety +1

      Same as Ultimate.🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @wlt3585
      @wlt3585 Před 5 lety +1

      @@JonahDeroy hmm?

    • @JonahDeroy
      @JonahDeroy Před 4 lety

      @@wlt3585 I'm going to go ahead and say I was really sleepy for that comment, because I cannot figure out what I intended to mean there. My bad.

  • @immortalsun
    @immortalsun Před 5 lety

    I’ve been waiting for this. Your videos are the best Smash content around. ❤️

  • @Roshaan37
    @Roshaan37 Před 4 lety

    Thank you for the tips. I'm a Marth main and I'm trying to get into elite smash.

  • @cortercia
    @cortercia Před 5 lety +8

    D-tilt to Tipper f-smash with Marth is *almost true* from 0 - 9%.

  • @pechaberryjuice
    @pechaberryjuice Před 9 měsíci +1

    I don't know what they put in that tipper sound effect but GODDAMN that's so satisfying

  • @sarveshsrinivasan4298
    @sarveshsrinivasan4298 Před 5 lety +1

    Great Video IzaW, Keep up the good work!!! Also, Whens the next desync video with Icies? or The Ken & Ryu Art video?

  • @Iheartdrumzz
    @Iheartdrumzz Před 3 lety

    wow this video has taught me the system of ultimate! amazing..theres some cool tech here that you can find in another smash games like falling up air comboing into other aerials and aerials in general being really good at linking together

  • @sirtacoivboi9319
    @sirtacoivboi9319 Před 4 lety

    Gonna use some of these tips with my icies since they're pretty much tiny swordies and have some similar uses with some moves!

    @GRANDOMINIUS Před 3 lety

    This really helped me understand Marth/Lucina. Marth is my secondary and I'm trying to learn this character a little more. This help me immensely. Thank you!

  • @ltningchariot555
    @ltningchariot555 Před 5 lety +1

    Ive missed these. Thanks for this.

  • @muhammadnour283
    @muhammadnour283 Před 5 lety

    You know izaw these tutorials are amazing and I have fun watching even for characters I dint use

  • @theblueraptor5637
    @theblueraptor5637 Před 5 lety

    Now all I need are Roy and Falco videos and my mains are covered... keep up the good work!

  • @adronung1892
    @adronung1892 Před 4 lety

    Wow, dancing blade out of forward air is genious!

  • @Goleminho
    @Goleminho Před 5 lety

    Awesome tutorial! I really love your tutorials and I'd be really delighted to see a Chrom/Roy tutorial because I main them😅

  • @JumpingJoey55
    @JumpingJoey55 Před 5 lety

    Izaw. Thank you so much for all your videos.
    I have strived to improve my luigi so much sense your first smash 4 mastery turtorials.
    Especially my mentality.
    I owe you so much for everything from smash to even help for my real life.
    Im here all the way.

  • @toast9734
    @toast9734 Před 5 lety +6

    My secondary finally gets their art of episode
    Hopefully this will really advance my abilities with them!