Why Reform Judaism - Karen Goldberg

  • čas přidán 13. 11. 2018

Komentáře • 95

  • @debrawhitney7116
    @debrawhitney7116 Před 2 lety +9

    Hi! I'm in the conversion process currently at Temple De Hirsch Sinai. It is a reform synagogue. I love everything about Jewish life and learning about our people, history, Our G-d and many other things. I'm so glad I came across your channel.

    • @omershilian7392
      @omershilian7392 Před rokem

      You'd love orthodox Judaism even more. Stick to our real religion and not an edited one

    • @xXSgtWolfXx
      @xXSgtWolfXx Před rokem

      No offense but you aren't a Jew if you're a convert. You're either born Jewish or you're not.

  • @JasonGafar
    @JasonGafar Před 3 lety +26

    I've been exploring Judaism for the past four years and have hopes of converting. Over the years I've built friendships with members of the Jewish people belonging to all three demoninations, and while I really love and respect my Jewish Orthodox friends, I've always had a much greater respect and love for Reform Jews. I find them to be so much more tolerant, accepting, and progressive. This isn't attack on Jews outside of Reform, however just my personal experience. Reform Jews really embrace converts and are fair and balanced when it comes to Israel.

    • @BigJFindAWay
      @BigJFindAWay Před 3 lety +7

      A lot of Orthodox communities really embrace converts as well. And what does it mean to be 'fair and balanced when it comes to Israel'?
      Also let me ask you this:
      1) Do Reform communities embrace Jews who have politically conservative or libertarian opinions?
      2) Do Reform communities embrace the many Jewish Trump supporters?
      3) Do Reform communities embrace Jews who are critical of the way Reform Judaism operates and want it to change?
      4) Do Reform communities embrace those who believe in Israel keeping every square inch of land?
      5) Do Reform communities embrace those who oppose BLM and wokeness?
      These are the tests of true tolerance.

    • @ntmn8444
      @ntmn8444 Před 3 lety +4

      I agree with you when you say reform Jews truly embrace converts. When I first looked into Judaism I was told by everyone to avoid reform and conservative movements, but I find that both movements truly embrace converts and really make us feel at home, and even if I am a convert through a stricter stream, the way I have come to see it: we are all Jews at the end of the day, and we may have different levels of observance and we may even disagree on what should be observed or not, but we are all still one family.

    • @jabujolly9020
      @jabujolly9020 Před 3 lety +4

      @@ntmn8444 Any Orthodox community worth its salt will totally and truly embrace converts. Every community of Orthodox I've been involved in or had experience with embraces converts be they Modern Orthodox, Chabad, Breslov, Yeshivishe, Sephardi. The only ones in the Orthodox world who totally reject converts are the Syrians. In the Syrian community they won't do conversions, reject converts, reject marriage to converts, and excommunicate any kids who marry converts. I think this is absolutely disgusting in every way shape and form. To me its racist. A convert rabbi I know said it well, "They prefer blood over Torah." I mean you can totally preserve the Syrian culture and cherish your Syrian heritage without going to these extremes. I hope one day alternative Syrian communities are started where they embrace converts.

    • @jabujolly9020
      @jabujolly9020 Před 3 lety +1

      @@ayzikdig1983 I don't think they want to return to Syria. Not any of them. They are trying to preserve their culture, and that's commendable, but you can do it without going to this extreme. Other communities like the Bukharians, Spanish-Portuguese, Yemenites, and Ladinero Sephardim are also trying to preserve their culture and succeeding just as the Syrians are, but they accept converts.

    • @peytongorshavitzki6933
      @peytongorshavitzki6933 Před 3 lety +4

      @@BigJFindAWay I cannot speak for all "Reform Jews" however your question to if we support right wing politics is yes. Judaism is not a political weapon Lisbeth and I expect more from you to be more open minded; speak with reform jews yourself.

  • @VirginiaCorley
    @VirginiaCorley Před měsícem

    I need an answer to a serious question. I'm seriously looking at converting to reform Judaism but I'm 60 have cerebral palsy and walk with a 4 wheel walker unwilling to do the Milan at conversion but would nerd help entering an existing. Or is Milan necessary

  • @Risteard156
    @Risteard156 Před rokem +2

    A excellent video on reform Jewish life ✡️

  • @heatherwiner2883
    @heatherwiner2883 Před 2 lety +1

    So much easier to convert when one has a Jewish spouse. It is more welcoming and you have a built in support system for holidays and other family events that are Jewish in nature.

    • @zionboutboul9975
      @zionboutboul9975 Před 2 lety

      It aint Judaism it's just what colonizers did to assimilate the Jews into being more Euro or American like

  • @dovrose5155
    @dovrose5155 Před 4 lety +28

    I love Reform Judaism because:
    1. They take beautiful worship seriously
    2. The tefillah is meaningful. It's not an exercise in mumbling Hebrew words so fast that you don't know you're saying.
    3. They care about the needs of all people.
    They care about love, justice, mercy, ethics and morals. Not slavish obedience to rules and arcane taboos.
    4. They accept all Jewish children and don't reject kids born to Jewish fathers and nonjewish mothers.
    5. They care about spirituality.
    6. Women, LGBT people, and non-Jews are treated as humans, not chattel.

    • @jabujolly9020
      @jabujolly9020 Před 3 lety +6

      Let me respond to the above 6 points:
      1. Jews of all kinds take beautiful worship seriously. I can point you to Orthodox synagogues that have amazing choirs and ones who punctuate their service with a rich array of beautiful tunes from different Jewish cultures.
      2. If you have an issue with not understanding Hebrew, learn Hebrew! Even if you aren't gifted in languages you can pick a lot of it up. Hebrew is a veyr ancient language with imagery far far richer than English, Spanish, or German could ever hope to have. Each word has a multiple level of meanings while retaining its integrity. Jews who know Hebrew and Jews who know some Hebrew find it a far far more meaningful experience than any other language.
      3. Jews of all kinds care about the needs of all people. That's not unique to Reform Jews at all. Not by a longshot. As for the 'slavish obedience to arcane rules and taboos' why don't you do yourself a favor and learn about them before rejecting them outright? Maybe you'll find that they have reason, logic, and spirituality that can make people have more love, justice, mercy, ethics, and morals.
      I have heard it said (not necessarily my opinion) that Reform Jews have 'slavish obedience to what happens to be current and politically correct in society.''
      4. It all depends on what you mean by Jewish and Jewish children. If you are born to a Jewish father but not a Jewish mother, conversion is always an option. The Orthodox in particular do these things because they know that the best way for a tradition to survive and even flourish is to maintain its integrity and its standards. Study after study has shown that religious movements that compromise these end up dying out.
      5. Jews of all kinds care about spirituality.
      6. This is probably the most ignorant, unhinged, bigotted, and even antisemitic statement of all. Women, LGBT, and non-Jews are treated with respect by all groups that take their authentic Judaism seriously. To say that Reform is novel because it doesn't treat non-Jews as chattel implies that all other Jews do, and well the Aryan Nations, Nation of Islam, and KKK would just love to hear this statement of yours.

    • @ntmn8444
      @ntmn8444 Před 3 lety +3

      1. I don’t think there are any Jews that don’t take worship seriously.
      2. Tefillah is meaningful to all Jews. Will I wear one when I become a Jew? No. Am I any less of a Jew for it? No.
      3. But...Torah is about caring for the needs of ALL people. That’s what makes Torah so great. Following Torah isn’t slavish. It’s beautiful. There’s absolute purpose in doing so.
      4. As a convert, I understand why certain children are rejected. It’s Jewish law. Those born of a Jewish father and a gentile mother are always free to convert and become Halachic Jews. I am technically in this boat, being bnei anusim, and I totally understand and respect this.
      5. I don’t think there is any Jew out there that rejects spirituality, unless they are atheist. The stricter forms of Judaism out there are all about spirituality, maybe more so than reform is!
      6. Ah, LGBTQ. Well, I cannot argue with you there. In a stricter stream, they definitely won’t be able to marry, not to someone of the same gender. My favorite rabbi is gay and he’s orthodox, but he lives a celibate life. He’s treated with respect and dignity, tho.

    • @crackula7958
      @crackula7958 Před 3 lety +2

      ​@@ntmn8444 can you please show me the verse in the torah where it says that youre only jewish if you have a jewish mother? none of our patriarchs married hebrew women, most notably moshe and yaakov, and their children were still considered israel. the son of the egyptian man and the hebrew woman was also considered israel. it seems to me that according to the torah, you either have hebrew blood or you don't.

    • @crackula7958
      @crackula7958 Před 3 lety +1

      @@ntmn8444 don't fall into the trap of thinking judaism is some kind of special club that you're excluded from, when it is literally your ethnicity.
      there is no basis in the torah for either the matrilineal-only or the patrilineal-only groups and that's a fact.

    • @BigJFindAWay
      @BigJFindAWay Před 3 lety +2

      @@crackula7958 Which is ok. The best thing for Jews to do then is to follow their ancient traditions and not alter them. For Rabbinite Jews that means only matrilineal descent. For Qaraite Jews that means only patrilineal descent. For Heymanot Jews that means both matrilineal and patrilineal descent. Any attempts to upset the apple cart leads you to a slippery slope and results in an eventual jettisoning of all standards and traditions. Reform and Reconstructionism by accepting patrilineal descent have not only betrayed the Rabbinite heritage they tout so much as being part of, but the whole thing has done absolutely nothing to stem the hemorrhaging and decline of their numbers to rampant assimilation.
      You never preserve your heritage or your tradition by compromising it away. You never save your community by watering down your traditions and laws. It hasn't worked in the Protestant world. It hasn't worked in the Catholic world. It hasn't worked in the Anabaptist world. And it hasn't worked in the Jewish world.

  • @mwatts-riley2688
    @mwatts-riley2688 Před 3 lety +3

    I wish you would discuss more about a direct connection w God, with the love of The One Adoni as the crux of our message.
    Isn't that the real driving force of we, Reform'ers? ✡
    - To follow and keep the oral and written laws, in modern and human loving ways.
    M. Elgin IL. 🇺🇸

  • @JosephMage
    @JosephMage Před 22 dny

    Wonderful 🙏🏽✨❤️✡️📿

  • @Frogdoddofficial
    @Frogdoddofficial Před měsícem

    We were married by a wonderful female rabbi.

  • @AlanMW46
    @AlanMW46 Před 5 lety +7

    Thanks, Karen! This is awesome! Your personal story is a beautiful description of why we are passionate being part of the Reform Movement. Todah rabah!

  • @kaunas888
    @kaunas888 Před 8 měsíci +1

    I am all for being theologically open and practical...but unfortunately Reform Judaism (like mainline Protestantism) appears to have become a refuge for Politically Correctness, which is not not open or tolerant, but has become its own type of (fundamentalist) religion.

  • @susanamysilverman
    @susanamysilverman Před 5 lety +16

    Yes! Social justice and Judaism are one!

    • @BigJFindAWay
      @BigJFindAWay Před 3 lety +7

      No they are not.

    • @BigJFindAWay
      @BigJFindAWay Před 3 lety +9

      @@patricemarie2960 Judaism supports making the world a better place for sure, but the Social Justice movement as we know it today does nothing of the sort. Its a neo-Marxist movement that seeks to tear down societal institutions and replace them with something that has no basis in any spiritual tradition but seeks to divide mankind by race, gender, class, sexual orientation, etc and is anti intellectual too. Judaism has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Social Justice. If it did, all the Orthodox Jews, Qaraites, and adherents of classical Ethiopian Judaism would be Social Justice Warriors. They are not.

    • @BigJFindAWay
      @BigJFindAWay Před 3 lety +1

      @@patricemarie2960 In my experience and observation however, even though I understand what you're saying, if you stay the course and stay authentic it will pay off in dividends. The decadent and amoral postmodern culture will collapse and on its ruins will rise traditional but revitalized cultures.

    • @BigJFindAWay
      @BigJFindAWay Před 3 lety +1

      @@patricemarie2960 You too. You should experience only health and prosperity.

    • @cL-bf2ug
      @cL-bf2ug Před 3 lety +1

      @@BigJFindAWay Marxism is good

  • @kennyinliverpool
    @kennyinliverpool Před 2 lety +7

    It strikes me you believe in feminism not religion.

  • @davidcrane6593
    @davidcrane6593 Před 2 lety

    Yes... women should study judaism... and the first question to ask in judaism is why HUMAN SACRIFICE to atone for sin is being spoken of by the prophet isaiah? ... since there is no HUMAN sacrifice practiced in Judaism... only ANIMAL sacrifice-->
    10Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
    11He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.

  • @abehasseraharry9569
    @abehasseraharry9569 Před 3 lety +2

    Judaism is not social services!!! It's a belief!

  • @michellelansky4490
    @michellelansky4490 Před 3 lety +2

    It's fine to enjoy these things but they in no way resemble Judaism....that's the problem.....nobody that has ever practiced Judaism at any time in history or currently would recognize it as representing any foundations of Judaism so please be my guest and enjoy se rituals but call it.....shuki shuki or puki puki or rimple pimple......maybe there are some nice things to it but it has nothing to do with Judaism.

    • @olivegreenpants7153
      @olivegreenpants7153 Před 2 lety +5


    • @michellelansky4490
      @michellelansky4490 Před 2 lety +1

      @@olivegreenpants7153 it's 100%.....this is just a made up form of self indulgent....I'll do whatever I want and eat Chinese food and bagels while I do it and call it Judaism.....there's no committment to it. No education involved it it......as I said Judaism as never performed before in the history of Judaism so how does it even resemble Judaism.......Judaism torn down only and only to become enmeshed in gentile society and then by now the ignorant leading the ignorant literally.....it's sad for all the followers that are blameless and naive to the wool being pulled over their eyes......this is a 'judaism' that has abandoned all the roots, philosophies and structures of Judaism so what's Judaism about it?????

  • @sinfollowtheconsequences7638

    None sense

  • @yudap5188
    @yudap5188 Před 2 lety +3

    You can’t call that Jewish I’m Jewish and if you actually study to Torah you would see that what you are saying is not Judaism. You don’t keep shabbos you don’t keep kosher you wear teffilin which you are not allowed to do. Reform Judaism is a joke

    • @yudap5188
      @yudap5188 Před 2 lety

      @Yose BenDovid yes but it’s not allowed because woman should not wear clothing that are male apparel and the sage Reb yochanon Ben uziel made a decree saying that woman should not wear teffilin. And I’m sorry but people nowadays are not on the same level as the sages. And reform is basically saying that we know better and the times have changed which is stupid. Also reform people eat pork and mix meat and milk which is highly forbidden.