He's Been faithful - Barbra Keller

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • From United Praise, Barbra Keller - He's been faithful

Komentáře • 22

  • @december61
    @december61 Před rokem +2

    This project is one of the best collections of apostolic singers. Nothing like them. There is a touch of God on them.

  • @jacquelinejohnson189
    @jacquelinejohnson189 Před 2 lety +2

    My ALL TIME favorite song! Thanks!!!!

  • @BUGirlsBasketball
    @BUGirlsBasketball Před 5 lety +2

    I always listen to Sister Keller singing this song when I need to be reminded how God is always faithful to me. Thank you Jesus, that God sent Pastor and Sister Keller to Lancaster, Ohio over 20 years ago. Thank you for being faithful to the people of New Life and our community!

  • @BeckyDellenbaugh
    @BeckyDellenbaugh Před 12 lety +3

    Beautiful song by a lovely, talented lady. God bless you, Barbra Keller, for using your gifts through the years for the Lord. When you are singing about Jesus and being an example so many others are using their talents to sing about things of this world. You are an example of what a Christian should be. Again, sung beautifully!

  • @lindseywilson2010
    @lindseywilson2010 Před 11 lety +2

    How correct...God is faithful. Man fails God, but God never fails man...those who serve him.

  • @rma3_3_3
    @rma3_3_3 Před 4 lety +1


  • @itsDLo2u
    @itsDLo2u Před rokem

    Gulp❣️ He's [truly] Been Faithful To Me... even when I was so unfaithful to Him 💔 😭 🙌 💔
    🎶🎼🎶📖🌿🤍🙏🏻🕊 #ImSoUnworthyOfHim #GratefulForHisGRACEnMERCYnLOVE #HisDEATHburialRESURRECTIONpaidItALL4Us #Easter2023 #ResurrectionSunday ✝️🐰✝️

  • @gracesue4401
    @gracesue4401 Před 7 lety +4

    she has the best rendition and voice :)
    Thank You Jesus ♡

  • @karleneshellhamer1327
    @karleneshellhamer1327 Před 9 lety +3

    I am so thankful for God's faithfulness, even tho I haven't always been true to Him. Jesus is always there. even when we loss our way and speak out of bitterness, He still looks at us with love and compasion

  • @gracesue4401
    @gracesue4401 Před 7 lety

    my God is Faithful to me.....
    Thank You Lord Jesus :)♡

  • @gracesue4401
    @gracesue4401 Před 7 lety

    2 Timothy 2 v 3
    Even when we are faithless, God is (Remain) Faithful!

  • @michaelcloyes3902
    @michaelcloyes3902 Před 10 lety +1

    Bravo, SIs. Keller! I have your 1st lp signed. Is it available on CD or mp3? I saw you at the Apostolic Lighthouse in Dayton years ago and you've always been one of my favs. Last I heard your husband Gary was the Pastor at a church In Indiana. I've often wondered if you've done any more with your music. I love that album. I'm glad to hear God has been faithful to you.
    As for the ppl who can only think about jewelry, Rom. 14:22.

  • @tfarmerAZ
    @tfarmerAZ Před 14 lety +1

    @55555555555555555527 Wearing your wedding ring is not the same as just wearing other kinds of jewlery. The wedding ring symbolizes her covenant and marriage to her husband. It lets people know you are not available :)

  • @john143erica
    @john143erica Před 13 lety +1

    stop fighting

  • @davidsimons1832
    @davidsimons1832 Před 9 lety +4

    I see all you Oneness people are STILL tearing each other (and others, especially) apart (attacking one another over whether other people are living up to YOUR' standards (or your' Pastor's standards - holiness standards, that is). It was like that when I was going to the UPC. And, that's PART of the reason why I left that man-made organization. Too many people judging and hating on each other. They did nothing but gossip about one another and attack one another. Let's see!!! They hate gays, lesbians, anyone who dares to believe DIFFERENTLY than *they* do, and those who don't have the exact same "holiness standards" as THEY do. And, I could go on and on about the people who they hate (or strongly dislike). And, why?!!? Are they somehow "better than" everyone else?!!? Well, they seem to THINK that they are. They seem to THINK that they, alone, have "thee truth." And, everyone else has got false doctrine and are on their' way to HELL when they die so that they can ROAST forever and ever. They don't REALLY believe in a loving, compassionate, merciful God. They believe in a hard task master (one of them being their' preacher) and the other being "God." But, newsflash, while your' pastor might be a hard task master (dictator), GOD is *not* like that at all. The TRUE God is a compassionate, loving, merciful, and forgiving God. "He is NO respecter of persons," either. In other words, He does NOT put one person over another (as far as how He looks at them). He loves us ALL equally. Nobody is "better than" anyone else. We are ALL His' Children. And, we have ALL been created differently (uniquely). And, guess what?!!? God is Okay with that. I always DID love the way that the UPC worshiped, the music, and even the preaching (when it wasn't hateful, negative, and FULL of judgment and condemnation of others). A lot of times, though, they PUFF up themselves with pride, THINKING that they are sooooooo much "better than" everyone else. And, they act as though ONLY they have thee "truth." And, I cannot handle people like that. They alone do NOT have the "correct interpretation." They alone do NOT have a "special connection" with God Almighty. We ALL have a special connection with God if we believe in Him and love Him with ALL our' hearts and try to live a good, godly life (as best as we can as we are NOT perfect - no one is, so the UPC should NOT act like you have to be perfect in order to be saved, "living above sin" - like that's even possible). The UPC wants you to believe that gay people "CHOOSE" to be gay, too. And, nothing could be further from the truth. They can say what they WANT to say. But, just because THEY say it doesn't make it so. I believe in truth (the REAL truth). And, what they have is NOT truth. Even a LOT of preachers are leaving the UPC. The UPC is too full of hate, judgment, and pride. And, aren't these things things that God, Himself, hates?!!? Why, yeah, it is .... But, they ONLY focus on *certain* "sins." Don't they?!!? And, ignore the sins that THEY commit so often (like over eating, gossiping, judging and condemning others, while PRAISING themselves and THEIR' lives, like they have "arrived" and like THEY are almost up there sitting by God Almighty's right side near His' Throne. Well, I think they will get a rude awakening when they DO pass on and meet their' Maker (God). He is NOTHING like how THEY (the UPC) portrays Him. Well, there, I said it. I feel much better now. Whew!!! Got that off my chest. Been wanting to say that for a long time now ... lol. Finally said it!!! Yay for me!!! God Bless!!! And, I will be praying for ya' all. I really will ... peace and blessings to all ....
    And, by the way, I love your' singing, Sis. Keller. I just don't like the way a LOT of your' fellow UPC'ers act and the way they go around judging and condemning everyone and their' brother. Just really gets under my skin, ya know. And, another thing I really cannot stand is the way the preachers seem to be interested in only ONE thing and that is to have control (complete control) over their' congregations and to make TONS of money and to live the GOOD (and, I do mean REALLY GOOD life - nothing but luxury and riches gained through tithes, offerings, etc., etc., etc., from the people of the Church). Was involved in the UPC for many, many years. Been baptized in Jesus' Name, received the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues, and live(d) a good, godly life. But, I am by no means perfect. And, never will be. And, don't even try to be anymore. I just live the best that I can. And, God realizes I am merely a human being. And, when I do things I know I shouldn't, I repent and ask God for forgiveness. But, I no longer let any preacher try to tell me that IF I don't live up to ALL of his' holiness standards (rules) that I will go to hell and ROAST forever and ever by their' "loving" and "compassionate" God. God is NOT like that. And, people need to realize this. The God of the UPC is mean, hateful, vindictive, a tyrant, and tyranical monster. And, if God was REALLY like that, I wouldn't want anything to do with Him at all. But, thank God, I don't have to worry about that (because He's not anything like they say He is). And, I am sooooo glad about that. The truth REALLY *does* set you free. And, now that I am OUT of the UPC, I am finally free from all that bondage that I used to be under. I am FREE from the fear, guilt, condemnation, judgment, and manipulation of emotions that the UPC had me under. I am no longer a slave to them (or their' leaders). And, oh, what peace I have now (something I never had while going to the UPC). When going to the UPC, I was always worried and stressed out, thinking that I had to be "perfect" and "sinless" and that if I didn't follow ALL the Pastor's rules (holiness standards) that I would go to hell. What kind of "peace" is that?!!? That was nothing but HELL!!! A nightmare!!!

    • @aprilphillips8605
      @aprilphillips8605 Před 9 lety +3

      ***** UPC DOES NOT HATE!!! it says hate the sin, not the sinner. Just cause people don't agree with a certain lifestyle don't mean they hate them.. I go to the UPC churches and I have many gay and lesbian friends and family members. I do not hate them, I love them with all my heart, but it don't mean I agree with how they are living.

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 Před 9 lety

      April Phillips Yep, and what they say and what they do is two TOTALLY different things. Now, that's been MY personal experience with the UPC. But, I mean, it's not JUST my own personal experience. Thousands and thousands of other gay people say (and feel) the same exact things I am saying right now about the UPC. I am NOT the only one who says this by no means. Far from it!!!
      And, just look at what preachers like Jeff Arnold says (right from the pulpit). He calls gay people "faggots" and "queers" during his hate-filled preaching. And, gets the crowd all riled up against gays. And, of course, that is his' goal (to turn people against gays). Maybe one day, he will find out that one of HIS' children are gay. And, maybe he will then CHANGE his' tone and his' attitudes towards gays. I don't know about you. But, calling someone a "faggot" or a "queer" sounds pretty hateful to me (and many, many others - thousands upon thousands of us). And, as a gay person, I felt nothing but hate going to the UPC.
      I remember sitting up in the balcony one time. And, this guy (who I knew from a long time ago) came and sat next to me (during the service). Well, the preacher started saying jokes about gays (trying to make it "funny" to attack gays and make jokes about them). I started getting emotional because I loved these people. And, I wasn't a bad person at all. But, here I was, sitting through another hate-filled message against gays. And, this time, it REALLY started to bother me (even more so than other times). So, the guy who came up to me and sat down next to me asked me, "What's wrong?!!? You seem to be getting upset by the message. Are YOU a queer or something?!!?" I told him, "Yeah, I'm NOT a 'queer,' but I *am* gay. And, yeah, it DOES hurt to hear my preacher say these horrible and un-true things about me (and people like me). And, earlier, this guy had said that he'd like to go up to the altar and pray with me after the service if I wouldn't mind (as he ASSUMED that I was totally lost and unsaved because I hadn't been to THAT Church in a while). But, once he found out that I was gay, he all of a sudden moved over two seats (once everyone stood up and then sat back down). A few minutes later, he said that he was going to go downstairs and use the bathroom. And, that he'd be right back. I knew that was a lie (which is a sin, but hey, I guess that's "different" because that was HIM doing it). Anyways, to make a long story short, I stayed up there (for a little longer) in the balcony till the end of the service (which I have NO idea why I *did* stay because the whole service did nothing but tear me apart, emotionally - and that was their goal, of course). But, when I came back down the stairs, this guy was standing up against the wall (as I came down), talking to his' Sister, and they were BOTH standing there with their backs up against the wall (as I came down the stairs) and were staring at me, laughing, and whispering to each other, and even pointing at me for a second or two. I could NEVER tell you how much that hurt me (and how devastated I was to have that happen to me. Like I said, I loved those people. And, I thought that they loved me. But, once they found out that I was gay, all of a sudden, I was a TOTALLY different person (in THEIR eyes). I didn't change at all. I was the SAME person that I always was. But, THEIR perception of me had changed (because they found out that I was gay).
      And, being gay is NOT a sin. Nor has it ever been a sin. There are SIX places throughout the WHOLE bible which even talks about same sex acts (and out of these SIX places that the bible talks about same-sex sex acts, ONLY gay rape, gay prostitution, and gays wanting to CHANGE their sexual orientation to that which is NOT natural to them (in other words, them trying to "become straight" or vice versa) is condemned). Jesus NEVER mentions homosexuality. The Gospels NEVER mention homosexuality. And, the Ten Commandments NEVER mention homosexuality. And, you'd think that IF homosexuality was such a "HUGE issue," as some insist that it is, Jesus WOULD have said something, the Gospels WOULD have condemned it, and the same with the Ten Commandments. But, they were TOTALLY silent on the whole subject.
      And, look at David and Jonathon. David said to Jonathon, "My love for YOU (another male - Jonathon) was wonderful." And, then, he goes on to say, "My love for Jonathon SURPASSES (goes well beyond) my love for women." And, they made a covenant with each other that was to last till the day that either one of them (or BOTH of them) died and it WAS to include their children that they had with women. And, the word, "covenant" here is the SAME word, "covenant" that was used to describe MARRIAGE in other places throughout the bible. So, yes, David and Jonathon were married to one another (which, if you know anything about history, it was NOT at all uncommon back then to have gay marriages). And, there are other verses, too, in the bible which describes the love that Jonathon and David had for one another. The bible says that when David seen Jonathon (after having been away from each other for a long time), they RAN to one another, the EMBRACED, and STRIPPED OFF ALL THEIR CLOTHES, and then KISSED "till they EXCEEDED themselves." Now, you can take it ANY way you want to. But, to me, this sure does sound like a GAY *love* story. And, pretty much ALL bible scholars and historians AGREE with what I just said (that this was a homosexual relationship - NOT just a close - very close - friendship). Friends do NOT strip off their clothes, and KISS one another. And, they also do NOT make covenants with one another that are to last till the day that they die (essentially MARRYING one another).
      Just wanted to state the truth on this. I am GLAD that *you* love gay people (and that you don't hate them). But, you cannot speak for the whole UPC (and neither can I). We can only speak from our OWN personal experiences. And, that's ALL we can do. My personal experience with the UPC was nothing but a nightmare. And, you are saying that your experience is nothing like that at all. And, I am GLAD that you are *not* experiencing a lot of bad stuff going there. But, there are thousands upon thousands of people who say just how abusive the UPC is (and it's NOT just gays - there are TONS of straight people who feel the same way). It's just an abusive organization (whether you are gay or straight). They tell you what you can and cannot do. And, they are like dictators. My former Church even had a curfew on us. And, we weren't allowed to go to certain stores or restaurants (as the Pastor didn't like the people who owned the places). So, yeah, it's pretty much all about control and the greed of money. And, it's sad because I know soooooooo many people who used to go to the UPC and their whole lives are soooooo messed up (a lot of them are now on drugs because they don't know HOW to deal with all the emotional abuse that they went through while going to this Church). I don't hate the people of the UPC. I love them!!! I even love some of the leaders!!! But, just don't think that it's right to brainwash people and indoctrinate people like they do (even using mass hypnosis on people). That's just NOT right.

    • @mercygracearendain1757
      @mercygracearendain1757 Před 8 lety +1

      +David Simons
      I am sorry for the mistreatment youve experience from my fellow UPC sir. Gay people are still human. Did God love you? I say, Yes. it was the sin that makes human fall short of the glory of God. to be gay is also the same as murderer. but God is faithful to forgive us our sins. all we have to do is to acknowledge God that we are wrong, we need Him to help us change.we cannot change ourselves without getting helped from Jesus.

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 Před 8 lety

      Mercy Grace Arendain Thanks for showing some actual love and compassion. Not used to seeing that from Oneness people at all. But, sure is neat to see it every once in a while (when I do see it). And, I understand where YOU are coming from and WHY you say what you say (because I used to believe the same exact way as YOU do right now). But, I no longer believe that God is displeased by my being gay (after all, He is the One Who *did* create me and He knew well what He was doing). And, I have done some really DEEP soul searching over the many, many years that I have been alive. And, have come to the conclusion, through this deep soul searching that I have done, that God is Okay with my being gay. And, that He has NO problems with this at all (even though some people do). God does not make mistakes. And, there are millions of us who are gay. And, even though you showed some love and some compassion, you also sort of compared me (being gay and all) to murderers (which maybe you didn't mean to say it like that, but you did). And, there is NO comparison at all between the two. The bible condemns gay rape (as in Sodom and Gomorrah), gay prostitution (male cultic, shrine, etc.,), and gays trying to "become" something that they are not ("going AGAINST nature, as the bible put it), where they try to "become" straight. But, doesn't the bible also condemn heterosexual rape, prostitution, and straights trying to "become" gay (also "going AGAINST nature")?!!? I agree with you that we CANNOT change anything about us that actually DOES need to be changed just by ourselves. We need GOD to be there helping us. And, we need to ASK God to help us and expect that He will. And, then, love Him for helping us through whatever it is that we are going through and for helping us achieve the victory over certain things that bog us down in our lives because it *is* sin. But, being gay is NOT something that you just "choose" to do. It is NOT something that you just go "wayward" and START doing. It is something that a person is. I have been gay since Day One. Have never known anything else. That's why it is called a sexual orientation (because it's something that you are BORN with). Just like YOU didn't wake up one morning and DECIDE that YOU wanted to be straight (if you're truly straight, and I'm NOT doubting that you are ... just saying), I also did NOT wake up one morning and say that I want to be gay when I get older. It just doesn't happen like that. You are who you are. And, you CANNOT change that. In fact, pretty much ALL the so-called "Ex-Gay" groups have all shut down and CLOSED their doors to business. They came out and admitted that there is NO such thing as an "ex- gay." And, that it is NOT a choice that one makes. And, that you ARE born either straight or gay. And, that some are even born with an attraction towards both. And, in that case, I would think that you should figure out who you are attracted to the most and then stick with the sex that you are attracted to most (and NOT have relationships with both). I believe in living a CLEAN and HOLY life. And, that would mean living a monogamous life (as far as relationships go). Don't believe in sleeping around at all. And, sex is not the ONLY thing in a relationship. At least, that's how I feel. I think just being close to one another is awesome. Snuggling, hugging, holding each other's hands, and just being there for one another means more to ME than sex ever did. God doesn't want us to be having promiscuous sex and all of that. But, He has NO problems with us finding someone that DOES love us and then having a relationship with that person. He wants us to be loved and to love. He wants us to love Him first. Then, He wants us to find love here on Earth with another human being. He did NOT create us to be alone and miserable. And, some would say that they agree with me that it is NOT a choice to be gay. But, that we should all just live totally celibate lives and be lonely and miserable for the rest of our lives. No!!! That is NOT the will of God!!! And, I refuse to believe that it is. God is a GOOD God!!!

    • @cheneego2386
      @cheneego2386 Před 4 lety +1

      I've been a pentecostal for 17 years. I've been so thankful being part of this family. Wherever I go, as long as there's Upc member I knew, I'm at peace, they are always open to help me.. Been in many places, and my refuge was His people. Not my relatives nor my friends outside this congregation. I am bless beyond measure being a child of God, being with Upc family. I hope you will find the right place for you. God bless from Philippines.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult Před 10 lety +1

    Does anyone know how I can contact this lady?

    • @jmitchell238
      @jmitchell238 Před 10 lety +1

      No One is going to help you contact Sis Keller.