This sad muse that angers me (a poem)

  • čas přidán 6. 07. 2024
  • Half poem, half prose.
    Jassie, you haven’t love the love that I lust. And you’re bad at advice, especially about relationship. None of that is your fault, you excel in so many other areas of friendship. But there’s this creative force from a longing that I can’t share with anybody. Not you, not Alannah, not Ben. It could’ve been mum but you know why I couldn’t. And if I can’t share the words, how do I share the feelings?
    Despite this inability to really talk about it with anybody, I have to put it out. No matter how scary, it’s an obligation for myself. Things like this aren’t necessary for you, but I supposed it is somewhat resemblance of an update. So here it is.
    This sad muse that angers me
    My shirt smells like you
    Not in the sweet linger of a boyfriend’s sweater
    Not in the mellow mush of two bodies after a
    good hug day
    But in the sticky way that my father’s cigarettes
    never left my face
    It crawled rotten on my tongue and filled the
    canal in my mouth
    I can’t rid of it.
    Do you understand Star Gazer boy?
    The image of you and the memory of him is like a
    rebel addiction that consume me
    More than the soft drugs that eat you
    And while you drink your past sorrow and suffer
    from nothing but a psychological spell
    I sink into this disgust greedily
    Trying to understand this paradox of why you
    don’t want me
    Forgetting to question why I don’t want you.
    But never mind that I’ve got to go
    So I slap on two dabs of perfume
    Like that time I finished smoking Dad’s stolen
    By the bathroom window when
    I thought all the problems will go away if I get
    away from it
    Only I was sitting in this bar stool missing you
    People were laughing, they were loving me
    But I’m writhing, shrivelling, seizing,
    I am not me with you, but I am not me without
    It’s just an arm that I miss, I told myself
    It’s just another body to hold in the dark of night
    But without its presence, I’m hideously
    contorted, my heart’s chilled, my body’s
    contradicted, my brain’s ached.
    I am Frankenstein and the creature of my
    Today, I awoken from another morning and I
    Continue to sink into the greed disgustingly
    Don’t get me wrong, I am abhorred by my
    longing, the monstrosity of your presence, the
    lack of it feeling like a torn arm from a
    discarded body
    But I am engaged in the warfare of the heart
    And the only way to quit
    Need to grieve for what you had
    Maybe I need to pick up cigarettes again
    Maybe I need to be a tree
    Maybe I need to learn whatever Stevie said, on
    how to be free and revel in the mystery

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