Bashar - What happens after death? (Explained)

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • A audience member asked the question to Bashar, what happens after death?

Komentáře • 38

  • @MotocrossElf
    @MotocrossElf Před 2 měsíci +23

    Would have enjoyed a clip of the full conversation. This was one of the most interesting things I've ever heard him say.

    • @thatsinpossible4967
      @thatsinpossible4967 Před měsícem +1

      You will pass to worlds in the planes of 1st sphere. You will NOT be able to travel beyond those worlds until you improve your half-soul LOVE & TRUTH condition (from God's perspective not your own). You can't "just choose" to go to higher realms. That's simply not true.
      BUT.. you CAN seek truth.. at which point you will eventually ascend to 2nd sphere worlds.. then 3rd sphere worlds etc. By 5th sphere you will learn of the other half of yourself.
      Your experiences are based on your SOUL condition which contains both your soul errors and limitations and also strengths and authentic desires. Law of Attraction operates in spirit-realms just like it does on Earth.
      There are plenty of discarnate spirits who now speak of their life in the afterlife. Would you like to know what Ronald Reagan says?

    • @Arnoud-nf6iz
      @Arnoud-nf6iz Před měsícem

      @@thatsinpossible4967 wtf u talking with ur iq of 80 he got a IQ of 800

    • @SoulMaxxing
      @SoulMaxxing Před měsícem

      ​@@Arnoud-nf6izSorry, Chap. I learn from the highest beings in the universe on the divine path.. as opposed to beings on the metaphysical natural path with untransformed souls and fewer chakras in their spirit body. You have no idea what information is available to incarnates who don't have certain errors and blockages in their soul. There are 36 spheres associated with Earth and only the top 4% are higher than 7th sphere. None of what Bashar is saying is consistent with their higher level understandings other than the fact real life STARTS once you transition. In that respect he is correct. The divines are also currently trying to teach the Pleaidians of 6th sphere - who are perfected natural beings.

    • @yourshadowside
      @yourshadowside Před 8 dny

      ​@@thatsinpossible4967 from god perspective ? So what is god ?

    • @thatsinpossible4967
      @thatsinpossible4967 Před 7 dny

      @@yourshadowside Please remember I HAVE ZERO.. church or religious background..yet I am now going to share with you the truth of God.. which even most spirits are yet to fully comprehend. For example, only a portion of the 6th sphere Pleiadians have converted to these highest truths..of which there is no higher.
      All you need to understand is what YOU..are. Most beings full-time in spirit-body after their material life think the spirit-body is the soul. This is simply incorrect. They have yet to learn more.
      You are a Half-soul (consciousness) with 2 connected avatars or vessels (1) the indestructible_spirit_body and the (2) destructible_material_body.
      The bodies are NOT you.. they are just tools or instruments through which your conscious soul can have experiences (in various dimensional worlds) to grow and learn.. ultimately.. towards the TRUTHS of LOVE.. from God's perspective.
      As a half-soul ..your real soul family is (1) your soulmate.. the other half of you incarnate (2) your soul_parent God. After that one might say your next family are the spirit-guides most soul-similar to you.. and then the all the other souls in the universe.. the brotherhood of souls.
      God is your REAL parent. God is not some "energy" like many people think. God is an entity. One huge problem humans (and spirits) tend to have.. which is just lack of soul_development (nothing else) is understanding that God is both infinite and personal. In other words, God can have individualized, personal, unique one-to-one interactions with all her children.. simultaneously.
      In other words, both you and I and 60 billion other soulful beings can be exchanging unique feelings and information and love with God at the same time.. with God successfully "multitasking" or managing those billions of connections.
      God communicates by FEELING and CONSCIENCE..not words.. because both God and all celestial (half-soul) beings 8th sphere or higher only interact with the real you.. the SOUL. They do not interact with either your spirit-body nor your material-body which are just extensions and EFFECTS.. not CAUSES.
      All CAUSES occur at the soul level. All accidents and illnesses, for example you experience while on Earth happen due to issues in your soul. The LAW OF ATTRACTION is based on your soul_condition.. not your spirit or material body condition.
      Hope that helps!
      Peace and God Bless.
      P.S. Remember.. no church background here. This is the GOOD STUFF. The absolute stuff which has already been proven by celestials. I am not sharing another human-wrought belief system.

  • @wmpetroff2307
    @wmpetroff2307 Před 2 měsíci +16

    I really do believe Bashar. That makes reasonable sense to my mind and heart.

  • @cattailer1077
    @cattailer1077 Před 2 měsíci +5

    Existence, awareness, is so much more exciting then I ever could have!

  • @mrporsche4236
    @mrporsche4236 Před 2 měsíci +7

    Earthly life is torture. I wanna go there right now

    • @evitapepperoni1980
      @evitapepperoni1980 Před měsícem +3

      It is because you are letting your mind take control. You are more than your mind, than your body. You are pure consciousness. I used to suffer a lot for everything. Now I just let go. Negative thoughts: they come, I see them in my mind but it is just that, I see them, I don't engage, just let them pass by like a movie. Past doesn't exist anymore, so why would I think about it? Future isn't here yet, so why be preocupied with it? Whatever worries me probably won't even happen. You have to learn to live in the now, in the present. I would recommend you to listen to Eckhart Tolle and to Mooji. They helped me a lot to understand better the mind and this world. You deserve to be happy and to enjoy this world which is beautiful, so believe in it and go for it!

  • @tras101
    @tras101 Před měsícem +1

    For the record. I can confirm what he is saying. I just stumbled upon this clip, and I have experienced exactly this on DMT. I was greeted by entity/spirit I suddenly remembered I had known for millions of years. It made me fold out my consciousness, from the compressed state it is in the human experience.
    And yes, this was a wild experience!!!🤯😂

  • @pollyon
    @pollyon Před 2 měsíci +10

    bashar making a bad case for remaining on earth lol, im out, do what i want, no restrictions? SIGN ME UP!

    • @Zondrogor
      @Zondrogor Před měsícem

      But you knew all of that(maybe now you've forgotten) and chose to be here out of all the places. You might as well entertain the idea WHY.

    • @pollyon
      @pollyon Před měsícem

      @@Zondrogor you don't get to tell me what i chose, simple as that, you all preach choice, yet tell me i ''have to'' do this or that, i think not

    • @achronicblunt
      @achronicblunt Před měsícem

      @@pollyonHe’s saying you have a greater being, and as that greater being you obviously chose to be here because it wasn’t forced on you.

    • @pollyon
      @pollyon Před měsícem +1

      @@achronicblunt and im saying if i don't want to be here, yet am forced to wake up against my will, then i am being forced, if i do not wish to continue, but a ''greater'' me is telling me i am staying, then it is literally force, to be forced is literally defined as having an experience against your will

    • @iamgaard
      @iamgaard Před měsícem

      ​@@pollyonthere is a brain component, which pertains to the physical body. It is influenced by chemical imbalances and can be treated via the usual methods: exercise, a healthy gut, having people to speak to etc. This brain of yours is likely the one asking to leave. Now let this brain ask itself whether the other parts of yourself are in agreement as to this notion? You may be unaware, but the answer to that is definitively no. If they were, you'd be gone in an instant. Through meditation, I've experienced altered states of consciousness in which I saw my own life from a vantage point - and against everything I felt would be true before the experience, I actively CHOSE to be here, again. A long while has passed since then, and I once again wish I'd not have chosen so. But the memory remains, and even tho the current chemical composition screams against it, no matter what tricks the brain pulls it can't deny the vivid memory of that event. Seek it out yourself, you might be surprised to find out no forcing is involved, and when you DO see a glimpse of the other side in that way, you will, for an instant, have no questions about any of it - such is the crystal clarity of the higher self. If you've never done so, I suggest looking up the gateway experience program.

  • @rollinia7770
    @rollinia7770 Před měsícem

    I am re-living this life over again as I saw my whole life when I was young and so naive that I cursed myself 3 times to want to repeat this life over and over and over again.
    Now, I have to find a way to break my curse as I don't want to repeat or come back to lower realm no more.

  • @tomaskoptik2021
    @tomaskoptik2021 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Zero (the meaning behind the symbol) does not exist. Even the math confirms that by defining zero as an integer (non zero value). By contradicting its own symbolics. Math proves the inexistence of inexistence by its inability to define zero as a valueless value. One exists and is also defined as an integer. Math clearly proves existence of 1 (existence itself) and disproves zero (inexistence). Zero means -1 (-∞), plain and simple. 1=1, 1=∞, 1 exists. 0≠0, 0≠∞, 0 (inexistence) does not exist. "Nothing" does not exist, the existence itself is "something". The very basic mathematics says that. Physics and school institutions ignore it and confuse and scare everybody with finite concepts of infinity (death, emptiness and uncertainty). Being afraid of onenessness happens to societies where people believe their society is more than the One other words where people believe they might not exist. The very belief in zero being a number is this kind of a religion. Religion of emptiness and nothingness. Free fall insanity. Cantor was a lunatic. There is only one infinity and this shows on Heisenberg´s uncertainty and Newton´s Three body problem. Same trinity (these "problems", these trinities would not exist at all if there was more than 1 infinity, more than 1 source, more than 1 observer). I am looking forward to a society that understands all finity stems from infinity and infinity is only One. That might be the day sanity and clarity returns to the people...

    • @vibemanlove8367
      @vibemanlove8367 Před měsícem +1

      Dude, thank you for taking the time to explain this. I'm grateful to have learned something new... especially about the fact that non-existence/death is essentially a false (untrue) mental concept.
      The Unmanifest is more "real" than the Manifest. The Manifest, when perceived, is said to "exist." When the essence returns from animating the Manifest, back to the Unmanifest, it is said to "not exist anymore."
      "Buddha left his body, so he doesn't exist anymore." This is false. The Primordial Essence remains, eternal and undying because it was never "born" to begin with. It "came from" Infinity and resides "there" (HERE/NOW) -- timeless and immemorial. So when the essence/Spirit returns from the Manifest back to the Unmanifest/Void, that is when it is *really* alive.
      "Reality rests in the eternal; the impermanent has no reality." (The Bhagavad Gita)

    • @tomaskoptik2021
      @tomaskoptik2021 Před měsícem +1

      @@vibemanlove8367 Beautifully said. And spot on. Infinity=1 is a mathematical description of this noncausal relationship. And consciousness=infinity=1 is a description of nonlocal physics arising from it. For any zero (observer) the 0=1. As for the 1, the 1=1.

    • @Gabriela_BA
      @Gabriela_BA Před měsícem +1

      0 = nothing is false. "0" is the only simbol that contains the eternity and infinite of energy, because it is the only one that conteins all the opposite pairs (matter/antimatter, time/timelessness, conscious/unconscious, etc etc etc). So "0" is actually everything, and "nothing" doesn't even exist. That's why you can't destroy energy and that's why death doesn't exist. It is just a flow of energy inside (Unity) or outside (duality) the "0".

    • @tomaskoptik2021
      @tomaskoptik2021 Před měsícem

      @@Gabriela_BA I can only agree :) This is why for certain practical purposes the 0 is better to be replaced by Pi ...

  • @jefftemplin778
    @jefftemplin778 Před měsícem

    Since everything happens at once, why, upon transitioning, would we not all be “one big happy family” hanging out in “heaven?” Would “dying” not mean you would be greeted by those who passed before you but also those who transitioned after you, such as your wife, children, etc. Also, if you (your higher-Self) is already there, then who would be there to welcome you “home?” Because you never actually left. Apparently there’s still a separate self in heaven? Maybe there’s a transitioning period to ease the returning soul home? Wouldn’t it be like all beings (souls) awakening from a collective dream? I envision “actors,” “back stage” after the applause fades, giving each other high-fives.
    I’ve listened to a lot of Darryl’s seminars here on TY over many years and I have yet to hear anyone attending the seminar ask those kinds of questions. Maybe in heaven the shock of seeing those you thought you just left on earth would be too much?

  • @virxest
    @virxest Před měsícem +1

    So there isn't really a tunnel, you just imagine that it looks like some kind of movement from one place to another, but it really isn't. You are actually on the "other side/spirit realm" all the time.

  • @Sbannmarie
    @Sbannmarie Před 2 měsíci +1

    Richard Simmons rest in peace

  • @alex-ander-13
    @alex-ander-13 Před měsícem +1

    Wow. Thank you.

  • @rockymini625
    @rockymini625 Před 8 dny


  • @TinaLoves
    @TinaLoves Před měsícem

    So what happens to the people we are dreaming kids, family etc.?? In all of our parallel lives?

  • @Spiritualgazi
    @Spiritualgazi Před měsícem +1

    In other words “ I dont know”

  • @dragonfire5702
    @dragonfire5702 Před měsícem +1


  • @Smbat_m
    @Smbat_m Před 2 měsíci

    I can confirm that sometimes after a person dies, he continues to exist. I call it a ghost life( it’s partially a past life)
    But still affects us at current life. By going to that specific life and resolving the issues why a person has decided to continue to live as a ghost liberates your consciousness

  • @FollowYourExcitement
    @FollowYourExcitement Před 2 měsíci +1

    In the blink...what?