The Great White Throne Judgment - Steve Lawson

  • čas přidán 19. 10. 2009
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    Copyright 2009 Resolved. All rights reserved.

Komentáře • 65

  • @Veronica742
    @Veronica742 Před 11 lety +13

    You must Believe and repent of your sins meaning turn away from your sins. Read the Holy Bible and ask God to give you the grace to understand. Pray without ceasing seek hard after Jesus. I will be praying for you as well.

  • @tomortale2333
    @tomortale2333 Před rokem +4


  • @stacymurphy7407
    @stacymurphy7407 Před 6 měsíci +1

    I listen to THIS SERMON daily. (In conjunction with other sermons, and with Bible study, and with prayer.)
    THE OTHER SERMON I listen to, "The Invincible Weapon Of God's Word"

  • @savedwife
    @savedwife Před rokem +3

    It's great to see this preacher speaking the biblical truths . As Jesus spoke more about Hell in the bible than Heaven

    • @tooldog5062
      @tooldog5062 Před rokem

      yet the world turns their back to Gods word and this country is seen by the world as Sodom and Gomorrah not america, they see a country not to be trusted and not to ally with! 90% of all who die this day religious or not will find that their names aren't in the book of life because of the choices they made,

    • @iacoponefurio1915
      @iacoponefurio1915 Před 10 měsíci

      ​@@tooldog5062you have no idea of figures hypocrite 😅

  • @nataliyagregory2911
    @nataliyagregory2911 Před rokem +1

    This is best ceremony of this subject.👍🏻

    • @semcarpintero6805
      @semcarpintero6805 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Check pastor Allen Nolan. Totally on another level. I think you'll appreciate how in depth he goes 👍

  • @jeanlenor1858
    @jeanlenor1858 Před rokem +1

    47:20 The primary image of hell in the bible is FIRE.

    • @leefury7
      @leefury7 Před rokem +3

      actually, it's separation/alienation.

  • @jeanlenor1858
    @jeanlenor1858 Před rokem +2


  • @HowChristdiedforoursins
    @HowChristdiedforoursins Před 4 měsíci

    You just messed up the whole sermon at the end. We're not saved by committing our life to Christ but believe in what he did on the cross and that's it. Big red flag 👉🏾🚩
    How you going to say we're not saved by works but committing our life and turning from sin is at work make it make sense..

  • @dorianjohnson8480
    @dorianjohnson8480 Před 7 měsíci

    Calvinism is so dumb. Lawson is speaking outta both sides of his mouth. On one hand he talks as though sinners have willfully chose to disobey God. But because he’s committed to his delusion he has to bring it back and say that God has already chosen the elect. lol. Crazy.

    • @DD-ld1xq
      @DD-ld1xq Před 7 měsíci +6

      It's not Calvinism, it's Biblical. Try again.

    • @dorianjohnson8480
      @dorianjohnson8480 Před 7 měsíci

      @@DD-ld1xq family, you gotta be coached in Calvinism. These guys follow Calvin. Not Christ.

    • @saltandlight233
      @saltandlight233 Před 7 měsíci +1

      That's not true you sound very mislead are you even a believer?

  • @eric12419
    @eric12419 Před 14 lety +4

    The dust is collecting on this earth and the wrath of GOD is upon those who haven't believed in him, but for those who place their life in his hands are given salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • @MustangGTdude02
    @MustangGTdude02 Před 14 lety +6

    Thats my uncle!!!! =D. What a small world!!! Ive been waiting for him to make it onto illbehonest. :D

  • @Terceira73
    @Terceira73 Před 13 lety +4

    I am witness of jesus christ.In 93 i was suicidal.I decided to call on jesus to see if he was real. I said "jesus if u exist show yourself showyourself"etc.As i asked and asked i gave up and said "he doenst exist or wont come."all of the sudden love and peace of the serverest mind boggling kind fill the air and inside me.jesus all in white with da power of creation says:
    I am here
    I am with u
    I will never leave u
    where ever u go i walk with u
    I love u I love u
    I am always with u
    I love u

    • @savedwife
      @savedwife Před rokem +1

      Amen .
      You have a great testimony . I pray since this you have went from strength to strength serving the Lord !
      God Bless you 🙏❤

    • @Terceira73
      @Terceira73 Před rokem

      @@savedwife your welcome.

  • @MustangGTdude02
    @MustangGTdude02 Před 14 lety +2

    Oh yes he is, GPLeague! I have 3 binders full of his sermons I am trying to listen to. Its funny because I am subscribed to this channel mainly to listen to Paul Washer and John Piper, but when my uncle showed up on here I was very please and proud! I wish I could attend his church, but I live in Tennessee.

  • @JonBrou
    @JonBrou Před 12 lety +2

    It is the Lord God's way of letting you know that He is fair and that ALL who sinned against Him will receive their just reward for disobedience.

  • @eric12419
    @eric12419 Před 14 lety +2

    the fact that all things turn to dust and become worthless in value is proof that there is a GOD and that his judgement is on the nations.

  • @eelikh
    @eelikh Před 14 lety +2

    Thank God for this amazing video! Love you all my brothers and sisters!

  • @MustangGTdude02
    @MustangGTdude02 Před 14 lety +4

    Well, yes God does know every outcome. He is totally sovereign and omniscient. That is why Salvation by mere choice is impossible. God would have to know you made that "choice". Salvation MUST be a totally supernatural work of God, not a choice of man.

  • @yesterway
    @yesterway Před 11 lety +3

    1 Corinthians 2:14
    The natural person does not accept the things of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.

  • @SylentIntensity1122
    @SylentIntensity1122 Před 11 lety +2

    Yes, you're right in that a basic belief in the Creator God does not belong solely to Christianity or any one religion. But, the fact is, many people claim to follow a religion but simply do not care if it leads to personal salvation. Also, many religions do not even acknowledge the Creator God, but either knowingly or unknowingly worship either made-up or demonic entities. What makes Christianity unique is its simplistic approach to addressing what mankind needs most and Who to ask for it.

  • @coolvideo28
    @coolvideo28 Před 14 lety +2

    Thanks For making this video keep spreading the Truth. God bless you.

  • @Angle66Essence
    @Angle66Essence Před 14 lety +6

    i love god :D thums up if u love god hes the holiest of holys :D

  • @krisv001
    @krisv001 Před 14 lety +1

    excellent message !

  • @Blaquengold
    @Blaquengold Před 14 lety +1

    I like this. He is breaking it down.

  • @MrRogerSimmons
    @MrRogerSimmons Před 12 lety +1

    @HisGrace71 The way you reconcile divine election and human faith is this: before time began, God elected those who would have faith. He chose those who would have faith. We do not save ourselves - we do not come by this faith on our own efforts - but He gives it to those whom He has called. Therefore, if you have true faith in Christ, it is proof that you have been called by God for God only gives faith to those whom He calls.

  • @MustangGTdude02
    @MustangGTdude02 Před 14 lety +1

    I'll look into that. It seems like everyone will be brought forth and judged by God, but I will look at it.

  • @benoit8816
    @benoit8816 Před 11 lety +1

    Amado Dios te bendiga.Por favor traducelo al español!!!!!!

  • @IamaFreeWillOffering
    @IamaFreeWillOffering Před 11 lety

    You should pray and meditate on that verse much more than you have.

  • @drdesir
    @drdesir Před 12 lety +2

    @HisGrace71,@ MrRogerSimmon et al. Do not be dismayed or worried about who God has predestined to be saved or not. Remember God says you have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you. The Father has in trusted into Jesus's care all those who are saved. And Jesus will not lose not a single one of us. That's why He is our High Priest and He prays for us Daily. If you are harboring un-repented sin Repent, before He removes your candle-stick. Trust in Jesus, and let Him be your Lord and Savior.

  • @MustangGTdude02
    @MustangGTdude02 Před 14 lety +1

    It had to be that way, for God's glory and love to be demonstrated. If every man were to love God, then there would be no love. The term would be meaningless. There must be darkness in order to see light. And on the pre-destination issue, if God did not know or elect his followers, then that would imply that God is not Omniscient. Think of it this way. Its not the idea that he picks and chooses who goes to heaven and hell, but he MUST know. Would you rather all of man be victim to God's wrath?

  • @ntiffin72
    @ntiffin72 Před 11 lety +3

    Jesus is The Son of God, and equal in nature to God. He is to be worshipped as God. By claiming equality with God, He was accused of blasphemy, and crucified. But no sin was found in Him, and death had no hold on Him. He rose again, to take the place at the right hand of The Father.

  • @Terceira73
    @Terceira73 Před 13 lety

    @Terceira73 all of my stress,pain,sadness was wiped from my soul. i couldn't feel from my knees down.i thought i was floatin i looked down at my feet i said how r my feet still on the ground.jesus showed me he is the one from the beginning.his voice is strong deep.jesus garment reaches to his ankles,he is tall.when the sun hit him as he was standing on the cloud he look almost like a crystal. I was 19 years old and i never read a verse of the bible but my testimony has how he will come again.

  • @drumrnva
    @drumrnva Před 13 lety

    @chilimaker2011 How about a definition that isn't based in written dogma? I don't know what you mean. You can refer to events in stories, but can you point to something that exists, has observable properties, etc?

  • @drumrnva
    @drumrnva Před 13 lety

    @MustangGTdude02 When you say "hate God", please tell me what it is that one hates? What is God? In order to hate something, I need to define it, know its properties, etc. What do you mean when you say "God"?

  • @SylentIntensity1122
    @SylentIntensity1122 Před 11 lety

    "Putting your faith in something" doesn't cut it. If one doesn't know what they need but ask the right person, or they know what they need and ask the wrong person, there is a very real possibility that they won't receive exactly what it is they need. This applies in the spiritual realm as well as in everyday human interaction. We must know Who it is that we're trusting in (the Creator/Jesus) and we should be very straightforward about what we need (forgiveness/righteousness/spiritual life).

  • @yesterway
    @yesterway Před 11 lety +1

    John 14:6
    6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

  • @700bees
    @700bees Před 14 lety

    repent to the traditions of our forefathers. to the wilderness we go! Just as Jesus returned to the story of Exodus after his baptism. Let us return to being a tribe without a king, but a King of Kings. let us repent to the ways our ancestors. To a union of man and creation in harmony and peace. Let us repent to Jubilee, and Sabbath.

  • @MrRogerSimmons
    @MrRogerSimmons Před 12 lety

    @HisGrace71 Yes, at first (and throughout your walk with Christ) you may feel unregenerate - after all, you still struggle with sin! - but God has secured your redemption. If you have faith in Christ it is only because God gave it to you, it is only because God called you. So if I were you, I would not fear, for if you have true faith there is no question that you were elected and that you are saved

  • @gregis22422
    @gregis22422 Před 14 lety

    That's going to be one LONG day.

  • @drdesir
    @drdesir Před 12 lety

    @nintendude60 Yes it's is a second judgement. The Great White Throne judgement is the judgement for the people of this world great and small who died outside of Jesus Christ; which is to say without accepting Jesus Christ as their personally Lord and Savior of their lives. The Bible calls this the second death. Unfortunately there a place worse than Hell, and the Bible itself says the devil himself is afraid of this place, which is the Lake of Fire. As a Christian this scares me, and humbles me

  • @eric12419
    @eric12419 Před 14 lety +1

    isn't it funny man doesn't want to know GOD and yet they attack anyone who knows GOD from the inner most part of their soul they refuse to bow down to our GOD and refuse to do anything outside of religion.

  • @sistarass10101
    @sistarass10101 Před 14 lety

    who marked gods word as spam .. not cool

  • @MustangGTdude02
    @MustangGTdude02 Před 14 lety

    You must realize that we as a human race flee from God inherently. We hate God and despise his word. This is why the crucifixion of Christ is so important. The only way a God hating people could ever obtain salvation is through the death of His own son. Remember that Truth isnt always happy, it must also be sad. God bless.

    • @ammitthedevourerofsouls
      @ammitthedevourerofsouls Před rokem

      How's your thoughts on that currently? You hate God? Then why would anyone that despises God our True Prime Creator allow them into the promised land? Would you? When Jesus already died once so the humans could redeem themselves from the fall. After two thousand years warning this day would come. With man sacrificing children for a piece of paper backed by nothing caging and slaughtering animals eating flesh against Noah's laws destroying the planet and raping the planet of resources landfills overflowing with 'convenience' an island of plastic the size of Texas choking the sea life. Would you let someone like that into your kingdom? Are you sure you despise God? Or the fact humans have done everything against the ten commandments, ten simple rules. Are you sure this hating God or your just running from the truth? Are you mad at God or mad at yourself and projecting it onto God rather than face the truth? Anyone can be redeemed but you have to confess make amends and change permanently and mean it. Good luck with your great awakening the unveiling of truth.

  • @Angle66Essence
    @Angle66Essence Před 12 lety

    it is loving the unknown , it is believing in something divine , doesn't mean i believe in god i believe in living forever putting your faith in something is what sets us free we as human beings need to believe in something need to believe in someone it could be god could be anyone on the face of the earth or outside earth it's all the same thing so god in my point of view is real it is "belief" and faith

    • @caroljimmieclark
      @caroljimmieclark Před 8 měsíci

      You have committed blasphemy by creating a god of your own making. I pray you come to faith in Christ Jesus. There is no salvation in any other name.

  • @yesterway
    @yesterway Před 11 lety +2

    The athiest says "there is no God and I hate Him!"

    • @ammitthedevourerofsouls
      @ammitthedevourerofsouls Před rokem +2

      Irony. If they don't believe in God how could they possibly hate God if they think God doesn't exist? Atheists don't realize atheism is still a religion. Makes no sense.

  • @yesterway
    @yesterway Před 11 lety +1

    Psalm 14:1
    The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

  • @MrRogerSimmons
    @MrRogerSimmons Před 12 lety

    @HisGrace71 I'm sorry for all the grief this doctrine must have caused you, and often times it does seem that human faith and divine election are unreconcilable. However, Romans 10:9 says, "That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." There is no negotiation here - if you have true faith you will be saved!

  • @Angle66Essence
    @Angle66Essence Před 11 lety

    true but im talking about a universal entity that exists in various civilization's around the world .. i believe in god and put my faith in him so does many people. it doesn't show up in a single religion/faith its a worldly idea that people from all around the world believe in!! that makes us all unite as one mind but sadly discrimination is a human trait i wish we all open our minds to this fact

  • @Angle66Essence
    @Angle66Essence Před 11 lety

    Jesus is gods messenger I'm not christian if that's what ur implying and i love Jesus as much as any other person :D

    • @caroljimmieclark
      @caroljimmieclark Před 8 měsíci

      By denying that Jesus Christ is God you will face the wrath of God. Repent and believe God raised Jesus from the dead. There is salvation in no other.

  • @apriljoymagic
    @apriljoymagic Před 11 lety

    your wrong its god the father thats the judge at the great white throne

    • @iacoponefurio1915
      @iacoponefurio1915 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Jesus said,
      I and the Father are One.
      Repent and believe the Bible.

  • @speakthetruthplease1
    @speakthetruthplease1 Před 12 lety

    Space; like spelling and grammer, lol