All Natasha “Phoenix” Trace Scenes

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2022
  • All Natasha “Phoenix” Trace Scenes ( 4k )
    tiktok - @/clovesluvr ( i got kicked out of my other one 😡😡 )
    credit isn’t needed but it’s appreciated!! tag / dt me in ur edits I LOVE PHOENIX SMMM
    how to download this is already on my tiktok page but if you don’t have tiktok or something just look up “how to download scene packs on yt”

Komentáře • 402

  • @nykia31
    @nykia31 Před rokem +1190

    She's the first one to make Bob feel comfortable and a part of the crew.

    • @deadinside1170
      @deadinside1170 Před rokem +125

      Yeah. I loved that at her. She didnt see a nerd like the others. She saw him as her partner and she immediatly trusted him with her life like he did. Thats why I love her. She doesnt see herself as superior bc shes the pilot. She has to trust him that he keeps her alive by looking out for enemies while he has to trust her to keep him alive by flying the plane.

    • @sourrrrrrrr
      @sourrrrrrrr Před rokem +14

      @@deadinside1170 Well, on the pilot part, the "wizzo" knows how to fly the plane too, and can if need be.

    • @peterruiz6117
      @peterruiz6117 Před rokem +32

      'Bob' is my favorite character. I always made friends with guys like that...Reliable, intelligent, and polite.

    • @peterruiz6117
      @peterruiz6117 Před rokem +8

      ​@@sourrrrrrrr Ward Carrol describes that fact very well....The back seater gets little glory from holywierd, but the are pilots.

    • @kennethnolla9534
      @kennethnolla9534 Před rokem +9

      That’s her WSO….she’s wise as the plane commander to establish first and foremost a relationship based on trust and good communication with him

  • @ryanmedeiros9512
    @ryanmedeiros9512 Před rokem +959

    An interesting character, a top aviator, a strong and independent woman, and attractive as well. And they portrayed her character so strongly without making the whole movie about how she was a woman. Now this is how you write a great woman character. Love this movie

    • @johnSmith-sm8xc
      @johnSmith-sm8xc Před 10 měsíci

      Why are these brave pilots not in Ukraine now? Where have they been while Putin was killing children? America, why did you shut up your mouth? May be you are not so great as you wanna be?

    • @capture_diaries
      @capture_diaries Před 10 měsíci +39

      I also like how she gets the same amount of push-ups and gets grilled the exact same way the other men were; no more, no less (except Rooster, but that's a plot thing). True equality there.

    • @lesevesel2898
      @lesevesel2898 Před 10 měsíci +5


    • @user-kq4tk5nw6m
      @user-kq4tk5nw6m Před 8 měsíci +2

      My crush ❤😂

    • @user-bk6gc7sl9z
      @user-bk6gc7sl9z Před 7 měsíci


  • @TheSpectre2300
    @TheSpectre2300 Před rokem +1761

    Take notes Hollywood: This is how you DO write a strong female character!

    • @velociraptor4you3291
      @velociraptor4you3291 Před rokem +23

      Here here (👍)!

    • @akka8588
      @akka8588 Před rokem +54

      Agreed, one that isn't toxic

    • @velociraptor4you3291
      @velociraptor4you3291 Před rokem +7

      @@akka8588 Yep (👍).

    • @demonetization6596
      @demonetization6596 Před rokem +105

      Its literally so simple to make a good female character, be good in the job they do, not make their gender their entire personality, just a badass pilot

    • @velociraptor4you3291
      @velociraptor4you3291 Před rokem +19

      @@demonetization6596 I know, right? Many in Hollywood nowadays have forgotten how to do that.

  • @ray.shoesmith
    @ray.shoesmith Před 2 měsíci +51

    "Im dead dickhead"
    "See you in the afterlife bagman"
    Best. Dialog. Ever.

  • @jprules2578
    @jprules2578 Před rokem +276

    My favorite line is her saying "nice" when they realize Maverick is on the course.

    • @user-fb1dr1pv7e
      @user-fb1dr1pv7e Před rokem +1

      Многие израильтяне уже стали понимать, что противоречия в нашем обществе не сводятся только к различиям между правыми и левыми, сефардами и ашкеназами, светскими-и религиозными, евреями-и палестинцами. Нет, речь идет о конфликте более глубоком.
      Наблюдаемое в последнее время противостояние вокруг судебной системы является лишь проявлением этого фундаментального раскола: в Израиле идет борьба западноевропейской и восточноазиатской цивилизаций, противостояние двух больших культурных общностей, с разными идеалами, системой ценностей, мировоззрением, понятиями. Конечно, к какой из этих систем относится человек, зависит не только от его происхождения. Какая-то часть израильтян из восточных общин является носителями европейских представлений, а определенная часть ашкеназов руководствуется восточными понятиями.
      Доказательством наличия в Израиле двух больших лагерей является, например, следующее: одна сторона не может перенести, чтобы главой правительства был обманщик, человек, против которого выдвинуты уголовные обвинения, а второй это не мешает, главное, что он свой, из нашего лагеря, племени, сектора и т.п.
      Одной не важен этнический состав той или иной государственной комиссии или победителей конкурса, главное, чтобы это были специалисты, а их решения - эффективные и справедливые. А для другой интерес прежде всего в этническом составе (и это после 75 лет существования еврейского государства). Одна не может принять распространенную коррупцию, а для другой это нормальные отношения в обществе.
      Одна не согласна, чтобы суд был зависим от политиков, а другую это устраивает. Одна требует разделения властей, чтобы судьбы страны не решал один человек или одна группа. А для другой такое устройство наиболее приемлемое. Для одной возмутительно, что семья премьера участвует в решении важнейших государственных дел, а другая относится к этому как к допустимому при царском дворе.
      Хорошим примером отличия западноевропейского и восточноазиатского мировоззрений является разное отношение людей вообще к закону и делам, связанным с коррупцией, в частности - на примере судов над Арье Дери и Эхудом Ольмертом. Когда Дери был осужден за получение взяток и приговорен к тюремному заключению, это не помешало ему быть очень популярным общественным деятелем среди многотысячных носителей восточноазиатской системы взглядов и потом еще сделать блестящую политическую карьеру.
      То же самое случилось и когда он обманул суд и всю страну, взяв обязательство прекратить политическую деятельность, чтобы не понести наказания, но затем отказался выполнять свое обещание. Это совершенно не сказалось на его авторитете среди его сторонников, он остается лидером партии ШАС и одним из самых влиятельных политиков в стране.
      Абсолютно противоположная реакция была на судебное дело Ольмерта. Ему пришлось уйти с должности главы правительства, резко упала его популярность среди носителей западной системы ценностей, он лишился поддержки даже среди политических сторонников. А сейчас мы видим разное отношение представителями двух культур к судебным делам Нетаниягу.
      Проявлением указанного разлада является и то, что самые важные жизненные факторы слабо влияют на политические предпочтения большой части населения, особенно право-религиозного электората. Так, темы безопасности, дороговизны жизни, в том числе жилья, все наболевшие острые социальные вопросы оказываются не главными при выборе кандидата, за которого они решили отдать свой голос.
      Существующее слишком большое различие между двумя частями населения является причиной мощного внутреннего конфликта. Обычно такой конфликт разрешается жестким противостоянием и даже насилием. Кажется это самый серьезный вызов для Израиля со времени его создания. Когда перед нашим государством а задача выжить, была угроза самому существованию страны, это противостояние сглаживалось, гасилось. Сейчас оно всплыло, оголилось, обострилось. Без излишней политкорректности, можно заявить, что сейчас в Израиле идет противоборство не между правыми и левыми, а между прогрессивной и развитой частью населения и отсталой и реакционной.
      Бывший премьер-министр Англии Лиз Трасс сказала, что сейчас в мире идет борьба между разными общественными моделями: демократиями и автократиями. Внутри Израиля развернулась аналогичная борьба. Европейское устройство, которое реализовали создатели нашего государства, теперь подвергается атаке и изменению в соответствии с состоянием общества и уровнем развития большинства населения, во многом соответствующего странам третьего мира. В муках и противоречиях формируется свое собственное общественное устройство.
      Именно борьба двух цивилизаций ялась основным смыслом избирательных кампаний последних лет. Победил право-религиозный лагерь во главе с Нетаниягу. Если эта победа окончательная и либеральный протест потерпит поражение, то страна пойдет ускоренным темпом к одной из форм автократии. Будут внешние атрибуты современного европейского устройства, а по сути - возврат к примитивной форме демократии, когда в обществе нет противовесов, все решает большинство. Так стоит вопрос о том, какой будет наша страна: отсталой и реакционной, передовой и прогрессивной.

    • @NicPTheMeme
      @NicPTheMeme Před rokem

      @@user-fb1dr1pv7e what the fuck

    • @sae1969
      @sae1969 Před 10 měsíci +9

      I loved this line! We can see her streak of rebellion as she watches Maverick be a maverick. LOL.

    • @edecioparedes7424
      @edecioparedes7424 Před 2 měsíci

      @@user-fb1dr1pv7e wtf?? English only

  • @dars5229
    @dars5229 Před 2 měsíci +94

    "He called you a man, you gonna take that?"
    "So long as he doesn't call you a man."
    Damn, that was some ice cold Vasquez shit right there.

  • @noseefood1943
    @noseefood1943 Před 3 měsíci +29

    She was the best pilot, level headed, team player.

  • @vieques6588
    @vieques6588 Před rokem +251

    "I'm dead, Dickhead" then the smerk. Priceless.

  • @RamonBonner-hb4tv
    @RamonBonner-hb4tv Před 10 měsíci +134

    She quietly held the whole movie together.

  • @vincentlee8787
    @vincentlee8787 Před rokem +87

    Fun fact, went to a Q&A screening with producer Jerry Bruckheimer -- apparently, she was the only actor that didn't throw up during training.

  • @LondonCelt
    @LondonCelt Před 5 měsíci +51

    Love her. Also love the dynamic she has with Bob🫶

  • @markb35
    @markb35 Před rokem +127

    And just like that, they wrote Phoenix into a chracter that's enticing enough to have their own spin off. Since spin offs are all the rage, this is the perfect set-up. Love her, Monica Barbaro is a phenomenal actress and Phoenix was a perfect character for the movie

  • @HeyUncleJack
    @HeyUncleJack Před 11 měsíci +92

    They couldn't have written her any more perfectly.

  • @VioletFlowerz
    @VioletFlowerz Před 10 měsíci +67

    Loved everything about Phoenix. Great actress for a well written character. Top notch delivery!!

  • @CarnorJast1138
    @CarnorJast1138 Před rokem +435

    Gorgeous woman, and a great actor! Monica Barbaro nails it as Phoenix, and her looks are amazing, but her piloting skills are even MORE amazing!

    • @briangiven7399
      @briangiven7399 Před rokem +17

      her 'fictional' piloting skills, you mean? lol

    • @CarnorJast1138
      @CarnorJast1138 Před rokem +8

      @@briangiven7399 Yeah, but she is great as Phoenix! And a real looker too!

    • @mdc734
      @mdc734 Před rokem +1

      She is not female pilot.

    • @CarnorJast1138
      @CarnorJast1138 Před rokem +5

      @@mdc734 You don't say. Golly, I never knew that. As I said before, AS PHOENIX she nailed the role. Great actress. Damned good looking woman too!

    • @mdc734
      @mdc734 Před rokem +1

      @@CarnorJast1138 I beg your pardon. Perhaps I missunderstood you. In that way you are right.

  • @cawesome2934
    @cawesome2934 Před 10 měsíci +239

    My theory on why Natasha's call sign is "Phoenix" has to due to the scene in @6:05. It seemed like she was very knowledgeable on how to save a plane from crashing due to an engine catching fire. Fighter pilots usually get their callsign from a mistake they have committed in the past and/or something they were made fun of for, for instance "Bob". And a phoenix is commonly denoted as a fiery bird. So my guess is that a situation like this happened to her before where she did something like crash a jet due to the engine catching on fire. So in our case, the bird would be the jet and the bird's fire would be the engine catching on fire. That's probably why she was trying her absolute hardest to save the plane instead of ejecting immediately, so she could make up for her past mistake.

  • @ZATennisFan
    @ZATennisFan Před rokem +71

    I always got the impression that there was a history between Phoenix and Rooster in their backstories...

    • @TheGililgi
      @TheGililgi Před 10 měsíci +23

      0:56 honestly could be a clear giveaway. Girls do be actin like that lol

    • @scoutmaster33
      @scoutmaster33 Před měsícem +1

      The shot with the back end of the pool que was a dead giveaway of that…

    • @TheBandit025Nova
      @TheBandit025Nova Před 16 dny +1

      I think they’re dating but their putting they careers first

  • @carrickrichards2457
    @carrickrichards2457 Před rokem +43

    Strong secondary characters add alot of depth to a film. Phoenix is a great role and very well played

  • @toddsaathoff9600
    @toddsaathoff9600 Před rokem +53

    She has a future in film, and she is stunning looking, Her famous quote "I'm dead Dickhead" awesome!

  • @yongjinnkim9207
    @yongjinnkim9207 Před 11 měsíci +48

    The character is far away from just stressing about being female. She is strong, assertive, and firm and doesn't need help from men. Additionally beautiful. She is the best.

  • @walt33743
    @walt33743 Před rokem +28

    I want a Phoenix and Bob movie.

  • @rocketguardian2001
    @rocketguardian2001 Před 9 měsíci +43

    Probably trivial compared to real life experience, but my first online air combat trainer, back in the old Air Warrior days, was a woman, call sign Dawn. She beat me flying an A-26 against my Spitfire, then showed me how to do it. Forever grateful for her lessons, which opened up a lifelong hobby for me. Since then I've seen a handful of women in these games, and every one of them were great warriors.

  • @mikeholton3914
    @mikeholton3914 Před rokem +218

    yeah she's hot, but she's in the plot equally there's a reason why that works. those of us who have served cherish the women who served WITH us. not as females, but as soldiers, airmen, sailors, marines, EQUALS, who did it. She works in this because she represents them. the girls that kicked and took. Sherri Lynch, I know you're out there, talk that talk girl! you know she's you. different job same story, we killed it back then.

    • @jrasunshine
      @jrasunshine Před rokem

      I love to hear it

    • @charlessanders4337
      @charlessanders4337 Před rokem +22

      She also wasn’t overly “hot”. She looked like a woman in that position would normally. Fit and in shape, but not a bunch of fake parts everywhere. I also like how they didn’t objectify or sexualize her. She was a member of the team that happened to be a woman.

    • @mikeholton3914
      @mikeholton3914 Před rokem +8

      @@charlessanders4337 fake parts aint hot. and having served with females in shops ive worked in , they are just that hot or not they are teammates first and foremost. that said, in my years in the Army i can tell you there were some seriously hot women running around in BDUs (which didn't exactly flatter their figures) the things that made them hot was clearly the beauty but also the fitness and to me the "aint skeerd" attitude. strong women are hot.

    • @charlessanders4337
      @charlessanders4337 Před rokem

      @@mikeholton3914 umm, okay I guess.

    • @Jocsot101
      @Jocsot101 Před rokem +4

      i wanna hear the sherri lynch story. :D

  • @Stoic_Handbook
    @Stoic_Handbook Před rokem +92

    I think she was the best of the team if we had had a plot like the first movie where the program Top Gun is won by the best pilot. She wasn't too cocky as Hangman nor too nervous as Rooster

    • @JBG1968
      @JBG1968 Před rokem +6

      Infortunetly in reality after her crash there is NO way she would have been on thay mission . Her fault or not she would have been grounded until an investigation would have been completed . No way that is done in a week or two . The guy who blacked out was finished as well . No way he's going on that mission after that .

    • @Stoic_Handbook
      @Stoic_Handbook Před 11 měsíci +10

      ​@@JBG1968 First of all I'm not pilot but quite the opposite. Phoenix had a good control over the aircraft after the bird strike and ejected at the precise moment where they knew they can't do anymore whereas Maverick failed in the first movie: too much time to eject. Typical overconfidence problems on pilots. Regarding Coyote you're absolutely right, he kept the climbing on high G anyways even after the mission was failed 1 or 2 seconds earlier

  • @Andino.
    @Andino. Před 11 měsíci +16

    Man, she was love at first sight for me😂

  • @TRHARTAmericanArtist
    @TRHARTAmericanArtist Před rokem +20

    Surprisingly this movie was better than the original.

  • @thanhtong2281
    @thanhtong2281 Před 10 měsíci +6

    That scene with her doing push ups. I keep going back to replay it

  • @thomasthomas2418
    @thomasthomas2418 Před rokem +22

    When I was flying in the 90s, we had a bumper sticker for sale at our FBO that said, "Women of substance fly".
    That was made for Phoenix.

  • @philips170t
    @philips170t Před rokem +43

    Confident is written all over her face.

  • @Anonymous-nj2ow
    @Anonymous-nj2ow Před měsícem +2

    i lol'd outloud in theatre at "bagman"

  • @zminvestllc9919
    @zminvestllc9919 Před rokem +71


    • @Morris2182
      @Morris2182 Před rokem +6

      Naw they’re teasing us and setting up a Phoenix movie! Which I would for sure watch 👌

    • @kullenberg83
      @kullenberg83 Před rokem +4

      @@Morris2182 maybe it will only be 20 years to the next movie this time:D

    • @zminvestllc9919
      @zminvestllc9919 Před rokem +1

      @@kullenberg83 No, when you do a billion dollars you find away.

    • @kullenberg83
      @kullenberg83 Před rokem +1

      @@zminvestllc9919 Atleast one would think so...

    • @branlopgar
      @branlopgar Před 4 měsíci

      I heard Top Gun 3 is in the making, and with Maverick apparently retired and finally settled down with Penny, the logical course of action is either an interquel or focusing the movie on Rooster and Hangman. And this one, just with that intro scene of the three, makes clear there is history between the three (namely, a rivalry of Hangman with both, and a true friendship between Phoenix and Rooster) that a third movie would do great exploring

  • @blaze8529
    @blaze8529 Před rokem +34

    The ending definetely is the best part.
    They are ordered to return to base after hitting the target, and our boy Rooster is like "Fuck orders, no man left behind! KAMIKAZE BITCHES!!!"

  • @anubhavnigam2483
    @anubhavnigam2483 Před 4 měsíci +4

    Thank you for doing away with femme fatale trope. She's a soldier first and foremost! Love the acting and writing in this movie!

  • @azrael3758
    @azrael3758 Před 10 měsíci +6

    Phoenix and Bob are my favorites.

  • @johnmcmullen7510
    @johnmcmullen7510 Před 2 měsíci +3

    I ❤ Phoenix

  • @ryuheikazamatsuri6610
    @ryuheikazamatsuri6610 Před rokem +9

    She is so beautiful❤

  • @ceuser3555
    @ceuser3555 Před rokem +26

    She is so pretty. I wish she had more screen time. Better yet, I wish she had her own spin off.

  • @vslk0592
    @vslk0592 Před 5 měsíci +4

    Best Pilot: Mav/Rooster/Hangman
    Most Valuable Pilot/Pilot & WSO: Phoenix/Phoenix & Bob
    While not the number 1 in the strictest sense, Phoenix is the Glue that holds the team together. The fact that Maverick chose her as his Wingman attests to this.

  • @U.S.E.R420Monke
    @U.S.E.R420Monke Před rokem +7

    4:57 why does this cut get me everyytime🤣

  • @jerryodell1192
    @jerryodell1192 Před 10 měsíci +8

    Very cool choice to show all her scenes. Best Collab.

  • @admwadenx
    @admwadenx Před 2 měsíci +3

    The way she hits "I'm dead, dickhead!" cracks me up every time! Excellent!!!

  • @Fenril76
    @Fenril76 Před rokem +30

    Everything about this movie was fantastic, having her in the movie was perfect. ❤️

  • @davidwight4266
    @davidwight4266 Před rokem +26

    Best film ever

    • @alexandertheissl808
      @alexandertheissl808 Před rokem

      Unfortunately not what I expected. Far too unrealistic. Actually, the film should go like this. Maverick dies at Mach 10.... Tomahawk attack.. Over.

    • @MysticEagle52
      @MysticEagle52 Před rokem

      ​@@alexandertheissl808 mach 10 is survivable, since manned planes that go very fast have special "escape pods" (especially since this is a prototype/proof of concept version and isn't as safe). Them having to get in close to strike the target is for the plot, it would be boring to just say a few people just pressed some buttons and the mission was done.

  • @ceuser3555
    @ceuser3555 Před rokem +8

    Amazing thumbnail smile, so pretty, perfectly captured.

  • @maning04
    @maning04 Před 10 měsíci +10

    She's my type of woman! Strong, capable, sexy, and one of the boys type of girl! ❤

  • @castafioreomg
    @castafioreomg Před 10 měsíci +6

    There are amazing female pilots in the Navy..she is a representative of that.

  • @umie66
    @umie66 Před rokem +4

    She is the best part of the movie!!!

  • @user-kp4ue9dr9s
    @user-kp4ue9dr9s Před 3 dny

    She’s so beautiful😭😭😭

  • @noemie.cookie49
    @noemie.cookie49 Před 6 měsíci +5

    I love her so freaking much as a character (and actor) i've literally memorised ALL her lines in this movie 😅😂

  • @craigclarke3298
    @craigclarke3298 Před rokem +8

    Hey Academy this is what a Best Picture Looks Like. 🇺🇸

  • @tccollins6061
    @tccollins6061 Před rokem +7

    She's Stunning As Hell***

  • @stevehilgeman5252
    @stevehilgeman5252 Před 8 měsíci +3

    "It's not about the nail!" She's come a long way!

  • @jungminlee197
    @jungminlee197 Před 10 měsíci +2

    frigging gorgeous

  • @magicmaker319
    @magicmaker319 Před 10 měsíci +4

    Monica is great making great "Phoenix" as well. 👍

  • @stevesandover3008
    @stevesandover3008 Před rokem

    Great editing

  • @deadeyecpt.7765
    @deadeyecpt.7765 Před 21 dnem

    I just love how she always has some comeback ready for dealing with Hangman lol

  • @jayray1010
    @jayray1010 Před 8 měsíci +3

    Maverick’s best student imo

  • @ShingenNolaan
    @ShingenNolaan Před 10 měsíci +2

    She's the best

  • @duyphan4617
    @duyphan4617 Před rokem +65

    Her 8-minute-screentime makes her lovable more than Captain Marvel & Shehulk.

    • @Matt-wb8ni
      @Matt-wb8ni Před 6 měsíci +4

      Don’t forget Live Action Mulan and Just “Ray” Nobody. Rey’s probably the worst example of how to handle a female character.

    • @anphan8666
      @anphan8666 Před 5 měsíci


    • @duyphan4617
      @duyphan4617 Před 4 měsíci

      ​@@Matt-wb8niof course. I'm just mentioning Phoenix here. 😂

  • @roncasallas3411
    @roncasallas3411 Před rokem +5

    Love Phoenix!!! Keep flying.. I got your 6...

  • @JAKDK-dh3us
    @JAKDK-dh3us Před 7 měsíci +2

    Well. She's flying the EA-18G Growler... She's both attacking and supporting her entire team! She IS the strongest part of the mission...

  • @KatCantDraw53
    @KatCantDraw53 Před 6 měsíci +6

    Movie makers take notes! This is how to write a strong non-toxic and somewhat supportive female character! I love her so much

  • @eth2636
    @eth2636 Před rokem +19

    I think there was one other female pilot in the team. I wonder if she, along with the other actors who weren't shown flying, had to go through all that extra training that Tom set up for them.

    • @joehamlet7576
      @joehamlet7576 Před rokem +3

      Highly doubt it. That stuff is quite expensive.

  • @xdev_henry
    @xdev_henry Před rokem +30

    Finally a good looking woman, who’s character is equally strong as skillful whilst not being the woman, everyone, including the male main character, is fighting over and ending up in bed!

    • @markb35
      @markb35 Před rokem +8

      Such an underrated aspect, that neither Mav nor Rooster are ever trying to bed her. She's just a phenomenal pilot

  • @duongnuyen
    @duongnuyen Před 8 měsíci +4

    She look so cool she look like tomb raider

  • @MrCowboy6900
    @MrCowboy6900 Před 6 dny

    She was perfect 😮

  • @NJRey
    @NJRey Před 9 měsíci +4

    She looks sexy, but so does hangman, and rooster, kind of what happens when you have military training body... What makes this character so lovable is that she is confident without being cocky, because she knows she is good at her job, probably because she also pushed herself harder than the rest... Being Hella good just because (the story that they try to tell you with Maverick) Is BS, you work hard to go far

  • @robbieschwartz1275
    @robbieschwartz1275 Před rokem +4

    What a great movie

  • @user-kq4tk5nw6m
    @user-kq4tk5nw6m Před 8 měsíci +1

    Once pilot always a pilot 😢❤😊!!!

  • @joshuaguste6883
    @joshuaguste6883 Před rokem

    Phoenix was one of the highlights for me.

  • @paulareginasantos2199
    @paulareginasantos2199 Před rokem +7

    Lindos parabéns pelo filme Deus abençoe a todos nós do mundo inteiro ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @leejay-zd8zj
    @leejay-zd8zj Před 5 měsíci


  • @clay6145
    @clay6145 Před rokem +1

    Phoenix you really are the best aren’t you I can see that in your eyes❤😮😅

  • @Vlckovasarka1
    @Vlckovasarka1 Před 10 měsíci

    Ich weiss zwar nicht , wer du bist, aber die Videos sind super. Immer Kopf hoch🦋wichtig ist - immer ans sich selber glauben🦋

  • @DeadpoolGames19
    @DeadpoolGames19 Před rokem

    My beloved

  • @RodrigoBeron
    @RodrigoBeron Před rokem +4

    TOP GUN: PHOENIX (2025)

  • @juliusmorgan2292
    @juliusmorgan2292 Před 5 měsíci +1


  • @carljohnson5243
    @carljohnson5243 Před 10 měsíci +3

    Monica barbaro is damn beautiful

  • @ZATennisFan
    @ZATennisFan Před rokem +45

    That is a beautiful lady. However her looks are utterly inconsequential. She is there simply because she is that good....

    • @DeadpoolGames19
      @DeadpoolGames19 Před rokem +9

      She's one of the best out there. That's why she's there

  • @KeithChahoc-nl7qv
    @KeithChahoc-nl7qv Před 4 měsíci +1

    If captain marvel was a fighter pilot that would be phoenix.

  • @ggcapitano
    @ggcapitano Před rokem +5

    Yup shes great but im still trying to find out what happen the night they went out

  • @SuperChuckRaney
    @SuperChuckRaney Před 11 měsíci

    at 1:16 "missions a mission, that dont't confront me" is from a song .... One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

  • @Transformer021
    @Transformer021 Před 5 dny +1

    400th coment!

  • @richardlandry3063
    @richardlandry3063 Před 9 měsíci +3

    How can she know Maverick shot two more planes ? They just arrived.

  • @ASUFAN-
    @ASUFAN- Před 6 měsíci

    ❤ PHOENIX ❤

  • @user-wn8ec6sw8v
    @user-wn8ec6sw8v Před 3 měsíci

    cruise is the Man! hell of a movie

  • @Tom111Tom
    @Tom111Tom Před 2 měsíci

    You know, she is pretty cool. She is not the typical DEI that hollywood and cooperations sell

  • @PM-bv2nx
    @PM-bv2nx Před rokem

    Best officer/leader of any of them.

  • @Sanctimoniously
    @Sanctimoniously Před 20 dny

    Phoenix and Bob, best team.

  • @kenjikamino1524
    @kenjikamino1524 Před rokem +4


  • @bradjustad3527
    @bradjustad3527 Před 8 měsíci

    No shit rockin beautiful

  • @JohnBurdette-kd7qy
    @JohnBurdette-kd7qy Před měsícem +2

    She da women

  • @Jan-nd1hv
    @Jan-nd1hv Před 10 měsíci

    Ho ho ho just take a look who was here🤣Someone just in love with natasha🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @pathosis
    @pathosis Před 2 měsíci

    Yes, Ma'am!

  • @daustin8888
    @daustin8888 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Id love to see a spin off with her

  • @clay6145
    @clay6145 Před rokem

    Are you still back at Dobbins Air Force Base in Georgia❤😮😅

  • @jeffw3108
    @jeffw3108 Před měsícem

    Phoenix is Awesome! Monica is absolutely fantastic! Woke is BS, she is smoking!

  • @edecioparedes7424
    @edecioparedes7424 Před 2 měsíci

    Just imagine how much gorgeous she will look wearing makeup...

  • @stevefaucher820
    @stevefaucher820 Před 11 měsíci


  • @tomevans4402
    @tomevans4402 Před 9 měsíci
