iRacing's Stalker Problem


Komentáře • 383

  • @sdothalligan
    @sdothalligan Před rokem +184

    It's been a problem since the beginning, because of course it has.
    That part of the Sporting Code you show at 4:11 was put in because of a league I was a part of. Pretty big short-track league, enough consistent participation for our late-model series to run 3 divisions each week. Quality of the racing wasn't always so great (to be fair I wasn't an exception to that), but nothing got really ugly through the first 5 seasons.
    Then in early 2011 some nutjob gets wrecked out of a 2nd-division race. He freaks out about how the wreck was intentional, our steward disagrees. Guy has a total meltdown, gets banned from the league, gets a hold of our league admin's home phone number, and leaves threatening messages directed at his family. Admin hands the league over to the steward and quits iRacing on the spot. League just kinda treads water until it shuts down end of 2014. There's still an official statement from Tony Gardner stemming from this specific incident on their forum.

    • @tradracemixer3237
      @tradracemixer3237 Před rokem +19

      crazy to think that hosting a comfy little car league will get you death threats to your family

    • @StudioDaVeed
      @StudioDaVeed Před rokem +7

      I would have called the cops...

    • @TheJingles007
      @TheJingles007 Před rokem +8

      @@tradracemixer3237 Modern society in a nutshell

    • @AgtWashingtub
      @AgtWashingtub Před rokem +1

      @@StudioDaVeed That is what people do if the situation is real, and not a made up story.

  • @patrickracer43
    @patrickracer43 Před rokem +197

    I mean on one hand I can see why iRacing would want to use real names as it is a subscription-based service so they'll obviously need real names for billing and financial information, but on the other hand the real name thing should start and end in the billing department as Steam, Microsoft, Sony, EA, Ubisoft, Nintendo, etc. Do not have this problem as they leave real names in the billing department

    • @Dubious.Bovine
      @Dubious.Bovine Před rokem +28

      Bingo, leave the real names for the back end of the service. By all means let people run their real names if they want to but I honestly couldn't care less if I'm sitting on the grid next to someone calling themselves Private Poop or what have you.

    • @rachaelwilliams2064
      @rachaelwilliams2064 Před rokem +5

      And there are some that have Smurf accounts that aren’t their real name. They’re all about the money

    • @p0tat0stix
      @p0tat0stix Před rokem

      You can change your name by emailing the company. It’s very simple to do and privacy is a concern that iRacing honors as a reason to do so. It took me less than a day to do it.

  • @acecombat2shill
    @acecombat2shill Před rokem +18

    poopville2 is a strategic genius; since his name is so funny, when people see some person called poopville2 in their rear view mirror they'll think it's funny so they'll get distracted and lose concentration and make it easy to get by them.

  • @hessZL1
    @hessZL1 Před rokem +43

    I remember during the brake dragging controversy on the forums I didn't agree with the people freaking out about it. The brake dragging nutjobs then managed to find my email address and created a fake iRacing email saying that my account got suspended for "inappropriate behavior" on the forums. Luckily I saw right through it, but the fact that people would go to that extent over a disagreement in a racing "simulator" is crazy. I protested it on iRacing and essentially got a response saying "well it didn't happen on the forums so its not our job to do anything about it"

    • @toddmanger7194
      @toddmanger7194 Před rokem +2

      That’s just pathetic, people will go that far and stoop low enough to put shit like that.

    • @King1614
      @King1614 Před rokem

      Eh, the peak guys will do anything to keep from losing their edge.
      Thankfully brake cheesing isn’t a thing anymore.

    • @drewh_simracing
      @drewh_simracing Před rokem +1

      I contacted iRacing multiple times about a group of individuals harassing me on and off iRacing. They said whatever happened off the service they can't help me with. Recently, I was framed for tanking when they photo shopped me admitting to it in a discord server and protested it and iRacing actually believed it. People on iRacing just hate people who win all the time but don't have a high iRating.

    • @iRacerUSAF45
      @iRacerUSAF45 Před rokem +1

      Typical no help iRacing response...LAZY

  • @dirtsgamecafe3937
    @dirtsgamecafe3937 Před rokem +138

    I have ALWAYS thought it was sketchy as fuck that iRacing requires real names. Competitive video games are toxic as hell and attract those who have chips on their shoulder. It's such a backwards concept that it genuinely feels like a policy that a child with no real-world experience would enact. It's a policy which assumes everyone will act in good faith, which has never happened in the history of anything ever. "Well, if everyone knows where you live and how to find you, you'll act nice out of fear and then we'll have a perfect environment! Surely no unhinged lunatic with mental health issues would ever take advantage of our forced doxxing!"

    • @alecpitts6843
      @alecpitts6843 Před rokem +4

      Nobody is forcing you to make an account

    • @dirtsgamecafe3937
      @dirtsgamecafe3937 Před rokem +9

      @@alecpitts6843 Did I say they were? No, I said it's a sketchy policy. Bonus points for the irony of your youtube account being what I assume is your real name, though.

    • @JonB83
      @JonB83 Před rokem +1

      You are allowed to change your name on there, but only once

    • @alecpitts6843
      @alecpitts6843 Před rokem +2

      @@dirtsgamecafe3937 "forced Doxxing" you did indeed say it was forced upon Iracing Costumers.
      And yes its my real name. I'm not scared of internet trolls.

    • @dirtsgamecafe3937
      @dirtsgamecafe3937 Před rokem +1

      @@alecpitts6843 Yes, you only have to doxx yourself if you make an iRacing account. It is their policy, not anyone else's. Your initial reply was "nobody is forcing you to make an account" which I at no point said they were. It is a choice to sign up. My point remains the same, because I meant exactly what I said. You're just misconstruing and applying false implications to my words.

  • @jeremeymcdude
    @jeremeymcdude Před rokem +11

    Theres ways around this "Real Name Requirement" since the name comes from your card used. If you send them a name change request, you can get your profile name changed and use a Pseudonym. I'd say iRacing should have a system where drivers can opt into hiding their real name and replacing it with a fake name. You can keep the "Real Name Experiment" as long as the drivers have an option to not be involved in some way either by hiding their real name through a more widely advertized Name Change system or by just providing a back end similar to how Game Companies like Wargaming created a Player name Anonymizer.

    • @jeremeymcdude
      @jeremeymcdude Před rokem +1

      @@LGTV121 Well theres part of my point, Not everyone knew about it to begin with and people like me never got the memo of that being dropped

  • @Corky3D
    @Corky3D Před rokem +88

    I was surprised iRacing did actually give a long suspension out for someone I protested. I kind of had police reports and everything to force their hand though.
    I was racing with someone. They drove me dirty and wrecked themselves off of me, yet it was somehow my fault. They were threatening to swat me and some other crap. Few hours later a family member of mine gets a call from a family friend in the sheriffs office, asking if I'm holding a little girl hostage threatening to kill her unless I got an amount of money. (Which he highly suspected I wasn't) Just they got a call in that I was doing just that. Luckily I know people in law enforcement around here and very obvious calls like that were fake, so to call in to other family members just to be sure.
    Although I did create a big problem with iRacing, because at first they weren't going to do anything. (This is not long after a man in Ohio was killed, due to a swatting. Only about 80 miles from me.) Once I got all the police reports, had the voice on the phone call into the sheriff's office matched with the iRacing replay and a few other things. iRacing finally suspended the member. Someone else I know, knew this member and it was like a year suspension or something.
    Without the police reports and us doing all the dirty work, the member probably would've gotten nothing.
    *I wish I was making this up.*

    • @roadtof1.
      @roadtof1. Před rokem

      wait im confused how on earth did they get you address

    • @thekamikaze789
      @thekamikaze789 Před rokem +8

      How the f is this only a 1 year ban? This hould be perma...

    • @cooperjb12
      @cooperjb12 Před rokem +4

      @@roadtof1. if you have someone's name and general area, maybe some hobbies, it really isn't that difficult to pinpoint a person.

    • @slithersmcslithers8221
      @slithersmcslithers8221 Před rokem +2

      A lot about this story seems made up...

    • @ozziecoops
      @ozziecoops Před rokem

      @@cooperjb12 exactly and so many ppl have a FB account and share this info or post pics that give info.

  • @fredyi54
    @fredyi54 Před rokem +49

    I think the problem is they try to make it so that sim racing has a more professional and mature feel compared to other types of games, but all of it honestly just has it going in the complete opposite direction, they view sim racers as more than just a game, but they should view it as a game because well, it is and thats not a negative statement its just a fact.

    • @Djentalman
      @Djentalman Před rokem +3

      I agree. I think they try to make iRacing look more mature by keeping names in. I mean if you look at any motorsport irl, do they have fake names like poopfart showing up on the screen? No, it's their real name and I think that's a big appeal to people, seeing your name in a roster of drivers competing for a win. That's what happens in real life. Usernames should be included in the seperation of simracing to real racing.

    • @toddlynch7282
      @toddlynch7282 Před rokem

      @@Djentalman I'm fine if they want to keep real names in (and I don't care about the reason). But what iRacing SHOULD do is hold those who misbehave AWAY from iRacing to account like any other sanctioned racing series would do. NASCAR, Indy, F1 - they ALL have language in their respective codes of conduct that allow the sanctioning body the rights to boot participants out over behavior "unbecoming of the sport" or other similar phrasing. That is, do something that makes the sport even LOOK bad, and you're subject to a suspension or outright ban. iRacing has that power but, as a subscription service, their motivations are clearly driven by how much money they take in from their subscribers. What they don't seem to understand is that, by letting toxic personalities persist on the service, it drives away many more legitimate, well-behaved people. Get tough on it - it'll suck for a few for a few weeks until those bad apples realize their crap won't be tolerated anymore. And the service will be all the better for it in the long-run.

  • @crashcourseinbruhsurgery

    when I get punted by Johnny Quandaleford instead of poopsexman2013:

  • @Silentknight1171
    @Silentknight1171 Před rokem +10

    Its insane how quickly some people online will find your socials and harass not only you, but your friends and family. Back in 2017-2018 I was a mod for a somewhat smaller streamer who ran a variety stream. Long story short, we ran the stream fairly successfully for several years before my real name was leaked during a private call with some other mods, and people who were creating content for the streamer. Against my advice to keep it quiet, my name was used in chat once (to my knowledge) and I was suddenly inundated with inappropriate Facebook messages from pretty typical fake accounts, they got my phone number, they started trying to contact my real life friends and family, threats were made... I basically nuked all of my socials, changed my number, and basically cut off my contact with everyone on the channel.
    The point, its fucking insane that iRacing wants you to use your real name... what a dumb system.

  • @Pikernik
    @Pikernik Před rokem +14

    Bruv SIM racing crazy af

  • @TheNewChevyRoll48
    @TheNewChevyRoll48 Před rokem +33

    I'm surprised they aren't doing anything about this since it hurts the bottom line. Their whole selling point is racing which is real as it gets and that you may end up in the same practice and race lobbies as real racers. Like I remember one time I was a practice lobby with Ty Gibbs and my buddies were once in a practice lobby with Dale Earnhardt Jr. I could understand if they started using a fake name if a schizoid decided to doxx them for a racing incident and do god knows what.

    • @skaldlouiscyphre2453
      @skaldlouiscyphre2453 Před rokem

      To be fair, go look up the definition of schizoid and confirm they're about the last people who'd ever do that. It's pretty much defined by aloof detachment, social avoidance and lack of interest in activities that involve others, praise/validation, etc.

    • @buttslappingpirate
      @buttslappingpirate Před rokem +1

      The whole reason why they don't do anything about it is entirely the bottom line: It's just like why public schools leave abusive bullies in school, sending home a single student...or in this case, an abusive iRacing player...they don't want to lose a single subscriber, while the abused players foolishly have so much invested in the game emotionally, it doesn't occur to them to leave.

    • @yankees512417
      @yankees512417 Před rokem +1

      They could do what every other sports games do and have a badge for real athletes and celebrities so you know the real dale jr. is who you're racing with.

    • @optimalpowersimracing6625
      @optimalpowersimracing6625 Před rokem

      Lol, iRacing is doing better than its ever been and are by far and away the most successful and most prosperous sim on the market.

    • @optimalpowersimracing6625
      @optimalpowersimracing6625 Před rokem

      @@yankees512417 They do.

  • @IanTheMotorsportsMan_YT
    @IanTheMotorsportsMan_YT Před rokem +23


    • @OrlandoLionFanClub
      @OrlandoLionFanClub Před rokem +1

      People are doing this more and more and I saw on a thread related to this on twitter and most others who commented this had the same problem

    • @TankSlappr
      @TankSlappr Před rokem

      "Aw s**t, here we go again."

    • @0for30
      @0for30 Před rokem +2

      Lolol the salt from a fellow youtuber. Still more insightful than your vids. Not to mention your breathy voice is unbearable

    • @ROWDYBatrulha
      @ROWDYBatrulha Před rokem

      yep again

    • @f9nestint3rest
      @f9nestint3rest Před rokem


  • @stewpuddy4161
    @stewpuddy4161 Před rokem +27

    I just don't argue with anyone in iracing. If I make a mistake I apologize. If they continue to rage I ignore them. And when others make a mistake I don't rage at them. Because it's iracing. And I don't live in a fantasy world thinking that Dale Jr is going to see what a good iracer I am and offer me a contract to drive an xfinity car. I get what you are saying Austin. And the Jocoby deal definitely highlighted how bad things can go. I just try to keep iracing in perspective.

    • @thenoobman33
      @thenoobman33 Před rokem +4

      Facts. I'm super friendly with everyone. I was racing at Bristol and caused 2 crashes because I was pushing too hard at the front. One dude raged at me the whole race and even held me up later in the race. I just kept apologizing and told him I understand why he is upset with my fuck ups but towards the end of the race he apologized for the way he was acting and we added each other. It's not hard to avoid these situations especially if you are at fault just admit it and apologize and move on. 99% of people just want an apology and everything is ok.

    • @-Thunder
      @-Thunder Před rokem +3

      The problem isn't you. The problem is a certain percentage of the populace are straight up lunatics. I learned that working in retail. Most normal people are pretty reasonable and assume everyone else will respond in kind. It isn't always so.

  • @spears3667
    @spears3667 Před rokem +20

    You dont even need to use ur real name, you can email them and ask them to change the last name or first name. There is a dude named Joseph Joseph. You can have them change your name to John Smith with an email.

    • @archflameax7287
      @archflameax7287 Před rokem +2

      That’s what i did i go by a alias all my iracing will always go by that alias

    • @NASCAR_Junk
      @NASCAR_Junk Před rokem +2

      I remember that dude😂

    • @BoleDaPole
      @BoleDaPole Před rokem +11

      But it's easier to cry about it online and make a inflamatory video complaining that iracing is bad.
      Also think of the social points u get when u say you're against stalking, a truly noble deed that many would prefer to stay silent about.

    • @NASCAR_Junk
      @NASCAR_Junk Před rokem +12

      @@BoleDaPole Is all constructive criticism nowadays just considered as “crying?” Does everyone have to agree with everything now? Clown ass state of affairs…

    • @johncarl5505
      @johncarl5505 Před rokem +1

      @@NASCAR_JunkTrue, but this is Austin we are talking about. He complained about the Hot Wheels game having wallriding and Forza for being unrealistic. Hard to tell if he's serious or not you know.

  • @Thirty-OughtSick
    @Thirty-OughtSick Před rokem +13

    Not gonna lie, i did the NIS Bristol full 500 lap race and led the entire race, got flat out dumped in turn 4 coming to checkered. I did look the guy up on Facebook 🤣, after seeing the guy i didnt expect any less. Put him on my iracing shitlist, 1 year later he dumps me again, havent seen him since then thank god

  • @harvickfan0944
    @harvickfan0944 Před rokem +3

    Speaking of anonymity and personal information, how should anyone with MSG info contact you when FB/YT/TW/IG either don't allow to message you or require invasive personal information inclusing phone number? How about an email or other way?

  • @finnimcfinger
    @finnimcfinger Před rokem +6

    I believe Daniel Gray about as much as I trust his ping.

    • @CJL4x
      @CJL4x Před rokem +2

      ping? i swear that guy gets into incidents on purpose for the clip channels LOL

    • @Mitchell2311
      @Mitchell2311 Před rokem

      So he does it all for attention you are saying

  • @BadWallaby
    @BadWallaby Před rokem +5

    Assetto Corsa Competizione and leagues like LowFuel motorsports make me want to change my names in the games because I HATE seeing my REAL name on the screen in an online sketch lol

  • @poopville2853
    @poopville2853 Před rokem +7

    I think poopville is a good name

  • @BG-bz5jy
    @BG-bz5jy Před rokem +4

    I've actually made friends that found me on FB on Iracing... One of them was a dude that we got into an online 'fight' with over a race, now we are friends! haha

  • @WaffleNutz
    @WaffleNutz Před rokem +12

    I started on iracing back in '09. Everything was fine until 5-6 years ago when streaming became more popular. I changed my name once I saw that my privacy was gone.

  • @syger4572
    @syger4572 Před rokem +2

    It’s so bad. A friend I met on iracing found my address, job and old high school just because my name was unique. I live in a big city. I trust this guy but any stranger could do this and that’s what’s scaring me rn. :/

  • @daletoldmetodoit3983
    @daletoldmetodoit3983 Před rokem +3

    I’ve had someone messege me my personal info before, trying to scare me, just some random hothead in a hosted session

  • @Josh-er4nt
    @Josh-er4nt Před rokem +4

    I know of instances where users have been temporarily banned due to comments made in the iRacing facebook group that were deemed "defamation."

  • @UnderwaterAlexJones
    @UnderwaterAlexJones Před rokem +3

    *grabs popcorn* dis gon b gud

  • @mrvaultguy1118
    @mrvaultguy1118 Před rokem

    Got some amazing people in charge over there

  • @tazzmaniandevilboy42
    @tazzmaniandevilboy42 Před rokem +2

    This is unrelated to the video but have you ever considered doing more monster truck videos since you've only done a few. It'd be interesting to hear your takes on certain parts of the industry

    • @AustinOgonoski
      @AustinOgonoski  Před rokem +5

      Feld took down the retrospective I did on the TNN era. Pretty much any content you make on them, you risk a copyright strike.

  • @TheJingles007
    @TheJingles007 Před rokem +7

    I love how blunt Austin in and doesn't care if his words offend people

  • @motorsportmoments
    @motorsportmoments Před rokem +4

    Since most people use the same username, it wouldn’t be hard to find them on Twitter or Instagram as well. I do think they should enforce their sporting code.

  • @flammenjc
    @flammenjc Před rokem +3

    In regards to safety on iRacing, someone I know got SWAT'ed because of a "unknown to him" racing incident with another competitor and they took it upon themselves to look them up and SWAT them.

    • @Rich_Jamison
      @Rich_Jamison Před rokem

      Didn't this kind of thing happen in other games as well? This is not specific to iRacing

    • @flammenjc
      @flammenjc Před rokem +1

      @@Rich_Jamison Well it kind of is because not many games force you to use your real name, infact, I'm struggling to think of any others at all.
      So of course its possible to dox yourself to someone who uses it maliciously but iRacing does half of the doxing for you.

    • @Rich_Jamison
      @Rich_Jamison Před rokem

      @@flammenjc Yeah, still not buying it. Too many streamers put their info out there on their streams. If iRacing didn't require names, you could still get enough info about someone from the person themselves.

    • @flammenjc
      @flammenjc Před rokem

      @@Rich_Jamison okay? iRacing started in 2009. Streaming games didnt.

  • @steelin666
    @steelin666 Před rokem +4

    I'm pretty sure iRacing went with real name requirement, because they're branding themselves as something more serious than a video game designed for race driver LARPers, even though they aren't.

  • @MarcoPolo-rd6fp
    @MarcoPolo-rd6fp Před rokem +9

    As people have said, and as someone who works in online safeguarding. Something will happen, someone will get killed because of this information being made available openly, but nothing will be done beforehand. You read horror stories on pretty much every other online platform. Why is iRacing any different and not bound by these rules?

  • @sagitta9891
    @sagitta9891 Před rokem

    I haven't tried iRacing. If you can't use an username, does it also mean you can't use the anagram of your name?

  • @giospage
    @giospage Před rokem

    becoming a esports pro in stalking

  • @matthewjones3806
    @matthewjones3806 Před rokem +2

    I mean I feel the driving standards are much better than in other sims. That may have something to do with the price

  • @dennisbowen452
    @dennisbowen452 Před rokem +3

    Had a fool stock me on Twitter called me a pedo because on fb I said srx late models was almost equal to the iracing offering.

  • @gabingston3430
    @gabingston3430 Před rokem +3

    Hey, at least a certain schizophrenic wife-beating stalker is in jail, right?

    • @RingoYote
      @RingoYote Před rokem +4

      he got 5 years with parole in 1 year on good behavior, he is effectively banned from using any electronic device that connects to the internet.

  • @OzJohnson
    @OzJohnson Před rokem +3

    The irony of this video lol your CZcams name is your real name. 😂

  • @rmstigerfan
    @rmstigerfan Před rokem

    I am okay with the real names being used. There have been so many times I have joined a race and it's so cool to run against Denny Hamlin, Carson Hocevar, Max Verstappen, etc.

  • @metalderek8376
    @metalderek8376 Před rokem

    oh dang, i cant wait to show poop this shoutout he got

  • @Lukepuke311
    @Lukepuke311 Před rokem +1

    On roblox I had a dude who was persuading everyone in the server to kick me for merging back on the track after being pushed off nearly into the pits and hitting him a tiny bit (btw it’s a block arcade racing game) he also kept calling me a rat telling me to go back in the sewer (it’s a brick game Jesus Christ)

    • @Lukepuke311
      @Lukepuke311 Před rokem +1

      Another time some schizo fuck was saying he was in my house and was generally being a creep because? I honestly don’t know? He said because I was born. (Yet again of a fucking block game)

  • @gamerageandhobbyrcdu
    @gamerageandhobbyrcdu Před rokem +1

    Fun iracing naming fact- iracing is totally find with one letter abbreviated last names

    • @gamerageandhobbyrcdu
      @gamerageandhobbyrcdu Před rokem

      Also alot of in physical/played in person games (such as the pokemon trading card game), people tend to use there real name and not only that, there real names are shown on streams and often even points leaderboards (in the case of the competitive pokemon stuff)

    • @gamerageandhobbyrcdu
      @gamerageandhobbyrcdu Před rokem

      Also iracing why cant we use our first names on name plates/banners on cars

  • @gandalf_thegrey
    @gandalf_thegrey Před rokem +3

    Woah, I did not expect this.
    I love Racing (games) to bits.
    From Grand Prix 4 over the various F1 titles to AC up to real life karting in an pure amateur league (sign up, pay, race, talk a bit, leave... yall get the drift)
    From super arcady (because they are lot of fun) to simulative and everything in between (SimCade ala F1 is a guilty pleasure NGL).
    And when i discovered iRacing i immediately wanted to try it, ive already played a few games with a sub model so that wasnt a huge deterrent.
    But looking up the game online and reading the comments made me think twice.
    These people were super off-puting and took themselves and the game waaaaaay to serious. Nevermind the condensing way of shittalking everyone else who wasnt "gOoD eNoUgH" to play iRacing. I just couldnt believe what ive read and how much of their lives was pure addiction. Ive played quite a bit WoW back in the days and daaaamn, they compete on the same level of dysfunctionality.

  • @endgamerplays
    @endgamerplays Před rokem +2

    I’ve been considering getting into sim racing for a bit, maybe getting a a cheap setup, but after watching this video, I’m probably not going with iRacing.

    • @bassjunki
      @bassjunki Před rokem

      🤣 it's a click bait youtube video.. chill

  • @jc1424
    @jc1424 Před rokem

    the internet in general

  • @stefanheineken6930
    @stefanheineken6930 Před rokem +14

    You know you can write one email to support and get your name changed? I had 4 accounts and never raced under my real name. They are all credible names and I think this is the way to go. I‘d rather race Frank Ferdinand, whose actual name is Frank Berhalter, than poopyface420. The latter definitely feels like it being less of a simulator and that kind of is the appeal of iRacing.

    • @BryanSawyerRX
      @BryanSawyerRX Před rokem +1

      You can also change your club to be less region specific if you want. I told them I moved and they swapped my region for me.

  • @JonB83
    @JonB83 Před rokem

    In 2016 or '17 I had a guy stalk me on to facebook after a wreck and spammed me for 2 weeks. iRacing said they couldn't do anything about it then. I dunno. Guy is still on iRacing. Hope I run into him again one day.

  • @francescomaggi1801
    @francescomaggi1801 Před rokem +1

    close to 1000 races, 10 yrs, used my name both here and in iRacing - no problem at all

  • @1888Wyatt
    @1888Wyatt Před rokem +2

    Jason Jacoby would like to know your location.

  • @1GuyGaming
    @1GuyGaming Před rokem

    I'm glad I don't bother using social media

  • @Cnimail
    @Cnimail Před rokem +1

    rFactor users:
    *popcorn chewing*

  • @averyalford2400
    @averyalford2400 Před rokem +1

    For example: Jason Jacoby!

  • @hung8969
    @hung8969 Před rokem +1

    Last year a kid in my neighborhood was shot and killed in his driveway. The guy who killed him drove from California to Texas to kill him. Over a COD match. So it’s not your state. It can happen.

  • @AustinOgonoski
    @AustinOgonoski  Před rokem

    How does this have 30k views?

    • @UnderwaterAlexJones
      @UnderwaterAlexJones Před rokem +1

      Caught the algorithm yesterday judging by the comments blowing up

  • @alancabra
    @alancabra Před rokem +1

    Comments about racing standards do not mean that racing standards have changed at all. If you hear the same comments every year it’s probably just confirmation bias or nostalgia.

  • @anotherguyhere4599
    @anotherguyhere4599 Před rokem +2

    So are you gong to talk about your friend ian bell and his GTR stolen logo videogame?

    • @UnderwaterAlexJones
      @UnderwaterAlexJones Před rokem

      You seem mad for literally no reason, care to explain kiddo?

    • @WacKEDmaN
      @WacKEDmaN Před rokem

      good ol bell end still at it i see.... see his latest BS hype!.. and his twitter pic?! LMMFAO

  • @sims2sirius536
    @sims2sirius536 Před rokem +7

    I begged iRacing to let me change my name. They denied me. I suggested I was legally going to change my name because me and my partner are getting married. They changed my name immediately. While I am getting married vaguely sounding gay about it worked lol.

  • @drewh_simracing
    @drewh_simracing Před rokem

    Oh man, Austin I have so much to tell you about what people have done to me on iRacing because of my aggressive driving style and lack of success my first year. I met this guy around my age in the Instagram comments, I was asking how to be a race car driver. I was so ignorant and gullible at the age of 15. He acted like he knew how, and I believed him. Over the time of getting to know him I started asking pretty silly questions due to my lack of knowledge about the sport and was obsessed with the movie, Talladega nights. When I started playing iRacing with him, he immediately started mistreating me like spotting me in a Dallara Dash race at Texas Motor Speedway, in which he told me to go high and since I felt like he was smart in knowledge about racing, I trusted him. I ended up hitting the wall while leading and him and his friends all laughed at me. I didn’t think anything of it, but then it got worse. He recorded a video of him ramming into me in an ARCA practice session at Dover. And mentioned me on his Instagram story and asked why I wrecked him. By that point he was winning races left and right, bottomsplit and D class or rookie or C class but winning races. I wasn’t so successful. I ended up losing my grandfather that February and had just come off a rough year of school, he took advantage of my emotions often getting me very upset while I was in such a vulnerable state. He kept telling me I wasn’t good and that I couldn’t win. I went from April to August without a win until I won arca at Daytona by breaking away from the field thanks to the big one, and also joined a league, where I got my first sponsor only for it to be stolen a while later by a much better driver because he knew how to paint schemes. I left that league after that same guy who was an admin came down on me at auto club but blamed me for it and questioned my driving by talking to me in a private voice channel after the race. My fun on iRacing was slowly going away, but I was in denial. By then my hard working single mother had scraped just enough money together and bought me a used Bandolero where I began racing at Atlanta Motor Speedway. After poor finishes and bad luck and not racing very often on my trip down to Crisp Motorsports Park in Cordele, Georgia I claimed my first and only real life racing victory. The person who was bothering me on iRacing pretended to congratulate it, but watching the snowball derby in a watch party with him in it in 2021, he would tell everyone I said I was the best driver ever because I won a Bandolero race against a bunch of younger kids. There were late model drivers and stuff in there and they all laughed at me. I tried to explain myself but it was useless. When I confronted him about it he said it was all a joke. By then I had a problem with him and had a run in with him in a league race at Chicagoland in the cup car where he spun himself across my nose and then tried to retaliate under yellow and got kicked to which he blamed it on me. The end of that year came and I won an nis race at martinsville, the biggest win I’d ever had but was already improving significantly having won an a class race at Texas as well. My drive to win was there because of all the torment from him and his friends, but I had no idea what was coming in 2021. 2021 came and the wins came left and right, I joined a team and got more sponsors who are pretty good friends with my favorite driver and 2020 champion Chase Elliott. Things were going good until one day my brake pedal wasn’t working properly and I joined an A open race at North Wilkesboro. I went into turn 1 like normal but washed up the track and knocked another car into a guy on the top lane. With 70 to go I was leading and the car I hit took me out of the lead while a lap down. I reported it and iRacing did nothing which is when I became a dirtier driver. A while later at Atlanta in an a class race I got put in the wall. I had enough. So I went back out there like the guy at Wilkesboro did and junked him. I ended up suspended for a week causing me to miss dirt Bristol. Part 2 coming later.

    • @drewh_simracing
      @drewh_simracing Před rokem

      By then my success was getting me more followers on social media and my team got me onto a setup shop program where I was on an up trail, tensions between me and him were starting to settle down but I was still furious with his buddies, one who would insult me for literally everything, every mistake, every stutter, everything. The other one got him and his friends to harass me on Xbox and got me in a group chat with 10 of them to which they all called me a cuck and a loser and things like that just for the fun of it. Also around that time my Bandolero had suffered an engine failure and had since been sold off. I kept the guy around because he was a good crew chief whenever he would crew chief me. B open at Dover, some short track races ,whatever and whenever he joined we usually won. Toward the end of the 2021 season before a race at Kansas speedway I was in a call with the guy crew chiefing me and the one who had a problem with me since 2020. He said he needed a way to get his photo Instagram page he was starting and I said well throw it on my car as long as you took photos for me. Connection issues at Kansas and Texas in nis and the All American 400 at Nashville held by podium esports made him furious. He told me if I wanted his logo on my car I’d have to start winning races or he’d find a “better” driver in which he claimed he already did. That’s when martinsville arrived, the race I won the previous year. His buddy crew chiefed me and I pulled off the victory on my birthday, yes just a few hours before the race I was eating an ice cream cake with my mother and made it home in time for the race. When I told the guy I’d had so many problems with that I won just like he asked I got told “it’s bottomsplit, who cares if it’s not top split it means nothing.” He said that on my birthday like what else can I do to get you to just be fine with who I am and what I achieve? He then posted on his story congrats on the win and happy birthday but I knew it was fake. I was also on another team running C class, much to the we’ll call him the main guy the main guys demise and disapproval. I told the owner of that team that the main guys iRacing photo company would not be on my car due to him not being appreciative of the martinsville win. At 4 in the morning the main guy came charging into my messages because I wasn’t going to run him on my car anymore after Phoenix the next week. The next week at Homestead, I would make an alternate account because I missed being in rookies and thought of it as a new way of enjoyment on iRacing. At Homestead after leading every lap from the pole with 20 to go a lapped car spun me out and when confronted he mocked me in the voice chat. I spun him out a few cautions later on a restart and then junked him on pit road, the next day I got an email saying I was suspended for 4 weeks. After the Homestead race I once again took the pole in a street stock race at Charlotte, with 2 to go I was leading until the leader left hooked me and won the race. After the race was over I had caught up and rammed into him. I woke up the next day and I was indefinitely suspended, I eventually had to tell the setup shop what happened and was terminated from there also. The truck team owner turned his back on me and revealed his true colors, and everybody laughed at me. All those races I won was to make them stop. They wanted me to win so I won but then they tell me it’s bottomsplit who cares. They told me I’d never win a Bandolero race, I drove through the field with a bad engine and won it. The iRacing community is full of unsatisfiable hypocrites.

    • @2kig
      @2kig Před rokem +1

      Hey man, I am a Guy who is thinking of buying iracing 5 months later, It is sad to know how you have been threated, I have been threated the same way on a discord server, several months ago, Hope you could restart your career, and got away from that guys

    • @drewh_simracing
      @drewh_simracing Před rokem

      @@2kig ​ I've gotten away from those guys, won win number 200 at Atlanta in the xfinity car and I'm doing quite well. I've basically turned iRacing into a career mode. I only follow the main schedule and I'm running xfinity currently one time a week every Tuesday at the same time everytime, on Mondays either a one off truck race and I picked out 5 of them just like they get in real life I run those at 10:45 on Mondays, and a late model start on Mondays here or there, and a cup start on Wednesdays. Doing that renewed my fun, not only because of the challenge of only 20 minutes of practice and one shot a week but also during the winter I take a break from iRacing and come back for Daytona like the real drivers do. I put a stop to the main guys wrath at Kansas speedway by joining as his crew chief and getting him stuck on pit road over and over until he went a lap down, got mad and wrecked himself. He paid me back by reporting me for "tanking" because of it but then I saw his buddy put a bunch of references (the one who crew chiefed me) of the N word with the hard R, I reported his profile and got him suspended for a month in which he said he no longer wanted anything to do with me. I got a message from one of them asking me not to wreck them in the Daytona 24 if we're in the same race and that they'll leave me alone. I do however have some new enemies, they keep reporting me for bending the rules a little bit and modifying my irating because I refuse to go to top split and they keep reporting me but other than that it's been alright. iRacing is great, it's really fun it's just if you don't follow everyone's exact way of doing things they hate you for it, the sim racing community is very different to how the real race track is, if you can accept that you will feel just fine. I mute the voice chat during races and only talk to people after the race because it's hard to focus with the constant yelling, I enjoy iRacing it's gotten me through a lot considering how my home life is but you just have to be careful who you trust because in the end you're interacting with a bunch of online folks and that can go south very quickly. I don't mean for my comments to discourage those who have yet to get into iRacing it's more or less what happens if you surround yourself with bad people.

    • @2kig
      @2kig Před rokem

      @@drewh_simracing I am Happy to see that, but yes, generally is the people Who you Talk, at the end i left that server and I am now with a bunch of Friends working on smth for a future, as well as I am getting sim-racing experience to enter iracing

    • @drewh_simracing
      @drewh_simracing Před rokem

      @@2kigI’m indefinitely suspended again, this time for “harassing” other members. They literally invited me back to the server just to pick a fight with me but when I started winning the argument I’m the problem. Shortly after I got suspended they commented stuff like “it’s over” on my Instagram pages and my teams. Then my own teamate started disrespecting me. I was winning plenty of xfinity races, 6 wins in 17 starts 1 race per week. The iRacing community is garbage I have to wait until September to appeal but honestly I graduated high school and met a pretty girl at a party and have been studying for my real estate license. I feel like I don’t need iRacing anymore because all it’s done is cause me pain and I make myself happy by winning and they took that away too. They’re all in this discord server making fun of me, they think I’m a bad person because I break the rules in a video game. If you got it good luck and enjoy it but do not be too social, and don’t brainwash yourself to think iRating means everything. I don’t even keep my iRating low for easy wins I did it because I stay away from all the drama in top split but they didn’t believe me and they kept protesting me over and over while running their mouth on discord instead of racing me on there. I’d go in the voice chat and they wouldn’t say shit.

  • @ColinZiemer1
    @ColinZiemer1 Před rokem +2

    I like the fact that we use our real names on iRacing.

    • @UnderwaterAlexJones
      @UnderwaterAlexJones Před rokem +4

      said no one ever

    • @NASCAR_Junk
      @NASCAR_Junk Před rokem +1

      It seems fine until some psycho shows up at your house and demands you pay them money for a wreck that happened in a c streeter race. (This didn’t happen to me and idk if it ever has, but it’s just an example of what could).

    • @ColinZiemer1
      @ColinZiemer1 Před rokem

      @@NASCAR_Junk I doubt anything like that ever happened or will happen.

    • @ColinZiemer1
      @ColinZiemer1 Před rokem

      @@UnderwaterAlexJones accountability and added pressure. If you suck at iRacing, people know exactly whose driving.

    • @UnderwaterAlexJones
      @UnderwaterAlexJones Před rokem +1

      @@ColinZiemer1 so they can harass them and their families? Yeah no. FOH with that shit.

  • @chungusamongus519
    @chungusamongus519 Před rokem

    It DOES call out who actually has a driver's license or not lol

  • @8Tarkus8
    @8Tarkus8 Před rokem

    Fred Johnson from The Expanse*

  • @bigfootjustkilledyou
    @bigfootjustkilledyou Před rokem +1

    This is why theres so few women on iracing. Iracing what the fuck

  • @Alibi0014
    @Alibi0014 Před rokem +1

    I've noticed iracing won't uphold a protest unless it's almost impossible not to as far as how bad the behavior is. I feel like this is because the more people they ban the less money they get in revenue.

  • @ozziecoops
    @ozziecoops Před rokem +1

    If iRacing was really on top of this there would be many ppl that would have been banned. At a minimum they could release a statement on how they will improve this problem. Maybe this vid will force there hand.

  • @olivialambert4124
    @olivialambert4124 Před rokem +2

    I went into this video assuming it was ridiculous and making overexaggerated claims. I came out completely agreeing with just about everything suggested. When the argument is this convincing you have to really wonder why iRacing is ignoring it. I can't imagine its for any of the reasons they themselves give. Perhaps having the real world names of some of the worlds best drivers helps with the draw to watch and participate? Even so, I'm not sure that's a good trade for the safety of the actual paying customers.

    • @jc1424
      @jc1424 Před rokem

      this youtube account is sus

    • @AustinOgonoski
      @AustinOgonoski  Před rokem

      @@jc1424 Yeah this is really strange.

  • @BadWallaby
    @BadWallaby Před rokem +1

    They used that 2.1.1 Principles Rule against JACOBY Yet they fail to even remember it's existence in this serious situation...yikes

  • @gachiyuri
    @gachiyuri Před rokem

    Luckily when you sign up you can actually set your name to anything in your billing details as long as it isn't outrageously fake-sounding, and iRacing will never know. They have no way to verify that the name you put in matches your card. I did this when I played.

  • @schore69
    @schore69 Před rokem

    super sound quality! keep it up... maybe record on the toilet next time... you know for that sweet reverb

  • @mrmowersemporium
    @mrmowersemporium Před rokem

    Member since 2009. I don’t see why they couldn’t create a system where you have to input a first and last name that does not allow numbers and special characters. In addition block certain combinations of letters to avoid names that are inappropriate. This gives the opportunity to race under a fake name if you choose so (I would), while presented as looking real. I would also remove the location where drivers live. Maybe keep country.

  • @xTheRedShirtX
    @xTheRedShirtX Před rokem

    I thought about joining iRacing but now....I don't think I will.

  • @augustodufloth1578
    @augustodufloth1578 Před rokem +2

    A lawsuit on iRacing would be awesome

    • @sirspoonyr
      @sirspoonyr Před rokem

      Funded by the NR2003 Community

  • @formulaotaku
    @formulaotaku Před rokem

    unfortunately (as in most things in life) something horrible is going to have to happen in order for the people at iracing to get rid of the whole real name thing. Its human nature to not be proactive sadly...

    • @Tennyson_W05
      @Tennyson_W05 Před rokem +2

      Yep perfect example is airplane safety. Took 1000s of innocent lives to be taken for something to be done. Why does the world have to be like this? I’m over this world been all about money and profit margins

  • @michaelanderson9068
    @michaelanderson9068 Před rokem

    Do what I did request to use a alias name due to privacy concerns and was granted it on Iracing.

  • @coca-colatrackhousewarrior9925

    I'm so glad that I stuck with PS2 and GameCube as a kid when playing with Dad Uncles and cousins

  • @horsepowercowboy3698
    @horsepowercowboy3698 Před rokem +1

    Austin my guy I got banned from voice chat cuz this guy who’s last name had Dick in it started cussing me out and I told him his personality was like part of his last name. The admins are broken lmao.

  • @the_bencredible
    @the_bencredible Před rokem

    I WISH someone I pissed off in a video game would show up at my house. You have my full permission to just walk in. Don’t even knock. Just kick in the door and walk in. Please 🙏🏼

  • @regibson23
    @regibson23 Před rokem +1

    Daniel Gray is a hypocrite. He just posted a video where he went and tracked down a pro driver IRL that punted him online.
    And then he complains that he gets stalked.
    Oh he also punted me and didn't apologize and told me to get over it. So multiple levels of hypocrisy.

  • @sunshinez-2017
    @sunshinez-2017 Před rokem +1

    HOW DO YOU OWN A COPY OF DIRT 2 ON STEAM (Secret 1%er we need him banned now !!!!)

    • @AustinOgonoski
      @AustinOgonoski  Před rokem

      Bought a key lol.

    • @sunshinez-2017
      @sunshinez-2017 Před rokem

      @@AustinOgonoski aren’t they like $800 on G2A

    • @cheatrz
      @cheatrz Před rokem

      @@sunshinez-2017 Really? That’s crazy. I got my Steam copy bundled for free with a graphics card I bought over a decade ago. Wish I could sell that key now 😂

  • @jmccoy96jm
    @jmccoy96jm Před rokem +1

    As someone who has been on iracing for 11 years now. The problem with iracing is that they continue to make the cars easier to drive. Meaning more and more unskilled drivers driving way above their ability.

  • @josephpisciotta6022
    @josephpisciotta6022 Před rokem

    Yeah I had some dude message me on my own instgram after a race and saying he was “disappointed” in me like what lol? And then another saying who knew where I lived and he junked me on his own doing but then realized it was in my bio so I took that off in a second. We don’t need people getting so mad they go to your bio on iRacing to try to find information about you. Kinda ridiculous.

  • @cbrdealer
    @cbrdealer Před rokem

    I never liked the fact that I had to use my real name on iracing. It's just odd. You could achieve a similar effect of "reputation" by letting people pick a gamer tag and making it so they can't change it. So if you get a bad reputation in the community, you cant just change your name and start over. Sure you can pay to start a new acct, but you can do that now if you really want to spend the money...

  • @TheBigDawgSL
    @TheBigDawgSL Před rokem +1

    Thankfully I've yet to be on the side of people threatening to come after me. But believe me I got enough defensive items at my place if someone were to try....ER would be needed. I've got a wife and 6 year old son to protect. Be damned if some wanna be punk ass doxxes my place

  • @fingersniffer7050
    @fingersniffer7050 Před rokem +1

    Who me

  • @robertseightytwo4385
    @robertseightytwo4385 Před rokem +1

    Another thing that you will see very frequently is people in FB iRacing groups getting offended by something you say and then not only stalking your social media page but using your name and location to track you down on iRacing and try to shame you on social media because of your Safety and iRating. Try to bully and shame people with average rating that they deem unworthy. iRacing became absolute trash and I am so glad I walked away. I found the racing and format on RaceRoom to be a far more enjoyable experience and a far better sim in general.
    They won't do anything about this, trash driving, intentional crashing, etc., but god forbid someone report something you say as offensive. ..

  • @TkFtrd1
    @TkFtrd1 Před rokem +1

    I cant help but find it hilarious that Victor Vallee was one of the people complaining about racing standards on iracing considering i've been in at least 2 leagues he's been kicked out of for intentional wrecking other drivers. His point is valid nonthelesss, I just find it ironic.

  • @xiaofengxiaofengxiaofengxi4651

    I signed up for iracing with the wrong name on my card intentionally and it vetified me lol

  • @666okano
    @666okano Před rokem

    Either the worlds gone totally insane. Which actually it has. But i still dont see how someone is going to get killed from using there real name in iRacing. That some serious mental gymnastics guys, maybe need to get out more.

  • @GenuineRage
    @GenuineRage Před rokem +5

    Despite using the platform myself, it's the number one reason I recommend my friends invest their time into learning how to operate and navigate other sims instead of iracing. security in obscurity is real and iracing refuses to accept it.

  • @TheSuperNerf1
    @TheSuperNerf1 Před rokem

    What the hell. I played iracing for a week and just didn’t find it fun at all so luckily I’ve never heard about or experienced this. But why would anyone in the right mind continue to pay for this god awful game. If you have to pay to use it, pay for cars, pay for tracks, racing etiquette is garbage, graphics are garbage, ffb is standard at best, and on top of all that your literal IRL safety is in danger as a result of game policies. Guys. Why is anyone playing, let alone, spending hundreds a year on this 14 year old trashfire. Idk, hope iracing does something about this though.
    Great video man 👍

  • @Paolo_Pinkas747
    @Paolo_Pinkas747 Před rokem

    I think this is a generall social media problem and not an iRacing Stalker Problem. iRacing maybe pushes you in a way to use your real name, but neither does twitter, facebook or instagram. This is the first point. The second point is, that there are way to many aggresive people who take it way too serious. After a few "experiences" I took off all my further personal data from my profile and I don´t use the chat in the game anymore, besides from thanking for a good clean race.

  • @kylebrummett6331
    @kylebrummett6331 Před rokem

    I mean even on Xbox live my gamer tag was my real name.

  • @aprah
    @aprah Před rokem +1

    I thought it was kind of disgusting having my real name (which i never give out anymore) shown to everyone, no iRacing player can comprehend that this is a VIDEO GAME, not a real racing service.

  • @Jt7166
    @Jt7166 Před rokem

    Yea….never been a fan of having to use my real name on iRacing

  • @thetruthmeister7404
    @thetruthmeister7404 Před rokem

    Imagine throwing a block on someone now dale jrs talking about it on dirty moe because your local PD shot your dog on a Thursday night. Then we’re really are the asses of racing

  • @MichaelEarnedIt-19
    @MichaelEarnedIt-19 Před rokem

    10 laps out of 40 laps ran under ran 30 laps of yellow.

  • @NASCAR_Junk
    @NASCAR_Junk Před rokem +1

    I sometimes messaged people to apologize for race incidents if they had their email linked in their account, but that’s about it. Also sent a dude an Instagram message after a good hard race. Only did this because I was chatbanned so frequently and couldn’t message them in the race.
    Never went after anyone with threats though, that’s just weird. If you’re gonna interact with iRacing members outside of iRacing, make them positive interactions.
    I asked iRacing for a name change but they f’ed up and changed the name of my inactive second account (that I hadn’t used in about a year. I only used the account so I could relive D class street stocks and test legends setups). Anyways even if I did get a name change on my main, people would still find out who it was pretty quick.
    Not that I need the account name changed anymore considering I haven’t raced in two+ months.

  • @tizscotty
    @tizscotty Před rokem

    Yet top people get smurf accounts

  • @JKanimations7718
    @JKanimations7718 Před rokem +4

    *cough* *cough* Jason jacoby *cough* *cough*. Fr tho I am a minor on Iracing and I tried running under a fake name, it worked for a bit then I got reported by somebody and Iracing forced me to use my real name. The protest didn’t work but I still needed to change my name. Now I’m a minor with my personal info widely available, not only that but I’m also at higher risk for running LGBTQ pride/BLM schemes on a regular basis. I hope Iracing fixes this soon, I’m lucky that nothing has happened to me yet, but i might not be so lucky next time I load into a session

    • @UnderwaterAlexJones
      @UnderwaterAlexJones Před rokem +4

      >runs pride and blm liveries
      stop being a theatre kid

    • @skaldlouiscyphre2453
      @skaldlouiscyphre2453 Před rokem

      @@UnderwaterAlexJones Why are chuds so easily triggered?

    • @WacKEDmaN
      @WacKEDmaN Před rokem

      sporting code says

    • @JKanimations7718
      @JKanimations7718 Před rokem

      @@WacKEDmaN I’m over 13

    • @JKanimations7718
      @JKanimations7718 Před rokem

      @@UnderwaterAlexJones it’s almost like I run the schemes to be an ally, or maybe cause I’m gay. Maybe that’s a reason

  • @captainsierra8611
    @captainsierra8611 Před rokem

    Paying a subscription fee on a game is already stupid enough tbf