【意亂情迷🇮🇹】峭壁上的世外桃源:五漁村 Cinque Terre|千年如一日的隱世村莊 因Instagram「照騙」而爆紅?|遊客氾濫的小鎮風光,值得到此一遊嗎?|ft. Storefriendly

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 135

  • @durianbear3817
    @durianbear3817 Před rokem +51


  • @user-pr4rf9uk1r
    @user-pr4rf9uk1r Před rokem +22

    多謝你帶我哋去hea,我hea 得好開心,因為有美景又有美食,最緊要都係有你精心嘅策劃😊😊😊😊😊😊

  • @pinoshare
    @pinoshare Před rokem +8

    謝謝分享 ! 我和家人在 2016年時也去過五漁村,亦在Monterosso 住了一脕。當時沒有拍 Video ,反而在晚上到海邊 set 腳架影星,因為沒太多光污染,隨便抬頭一望,都看到滿天繁星,算是額外的收穫哩😆😆

  • @lawrenceching2
    @lawrenceching2 Před rokem +11

    亞俊 我非常欣賞 看你的片 你真的有深度。我喜歡你的觀點與角度去分析事物。每次三十分中似乎太短 吾夠喉。 但是知道你們用了相當多時間去編排和準備。我感激中只有奉上再多謝

  • @sushiladen
    @sushiladen Před rokem +25


    • @sklai1907
      @sklai1907 Před rokem +1

      當電腦同buffalo hard dr過幾年都壞晒,又未有 iCloud backup,唯有自己嘅記憶係最真実。

  • @stellawai1293
    @stellawai1293 Před rokem +9

    有質素 用心 平實嘅製作 錦上添花 祝賀李生-直的努力 認真 個人的魅力 贏得各位喜愛支持 你是我頭號的you tuber. 實至名歸

  • @KitResearchingHumor
    @KitResearchingHumor Před rokem +6


  • @mable7387
    @mable7387 Před rokem +5


  • @dianaiwadera3629
    @dianaiwadera3629 Před rokem +9

    我也 在 幾年前 去過 近似的 小魚港 Isola di Procida ( Marina di Corricella ) .... 好有 時代回流 的感覺…柔雅靜閒 的 日常生活…小 漁船 在近岸 現地賣魚…炸小魚 很新鮮…只用小許 lemon 就好食得不得了… tomato 也 更甜 香… 我和老公 住了 3個 晚上呀 ~ ~ 很希望再去呀 ,,,👏🎊👏👏🤞👍👏🙏🤞🙏👏👍👏🙏🤞🙃🥰🍾🥂

  • @kamtonglee5398
    @kamtonglee5398 Před rokem +17


  • @stoneyim9751
    @stoneyim9751 Před rokem +4


  • @kwongche
    @kwongche Před rokem +5


  • @jobajo7418
    @jobajo7418 Před rokem +4


  • @poonteresa4613
    @poonteresa4613 Před rokem +6


  • @tam98765
    @tam98765 Před rokem +4


  • @tsuilinglo3230
    @tsuilinglo3230 Před rokem +4


  • @Tungku66
    @Tungku66 Před rokem +3


  • @StuuuuuTube
    @StuuuuuTube Před rokem +7


  • @waionnphoo
    @waionnphoo Před rokem +9

    就算唔似啲postcard 咁p過圖但係我親身去過覺得都係好靚,而且仲要住係riomaggiore 最出名個景其中一間喺三樓嘅homestay一早起身就見到大海靚景,不過條樓梯又窄又凹凸又舊搬行李真係搬到傻😂😂😂

  • @monikachan4777
    @monikachan4777 Před rokem +1


  • @marialaw4800
    @marialaw4800 Před rokem +3


  • @baileycgreene
    @baileycgreene Před rokem +2

    Cinque Terre 在秋末到春初寒冷多雨浪大,了比較不適合旅遊,以往十月下旬許多旅館和商店會關門避冬。去Cinque Terre 最主要的是沿著海岸線山路健行,健行的鞋子,義大利政府有明文規定,不要腳踩涼鞋就上山,另行從海上欣賞美景,搭船到附近的名鎮,渡輪也有營業船期,一定要查明要去的當年,從幾月幾日開始營運。

  • @sharpe16law
    @sharpe16law Před rokem +5

    其實Cinque Terre係好多年前, 至少在Internet剛剛爆發的90年代末已經好出名, 當然, 當年主要係歐美遊客為主要, 如果有睇過當年一些僅有既香港人寫既OD遊記 (Online diary), 好幾個第一個形容咧到既並唔係個靚景, 而係都會講「點解可以咁多人?!」, 所以並唔係IG興起先至多人會去, 我自己寫Blog都已經14-15年, 即2008年左右果時已經好多人會問Cinque Terre既資訊, 甚至成了香港/台灣遊客所謂既「意大利必遊」地方之一。
    我自己第1次去Cinque Terre係2003年左右, 當年我仲係意大利留學讀書, 果時亦都已經爆多遊客, 特別係4-10月咧d意大利夏季(歐洲傳統旅遊旺季), 冬天黎會少人d, 不過因為係意大利雨季, 所以天色唔會好似夏天咁好

    • @haveivan9268
      @haveivan9268 Před rokem +1

      10年前去 都係睇你啲資料

    • @sharpe16law
      @sharpe16law Před rokem

      @@haveivan9268 wooo! 多謝你既支持 😄

  • @celiachan7417
    @celiachan7417 Před rokem +12


  • @Vikkisiu
    @Vikkisiu Před rokem +8

    your channel is the best so far ! thank you so much for all the hard work , research and edit. Happy New Year and I wish you the best for your soon new addition in the family

  • @chrislau9012
    @chrislau9012 Před rokem +2

    我十月份剛去完 Cinque Terre, 但住係Chiavari 因為有朋友住係呢個城市。又去左Portofino...天氣非常好。👍

  • @yl196
    @yl196 Před rokem +3


  • @tlam9228
    @tlam9228 Před rokem +5


  • @catherinesun4574
    @catherinesun4574 Před rokem +2

    Good advice! 我今年六月會去,訂了2晩monterosso and a kayak tour. 十分期待!

  • @puiyingtsuu3604
    @puiyingtsuu3604 Před rokem +1

    Thank you for this great video on Cinque Terre with a wonderful view and yummy foods.....

  • @marchwu2109
    @marchwu2109 Před rokem +8

    我都係嗰種隨性生活方式 每日 瞓到自然醒 跟住返工 我旅行 都係好隨意 雖然都會做計劃但系玩得幾多就幾多 行唔嗮就算 。 順帶一提 你太太陀bb 唔好食咁多海鮮 因為海鮮容易引起敏感 願神祝福您一家平安,健康快樂。

  • @Kiki_Li0709
    @Kiki_Li0709 Před rokem +1

    五魚村真係好靚。天氣好就更加加分。記得我去意大利嗰陣,有個fb group友咁啱響意大利,佢響五魚村,而我就響威尼斯。佢同我講佢好似揀錯日子嚟五魚村,因為勁大風又落雨又凍。第二日會去威尼斯,我叫佢著夠衫,因為好大風好凍。點知佢第二日嚟到好天到不得了,佢帶隻公仔影咗好多靚相

  • @yimchucheung8925
    @yimchucheung8925 Před rokem +2


  • @belindatam6772
    @belindatam6772 Před rokem +5

    Hi 一如既往你介紹同影得都好靚👍🏻,我哋都想坐郵輪去法國同意大利嘅port旅遊,有你D資料就可以作為參考啦。

  • @calp111
    @calp111 Před rokem +21

    I like your narrative! It shows that you have done your research of the places that you visited. Your Italian series is great! I have been in love with Italy since my first visit in the late 90's. And I have been back for more than 10 times. Cinque Terre is a place that I always want to go but never have a chance to visit. Maybe this May, I can take my wife and my kid there since we will be spending two weeks in Italy! Initially I want to spend a couple of nights staying there but after viewing your episode, I am thinking that maybe I can stay in La Spazia and travel to the five towns within a couple of days. However, I might just drop the idea of Cinque Terre and go to Venizia instead. Therefore, I am torn between Venice and Cinque Terre since I am bring my kid to learn about Italy for the first time in his life. Each place has its uniqueness, tough decision..........

    • @echan275
      @echan275 Před rokem +1

      I would go for Cinque instead of Venice.

    • @ometofu
      @ometofu Před rokem +1

      Nah. Venice got true history and a place u won’t forget. Cinque Terre is one time visit only. It is borderline scam

    • @calp111
      @calp111 Před rokem +2

      True! Cinque Terre is picturesque and unique in itself but Venice has more to offer, in addition to slowly disappearing…..so mostly will go to Venizia with my son due to his first time there. But if without him, we would vote for the Almalfi Coast and Positano!

    • @ometofu
      @ometofu Před rokem +1

      @@calp111 the moment you stepped off the train station and felt the warm of Venetian sea, it is something you can’t find anywhere in the world.

    • @calp111
      @calp111 Před rokem

      @@ometofu oh yes! That’s true! The canals and the vesporastos are a scene not easy to forget! I’ve been there two times before, despite the beauty of the city I found it expensive!

  • @bbq2010abc
    @bbq2010abc Před rokem +3

    多年前春夏之間去五漁村住在la spezia 輕身行但食方面沒有預訂可以說是想也別想!一日行程最後都冇去最後最大的站!如果是一對的確幾浪漫!想去的原因是當年看過一部好似叫postman的電影有意大利漁村風景!

  • @patricktong1912
    @patricktong1912 Před rokem +2


  • @TimWanderer
    @TimWanderer Před rokem +7

    I was there exactly 4 years today! It was cold as and hardly anyone there! Watching your video makes me want to go back again but in summer this time. Thanks for sharing. It's very well done video!

  • @Ax67831
    @Ax67831 Před rokem +2


  • @sandychan480
    @sandychan480 Před rokem +2

    😍😍😍 Thanks Ah Chun n Dor Dor . Love it!

  • @pininifarina
    @pininifarina Před rokem +4


  • @rositasskk100
    @rositasskk100 Před rokem +2


  • @WineBill
    @WineBill Před rokem +1

    Excellent elaboration and very professional narrative. Good and detailed work.

  • @winghanlai315
    @winghanlai315 Před rokem +2

    謝謝您 ❤️❤️❤️

  • @voice1236
    @voice1236 Před rokem +1

    We joined the Cinque Terre hiking tour that took us to all the villages in one day. You get to see all the beautiful scenes from the trails and then you know which village you want to choose to stay. The tour is well arranged. The train distance from one village to another is short. The 2nd last stop you will be on a ferry and enjoy the scenes from the sea. Joining the hiking tour is a one of a kind unforgettable experience. Pick one or two of the villages to stay afterwards. It is a one day tour so you still have plenty of time to enjoy your stay. I love Italy. I also love Perfect Continuous channel especially the Travel series. He is very informative. Good job.

  • @conniechu1277
    @conniechu1277 Před rokem +1


  • @candyf3394
    @candyf3394 Před rokem +1


  • @Stevew918
    @Stevew918 Před rokem +2

    Thsnks for introducing this place to us. Gorgeous

  • @sylviachau9080
    @sylviachau9080 Před rokem +1


  • @peterchan1337
    @peterchan1337 Před rokem +2

    去旅游,重点是和誰去,有天时,地点,人和 + 有点錢 和 舒服 = 常乐

  • @mrgho06
    @mrgho06 Před rokem +1

    I was there many years ago and stayed at portovenere for a conference. We took a ferry from there to visit all the villages and it was much more convenient than the train. Plus the view was much better looking from the ocean side. Great channel!

  • @johnma9024
    @johnma9024 Před rokem +2


  • @christinalok5262
    @christinalok5262 Před rokem +1


  • @annielau4547
    @annielau4547 Před rokem +1


  • @bigbangtheory8807
    @bigbangtheory8807 Před rokem +1

    thank you~~ 拍得好靚 🥹🥹

  • @user-ps5qs1tc1v
    @user-ps5qs1tc1v Před rokem +1

    我幫過隻雀食麵包。太大塊吞不下,用鞋擘開一粒粒。15:19 那空地

  • @nelson5439
    @nelson5439 Před rokem +4


  • @ivywu1598
    @ivywu1598 Před 11 měsíci


  • @gghit1
    @gghit1 Před 8 měsíci


  • @user-jt4mu1dn6x
    @user-jt4mu1dn6x Před rokem


  • @dchchu3538
    @dchchu3538 Před rokem +3


  • @wai54173
    @wai54173 Před rokem +2


  • @veraip263
    @veraip263 Před rokem +2


  • @Moominko
    @Moominko Před rokem +1

    Thanks for sharing!

  • @sfcipher5254
    @sfcipher5254 Před rokem +2


  • @sinyanwinnieho3620
    @sinyanwinnieho3620 Před rokem


  • @echan275
    @echan275 Před rokem +2

    去年四月我哋去Florence 都有想過去五漁村。我哋自由行通常都係好似你去五漁村咁。行吓座吓,慢慢咁,唔需要乜都睇曬。

  • @khonsanug
    @khonsanug Před rokem +2

    希望可以介紹Amalfi Coast同埋Capri島既藍洞。

  • @elizabethlau644
    @elizabethlau644 Před rokem +1

    Thank you............🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @dougie_big_bo
    @dougie_big_bo Před rokem


  • @gordonca4111
    @gordonca4111 Před rokem +2

    Great video!!!!

  • @goodenoughyan
    @goodenoughyan Před rokem +1


  • @hklau2010
    @hklau2010 Před rokem

    All great shots.

  • @voice1236
    @voice1236 Před rokem +1

    My husband and I always rent a luggage storage in the train station or in the airport when we go to side trips in Italy. There are cobblestone roads everywhere and each time you go to the train platform or in your arrival you will have to take the stairs. Same if you are going to Santorini. You have to carry your luggage through a tight alley full of tourist then to your hotel up or down the hill.

  • @rosierabbie5792
    @rosierabbie5792 Před rokem +1

    真系好靚!一見到想畫落黎嗰種!同埋令我諗起動畫電影 (LUCA) ...

  • @phyllismok6033
    @phyllismok6033 Před rokem +1

    Good show

  • @gordonca4111
    @gordonca4111 Před rokem +2

    I am now in Italy Napes!! Really want to go to Cinque Terre but I do not have time...

  • @anniehe8550
    @anniehe8550 Před rokem

    我看完你的影片完全想跟着去感受一遍 最后还是选择sorrento 住

  • @user-be1du6ot5c
    @user-be1du6ot5c Před 10 měsíci


  • @cmlau3823
    @cmlau3823 Před rokem

    之前坐郵輪到La Spezia join day tour,只能夠怱怱忙忙去左兩個村走馬看花,可惜!

  • @DIO.Passenger
    @DIO.Passenger Před rokem +1


  • @sinyanwinnieho3620
    @sinyanwinnieho3620 Před 11 měsíci

    俊, 我明天就去啦❤❤

  • @MORTON__
    @MORTON__ Před rokem

    水魚必去! 多謝介紹! 來回車程仲耐過真係行既時間,仲要入去比人劏 XD

  • @travelviaartarchitecturema9917

    We stayed at la spezia. Looks like we made the right choice.

  • @Tungku66
    @Tungku66 Před rokem +2


  • @pathua7692
    @pathua7692 Před rokem +2

    Hahahaha man! I feel bad for all the baggage you had to carry through those steps, but that’s the beauty of your channel! You go through all the details so our expectations are realistically aligned❤

  • @hobbystation7683
    @hobbystation7683 Před rokem +2

    good job

  • @tamyeetung8131
    @tamyeetung8131 Před rokem +1

    呢到好似迪士利個套人魚luca 卡通片❤

  • @ilCALABROneITALYano
    @ilCALABROneITALYano Před měsícem

    ❤ Le Cinque Terre❤
    (Regione Liguria)

  • @danielc45
    @danielc45 Před rokem +1

    Nice video! I think your dinner cost much more than you thought, like close to $1,000 HKD!! It's still worth it.

  • @mopper874
    @mopper874 Před rokem

    拍的好好 意大利菜或者地中海南欧菜注重食材本身 可以说是西餐中的粤菜了 哈哈

  • @vicmonky
    @vicmonky Před rokem


  • @rakuraku8043
    @rakuraku8043 Před rokem

    Hiii... Great video!! I was surprised to hear restaurants in Italy charge customers an admission fee... What about tipping and what %?

  • @appleloi
    @appleloi Před rokem


  • @leicalung6931
    @leicalung6931 Před rokem +1


  • @krystalchan4192
    @krystalchan4192 Před rokem


  • @pingfaimak5315
    @pingfaimak5315 Před rokem


  • @jobajo7418
    @jobajo7418 Před rokem +1


  • @C_on_F.I.R.E.
    @C_on_F.I.R.E. Před rokem


  • @sklai1907
    @sklai1907 Před rokem

    感覺係一個大tourist trap 乜都貴係意大利九份,搵bun L。