Ein Gedi

  • čas přidán 15. 01. 2021
  • Voice of Faith Tours - Ein Gedi
    A Journey with Saliba Danho
    filming: Walid Kamar - KMP Studios
    #Israel#IsraelTours #Judeanwilderness #Pilgrimagestoisrael #IsraelTours
    Israel - Holy Land
    Einot Tmarim ( Palm Springs) or Hazezon Tamara (portion of land of dates)
    En Gedi is the biggest oasis in Israel, located on the eastern-southern end of the Judea wilderness. It has springs and waterfalls, and flowing brooks at the foot of the cliffs, home to ibexes, hyenas, Arabian Leopards which might already be extinct as last spotted was in 2006 and rock hyraxes.
    The name Ein Gedi is composed of two Hebrew words: Ein means spring and Gedi means goat-kid. Ein Gedi thus means "kid spring" or "fountain of the kid
    The abundance of water at En Gedi has made human settlement possible since early times, especially settlements that engaged in growing agricultural crops based on irrigation systems. In the past, the area irrigated by spring water was some 1,100 dunams, as compared with only 500 dunams today that are cultivated by Kibbutz En Gedi using modern methods.
    David & Saul encounter
    David spearing the life of Saul
    1 Samuel 24: 1-4
    After Saul returned from pursuing the Philistines, he was told, “David is in the Desert of En Gedi.(A)” 2 So Saul took three thousand able young men from all Israel and set out to look(B) for David and his men near the Crags of the Wild Goats.
    3 He came to the sheep pens along the way; a cave(C) was there, and Saul went in to relieve(D) himself. David and his men were far back in the cave. 4 The men said, “This is the day the Lord spoke(E) of when he said[b] to you, ‘I will give your enemy into your hands for you to deal with as you wish.’”(F) Then David crept up unnoticed and cut(G) off a corner of Saul’s robe.
    Psalm 142
    1 With my voice I cry out to the Lord;
    with my voice I plead for mercy to the Lord.
    2 I pour out my complaint before him I tell my trouble before him.
    3 When my spirit faints within me, you know my way! In the path where I walk
    they have hidden a trap for me.
    4 look to the right and see:
    there is none who takes notice of me;
    No refuge remains to me;
    no one cares for my soul.
    5 I cry to you, O Lord;
    I say, “You are my refuge,
    my portion in the land of the living.”
    6 Attend to my cry,
    for yI am brought very low! Deliver me from my persecutors,
    for they are too strong for me!
    7 Bring me out of prison, that I may give thanks to your name!The righteous will surround me,
    for you will deal bountifully with me.
    The material is copyright for Voice of Faith Tours and no use of any material or partial material is allowed with no permission.

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