Silver diamond firetail finch

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • silver diamond firetail
    MEET THE silver diamond firetail, a rare variety of native Australian finch
    Only the most experienced breeders can reliably produce this variety of the diamond firetail (Stagonopleura guttata), selecting parents that carry the recessive genes that give rise to this almost pearlescent plumage.
    Diamond Firetail Finches are available at most times of the year whether they are sold from bird outlets or from private breeders.
    Sexing Diamond Firetail Finches can at times be a bit difficult - especially if you encounter a well-bred hen and a poorly bred male. Some of the methods that I use are the size and shape of the head - where the male’s head is squarer than the females and is also broader across the top. The tail is another indicator of the sexes with the male’s tail being black and the hens tail having a brownish appearance to it. Some say that the hens have browner lores (area between the beak and the eye) while that of the male is darker. During the breeding season the hens will develop a pinker beak but usually when the bird is around 3-4 years of age!
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    So beware of this method! My friend has, what he calls, a flawless method of sexing them - simply put 6 young birds into an aviary and hope you have 2 hens!! Bit flippant, oh well! However, all these theories have been tried by various people with widely varying results. Like the 5 birds 'tail sexed' as 5 cocks that had 2 nests of eggs when they were caught up for sale!! If you are really troubled by sexing these you might like to try the following: place the birds you want sexed into cabinets where they can't see each other but can still hear each other. Within 30 minutes you should be able to sex them by their voices as they will call to each other making your job easier. How do you tell? If you have ever heard male Diamonds call then you will be in no doubt but for the novice the females call is a scratchy version of the males call. If still confused pick the two birds that sound the most 'different'!
    Two of the mutations that I have had in Diamond finches are the Yellow Diamond and the Pied Diamond. There are also White Diamonds and Fawn Diamonds, but I personally do not know anyone with White or Fawn birds in their aviaries at present. The White Diamond was not a long-lived bird. With the Yellow mutation, the areas of red on the normal bird are replaced by a yellowy orange color. It is nonetheless a very pretty bird. The Pied Diamond is where random splashes of white replace the normal color of the bird, again a pretty bird.
    #silverdiamondfiretail #finch
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