【Fallout 4】 Franklin Barn

  • čas přidán 14. 10. 2024
  • Up in the northern reaches of the Commonwealth, there lies an expanse of forsaken and untouched countryside known as the Farmland Wasteland.
    Just to the south of area, not far from Concord and the Sanctuary Hills, you'll find the remnants of what used to be the thriving pre-war town of Franklin.
    Two centuries have passed, and the life of Franklin is long gone. The town has transformed into totally empty, with feral ghouls haunting its ruins, casting away any lingering echoes of its past prosperity.
    For the Wastelanders, who scrape by on whatever pre-war technology and resources, such a distant and desolate place was all but forgotten. Yet, in 2291, things began to change. Following the Minutemen's alliance with Mr. House and the NCR, Reclamation of the east-coast and the resettle for Franklin began.
    Despite the Commonwealth enjoying a rare three-year period of peace since the fall of the Institute, marked by the establishment of over 30 new settlements, a persistent problem loomed over the Federation. There was no proper place to care for children-no place where they could receive education to restore their waning literacy, basic knowledge, and moral values.
    Immediately, the Minutemen moved swiftly. After clearing Franklin of its feral ghouls, they set up the largest children's education institution in the Federation right there in nearby the Franklin.
    Today, the school is still in its infancy, with fewer than 30 staff and students combined. Nevertheless, here has Minutemen militia and doctor, and a high protective wall surrounds it, fostering a degree of self-sufficiency.
    While there is still much work to be done but here is now started to accommodate begger orphans who have no access to the schools of Diamond City.

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