Komentáře •

  • @Rarazan
    @Rarazan Před měsícem +11

    they dont listen to voices opposing them and focus on voices supporting them, like always

    • @Lauscus
      @Lauscus Před měsícem +3

      You might be surprised to learn that there's a huge opposing voice regardless of which side they choose. It's rare where the community comes together to agree on literally anything. Goes all the way down to things as petty as the size of the Taivan mount that no one uses, but feel inclined to have an opinion on how big it is.

  • @Spanakopitaa
    @Spanakopitaa Před měsícem +4

    my suggestions on how keys/affixes should work:
    - Remove key depletion. All it offers is frustration, especially on high levels. If you cant time a key, start all over without penalty
    - Let team choose the 2 affixes before key starts. This allows team communication on what is best for their current comp. Yes, there will be minmax of affixes but this allows for more spec variety since specific affix combos can work better for specific specs, so, probably, this could potentially shift the Meta specs entirely, making a lot more combinations viable
    - Add positive effects to affixes as well. Currently you are forced to deal with annoying mechanics, at least get some benefit out of it

  • @jonathanthomas4498
    @jonathanthomas4498 Před měsícem +4

    Knowing Ion he will make it worst I'm a casual player just want do my 10s and be done move to my next character I hate the "variety" because it makes just more difficult something that I just want hop in and get out they should just remove the affixes all togheter the dungeons are difficult enough on their own.

  • @EthelbertCoyote
    @EthelbertCoyote Před měsícem +3

    Variation: change mob pack locations Variation: have mobs flee and go for help again if you kill their partners to fast. Variation: the more mobs you are in combat with the greater the chance for them to silence you or disarm you. You don't have to go to the extents Bliz does. Use the mobs you know in the dungeon without giving them borrowed power.

    • @VDHmain
      @VDHmain Před měsícem

      I would take a week with bolstering, raging AND sanguine before any of these affixes.

  • @shloo1
    @shloo1 Před měsícem +1

    Your take on this interview has been the best I’ve heard. Balanced and with good ideas for the future

  • @wm1573
    @wm1573 Před měsícem +3

    I just love your sassyness 🤣 you seem like a cool guy to have a beer with. Love your enthusiasm 🤘🏼
    17:00 agree with this

    • @ZucoWoW
      @ZucoWoW Před měsícem +1

      I'll take you up on that some day! :)

  • @Saw7th
    @Saw7th Před měsícem +3

    A point system with affix. Harder affixes has more points etc.

  • @jayjays_shed2158
    @jayjays_shed2158 Před měsícem +1

    Why can't they just make 2 modes, Base mythic that scales upto a 20-30key and then also do M+ more for the challenge and pushers?

  • @chrispietsch9732
    @chrispietsch9732 Před měsícem +1

    Bolstering Priory is gonna be an ass blaster if it's not changed. Pair that with any of the kiss curse affixes carrying over from season 1 and you have a nasty nasty Fort week, EVERY week.

  • @Lauscus
    @Lauscus Před měsícem +1

    I think what you touched on was probably the closest we're going to see, where, because there are no rewards beyond +10 besides the 1% achievement (and who cares about that really), there's no point for 99% of players to continue pushing. So in that sense, and maybe you meant +10 when you said +20, but that unlocking all dungeons at +10 across Fortified/Tyrannical, you're able to access a keyforge to make your own keys. A player who has not gotten all their +10s can't get rating from these keys, and the key can be socketed with whatever combination of affixes like you said.
    Additionally, they could go back to the season-specific affixes like Razageth's +/- affix that was pretty "fun". Where after you clear +10, the affixes are gone except Fort/Tyra and the seasonal affix, and all players are then subscribed to pushing 11+ and beyond with that seasonal affix. So you almost get a new pushing game mode at the top of the season for something completely fresh for that group of players, while still offering the consistency they desire.
    Affixes do certainly add a difficulty layer, and I welcome it. Yeah some of them suck, but what really sucks is when players are not engaging with it and you end up having to shoulder the burden for your group. And you may shoulder this burden because you're the only one that can actually deal with that affix, which I think is the big thing for players. Warriors have super limited tools for dealing your incorporeals and afflicteds, and coupled with their lack-luster damage, they don't get invites-- and that's what really sucks from the affix system.
    Had a friend suggest that players receive an item or an on-use ability if they don't have an applicable ability that allows them to participate in the affix. IE. A warrior may be able to pick up a ghost-trap at the start of the dungeon that allows them to throw down and capture an incorporeal so they can actually participate in the affix.
    Playing survival hunter, I found the affixes to be really fun because I had a lot of tools for dealing with it, and by virtue of that, I get to use more of my abilities than just the damaging ones. This is why PVP has so much potential because you're bringing your entire kit to bare whereas in raiding you're using a very bare bones version of your class to do your job. M+ affixes bring out your class toolbox which I find to be one of the biggest draws to affixes you actively address through the dungeon versus passive +/- % damage on grab-bag damage types.
    Them's my thoughts.

  • @Leemadin
    @Leemadin Před 29 dny

    They have to change that level 7 bucket. Potential season-killer.

  • @Maschenbro
    @Maschenbro Před měsícem +3

    i miss prideful. Also all +20's. I'm assuming you mean old +20's and not the Season 4 +20's. So +10 for all? Its like .1% doing +20's in season 4

  • @SmoochieMcgoo
    @SmoochieMcgoo Před 29 dny

    Are you able to answer a Survival question for me?
    Den Recovery:
    Hunters USED to have interaction with the tertiary stat Leech, where if you cast Mend Pet, you'd heal yourself in addition to healing your pet.
    Then, the fun police came and Blizzard removed that interaction.
    Does Den Recovery effectively redo that old Leech interaction? If you have Den Recovery and cast Mend Pet, does it heal the Hunter for that 20%?

  • @snakebyteOne
    @snakebyteOne Před měsícem +1

    Variation is good, but casuals need the practice to handle them. Why not add some of these affixes, rotating, to Delves, and up the rewards accordingly?

    • @captmarvel1967
      @captmarvel1967 Před měsícem

      please no, don't want these affixes at all much less in more content

  • @metronome1001
    @metronome1001 Před 29 dny

    As a casual player, I'm surprised at what the affix is, because I forget what they do. However, it's also usually the one thing that kills me. I would consider it difficult, and I wouldn't consider it fun. I'd rather the boss do more abilities or something at higher keys. Same with the mobs. That the type of challenge, I like.

  • @VDHmain
    @VDHmain Před měsícem +1

    I think they genuinely don't see how much contradiction they bring. One of these 4 is not the same as the others.
    Raging doesn't change how you approach the dg, it changes your comp; it creates a need for a dragon or an ass rogue so you can still pull big and soothe every 2 minutes. If you don't, you are doing a key 2-3 levels higher than it's supposed to be. Since ass rogue has been true to its name, that means one of your dps has to be a dragon for a third season in a row or you nerf your group on that week. I guess it doesn't matter since Aug also reduces the key level by 2-3 so you are doubly forced into having one. This will compound with the mob buffing affixes as well.
    Bolstering is terrible for dps because they get one-shot by unavoidable dmg a lot and a lot of effort for tanks who not only have to kite a lot or die, but also have to reroute every single dungeon for that week. This will compound with the affixes buffing mobs and is on track to become the worst iteration of bolstering we've had since it stopped being permanent.
    Sanguine is a huge time waster even when the tank deals with it well due to how they design the mobs and it uses a lot of your group's stops so it will also compound with the new affixes. Also, melee already have enough stuff to dodge.
    Bursting is whatever, very good healers can heal through 15-20 stacks on a +15, good healers will struggle to heal 8 stacks on a +10 but still succeed, less skilled healers will have deaths with 5 stacks but usually survive and can rez. Ez and just a bit of time wasted, barely matters on the timer. Plus priests and mistweavers have a cheat code for it. Doesn't look like it will synergize with the new affixes much if at all.

  • @CromzCS
    @CromzCS Před měsícem +2

    Affixes are a bit silly. When you compare the raids being static things you can learn but m+ changing every single week and not repeating for weeks. If they wanna say affixes aren't there to add difficulty then we should have an option to run without them. Pretty simple. Give less points or whatever but let people play on the weeks the community deems to be dead

  • @thelastspectre8141
    @thelastspectre8141 Před měsícem +2

    They need affixes that doesn't require specific roles, classes, or specs. That's always been the problem. For example you will want a priest for mass despell on mass busting stacks for big pulls or really on the healer to handle all the affixes or classes only with mass cc...sorry warriors. So unless you are the strongest dps in the game you won't be invited unless you have utility to handle the affixes because not every class has the same utility.
    Imagine an affix that when you kill a diseased (glowing) mob in a pack it applies a dot on the group for 10 sec but will having the disease gives your whole group 10% damage increase. Yes a little harder for the healers buff healers can handle more healing rather then more jobs like cc a mob, heal this mob handle this affix. It would be more of when you kill that mob the healer uses an external while the group is blasting it's a kiss curse affix but would be cool

  • @Blood_Ronin
    @Blood_Ronin Před měsícem +6

    Typical Blizz, always trying to fix the wrong things. Hopefully this is not set in stone.

  • @dantedante8837
    @dantedante8837 Před měsícem

    holy fuck ion has to go immediately

  • @ryansobol
    @ryansobol Před měsícem +1

    I don’t know about you all, but I never look forward to affixes. In an attempt to add variety, they mainly add frustration for me. I’m never like, “Oh good, it’s fortified bolstering!”
    Maybe some people disagree, but affixes just aren’t a fun game mechanic in my mind. And IMHO they have blinded the encounter devs from coming up with creative ways to add variety to each dungeon through better enemy and pack design that naturally scale in difficulty with infinitely increasing health and damage multipliers.
    Think about all the time that has been wasted iterating on affixes over the years. That time could have just gone into making individual encounters more fun and varying on their own. It’s really a shame that the devs and the community are still stuck in this iterating and debating loop for 4 expansions now. Classic sunk cost fallacy at play here.

    • @Mgarry
      @Mgarry Před měsícem

      Agree 100%

  • @Mgarry
    @Mgarry Před měsícem

    How about remove all affixes and design dungeon mechanics that's actually creative and fun. I would rather have less variety than anxiety.