40,000 Precision Granite & Diorite Vases Under the Stepped Pyramid? NO! It's a myth.


Komentáře • 321

  • @pittuk6500
    @pittuk6500 Před 7 měsíci +14

    you need to make a video of you making a replica of that bent five-leaf dish, made of granite, with a copper chisel, that will be the final coup de grace for the Atlanteans!

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +3

      building up the skills , it's summer here so stone working season begins

    • @curiousbystander9193
      @curiousbystander9193 Před 7 měsíci +2

      please, please document your process and show us all.@@SacredGeometryDecoded

    • @benleydon
      @benleydon Před 7 měsíci +4

      @@SacredGeometryDecoded yeah im gonna call BS until you can replicate - looking forward to seeing that video ( which will never happen , I bet lol )
      Prove us wrong, prove us wrong.............

    • @jackrifleman562
      @jackrifleman562 Před 7 měsíci +3

      @@benleydon When are we gonna see the videos of the experiments that attempt to replicate the ultrasonic machining devices and anti-gravitational devices used to cut and raise granite blocks? Or the computer guided single pass lathe that produces a stone vase with wonky handles? I would even settle for seeing a proof of concept video for that enormous machine powered circular saw that cuts thru granite like butter.

    • @BSIII
      @BSIII Před 5 měsíci

      @@jackrifleman562 these people just move the goal post. "Build me a pyramid right now!" First they say, "it's IMPOSSIBLE to quarry, cut, shape, and polish granite by hand." SGD, Scientists Against Myths, Stochs, ect proves all of those things can be done. Then it's, "it's too slow! Build me a obelisk!"
      Unbelievable. I like how people who know absolutely nothing about stonework, and know nothing about the civilizations they desecrate. Go Mystery History channel or Brien Foerster and see all of the comments on their Petra posts and see a endless sea of copper chisels memes. It shows they know nothing about Petra, when it was constructed, or the type of stone Petra is carved with. They apply copper age specs on iron age sites.

  • @BSIII
    @BSIII Před 7 měsíci +13

    The Atlanteans has CNC machines but not a single one of those stone vases are the same as the other.

  • @occamsrouter
    @occamsrouter Před 7 měsíci +9

    I printed off Ben's STL files.
    He posted one file at first, then gave an updated 'repaired' version.
    The STL files for vases 2 and 4 would not open, not even in Blender or various 3D slicing programs.
    I was able to get the STLs for vases 3 and 5, though.
    The files for vases 2, 3, 4 & 5 have all been removed from his website now.
    So I tried loading the 4 STLs into a slicing program, and it immediately flagged all files as incomplete or 'not manifold'. Basically, huge patches of the interior mesh data is simply missing.
    Printed them anyway on my resin printer, and the lack of mesh data was definitely an issue, resulting in random solid regions of the inside mesh being created.
    I am about to bisect them to see the results, but they feel mostly solid, except vase 5.
    You can still see interior mesh fragments with a slicer program, indicating the walls of the vases were quite thick.

    • @celsus7979
      @celsus7979 Před 7 měsíci +5

      Providing evidence is not one of Ben's strong points..

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +3

      Interesting, i hear they are also doing damage control on the provenance issue too.
      Given history of Chris Dunn faking experiments and the access to machinery I would love to see close analysis because I would bet more than a dollar or two that their are two different types of marks. It would not surprise me in the least that these were touched up somewhat.

    • @occamsrouter
      @occamsrouter Před 7 měsíci +3

      ​@@SacredGeometryDecoded Yep, there is a correction on his website about the provenance. He seems to post things in haste, only to retract or correct them later.
      I reprinted the STL file for vase 1, this time, I manually edited the mesh myself to close the gaping holes as 'tightly' as possible to get a decent print.
      You can still plainly see the walls of the vase are a couple cm thick.

    • @RedDarkBull
      @RedDarkBull Před 7 měsíci +1

      I have just tried the links, and all the files are downloadable
      I was also able to open with a small free App named Microsoft 3D viewer, built in with windows
      Not sure why you tried to fake a story about non-working files. what I like also that the channel owner click love and like without even checking the files
      He just love anyone who attacks Ben, either is right or wrong :D

    • @GroberWeisenstein
      @GroberWeisenstein Před 7 měsíci +1

      Repaired as in "edited" those lying c*nts.

  • @itsnot_stupid_ifitworks
    @itsnot_stupid_ifitworks Před 7 měsíci +7

    Can we talk about about the art collector guy who is providing these vases to Ben at Uncharted X to measure. You know the guy who thinks the Czechoslovakia existed in the 1800s ...yeah that guy. He freely admits that he has been telling sketchy art dealers for several years now to find him perfect predynastic Granite vases. And after a couple years of dangling 10s of thousands of dollars out there...voila! the super sketchy guy who makes.... er sorry "finds" crystal skulls found him a few vases... Isn't that amazing!

    • @itsnot_stupid_ifitworks
      @itsnot_stupid_ifitworks Před 7 měsíci +3

      @@darklight2.1 very well said 👏 ....and it's getting easier to make fakes every year..soon there will be predynastic vases on wish

    • @supabass4003
      @supabass4003 Před 7 měsíci

      nah mate ben lives on minimum wage from his youtube channel theres no way he'd have 10k to accquire pre-dynastic vases. I actually heard this minimum wage claim from one of his fans LOL.

    • @Leeside999
      @Leeside999 Před 7 měsíci

      @@supabass4003 I wonder how much he gets from the Khemit school of mystical grifters. He brings them alot of customers.

    • @itsnot_stupid_ifitworks
      @itsnot_stupid_ifitworks Před 7 měsíci

      @supabass4003 I think you are joking but the art collector isn't Ben and Ben isnt who I'm talking about...I also know based on his channel,tours,guest appearances etc he's doing better than minimum wage

    • @GroberWeisenstein
      @GroberWeisenstein Před 7 měsíci

      ​@itsnot_stupid_ifitworks he must be. Very difficult to put on that much weight eating lean and penniless.

  • @Eye_of_Horus
    @Eye_of_Horus Před 7 měsíci +11

    They consider these vases to be the best evidence (and really it’s the last thing evidence) of their ideas, so it’s good to dig into them more and show that it isn’t the way they report them. The vases that Ben has access to and is currently working with don’t even have good documentation as artifacts.

    • @francischambless5919
      @francischambless5919 Před 7 měsíci +4

      Neither are a multitude of artifacts that are in the hands of the museums. How about explaining the complexity of the vases he has presented and their potential, or even how expensive it'd be to just create one if the numbers presented are accurate. How about demanding the museums like Cairo that hold other vases he's asked to have measured be scanned as well? You don't want to point that out, do you? Huh... I guess it's just easier to clap your hands over your ears, scream how much you dislike questions being asked and close your eyes?

    • @Eye_of_Horus
      @Eye_of_Horus Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@francischambless5919 Actually I used to ask the same questions. I went to Egypt with these guys. It got me curious to look closer to what they were saying and find out what we know about ancient Egypt and how. Found out the alternative history guys either have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, or they are dishonest. Either way, it became clear really fast that the alternative history stuff does not hold up to scrutiny.
      For what you are asking, Cairo museum has probably 100 vases on display. Basically all the best ones. There is an encyclopedia sized library of books dedicated just to ancient Egyptian stone vases in the Egyptology department. You don't think they didn't study the hell out of these things from every single angle? They did. Ben could just ask to read those books instead. Kind of clear to me he doesn't care to actually dig into anything though, just make wild claims. See video interview with Ancient Presence for an example. Ben is not only bringing nothing new, but nothing useful. And his conclusions are not supported by anything. So they 3d scan and some of them are well made, that's great. Doesn't refute the mountains of evidence that ancient Egyptians made them and the complete lack of evidence for any other grouping having made them. These guys thrive on not telling you the full truth, either because they don't know, or they know but don't care.

    • @ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095
      @ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 Před 7 měsíci +3

      UneducatedX is an dishonest imbecile. A liar, charlatan and fraud.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +4

      When have they once asked to view or scan museum pieces. For years they complained that there is cover up and such items are not accessible. Scientitsts Aginst Myths went to Petrie Museum and got evidence for the lack of spiral on core 7. They also arranged with their St Petersburg museum which has some on display to measure them
      Ben and friends use the us vs them thing to make himself a martyr but has contributed nothing.
      He demands experiments and data and when supplied hides it.
      He even has to nerve to say "radio silence" from the mainstream academics in regards to these vases. While for years he has been ducking the replies to the very questions and challenges he put out.
      It's the extreme entitlement mentality of grifter martyrs. Everyone must do their homework for him. The lost high tech group is a large global community and it is YOUR duty to do the work you deem necessary. It is not the responsibility of others to drop their work or divert their funding to people who can't even grasp polishing but let's be blunt. They are censoring and therefore lying.
      You and Ben should put your asses in gear and arrange for it to be done. Rather than hide behind the "They won't do it for us" thing.
      Also since the vases in the museums are clearly IMPRECISE and ASSYMETRICAL it's a fools errand but if you want to pay for it then that's your free choice to piss your money up against the wall.
      You are the mainstream and the algorithm helps you. Stop laying the victim. IF you can get History Channel and Netflix behind you then you are the corporations.

    • @LeeGee
      @LeeGee Před 7 měsíci +2

      @@SacredGeometryDecoded Taking it personally, aren't you? Your language and typing really broke down there.

  • @JH-pt6ih
    @JH-pt6ih Před 7 měsíci +6

    Run over to Night Scarab's video on the the vases. Someone has pointed out that at 4:44 if you freeze it the pattern on the vase and the background is duplicated. The image is manipulated to look symmetrical. Can't get caught lying any worse than that!

  • @benjaminshrimpton1
    @benjaminshrimpton1 Před 7 měsíci +4

    I have a bunch of expensive vases and plates in my house, and I have shitty ones made from plaster of paris by my kids at school. Every generation has a varied array of quality and craftsmanship. Why would we think they were made at different time periods, they're just made by more skilled artisans, not aliens.

    • @MarcosElMalo2
      @MarcosElMalo2 Před 5 měsíci

      That’s nothing. I have a platter with a bas relief turkey composed of solid gold pieces of macaroni. We had an expert date it to the Second Age. Sorry, not second age. Second grade. It’s definitely from the second grade or before. Solid gold macaroni!

  • @_MikeJon_
    @_MikeJon_ Před 7 měsíci +5

    I would be curious on how much they traded these vessels. Where the furthest one was found. That's another thing the Ancient Atlantians cult members never talk about. Where's the precision Egyptian vases in Peru?

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +1

      In those reports some vessels inscribed but many simply had names painted on.
      Maybe a form of money for tax or something?

  • @pamplemousselacroix4866
    @pamplemousselacroix4866 Před 7 měsíci +9

    Great work as always, thank you for making these videos ❤️👍

  • @Donnie-Dark-X
    @Donnie-Dark-X Před 7 měsíci +4

    Fantastic video by Night Scarab. Thanks for the link Alan!

  • @GroberWeisenstein
    @GroberWeisenstein Před 7 měsíci +4

    Overestimation and exaggeration are the LAHT's guiding principles. Where would they be without ?

  • @Spielkalb-von-Sparta
    @Spielkalb-von-Sparta Před 7 měsíci +5

    Thanks a lot for clearing this up!

  • @varyolla435
    @varyolla435 Před 7 měsíci +3

    Last I looked stone vases etc. do not expire. They can certainly be damaged - otherwise they can last for a long time. Therefore the real crux of this LAHT argument actually hinges upon = _"population."_ If the population of dynastic Egypt was high enough - which is was - then a caste of stone masons working within the greater Egyptian sphere of influence can within a single lifetime generate large numbers of stone vases of varying quality consistent with the skill of the artisan.
    Moral of the story: Egyptologists estimate during the Old Kingdom period that Egypt had a population of upwards of a million people. Even if you say 1% are artisans capable of working stone to make vases etc. that is = 10K craftsmen. If they produced a single vase every 2 years that means that within a 10 year timeframe within all of Egypt they would have generated 50K stone vases.
    So how "unreasonable" does that then become??? A Pharaoh having dominion over the entirety of Egypt + whose governmental system taxed the people + who engaged in public works + who maintained castes of workers at the State expense - aka _"salary workers"_ = can surely acquire within a generation a considerable amount of produced items.
    Final thought. The Egyptians were big on "symbolism". They believed the spirit of the dead required everything in the afterlife it did during the life of the individual. This is why they preserved their bodies and stocked their tombs with items they believed they needed - in large quantities if necessary.
    Eventually they moved from placing actual items to instead have depictions of things - which they believed would translate into the actual item in the afterlife. Shaptis are an example of this - miniature figurines of supposed servants for the afterlife. In other cases you see painted on tomb walls all manner of foods for an individual who clearly was an epicurean in life - Khuwy in this case.
    So not allow yourself to get distracted arguing "numbers" with the LAHT crowd. Simply point out that the population and conditions allowed for what we see. Enjoy your day folks.

  • @spankflaps1365
    @spankflaps1365 Před 7 měsíci +29

    Apparently aliens travelled across the universe here to earth, to make a tea set.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +4

      interplanetary scones and Egyptian breakfast

    • @Akimos
      @Akimos Před 7 měsíci +2

      You spelled beer wrong 😜

    • @LeeDaiYing
      @LeeDaiYing Před 7 měsíci +1


    • @TurkeyJoe
      @TurkeyJoe Před 7 měsíci +2

      Makes as much sense as any other claim, but I am prepared to believe this one 🤯

    • @mathiasjonsson8222
      @mathiasjonsson8222 Před 7 měsíci +4

      The actual number is actually 35000 pieces of masterful presicionessly made VA-SES. Their smoothly surfaces impossible to achieve even with todays tech.

  • @lordmalal
    @lordmalal Před 7 měsíci +2

    The reality is EVEN the Toyota Corolla is manufactured with more precise measurements than anything the LAHT was supposedly capable of..

  • @vijo2616
    @vijo2616 Před 7 měsíci +4

    40k shards, perhaps.
    Who was the first to claim 40k ?

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +2

      Maybe 40000 mentioned in French but the Quibell paper says 15000 vessels in many pieces waiting to be sorted

    • @RedDarkBull
      @RedDarkBull Před 7 měsíci +1

      It is written by Minstrey of Antiquities years ago in the museum labels saying that 40,000 vessel from hard stones were found under the Step Pyramid, unforunetly we cannot share links in the youtube channels, I would post it

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      @@RedDarkBull post the name of the video
      Saqqara Part 5/5 - Imhotep (Em Hotep) museum
      like this video of the saqqara museum
      you can see the collectioin of vases there, also some information
      Your attempts to run defense are quite pathetic

  • @SeanSpecker
    @SeanSpecker Před 7 měsíci +2

    what does a lathe have to do with atlantis?

  • @ianmcdonald3053
    @ianmcdonald3053 Před 7 měsíci +3

    You know what really gets me, most of us got into this type of content because we know we’ve been played, lied to by those in power and every year more comes out that we were told was truth and it turns out to be lies by those in power. So when you get creators pushing more lies and passing it off as truth etc that many of us are ready to believe in because of the crap i mentioned before, its just a real kick in the balls to realise channels etc you trusted had one purpose and it wasn’t truth but to manipulate you for money. Its disgusting. On the other hand you Sir have absolutely out done yourself again and i feel such a fool for buying into their lies, thank you so much for exposing their con game, thank u.

    • @ninthheretic2498
      @ninthheretic2498 Před 7 měsíci +2

      the con-game is played on many levels and has taken on many forms. Whether the pawns are aware that they are set in place by a hidden hand or not, does not really matter, they are in for the fame and the bucks. The question is, imo, why are they so keen on ascribing the genious works of our forebares to un-human entities, like aliens, gods, ... whilst profecing the universal consciousness / fake spiritual unity-sausage of a one world religion? Who profits of this distortion of our history?
      Make sure to carry enough red-pills on your journey, because there's a mighty lot of curtains in this theatre..

    • @JH-pt6ih
      @JH-pt6ih Před 7 měsíci

      What "lies" are you talking about? Lies by archeologists and egyptologists? One of the things these LAHT frauds do is classify mistakes and "we don't know" as lies.

    • @JH-pt6ih
      @JH-pt6ih Před 7 měsíci

      @@ninthheretic2498 Red pills? Going to try to turn even this into politics. FFS.

    • @ninthheretic2498
      @ninthheretic2498 Před 7 měsíci

      Clearly not for you. So move along. Before you catch a bug.@@JH-pt6ih

    • @MarcosElMalo2
      @MarcosElMalo2 Před 5 měsíci

      @@JH-pt6ih Nah, he’s literally taking pills. He’s never seen the Matrix. He just really likes barbiturates.

  • @russellmillar7132
    @russellmillar7132 Před 7 měsíci +12

    Thanks for taking the time to critically examine the "40,000 precision diorite vases" claim. It's well established per the work of Scientists Against Myths and others that the dynastic (and pre-dynastic) Egyptians were quite capable of working with various types of stone. There is no evidence of high tech machines nor the infrastructure that would be required to power such machines.

  • @Eyes_Open
    @Eyes_Open Před 7 měsíci +2

    LAHT requires different mathematical conversion formulas. So 40000 does in fact mean at least 40000 if you really, really want that to be true.

  • @tlatoanimachi
    @tlatoanimachi Před 7 měsíci +2

    Keep it up. Great work.

  • @jackrifleman562
    @jackrifleman562 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Nutjob: They found 40k friggin perfect stone vases under a pyramid.
    Sane person: Prove it.
    Nutjob: Uh, uh, whatabout this one perfect vase?
    Sane person: Neither perfect nor provenanced.
    Nutjob: Uh, uh, whatabout Gobekli Tepe, thousands of careers were ruined for doing pre-Clovis research, it takes ultrasonic machining to drill granite, go replicate the Serapeum, Zahi Hawass is the devil.......

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      What about Troy!!!!

    • @Leeside999
      @Leeside999 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Remember Galileo!!!

    • @jackrifleman562
      @jackrifleman562 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@SacredGeometryDecoded Whatabout the friggin bondo apes???
      Wake up and smell the Fosters!!!!

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      @@jackrifleman562 Ewww no one drinks Fosters here. We send that piss water overseas.

    • @jackrifleman562
      @jackrifleman562 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@SacredGeometryDecoded One man's trash is another man's treasure.

  • @YATESA8
    @YATESA8 Před 7 měsíci +2

    Liked 'n shared again! I am your loyal fan! :P -will you remember me when you are famous? :D

  • @robertmortimer8288
    @robertmortimer8288 Před měsícem

    Jean philippe Lauer, the french egyptologist who found the hardstone vases in the 1930s under Djosers step pyramid, writes:
    "Many of these vases are remarkable for the beauty of their form or material, the perfection of their workmanship, the novelty or originality of their type."
    Jean Phillippe Lauer also writes "...especially when in such hard materials..."
    So Lauer acknowledge they were remarkable also because many vases and the like were made in such hard materials (like granite and diorite).

    • @varyolla435
      @varyolla435 Před 20 dny

      Saying you are impressed with the skill of the Egyptian craftsmen = is not the same as saying it could not be done by the same. When one takes snippets of something a person stated it becomes all the more important to insure = the context of that statement is not lost........
      Hence Lauer did not say he didn't believe these were the work of the Egyptians and as such any subjective take on them does not alter this reality. It is perfectly normal to say _"they're amazing......"_ without dismissing their accepted origin.

    • @robertmortimer8288
      @robertmortimer8288 Před 20 dny

      @@varyolla435 What the hell are you talking about? I have quoted what he himself have written what he thought about his findings.
      I have not claimed anything of what you're writing.
      Stop writing things that are not true!

    • @varyolla435
      @varyolla435 Před 19 dny

      @@robertmortimer8288 To what end....... Yes you quoted him = absent context as I noted. So that begs to ask then what was the purpose of your quote???
      What I noted was correct. Whatever Lauer felt about the vases - keeping in mind his excavations were a long time ago and we have learned a lot since - does not obviate the reality of what I noted = he did not believe the vases were anything but Egyptian in origin.

    • @robertmortimer8288
      @robertmortimer8288 Před 19 dny

      @@varyolla435 I quoted what he thought about the vases themselves. I did not claim he thought they were not egyptian.
      Now, shut the fuck up!

    • @robertmortimer8288
      @robertmortimer8288 Před 19 dny

      ​​@@varyolla435 I quoted what Lauer thought about the vases themselves. I did NOT claim that he thought the vases were not of egyptian origin.

  • @Chris.Davies
    @Chris.Davies Před 7 měsíci +2

    What's special about the number 40,000? Could 20,000 have been made by Low Ancient Technology? How about 10,000? 5,000? 500? 50?
    The rampant stupidity and industrial strength ignorance of the LAHTers is equally hilarious and disturbing.
    I pity these people, who go through life in a semi-conscious state, never knowing what's true or false.
    Someone should teach these people what Occam's Razor is for, and how to use it. Thanks, as always, Alan!

    • @Akimos
      @Akimos Před 7 měsíci +1

      Yeah. one every four weeks times 67 people = 40 000 in their lifetime. Just a thought.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      40 is very Biblical, 40 days and nights, 40 years. I reckon subconsciously it has an extra impact?

    • @MarcosElMalo2
      @MarcosElMalo2 Před 5 měsíci

      @@SacredGeometryDecodedTo paraphrase Mr. Show, 40 is the biggest number. Feggedaboutit.

  • @Leeside999
    @Leeside999 Před 7 měsíci +7

    Poor UnchartedX is having to do some damage control on his "impeccable provenance" claims.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +2

      He and Dunn also back pedaling on Serapeum precision in the last year. ;-)

  • @R0guemetal
    @R0guemetal Před 7 měsíci +4

    SGD, fighting the good fight. Keep the faith and thanks for the content. 💜

  • @opgg1
    @opgg1 Před měsícem

    Dont you think that they found the granite vases and tried to copy that in alabaster, thats why there are so many imprefections in alabaster vases, but you can't find the same examples of granite one's because they did not have any tools to even work with granite. Can you point me to a video, where somebody makes a vase from granite as precise as the ones found, without using computer operated machines? Thanks for your time

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před měsícem

      Many granite vases with provenance have been scanned.
      Those presented recently have no clear history prior to 1969s

  • @dingodog5677
    @dingodog5677 Před 7 měsíci +2

    The idea that there were ancient texh more advanced than now is rediculous. Where's the electric lights, metal tools, tranisters, rubber, plastics etc etc. These guys were so advanced they only worked copper, stone and wood. 🙄🤔😂 Not even bronze.

  • @RedDarkBull
    @RedDarkBull Před 6 měsíci

    I have added the link to the picture showing the 40000 label, it is moved to "Reviewed section" in your channel, approve it so that people see there are 40K hard stone vase

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 6 měsíci

      There was nothing there. Can you put the name of the video/ site/paper

    • @varyolla435
      @varyolla435 Před 6 měsíci

      Still with your irrelevancies and half-truths........ How sad. No one gives a rip how many vases were estimated to be. What matters is not the number = but what is subsequently claimed about them..... - just as you have once again done.
      Despite it being pointed out by others - to include myself - that many vases were of "softer" stones as opposed to hard granite or whatever = you repeat your mischaracterization of _"40K _*_HARD_*_ stone vase."_ Even in your supposed attempts at accuracy you can not move beyond your preconceptions.

    • @RedDarkBull
      @RedDarkBull Před 6 měsíci +1

      ​my channel

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 6 měsíci

      @@RedDarkBull ok, it shows one of the pictures and maps from galleries 6 and 7 which are piles of dishes , shallow bowls, beakers, vases of almost entirely alabaster pieces
      In the desciption is a link to the document by Lauer they are directly citing albeit poorly.
      From page 90 onwards are the maps and the photos from inside galleries 6 and 7
      Hard stone is alabaster and the vases are not vases, very few and fewer yet of granite or such stone.
      Do you mind if i use those images for a video? To show how the myth of 40,000 granite vases might have started.

    • @RedDarkBull
      @RedDarkBull Před 6 měsíci

      Sure, feel free

  • @EngineTuning
    @EngineTuning Před 6 měsíci +1

    This was great research.
    However, in my opinion, you should have stayed away from guessing how the diorite vases might have been made (suggesting that they might have been machined in modern times etc).
    At 15:40 even Petrie pointed out the machining marks and 'centres', as per lathe machining.
    To my perception; expressing your opinions on foul play, gave the impression that this was just another CZcams 'debunking' video.
    If you had stuck to reporting the facts, the video would have stood solely on its merit.
    It's a shame, but either way, you did good research, and thanks for providing the archive links.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 6 měsíci

      I have done a number of experiments in granite which the lost high tech channels censor such as replicating “machine marks”
      Also proved Chris Dunn faked his experiment.

    • @varyolla435
      @varyolla435 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Herodotus wrote of the Egyptians using "a machine" to raise blocks on Khufu's Great Pyramid. Does that then portend a mechanical device powered by say a modern engine........ = of course not.
      So be careful of terminology use in old writings and interpreting that as inferring modern meanings. A "machine" simply implies a device of some type which can also be hand powered rather than run by some mechanical implement.
      Petrie speaking in terms of "machining markings" can simply mean some device to manipulate an object during its creation which could just as easily have been hand powered as alluded to. A potter who say has a spinning table powered by their foot manipulating a peddle below fits the definition of "a machine" - thought it hardly represents any "advanced" technology. Do not "read into" things too much.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 6 měsíci

      @@varyolla435 Indeed, an inclined plane (ramp) is one of the simple machines.

    • @EngineTuning
      @EngineTuning Před 6 měsíci

      @@varyolla435 @SacredGeometryDecoded
      Clearly, the term 'machine' encompasses a wide range of contraptions.
      I am a mechanical engineer, and have much experience with, and understanding of, machinery.
      However, you are missing the point.
      I was suggesting that the video had no need for speculation on how diorite vases were made.
      The issue being dealt with was 'correcting the suggestion that tens of thousands of diorite vases were found...'
      I have heard this suggestion previously, so the video was of interest to me, and will be of interest to many others in the field of ancient history.
      I found the arguments made, and the documents unearthed, to be credible ... effectually 'factual', unless there is other evidence to the contrary.
      This In itself is important.
      Why then sully the work with wild speculation, when the facts speak for themselves (as laid out)?
      Mixing facts, and speculation, is a recognised technique that is often used to mislead an audience.
      IMHO, when serious research is being presented; speculation on related matters is best left to a separate discussion (another video).

  • @martingreen5192
    @martingreen5192 Před 7 měsíci

    Lets try again - which bit did my measure? What were the results?
    Please try and answer without personal attacks and in at least semi grammatical English

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +3

      mee meshoored sirkles akross ate poynts
      vereeashions ov 0.01mm or saym deemenshun
      cympal prinsypel rotayt to kancal byeass. mayk gage pyn eezy tu teest un reepeet eckspeerimant

    • @martingreen5192
      @martingreen5192 Před 7 měsíci

      It's your claim. I challenge you have a proper metrological scan of the circles you have made, film it and then publish the results together with the film. You need to measure rotational variation in diameter, rotational variation in width or the groove tops. This needs repeating for the groove bottoms. It has to be done right around the grove, not at random points - random points are easy.
      You should also measure changes in the slope of the groove sides - although I accept this would not be easy for an amateur so until we can agree that the other measurements are correct I suggest you put this on hold.
      To do this you would need a rotary table (but I would accept the piece being mounted on a lathe) and a digital read out dial gauge - neither are expensive. If you shop around you should be able to get the whole setup for around $100. To "prove" your point a very low cost I would think.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@martingreen5192 I posted a link showing the practical process already in previous thread.
      Though it is very simple. The bias in the hand drill is cancelled out by regular rotation of the stone after so many turns.
      Artisans have long been doing the same in stone and wood since the action of turning by hand creates an elongation. Much like pedaling a bike there are spots where uneven pressure is applied.
      I used similar old timey artisan techniques for polishing stone to make good quality surface plates. Count the strokes, rotate regularly.

    • @martingreen5192
      @martingreen5192 Před 6 měsíci

      I have presented you with a challenge. You seem to be avoiding it. Not all that confident are we? If you can do it by hand you will change advanced manufacturing throughout the world and save companies vast amounts of money while reducing the cost of product, why wouldn't you want to test your method properly? You should know that unless you rotate a spherical piece while you are measuring it you cannot get measurements of accuracy of a piece.@@SacredGeometryDecoded

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 6 měsíci

      @@martingreen5192 I’ve demonstrated many things before and over the new year will start making more stone vessels.
      I’m not avoiding anything.
      Like the others I will challenge the larger channels to acknowledge and have them tested. You can as well but there are lots of people in comments making demands and I’m not going to respond to them individually.
      I already showed the principle that can be tested with only a few dollars investment.
      Seems a strange their is a lack of interest to independently repeat these experiments.
      It’s as if the lost high tech community is avoiding any responsibility to do any actual work.

  • @RedDarkBull
    @RedDarkBull Před 7 měsíci

    Anyone visites Saqqarra museum sees it is written by Minstrey of Antiquities years ago in the museum labels saying that 40,000 vessel from hard stones were found under the Step Pyramid
    It is written in English and French
    Miss information and as usual

    • @Leeside999
      @Leeside999 Před 7 měsíci +2

      Which do you think would contain more accurate information: the report written by the people who discovered and removed the items, or a brief info card written 70 years later?

    • @RedDarkBull
      @RedDarkBull Před 7 měsíci

      Not everything was discovered by Lauer, so the data of MoA is more accurate
      + why the channel owner attacks X for information provided by the authority ? 😃

    • @Leeside999
      @Leeside999 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@RedDarkBull I believe the info on that card is not accurate. I know the one you are talking about. But I would need to look into it more. The two sources SGD provides would suggest that it is wrong.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      What is hard stone?

    • @RedDarkBull
      @RedDarkBull Před 7 měsíci

      You have to read the whole label,
      They differenciate between alabaster, and t
      Hardstone, which is ( diorite, granite, granodiorite, schisct, about 20+ other types)

  • @supabass4003
    @supabass4003 Před 7 měsíci +1

    LAHTers smoking 40k shards

  • @timboslice980
    @timboslice980 Před 5 měsíci +1

    The thing is, even the conspiracy guys admit many many many of these are not perfect. These conspiracy nut jobs are acting like they’ve found 40,000 pepsi cans. If these things were mass produced, wouldn’t there exact copies? These all seem unique

    • @varyolla435
      @varyolla435 Před 5 měsíci +1

      Yes. Also in reference to the vases found under Djoser's Pyramid Egyptologists found a variety containing inscriptions dating to = previous Pharaohs....... So it appears Djoser as some Pharaohs were wont to do "appropriated" from others to fill his need. He accumulated vases etc. which represent ones created over the previous century or so to acquire the totals he felt he needed.
      Finally they found evidence of multiple burials as well there. So it was not uncommon for family to be buried in proximity to a person - or others later on also appropriating an existing tomb to use it for themselves their wanting to be buried in proximity to their Pharaoh/God.

  • @itsnot_stupid_ifitworks
    @itsnot_stupid_ifitworks Před 7 měsíci +3

    Let's look at this a different way. Archaeologists in the 1800s discover the "40,000" vases. They sift through them all, documenting everything, and pick out the very finest examples ...then put them in museums around the world. Everyone can tell by looking at them for a 100 plus years that they have obvious flaws.
    2022 comes around( just so happens to be the period of time when these vases could be easily replicated) and Bam!!! Uncharted X somehow gets three or four that are... according to Ben, trust me bro they're really old ....just happen to absolutely perfectly made... that somehow the archaeologists in the 1800s missed! incredible story.

    • @royalapplepie
      @royalapplepie Před 7 měsíci +2


    • @mainzy00
      @mainzy00 Před 6 měsíci

      There really is no point trying to get to the bottom of things when dismissive smart arse cunts like you are so derisive and cocksure, takes the fun right out the game

  • @Mike-hr6jz
    @Mike-hr6jz Před 7 měsíci

    Well JD you have a problem it seems some of us have had grandparents back in the 20s and 30s who helped dig up some of these and they’re not fake now how many there are who knows but some of the oldest ones returned on leave you may want to dispel this is though it were a myth, but that’s because you’re protecting your career and your money And the paradigm that continues to feed money to those who propagate your particular paradigm, and some of us, know it for a fact.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      Whose JD?

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      Never mind i can see your subscriptions so i think I can get a clear picture.
      The 40,000 found at Saqqara. Those who dug them up are referenced here.
      The paradigm that feeds money is the alternative, you have the algorithm and major media behind you so don't try playing that victim card anymore.
      It's as pathetic as when Hancock says it.
      You sir have Blackrock and Vanguard behind you on this one. You are the globalist corporation !!
      You might also want to look into the ones pushing lost technology. Alice Bailey and Blavatsky theosophy? The antithesis of the types of Christians in your subscriptions.
      So big corporate money , mainstream media and weird cults. That's your paradigm?
      There's a giant rabbit hole you haven't looked into regarding these people you are supporting.
      Yet you know the truth? OK

    • @jackrifleman562
      @jackrifleman562 Před 7 měsíci +2

      Based on your comments and logic my guess would be that your grandparent were close relatives.

    • @Mike-hr6jz
      @Mike-hr6jz Před 7 měsíci

      My mothers father, I am nearly 80 years old. We know the truth you people lie.@@jackrifleman562

    • @jackrifleman562
      @jackrifleman562 Před 7 měsíci +3

      @@Mike-hr6jz So inbred and senile. Admit you are drunk posting and we have a trifecta.

  • @jeffsmith50001
    @jeffsmith50001 Před 7 měsíci +1

    But OK OK, what about the real impossible HARD stone vases. We all know about Alabaster vases we used to buy in Torremolinos in the 70s. A "fancy scanner" might just blow your mind. Tell you what mate, go find a way to fake a few translucent conglomerate anything. Pump em out.

    • @Eyes_Open
      @Eyes_Open Před 7 měsíci +1

      Like granite porphyry? Why fake it? czcams.com/video/n-qoZUFsv18/video.htmlfeature=shared

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +1

      I already have and in porphyry
      I recorded and posted the whole process
      Learning by mistakes they'll become faster and more complex as now i am confident i can work with super thing stone.
      If you think there's market steal my method. There's no copyright on it.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      OK, your comment is ghosted in some places but i can see it here in my CZcams studio thingy.

  • @Its_Shaun_the_Sheep
    @Its_Shaun_the_Sheep Před 12 dny +1

    The made in china stickers give modern fakes away! 😂

  • @bullenovitch
    @bullenovitch Před 6 měsíci +1

    Instead of trying to debunk someone else’s “theory”, why don’t you show us how you think all those vases were made and what the tools they might have used to end up with this finished product?
    If you can show us a more accurate theory on how they were made in a technical way, people will start to listen to you.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 6 měsíci +2

      I have shown a lot of experiments over the years, the ones those grifters asked for but cover up to protect their business.
      Instead of giving me advice tell them to stop hiding.
      That you don’t know about those should cause you great concern.
      Those people censor information because they are frauds.
      Btw through experiments with ancient tools I proved Chris Dunn is a fraud who takes data.
      Also caught out Ben telling lies many times.
      Neither me nor anyone else should do more pointless business work because they clap their hands and demand.
      The burden of proof is firmly on them to show the provenance.

    • @varyolla435
      @varyolla435 Před 6 měsíci

      Probably not.......... The actual experts in these matters have already rendered their conclusions about them. So the pitifully misinformed who seem to assume that their believing those supposed "alternative" facts are what make them valid = will likely never be swayed no matter the evidence provided. The reason is self-evident = they do not understand how actual science and science-related conclusions are formed.
      Ergo the issue is not one of offering "competing theories". It rather is = the nature of those theories and whether or not they represent credible inquiry - or rhetorical argumentation premised upon incredulity. In other words evidence and consensus-based analysis vs. assumption-based subjective determination based upon whim. LAHT obviously represents the latter.
      You can argue with the LAHT moppets until the cows come home and 99% will ignore everything you say. In their minds things are magically true because "they" want to assume them as such - as opposed to reflecting the actual evidence and conclusions of the real experts who study these subjects.

    • @jackrifleman562
      @jackrifleman562 Před 6 měsíci

      More people are interested in listening to baseless claims about computer-guided machines, ultrasonic devices, and anti-gravitation machines with no supporting archaeological data or proof of concept experimentation. For the hooplehead reading books by actual Egyptologists or watching someone drill thru rock with 4500 year old technology is boring.

  • @MrPenguln
    @MrPenguln Před 3 měsíci +1

    I loaded all of bens files, and they worked. These vases are legit, you are just jelly.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 3 měsíci +1

      I made tools and used them to make stone vessels and other “impossible” elements Ben still insists are impossible.
      I posted how to’s with raw footage so anyone can repeat.
      Loading a file means nothing as it doesn’t age the vases.
      You’ve done nothing but download some files. Anyone can do what you’ve claimed.
      I’d say nice try but that would be e aggregating your nothing contribution.

    • @MrPenguln
      @MrPenguln Před 3 měsíci

      @@SacredGeometryDecoded I would say the same with you- the stuff you made is nothing new. You made a "stone dish", not a jug made out of solid granite, and not out of granite that is 1000 tons mined from 1000 miles away. These small details my friend, just demonstrating one easy element is not high tech.

    • @varyolla435
      @varyolla435 Před 3 měsíci

      Sounds like you wasted your time then considering Ben's argument is moot........ He = presupposes a desire on the part of the craftsmen to achieve given dimensional outcomes - yet he has absolutely no evidence whatsoever to justify such an assumption. This by the way does not even address the reality that his "scans" and arguments are premised upon = modern metrics of measurements for which an ancient Egyptian would have no knowledge.
      Moral of the story: real or fake = Ben's argument is terminally flawed. Dimensional outcomes of measured objects only really matter if you are seeking to duplicate those using a given technology. Yet Ben can articulate neither a specific method of creation supposedly being debunked to say nothing of above = a supposed desire to duplicate. His entire argument therefore is: _"I refuse to believe......."_ - nothing more.
      This means that a craftsman who created a stone vase long ago and who do so based upon aesthetics rather than attempting to achieve a given dimension ended up creating a vase whose dimensions were = whatever they were - making them happenstance......... Ben's argument can only work if "intent" was involved - and he has no evidence to establish that.

  • @matthewgallagher4913
    @matthewgallagher4913 Před 7 měsíci

    How many black swans do I need to reject the hypothesis that all swans are white? Well, the answer is one, but ten will do to be on the safe side. How many such exhibits are there in the Cairo museum?

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      The Egyptians depict themselves making stone vessels, with those tools you can achieve excellent results.
      I have done a lot of experiments in granite and primitive tools now. Unfortunately but not unsurprisingly the lost high tech channels that asked for them wont acknowledge them.

    • @matthewgallagher4913
      @matthewgallagher4913 Před 7 měsíci

      Well show them in an open and transparent fashion. I would like to buy a translucent precision-made small vase, crafted from granite and resembling modern ceramic.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      I post how to's and raw footage. Not sure how more transparent i could be.
      Those show the development as I build up a skill set.
      If you want a specific style then be prepared to put the money in an escrow account because i do it by hand and I don't work at macdonalds hourly rates. or spend long times at work on the promise of payment.
      Small translucent vases with no provenance and no comparable ones in museums.?
      Ok but that's going to cost a lot more because I would make a standard one and then just polish it down over weeks and weeks with hand tools so it doesn't break.
      I have a email in my about section. $100 australian dollars an hour or a set price?

    • @matthewgallagher4913
      @matthewgallagher4913 Před 7 měsíci

      Ok, so what degree of precision are you offering, what sort of wall thickness and what material?

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      @@matthewgallagher4913 how about starting with items with confirmed provenance from ancient tombs?
      The translucent thin ones of igneous stone / quartz are all bowls btw.
      Material. Whatever you want, like cuts like so theoretically it could be diamond.

  • @MrAwesomeBikerDude
    @MrAwesomeBikerDude Před 7 měsíci +1

    The accuracy of some of the vases/bowels/plates/dishes. Even if there is only one vase, and if the measurements are correct (from Ben & co), you are not making them by hand. There is now amount of motivation to get to that kind of accuracy by hand.

    • @karanseraph
      @karanseraph Před 7 měsíci +3

      The claim: No amount of motivation to achieve a specific level of precision or accuracy by hand is a subjective judgement based on cultural and ethical values that can change. We don't know what motivates other people. Sure we can guess but we don't know. Also people can still have had effective tools and skills without said tools being particularly lost or high technology.

    • @chiznowtch
      @chiznowtch Před 7 měsíci +4

      Brainwashed. You think it's more likely that there was a high tech lost civ that liked to make little pots for some fkng ridiculous reason than that ppl just just got really good at making shit. It's insane.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +4

      I have how to video where I get concentric rings to 4/10000ths of an inch.
      Better than the vases.
      I’ve shown how to shape the profile and polish to a higher standard.
      The lost expert experts are full of it and been dodging us for years the cowards.

    • @Chris.Davies
      @Chris.Davies Před 7 měsíci +3

      You've never wanted to do a nice job on something you made? You never made it look nicer than it absolutely needed to be? If you made something for someone super rich, would you give them a half-finished thing that would do the job just fine?
      Your comment is extremely funny.

    • @itsnot_stupid_ifitworks
      @itsnot_stupid_ifitworks Před 7 měsíci +3

      Apply this logic to every greek and roman statue or any art...Michaelangelo creating David was just wasting his time I guess

  • @martingreen5192
    @martingreen5192 Před 7 měsíci +3

    Guess the are no engineers here. The level of accuracy that has been claimed can be achieved by hand on flat surfaces. In my experience - as a tool room engineer in the aircraft industry (so genuine rocket science) - it is not possible to achieve that sort of accuracy on curved surfaces without high capability machining. That level of accuracy does not occur by random chance either.
    I am not saying it cannot be done, I am saying that there will not be any engineers around today who can do it.
    Just a something on the other comments - no claims have been made regarding Atlantis or Aliens.

    • @Akimos
      @Akimos Před 7 měsíci +4

      You spelled stone mason wrong. The vases are made by stone masons. Try google.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +1

      It have shown how to get 4/10000ths of an inch take those lessons and amaze your rocket science colleagues.
      How about you arrange a live stream for me ti teach you all in real time.
      Serious challenge because I’d like to speak with these engineers and understand what has happened .

    • @martingreen5192
      @martingreen5192 Před 7 měsíci

      You should be able to describe the process here, please don't hold back @@SacredGeometryDecoded (and please check your grammar before you post - I am not sure I understand your meaning). If you meant "I have shown" please tell where you have shown it.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +2

      here's one
      I am willing to show in real time to your expert engineer friends.
      I have also shown polishing , without any real special effort i got down to 800 nanometres with home made and grit i sorted just by settling it in water.
      Will any of you lost tech supporting engineers and " stone masons" ever take the challenge?
      As a noob I have to say I am very UNDERWHELMED by the experts. Makes me nervous to get on a plane now to be honest.

    • @bierdlll
      @bierdlll Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@SacredGeometryDecoded Erm where exactly in the video do you make a measurement to prove that it is precise to within 4/10000ths of an inch, as you claimed?

  • @ethanwilliam9944
    @ethanwilliam9944 Před 6 měsíci +1

    UnchartedX means well and makes some good points but he is always way too fast to accept anyone's word in regards to how old an object is and his research methods are amateur at best. Dealing with pieces from someone's personal collection and taking their word on its age is beyond careless and very foolish. I have no doubt that he is just curious and means not to deceive but by employing such questionable methods he only serves to mislead the masses. When I first saw his presentation, I was intrigued until I looked deeper into things and found out that he is severely mistaken on too many points to list.

    • @varyolla435
      @varyolla435 Před 6 měsíci +1

      If he meant well = he would not do what he does........... He is involved in = a business. Thus like others who similarly peddle LAHT claims they will continue to do so as long as it remains profitable for them irrespective of the adverse impact it causes.
      Think cigarette manufacturers. It has been known that cigarettes are unhealthy going back to the early 20th Century. There is reams of medical evidence to show this. Yet they continue to produce and market them anyways despite the damage to public health they cause = because it is profitable..........
      Moral of the story: grifters grift = it's what they do. Typically they exploit individual weakness and gullibility to profit from that in some way. Remember the old adage:
      _"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions"_

    • @ethanwilliam9944
      @ethanwilliam9944 Před 6 měsíci

      @@varyolla435 point well made

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 6 měsíci +2

      Over the years others and myself have responded to his requests for experiments to do “impossible by hand” experiments.
      We did and he only censored them. Then went on to lie about our results but never once mentioning our names or linking the experiments.
      It’s hash but I believe accurate to declare him a liar. Some things maybe he is just misinformed. However he made many specific challenges and has censored the results from his audience.
      His mentor Chris Dunn I showed to have fabricated experiments results. Which is fraud.
      Protecting their business at the expense of truth is what motivates them. Their repeated patterns of behaviour have made that clear to me at least.
      My name is like Voldemort to them. They won’t even speak it.

  • @jeffsmith50001
    @jeffsmith50001 Před 7 měsíci

    Answer this for a laugh, What should Britain do with The Elgin Marbles ?. I bet I know your answer.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +1

      If Britain for some strange reason ever decides to consult me as an advisor then I'd give it my consideration. Though since the Greeks are asking for them and it belongs to the Parthenon the classy thing to do would be to return them.
      Answer me this, if you took an heirloom by cutting it from a church wall on the Channel Isles while it was under the control of a foreign government during WW2 would you feel it's proper to hold onto them? You wouldn't feel even a little ashamed of yourself and try and make things right?

  • @kungfumaster12
    @kungfumaster12 Před 7 měsíci +2

    mmmmm. more content. love more proof of advance technology :)

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      Blindness to facts and detail plus a healthy dose of imagination. Soon enough you’ll find your proof.

    • @kungfumaster12
      @kungfumaster12 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@SacredGeometryDecoded i already have the proof that it was done with advance technology and not just hand and chisels. especially the big stuff wasn't done by hand. and most of my proof comes from your channel. the irony lmaoooooo

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci

      Oh i look forward to seeing it because a random dude with fresh and fit clips really doesn't impress. LOL

    • @kungfumaster12
      @kungfumaster12 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@SacredGeometryDecoded i already explained to you what low technology, high technology, and advance technology is. and how a water wheel is classified as advance technology (and can be used to cut and grind stone). you think a submarine is advance technology, but it's not. its just high technology. nuclear submarines however are close to advance technology. ancient humans used quartz crystals and vibration to cut stone. they even had electricity to create electromagnets. etc, etc.... ring a bell?

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +3

      OK. (Backs out of the room slowly so as no to spook the crazy person high on crystal)

  • @MrAwesomeBikerDude
    @MrAwesomeBikerDude Před 7 měsíci +1

    Again, what are you saying, you can make two a day with hand tools. There is a youtuber that specializes making stone vases with hand tools out of all kind of rock, and what I can tell she is good at it. I believe it took her six month to make one. So your claim two a day is a bit optimistic, is it not? Are you gone use lathe?

    • @jednmorf
      @jednmorf Před 7 měsíci +5

      She also has a fulltime job,with 2 young children and she looks after her grandparents.versus?

    • @chiznowtch
      @chiznowtch Před 7 měsíci +6

      ...and she's not an artisan, orking within a thriving industry, with generations of knowledge and technique and tooling that the egyptians accumulated.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +2

      Link in description. I’ve posted several demonstrations but for alabaster shallow dishes. I did mine in tougher marble.
      I use a Egyptian flywheel drill just like they pictured.
      That leaves very few hard stone vases. I’ve drilled that too,
      Weird you all only know about the one made with Neolithic tools. That info seems common knowledge.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +5

      @@jednmorf and she used NEOLITHIC tools . Weird that they never make that distinction or how she spent a large chunk of time maintaining tools. A set up she had to learn from scratch.
      I remember when they were all saying it can’t be done .
      Now it’s it takes too long.
      The goal posts shifted while she made them.
      Yet NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM has bothered to repeat the other Bronze Age tool experiments.
      Their entire large global community are a bunch of entitled lazy little sh!Ts to be blunt.
      If they only cared a fraction of what they pretend to.

    • @royalapplepie
      @royalapplepie Před 7 měsíci +1

      ​@@SacredGeometryDecodedcouldn't have said it better 😂

  • @SHERMA.
    @SHERMA. Před 7 měsíci +5

    look dude
    the accuracy on SOME of the vases is extraordinary, end of story.
    if you want to claim that it was done by hand, then make a full replica vase by hand and show us? break the internet and become world famous for your efforts...
    but you CANT, you CANT make it by hand. so stop the waffle

    • @SHERMA.
      @SHERMA. Před 7 měsíci +1

      edit: your end closing point on the "vases that do hold precision could of been faked in the 1930s"
      get over yourself
      your clearly desperate to hold the opposing view no matter what you have to spew to hold that view

    • @fiasco2003
      @fiasco2003 Před 7 měsíci +2

      The stone masonry on my local cathedral is stunningly impressive. And the hard stone polished figures on coffins within. Can I make any of this stuff? No!! I haven't committed a lifetime toward developing that degree of skill and expertise.
      But does that tell me that these things were not made by hand? Well, obviously not. Everything there was made using hand tools, mostly in medieval times.
      That fact that I am not an expert mason has no relation to that assessment.

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +4

      Accuracy is not precision.
      I’ve shown how to get 4/10000ths of an inch.
      Until you and the lost crowd catch up shut the hell up.
      Lazy ass demands. We do it and then you ignore it.

    • @celsus7979
      @celsus7979 Před 7 měsíci +5

      Do you mean vases that are claimed to be ancient without any proof of origin?
      I've watched Unchartedx explain where his vases came from. Never a name nor document, just him saying vage things.
      How is this proof of anything in your opinion?

    • @SacredGeometryDecoded
      @SacredGeometryDecoded  Před 7 měsíci +3

      @@celsus7979 issues like provenance are irrelevant with the magic words PRECISION ADVANCED are used
      Then they can say make one and ignore the earlier demands they said was impossible and were shown.
      Lazy ass do nothing’s think the world owes them something .