Komentáře •

  • @someguyontheinternet2399
    @someguyontheinternet2399 Před 4 měsíci +675

    You'd think Shadow would get involved with Kit and Surge given his history with memory loss too... Not to mention he was also a labrat.

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 4 měsíci +149

      Though I feel like Surge and Kit would be even more angry cause they know that their situation and Shadow’s are very different since Shadow lost his memories while Surge and Kit had their memories completely erased and were turned into completely different people from who they were. Not to mention the reason each was created with Shadow originally being made to be a cure for diseases while Surge and Kit were made to be weapons

    • @thedastardlylizard5944
      @thedastardlylizard5944 Před 4 měsíci +83

      Surge being a Reverse Flash and steeling Amy from Sonic just to f with him…
      “It was me Sonic… I put gum on the bottom of your shoes so that every time you step you’ll hear that irritating sound on the bottom of your foot that you will be unstoppable to stop…”

    • @emperorxander666
      @emperorxander666 Před 4 měsíci +16

      i feel like surge and shadow would get along great once shadow prove he stronger than her

    • @Dr.PaiPai
      @Dr.PaiPai Před 4 měsíci +22

      ​@@hyperdreamer9483It's still similar. Shadow losing his memories experienced what Surge and Kit are going through when he had no idea who he was or what his purpose was.
      Sure, there are differences but it's mostly the same.

    • @Ozarka0
      @Ozarka0 Před 4 měsíci +13

      Actually, yeah, why ISN'T Shadow more involved in this?

  • @Qazzy-
    @Qazzy- Před 4 měsíci +272

    This is the start of an among us game, Surge, Kit and Duo all imposters

  • @josephatitsogbe
    @josephatitsogbe Před 4 měsíci +181

    This plot is gonna be crazy so many villains involved rn this is about to be a disaster 💀

    • @charmyzard
      @charmyzard Před 3 měsíci +5

      Agreed. Get your popcorn!

  • @ShineyDoesStuff
    @ShineyDoesStuff Před 4 měsíci +620

    Lanolin looking so tired is probably due to all the angry Silver fans… poor sheep.

    • @Twilord_
      @Twilord_ Před 4 měsíci +39

      Calling the Silver fans sheep isn't very nice.

    • @juanjorodriguez6211
      @juanjorodriguez6211 Před 4 měsíci +52

      ​​@@Twilord_ it is, luckily no one's doing that, this comment is talking about the character Lanolin The Sheep

    • @WindyREDPanda
      @WindyREDPanda Před 4 měsíci +26

      @juanjorodriguez6211 Lanolin made a mistake but I'm still down bad for her.

    • @cheetahofthewind13
      @cheetahofthewind13 Před 4 měsíci +18

      As a silver fan myself I feel bad for lanolin because what the other silver fans and people in general hating on her

    • @Twilord_
      @Twilord_ Před 4 měsíci +11

      @@juanjorodriguez6211 I know; I was making a bad joke.

  • @s0shadow
    @s0shadow Před 4 měsíci +99

    i'm surprised you barely talked about kit in this chapter. i thought he was great. he was just scowling in every frame he was in which i found funny, and even mimic pointed it out to him when they met up in their room. then that sudden shift kit had in the end of the chapter when mimic told him tails was a priority target and kit smiling and saying "I like it here now" was actually slightly terrifying

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 4 měsíci +26

      Yeah bro was having none of what they were selling. Honestly Kit’s behaviour kinda reminded me of a unsocialized puppy, he’s defensive to anyone he doesn’t know and trust using aggressive to keep them at arms length while being completely unconfident and nervous of being left alone like when he jumped to join the Diamond Cutters with Surge

  • @DreadtheMadSmith
    @DreadtheMadSmith Před 4 měsíci +132

    I totally see this arc making Surge and Kit realise they can fit in and have friends but the initial betrayal/scheming destroys any chance of that once it's found out.
    These poor kids keep suffering.

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +38

      I can see that,
      Although, I feel like Surge might realize that before Kit, weirdly enough.

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 4 měsíci +29

      @@johanstenfelt1206Yeah considering this is the plan that Surge went along with Kit with be hyper fixated on completing the mission, he’s a lot more robotic in that sense

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 4 měsíci +17

      Definitely it would be very interesting to see. Having these two want to be better but feel like they can’t because everything they’ve been doing was fake with them leaving believing that they truly have no place in the world beyond destruction

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +7

      @@hyperdreamer9483 my thought exactly.
      Especially with what we saw in this Issue.

    • @charmyzard
      @charmyzard Před 3 měsíci +3

      Would lend amazingly into an "it's never too late to turn back" with maybe Kit surrendering, growing with Sonic & friends, and being the one (with the personal token) to bring her into light.

  • @gooey7745
    @gooey7745 Před 4 měsíci +285

    It's a shame so many people hate Lanolin due to her encounter with Whisper over Duo - her being so serious in a world of goofballs who will actively stick to the books is what makes her such a good foil for the cast while not having her explicitly be an antagonist...

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +3

      Fair Points.

    • @scarletlion1318
      @scarletlion1318 Před 4 měsíci +29

      I don't like Lanolin the Sheep. The reason why I do not like Lanolin the Sheep is because of her introduction and how much she failed her team when she didn't listen to them when there was a concern. Like this situation literally got me very frustrated right now. This could have been avoided if Lanolin asked Duo to take his gloves off since Mimic can't disguise his hands. And Whisper never made up stories like this before and she has been through trauma. So Lanolin not taking Whisper's words into consideration and leaving her there gets me frustrated. And Silver is more professional with his powers so him have an accident is rubbish and Silver said that Duo a.k.a Mimic tripped him and let him get eaten by a robot fish and Silver saying that Duo's eyes turning black while Whisper seeing this is a clear warning to take things into consideration and like at this but instead Lanolin chose to disregarded that. Lanolin didn't think that "hmmm, I should be in my teammates shoes." or "I should look in on this and ask or observe Duo." or "I should be in my teammates shoes and see where they're coming from." But no she chose not to do that. It like when you warn a friend of danger and triggering one of the friend's trauma and what they been through and their friend group with a witness and your friends never lying to you about anything this serious but that one friend says no and guilts you for have the thought or concern in the first place and makes you feel ashamed, disregarding everyone's safety for themselves and letting obliviousness and maybe ego getting in the way. Everybody has more experienced than Lanolin so Whisper knows what she's talking about. I mean who would make up a lie like that. Lanolin is forgetting that Mimic is an assassin, murder to his team, and scar Whisper for life. So Lanolin actions and what she did was upset and takes to this sheep I'd stop reading the comics anymore because she's got me so upset.

    • @kaistudios5536
      @kaistudios5536 Před 4 měsíci +34

      @@scarletlion1318 I honestly think those flaws make her more real than anything. I like that she's not entirely likeable and has some genuine flaws that she needs to improve upon. It's interesting to see a character like that in Sonic The Hedgehog. It makes these stories more compelling and intriguing to follow, wondering how she'll react when she and the rest finally realize the truth.

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +17

      @@scarletlion1318 fair, but i feel like her point of view has to be considered too.
      Besides, do we even know that Lanolin knows of Whisper’s Story,
      Also, I don’t think Silver and Whisper handled the situation as well as they could’ve.

    • @TheIDcard123
      @TheIDcard123 Před 4 měsíci +17

      ​@scarletlion1318 Whisper and Silver did not handle the situation with Duo well when they had other means to do so. If they had approached Lanolin about the matter separately, she definitely would have took their words into consideration. All Whisper and Silver did was assault someone in public and their only evidence was a "trust me bro."
      Lanolin being a militaristic, straight-man (sheep?) foil to the rest of the cast barring some could be actually enjoyable when written well. This entire Duo situation just did no favors from the fanbase because of their extreme attachment to Silver and Whisper. Regardless, how this entire situation gets resolved is anyone's guess.

  • @galasitygaming
    @galasitygaming Před 4 měsíci +245

    TWO sonic speed readings in a week?? Sign me UP!!

  • @Gaia_BentosZX5
    @Gaia_BentosZX5 Před 4 měsíci +61

    Honestly, when it comes back from hiatus, I 100% expect Surge and/or Kit to accidentally blow Mimic's cover knowing that Kit is staring RIGHT BACK AT THEM and knowing who the octopus is while Surge continues to be a goblin, even though a mole like Mimic, it's like playing your best hand a little too early as if the aquatic fox KNOWS shit's about to go down, causing Clutch's plan to unravel by his own lack of foresight.

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +8

      Yeah, that is sort of what I am expecting too, but how it will go will be something i will look forward to.

    • @user-tq4hw2hb2j
      @user-tq4hw2hb2j Před 2 měsíci +4

      @@johanstenfelt1206 I'd prefer if Mimic is figured out by the heroes, because the idea of accidently being blown by fellow bad guys is pretty Deus ex machina to me

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@user-tq4hw2hb2j who said anything about accidents?

    • @user-tq4hw2hb2j
      @user-tq4hw2hb2j Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@johanstenfelt1206 @GaiaX5 did, but didn't use quotation marks

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 2 měsíci

      @@user-tq4hw2hb2j true, they did, but i didn’t.

  • @caimanders3380
    @caimanders3380 Před 4 měsíci +85

    I love the IDW original characters. They fit perfectly in the sonic universe and have so much personality. Can’t wait to see more of them

    • @alphawolf7417
      @alphawolf7417 Před 3 měsíci +2

      Honestly, it's this new extended cast that I'd love to actually see in the games.

  • @Graphomite
    @Graphomite Před 2 měsíci +18

    I like how Surge isn't leaning into the act of wanting forgiveness, but acting natural and pushing buttons, like she's cynical yet genuinely curious as to _how_ Sonic and his crew could be so trusting rather than pretending to be nice and dismissing all the the kindness as nonsense. She's never witnessed open-mindedness before except while enraged, and this mission forces her to calmly face, speak with, and learn about normal people rather than focusing selfishly on her own miserable past. I also like how much sense it makes for her to respect Whisper's defensiveness, despite being hesitant to show respect elsewhere.

  • @thetailsshow-yv8gy
    @thetailsshow-yv8gy Před 4 měsíci +51

    the way the dimond cutters look at surge and kit had me rollin

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 4 měsíci +8

      Yeah the ladies were not amused, especially Whisper

  • @courier6856
    @courier6856 Před 4 měsíci +152

    I’m actually super curious on how might Kit interact with Tangle since they are just straight polar opposites. One is a free spirit that acts on their own while the other follows what he’s told no matter what. (I honestly really hope that Kit can be somewhat redeemed thanks to the Diamond Cutters)

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 4 měsíci +20

      That would be interesting, I imagine Kit would be rather indifferent being used to being around someone hyperactive and loud with Tangle simply being curious about Kit wondering why he hangs around with Surge. For Kit becoming redeemed 1 of 2 things would need to happen either Surge is redeemed first and Kit is simply along for the ride as usual, or he’s released from his programming and not having to do everything Surge says

    • @BlackFlash09
      @BlackFlash09 Před 4 měsíci

      That could be interesting. Shadow’s memories were also altered by his creator.

    • @courier6856
      @courier6856 Před 4 měsíci +6

      @@hyperdreamer9483 I hope it’s the second thing because I really want Kit to become his own person and he’s suffered a lot so I think he deserves a nice outcome for this current run. I believe the point that reveals/shows that he’s broken free from the programming, it should be him simply saying one word to Surge’s face: “No”

    • @amoresjohnwendell-os5ev
      @amoresjohnwendell-os5ev Před 4 měsíci +2

      Probably not since hes deadass so gloomy. Which is understandable with what Kit and Surge have been through

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@BlackFlash09The thing is though, Surge and Kit’s memories weren’t altered, they were completely erased. Starline thought about programming backstories for them but saw it as a waste of time

  • @ViroVeteruscy
    @ViroVeteruscy Před 4 měsíci +62

    It'll be interesting to see what happens when Surge and Kit are separated for a long period of time. It's happened before when Kit thought Surge had died, but now that there's nothing to worry about at the moment, it'll be interesting to see what happens when Sonic and friends need them for tasks that don't require the both of them. Surge can likely go with the flow (unless it's a front and she's constantly worried about Kit), but Kit will likely be super indecisive and not know what to do as he wouldn't have Surge there to tell him. Maybe Kit might try to do something to Tails, but that'd go against the plan, though he might accidently make things more obvious due to his expressions.
    Glad this series is still going strong :3

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +1

      Hm, nice idea, would be interesting to see.

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 4 měsíci +3

      Yeah without someone there to give him orders he’d be a nervous wreck, though once he’s given a task he’s the best assistant you’ll even have, just don’t have he do paper work

  • @SoranotRoxas
    @SoranotRoxas Před 4 měsíci +23

    *Good Lord! I don't know who is in charge of Whisper's facial expressions, but they are flawless everytime! 😂.* I already love her design to begin with, but she is so expressive.

  • @bandicootsauce4569
    @bandicootsauce4569 Před 4 měsíci +31

    After falling off for a while, I'm suddenly reminded why I love this comic series. (:

  • @Green-Hybrid3017
    @Green-Hybrid3017 Před 4 měsíci +185

    This is going to end horribly. If they end up betraying the resistance and destroying the headquarters, this Will be sonic and Amy’s fault.

    • @gototheend1139
      @gototheend1139 Před 4 měsíci +46

      Personally I think they might be going down that route but, I think the point they are making I wouldn't be their fault. As Amy and Sonic keeps saying, it's their choice. They are just giving them a chance to turn their lives around, and they know they could be playing them, but if they do betray them, it'd be their choice, I just hope that when it's done, and IF they do change (the creators said they want them to always be villains) they don't try to sweep it under the rug, and any more attempts to help them would be at arms length, but to be honest I'm just curious where they are going with this, considering this feels like this would be their last story

    • @p1k0qu33n
      @p1k0qu33n Před 4 měsíci +41

      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions
      sonic is not responsible for other peoples' actions

    • @littlesamu5920
      @littlesamu5920 Před 4 měsíci +19

      ​@@gototheend1139 then again, it was Sonic and Amy's choice to let them into the headquarters, they'd be responsible as much as Surge and Kit if they ended up betrayed.
      If they do I think it would be a turning point where Sonic starts going all out, I'm not saying he'll straight out murder someone but maybe won't be so soft

    • @Green-Hybrid3017
      @Green-Hybrid3017 Před 4 měsíci +20

      @@p1k0qu33n what’s worse a villain who commits an pure evil act, or the hero who has the power to stop them permanently, but chooses not to?

    • @wellingtonafonsodecarvalho9842
      @wellingtonafonsodecarvalho9842 Před 4 měsíci +7

      ​​@@littlesamu5920 i feel that if Sonic really goes all-out he's definitely going to cause mass destruction everywhere and can even kill Surge and Kit and many others if no one goes to stop him

  • @stayinglost
    @stayinglost Před 4 měsíci +25

    I need Blaze to show up more, I dont have enough Blaze in my life.

    • @TornaitSuperBird
      @TornaitSuperBird Před 2 měsíci

      Same. Blaze is so difficult to write because of effectively being locked in a different dimension thanks to the original plot of Rush. She really can't show up for big events and the like because of that...

  • @wanderlustwarrior
    @wanderlustwarrior Před 3 měsíci +8

    I can see Tails saying: "You're my clone. You figured out this plan required everyone being stupid. You didn't think I would figure it out, too?"

  • @markgill346
    @markgill346 Před 4 měsíci +10

    Clutch's deal with Surge and Kit reminds of the Shadow The Hedgehog game where Shadow trusted Black Doom because he knew about his past and would be one of his only chances to regain his memories.

  • @BDeerhead
    @BDeerhead Před 4 měsíci +20

    I had to read this issue with a towel on my desk, because Kit's hatred and loathing was just dripping off the pages! This issue left me terrified for Tails, because good lord that little Fennec is boiling over with rage. I'm also really hoping that we'll get to see a conversation between Surge and Shadow, because those two have quite a lot in common in terms of their origins. Despite Sonic's confidence and knowing smile, I really think showing these guys the intimate workings of their homebase when they don't actually trust them yet is a God awful idea!
    Also, did anyone else pick up on how nervous Sonic's dashing around and Silver's moving heavy objects was making all the workers nervous? Anyone who knows anything about forklifts knows how dangerous those things can be, and how important balance and weight distribution is. Meanwhile Sonic and Silver are treating the place like their own personal playground! I have no doubt Jewel will be receiving a fair few complaints about them endangering the mere mortals who are trying to work.

  • @evilyoshimaster
    @evilyoshimaster Před 4 měsíci +39

    I think we're going to see Surge go good, Mimic get his butt kicked, and Kit lose it when Surge switches sides and become the main threat.

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 4 měsíci +9

      I mean maybe, though considering Surge makes all the decisions he’d likely just continue to follow Surge around until told not to

    • @evilyoshimaster
      @evilyoshimaster Před 4 měsíci +11

      @@hyperdreamer9483 Nah, the split is probably gonna happen when he goes to fight Tails and Surge tries to stop him.

    • @horrorfan117
      @horrorfan117 Před 4 měsíci +9

      @@evilyoshimasterI actually think you're right. I think in this up coming arc Kit is going to become far more independent.
      Maybe a reveal that Surge is just as dependent on him, but is far better at hiding it.

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +5

      Yeah, I am kind of getting that kind of vide too, at least based on certain details within this Issue.
      Besides, wouldn’t be funny if Surge ended up being the one who takes down Mimic by giving him a taste of who it feels to be betrayed?

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +6

      @@hyperdreamer9483 fair point,
      But I do wonder, how would Kit react to a scenario where he might get the impression that Surge has betrayed him?

  • @NightFuryLover31
    @NightFuryLover31 Před 4 měsíci +24

    Quick upload from the last! Kind of funny how this comic starts with a Surgamy tease, then ends with a Sonamy tease. XD Man, I love how Sonic gives Surge that smug look at the end! He's not that careless. That pause Surge had when Amy made it clear it was her choice. I know that they'll stay bad, but the potential of Surge doubting this plan makes it even more interesting. With more and more villain infiltrating, it's exciting to think about what will happen next.

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +2

      Hm, say, why do you think Surge decided to go along with Clutch’s terms? I am pretty sure she would’ve had no problem trying to force him to spill the beans right then and there.

    • @NightFuryLover31
      @NightFuryLover31 Před 4 měsíci +3

      @@johanstenfelt1206 Probably because his offer lets her kill two birds with one stone. She gets answers (but I doubt Clutch knows a lot about Surge and Kit), and the chance to get back at Sonic and his friends.

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@NightFuryLover31 that’s a fair point, but even still, as far as priorities go, which of the two would be the most important to her at that moment?

  • @ashtonwilliams1800
    @ashtonwilliams1800 Před 3 měsíci +10

    I like where this storyline is going, something amazing that IDW can do is just swap the dynamic between Surge and Kit.
    Imagine this:
    Surge - The usually hotheaded, unflinching powerhouse, completely sure of herself all the time, begins to soften up during the assignment. Her negative outlook on life starts to brighten up in the presence of the Restoration members (as shown when she’s genuinely surprised that Kit and her are allowed a choice about joining) and, over the course of a few missions with the Neo Diamond Cutters, starts to have second doubts about not only betraying everyone but also about her outlook.
    Kit - the timid, insecure yet loyal companion, the more tactful and clever of the too, starts to let pure hate guide him. He creates a shell around him, further bottling his emotions only ever letting out anger, malice and resentment, his distain and distrust of everyone (with the exception of Surge and maybe Clutch & Mimic) allowing him to become blindly determined to finish his mission and get rid of all of them.
    This complete turn around surrounding the signature personalities of these two would be genius and what makes it better is how it would culminate in. With Surge caving in and telling her little brother that they can change, be more then living weapons; but Kit refusing the possibility and now, in his eyes, betrayed by his only friend, completely breaks down and goes AWOL. Resulting in an emotional duel between the once imposters.
    In summary: I hope that in the end, SurgeandKitjoinTeamDark

  • @BlackFlash09
    @BlackFlash09 Před 4 měsíci +54

    I don't think Surge and Clutch are related. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's responsible for her disappearance from her previous life.
    I wouldn't be surprised if Surge's redemption arc comes through Amy. A lot of people (myself included) have speculated as much.
    Thank you for showing some respect to Lanolin instead of calling her a "Sally Acorn Clone". When people call any female character this term, it gives the impression that they only see them as Sally Acorn, not their own individual character.
    Listening to your speed reading of this issue makes me believe that every time Amy deflects being the former leader of the Restoration is the writers way of saying that they too are tired of the Sally Acorn comparisons. Am I reading too much into this? Maybe.
    Then again, Lanolin did dress like Classic Amy for at least one issue. So, maybe Lanolin's journey as a character is meant to parallel Amy's. This would make sense as Lanolin made her first appearance in Issue #2 and she probably saw Amy in action as she saved her town.

  • @CrowofJudgement461
    @CrowofJudgement461 Před 3 měsíci +7

    I like Amy and Sonic’s strategy of “They’re definitely trying to play us, but we can still try to convince them to side with us” it’s nice and in character for both of them, although I hope surge and kit’s eventual redemptions are slow burns, I don’t want it to feel rushed. I like Lanolin’s reasoning for accepting them into the Diamond Cutters if they want to join, but I wish they had given Tangle more than “yeah whatever sonic says” because I feel like she’s becoming increasingly 2 dimensional

  • @greensoda123
    @greensoda123 Před 4 měsíci +16

    Maybe I could be wrong but I feel like personality wise Clutch must have some Mamouth Mogul and Breezie (archie reboot) Inspiration. Hes got that menacing nature of Mamouth Mogul had but with Breezie's whole schtick of taking Eggmans old robots.

  • @krabbecorkorn
    @krabbecorkorn Před 4 měsíci +13

    9:22 bro this pick alone has so much meme Potential 😅

  • @zeoxdragon
    @zeoxdragon Před 4 měsíci +31

    Surge and Kit are more fun as villains than anything else, so I hope they never actually fully join the good guys. I also hope they find happiness together, they might be villains but that doesn't means they doesn't have each other.

  • @loganreano1910
    @loganreano1910 Před 4 měsíci +13

    Aw man IDW Sonic is on hiatus now? That sucks cause of the wait. On the bright side, now I can buy the next comic without lacking in rhe plot

  • @tomatoesarejustworsecucumb3534
    @tomatoesarejustworsecucumb3534 Před 4 měsíci +48

    surge made sonic look like a real clucky in the beginning of the story

    • @BeanbonVG
      @BeanbonVG Před 4 měsíci +10

      Oh go on, you can use the other name

  • @natoriousthehopeful2786
    @natoriousthehopeful2786 Před 4 měsíci +7

    I have seen plenty of Serge and Amy fan art, but I can't judge because the moment I saw Sonic and tangle interact I shipped them expeditiously (yes, I know, but let me have my head Canon)💗
    But in all seriousness, I am happy to see Surge back on the scene⚡

  • @LokiToxtrocity
    @LokiToxtrocity Před 2 měsíci +2

    I never expected an octopus character in Sonic, but damn his design is pretty good.

  • @BeanbonVG
    @BeanbonVG Před 4 měsíci +2

    Just started this series of yours yesterday and binged all the way caught up. What a treat to get this right after I finished

  • @mysticmind4563
    @mysticmind4563 Před měsícem +1

    It makes sense that Whisper is unhinged on Surge joining the resistance. She had been betrayed before and also Surge abducted her wisps ( the only things remaining to her former team) so she would be the most reluctant. On that note, Surge herself seems to be more of neutral chaos than evil. She only fights Sonic either because she was compelled to or she believes that she is doomed to be just a variant of Sonic. It is a breath of fresh air that a character like Surge would respect Whisper for having an honest response, even if that response is of bitterness.

  • @HateSonneillon
    @HateSonneillon Před 3 měsíci +4

    Wow Surge, Kit and Mimic are starting to seem like the evil counterparts to Sonic, Tails, Knuckles.

  • @Silver.Productions
    @Silver.Productions Před 4 měsíci +651

    How many sonic fans are down bad for Surge

  • @mray4784
    @mray4784 Před 4 měsíci +8

    Sonic, Metal Sonic, Shadow and Surge...We could have a clone saga indeed.

    • @TheIDcard123
      @TheIDcard123 Před 4 měsíci +4

      "I found you, faker!"

    • @AhmadKazan-wk7ei
      @AhmadKazan-wk7ei Před 3 měsíci

      ​@@TheIDcard123*spidermen pointing at each other meme but sonic*

  • @blueskys1110
    @blueskys1110 Před 4 měsíci +10

    I wasn't excepting another video about the comic so soon but cool.

  • @MattAnd
    @MattAnd Před 4 měsíci +3

    Have to say how much I love the cover art of Surge opposite the main cast, just a great bit of composition

  • @tonythunder6048
    @tonythunder6048 Před 4 měsíci +6

    Someone needs to give Kit a hug 😭. Then Have Shadow beat the crap out of him afterwards, idk why but that little glare at the end makes me violent

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci

      I don’t think he would appreciate it at this point.

    • @tonythunder6048
      @tonythunder6048 Před 4 měsíci

      @@johanstenfelt1206 yeah you’re probably right. Someone needs to drop kick his ass

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 4 měsíci +1

      Honestly I don’t think Kit would know how to react to a hug unless it came from Surge he’d likely view as a restrained method or an odd attack and lash out

  • @M_Alexander
    @M_Alexander Před 4 měsíci +2

    I like the little touches of Sonic getting in the way of people working

  • @tracyndiyob162
    @tracyndiyob162 Před 4 měsíci +5

    do kinda like sonic & amy hanging out like really chill friends(and getting a bite to eat without sonic getting sucked into a storybook.:3) and building up rhe original characters as i enjoyed seeing surge/kit again(especially sonic basically telling her "yeah someone would have to be just as dumb to betray the chance they had and not expect a hard beatdown as their reward" with that expressions which i've really loved from sonic in idw.) and doing more with clutch.

  • @theinfinityengine5844
    @theinfinityengine5844 Před 3 měsíci +1

    I will say that IDW has created a playground of possibilities for fans. I love where everything's going and I just can't wait for more. IDW helped inspire me to pick up art again

  • @valmid5069
    @valmid5069 Před 4 měsíci +5

    Can’t wait for more great content from this channel!!!

  • @AkiDave
    @AkiDave Před 4 měsíci +7


  • @dpchief_216
    @dpchief_216 Před 4 měsíci +9

    As a Half Asian, I can indeed confirm that we Asians make people Gay, and we are responsible for the Surgamy ship. However, since I’m only Half Asian, I can’t tell you how we do it nor how we chose who’s gonna be Gay.

    • @naitsabes6222
      @naitsabes6222 Před 4 měsíci

      Headcanon: Amy is Asian and that’s why her most of her popular ships are always gay ones (surgamy,blazamy) lol which are the better ones

    • @Saiyan_Swagger
      @Saiyan_Swagger Před 2 měsíci

      DAMN IT, I must know the secrets to fruithood, WHO QUEERIFIED ME?!

  • @maxios642
    @maxios642 Před 4 měsíci +6

    clutch is making his own injustice league

  • @transyuri4534
    @transyuri4534 Před 4 měsíci +4

    I freaked out so much out of joy when I saw the thumbnail.

  • @essycogany2738
    @essycogany2738 Před 4 měsíci +8

    14:17 As a Sonamy shipper, I appreciate this point. I see them as friends with crushes on each other and going out on adventures together as a couple in the future. I LOVED THIS PANNEL.
    Even if some don’t ship them, I hope we can all agree that these two hedgehogs came a LONG way in their little platonic romance. Whether you see them as friends or a couple I agree with both takes personally. 💙🩷

  • @Mike-vz6xg
    @Mike-vz6xg Před 3 měsíci +3

    Surge and Kit had a life before they became what they are! So why doesn't Sonic get the Chaotix Detective Agency to find out who they were? Doing this would build immense trust and if anything is found could help break the brain washing Starline did!

  • @JuniorFilmsReviews
    @JuniorFilmsReviews Před 4 měsíci +5

    love more speed reading in my life

  • @ddylan436
    @ddylan436 Před 4 měsíci +12

    ...why do I feel the Dragon Ball Z vibe even though it's about Sonic

    • @COOLERthenU
      @COOLERthenU Před 4 měsíci +7

      Sonic and dbz are pretty much the same thing

    • @wellingtonafonsodecarvalho9842
      @wellingtonafonsodecarvalho9842 Před 4 měsíci +3

      ​@@COOLERthenU Sonic had some inspirations from DBZ but it mostly follows it's own road

    • @COOLERthenU
      @COOLERthenU Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@wellingtonafonsodecarvalho9842 don't analyze my joke

    • @lolstalgic9602
      @lolstalgic9602 Před 3 měsíci +2

      ​@@wellingtonafonsodecarvalho9842 If I recall DBZ also took some inspirations from Sonic

  • @ZaiDrizzleDrop
    @ZaiDrizzleDrop Před 2 měsíci

    Shit man I really need to read these comics, they seriously make these characters like actual people and its so fun seeing them actually DO THINGS, like actively helping the world, having an organization, and interacting with eachother. Its consistent. I NEED to read these.

  • @rickshabusky4553
    @rickshabusky4553 Před 4 měsíci +8

    In the end of this chapter They could have saved the whole scourge still being evil for a later chapter

  • @johanstenfelt1206
    @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Hm, I see, this was a very well done Review, good job.
    This truly were a very interesting Issue, the things it seems to setup is very intriguing and if this was supposed to be the conclusion of the Preparation Arc for whatever is about to come, this certainly made very excited and can’t wait for what’s in store.
    Regardless of that, as interesting as this Issue was, there was some things throughout this Issue that just felt off to me, more specifically in regards to Surge,
    Not in a bad way mind you, but rather in a curious way, I don’t know what exactly it is, but something about Surge’s demeanor throughout the Issue, flashback included, just felt off to me and perhaps kind of questionable too, at least in comparison to last we saw her,
    Now I do recognize that Surge might just be putting up an Act, at least in HQ, similar to how she put up an Act to trick Starline in her’s and Kit’s Mini-Series, but even with that in mind, something still doesn’t feel right,
    Like it’s not quite what I expected to see, especially after how that last encounter ended, she just seems so mellowed out and more relaxed in comparison to how she was last time, it kind of gives me the impression that this might not be the exact same Surge we knew before.
    Now, I am aware that I might just be looking too much into this, but I have now kind of been thinking, specifically about that last encounter we had with her and how it turned out, for those who might not remember, last time we saw her, she got knocked out after the Gadget she was using short-circuited giving her quite the shock (pun not intended) throughout her entire body,
    Now, I have always wondered about that particular moment, about what it could potentially mean for when we’ll eventually meet her again and now I have been wondering about that even more,
    Because can we really be sure that knocking her out was all that gadget did when it short-circuited? Who’s to say, that it didn’t do something more, especially when considering the confirmation that the thing did have some kind of effect on her mind just as much as her abilities? Just some food for thought there.
    But anyway, there are some other details about Surge that stood out to me in this Issue, like for example:
    How she seemed to really consider what Amy said about her having a choice, how pleased she seemed to be about Whisper not trusting her and why she decided to go along with Clutch’s terms when she could’ve just forced him to speak then and there, as we as a Particular Detail within a Particular Panel within the Issue that Particularly stood out to me.
    But despite all of that the TDLR is, regardless of if any of my suspicions hold water or not,
    I am just getting the vibe that this Issue is setting bread crumbs for Surge to actually turn a new kind of leaf, while Kit perhaps needs some more time to do so,
    At very least, do any of us really believe that Surge actually trust Clutch to hold up his end of the deal?
    At the end of the day, regardless of it all, we’ll just have to wait and see what will be the case, when the Comic starts again and we get some updates to this particular Plot.

  • @just_a_rebel8261
    @just_a_rebel8261 Před 4 měsíci +1

    12:49 i like how they just added some bird guy rizzing up a porcupine/hedgehog while the characters are having a convo in the bg

  • @Valkyrie77
    @Valkyrie77 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Love that all the new characters actually look like they belong in the Sonic universe instead of Disney or Loony tunes.

  • @jeremy1860
    @jeremy1860 Před měsícem

    I love that all of these characters know what's up. Sonic and the gang know that Surge and Kit are play-acting, and the latter two likely know that they know, so they're all just playing along with this whole thing and it's a delight to see 😊

  • @kaijionline
    @kaijionline Před 4 měsíci +9

    Just in time for a long car ride!

  • @samueltrusik3251
    @samueltrusik3251 Před měsícem

    I love that there are more, independent factions in the world. I really want to see Sonic AND Eggman get their static, unchanging teeth kicked in.

  • @reinorgaming2179
    @reinorgaming2179 Před 3 měsíci

    I love the idea of her slowly being molded by those around her and actually getting attention reminds me of Sasha from amphibia in a sense

  • @mistersp3753
    @mistersp3753 Před 4 měsíci +1

    It's Mecha March... wait, no mechas yet? Just Speed Reading? Sure, why not. I've fallen behind on IDW, and I love your analysis.

  • @jackgrove4621
    @jackgrove4621 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Ian Flynn has brought sonic back to being cool.

  • @reggielacey2235
    @reggielacey2235 Před 4 měsíci +2

    I hope she does go good. Maybe even get a super form out of it. I mean they wouldn't give surge that moment with Amy for no reason

  • @user-tq4hw2hb2j
    @user-tq4hw2hb2j Před 2 měsíci +1

    They really do redeem Whisper somewhat, given that her confidence has not wavered from the whole 'Duo' fiasco, with suspecting Surge and Kit, the former especially. should there be a back and forth battle between a true diamond cutter member and an infiltrator, I'm going with Surge v Whisper, since Whisper needs her revenge on Surge for not only stealing her wisps but also making her look like a punching bag and almost killing her

  • @FierceDietyLink100
    @FierceDietyLink100 Před 3 měsíci +1

    kit and surge need redemption but theres the chaotix, shadow with gun conections, and tails with science via a missing person algorithim or a dna test maybe explain that they are likely programmed to avoid therapy or dna testing

  • @rodrigomarcondes5857
    @rodrigomarcondes5857 Před 2 měsíci +1

    This ship is actually very interesting, i think it's interesting when characters from different backgrounds get together, a very cutesy character with an edgy dark character, i dunno why it's just interesting

  • @Blu_Moon_VA
    @Blu_Moon_VA Před 4 měsíci +3

    I'm bracing so hard for what's about to happen to Whisper.

  • @AndyBoyBrawler
    @AndyBoyBrawler Před 4 měsíci

    This is cool! I still am waiting for more Klonoa videos! :>

  • @JonyPlayz1
    @JonyPlayz1 Před 4 měsíci +2

    The reaction of the diamond cutters is priceless

  • @404_coffee9
    @404_coffee9 Před 4 měsíci

    I love the idw run man.

  • @taminostam9912
    @taminostam9912 Před 3 měsíci +1

    i can see Surge and Kit trying to connect more with Whisper, Tangle and Lanolin. Especially since they are trying to build their own lives now as a guise of destroying the restoration. but i think Surge and Kit will defy Clutch's orders and instead seek out Shadow who has government ties. Shadow has more options to help the two clones of Sonic and Tails to figure out more about their past lives than Clutch ever could

  • @Richforce1
    @Richforce1 Před 4 měsíci +6

    I see this one going in one of two ways. First the restoration's cluelessness is actually a trap to capture Clutch and his goons with only Surge and Kit managing to escape. Second, IDW either cancels the Sonic comic or more likely shuts down completely before this hiatus ends. I mean let's look at the last two "slow burn" Sonic comic stories. The Mecha Sally arc which ended with a sudden reboot for an almost two-decade continuity because of a lawsuit and then the Sonic Unleashed story line in post reboot Archie that took years and had the comic cancelled soon after. IDW has been bleeding money since before they got Sonic and given the state of American comics a hiatus can easily turn into "pencils down".

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +2

      Hm, I can see your points, but i prefer waiting and seeing before getting into any conclusions.

    • @Goku-fn3qd
      @Goku-fn3qd Před 3 měsíci +1

      Why would IDW end? There is no reason for it unlike Archie

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 3 měsíci

      @@Goku-fn3qd so far it doesn’t.

    • @Richforce1
      @Richforce1 Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@Goku-fn3qd For several years now IDW the publisher has been losing money and cancelling books, just as the American comic industry as a whole has been bleeding red ink for the last decade

    • @Goku-fn3qd
      @Goku-fn3qd Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@johanstenfelt1206 true but at the same time IDW has been doing the best job with Sonic, so unless Sega doesn’t want Sonic comics existing at all again, there is no reason for IDW to be cancelled. Unless, worst case scenario, IDW itself goes bankrupt or something

  • @betabee1221
    @betabee1221 Před 4 měsíci +7

    God i just want Surge, Kit, Whisper, Tangle, and the rest of these wonderful characters to actually appear physically in a Sonic game.

  • @yurazah
    @yurazah Před 26 dny

    them saying Just like that is a call back to their first fight when sonic tells them they can be redeemed

  • @PlaystationFreak719
    @PlaystationFreak719 Před 4 měsíci +6

    13:31 Look all I'm saying is this I can not wait for this to blow up in sonic's face and for him to face the consequences of his actions

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci

      That could be the case or maybe we could get a surprise l

    • @DeadSpaceWing
      @DeadSpaceWing Před 4 měsíci +2

      I'm apathetic at this point. If it works out for Sonic, people will complain. If it blows up in his face, people will complain. There's no pleasing you people.

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@DeadSpaceWing yeah, fair.

  • @superequinox4185
    @superequinox4185 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Calling Lanolin a successor to Sally Acorn might be a bit simplistic. I'd say portions of sally have been divied up between Lanolin and Amy. Amy is a bit of a spokesperson/figurehead and Lanolin is the stern veteran. If anything, she reminds me more of Antoine than Sally

  • @meronyach.
    @meronyach. Před 4 měsíci +5

    Finally, a kindred Surge enjoyer. Rise up, fellow simps! 😂

  • @enjoywithpleasure
    @enjoywithpleasure Před 4 měsíci +4

    sonic is becoming like goku even if it takes years

  • @HWxMJ
    @HWxMJ Před 3 měsíci +1

    Kit the entire issue: I hate it here.

  • @AuraWizard
    @AuraWizard Před 3 měsíci +1

    I really do hope that surge at some point does turn good

  • @BumpkinBros
    @BumpkinBros Před 4 měsíci +1

    Hey game apologist, new to you channel and have been binging catching up on idw as I am at work. Do you have any tips for a channel that hit 1k subs but idk what I am doing wrong with my longer from videos and you do a great job with it! Do you have an editor?

  • @Goobywoobygoo
    @Goobywoobygoo Před 3 měsíci +1

    I want Shadow to show up and use his special technique “Armed Assassination.” On these 3.

  • @m1stq933
    @m1stq933 Před 3 měsíci

    I just love how sonic makes friends... beat the shit out of them. If you beat them. Then they are your friends

  • @misterzygarde6431
    @misterzygarde6431 Před 4 měsíci +15

    I wonder how well Surge and Kit would handle being stuck on Moebius? (Scourge’s home world)

  • @sergioemanuelbarbosa611
    @sergioemanuelbarbosa611 Před 4 měsíci

    Yes im surprised by the thumbail and tittle, but i even more surprised that your last video was yesterday and not last month

  • @moltendoesstuff
    @moltendoesstuff Před 4 měsíci +3

    Great vid, but what happened to your mic at the end? 😅

  • @IceClimbersiX
    @IceClimbersiX Před 4 měsíci +1


  • @charmyzard
    @charmyzard Před 3 měsíci

    The more and more I consider him, the more do I process Mimic as the Joseph Fouché of this tale. We need more before he's made into sushi.

  • @BasementDweller_
    @BasementDweller_ Před 4 měsíci +1

    Let’s goooo!

  • @number1surgefan
    @number1surgefan Před 4 měsíci +4

    surge is cool

  • @BlueV101
    @BlueV101 Před 4 měsíci

    "Not Rotor." I caught that. 😁

  • @gumfuck28
    @gumfuck28 Před 3 měsíci

    i hope they add more villain characters from idw to this arc. id love to see maybe metal knuckles or mecha sonic from scrapnik island return under the control of clutch

  • @jl9088
    @jl9088 Před 3 měsíci

    People say that laughter is the best medicine but in terms of liklihood I'd say that the reason why sonic seems healthy is because he's constantly doing good... and probably because he's a speedster that excercises everyday(lol)

  • @waluigisbizzareadventuresi1430

    If I had a nickle everytime for every time a double agent was named Duo in a series with a blue protagonist, I'd have two nickles; it's not a lot, but it's weird that its happened twice.

  • @chiliboi69
    @chiliboi69 Před 4 měsíci

    Man I completely forgot about this comic since I was focusing on ideas for Sonic manga

  • @415-k1ub
    @415-k1ub Před 4 měsíci +1

    It's kinda sad seeing Surge expecting everyone to give up on her (maybe she thought the people from her past life had abandoned her too). She believes that there's no way to undo what Starline made her to be, which means that she'll always be some mean version of Sonic and is not worth any second chances people keep giving her. She's excited to see someone distrusting her because it enforces her own belief that she's not worth being trusted.

  • @enjoywithpleasure
    @enjoywithpleasure Před 4 měsíci +2

    the android saga but with sonic charachters

  • @zetaomega5457
    @zetaomega5457 Před měsícem

    huh. just realized that mimic actually looks a lil like knuckles, which gives the trio of surge-kit-mimic an almost bastardized version of the sonic-tails-knuckles trio feel